The Brussels Post, 1951-8-22, Page 2Discover How Good Iced Tea Can e! Make tea double strength and while still hot pour into glasses filled with cracked ice ... Add sugar and lemon to taste, PT ECED TE Llioak Favav Coltu,m,secrt l 5ttls 1E tum ' " ST "Dear Anne 1 -first: I am think- ing of leaving my husband. He is making life so unbearable that it 3s affecting my health, "\Vhen 1 was 14, I made a mis- take. 1 told my husband of it before we mar- ried. He was sweet, and said to forget it— "Yet hardly a day goes by that he does not bring it up. and insists on hear- ing more details! °This makes it impossible for me to love him in the wholehearted way I want to, He has nothing to reproach me with, for I can truth- fully say I have been a true wife and a good mother to our children. DRINKING AGGRAVATES "The past two years he has been %.„,47 r"t a L. •F #11. TA/1 ; .t . 4 ,t V-.p=tJRY a 4. • C to. ts 4941i77.7r34—so ANNE ADAMS This is the way to look! Stier mer, fresher, smarter—all day every' day. wherever you go, Your fav- orite casual is beautifully summery with scalloped neckline, tucked shoulder -cap -sleeves! Pattern 4941 comes in sizes 34, 36, 38, 40 42, 44, 46, 48, 50. Size 36 takes 3% yards 35 -inch fabric. This pattern easy to use, sim- ple to sew, is tested for fit. Has complete illustrated instructions, Send THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (35e1 in coins (stamps cannot be ecceted) for this pattern, Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to Box 1, 123 I'.ightcenth St., New Toronto, Ont. drinking heavily. At these times everything weighs on his mind, and he is difficult. Ile is horrid to nmv family, who have tried to get al- ong with him and even helped him out when bis own people would not. He docs not mix well with people; he is always in trouble with men he works with, and then forbids me to visit their wires though we are good friends. I just don't under- stated hint. Yet he is good in some ways, too. "Two months ago he slapped me in front of the children, and said he intended to leave us. "My biggest concern is our chhl- ren, Soon they will understand all this, I want to do what is best for then. I'm not afraid of staking My own way, 1 worked nine years before 1 married. And I have a wonderful brother-in-law who stall help us, as will others in his fam- ily. 1 would appeciate any advice. H." * Four husband is a most uultap- " py man and lives, I expect in a * state of confusion. 1 -le is still * tortured by the knowledge of * your mistake so lotig ago, and he will not put it from him, He * isto t '- a social n a drobabl • im - p } a * gines' others slight him, Even * his own people sympathize with * you, Perhaps it is to forget titis * that he drinks so heavily. * The remedy. of donne, lies *•within himself. It is likely that * his physician could help, but you * say he refuses to consult hint, 1 * think you should. as you suggest. All this is making you 'll a You ou dreadh t e time when the children * will understand, and you cannot * bear their .witnessing his mis- * treatment of you and growing * ashamed of their father's indut- * geodes. I do not blame you for * wanting to protect therm, and * give them a happier life, * Tell him it is because of them * that you trust leave him—unless * he forgets the past, excercises • self-control, stops his drinking. * It is only fair to give him * warning. This time, you will not * come back as you did once be- * fore, It will be a permanent * break, for you can stand no more. * It will 1>e up to him. * * 4, A patient wife can take a great deal of mistreatment—but when her husband's conduct affects her child- ren, she must act-. . . Tell your troubles' to Anne Hirst, and bene- fit by her sympathy and' her wis- dom. Address her at Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New Toronto, Ont. py CONSISTENT • Four horses had been killed in a railway accident and an owner and his trainer had rushed to the scene to identify their horse, "That isn't him, nor that," they said, pointing to the two horses stretched out beside the line. They wandered on and saw another. "That's not him either. But there he is," said the trainer, pointing to a fourth horse. "Blimey, that's hits orright," said the owner. "Same in death as in life — last in a field of four." to. Rntnbow CROSSWORD lt. bas Piece PUZZLE id.»roc: n totly . Betl 19. Norwegian territorial ACROSS 4. Scratched division 1, Rowing 'with the talons 20. Motion implement 4, American s, Fail to keep .picture 6. Greedy actress statesman R. Skin 7. Word of 12. Expire consetfP 13. Affortltan S, Musical4. Persian