The Brussels Post, 1942-1-21, Page 51 farmers Special Attention vers far Sale. You can buy them at your own price. C ; r.13 Mare, 4 white feet, white face, 7 yrs. 16,Z)0 lbs., 7 yrs. Bay Mare Rising 3 yrs., 1300 lbs. 1 k31ack,General Purpose Horse rising 2 yrs. Cheap. 2 Jersey Cows for sale. 1 fresh Jan. 1st. 1 fresh Dec, 15th. 8 New Ford Tractors in Stock Buy Now At The laid Prices We Take Stock f s Pay : ant. se Car Specials -:: r D1 1939 Dodge Coupe 1939 Mercury Sedan 1940 Ford Deluxe Sedan 1939 Ford Deluxe Coach 1939 Ford Deluxe Sedan 1940 Standard Coach 1936 Chevrolet Sedan • 1932 Chrysler Coupe, New Tires All Around 1932 4 cylinder Ford Coach 1931 Ford Sedan 3 Model A Coaches 1934 Ford Sedan cwt _1 2 Pick-up Trucks 2 Pannel'Trucks 8 Heavy 'Duty Long Wheelbase Trucks L . " and W. Jackson Li tors Ustowel. Ont. -- BRUSSELS COUNCIL MEETING Brussels, Jan. 124h, 1942 The. , regular monthly meeting of She 'Bivssels Mitlnieipal Council was held ill the Public Library on the above date, At inembers beim present, The, minutes of the last meeting being read it was moved by W. Willie. seconded by F. Semis that the tntnutea be adapted,—Carried. The following bilis were presented: Brassie Hydro, street lights 108.00 a -re' lights ..........,. OOsnadiaal National Railway, settle .rent ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2.50 DApreee ................... .40 Geo, Alcecg, wood 7.50 R. M•c>luarrie, Fire Dept, .. 1.00 8. T. McRae. 1\8.O.11 75.00 Geo, •bagilipbell, Dec. salary 8.75 Bd. •Heudersom, gravel , and snow -plowing 30.00 R. W..Kennedy, printing 7.50 Library grant ... 000.00 CcanuLet<eial Stationery, - supplies 10,50 Dan Denman, Bailiff ,..,.. ,44.00 A. A. Lamont, Court Clerk .. 44.00 Relief for the month of December 72,38 • Moved. 1)y H. Champion, seconded by W. ,Cameron that the accounts as read he paid, --Carried. Moved by W. Willis, seconded .lav F. Samir that the roll lie returned to the Colleclto•r until ),next meeting. Carried. Subscribe now for The Post: ETHEL The regular meeting of the W.I.S. and W.A. was held at the home of Mrs. Harold Love. The President, Mrs. Geo. Menzies in the chair. Re- ports _ o2 the treasurer were react and the W.M.S. had gone over the top iu their allocation. The Wor- ship service was taken by Mrs. Snell, the theme was "The Faiilt biy whbch we live." Mrs. Menzies gave a talk on the study book on .Chine, Mrs. Hewitt snug a solo part in the worship Service. ' Mrs. Snell closed the meeting with the benediction, The 'President, Mos, King theft took charge of the. PV,A. The minutes were read and approved. 18 was de- cided: to hold the annual banquet in the church in February. Mrs. King closed the meeting. Personale: Bryan Ames, R,C.A.F., Dauphin, Manitoba, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Armes: Stuart McNair held the Welty number on the turkey in Edwin Thomipsou's butcher shop; Misses Rlith Dunbar anti Doris Cnianingham, at their respective homes; Mics llldith Patterson, R.ip- 1iiy, ls, teaeiliug the senior romn in 171he1 pu9)110 sah5ol as Miss Jean Osborne, former teener, accepted n Position on the Stai.ff of the Pals lay hig'it school; Mise Helen Bate- man and Bryan Ames, with Ma+s, Cecil Bateman in Listowel, There will 'be a progressive euchre pally in: tin. hell, Ethel om Friday evening of this week under the auspice's of the Red Cross. The Look. ut! ASk Liver is an Do you have persistent hes daaches and 'backaches? Are you by heu- -matin painsin muscles and joints'? A i faulty liver s clogging Y r whole sys- tem. Serious ill health may resL0It. 0 Your liver is the largesttor Jilin yOs i b1 es • and most import Y energy � , our0 body lacks this glands. ergy and becgtnel y, Y Againyour enfeebled—youthful urstile to digest food, Again your titer ndurs proper nourishment get rid of ywaste and allow 1 to of order t, peotli When your and nourishment et • out of order ?assn ?assailed tat .stop -you're liotsoned' with the 'waste that '.decomposes in your intestines. Nasal's troubles You become constipated, stomns arise ach nt and s poison, The whole sidtern can't! work properly , syptem is nff"ected and you foci tottdni ` ltcad• achy,, backachy, dirty, tired out -s, really prey for sickness aid disease. Thousands of people ate nev0Ysicic, and have won prompt relief from these miseries with "improved bruit -a -dues Liver 'Tablets, Tito livor is toned up, the otherlorgal ltfunction normally And "tasting, g aro Isoggo Improved lit i tablets, must betgooM1til Tray tlremly selling IOW. Let "I7rutaa.t,ves" ma you back on the toad to lasting health-.. _ tetl likea.newllessatt. 