The Brussels Post, 1950-9-27, Page 84 .411.10001116, Yir,.w ring in your Films and have thvm finished t the New Larger Prints — you will like 'em. All sizes. Films in stock. Also se our hoto View Post Cards of Brussels. 'ow Save on Noxzema — Special Boudoir 6 oz. size 93c Jar for 79c For complexion and rough hands exall Chloradent Tooth mmoniated Paste 35c Toni Refill Kits $1.25 Companion Baby Cereals, Pablum and Pabena fitamin and Mineral Enriched pre-cooked .7ereals. For variety in taste with same Vourishment — Two Sizes 25c and 50c ood Values in School Supplies — Loose ',eat Note Books, Drawing Paper, Brushes, Inks arad etc. STATIONER DRUGGIST and i'EUEPHONE Na- 62 SMTH Rexall Drug Store BRUSSELS. Ctoill. THE BRUSSELS POST digEn.6619162100EMMilialEttditaititasitrawasagestalatiMatillaitaa=913260120iMMIlklit. 1 VetnaltINEISOMEESZerraeneraernMarOMMS=Sannia.Mann=1MMEESEnMetnenaz, FREDERICK F. HOMUTH MEMORIALS Phm. B., R. 0. Wird alf..43.4 MMVIOIRIAL SHOP Carol E. Hornuth R. 0. famous for Mrs. H. Viola Flomuth R. 0. Artistic Memorials Registered Optometrists at very reasonable prices. hone 118 Harriston, Ont Always a Large stock in choir --- • granites to chose from )R SALE— I Cemetery lettering a specialty 1N Rock x Light Sussex Hybrid All modern machinery Illets, ready to lay. R. A. sPormN ernard Thomas Phone 11-r-11. 25g wingham, FOR TR B IDE w. G. LEACH The Store for Beautiful Gifts , Jeweller Brussels 141,0(?1' Phone 2A, !Brussels, OW.. .1.3,....noxypyLLASLIA.....PLaktOgrorotalle.s..1**11110.4.1.1..* FALL FAR SPECiALS Men's Biltmore Fur Felt Hat, Reg. 4.50 -- 6.50, Your Choice — Fair Special $3.95 A few Men's Work Pants—Fair Special 1.95 Boys Wool Cloth Windbreakers to Clear Reg. 4.25 — Fair Special 2.95 Boys Sharkskin Jackets, Reg. 4.50 Fair Special 2.95 Men's Cardigan Sweaters, Reg. 4.25 Fair Special 3.25 Boys Raincoats (2 only) 30-34 Oilskin Reg. 5.95 — Fair Special 3.95 We cordially invite you to come in our store while visiting our local Fair. There is no obligation to buy — the Fall Stock is on display. W_TLtit, Now is the time to be thinking of your winter heating requirements. Stoves are going to be scarCe. Come in and look them over now while the stock is complete. Coal and wood ranges with or without reservoirs. Fess Oil Burners — Quebec Heaters. Esstane Gas and Electric Ranges. See the much advertised Warm Morn- ing Heaters, with the automatic damper control. We now have one slightly used McLary coal and wood range and one used McLary electric range Also—stove boards, fire screens, stove & furnace pipes made to your specification. Order your D. L. <'?z W. Blue Cloal now. Stove size on hand, shortly. lelElech Telephone 68 •••-•• fLe=g11-• 4/fraTe0.1r... Jif s F nut size expected r Was r Brussels etr Por she NaLiaMG NERD Min Your grain with a Purina Cow Chow Supplement to / make a real 16% ndlli-malting ration. PURINA COW CHOW ir4 v7. \:j2 v0 Ft - DRY COWS To help build dry cowup for reduced calving troubles and extra milk ahead, feed Purina Sulky•Las and oats —half and half! BULKY -LAS and OATS Brussels Wpdnesdny, September 27'th, 1350 *12,19114.1.10110011•116111661.1.112141.4•VWW11101,..31.1•11M.M.O.Tic*Malintarel..14.1.11aa.M901A¢Mintalltlell...101,1.1.401"-Olv • Create i y PHONE 22 BRUSSELS \ CRASH ON HIGHWAY way Si at Morrishank collier on rri- Result of a two -car crash on High. day afternoon, two men were ad - milted to NVingha.m General Hospttal. Admitted were Fern C. Walker, 51, I of Stratford, who suffered a fractur- ed skull, facial lacerations, and con- cussions. conditioni serious; John Davidson, of St, Catharines, driver of the other car, with injuries to Iboth knees. .... Involved in the crash were cars driven by Fern Walker, traveller for a Stratford firm, and a Car driven by Sohn Davidson. Both cars were extensively damaged. Provincial police C, salters, of Wingham, investigated the accident. _nanamlauteangliel.X.V.MOSalnantietaXlatanalanknnOntniAnni. elMeii's Shen ifge Sheflubrication Shen Hwusehold and Shen Petroleum Pre:41Jc*. General Repair Livestock spray Parte an Accessonice hone 77-r-6 Brussels, OWL AUSTIN SALES AND SERVICE inizeZZWERVICOMIMMOMMEEML4ElLiffiEIROdal6EMISSEIIIIIMOMMEMAIMMILESEASHKEI% AINISPIEW"MitECIESMIEUENEMISM•12112522011SAVDMERfillaillk J 1 CASE FARM