The Brussels Post, 1942-9-26, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST ---=••� . BELGR.AVE making t _-_—__.__ m,r.,..,...,..;•s,.�- 6 tit a mustard pl,tstur and 1 aci 's BUYERS --Of All Kinds of Live and Dressed Poultry VNe will call at your place foray quantity. Also—Ail kinds of Feathers & Horsehair. We have an expert on out• staff who will cull your flock Free of Charge. Pao -rye 70x Brussels, Ont. iltia:tland Presbyterial Kei In Winghank Rhe Maihland Preee ter:al Society WE the W.M,S. of the Presbyterian Church in Oar.'ada held a'most ceeedul rally in St. Andrew's •Church, Whig -ham on Wednesday, Sept. 16th. Ani the -auxiliaries- were represented except Molesworth; 'Gerrie, Calvin and Lorne. • • Mrs F. G. • Fowler ' of Blnevale pre led an: -1 opered the•Mee tihig haith, the •Call to Worship. Members ed the Brtiesels auxiliary had charge at2 the worship period.' The scrip - tate Iesscn was read .and eriPiained chy airs. Walter Scott and- Mos. John Meadows offered prayer. In a few well ohosen wordy Mrs. W. J. Herderson: welcomed 'the aux t. 8iiaries to Winlgham. . . .A. brief report, from each aux-nary was helpful. Ideate were exchanged un progiramines, different books for seedy and discussion and methods. - sr raising allocations. .. Miss Freida heatthemts. Field Sec e Very for the W. M. S. of the Presby- tYeaaan Church. in : Canada, was the sweet speaker. She mentioned the =airy changes that have taken place W.M:S. work due to,the war and - dem responsbili•ty. She outlined a- few ad The things that the Society . is elfi such as giving grants amid ysappiyin-g Christian ,Literature to flclds left without support. She spoke of the untiring work of the deacons r.:03 the resit-entdal schools and the splendid work that is being carried or with the foreigner in Canada. ^'1e ,hosed her addreI:e by asking we d':rthy of Victory if we fail to keep en with Missions 3n Canada A .question drawer, dealing with sane of 'the, difficult problems, of the different departments was conducted le...Mies -.Matthews. and a . good. die-. cuseion followed, - - The clositng.tnessage Was given by the Prelebyterial President; Mrs. R. Davidson- was - an appeal for " ^ earliest prayer and a rededioa• tion of ourselves to God's work and the fulfilment of our Motto, "The Would for nitst " Mrs. William Kannredy of .Wing !'' .conlribeteda solo. . WPM Barbara Fortune offered the. dedicatoey pnayer and Mee.; .Leslie - Fortune _closed„ the meeting with prayer...... ...,. ..,_... . -_.:. • .Mrs. Kenneth MacLean presided at. the organ, At .the- close the meeting lunch was -served and a•- social - time enjoyed, .... ; ,.1.. FOR SALE— Secomd hand mink stove in gdod repair. • Rhone Brussels. 42.r.15 Clb=SNAPSHOT GUILD LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHY 1t pays to include objects, such as these trees, in the foreground of your landscape pictures. LANDSCAPES always have been —and probably always will be.— popular picture subjects. But there's a technique to making good land- scapes, and the photographer who wants to consistently produce,first rate results ,will do i've11 to keep it in mind. 'The teolulique is :based principal, iy upon a theory of selection. Most ,beginners try to include too much in each picture. Therefore, the ,first stile for suecesatul landscape pho. 2ography is to select your subject icarefully. Aim for siinplioity in -an tenement and composition; avoid ,brercrowddug. Beware of extreme - general scenes. Don't always try ',tb picture a whole valley or moun, stain range With one snapshot. A lhalf--dozen pictures, each showing one interesting portion of the patio- rama, will result. In much more en• 2oyable and appealing;' snapshots. Second, learn to avoid subjecta. which appear to be divided into two equal parts.1 or ekllmple, Mene— t/MOS a tree will be standing In mach a position that It seems to be cutting the picture in half. In an- other case, the horizon line may run directly across the center of the snapshot. The exact center of any picture is usually its Weakest spot 'So don't concentrate too much attention there. Technically, the secret of good landscape pictures lies in straight- forward photo technique, However, here are a few tips. Look for side- lighted scenes. On most outdoor shots use , a medium yellow fil- ter;- it will help you get cloud ef- fects. And finally, to add depth to your picture, include some object such as a tree, .a house, a person, or an animal In the foreground, Notice hoW the trees in the fore- ground add depth to our illustration. This picture, incidentally, illus- trates the type of landsoape effects you can get yet the sunset hour. But molt important et all, just take the time, and devote Dome thought to Working out your land• ,.cape pictures. You'll be well re- paid with, higher quality results. 