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The Brussels Post, 1950-5-17, Page 6
You will• be delighted with this fragrant tea SALADA @UM T3 oa Rider's for the HO0t Owl by G. H. SHARP CHAPTER TWO (Continued From Last Week; So hC sat there, every nerve pulled to the breaking point. every muscle tense, tiatelitng to the lies Ab Abbot and his men told tinder oath• He sat there, knowing that every person there in the courtroom was watching, hint, some of them condemning hint for the murder of his best friend. That was what hen. Their eyes accused him. Joe Blake took the stand. ile talked reluctottly. The judge had to call him .acral times when he protested hotly that \\'ebb had u.,t killed Eon, .\nler.on. But bit by bit, the pro -venting attorney brought out the facts. flme Lob Anderson had had that tire: thou- sand dollars ill cash on hint, How he had suddenly, Lir s.nn; reason, decided to ride home that evening. Blake had cautioned Bob .\u.ierson, so he admitted. there 00 the stand. He had told Bub that a than leas. tatting a long chance when lie rod, along a dark trail with that t much money on hint. Ile was t, fool to pack around money. careless, toe Dlake's testimony, reluctantly- giv- en, was damning Webs. Winters. \\']ten he quit tihc stand. 1•.c evened beside where Wel,!, sat. „That damn .yer drug it nota me, Webb, I know you never killed Bob. 1'd a '•end Halter tette 1st an eye than say w hat 1 :said o he stand. He drug it outa me. 1 couldn't lie out of it." "That's all right. Joe," ,was R'ehii s quiet reply. 'Von Incayour best." The scar -facet 'lex was called to the stand. He crus -ed his long legs and1 t c m d back. Hehad €,. ion old overalls and a faded blue flannel shirt He hadn't taken off 'his spues and he needed a shave. I3is puckered e • s looked pu d ye eked at the judge and a queer sort ru of grin spread across his weather-beaten face. "Ton might as well save time ray lettin' me off the stand, judge, I'm Webb \Vinter'e friend, savvy, and I'd lie my way plumb to heli before I'd teeth's anything that would hurt hint. Anyhow, my testimony could he throwed out. l'm an ex -convict with a tough record. You're just wastin' your time askin' me questions, Judge." "I'm inclined to believe you are right." smiled the white-haired judge. " Pismi,.sed " She'll think slits mighty smart when site's wearing her new Bunny .. Pinafore! It's darling with gay ruf- fle and sweet pansy trim. Use bright contrasts for Bunny Pinafore Pattern 79$. Transfer; cutting guide; sizes 2, 4, 6, Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS in cohts (stamps cannot be ac- cepted) for this pattern to Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St, New Toronto, Ont.. l'tiat plainly PATTERN NUMBER, yti(ir NAME and AD- DRESS. lefee a eyes were bright with un• shed tears as she. looked at the tall. rough -looking Texan. Her smile thanked him for bit loyalty to the man on trial. The case had gone to the jury. there in the dusk of the eecoed din of the murder trial. The prosecutor had asked for a haugittg verdict. He was an ambi- tious young attorpey not long out of law school. Webb had no money with wlticl• to hire an attorney. Old Judge Anders. whose love for whisky had broken his life and taken away his law practice, had offered to defend Webb. Some time or another. Webb had done hint some sort of favor and the battered old attorney had not forgotten. So he put aside his whisky bottle, shook the moth- ball, out of a black broadcloth suit, and in that dusty little courtroom lie made his final plea to the jury. As lie talked, you could hear no sound save that silvery voice and the breathing of those who listened. Jurymen sat on the edge of their chairs. missing not a word of that gallant speech. The judge on the bench was visibly moved. Even the tailored prosecuting attorney list- ened with respectful attention. Tile white-haired attorney told of the friendship between Bob Anderson and Webb Winters. He dwelt ttpott incidents that showed a brotherly love between the two melt. "Gentlemen of the fury," he lilt• ished. tears wetting his cheeks, "take a last look at Webb Winters. Remember all I have told you. [1 you can find it in your hearts to vote that cowboyguilty of murder- ing rder- ing his best frierad bring in