fairy composition r it. Stress . worthy of 17. drascuilne Wing Home .ontemhered 18, Was indebted 10. won ;t 20 CInity In Vermont sa Author of Tito P.nhaiyat"' St. Alteration 27. T parent port or afleece 00. Frees 31,"tart of a. 21. Atnong 22. HI asking 23, Formerly -.,, quantity of matter 26. Itlttat' vetch 21. Fruit decay 20. Garden plots cnrr0 aa, Conn -Went 1R Say further 14, Gathered Si.Goddess of discord 35, Instigates, 5!t, Tmas 41, Act of salting 40. Chief Norse 44, Won ndering 4R, Dispatched 49. Discharged an obligation r, d rr emaln deet 51' Labels Uels 51. Daily 63Part Of aartain theirs DOW el 5, 7'oen, '. "nrpo, e 1. (forded table 12, blonaotery 34. Three toed sloths 36, Disease 37, Dwarf animal's 39. Greatest amount 40, atantal [maga 91. So, African village 4''. Melody 44. Watering place 90. Mountain lit Crete 40. And. not 17, Kind of muffin Answe lsewhere on Tits Page Nov They Put Your Old Teeth In Again Even if you deserve top marks for dental hygiene, if you're the model patient of a model modern dentist, chances are you've teeth t•u the missing list. You may have had one knocked out in an accident, or perhaps :in abscess lost you one. Until recently when teeth were out, they stayed out, Now the associates of Sir. Alexander Fleeting, the discoverer of penicillin, are extracting teeth and calmly replanting them, Their technique makes old teeth as goad as new and lodges them where they belong, back in your head. Centred on St. Mary's Hospital, Paddington ,the hone of penicillin, research workers are making no in- cautious forecasts of "all your okra teeth at eighty," In a test case, how- ever, when a tooth was extracted the empty socket was sterilized with penicillin, the infected ends of the tooth -roots were cut off, the vul- nerable pulp canals tilled, and then the tooth was replaced, Five months later bone hal re• formed round the roots and the tooth was toruli The experiolenters attached a clasp and inane it carry the weight of a 'neighboring arti- ficial tont!, on a bridge The struc- ture held. One dental surucon has achieved remarkable - results. :1 patient, a twenty -four-year-old girl, cam" to hint almost in tears She had lost a front upper tooth six years be- fore, when hit by a field -hockey ball. and had had to h,tt-e a bridge made. Now the lower tooth was affected. The surgeon carefully studied the swelling. The tooth had to conte out, but there was a chance that it might go hack. He sterlized the raw socket, then he opened up the root canal of the extracted tooth, removed all the flood -vessels and nerve fibres at the heart of the tooth that helped to spread po'sons and ring the alarm -bell. of pain—and roughened the root like a gardener preparing a plant for layering, Then he filled 61 tooth with soft cement and amalgams and replanted it. Two years later the tooth was still good. Many questions still have to be explored before penicillin can ire adopted in general dentaltechn'quc. Scientists are working hard to solve then, and we may yet see a race with sound teeth from infancy to old age. • KIND HUSBAND Bring''tg Iter husband, a profes- sional hypnotist, to court, alleging enteity, the wife complained: "Your worship, my husband is the meanest man in the world. He hypnotised me into thinking 1 was a canary and then gave me birdseed for breakfast, dinner and supper." The magistrate could hardly be- lieve his ears. "Is that true?" he demanded. The husband glared. "1 don't consider that was mean," he said. The magistrate was flabbergas- ted. "You don't think that was mean?" The husband shoot: his head. "No, I do not, your worship," he said "I could have 113pnotised her into thinking she was a sparrow and then she'd have had to hunt for her own food!" LAURA WHEELER It's so inexpensive to have TWO new hats! They're jiffy crochet too, each takes only a few hours, a minimum of straw yarn. Bonnet and sailor! .tleadsizes adjust with ribbon ;• Pattern 691; crochet directions for two (tats. ' Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS in coins (stamps cannot be accep- ted) for this pattern to Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New 'Toronto. Ott. Print plainly PATTERN NUM- BER, your NAME and ADD- RESS. Send Twenty-five Cents more (int coins)' for our Laura Wheeler Needlecraft Boole, Illustrations -of patterns for crochet, embroidery, knitting, household accessories, dolls, toys , many hobby and gift ideas. A free pattern is printed in the book. Brit'oh Beauties Choose Bikinis—Rumors that the Bikini swimsuit (alas) is on its way out appear not to have .reached jolly old England. Here are the Bikinied finalists in a London contest to select Britain's entry in international beauty competitions. Meeting the lovely corps is Kersten ("Kicki") Hakansson,prettiest girl in Sweden," Sweden's entry in world beauty contest. .