The Brussels Post, 1951-6-6, Page 3mold igares By Patrick J. O'Brien 'Ibtnou'ow i.; Flaulutg1,'s wake, Kathy Cl'\Luldigan recalled, as site hurried up the brownstone steps leading to the apartment where she and Paddy had lived since -their marriage three years ago, this very day. Kathy .smiled as she visualized the now spring outfit she would wear at the gathering. Paddy was proud of her dress, too, even If he didn't say so. She knew he liked the way it emphasized her ligue. Of coarse he had complained about the cost adding: "If you- want to waste motley on clothes, You should - have married a banker.': But the argument about the dress was not the real reason she had left. The tweaking point was reach- ed when 1'uddy had refused to buy the darling bonne) displayed in Murphy's window. "Ridiculous!" he - said, Ridiculous? flow could a hat be , ridiculous when every day, fon• nearly a month, she had stopped to look in the window and admire it. Reaching the apartment door, she turned the ku0b, but the door re- fused to mien, Apprehensively, site turned the knob bark and forth, but to no avail, She was locked out. Kathy blushed furiously with indig- nation. . Then she exploded: "Opens this door! Do you hear roc?" she shouted, pounding fran- tically on the warped panels. "It's not enough that I work myself to the bone so a body ran have a decent home to live in. No. I must be locked out of my own home. My home, mind you!" "Your hone," Patrick O'Maddi- gan's voice vibrated through the thin partition, "Is it noir? And only this morning you were ready to walk out of my house." "When f get sty hands on that stubborn neck of yours," Kathy O'Madd!gan shouted, "I'll " "Sure now'." Paddy said, "would you be Waulthig to harm your bread aticl butter:" "Open this door, I say!" "In gond time woman," Paddy replied. "it's your Irish temper that has the best of you." "Temper!" Kathy shouted, "A fine one you are to he talking of an Irish temper, Who was it that woke tie neighbors with his carry- ing 011 111 the wee hours of the morning?" No answer. ' "It was Patrick O'ietaddigau, that's who it was. And all because T wanted the money to buy the hat." "But the price, woman. I couldn't afford a week's wages fora bit of lace and 1•lolh," ' "Don't you want your •wife to he the hest dressed lady at the ti.tike tomorrow i" Kathy asked. "'That I do, but could you not purchase a hat that's 111o1'e treason- able in pricer' "I had Illy 1100r1 SOL on wearing that hat to the wake," Kathy said. "Don't you Iovc 1110?" "it's not 0 qucst!ou 01 love," Paddy replied. "it's lite money I'm thinking o[." "'Then you'll not buy the hat for m('?" Silence. "Let ole in. Paddy'," Kathy plead.. cd a pathetic note creeping into 'ler ('0i00. "I'11 be good .' ']'here were sounds Of movement 'n the apartment 'Then Kathy heard a 1(03 rattle in the lock. Swiftly site stooped, slipped a shoe aft her foot and slt'aigt toned tip with it grasped firmly 111 one 11111111 land, She struck swiftly as the doe' was opened soddenly, tlutl it was so sudden that Kathy was thrown off balance and the momentum cats ried her to the center of the room. She landed uncerem011101tsly on her hands and knees, Brushing aside a strand of hair that was tickling the tip of hat' Inose, she looked up al Paddy who was standing' beside the open-door, In his hand was a bit of Kelly green anti a little white veil with a a pink and 611(0 ribbon 011 the side. "Vol (lid buy it, P1111dy, Tim you . , said , . "1 Meant to surprise yon KalIiy," Paddy explained. "f colleln't: let you clown. 1Iave you forgotten our. wedding anniversary?" "01(, Paddy';" she said tenderly. Sulphur Shortage Really Dangerous For .the pa.,* few In,,ntll- it stir p11ur famine Ida•, I', I, 1110a1 1111111g Mid 1111 tn(1(111v and cauei,:1( '0'1'1011S set-haek, in 10'01110'0mi. Cuts have had to be imposed on (1.11" of '011p11er and sulphuric acid, with the result (hat the prodnctfon of such :Mow, as steel. textiles, fertilizer';, inoecti1!des, motor tires, synthetic dyes, batteries, disinfect- aukgasoline and a hundred other comntndities are being retarded. For r!viliratfcm camtot 110 w!t1- 0111. this important chemical, 11 is bard in 10 r1111(1forms for such a variety of purposes that it 1; quite impossible to find a oink vessel substitute, There is not one of us who clues not handle something every clay which could not have been made without some form of .sulphur, One sulphur eiunpound gives the familiar dark anther colour to glass bottles: another, when mixed with a certain oil, enable, the thread to 111.0 cut an 1110 sm1111est screw. Yet others help to fix iron rail- ings firmly in cement, and perform jobs that range from the thirds -maim of wine casks to the prescrring al dried fruits. 