The Brussels Post, 1942-9-26, Page 6SAY4 and COFFEE ,
:Attila MIL
'rirst Asad to National Fitness
t n. MER
Canadian Elected Director
Of Mother C
Appeal For The
Salvation Army
The chairrrnan and co
The Christian Science Board of ,.l'Ni e aPpti.+l to the cetizens to give
Directors have annonacetl the every aG•:sistance to the work of the
election of Francis L. Jandron, C.S.13. eteivation Array ant to support the
a Trustee of The Christian Science , -e, i ,,,a ;:11101(1 Bonne Front ap-
Ptrblishing Society, to be a Director
of The -Bother Munch. The Firset When the present conflict began
Cettr h of Christ, Scientist, in the Salvation Army was again one of
Boston,-iriaseachusetts, lvlr• Jan" the first to auswer the call. Its work-
dron succeeds Mr. William P. Me- ,,,•s rayved immediately into the dan-
Renzie, deceased, and has been -'r zones—into those places where
=nitrated for the Trusteeships 111cy could be of the most help re.
heretofore occupied by Mr'• Ma r;artleee of personal safety. In this
Kenzie. Mfr. Jandron has resigned war every city, town and village is a
from the office of Trustee of the .ioteni.ial part of the front line. The
Publiehing House. Salvation Army's task has grown
Mr. Jandron, who is a native of tremendously, but it is doing the job.
'Carrara, was eulucated in the lalaad Old soldiers know what the Salve -
of Jersey and in London, England. tion Army means by war service, so
Ile was actively engaged in indus- do, the mothers, fathers, brothers,
tries in Canada and the United sisters and friends of the soldiers in
States for 17 years, daring which this war. '
time he had become treasurer and The work must go on. The hand of
assistant general manager of the mercy is your hand. So give your
Packard Motor Car Comany of support this week when the canvas -
Detroit, 11T1ehigan. In 1921 rte secs call on you,
withdrew from a business career, so
tat he might devote his entire tints
nunittee in
to the practice of Christian Science
Among many offices in the Christ -
';to Seek -ace organization held by Mr.
Jandron was that of Commnitt
Publication far the State of
gan from 1926 until 1925, when he
was elected a member of The
Christian Science Board of T:ectnre-
chip, and in this latter capecity he
has delivered lectures many times
throughout Canada and the United
States. aleo in Continental Europe
where he lectured in English,
French or German In Denmark,
France, GRIMM", Latvia. Norway,
Poland, Sweden, Swtzcrland and the
lipwitina, Herb.
Ration R.umas-Spreaders
Classed As Law -Breakers
a nL1i' order, any per-
erson or persons spreading rumors in
regards to rationing Will be classed
re law -breakers and open for punish-
ment. With the issuing of new and
permanent ration books, that carne
into effect Sept. 7th, blank coupons
are contained, and of course this set
•a lot of people to talking about
what they were intended for in the
future. Folks are warned to be care-
ful in what they say in this regard,
as oue might innocently make a
e,tatrrnent that leads to much trouble
Netherlauida. lett' within reason there w
be little Heed cif further rationing,
—Teeswater News.
Use Of Scrap
Is Not New
Axis propaganda agents would like
to implant in our minds the fear that
because we are collecting salvage
our war production programme is
about to collapse. To dispel that fear
Ire have but to turn our eyes to our
munition plants and see the vast
quantities of weapons and supplies
they are putting out, We must also
remember that the use of scrap by
indusry is not new. Before the war,
for instance, scrap provided about
50% of the raw material for steel.
This scrap was collected by junk
dealers and others. Now the volun-
tary salvage comtnittees are doing
their part well.
In the collection of salvage there
is no foundation for a reverse pys-
chological effect. There its, ore the
other hand, a decided uplift in the
thought that by obtaining this sal-
vage our mills and factories will be
assured that there will be no shut-
downs due to delay in obtaining
materials. There is also 'another
thought which gives us heart — the
munitions mare from our salvage,
besides having a pysohologioal affect
en the task will have a phYscial one
as well.
Fire Prevention Week
October 4-9
Fire Prevention Week this year in
Canada and the United States will
be held October 4 to 9.