�`ws'llbtea.� RONlea Li INGE/1FM: 14 eamandoltne D C 1 a.rk e Farm) lite is cuangntg. 11 e rea- lise that more and more with every year that passes. There has always been plenty of hard work to con• tend with on the land but until re- cently there was a sort of unhur- ried steadiness in connection with all the work that had to he Clone. In haying time a, farmer cut only just a -few acres of bay at a time. Then it urns raked aitd coiled and taken in when it was nicely cured. Maybe every ntoruin when c the g dew was on the field more hay would. be cut and the process 're- peated until all the hay was stored in the barn, If it rained no one worried very much—the coils were turned over, and soon dried out again. And then cause the harvest— three horses on the binder; one or two Elan in the field, stooking the sheaves as they fell, keeping pace with the binder if they could, It was generally hot, hard work but always there was a sense of satis- faction in looking over a field of grain with all the sheaves neatly stooked, :1 farmer was often judg- ed according to the way he stooked, Caine tante for drawing in ... load after load was taken to the barn and moved away. Children who were old enough were often out in the field helping Dad. Event those who were not big enough to really help tagged along just for the tun of riding home on top of the load. In those days there was little dan- ger in the field. In most cases the horses were used to the children— even au eight-year-old could drive the team over to the next row of stooks. Field work was a sort of family affair. Even soother helped occasionally — although not too much, as everyone realised moth- er's main jolt w•as to keep a hungry family well fed and well cared for. Pretty soon the barn would be full—waiting for the thresher, But there was no real hurry—the grain was out of the weather and could wait until the machine came along. Threshing time , .. and neighbours changed with neighbours as the machine moved from one farm to another. Again it was, hard work but friendly cooperation cased the work, After a good meal—remem- ber those 13 pound roasts of beef? —no wonder the older hien were content to sit around the dining table talking about what crops had been like in other years. The younger step would generally con- gregate outside, jolting, laughing, swapping yarns and staking plans for the next ball game. Perhaps in outlaying districts of Ontario this is still the pattern for farthing, especially where a grow- ing family can help with the work, But around here there have been many changes—the old way of farming will soon be a thing of the past. At a rough guess I would say sixty percent of the farmers have their hay bailed now and the number of crops being combined is on the increase. It sounds like alt easier way of doing things. Physically it may be but it is cec- tainly more risky and harder on the nerves, especially in "catchy" weather, More hay moist be cut Itch . . b Itch a . .� Itch 1ws Was Nearl C z y ca' y UntmIdiscovered lir. ) b.bm la' amt M1a lInt aoi Yfeet relief I, llpraopption, word popular, ti15 pare, 0ng d toleatlonannual 5e1115 and eb boateem 0) itonfoed co end0 footand other !tlt twenties. T,101bottle, 43Gremetesa 1rst nes monied, nooks rear leeItchritis,ol5'idrugitfor11 Prescription (rl»srontenemain. 0. ey down at one time so it is always a gamble with the weather,: 11 it were possible to get a baler or coin - have their hay baled now and then would be fine, but always there is a period of waiting your turn— waiting, which generally results in someone losing out on account of the weather. Incidentally, right now we are waiting for a combine! Farming is getting more mech- anized every year. Young farmers seem to like to own and operate their own forage -harvesters vtsters and combines. Older farmers depend on hiring balers and combines to do their harvesting for them. Fes. agriculture uas made tre- mendous strides during the last decade. We have gained a lot but somewhere along the line I feel we have lost something to. The late Professor Graham often spoke of farming as "a way living." livin :' Now it has become merely a way of "staking" a living. It is a business just as much as keeping a butcher shop or running a garage—except that the unpredictable still happens occasionally. For instance, Partner and I were away about 15 minutes