'Without another compound nail- ed sulphur chloride our lives would be very different, for this is indis- pensable for ` vulcanizing motor tires. clotirfc insulation, and all the domestic uses to which rubber 75 now 11u1. :But the most important of the sulphur crnupmtlids is sulphuric acid, Without it, within a very abort lime. our great fertilizer in- dustry would. have conte to a stand- still, for it uses millions of tons of sulphuric acid per year to make supsr-phosphates 00,01)1(111 . (0 the fanner. 1,00tumnely, scientists recently discovered n method by which they' can save a (matter of a (1)1111011 lofts of sidphuric acid by substituting nitric arid, of which there is no shortage, Nitric acid had been tried before, but the resulting, phosphates were useless because they absorbed 1011100 and hardened whet' stored. 'rile latest nitric acid fertilisers however, are as good as those made with sulphuric acid. lit other fields science has not been so successful, lsjo workable substitute has yet been found for sulphur in the newspaper autl ma- gazine industry. This paper would not only be of a very different texture if sill -- Ow supplies were cul off alto- gether, but it would be entirely without photographic illustrations, which are dependent on a chemical called hypo -sulphite for fixing pho- tos. Chief sources of the world's sul- phur are Texas and Louisiana in the United States, A single sulphur well may pro- duce as much as 500 tons a day and the Louisiana deposits are esti- mated to be about 40 million tons, so that America's supply at least would seem to be assured for a while. Rapid rearmament, however, is making great inroads into stocks, and even the • 'U.S. is not mining enough of this important chemical to keep her industries going full out, SAILY'S SALLIES 'Calot yourself, darling! That's the very first principle of price control.". Clothing Trouble 'On the Double' P. shouldn't happen 10 the K.9 corps, the things they do to GI clothing and equipment at the Army testing center. There, to test durability of uniforms, groups of rugged soldiers crawl 'hrough barbed wire, cement pipes, gullies, thick brush and artificial rain to speed up the wear and tear of experimental Army gear, Here are some ex- cerpts from a day in the short life of a fatigue stilt at the testing cen'er, In green fatigues with white fronts, GI's crawl over cinder -packed rail ties, then down cobblestones, Over a slate rooftop through a downpour of controlled "rain" ...... and now through a cement pipe. Itis tough on men and clothes. TIILPA12M F A little early, perhaps, to tali( about picking peaches: Still, the way the days, weeks, months and even years seem to flit by, maybe these hints front Fred R. Dreiliug, noted horticulturist, as reported in "Coun- 'try Gentleman" might be worth noting by some readers Your peaches—Mr. Dreiling says —are almost certain to sell -better if the buyer can be sure of two things. First, a' peach that's bees picked from the tree at as near its peals quality as possible. Second, one that 115811'1 been bruised in handling. 9 * id Perhaps the best time to harvest peaches for quality is when the ground color is just beginning to change to yellow (or white for white varieties) and while the peach is still firm, Some growers pick their trees at least three tinges to hit this goal. 1 s: (;rowers who are Most successful at marketing their crop usually will tell you that good picking is the re- sult of a smooth -working partner- ship between grower, foreman and • picker. w: * p The pickers themselves can be more effective if they start at one side and circle each tree in the sane direction, If a picker first pulls the highest peaches within easy reach, he will