a bang- ing verdict," The old attorney's voice broke. Slowly, he turned away and walked out ofr the courtroom, He was s go- ing to his humble cabin to put away his rusty black suit. He was going back to the bottle that ltad stood uncorked, there on his table, all during the trial, Judge, jury and spectators watched the departure of the old warrior whose spell still held them silent. The judge blew his nose and addressed the jury. His voice was not quite steady when he spoke, giving theta their instructions be- fore they retired. • When the jury went out, a few of the spectators left. but most of them stayed, forgetting their hun- ger for supper, held by cariosity. The judge had quit his bench and gone to his chambers. Ile needed a little drink and a pipe of plug tobacco after that speech he had listened to He had hardly Finished his pipe when he was infortned that the jury had reached a verdict. He went back into the courtroom. nodded to the foreman. "Your Honor," said the foreman, 'we find the defendant not guilty." (Coneetted Next Week ) ITNDAY SCIIOOI' LESSON By Rev, R. Barclay Warren Hosea, The Man and His Message Hosea 4:1-9; 6:1.3: 10:12.13 Golden Text: My people are des- troyed for lack of knowledge. -110 - sea 4:Ga., The store of flocea's family life is one of the strangest in the Bible. The Lord said to hint, "(to, take a wife of whoredom and children of witoredontst for the laud hath K'ottittlttecl great whoredom, de- parting from the Lord." 'Chug his married life became an object les- son to all Israel. Three children were born, two boys and a girl. They were given names that were tokens tef coating judgment to Is- rael. '!'hen hunter played the harlot with other lovers. Hosea pointed out to Israel her wickedness in forsaking the true trod and going after other gods and loving flagons of wine. But Hosea went after his unfaithful wife. "So I bought her to me for fifteen pieces of silver and an homer and a half of barley. And 1 said unto her, 'Thou shalt abide for me many days; tltou shalt not play the harlot, and thou shalt not be for another man; so will I also he for thee." The family was again restored.: o Israel would be brought back to (sod. Hosea pointed out the sins of Israel in no uncertain terms; swearing, lying, killing, stealing. committing adultery. But through all the denunciation, God's amts of love are still open. Ile intreats them to return to Him, 1l ore of that will be seen in next Sunday's lesson. A careful reading of Hosea will teach .tis malty timely lessons. When Gunter left her husand she was not so happy as she thought she would be. In fact her mirth ceased. So it is for those who break their marital vow, and for those who, in the pursuit and prac- tice of any sin. forsake the Lord Jesus Christ. Tales bout The Little Princesses Marion Crawford, who has writ- ten "The I.ittle Princesses," was governess for seventeen years to Princess Elisabeth a n d Princess Margaret. She kept a day-to-day diary of everything that occurred. She has many fascinating stories to tell. \\'hut first interviewed by King George \', she was told: "For goodness' sake teach 'Margaret and Lillibet to write a decent hand. Not one of my- children can \•rite prop- erly." She also says, "1 found a wonderful ally in Queen Mary, whose advice and suggestions were always helpful and practical," "'Th little e te girls were close friends," writes "Crawfie," as she was affectionately known, "though both had fiery tempers and from time t iw o nt - t c cold set abouteach other in good old nursery fashion -with no quarter given, Looking back, it seems to me that Lillibet was perhaps an unusually good child. Though when she did rebel against authority, she did it in her own particularly determined and final math'"." Lillibet was very fond of horses, "If . I - ant ever Queen,' she said firmly, "I shall make a law that there must be no riding on Sundays. Horses should have a rest. too. And I shan't let anyone docte a pony's tail!" Of .Princess Margaret, Marion Crawford says. "She is very artistic and could have made a name for herself as an artist, singer or danc- er." As a little girl Princess Mar- garet het el confirmed favourites among fairy tales, which she re- mennhered word by word. "She liked the sante story over and