The Brussels Post, 1942-6-3, Page 6THE BRUSSELS POST Wades(lay, Juno 3rd, 1942
"Every duty, well and honestly done, is a
contribution to victory."
A subscriber writes—
"The other day I read that John
Doe had completed 30 years with
your company.
"John got where he is by intel-
ligence and industry. But your
company got John where he is be-
cause it also was intelligent enough
first to choose, then to promote hint.
"To me John Doe is the tele-
phone company."
We are quite
Should bejudged byth people who
work for it. Their skill, courtesy and
devotion to ser-
vice account, in 6,0 Act s'"j°`
large measure,
for the progress
of the telephone.
Back To Simple Amusements
Gasoline and rubber shortages
are )likely to prove a (blessing in
disguise for townfolk wire have
been in the habit of spending their
long sunffiler evenings and their
week ends in cars ranting about
the countryside. They will be
forced to stay at biome and return
to the ,simple joys which anade
people henna' in the days before the
homeless buggy revolutionized our
way of living. Hitler may be able
to make us. give up joy hiding, 'but
he eannotrstop us from enjeyiny our
leisure. 'We May even thank him
for what be has done in this respect
before the summer is over.
—,Midland Free Press.
High -Water Trousers
• S,
A weekly review , 5 developments
cm the Home Front: May 21.23,
* * *
1, Sugar ration eut from 12 to
eight ounces per person per week.
Tera and coffee rationed: normal
consumption of tea to be reduced by
at least a halt; consumption of
coffee to be reduced by at least
n: * *
• 2. Air Training 'Conference of
United Nations closes in Ottawa,
Machinery emoted to continue ex -
Change of tufotm*ation through
committee consisting of representa-
tives of Vnited Kingdom, United
States, Canada.
*0 R *
s. Life of British Commonwealth
Air Training Plan extended to
March 91, 1945. Under new agree-
ments, increased ,allotments of
trained airmen and 'ainorailt for
Canada's homedefence programme
will be granted.
4. In connection with, fuel oil
shortage, Munitions Minister Howe
announces that endeavor will be
made to protect these whose heating
equipment is oil burning and not
convertible ta use of other fuel.
* * r
5. Changes announced in organ!,
nation of Munitions and Supply
Department. R. 'C. Berkinshaw,
chairman of Wartime Industries
Control Board, beast -nes Assistant
Deputy Minister in 'Charge of In-
dustrial Controls. F. H. Brown,
former Director General, Munitions
O'ontnects Braman, becomes Assis-
tant Deputy Minister ix .barge of
Pracuremenit. J. P. Pettigrew,
•�•Iformer chief executive assistant to
Tepnty Minister 'Swells, becomes
Asisistant Deputy Minster in charge
1 If Organization and Financial Con-
citizen, local oltize, notvery 1hf{ y in (,Personnel of Department,
stature, purchased a pair of trousers III which was created since war de
recently at a local store. They I clared, now exceeds 4,000 men and
fitted: ,Perifelotly, except that they l women.)
were a few inches too long in the * * s
leg. His married daughter, who lives 6. National output of 150,000 bi-
near, and is vary kindly and helpful I cycles in 19412 authorized. This is
to -her parents, took the trousers 150 per cent of last year's prodne.
home and shortened them, returning l lion, Order prohibits making of
them a few bours later. Her mother,
seeing the trousers• draped neatly
over the (back of a chair, and not
aware of her daughter's nation,
then decided 'also to abbreviate
tirean and when her husband tried
them on a little later he was dum-
founded to see the legs extend 110
children's bicycles and eliminates
all unnecessary parts and, trimmings
in new adult bicycles.
s: * * .
7. Canadian air . squadron flies
from base in Northern Ireland to
Far Eastern, war theatre.