this Morning. While We were away our nine heifers found a weak spot in the fence and were having a grand time in a field of clover. \Ve didn't have much trouble in getting them out as they are such pets. they follow us around like a litter of pups. Yesterday I had the car in the yard and was sitting there with all the windows open. Presently 1 was surrounded by heifers, Three of them put their heads through tate window. That was all right until they began licking the uphol- stery. l chased them away but in a few minutes they were back again so I let them stay until their curiosity was fully satisfied. Then they wandered away of their own accord, "Rocking Bed" For Polio Patients A "rocking bed" can take the place of the "iron lung'•that makes it possible for some polio victims to breath. According to Dr, Jessie Wright, consultant on acute polio- myelitis. the rocking bed was de- veloped in .1946. The whole bed seesaws on electrically controlled rockers at a regulated rate. By adjus*ing the rate and degree of the see -saw movement respiration can be varied, The rocking bed is not intended to supplant the iron lung, tvbich is indispensable in cases of severe chest paralysis, but to help patients breathe outside the iron lung foe gradually increasing periods end so hasten progress to- ward independent breathing, Another approach to the prob- lem presented by the iron lung comes from the Mount Sinai Hos- pital of Philadelphia. Dr. Victor F, Syttinsky and Dr, James O. Brown, assistant, have developed a nerve - grafting operation to restore acti- vity to a diaphragm paralyzed by poliomyelitis. So fat' the operation has been performed only on six - LOGY, LISTLESS, OUT OF LOVE WITH LIFE? Then wake up your liver bile jump out of bed rano" to go Life not worth Iivin ? It may, be the livorl Ile a focal If your liver bile se not flowing front our food. may not di Y Y a ° goat . . , grbloatsat gloat d and stomach and you feol cou- fli e. and all the fun and sparkle go out le orlife. Little whon you aYd mild, goons help sea Mato yoururr ills, You two Cartons agan fol stimulate Ryer it Il v r b a NE once twin n n Ala pouring out at lgatato triptotwo photon da into, our di oaL[ o tract. Tht Y Y a v ,, , a ala spy fix you rber up, in. So you feel that happy clays aro loco again. it don't Malaya a eft. t p+ y Ro Cartons . Only Livor ro,n 0y dru hove thorn on band. Only 85c from any druggist. ISSUE 33 — 1951 teen laboratory animals. Results were good. Poliomyelitis often damages the phrenic nerve, which provides the nerve supply to the diaphragm, When that happens the diaphragm, which is the "breathing muscle" that operates the lungs, ceases to function, so that no rna! breathing is di cult or impossible. without an "iron lung." The Mount Sinai cxperitn niers have devised a nerve -crossing op- eration p- er i n connect O t0 CO geCt the vagus nerve to the phrenic nerve. The vagus is frequently seyered by surgeons in ulcer cases. Heart and voice box are not damaged if the vagus is cut low enough. By restoring the nerve supply the new connection enables the diaphragm to resume its work if the muscle itself has not deteriorated from r m e ALIBI Charged at Los Angeles with failing to signal his -intention of tnaking a turn, a motorist explain- ed: "1 couldn't open the window because my car was .full of canar- ies." "Best excuse I've heard in years," said the judge. "Case dis- missed." BASE'tMETAIS are they going ahead? While base .metals have enjoyed attention since s the outbreak of the War In Korea .. , what of the future? Is opportunity now present in new base metals? In producing mines?' The whole situa- tion is covered in our Eros "Survey of Base Metals" .. . which we will be .glad to send you on request plus o u 1• regular "investment Review" it you but send your . Nance and Address. T. L. SAVAGE & CO. T. 1.. Savage — Solo Owner tnrasrmenty since 1934- 9 RictuatOi4p ST. TORONTO 1- • ONTARIO, Upsidedown to Prevent Peek'ng -370- 9 0 9 d Avav Si9:ty a n a I b' d 1 IV, 9,9 AV.'1S N la0 31ds sn tw 3 9 99 elf TlirgiMS te;3 9 21V 0 z IN 3 I 2 3d W 3 0 S 3 S A w S a i3 M a: 3 Fl d ab I td 9 3 0 7 3 a WO AVID V0 Great Killer Snake _._ It It was in 1923 that the Austral - inn snake which later came to be known as the "taipan" leapt into fame, when naturalist Bill McLenn- an, who was on a bird -collecting expedition on Cape York Penin- sula, encountered two very large and ,aggressive venomous snakes, near Coen, Oneof these specimens was more than 10 ft, long -the big- i2.st venomous snake recorded b.tn Australia, And they had tre- mendous fangs—nearly / in. in length— and