250, 504 'Always In Pain, Now Grand Relief" I suffered so badly from rheu- matism and nen- rills I could hardly walk upstaita or close my hands. After taking Fruit -a -rives for four days the swelling left my hands ami I was Ale to climb it ladder, I have no mere bother with rheumatism oir mid d advise anyperson+ tat Reritp as There to use ).rnit•a+ tives. 0hey Love quick relief. if ililane J. Tracey, ti 'Sick For Years.InHospital Now Fine' offl iliatte iesscuul Cattstntit head- aches 'and back- nchea. I become 001111 hati 1011,10 a hospital. Nodi- IWI I tried would belpttot11I1N)rted takingitrall.n- lives. In a veryleonbles dlsalt+ short line my geared. New 1 have no more doe my helIserverlc backaches and can MA, E. Godson,7sobtfOtn Oni. fHE BRUSSELS POST ly Order of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board Every Person or Firm is Required to Have a Licence 1. if engaged in the business of buying for resale or selling any commodity; or 2. if engaged in the business of supplying any of the following services: the supplying of electricity, gas, steam or water; telegraph, wireless or telephone services; the transportation of goods or persons; the provision of dock, harbour, or pier facilities; warehousing or storage; undertaking or embalming; laundering, cleaning, tailoring, or dressmaking; hairdressing, barbering, or beauty parlour services; plumbing, heating, painting, decorating, cleaning, or renovating; repairing of any kind; the supplying of meals, refreshments or beverages; the exhibiting of motion pictures; process manufacturing on a custom or commission basis. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY APPLIED FOR OR OBTAINED A WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD LICENCE UNDER A PREVIOUS LICENSING ORDER, YOU SHOULD NOT APPLY AGAIN by Licence ApIca ions Apart from the legal requirements, licensing of your business will enable the Board to advise you quickly and fully of the price ceiling regulations that affect your business. Should Be Made At Once The name of every person who has been granted a licence or who has already applied for a licence is being placed on the Board's mailing list. Your name will be added when your application is received. To Get Y . ,r Licence 1. Get an application form at your nearest post office. - 2. Complete the application and,'mail it, postage free. There is no licence fee. 3- You will receive- by mail a Licence Identification Card bearing your licence number. Those 'Iiiio Do Not Need a Licence 1. farmers, gardeners, livestock or poultry producers, and fishermen, unless buying goods for resale. 2. employees of a person or firm which' .. Saelf subject to licence. - 3. operators of private boarding houses. NOTE: Persons who hove already applied for or obtained a Wartime Prices and Trade Board ° licence should not apply again. WHAT TME LAW REQUIE,ES YOU TO DO After March 31, 1942, any official, representative, or investigator of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board may require you to produce your Licence Identifica- tion Card if you are subject to this licensing order. After March 31, 1942, you must notify the Director of Licensing of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board, Ottawa, in writing, quoting your licence number, of any change in the name, address, or character of your business within 10 days of such change. You must retain your Licence Identification Card as it will remain in effect, unless suspended or cancelled, as long as the Maximum Prices Regulations continue. If you are already licensed, a Licence Identification Card, valid for the duration of these Regulations, will be automatically mailed to you before March 31, 1942. You need not apply for a renewal and there is no licence fee. - FOR FURTHER INFORMATION WRITE THE REGIONAL DIRECTOR OF LICENSING, WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD, AT THE NEAREST OF• THE FOLLOWING CITIES: VANCOUVER, EDMONTON, REGINA, WINNIPEG, TORONTO, MONTREAL, HALIFAX, SAINT JOHN OR CHARLOTTETOWN issued under the authority of THE WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD, Ottawa, Canada draw will be made for the ti.ulit 1citioh has been on display is IOthet toad Brussels. A medicine cabinet has been donated Lo the Society and will be raffled the :same e550115g A small dost' charge will be• made. The ladies are asked to, bring lunch, New Books At Public Library • xraltowi;?