The Brussels Post, 1950-5-17, Page 2All Started From
One Stalk of Wheat
Farther north than ever before in
the American continent, farmers are
now able,to cultivate crops of wheat,
They are sowing a new variety of
seed, which is the result of co-
operative research within the Com-
monwealth between Canadian far-
mers and experts --the National In-
stitute of Agricultural Botsny at
Cambridge, and the Plant Breeding
Bureau, also at Cambridge.
Canadian wheat -growing presents
the particular problem of having to
be done in a season little snore than
a third as long as that enjoyed by
farmers in Europe; but remarkable
success has been achieved in de-
veloping varieties to cope with local
conditions, as Mr. F. R. Horne,
Director of the National Institute at
Cambridge, explained in the BBC's
Overseas Services:
"It was front Europe that the first
really successful wheat was sent
to Ontario, to a young Scottish
settler by the name of David Fife;
that was in he year 1842. Of the
handful of grain that left the port
of Glasgow in an envelope, only
one plan was able to reach maturity
in the short Canadian summer, and
it was this single plant that gave
rise to the remarkable variety known
as "Red Fife," which spread
throughout the great wheat -growing
areas of Canada and the U.S.A.
'The quality was extremely good,
for the grain yielded a high pro-
portion ion of white flour, and made
better loaves than anyother
But since it was a late ripening
variety, "Red Fife" was often dam-
aged by the early autumn frosts.
By crossing it with another variety
from the1
Calcutta area of India, a
Canadian scientist called Saunders
obtained a type known as "Mar-
quis", which ripens about a week
earlier, and thus avoids the danger
of serious frost damage.
'Another crossbred wheat, called
"Garnet," was introduced in 1926,
and this has enabled wheat -growing
to be extended much farther north
than was previously possible, be-
cause it ripens almost a fortnight
earlier than "Marquis."
'Many diseases are liable to attack
wheat, but the combined efforts of
plant disease specialists and breed-
ers have led to the production of
disease-free varieties, such as
"Thatcher," which have added at
least 40,000,000 bushels to the yield
of wheat in Canada.
'More recently, the Canadian De-
partment of Agriculture has dis-
tributed on a large scale a new
variety, "Saunders", it ripens from
four to six days earlier than "That-
cher" and gives an equally good
It also has the quality of grain
of "Marquis." Moreover, the new
variety has a stronger straw, and
is resistant to stem rust, so that it
is an extremely valuable addition to
Canadian wheats. It is this variety
which is today being sown and
harvested farther north than ever
'The improvement in yield in
Canada alone through the breeding
of these improved varieties up to
the present date is estimated to
amount to at least 120,000,000 bush-
els—enough to provide a staple diet
for an extra 30,000,000 people.'
Wins Stanley Cup—Pete Ba-
bando of the Detroit Red
Wings in The National Hockey,
League scored the winning
goal at Detroit beat the New
York Rangers 4 to 3 in the
seventh and last game be-
tween these two teams for the
Stanley Cup. Babando scored
the goal at 8.21 of the second
overtime period.
Canadian Invention
A machine weighing less than one
hundred pounds, which was invent-
ed by Edwin Slither, Canadian en-
gineer, builds two monolithic con-
crete walls at the same time, It has
been in use in England and Canada
for several years. The first of these
machines in the United States, is
now building houses in Florida. Be-
tween two walls, each four inches
thick, is a two-inch air space.
Around doors and windows and at
the foundation and roof, this ten -
inch wall is securely sealed against
vermin, heat, cold, sound, fire, mois-
ture and hurricanes. Similar walls
proved highly effective against
bomb -blast concussions in the blitz
shelters of London during the war,
Furring and lath are unnecessary
on the interior or heavy stucco and
weather proofing on the exterior.
From the New York Times.
Important Catch—Anton Nilsson, captain of ,a Swedish fishing
boat, points to the hole in an airplane wheel his vessel picked up
in the Baltic Sea. Naval authorities say the wheel could have
come from the unarmed Navy plane that disappeared over the
Baltic after an attack by Soviet fighters. Nilsson and the wheel
are now in Stockholm, Sweden.