in one, at least, the fangs appeared to be double. Years elapsed, and no snore specie mens were secured. For more than. three years the writer lived with the nomadic tribes in the wilds of Cape York Fenninsula—about 1,100 mile snorth of Brisbane writea Donald F. Thomson in The illus. trated London News. As I carte to learn the native language, I heard. the aborigines speak in awed tones of a great killer snake, known as the "taipan"—thick as a man's arm, that attacked savagely and without provocation—and to the native mind—worst of all—a snake that had one orange -red eye. In vain 1 offcre almost fabulous rewards lit knives, axes and tobacco, for a tai• pan, living or dead. But one night a native dog wax bitten, and died very quickly. I captured the snake, placed it in a cage, and carried nut a post mon- tem on the dog. The post-mortem was interesting. There, at last, was the taipan. I "milked" this snake-,- and nake=and within a few weeks she laid a clutch of seven eggs—elongate in form, with blunt ends, enclosed in soft, parchment -like shells. The taipan was like no other snake I had ever seen. It had a long narrow head, a whitish upper - lip, an orange -red eye, and the scales of the body were not smooth but , t rigid, almost keeled. In attack g it assumed a terrifying attitude— .for it would errect its tail in the air, often lashing it ,menacingly and, muscles tensed, raise its body lit loops, sometimes' several inches clear of the ground. t.. WHEN ASTHMA STRIKES. Here's the easy, proved way to combat asthma y distressing symptoms, .The aromatic fumes of 5. Schiamann's ASTHMADOR help clear up, congestion -bring amazia relief. ' easy muse C n6 8 ,Y so Powder ican t adorn to whores its you p n'do net. S. for - II O B m atadrug stores In Canada and U. S. And the RELIEF IS LASTING 'Por fast, prolonged relief from headache get INSTANTINE. This. prescription -like tablet contains not just one, but three proven medical ingredients that ease the pain fast, And the relief is, in most cases, lasting. Try INSTANTINE ju51 oncC for pain relief and you'll say as thousands do that there's one thing for headache ... it's INSTANTINEI And try INSTANTINE for able aches, too ... for neuritic or neuralgia pain ... or for the pains and aches that accompany a cold. A single tablet usually brings• prompt relief. Get histamine today and always keep it handy t2-Tablot Tin 259. economical 404a blot eotlls 75c 1-3 Tir TIRED Soothe thew' quickly and effectively, Get fasbdrying Minard's Liniment rub it on. Teel tit coolness --get relief, gvickl( 1 "KING Of 01‘11,1" ri tlLi tit lr 0 tl '5,t^ri•',.,. 4 ®6, 7 8. S to . 11. 2 $ 14 ., .® 1 �■ 1M13 $:*, , 17 ®■11 WAS s18 1 �19�..IIr�,p 20 22 NlinwA �r ®■■■ ikJCtG4D 11 NE 26 ®®y::®28 Z9 iiK KT' 915 a111E" ■Ill BB ■� 34 MIN 5 RI EMU"3 UR MIMI42, ,N1 in gi IM ill1111 45 1111 MIIIIIIIIVI 11111•61 IN MIMI x Ran II Answe lsewhere on Tits Page Nov They Put Your Old Teeth In Again Even if you deserve top marks for dental hygiene, if you're the model patient of a model modern dentist, chances are you've teeth t•u the missing list. You may have had one knocked out in an accident, or perhaps :in abscess lost you one. Until recently when teeth were out, they stayed out, Now the associates of Sir. Alexander Fleeting, the discoverer of penicillin, are extracting teeth and calmly replanting them, Their technique makes old teeth as goad as new and lodges them where they belong, back in your head. Centred on St. Mary's Hospital, Paddington ,the hone of penicillin, research workers are making no in- cautious forecasts of "all your okra teeth at eighty," In a test case, how- ever, when a tooth was extracted the empty socket was sterilized with penicillin, the infected ends of the tooth -roots were cut off, the vul- nerable pulp canals tilled, and then the tooth was replaced, Five months later bone hal re• formed round the roots and the tooth was toruli The experiolenters attached a clasp and inane it carry the weight of a 'neighboring arti- ficial tont!, on a bridge The struc- ture held. One dental surucon has achieved remarkable - results. :1 patient, a twenty -four-year-old girl, cam" to hint almost in tears She had lost a front upper tooth six years be- fore, when hit by a field -hockey ball. and had had to h,tt-e a bridge made. Now the lower tooth was affected. The surgeon carefully studied the swelling. The tooth had to conte out, but there was a chance that it might go hack. He sterlized the raw socket, then he opened up the root canal of the extracted tooth, removed all the flood -vessels and nerve fibres at the heart of