It is always held in the week in
which October 9 tales, the day 4n
1671 that hire. O'Leary's world-re-
i:cwr.ed cow kicked over the lantern
that started the Chicago fire. In
that conflagration 200 people died,
100,000 were made homeless, and
18,000 houses were destroyed 3n an
area of 2,000 acres.
Manufacture Of License
Plates Stopped
Maufacture of Ontario vehicle
plates for 1943 Inas been ordered
8101)1ned by the federal steel con -
trailer in the interests of conserving
tel for war industry, J. P, Bicltel4
OnGaria registrar of motor vehicles
disclosed Friday of last week. As
a consequence, with 400,000 plates
of steel already maufactured at
Guelph Reformatory, any needed
balance will have a plata made of
some other material. Only one plate
Der vehicle is being manufactured.
Mat -
Quickly removed in Clea BRUSSE1Scks. Phone collect.
William Shane Sons Limited
Alcock, Jo#tn
Alderson, 3,
Ames, J. i',
Bell, W. H,
hell, E. D.
Bendall,, Charles
Bewley, Walter
Black, Bert
Black, Donald
Black, Douglas
Bryan, Russell
Brcthers, Lyle
Bray„ IL 0.
Brewar, J.
Bowler, Harry
Burchell, Fred
Cas0tdY, Franit
001(1111, Clarke (R.C.A•.'•)
Cardiff, Clifford
Cardiff, Frank
Cardiff, win.
Ca pb=11, John
Campbell, StanlSY
Coleman, Leen,
Coleman, Bill
Davidson, Scott
Davidson, Cleve
Dahl, C.
Dahl, 0.
Dahl, Mac
Elliott, Ross
Elliott, Geo. 0.
Farquharson, W. A,
Pox, Rusel,
Galbraith, Geo.
Galbraith, Bowman
Dowing, Carl
Garton, Edward
G11100, Morris
Gibson, HarveY
Glassier, Stuart
Henderson, Arellia
Hall, Deb.
Hall. Russell
Hamilton, R. C.
Harman, John
Hastings, Dave
HarrieOn, Louis Srgt., )
. Hamilton, Allan C.
21011011(1, Gordon
Hood, L.
Hood, S.
Huether, H. L., Sgt.
Harman, G.
Holland, Gordon
Hulley, aim
Humphries, Stewart
Lamont, Leonard
Lowrie, Everett
Lowe, Stewart
Locking, Wm,
Myers, Dr, C. A.
Machan, Willis (R.C.A,F.)
McCauley, L.
McCreesh Ted.
Mitchell, Frank
McFarlane, Thos.
McFarlane, Walter
McLean, Arthur
McDowell, Mac
McRae., Donal(1
Murray. Kenneth M.
Nichol, Wilfred
Nichol, Gordon
Nickel, R. Gordon
Nichol, Mac
Nichol, Lloyd
Palmer, Jas.
Palmer, Wm.
Pierce, Roy
Prest, T. A.
Prest, W. M.
Prest, Robert
Prest, Jim
Ritchie, Kenneth.
Rowland, Wm,
Rutledge, Frank
Russell, Lewis (R.C.A.F -
Rutledge, 1Yartley
Rutledge, ,Pack
Rooney, Leonard
Scott, Franck R.C.A,F
Speir, Jack
SPelr, Kenneth
Snell, Verne
Stretton, H,
Saleman, 17.
Sanderson, Lloyd
Tunny, Chas,
Thompson, A:
Thompson, Norm,
Thompson, M.
Thomas, H.
whittard, R.
{ Whittard, Earl
Wilson, Stan.
Wilson, Russell
Workman, Gordon
Woodrow, Al=
Ward, Ra.y (11,0,A.iI',)1
Ward, Leonard (R.C•A.W)
Wheeer, Glen
Young, Amble (R,C,AF.)
Young. Elmer
Young, Norman, R,
Young, Hritest
Bryan, Lorne
il1arugey, Dean
Fscher, Wilfred
Giili5, O. - -
Pieclter, Wti,
•Itarrlgon, .1,14. rebiill
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Public
Eimer D. Bell, L.A. C. Joseph Benson, E.A.