396 John. van Guilder Twelve member's of Britt( United church funned the choir and took the. services .there and in Belgrave an Sundiay morning, Robert Coultes gave the address and used the text, "The fear of the Lord 1s the begin. ning of Wisdom, and the knowledge of the holy is uneerstandtng. If any of you hits wisdom let him ask of God, that glued' to all men liberally and unbratdeth not, and it shall b given him." Mrs. Leslie Wightman and Miss Beatrice Beecroft sang a deet. GItbert Beecroft denduoted the services and Miss Beatrice Bee craft was at the organ. linseed poultice. The meeting closed with the 1u- stitue qde, after which a lunch of sandwiches and lea was served by Mrs. John Anderson, Mrs, C. Proc- ter and Mrs, R. J. M-cKen7.e. ETHEL e i Dr. Kenneth Palmer of Palmerston will be guest speaker; both morning and eventing services at the Presby- terian anniveivlary on Sunday', Oct, 4; The euchre -and dance held last Friday evening in 'township hall, sponsone(1 by the War -Workers Unit was a success. The commritee in- tend holding more such gatherings in the near future. Music was supplied by the Beirnes Brothers Orchestra Prize winneite were Mrs. Carl Mc- Donald and Mr. J. T. Nicholson., The prizes were war -saving stamps. Mr. Howard Neahle of Molesworth conducted the services in the Pres byterian Church •Snnd'ay night is the absence of Rev. J, B. Taylor. of Oranbroak. • Miss Bide Ament of Listowel visit- ed with Mies Helen Bateman on n51U day. Mit8s Marjorie Holienbeok of Stint lord is a visitor with relatives here. Mr. and. Mrs, Robert Brown and family of Iiistowel were guests with Dr. and Mrs. Ward1aw on -Sunday '.also visited 'around among old ae gnaintances here. (Rev. Harold Snell of the United Chnreh, conducted the "church of the air" over Wiivgham on Monday. morn Ing. He was misdated • by Mrs. R. *iibee and nnemlbers of the choir...A •quaTttette was Sung' by Misses Helen .Bateman, Helen Pearson, Elsie 'Franklin and Florence Pearson. t :Mrs. Wilfred Franlcey of Hanlri• ton is- sPendding an indefinite nitre with her sister, Mrs. George Dunbar. ' Visitors. with Mr. and Mrs. Joeeph c'Atnes' on Sunday were, Mr. and. M r_e. D; Bryans and Stuart dt Walton and Mr.' and Mrs. Jas. Bryans of Brussels, .Rev. H. J. Snell preached anniver- Tsary serviceselt Fordwich on Sunday. IWfeek end visitors— Misses Elizbeth Fear of Wood- stock and' Dlila'beth 'Barton of Ham- ilton 'and Doris-Cunnrin.gham of a,milten. , .,ressns•. Iianley Warder,. Loenard niplair, Lorne Vodden and Jack A lin of Hamilton. Trooper Lorne Jardline of 'C'amp Warden at kis home, 'Visitors 'with Mrs, Sarah Balmier also with Mr. and llIrs. Glenne Sick- rnfer on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Russell Belanger, Miss Audrey and Harvey of Walkerv111e. Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Leslie of Staffa; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smillie of Bluevale also Cecil -and Mrs, Peticmder. Mra, Mary Smallrlon, is spending some thne is Brantford with her (laughter Mrs, Alf King and family. The heard- of the Public Li1)rany met on Monday night, Sept. 21st with Dr. Richmond in the chair and rr.-i,serable business was transact- ed. A delegation was appointed to to nttere't the semi-annual meeting o -f tate Enron County. Library Associa- tion at Seafnrth on Sept. 36th. A vote of thanks was moved to Miss M. Richmond of Hamilton, Miss Bertha Foss of Toronto, end Rev, J. Taylor of Crarsrook for donation of books received. Over 191 books have been added to nm• reflection, Mise Aline- Woodcock, RegRV.,- of torp felled. N.Y.. silent a few days at tile horns of iter sister Mrs, Harold Love Miss Woodcock flew rrmn LaGnaridia Field, N,Y.; to the Mattel). Out„ airfield: The actual 'mita',. 