A - 0
Most folks who raise beef cattle
know that they can make more beef
on a mixture of legume and grass
than is possible on straight grass.
But they also know that it's a tough
job to keep a good legume -grass
mixture going for more than two or
three years. That's because the
grass has a tendency to crowd out
the legumes.
* * *
Nine years of testing at the Il-
linois Experimental Farm showed
the following results: They got 342
pounds of gain per acre the first
year of a legume -smooth brome
pasture. The following year, they
got 126 pounds LESS gain, as the
smooth brome had taken over 80
to 85 per cent. of the pasture. And
at the same time, the gains on a
legume -orchard grass mixture
DROPPED from 245 pounds to
* ,k *
The Illinois folks are still working
on the perfect answer to this prob-
lem, But, up to now, they have
found that what works best for
them is called the Haas mixture.
This is a mixture of two bushels of
oats, with 2 lbs. of red clover,
sweet clover, alsike clover, timothy
and rape per acre. Steers gained as
much as 298 pounds per acre on
first-year Haas mixture, and UP
YEAR! Sounds interesting, to say
the least!
* * *
A lot of the news you see regard-
ing farming these days seems to
echo the tone of what you read on
the front and editorial pages. While
those whose task it is to peer into
the future aren't predicting disaster
today, or even tomorrow, still their
outlook is rather gloomy. So, for a
change, this success story—as re-
ported in The Farm Journal (Phil-
adelphia)—might be welcome. It
tells of how a man, over in Indiana,
was almost wiped out back in 1940,
but managed to build his income
from $700 to $17,000 in less than a
decade. What's more, it was cows
that pulled hint through.
* .5 *
Ten years ago, things weren't
going any too smoothly for Russel
Magnus; in fact, he freely admits
he was just about down to his last
nickel. The general situation was
not any too good, and a had attack
of Bang's disease and mastitis had
just about wiped out his dairy herd,
* * *
But this farmer and his wife
weren't the easy quitting type. They
were willing to try it again, so they
pulled up stakes, bundled together
their six children, and toolc off for
a farm they had bought about 60
miles away.
k * *
It wasn't much of a farm. You
probably know the sort—old. hilly,
run -down --a fine place to go really
broke on, But it hadn't cost much
—around $40 an acre—anti it was a
place to make a start with two
'cull" cows and free heifers they
took along.
* :k *
Although Mangus was down for
the count then, he was far from
"out," as the events of the last 10
years prove. Since then, lois wheat
yield has jumped from 10 bushels
to 30 bushels per acre; his oat yield
has climbed from 25 bushels to 50
bushels; his corn is tip from 25
bushels to as high as 90 bushels.
And his herd of seven cows has
grown to 45.
* * *
Those cows are doing mighty well,
too. Last year, they averaged --on
teat -13,311 pound of milk, and 448
pounds of butterfat.
.Mangus' gross income of $700
that first year has climbed to $17,000
in 1947, and $15,000 in 1948.
t * '5
How did he do it? Well, those
dairy cattle, for one thing; they ate
up the roughage it took to put
through Mangus' land improvement
* k *
When he went on the farm, grass
would hardly grow on half of the
place. So, little by little, he limed;
fertilized; tested his soil; re -limed;
re -fertilized; changed his fences;
sunk some deep-rooted legumes into
his tired, hard -to -work soil; and
planted several acres of evergreens
on sante washed-out slopes—and
added some grass waterways.
9 * *
Back in 1940, Mangus had to buy
hay; 20 acres of meadow on the
back of the farm yielded exactly
seven tons of timothy. Now he gets
an easy average of three tons of
alfalfa -clover to the acre.
* * *
Just in case you're wondering
what happened to the disease trou-
bles, don't sell Mangus short; he
learned his lesson. Now his herd
gets a Bang's test and a T.B. test
every six months or so. IIe keeps
his cows healthy. And those healthy
cows gave him a net profit last year
—above feed costs—of $370.10
* * *
Today, after 10 years, Mangos
has his farm prastically paid for.
He could have paid for it by now,
but he has improved, remodeled and
modernized the buildings on the
:k :k *
He and his family ate living a
lite that's a far cry* from that $700
beginning back in 1940.