over again, rather than a new one she didn't know. She listened very in- tently and knew her favourites by heart, Most of all she liked tine 'Little Red Hen,' She would stop uta to correct ate. ' 'Crawfne," you haven't said . , .1' It had to go exactlly the same way every time." j CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACItos9 1, Vegotabl be 8, lasagne 11. Cask 12. Piece above a door 14, Marlon lamb 10, Toward the stern 17. Depart 18 naver5Ce 19 Stop 20. Toting dog i drrmnpn.i 22. Simper t3.7ndoantte amount 14. Salary 00 Puns away 07. Circle 28. Loly dt9 section 29, Pay out 31. Anlmuntton chest 24, sea eagle 55, Ono of equal srt ports 59, Proposed language 87, American poo 53. Gnat round plate, 49. Peet 40, Peacock moth '41. Panful 43, Grape, 43. Burning 47.8 baled 43. Kernels DOWN 1, vote 1, Meet 1 L9.ke 3. Brahman Parrot 4. Noon (synth.) 5, Drudging 0. Plat bottle 7, Cleft 0. Industrious insect 1 2 9. .Pronoun 10, Pod 12. Ornamen to 13, Canters 10, Poet 19, Improve 20. Composition. In verso 22. Bactcbon e 23, half -melted snow 2S. Peace goddess 28, Move917ghtty 28. Liturgical ascription 4 5 .0 7 9. Color 0. Trial impress tone 1, Tax 2, Musical Instruments 3. Slipknot 9, Weary . 3. Silver coin 9, Greed? 1. Obese 2, Employ 4. Southern ,tato ab,) 46, Cance. Hang s AnswIr elsewhere on this page. Putting On The Doghouse -Michael Capri, 20 months old, finds accommodations a bit too cramped for his liking as he tries on "I.)onnie's" portable doghouse for size. Tile canine capers occurred on board the SS Italia. The boy and his dog are on their tray to stay with Michael's aunt. HOW CAN 1? By' Anne Ashley Q. How can I clean kid gloves.' A. Put the gloves on the hands, then wash in spirits of turpentine in the same manner as when wash- ing the hands, When clean, hang the gloves in a warm place, or where there is a current of air. , . . Q, How can I keep fruit from hemming black after peeling? A. Always use a sharp silver knife for peelin;; fruit, as steel is very liable to blacken the fruit, ;l. flow can I prevent dryness of the hair, anti also bring out the lights of hlolndc hair? A. Warm castor oil rubbed into the hair the night before a shampod will correct excessive dryness. Le- mon in the rinse brings out the beauty of blonde hair; vinegar should be used by brunettes. Follow the rinse with one of clear water. Q. How can 1 prevent pricking the finger \Omit unending the finger of a glove! A, First put the finger into a thimble and then into the glove. This avoids pricking the finger. Gloves of leather or skin should be mended with cotton thread, never with sbIlc, ' iNGERF ey ewcmdottt.e, P. Ceeenlee. It looks as if the pattern for spring is much the same as that of 19 Looking 9. L 4oo n back over last o g year's chronicles I find that on May 5, are were w"halfway g t cthrough seeding" so g it must have been the latter part of April before we really started. And the chances are this year will be about the same .. . as I write the date is April 25. Of course locality makes a differ- ence. Last Friday we saw men out on the land down near the Front, and our own land is drying fast, but in the Guelph district fields are still soggy and impossible to work -that is, according to friends who came to visit yesterday, They were decidedly worried. The farmer said it had been a tough winter .. • thirty-five head of cattle to feed, and they had been buying hay, grain concentrate and even bedding for the stock -and now heavy ex- penditures were in the offing for spring seeding. * r: But that's the way it goes. There's money in farming in good years -but comes the time wheat there are poor crops, poor pasture and a poor catch of gress seed - then it is that farmers really get worried. That is also the time when poor farm management takes a beating and thrifty farmers win out. But let me hasten to add that un- forseen circumstances may arise so that even the good farmer may also lose out. Sickness in the family , hospital bills .. , Ore ... loss of a valuable cow or a litter of pigs . , , any of these can spell the difference between a ]card year and a, prosperous one. The farmer needs to be a philosopher so that he can resign himself to take things as they conte -the good with the bad; one year with another. * 5 * Sorting