•'tg is the net at 'bdol0S re0on,lly added to the Public Library:• ri Fiction (;rouyn--1:eys of the Kingdom, MacLennan- Ilaroaneler ketl �fat'l)a (lily. iiulcikln�eotl�--+the Lea este C(5 Nordhon. C' Tiiallr-'No 1)eevping.--Tulle Dark House, Rome- -'Pie, Sun S11a1.1 Groat There Bitt.on-al,andom Harvest, (oaclridige--''1'l e Saurd of. Wings, G)lrbs--•The Amazing Summer. 131lahan:•--tRich Heart River. C,lrnitman- Bleinttelo, M5's:teiT MinSr - vtrillen s, Girl's in .Love, Itorden- Passport for a. coo ,lartlallr,- n 'bed. Rase Forever,.Oe ,Gibb •-'Mains Nettle, Danger, De Le Ito0.he•-Walac'0old's, Course, Watptalo•'1"die Blind Man's House, yVctal.lalltl- Strnating Valley, • Co xe- cM.1•B. Murdoch tape a Casa. Non-Flctian Shiner ---Berlin 'Diary , Holtby --Letters to a F1 191 t. Mudge --Pocula with Power. Harbin--,Fn.m 18neyelalmed"a. Le win--'Qittrn ice Pasties Ino Round. Lgglestoue-•-Fall'b. or Pear in Training. Morton -,Middle Eust;. Mortomt--Landau, Juvenile Messlloltb---Tito Davis, Mmums-'Wllculla. Alden' -Tb0 Cruise of the. Canoe Chub, ta: otrn Year Child Otl5--Mr, Stub:)'as' Brother. A1e0it--'RUae in Bloom. Twain --The lb.ince and the Panner ll e tvi In e -^Tyree. , 13urgee,s-~.Mo10)er West Wind. Oils—+Itnis)rth the Pearl. Bltra,elt--ALtttle Lord recurinere'. Alcabt--11m1en• the Lilacs, - 1l1lne 't111e house at Poon" Corner. puvoisin•-Tile 'Three ,Sneezes. Gants--1Incl5 Wigi;ley's Travels. G arcs -•-Uncle Wigtwley's Mr, Gavle--Tt7l0ie Wiggiey 1111 a Garur, CU? ROAM POR r iI-I�)Alt OLD CHUM Cll7 E'lNR'i oa WARM' S ,LETTER BOX C. A, O., Dee. Olh, 1041 Canadian. Legion, Brussels Cl eu'lentert:- 1t is with great pleasure that I- acknawledge receipt of. your "Over- seas box" addressed to .me, which arrived' here the other clay in excel. lettt condition, wh)etl is a etetlit 1q bath yell, and our Merchant Marines. It was easily seen that you fellows have been"through the mill" es you $551)1551 to know Plat whatwas need- � v lust ad and wren the boys in tri, remarked on your ,good Judgement. You will notice that T said "the boys inmy nil," bat when it box or pascal arrives dos anyone in the hut, "tn1, boys,' inttmediiitety 'urn 10 "vultures," and btt•e recipient is 150010y to gotthe wrapping 'paper, which you will no tlmurst understand, as We Ave all in this together, cud while icing addressed. to one party, 1t usually goes to the whole gang, which certainly inspires a bettor 00)1rlt among tete boys. T will also tape this op)p)oaatunity to Mink the Ladies' of the Mourning Sitar Rebekah Lodge for their contribution, and trust :itbet you will let nicht) Tclla'v et the safe arrival of thy box. 'too are ,having swell weenier here at present, attire 'tot .e3seetly 'tltid Iry -4 it • $Row. - The food ]tare is both good and oeutiful, v,hic11 was far more than 1 expected and white itis a soldier's Privilege to "beef," 'very little . Call /ark said: abouttete way the boys are• being treated, they have even o errand a Turkey dingle), (with x119 the trimmings) for tele bops ea Mane des', tits 'there, evil]. "leav*es" ,graitleci its 1+i° nae' • altho, L have a 88,1tr. leave due me at an"y time 1101v, and I'have a 7 day leave due about Jan. 20th so they are certainly treating the boy)), welt. T had a 5 clay landing leave 3ue5 after we arrived here, Which. T Spent in Miercleeth T saw quite n, lfttto hit of iia oounitry, and while "Jerry' has left his 1114Th here and there, 1 can't seo bow he ever expects to take this country because the more he tries to "soften" ittip, the "tough- er" it. gets, ailtO 1111 invttsl ii is practically an inlpaotaibility, no, 'its long as Britain Rifles the Waves, Hitler !toes not sitan4 4Uo teag chance of over winning this War: Well bo3'w I rontd go on and n5. Tmt I'Luwo other letters to 'write and Whet 'with twasdling, mending, darn- - inh eclelcat die., it keels. Me fairly, h11s , so, I will (lose now, aglttll than8c[ng yolt , e glrttrA` tr• y: to.o. }teffitli , 011111h)her, Tt is a great Snybr99vc+utblt'.,tr,'i. Iii ver, on say, about a couple Of feet of Pte, 13. Bowie