Where Did The
Wild Pigeon Go?
\Vhat happened to the millions of
beautiful passenger pigeons once so
common in America and now be-
lieved to be extinct? This mystery
is referred to by Miss W. L. Puxley
in her absorbing book of travel,
"Strayed Among Lonely Islands,"
In the last century, they were so
numerous as to constitute e plague.
She describes;
"A vast host of beautiful birds
with long tails and bright red
bodies, which literally filled the
"For three days, the birds kept
on flying in a column a utile wide,
and the whole column was about
250 miles long when a fresh one
appeared. Round and round they
wheeled as they swept by, with
such a rush of millions of wings
that no one could snake their voices
heard unless they shouted, however
near to the person addressed, When
they settled to rest, they left the
woods in ruins far 40 utiles, and
great branches were broken by
their weight, while many trees were
killed by then. Year aftet year,
this went on, bringing food to the
settlers who dried the meat for the
winter; until one year it was noticed
that the pigeons /were fewer in num-
ber, and the following year they
were very few."
A year or two later, there were
bone at all and not one specimen of
the species has ever been seen
What was the rause of their dis-
appearance? Your guess is as good
an those Of the Seie11t1StS,
9 RT
try til SL%B1TC
t 10
Counting, an we do, a large muni.
her of trout fishermen among`our
friends and acquaintances, it has
long been our desire to pay due
re(iit to, those intrepid souls. The ,
fearlessness, determination, disre-
gard for personal coxlfort and about
seven other deadly virtues displayed
by those heroes in pttrsuit of their
dangerous prey is worthy of the
highest honors we weaker mortals
can give them.
* * *
But, up to now, the proper words
and . phrases have utterly failed to
flow front our long-suffering type-
writer. Still, everything conies to
him who waits—to coin a phrase—
and just the outer day, we ran
across- what might be called "The
Perfect Tribute to Trout Fisher-
men." The man who paid itis ne
raw hand. For 50 of his 70 years,
Ite ]las been guiding hunters and
fiehermen through a vast wilderness
area, and so speaks with authority.
And here is what he has to say:
* * 'k
"A confirmed trout fisherman is
just like an ordinary man in most
ways—except that his btaina have
been beat out"
* * *
A very ancient adage runs, "To
the victor belong the spoils," or
some such; n
I and l "t is another of
those old sayings that are true—or
false, just as the case may be. Biff
Bennett, writing in Sport Magazine,
recalls aninterestinginstance
i ra v
the loser getting all the , rath-
v - t
er than the winner.
* * *
In the baseball record books yott
will find emblazoned the name of
Bobby Feller who, on an afternoon
back in 1938, struck out exactly 18
Detroit Tigers in a nine -inning
game. Unless this mark has been
bettered between the time these
lines are written and when they-
heyappear in print—which is unlikely,
considering the trouble pitchers are
having with the new rules—that
record still stands. It was one of
the greatest hurling feats in baseball
history, beyond a doubt.
* * ,e
But, although most baseball fans
have heard of Rapid Robert's won-
derful work that afternoon, itow
many of you remember even the
name of a guy named Harry Eisen -
stat. Not so very many, We'd be
willing to bet. Yet the afternoon
when Feller, pitching for Cleveland,
whiffed that record-breaking dozen
and a half of the Tigers, on the
mound for Detroit was Mr, Eisen -
"To the victors," etc. Phooey!
* * *
Still, there are plenty of forgotten
men in sport. Danny Gardella, for
another example. It isn't so long
since Danny's name was appearing
in big type on every sports page
from coast to coast—for Danny was
the man who had the audacity to
sue organized baseball for the sum
of $.300,000,
* * *
3,fr. Gardella claimed that organ-
ized ball had deprived hint of his
right to make a living in the major
leagues, just because he had done
some playing "south of the border,
down Mehico way." Nobody knows
for certain just what Danny got out
of his suit as it Was settled out of
court, and Happy Chandler isn't
saying. But, for a while, it looked
as if the suit might bust the game
wide open and, as Arthur. Daley
puts it, when the settlement was
made, organized baseball toolc its
first deep breath in months,
* * *
Now, Gardclla's name has popped
up in the news dispatches again,
and most of us had to Five our
memories a couple of sharp jabs to
recall just who Ite was. 14e made
the news this time—in small type --
just because the St. Louis Card-
inals, from whom he had been draw-
ing wages, had shipped him down
to one of their minor league farm-.