find that many of the low -hanging braiches will ow' tO BY HAI(OLG 'ARNETT scREaN-DOOR 0005'. Arlo EY& CLOTHES LISIB CLOTHES L INE HOOKS SCREEN DOOR HOOKS TIED TO ENDS OF CLOT'HE5L.INIX PROVIDE EASY MEANS FOR PUTTING UP AND TAKING- t OWN LiNE INDOOR lift enough so he won't have to stoop, After he has all of the ripe Peaches that can be reached from the ground, then it the time to set his ladder for the ones on top. Pickers should take hold of the Peach so that the cushions of the lingers, not the tips, touch it. The fruit should he removed by pulling it outward and giving •t slight twist. The peach should be placed, not dropped, in the picking con- tainer and there shouldn't be any steins or twigs attached to it if you want to avoid cutting and bruis- ing of other peaches in the con- tainer, * A: r: When the fruit is emptied, pickers can help avoid bruising it by using their hands to keep it from falling and bumping. A picker can make more money if he keeps his hands close to- gether in front of him and keeps glancing ahead to select the next fruit to pick. And he can save his bade by not stooping, reaching or climbing when his picking con- tainer is nearly full. Start the (HAI. cult picking with an empty con- tainer. * *- Let a -Leta picker seta pace he 0011 keep, then have hint keep at it steadily, One important thing to remember is that picking clothes shouldn't have trouser cuffs. It's loo easy to catch a heel in 1110111 and take a bad fall. * id (' The sante magazine also reports that middle -western dairymen are finding that the right moisture con- tent is more important in top- quality silage than the addition of preservatives. Tt is generally agreed that 65 to 70 per cent moisture is about right for most grasses and legutnes, Art Giese, a highly successful dairyman, has a rale of thumb for moisture percentage. Fre gives a handful of chopped forage a good squeeze, then releases it. 5f the material stays in a compact ball, it probably has more than 70 per cent moisture, handle too wet to c n c gradu- ally a preservative. If it g du- ally swells and breaks into sec- tions, moisture is about right. If it falls apart completely, it's too dry and should be made into bay. *• More than half of a group of farmers surveyed last year made grass silage without preservative by wilting to 65 or 70 per cent moisture. Those who added mo- lasses or ground grains to forage at that moisture level did not im- ssrovc their silage, Farmers ensiling low -moisture forage actually cut quality as 150 to 200 pounds of grain added per ton may further dry the silage by 4 or 5 per cent. Preservatives were useidtl (51(011 forage, especially that from legumes was put in the silo Wet. The re- sulting silage was more palatable and better -smelling. Ground grain and molasses, the most popular preservatives, also reduced seepage loss and boosted feeding values. 5 k, Silage made with choppers .set for a 34-111011 cut kept well 011 most farms when moisture was at 70 per cent. 1\'hen wilted below tihat level. a ae-loch cut was better. Over three-fourths of all grass silage made in Wisconsin last year event through forage harvesters. This method takes about half the time required with thr hay -loader and silo -filler method, New Paint With Magic Qualities In a wonderland of colour, cheul- ists arc performing feats of magic with modern paint". Spotted paint is their latest miracle. Brushed oe sprayed on from c single tin, this gives a polka-dot effect, a light color being speckled with a darker one, Another new paint is called "brit- tle lacquer." It is now being used 10 show the stresses and strains on pieces of machinery or parts of air- craft, ships, cars and weapons. The lacquer coating cracks 11110 a. definite pattern when the forces built up in the material are acting, and thus engineers can plot wlfat they call a "stress nap" of a piece of machinery, which shows the parts bearing the greatest strains. Previously these stresses and strains could only be detected by using a complicated electrical de- vice. A life-saving phosphorescent paint is another r of the latest wonders. A staircase treated with this appears Mike normal m daylight or in arti- ficial light but in darkness it glows so that