the tooth that helped to spread po'sons and ring the alarm -bell. of pain—and roughened the root like a gardener preparing a plant for layering, Then he filled 61 tooth with soft cement and amalgams and replanted it. Two years later the tooth was still good. Many questions still have to be explored before penicillin can ire adopted in general dentaltechn'quc. Scientists are working hard to solve then, and we may yet see a race with sound teeth from infancy to old age. • KIND HUSBAND Bring''tg Iter husband, a profes- sional hypnotist, to court, alleging enteity, the wife complained: "Your worship, my husband is the meanest man in the world. He hypnotised me into thinking 1 was a canary and then gave me birdseed for breakfast, dinner and supper." The magistrate could hardly be- lieve his ears. "Is that true?" he demanded. The husband glared. "1 don't consider that was mean," he said. The magistrate was flabbergas- ted. "You don't think that was mean?" The husband shoot: his head. "No, I do not, your worship," he said "I could have 113pnotised her into thinking she was a sparrow and then she'd have had to hunt for her own food!" LAURA WHEELER It's so inexpensive to have TWO new hats! They're jiffy crochet too, each takes only a few hours, a minimum of straw yarn. Bonnet and sailor! .tleadsizes adjust with ribbon ;• Pattern 691; crochet directions for two (tats. ' Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS in coins (stamps cannot be accep- ted) for this pattern to Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New 'Toronto. Ott. Print plainly PATTERN NUM- BER, your NAME and ADD- RESS. Send Twenty-five Cents more (int coins)' for our Laura Wheeler Needlecraft Boole, Illustrations -of patterns for crochet, embroidery, knitting, household accessories, dolls, toys , many hobby and gift ideas. A free pattern is printed in the book. Brit'oh Beauties Choose Bikinis—Rumors that the Bikini swimsuit (alas) is on its way out appear not to have .reached jolly old England. Here are the Bikinied finalists in a London contest to select Britain's entry in international beauty competitions. Meeting the lovely corps is Kersten ("Kicki") Hakansson,prettiest girl in Sweden," Sweden's entry in world beauty contest. .�`ws'llbtea.� RONlea Li INGE/1FM: 14 eamandoltne D C 1 a.rk e Farm) lite is cuangntg. 11 e rea- lise that more and more with every year that passes. There has always been plenty of hard work to con• tend with on the land but until re- cently there was a sort of unhur- ried steadiness in connection with all the work that had to he Clone. In haying time a, farmer cut only just a -few acres of bay at a time. Then it urns raked aitd coiled and taken in when it was nicely cured. Maybe every ntoruin when c the g dew was on the field more hay would. be cut and the process 're- peated until all the hay was stored in the barn, If it rained no one worried very much—the coils were turned over, and soon dried out again. And then cause the harvest— three horses on the binder; one or two Elan in the field, stooking the sheaves as they fell, keeping pace with the binder if they could, It was generally hot, hard work but always there was a sense of satis- faction in looking over a field of grain with all the sheaves neatly stooked, :1 farmer was often judg- ed according to the way he stooked, Caine tante for drawing in ... load after load was taken to the barn and moved away. Children who were old enough were often out in the field helping Dad. Event those who were not big enough to really help tagged along just for the tun of riding home on top of the load. In those days there was little dan- ger in the field. In most cases the horses were used to the children— even au eight-year-old could drive the team over to the next row of stooks. Field work was a sort of family affair. Even soother helped occasionally — although not too much, as everyone realised moth- er's main jolt w•as to keep a hungry family well fed and well cared for. Pretty soon the barn would be full—waiting for the thresher, But there was no real hurry—the grain was out of the weather and could wait until the machine came along. Threshing time , .. and neighbours changed with neighbours as the machine moved from one farm to another. Again it was, hard work but friendly cooperation cased the work, After a good meal—remem- ber those 13 pound roasts of beef? —no wonder the older hien were content to sit around the dining table talking about what crops had been like in other years. The younger step would generally con- gregate outside, jolting, laughing, swapping yarns and staking plans for the next ball game. Perhaps in outlaying districts of Ontario this is still the pattern for farthing, especially where a grow- ing family can help with the work, But around here there have been many changes—the old way of farming will soon be a thing of the past. At a rough guess I would say sixty percent of the farmers have their hay bailed now and the number of crops being combined is on the increase. It sounds like alt easier way of doing things. Physically it may be but it is cec- tainly more risky and harder on the nerves, especially in "catchy" weather, More hay moist be cut Itch . . b Itch a . .