out some papers the other clay this caption caught my -"Faruters too thrifty for their own good." Are they? What do you think? What is thrift anyway? How do we differentiate between thrift and meanness? So often one is taken for the other. It seems to me that when times are good there is less thrift and apparently tnore generosity because it is only na- tural for people to be generous when no personal sacrifice is in- volved, But when money is hard to come by it is then that you find the difference between thrift and meanness. At such times the thrifty person is still generous but the mean person is meaner titan ever. But we don't hear somuc much about thrift these days. At one time it looked was e u a 0o d on as n admirable n quality but now it has become trore or less old-fashioned. People s eo 1 p don't bother to "make do" as they used to . . . this thing and that tiring isn't worth fixing . . throw it out -get a new one, Why waste half a day to save a dollar .. spend that dollar and save your- self time and trouble. It sounds logical, doesn't it -but the point is, is the time saved put to good ad- vantage? And then again, we all have our• pet economies, and, I suppose, foolish ways of spending money, NN€ 441ST 'amEj C�srlr 4 tz t. "Dear Anne Hirst: I am a middle-aged widow, and I'm writing you about a man of my age, We were born in the same £own, wideit fact became the basis of oto' recent friendship. "He has been divorced 14 years my hus- band Inas been dead for seven, We both have grown children. I need connpan- ionship, he needs a home. "He drinks some, but I've never seed hien take too touch. Financially, he just ex- ists, while I have enough to keep myself, though not lavishly. He has }tad responsible positions; I don't know wlty he dict not hold them, except that the war ended one job. "I see him each day and evening for a white, Lately when I visited my son 1 returned long oefore I meant to, because I missed kiln, "Can I be sure he will stick, attd help provide for us? Shall I ' be inquisitive and aslc hitt-or others? I hate spying of all things, and T'm not perfect either, A WIDOW" LET TIME TELL * A widow misses the cotupau- * ionship of a husband. But a wi- * clow lnttst have sante security. '' you get along very well on your * income and .you want t0 be sure * you are not marrying tt lttalt * whom you utay, some da, have * to support * This is the crux of your prob- * Ism, isn't it? * You two are congenial, You have both been married before. * This ratan misses his own home. * You have one. He has evidently * shown that he cares for you, * for your part, you think you * could have a good life with (tint. * One way to find out his finata- *cial status and his sense of re- * sponsibility, is to create a crisis, * Just now he has the habit of * dropping in once or twice a day. *You enjoy his visits. But he still * has not divulged his circum- * stances, nor his prospects for a * secure future. In other words, he * is taking you for granted, without * being frank about himself, * Of course you feel diffident * about asking hitt questions, and * you could not bring yourself to * ask anyone else. * Begin making excuses not to see * hitt. Plead another engagement, * or any other business. He will * wounder what is happening to this * friendship, and understand that * ire must -snake sure that your * interest in hint is still alive and * warm, * If he is as anxious to marry * you as you feel you are, this * situation will force the issue. * A widow in your circumstances * has to protect herself, Clear the * air, before yotl Cotltc to care * more for ititn, * a * No matter how malty children a widow has, site still needs the companionship of her contempor- aries to enjoy a full life. lent be Wary! Amte Hirst is here to help you, if you will write her at Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St, New Toronto. ISSUE 19 - 1950 Just recently I have been very busy with my pet economy scheme -braiding rugs! For the kitchen I used old overalls and a worn-out piece of ticking which resulted in a strong, firm doormat, saving the cost of a cocoa -fibre mat. Maybe I put more than $2 worth of time into my mat -but then I was mak- ing nee of something that would otherwise have been thrown away. Actually, that