* * 5
further down than half way between t 8. Final warning issued to owners
the knee and ankle. —M Uldma7 I or non4etoTrumleh'ciat power boats
Holidays at Banff in the Canadian Rockies
nappy, carefree expeditions into
XL the Canadian Rockies, com-
fortably far from the .routine of
civilization, are among the many
health-givinll' amusements avail-
able to visitors at the Banff -
Springs Hotel, at Banff, Alberta,
this season. These expeditions
can be made on horseback with
the Trail Riders of the Canadian
Rockies, or on ,foot with the Trail
Hikers. Both organizations are
based in the Banff-Spr(ngs hotel,
where riding, hiking, golf, tennis
and swimming are but a few of
the vigorous activities which con-
tribute to the success of it moun-
tain holiday.
Physical fitness must be among
the first personal rules of every
citizen of the Allied countries in
these days when the stress and
strain' of war makes exceptional
demands an everyone. Holidays
this year are being planned with
increased fitness in view, and this
is particularly true of Canadians,
and visitors from the united
States, who are including Banff
in their holiday itinerary.
Canadian Pacific Railway, in
keeping with this spirit, has ar-
ranged extremely low American
Plan rates on a weekly or month-
ly basis, and these cover a really
magnificent holiday and provide
a complete escape from the
spectre of gas, oil, and rubber.
There is no joy greater than
riding a sure -:footed mountain
pony along far-flung scenic trails,
or in hiking above the clouds
along what is literally the sky
The Banff -Springs Hotel golf
course is internationally famous
and justly so and is a continual
challenge to experts and "ama-
teurs alike, There is much to do
at Banff and a splendid holiday
in the doing,
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public
Elsner D. Bell, B.A. C. Joseph Benson, B.A.
(Absent on Active Service) Wednesday and Saturday
Daily from 9:00 until 12:00 and from 1:30 until 6:00
(except Thursday from, 9:00 until 12:00)
who have been hoarding gasoline,
9. A11 unemployed men from 17 to
69 inclusive required to register for
unemployment. Order effective
June 1. Men living within five
miles of a city, town or village in
which an Employment and Claims
Office of the Unen p!loyaneut Insur-
ance 'Coanuntesiotr is situated will
register in person at such ant office.
Men living outside such areas will
register at nearest posit office.
* * n,
10. Farm living costs advanced
2.1 per cent between fall of 1941 and
Spring of 1942, according to Doanin-
San Eurean of Statistics index.
* * *
11. Numbers of styles. in which fur
garments may be Manufactured in
Canada reduced by one-third.
* n s
12. Involving am estimated ex-
penditure of $7,500;000 contracts
for an additional 2,606 houses, six
staff houses and cue dining hall
awarded during April by Wartime
Housing Ltd. (Wartime Housing is
a Government-owned company). ,
Alcock, Sohn
Aid'eits,on, J,
Ames, J. P.
Bell, W. H. 'Bid'
Bell, E. D.
Bendarll, Charles H.
Bewley, Walter
Black, Bent
Black, Donald
,Black, Douglas- (B.C.A.F.)
Bryan, Russell
,Brothers, Lyle
Brew'ar, . J.
Bowler, Harry
Burchell, Fred
Cardiff, Clarke (11.0.A.7.)
Cardiff, Clifford
Cardiff, Frank
Cardiff, Wm.
,Oampbell, John
Campbell, Stanley
Coleman, Ken,
Coleman, Bill
Davidson, Scott
Davidson; Cleve
Dohl, C.
Dohl, O.
Elliott, Ross
Farquharson, W. t=.
Galbraith, Geo,
Gaibnailh, Bowman
Gowing, Carl
Garton, Edward
Gillis, Morris
Gi1<son, Harvey
Henderson, Archie
Hall, Deb,
Hall, Russell
Jlsanliton, It, C.
Iharman, John
Iiastings, Dave
Harrison, Louis Srgt.,
Hamilton, Allan C.
Holland, Gordon
Hnether, H. L., c-*,
Harman, G.
Holland, Gordon
Hulley, Jim
Humiphries, Stewart
Lamont, Leonard
Lowrie, Everett
Lowe, Stewart
Locking, Wan.
Myers, Dr. 0, .A.
Mitcham, Willis' *(R.C.A.F.)-
McCauley, L,
McCrea+h Ted.