ettes; its Houston, Texas,
'k * *
The truth of the matter seems to
be that Danny never was s real big
leaguer. When he managed to get
a fair clout at the ball, it was liable
to travel quite a piece—but even
that wasn't any too often as, in his
hest year with the New York Giants
itis batting average was a non -too -
sensational .272.
* tk *
His fielding was apparently of the
FILM variety as that of one, Yenccr
Vt'icdensaul, who tised to do a spot
of outfielding for the Toronto Maple
Leafs back in the days when Gran -
maw anti Grampaw were stepping
out. Wiedensaul could misjudge
TO SEI.7. Slue o Garden '1'r:n4ore, volt'
Profitable line. Sand for literature. Gar-
den Power Tool,: 1,hotted, west 11111, muerte.
SELL pond:,, R't. 1110 'vtint.ntolu•r wholeoale
er dhcet, t.d,eral prulll" ex, ',vivo tert9lerr,
I'Iltl -JL15 I l it t•s l: lonths .11 M mtreaI,
11.1111 (•Itil'tth
115u Alt('lllilt'i 1'111('5* 115, 11.11: 1'rlect.
thwernmeet 'lrh theril and caned:,. accredited
Lottbnnue, li„rkn, Now Ihunp \ Rocks and
Sussex x N,•w liana, 'hicks'
All eggs pro-
ton,1 ml our enc 0 form.15xtm,",1 1'hargea
propn(d. \t'rbe .‘11(.111111'S P0t'l:l'ItY 1'.#11111,
11.11, 2, 111t1U11'1'OS, Orb
YOU can't get re•ay from the law of supply
and demand. we predict that thin fall and
winter the demand for eg,15 and Pointr5' meat
will be 510011 than the supply, which means
but one thing -11W prices will be high,
Don't mien out, order Twed,llc 11,0.I'. Sired
ebirk0 today-. '1's° Lotter the breeding the
larger the proths. 1: puree Mirada and 13
crone breeds to rimose from, Noll -taxed, WII-
tete, cockerels, started rb5kn, older pullets,
Tun'key 1,010110. Free ratnlngne, 'l'weddle
Chick Hatcheries Lhnited, Porous, Ontario.
TnE INNERS sl,otdd c ms 001 on tap. 'rho
Stage lit act for :t satisfactory fulnre as 1.
market prices for eggs nod dressed poultry In
Canada for Ib tea, The time to get in i0
when the other fellow Is nut and a lot of
poultrymen ore out this ,year. We ran glue
Prompt delivers on day old. started chicks
and older pellets In all popnllu' pare breeds
and erose breed, also turkey pnults.. All from
Government Approved 1'ullo,'tlm Free stock,
Free catalogue. 'fon Notch (hick Salop,
Guelph, Ontario.
LEG -HORNS 55 0.11. and I.eghorne. $10.06,
Pullets 552.91; cockerelet 01.55 Barred
Recite N:H. X R.R., L.S. x: N.H. $10.06; p01 -
lets 510,51; cockerels 95.90 New llannathtre,;
R.I. Reds 510.56; pullets 521.95; rockerelo
53.90. Two week aid pullets $5 per 109 more
than them° prices. Also older pullets. 1)oeoslt
With orlon Oalt Hatcheries, Dept. A. Oalt,
HAVE nu anything needs dyeing or clean-
ing? Write to us for lnffrnmllon, tee are
glad to answer 5050 attentions Department
H, Parker's Dre Works Limited. 791 Yong,
Street. Toronto, Ontario
tXERaENCED, reliable 'Holland Imlnlgrante
aValiable: arrivingsoon. Writ t L Van -
o 0
255400 Box 02.Brookville. On hone
8.3 0. t. e
2554 (after 1,'e n h
0 I c ).
every fly ball that carne his way to
such a terrific extent that every
catch he managed to make was of
• the super -sensational kind; and
Charley Good and the rest of the
sports writers promptly dubbed hint
"Wonderful Wiedy"—a tag which
90 per cent: of the fans took to be
on the level, which just goes to
show you that making the hard ones
look easy doesn't always pay,
Amway, as we said, Danny Gar-
della's fielding appears to have been
along the same lines. A baseball re-
porter once wrote, "Gardena caught
the ball—unassisted." And, again,
"Gardena made a sensational catch
of an easy fly bail."