(Absent on Active Service) Wednesday and Saturday
• ; .;,.aftef coons) ,
exec :00 until 12100 and from '1 t30 until 6:00 I
Daily from pt Thursday from 9:00 until 12:00)
McDoWell, Jack
Pearson, Ralph
Pluni, Carl
Solum, Ernie
Pennington, J.
R,C.A. (Reserve)--
Baelter, George
Campbell, G. R. Capt,
Lowe, Jack
McDonald, Harold
Sanderson, Gordon
Alexander, Stanley 1t.C.A10.
Bateman, Cecil (Cpl.) R,C,A,0
Brown, D. S.
Beer, Chas.
Dtui.oar, Jack
Henry, Stuart
Hewitt, Wilfred R.0.A.F.
Hewitt, Frank
Haig, Norman
Jardine, Lorne
Kreuter, Calvin
Mills, Jack
Patterson, Niis•s Alma (Nurse)
Sleightholnl, J. A.
RabY, Mervin
a x
NOTE—The following are really
Brussels boys wino heel rot resided
here some time previous to enlist- ,
Becker. George
JevAWlt, J. R.
Scptcnvuer 23:d, 1942
Ontario's Minister of Education
On Boy Scout Training
The Boy Scout movement slnee its
inception by Lord Betlen-Powell lute
endeavored 10 translate the prin-
ciples 01 democracy into the habits
of life of our youth. Nothing more
adequately expresses the democratic
ideal than an attitude of kindliness
towards others and a readiness at
all times to render aid to those who
are in need. The boy who has been
a good Scout has already laid a solid
foundation for a 11fe of useful carp.
ice and cif good citizeneltip in a
democratic community.—Dr. Duncan
McArthur, Minister•, of Education
for Ontario.
High School Girls to board.
phone 07X -r-4
• MrS. James Anderson,
John St, Brussels
In an open
Have you ever thong o ht f "framing" members of your family
window? Try it, if you want results like this.
arches of any sort are good; a cou-
ple of trees, or an overhanging
branch with a lot of leaves will
make excellent framing material.
Look for places through which you
can view your subJect, and you'll
have the idea down pat.
However, here's a tip. In malting
such pictures, because of the wide
discrepancy in distance which fre-
quently exists between the frame
and your subject, you'll need all
the photographic depth of field that
you can possibly secure, Therefore,
use a small lens aperture. Small
lens apertures give greater depth
of field, and in cases like this will
help keep all objects in the picture
sharp and clear.
Try "framing" your subJects the
next time you make pictures and
see if it doesn't give you more at-
tractive and interesting results.
401 John van Guilder
ifORE people have probably been
LYJ. "framed" photographically and
lived to tell the tale than you could
count in a forty -hour week. Further-
more, they've probably looked all
the better for it. Photography le
like that.
For instance, just take a look at
our illustration. Isn't it a simple,
of thecha>m, et con it
the pleasant expression of the little
girl. But, I think you can charge a
lot more off to the setting—to the
fact that the subject i this
case is
"framed" by
If you keep your eyes open, you'll
find that there are lots of potential
"frames" like that through which
you can picture your subjects. Door-
ways viewed from inside or out are
always excellent; the window of an
automobile is another possibility;
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e4.fuceti reduction
—Factory Facilities
devoted to war work
OR these reasons the supply of Duro Pumping Systems will be
considerably reduced this year.
We will supply our dealers with as many new Pumps as materi-
als and manufacturing facilities will permit but if you already have
a Duro Pump, we suggest that you ask your Duro dealer to check
it over and replace worn parts, if required.
Make certain your pump is in first class running order to insure
a continuance of the satisfactory Duro pumping service to which
you have become acctustomed.
If you haven't running water in your home, your Duro dealer
may be able to secure a Duro Pump for yoti, especially if it will
increase farm production and your efficiency.
The Duro Special shown below pumps 250
gals. per hour and has 25 gal. galvanized tank.
EMCO Quality Bathroom Fixtures and Fit-
tings are still available in a good range of styles
and prices, If you need new plumbing fixtures
and fittings for bathroom, kitchen or -laundry,
look over the EMCO line. They will please you.
Welton & Gillespie
Brussels - Phone 68
1,tlsllilcot - Tianoilton Sudbury Toronto Winnipeg Vancouver