Mitchell, Frank
Merarlane, Walker
McLean, Arthur
McDowell, Mae
McRae, Donald
Murray, Kenneth M,
Nichol, Wilfred
N1etuol, Gordon ,
Nichol, Mao
Nichol, Lloyd
Palmer, Jas.
Palmer, Wm.
Pierce, Roy
Prest, T. A.
Prost, W. M, (R.0.A.F.)
Prost, Robert
Prest, Jim
Ritchie, Kenneth
Rowland, Wm.
Russell, Lewis (R.C.A.F•'
Rutledge, Frank
Rutledge, Hartley
Rutledge, Jack
Rooney, Leonard
Spear, Jack
J,peir, Kenneth
,Snell, Verne
Stratton, H.
'Stretton, H.
Sideman, E.
Sanderson, Lloyd
Tunny, Chu.
Thompson, A.
Thompson, Norm. (R.C.A.F,)
Thomas, 11.
Whittard, R.
Whittard, Earl
Wilson, Stan.
Wilson, Russell
Workman, Gordon (RCN.)
Woodrow, Alec
Ward, Ray (R.C.A.F.)
Ward, Leonard, (R.C.A.F.)
Young, Archie (R.C.A.F.)
Young, Elmer
Young, Norman, R.
Young, Ernest
Bryant Lorne
Earngey, Dean.
Fester, Wilfred
Gillis, 0,
Fischer, Wm.
Harrison, Marshall
Hawkins, Herb.
McDowell, Jack
Pearson, Ralph
Blum, Carl
Plum, Ernie
Pennington, J.
R.C.A. (Reserve)—
Baeker, George
Campbell, G. R. Capt.
Dohl, Mac
Lowe, Jack
McDonald, Harold
Sanderson, Gordon
Thompson, Mel,
Willis, Wilfred
Clifford Fire Enquiry
An inspector from the Ontario
Fire Marshal's. Office at Toronto
Dahl a visit to glifford last Satur-
day to maize inquiries into the origin
of the recent disastrous fire at
Clifford, which destroyed three
business places and a number of
adjacent frame buildings. Certain
ruanons which were current in the
village lest to the inspector's visit,
and we learn that an inquest is to
be held in the near future. It it
also hinted that an arrest may be
made before tote inquiry opens.
--Mildmay Gazette.
Woman Shot Merauding Bear
Mrs. Isabel Gray, 05, of Marmora,
Ont: (in Hastings. County) sat alone
in the 'barnyard night after night,
waiting for the big black bear that
had killed one of her sheep. Five
nights in a row, the 95 -pound
woman waited for the bear until
almost dawn. On the sixth night It
approadired within 20 yard's of
where she .stood, shotgun ready,
before she pulled the trigger. She
didn't mesa She could not miss
and still be alive to shear the sheep
and look after her home as. ,she is
today. Mrs. Grey ghat the bear,
estimated at weighing at least 250
pounds, right through the head.
Open Salt Well
W. R. Beldon, of Brandion, M• an.,
who during recent weeks. has been
investigating the possibilities of re-
establislrng Seatforhh's salt inidastry,
this week opened one of the former
.Copeman wells on The Bell Engine
& Thresher Co. Ltd., pnopetry. He
found the well In an excellent 'state
of preservation, although it is
nearly fifty Year ago since it was
mapped, The old casing Mals been
removed and now the pump rods are
being pulled. The rods are of oink
and are to peufeet oonditeon.. Mr.
Beldon came to .Sea -forth after
ing re-established a 'sailt"'itilllasiry at
Neepawa, Manitoba.--+Seaforth Ex-
Phone news items to The Post,
Tips on happenings are appreciated.
This picture taken on board a
British destroyer sllnoars a torpedo
being preparers in readiness for
action againlst Axis vessels, In a
brilliant night cotton; recently in
the Mediterranean a small British
naval force completely destroyed
an enemy contvoy of ten ships and
three tlestreiyets, with: two other
destroyers severely damaged,