* * 5
Danny was a practical joker, too,
of a somewhat ghoulish kind. bike
the time in Cincinnati when he and
Napoleon Reyes were roomed on
the 23rd floor of their hotel. Reyes
had just finished shaving and
stepped back into the bedroom. It
was empty; the door was locked
from the inside; the window was
wide open; and on the table was a
note, reading, "Life is too much for
:I• * *
Trembling and afraid, Reyes tot-
tered to the window and peered out,
expecting to see the Wrangled corpse
of his teammate lying far below.
Instead, there was Dainty grinning
at him, hanging by his hands from
the ledge with nothing between him
and the pavement but 23 stories of
fragile Cincinnati air.
4, * *
But now, Danny the forgotten
man, is bacic in the minors. We
wish him well and hope that he
manages to get up top again and
stick there as he had—if nothing
else—plenty of color. But even
more than that, we wish that his
suit against organized baseball had
gone through. It would be interest-
ing to take a look at the inside
works of "the world's greatest, etc.,
etc.," and see just what really makes
it tick,
Horse -Keeping Costly
Are you keeping an old team
around the place for an occasional
job, or because of sentiment? If
so, it probably costs you a lot more
than you realize. In a study of
average expense of horse labor, the
University of Wyoming has found
that it was as much as $7,77 an
hour, where horses were used for
little work. The average cost of
horse labor was $1.52 an hour.
Economists—not taking the horse's
or the farmer's feelings into account
—sternly advise disposing of tate
draft animals. The pasture and feed
released for beef or dairy cattle
will bring better returns.
Coming into the kitchen from
shopping, she could smell burning.
"Oh, John," she said reproach-
fully, "you promised you'd keep
an eye on the »teat."
"Well, so I did," replied her bus -
bated, "but after a- bit there was
so much sntolce I couldn't see a
1'(111 5.01,11
MOTORCYCLES (I:u,c,0 Dnvlda n New and
used hearth' mold esem,ngl"I L M. ,:10.11
nr gmtr0nteed used mulor,•ycdes. Repave 10
tech/IT-trained n,erIl, IIlrs Itleyt'lee, am) ':mm
''(oto lino of wheel goods. 01,'41 0500(0ge 'min
nnla exeopt tv Ute:nhly Strand Oyelr & Spat lo.
Kine of 5001,, Hamilton
DINS—Large ,tbma'i luetic 110(0 011,1 used
Sought. mild. ss:hanged Uunranlaed manila
Selthee, oughts metalled netting Tackle, 155111•
ng Equipment Spurt hu, anode bier Ml Team
Prices. Open 01,1(1 .11110 0500111 Wednesday
Strand Cycle, Hamilton
NEW .IuliNSllN outboard Moors. tiouadnau
110110e CO. Peterhof,. Boats, 1`.100'.,, 'frail•
arm. bought, gold °sell:teeed Large stork 580/)
motors, Ramiro by 0u'mry-lrnlbed mechanics
Open until nine '001(5, wcdr al/1Y 31 rind
Cycle He int Kim
5501)615 EGGS — Salo delivery. .tSPLEY
00(I11E h'AItM, Culnox. 10,11sh Columbia.
ALIjMINU11 11001'ING—unulndlate eblplurnl
—.010" thick 1(1 11, I, 0, e9, and 10 -runt
lengths. Price to 'apply .015" tit 90.49 Per
square ,010" al 88.31 pet memos d,11,01td
Oet0rle points, Fur a Otm,lra, salaries, Ilse,.
/tire, eta., write: A. O. 1,1011,151 &• CO.
L1111'r10D, 180 Commloslnnoro 51., Toronto 1.