is my idea of thrift -making the best use of what you've got; using everything for some good purpose if at all pos- sible; taking care of things so they last longer ---but not to the point of meanness -there is no thrift in being penny wise and pound foolish --there is a time to save and a time to spend or, as an old Italian proverb says very neatly "Saving is getting," Isn't that tile? Saving to small things is one way of getting the big things. Generally we have to vhoose between the two, Well, I wish Old Sol would be more generous with his sunrays and the north-west wind 'a little more niggardly with his breezes. It is colder in the house than it is outside very often. Put an online ary fire in the furnace and the house is too hot; check the fur- nace right off and the fire goes out. However, warmer weather must be on the way as I have frilled two flies and one mosquito! And we have also heard the swamp frogs singing. Twice they have been "shut up" -one more time and we can be sure that spring is here, You know what the old timers say - "You can't have spring until the swamp frogs have been shut up three tunes." Some of these ole[ legends and superstitions sound strange to our ears but a lot of then` come very close to the truth, After all, how else dict the Indians know what to expect, except by watching the birds and the beasts? There was no weather bureau yt,ttrs ago to forecast changes in wind and weather OE. Arany Air Force Tyro NJ V J V V 1 lr>,i CJ 5E 5 Woma, and ws n'+ ares � Genuine Leatherette Co,,, included BIG VALUE 188 S9tt9ationall Priced I Y d ars only * . COW green nn•ntsruv eurved, ,noll.rhe0 louses. * •Atldeslnblo frames * •Ponrlsid swout-bar suit Soso -pads * Reinforcing liar for grouter durability * Lenses meet spaeilieation of V.B. Govt. Bureau of Standards. I.TRETT910I GUARAN'TL'.l. Included with Oltb• Ir of glassess 10 -DAY TRIAL eaatoxrv-tt:wcic GUARANTOR,ARtnAx'1'Tcp; -^ tM'A'IriTHls• COUPON, TO0A.Yl: ,-.-. 1 F viGTonia T Dept. G -nae l218 :VolFa St.. Termite. Ont. Please vend me ........ ... .. Man', 1 ,,..., ,..., woman's San Classes. 777 Sand C,O.b. 11 Enclosed find $ Molt Podpotd. 11 'Name • IAddreu iL -o•' - i Prov: =r_.g Don't Suffer Needlessly From The Torturing Pains Of ARTORMS RNEU , p Try DQLQIN . • • now available In three convenient 515e4. The oast is reasonable , .. the result I, prompt ropes from the pain of Arthritis, Rheumatism and Neuritis. DOLOINelansaunpleasant e, non laidoftre-,lt� does for harm the heart or 5117 other organ, Your druggist lute' DOLOIN. Get a bottle today and let DOLCIN help you come out from lmtler tatl nae-Ibote £cref atpain! AOLC1INura green and white p5 for ogs t 100 tablets for 52.80-- 200 tnblfLv fo53,05-also available In bottles of 500 tablets. llolnin Limited. Toronto 70, Oratorio. And fie RELIEF IS LASTING For remarkably fast relief from head, ache get INaTAt7Tjeo , For real relief get INSTANTrxs• Forprolonged relief get XNsrANlimeI Yes, more people every day are finding that INSTANrixs is one thing to ease pain fast. For headache, for rheumatic pain, aches and pains of colds, for neuritic or neuralgic pain you can depend on INs'rArrTsoea to bring you quick comfort. INSTANTIxa is made like a doctor's prescription of three proven medical ingredients. A single tablet usually brings fast relief; Get lnstantine today and always keep it handy 12-Tobiet Tin 250 Economical 4B -Tablet Bottle 69¢ Upside down to prevent Peeking, r`!xGO33S1�rr��dta31V5' N 1 s a n tF~G13 1'Y V '7 . br /1 n'' lit d a t d © ©©Enu Q %'1:.'00 {{.,,, m now :mum f*= ,pm ti. 'lt:;.© 't' ti S S 0 3"f 1r 1O d ;kW;:l d y l flr q g, .w\y 1-13 ©88 dobe il "f t b YOU yttsAN AN AVERAGE WIT 4F1 RITE FALL PAiNT FO? LESS THAN $25' EP T FLITi5 Canada's Favourite Water - paint because it's so economical, so easy to mix and apply with brush or roller, dries odor- less in an hour to a durable, cleansable finish, In 8 colors and white! Why not get the best for less! Askyour paint dealer now for color card, MADE Or WESCO WATERPAINTS (cAsaoA) LTD 2100 SL PATRICK ST, MONTREAL World's Largest Wafer Paint Makin/ 50-t �.'i °e0%e°e°°e°°� �;e`:t:•°� a :T: °e°°'`°°a+°�o�Qse• ♦ °°° °° •°O'°'P' � oe a°°"�°e^P`°•.e.4ps i opt ` ° ° '°° t °�O°O P°`°.�O �0°°O�ep vi�eve �!d ��s i �i'�+s e•.�a�° ° it