1s the air were- 8 hours and 10 'niret, . nomeavha2 different than travelydna• l"v rail or bus, Preaches Farewell Rev. A. M. Boyle of the Presby- terian church gave his farewell message Sunday afternoon prior to leaving for his new charge of Cale - don, Oaledon Bast and Claude, using the words of St. Lake, 'While he thu'e spoke, there came a stolid and overshadowed them .and they feared as they entered into the cloud," Sacrament of the Lord's supper was also observed., At the close of the service the members of the Womenrs Missioary Society presented Mrs. Beiyle• wlith a silver. tray An address of 'appreciation wasp read by -Mrs, 0- G. Anderson Mrs. A. Porterfield made 'the pres- entation, The United church '.male quar- tette. Rosa Andersen, George John- ston, C1fittem Walsh and Norman Keating, with -Miss, Velma Wheeler, assisted at anniversary cervices 1n' Browntown Sunday • evening - Oink- lag ing•l g three numbers. ,' ' Personals, MM.' 3. A. Brandon has returned' Prom'' Drayton and Elora; Miss Helen Carl, Wlieghem, with Mss§ Lots -Kelly: Mrs, Harry. Brandon, London, and 'Mrs, Ralph Russell, Dau hin' P , Manitoba with Mr, and. Mrs Thomas Siioebottem Missies Thelma and Lois- McGuire,. London, with their -parents, Mr. and Mrs: H. McGuire'; ' Miss Blaine Walsh, Toronto, with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Walsh; Mrs. Neil Mientgoinery and twins, Jack 'and 31-1, London, with her .parents, Mr. and Mrs;'l 1lliam' Cole; Miss Annie Loveless; tendon, with .'Mr and Mrs, W. Cole; Mr. and ' Mrs, ' R J, Scott in -Saskatoon; Mr. anal Mrs, A. Vincent and son Harold, Ms. and Mrs. Jesse Wheeler with Mrs Wheeler's sister, Mrs. Wallace Seiaforth, Tho annual health meeting of the Belgrave Women's Institute was heic1 at the home of Mrs. J. M. -Coultes on Tuesday afternoon with a good attendance and a worth- while program, arranged by Mrs, R. J. McKenzie, Mrs. Cecil Wheeler, R.N.,. gave an excellent health talk and de- monstration. The roll -call was. re- sponded to with "One thing that would benefit the health of. Can- ada's youth," The president, Mrs. Earl t,nder- son, was in the chair and opened the meeting with the national an- them and the Lord's prayer. Min- utes or the last meeting were read by the secretary, Mi's. Cael Procter, and Mrs, J. P. Coultes gave the treasurer's report. War saving stamp folders and price ceiling re- cord books were distributed among the members. A elarb order for 13 woollen Mian. kets has been sent to a Toronto firm and word has been received that the blankets will. be shipped at an early date. , The branch is to have a knitting course on September 2-9 with an in- structor from the department at Toros to. A short paper on "Save What Yon Have" was given by Mrs, T, B. Johnston, Health rules of the, Innior Red Cross Society were read by Miss Muriel Hopper. An-artiicle on "Meet' was read by Mrs.' C. ]Logan and a cure for the "blues" in poetry Was given by Mrs. R. J. McKenzie, Miss Mni'iel Hop- per favored with a group of piano solos. A questionaire on health was conducted by Mrs, 'Carl Proc- ter, A. report on Red Cross Society work completed during the month was given and Red Cross .sewing distributed: 3n. her addn'oss Mrs. 'Wheeler balked on. vitamins lit the diet end fists aid In emergencies, 'Site streesexl' the Meed . of eggs, milk; vegetables and fresh fruit in tete diet, plenty of sttnslline in' summer and Lead lilvor ell 1n Winter. Tlie cleinothstralIon' 'w•a0 le tete thee Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voter's List .. Voters Lists, 1942, Municipality of the Townslti,p. of Morris, County of Huron, Notice is hereby given that I'have complied with Section 8 or the Vot- ers' List Act and that I -have posted up at my *Vise et R, R. No. 4 Bruss- els, 1942, the list of an pellets en- titled to vote in die said' Municipal-. Sty at Municipal Bleed -one, and that such list remains there for inspect- ion. And I hereby call neon all vetot0 to take immediate proceedings'- to have any errors or oni,ussloi10 'eon rented according to law, the last day for appeals. being the let " iittq of October, 1942. - •- Dated this let dray ar' September, 1942,. George Martin Clerk at 7iawi101r.' of Morrie Wednesday, Srptem'.rr 23:t1,1942 111141.12015.144.03011411.110,11111 Car of Screenings On Hand D. M. MacTett Phone 46 O,rii Out of Four Farm Ct iinneys Are Unsafe T13at one out of every four farm ctti *net's is unsafe and Liable to shit( a fire, is probably a conserva- tivku•estimate. That practically all farthouse fires are caused. by de- fieqve chimneys or faulty heating equipment, ideale ah,solute Pact, With theF,aong heti:tifnk season just ahead, It'b"etchoves every one of us to check UR 0' om d ilmneys, .stove pipes and stoqs Yt'olfddii st chimney fires start just be- lowt he sof, her they are not Inti erhatr Y' �,otteed, where 'they lrav td ie••fb lalfe a terrible grip, 'due they are^ the ,,hardest to Eight diwe ® itGis ilia�fr4iomtaf goes "rotten" au Partake go soiit•,here it is that.. 