every stair can be seen. Light switches, fuse boxes, the names of streets and numbers of ]louses, signposts, time -tables, are just a few of the uses to which this "glow-worm" paint can be put. Theatre exits and fire equipment call be painted with it so that in the event of a power cut or failure they will still be visible. Green and white paints—once the first choice of those seeking bright- ness and relief front fatigue in fac- tories and workshops—are being ousted by pale primrose, shades of peach and lemon. Long tests have proved these to be the hest produc- tion boosters. The traditional gleaming white of hospital operating theatres is giviug place to cool pastel shades which reduce glare and prove restful to the surgeons' eyes. In hospital wards it has been discovered that the usual "buff and white colors tend to create a feeling of de- pression," so a warm rose colour is being reconunended. COURTSHIP has been defined as that short space of time between lipstick and mopstick,—Mason City Globe -Gazette. GARDEN NOTES Still Time For Garden 1 Mrs, is plenty of time eel in an) par: 01 Canada to have a real garden. Prtrtically all torts of hardly flowery and vegetables can still be sown and they should con - thine to is. sown at intervals of tee clays to two weeks until well into summer. Spreading nut the garden in this way makes the wort: easier and niroe pleasant, but 11 also spreads the harvest of blooms or vegetables over weeks and months instead of days. In these tunes of high-priced, scarce vege- table, there is a real dollars -and - rents saving in having a plentiful supply Ot regetab les ('11ting Ors right until fall, Suitable Seed lu seed, for iastailce, ft is falpor• taut to use only those recommend- ed for Canadian conditions. Those listed in any reputable Canadiau ted catalogue will be sttitahle be- cause they have all been tested for Canadian conditions. The best seed roils only a few cents per packet but without the best then it does not make much difference how well w e prepare the soil or look after the resulting growth. But cultural directions should he followed, Watch Out For Damage If insects ur disease really get well developed in a garden there is liable to be heavy damage before control can take effect, To guard. against this, experienced garden - yrs are always ort the '801011 for signs of pests and at the first in- dication they open an offensive. ']'hese experts are suspicious when they see a wilted or curled or eaten leaf, even if the insects responsible for seine are too small to he no- ticed by the naked eye. Generally signs are easy to read and cures are readit • } available. Boles in the leaves mean that bugs that chew are present. These are destroyed with poisons. If .the leaves wilt and dry up, sucking in- sects are extracting the plant juices. Sprats or dusts that burn them, but not the foliage. w -ill control 11 leaves turn reddish or greyish this usually indicates the presence of a fungus disease. It is common with climbing roses and hollyhocks especially during muggy weather. Finely ground sulphur and other chemicals will check it. One tail mix his own sprays or dusts but as a rule it is cheaper and also far more convenient to buy ready -mixed preparations, Many of these are combined to control sev- eral different types of pests, the newer DDT dusts and sprays being particularly eifec;,ive, 5 * Keep .Planting Too 21111011 stress cannot. be laid on continuous planting of the standard vegetables like lettuce, radish, beans, carrots, beets, cora, etc, These taste much better when they just begin to reach proper maturity. Beaus, lettuce, corn and such things begin to get tough if left too long. 111 Most parts of Canada it is quite possible to keep planting many vegetables right ftp to mid -Juke. Communists' Cadillac?—The caption accompanying the Soviet - released picture above fails to tag a price on the Zim auto- mobile about to roll off Moscow produc'!on lines. But judging frorn the grill, which bears a suspicious resemblance to that of the 1951 Cadillac, the sleek Russian car is probably beyond the means of the average Ivan, JITTER I'VE GOT TO LOOK RIGHT TODAY • HAVIN' LUNCH WITH THE BIG BOs5/ J ITTER I GET °OWN BEFORE YOU BREAK