� Itch 1ws Was Nearl C z y ca' y UntmIdiscovered lir. ) b.bm la' amt M1a lInt aoi Yfeet relief I, llpraopption, word popular, ti15 pare, 0ng d toleatlonannual 5e1115 and eb boateem 0) itonfoed co end0 footand other !tlt twenties. T,101bottle, 43Gremetesa 1rst nes monied, nooks rear leeItchritis,ol5'idrugitfor11 Prescription (rl»srontenemain. 0. ey down at one time so it is always a gamble with the weather,: 11 it were possible to get a baler or coin - have their hay baled now and then would be fine, but always there is a period of waiting your turn— waiting, which generally results in someone losing out on account of the weather. Incidentally, right now we are waiting for a combine! Farming is getting more mech- anized every year. Young farmers seem to like to own and operate their own forage -harvesters vtsters and combines. Older farmers depend on hiring balers and combines to do their harvesting for them. Fes. agriculture uas made tre- mendous strides during the last decade. We have gained a lot but somewhere along the line I feel we have lost something to. The late Professor Graham often spoke of farming as "a way living." livin :' Now it has become merely a way of "staking" a living. It is a business just as much as keeping a butcher shop or running a garage—except that the unpredictable still happens occasionally. For instance, Partner and I were away about 15 minutes this Morning. While We were away our nine heifers found a weak spot in the fence and were having a grand time in a field of clover. \Ve didn't have much trouble in getting them out as they are such pets. they follow us around like a litter of pups. Yesterday I had the car in the yard and was sitting there with all the windows open. Presently 1 was surrounded by heifers, Three of them put their heads through tate window. That was all right until they began licking the uphol- stery. l chased them away but in a few minutes they were back again so I let them stay until their curiosity was fully satisfied. Then they wandered away of their own accord, "Rocking Bed" For Polio Patients A "rocking bed" can take the place of the "iron lung'•that makes it possible for some polio victims to breath. According to Dr, Jessie Wright, consultant on acute polio- myelitis. the rocking bed was de- veloped in .1946. The whole bed seesaws on electrically controlled rockers at a regulated rate. By adjus*ing the rate and degree of the see -saw movement respiration can be varied, The rocking bed is not intended to supplant the iron lung, tvbich is indispensable in cases of severe chest paralysis, but to help patients breathe outside the iron lung foe gradually increasing periods end so hasten progress to- ward independent breathing, Another approach to the prob- lem presented by the iron lung comes from the Mount Sinai Hos- pital of Philadelphia. Dr. Victor F, Syttinsky and Dr, James O. Brown, assistant, have developed a nerve - grafting operation to restore acti- vity to a diaphragm paralyzed by poliomyelitis. So fat' the operation has been performed only on six - LOGY, LISTLESS, OUT OF LOVE WITH LIFE? Then wake up your liver bile jump out of bed rano" to go Life not worth Iivin ? It may, be the livorl Ile a focal If your liver bile se not flowing front our food. may not di Y Y a ° goat . . , grbloatsat gloat d and stomach and you feol cou- fli e. and all the fun and sparkle go out le orlife. Little whon you aYd mild, goons help sea Mato yoururr ills, You two Cartons agan fol stimulate Ryer it Il v r b a NE once twin n n Ala pouring out at lgatato triptotwo photon da into, our di oaL[ o tract. Tht Y Y a v ,, , a ala spy fix you rber up, in. So you feel that happy clays aro loco again. it don't Malaya a eft. t p+ y Ro Cartons . Only Livor ro,n 0y dru hove thorn on band. Only 85c from any druggist. ISSUE 33 — 1951 teen laboratory animals. Results were good. Poliomyelitis often damages the phrenic nerve, which provides the nerve supply to the diaphragm, When that happens the diaphragm, which