'a Ird/WA ay9<iiaave,' been' carelessly biit1Linto;.the--•vgyy chimney'strivc- tui'e. Every attic should have an. of efung In ''o'r'der'that the chimney inpy' be' inapt?Icted, for these hazards liimrirWs•'slloutth`be searched 'brink by •liiii. -10oi- ..6Aeles,, breaks, rotten mitre ,'t soli; bril~its 'ands open joints. Be ledstt1te that' no joist; beam or othei"'tVeeod `fsi'set'inito the bruckwork. rtlle r icore, ""no .chimney e i y s safe bhafltas an •offselC:'that has a "jog, -owl deep rn'ri: 'tt''neust be 'straight in brder that the draft be not abaftig; otheriviise 'sparks and soot wi11 'Bilge in'hie chimney or the pipes:e 1: :(` ..! . . U'nus`ed '1):pe' otenfingts, closed with papeP or Wend. coiiivea•t a house into a death trap. Needless to say that all smallBoles' shbuld be closed with metal. asiibtstoa` or cement. Any weld' wiilille t fir inches of the chim- ney or the pipes 'should he covered with fie eetps it Miss beer proved that the height err the chimney above the roof hie" an important bearing on safety.'. On ridged or peaked roofs it should extenkl at least two feet beyond the peak, and on flat ,.roofs at least three feet. No expense should be otpared to crake our shim. . preys stoves and pipes safe. Isn't It a fact that a few dollars spent on the work now may save thousands later -and perhaps save life itself WALTON The Unlited Fain: Woinen met :at ibe bonne of Mese Laura Knight on . Well., Sept. 16th, Mrs. -Geo. Dundee and Mss. Rowland 'were, appointed delegates to' tIte„eonv.ention in, To- ronto in Noveanber. A darning con • test was won by Mrs2.11. Sohn>ftoa' Since leaving Walton, Mrs. S. F. Prled01nksen ha,s-received' word from, • her parents in Denmark. They aro safe and” well. 21 ` has been, ax an>ai'ous time -for her, asshe had not heard from them for two years. Personals: Mrs. Colin • .Finglatni and Mrs. Dale in Mildimay as.judges at the fair; Mrs. John McLennan and Miss Mary Hewitt, London, with Mrs. Peter MCTaggart;-Dr. S. M Humphries, Valeartier. and Miss Mary Humphines, Windsor, with Mr. an( Mrs. William Humphries; Herb Travis%, Niagara -on -the Lake and Walter Bewley, Kitchener, at thelir resipeetibie homes; Mrs, - Fred Wilson in iiam6lton. - Daman Johnston has bought the Murray farm west of Walton, Personals: Mr. and Mrs, Flood, Windsor, with the former's sister, Mrs. Earl Mach.er: Mrs. Irmo, Men lrlirrr with her parents, Mr. and - Mrs, N. Gerry, Brussels; Mr. and M"-. Garvie. Smith and the latter's mother of 'Porcupine are visiting en the 8th line of Morris township; Mr. and Mrs. George Pollard, their (lap;ghte.r, Mrs. Togred and her son asd daughter, Weston, with Charles Pollard. ''-.-..,yj,,t tilInt �— rr Gasoline vapor is so highly explosive it has been aptly called liquid dynamite. Every year the losses of property and life testify, to the gross carelessness of individuals around this most dangerous of fuels. The Ontario Fire Marshall has stated that anyone talc- ing an open flame lamp or lantern near gasoline is trying to commit suicidel Don't drive a car, truck or tractor on the barn floor— it is folly. Never use gasoline or kerosene to revive a fire. Don't use gasoline, benzene or other inflammable liquids for cleaning in the liotne. Never fill lamps, lanterns, stoves or heaters while they are burning. Gasoline kept in a building mould be in an approved safety container, painted red and plainly marked GASO. LINE. Don't keep more than a gallon—larger amounts . should be stored in heavy drums at least 75 feet from. the nearest building, Re your own fire warden. Treat gasoline with all tete respect with which you treat dynamite. It's dangerous stuff! . THIS 'ADVERTISEMENT 13 SPONSORED SY TEE FOLLOWING COMPANIES: i EVER TAE CE Fartnors' Central I1- utual Five Insutaiicr: Co, Walkerton, Ont. Wroxeter, Ont Atwood, Ont.. twos .,qua oia l Howicic Fanners' Mutual Fire Insurance Co Biwa Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co., 1