MACHINERY 1 — Model VA Case Tractor 1 — 16 run Power Seed Drill on Rubber 1 — 7 ft. Double Disc 1 — 81/2 ft. Stiff Tooth Cultivator 1 — 8 ft. Packer 2 — 7 ft. Power Mowers on Rubber 1 — Horse Manure Spreader on Steel 2 — Tractor Spreaders on Rubber 1 — Elevator on Rubber 2 — 2 Furrow Tractor Plows one on Rubber one on Steel 1 — Used Model C Case Tractor on Steel (Cheap) These machines all purchased before prise increase. Can be purchased at a Great Savings. el Riverside Motors J 1 Case Dealer Dealer For Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Phone 56 Brussels, Ont. We limie You To See The New McCLry Veil" era -or Years Ahead in Design and Beauty Over 9 Cu. Ft. Capacity in less kitchen space. See It ow GREG -;.'S HARD Phone 17 PULLETS FOR SALE — LAYING 500 Sussex x Reds. 500 Leghorn x Rocks. 500 Hamp. x Rock. 500 Hemp x Sussex. 500 Leghorns. Frank Mitchell — Wroexter, t ARE Brussels Honey For Sale — Amber honey in your own con- tainer 12c per lb. Wallace Ross Seaforth AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects and Property Albert Street Brussels on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14th Sale commences at 1 P. M. 2 upholstered settees 2 upholstered rockers 2 tbree piece bedroom suites com- plete. 2 rocking chairs 2 arm chairs 1 day bed with mattress 2 tables 1 extension 7 kitchen chairs. 1 range with warming closet (coal or wood) 1 sideboard with mirror 1 hand washing machine and wringer 2 commode chairs. 1 adult, 1 child's 1 rug 9' x 12' 1 piece lineoleum 6, x 12' 1 cream separator 1 heater (coal or wood) 1 croquinole hoard 1 high chair 6 piece toilet set 1. set child's skis 2 mirrors 2 antique clocks 2 electric irons 1 antique iron tea kettle 1 screen door 2 6 ft. cross -cut saws 1 1,,, cream freezer 1 chair 'step ladder ' 1 coal -oh heater 1 10 qat. iron kettle 1 galvanized Washing tub 2 iron cooking nets Quantity earpenter's tools 1 grindstone 1 set of ropes & blocks 1 scythe, garden tools and shovels Small ouaritity of lumber 1 Child's hob -sleigh 2 ladders, 1 doz. grain. bags Quantity of sacks 1 copper boiler 3 axes 2 lawn mowers Quantity of dishes (sotne antique) Cooldng untensils, sealers 6-1 gal. jugs. Many other articles too nnmercuis to mention. Terms Cash Property—Consists of 2 storey house, '•stable and 2 lots on Albert St., Brus- sels. -Terms 10% down, balance with- in 30 days. Subject to a reserve bid liarold Jackson, Auctioneer. Dean Davison, Clerk, F. Kerne', Prop. ionminnenostrionnww.annonamonoranano at 40, 50, 60T: Man You're Crazy glPrpb),7e.Pvilkaridororial 741017; um. doling auo Bolt tdo.nedrenifygt Iron Oatwhiph momaarogietayorpar,,,„u1,,,xhAra vorbresty.08 redrus"00tatOarerovenrrawm" r0•01",9004'." SIMEIMMIMMKrug/Waramaltialratum=211,MatWaln CEMENT BLOCKS Immediate delivery HURON CONCRETE PRODUCTS Phone nen Senferth DENT'S SHOE REPAIR A good selection of WORK GLOVES for the fall from cotton gloves at 35c per pair to $2.50 for linesman gloves. Rubber Boots for the whole family. Agent for Armitage's Dry Cleaners Dry Cleaning Dyeing and Berlou Moth- proofing (Guaranteed for ten years) None Better. AY, M1V -14VffdININO likairtvoilt% dor, ePt, ve For Fall and Winter Goods at Last Year Prices at the Arcade Store Women's and Misses' Winter Coats, in the latest styles in plain or fur trim, half - chamois, and guaranteed celanee lining. $29.95 up. • Women's and Misses' New Fall Dresses in wool jerseys and crepes $12.95 up Women's and Misses' Satin Station Wagon .Coats, with wool quilted lining $25.00 up Lovely Lace Trimmed •Blouses sizes 12 to 20, $2.98. Large assortment of Men's, Women's and Children's Pure Wool and Nylon Pullover Sweaters and Cardigans at last year prices Ibex Flannelette Blankets, sizes 70x90 $5.25 a pair, Large assortment of Wooleltes forT5yjamas and Nightgowns in 20 new patterns 59c a yard Rubber Boots and Rubber Footwear for the whole family at last year prices. 111••••••••••••=MMISIMII, THE ROADIE ,t;TORE Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Family Phone 61 it!00 84; Brussekal, Ont. Oliklgenlef..12.19.01.f......nips........cgon....1.11.11910113111,011.1M1.115.10.1•111ennertp... /1,1.11••••,IIIIINOOMMentp POULT Y.— EGGS — FEED Stor I, • ge Lockers Each Locker Insured Against Fire. Phone 80 Brussele, Ont.