is the "breathing muscle" that operates the lungs, ceases to function, so that no rna! breathing is di cult or impossible. without an "iron lung." The Mount Sinai cxperitn niers have devised a nerve -crossing op- eration p- er i n connect O t0 CO geCt the vagus nerve to the phrenic nerve. The vagus is frequently seyered by surgeons in ulcer cases. Heart and voice box are not damaged if the vagus is cut low enough. By restoring the nerve supply the new connection enables the diaphragm to resume its work if the muscle itself has not deteriorated from r m e ALIBI Charged at Los Angeles with failing to signal his -intention of tnaking a turn, a motorist explain- ed: "1 couldn't open the window because my car was .full of canar- ies." "Best excuse I've heard in years," said the judge. "Case dis- missed." BASE'tMETAIS are they going ahead? While base .metals have enjoyed attention since s the outbreak of the War In Korea .. , what of the future? Is opportunity now present in new base metals? In producing mines?' The whole situa- tion is covered in our Eros "Survey of Base Metals" .. . which we will be .glad to send you on request plus o u 1• regular "investment Review" it you but send your . Nance and Address. T. L. SAVAGE & CO. T. 1.. Savage — Solo Owner tnrasrmenty since 1934- 9 RictuatOi4p ST. TORONTO 1- • ONTARIO, Upsidedown to Prevent Peek'ng -370- 9 0 9 d Avav Si9:ty a n a I b' d 1 IV, 9,9 AV.'1S N la0 31ds sn tw 3 9 99 elf TlirgiMS te;3 9 21V 0 z IN 3 I 2 3d W 3 0 S 3 S A w S a i3 M a: 3 Fl d ab I td 9 3 0 7 3 a WO AVID V0 Great Killer Snake _._ It It was in 1923 that the Austral - inn snake which later came to be known as the "taipan" leapt into fame, when naturalist Bill McLenn- an, who was on a bird -collecting expedition on Cape York Penin- sula, encountered two very large and ,aggressive venomous snakes, near Coen, Oneof these specimens was more than 10 ft, long -the big- i2.st venomous snake recorded b.tn Australia, And they had tre- mendous fangs—nearly / in. in length— and in one, at least, the fangs appeared to be double. Years elapsed, and no snore specie mens were secured. For more than. three years the writer lived with the nomadic tribes in the wilds of Cape York Fenninsula—about 1,100 mile snorth of Brisbane writea Donald F. Thomson in The illus. trated London News. As I carte to learn the native language, I heard. the aborigines speak in awed tones of a great killer snake, known as the "taipan"—thick as a man's arm, that attacked savagely and without provocation—and to the native mind—worst of all—a snake that had one orange -red eye. In vain 1 offcre almost fabulous rewards lit knives, axes and tobacco, for a tai• pan, living or dead. But one night a native dog wax bitten, and died very quickly. I captured the snake, placed it in a cage, and carried nut a post mon- tem on the dog. The post-mortem was interesting. There, at last, was the taipan. I "milked" this snake-,- and nake=and within a few weeks she laid a clutch of seven eggs—elongate in form, with blunt ends, enclosed in soft, parchment -like shells. The taipan was like no other snake I had ever seen. It had a long narrow head, a whitish upper - lip, an orange -red eye, and the scales of the body were not smooth but , t rigid, almost keeled. In attack g it assumed a terrifying attitude— .for it would errect its tail in the air, often lashing it ,menacingly and, muscles tensed, raise its body lit loops, sometimes' several inches clear of the ground. t.. WHEN ASTHMA STRIKES. Here's the easy, proved way to combat asthma y distressing symptoms, .The aromatic fumes of 5. Schiamann's ASTHMADOR help clear up, congestion -bring amazia relief. ' easy muse C n6 8 ,Y so Powder ican t adorn to whores its you p n'do net. S. for - II O B m atadrug stores In Canada and U. S. And the RELIEF IS LASTING 'Por fast, prolonged relief from headache get INSTANTINE. This. prescription -like tablet contains not just one, but three proven medical ingredients that ease the pain fast, And the relief is, in most cases, lasting. Try INSTANTINE ju51 oncC for pain relief and you'll say as thousands do that there's one thing for headache ... it's INSTANTINEI And try INSTANTINE for able aches, too ... for neuritic or neuralgia pain ... or for the pains and aches that accompany a cold. A single tablet usually brings• prompt relief. Get histamine today and always keep it handy t2-Tablot Tin 259. economical 404a blot eotlls 75c 1-3 Tir TIRED Soothe thew' quickly and effectively, Get fasbdrying Minard's Liniment rub it on. Teel tit coolness --get relief, gvickl( 1 "KING Of 01‘11,1" ri tlLi tit lr 0 tl