1'`1111 SALE: tined '1't nrtm•tS 0,101,., nhm0n newt
all manes and mndelnt elms various other
farm machines. Contnet us fir reasonable
Prices: Cx-Spring Varian Tdmited, l'sbrl,ic',
C1I.11N SAWS AND PARTS—Write tor our
low pelves on 11011>510'1' Nairn and parte.
w'e have a complete smelt of Model DJ, 11.J.
and D parte, new and lured. Investigate the
new 10W priced reeked Smith phuv'rchulu all
lengths. D. J. Smith Salon Co. Limited, 647
Woolwich Street. GUIOfd'II, Outnrk,.
13100'5 Christian literature. Poet /aid to your
address. Catalogues free, Min I4111, Haunt.
111)1. New Brunswick,
PAM,* 101111 NALtt
IN NNVieLLEAT scans of cultivation, lust
off main road In splendid establiehed
Farming section near th2Ifty ldn•n. Two-family
brick hove°, large honk barn, mango and
Implement shed. Lots of water under Pres-
sure 1n house burn. Saha . us Transport
of b
hauls milk doll to Toronto. ' mortgage
payment and low interest on 1510,500, for
further. Immediate e pwritesio,' tan° ., For
further 3 particulates" 2 1.0'10 or »hon° .1. E,
Caber, Realtor, 2678 Yonne St., Toronto.
h[ Inwk 8670.
nes mond !onto
nd Dirtns village 50 tullesnorth Ta1o lo•
county road. Lovellsrey 3 roomed house,
bathroom, water pressure system. late
cnl,bonrds; barn, Brooder house, etc., row
acres bush, Rented roman In demand. Only
$4600. Immediate passemdan, Mrs, George
Ga•gett, Lisle, Ont.
Banish the torment .of dry eczema thanes
and woolens ekln troubles 000'"e Amen,
Salve w111 not disappoint you
telling. scaling burning eczema echo. ring
worm, pimples end athlete's tont, wt11 respond
readily to this stainless. nderlese •ointment
regardlene et how eta, horn nt boneless the)
Sent Poet Free on Remelt of Price
888 (Worn St 11„ Cnnnr, nr Leman
CRESS CORN sALVE—Par sure relief. Your
Druggist sells Cress. Callous Salvo relieves
quickly too.
CSE FINN'S 0.E,5, Tablets. Stops calf
scours and pig 000111s. Cost Ofty mita
calf. Ten cents pig. Hastily given, Guaranteed
or money refunded. Ono dollar trial sample.
R. A. Finn Co. Ltd., London, Ont.
TRY ITI—Every Sufferer of Rheu-
matic Pains or Neuritis should try
Dixon's Remery.
335 Elgin Ottawa
$1,25 Express Prepaid.
101N 9'5E009'91 LEADING SC11(101
' Great OppnrtunIte 1.50 rn
Pleasant dignl0ed prolesalon soon team
thousand. successful Marvel graduates
A,0010, 0 greatest System. illustrated oats
l0000 free Write or Catt •
360 Blear St w . Moraine
Branches, 44 King St Hamfltnn
& 72 Rideau Street.. Ottawa.
101.1i:1111d now t'1 5110100 U,'1l,evy--•Chines
Elio ll,'e„'•,10,11 army 3 teat ant 5080-26
plol,10 moll. ,net for 36 feet 012 50 21 lochs
1,001,1'1 $_ 3s- n^edliugs 12 Mellen 1,1101, $4.60
per 100 (Pant II Inches apart)—Glallt I,' htai•
tion 11.000 , nl colors rod, w1,11e or Pinl(, 8
foe 51.1,0--.11.1.1, troth 3 0001 high 110 Vedette/1
McIntosh, 1'111, 1Jrllthem 3 far $t.58—Pluto
Oven 3 feel blah 111 varieties Burbank and
Lombard, 4 tut 52 se 1.10, Colour Garden
Outdo watt Ilecry Order, Il,mkdalo--kings•
way 5000Th',,, 1111w•mnoville, Ontario
UO Yoe 11 ANT a good garden? Then write
for our fro, retake:11e o1' Canada's Beet
mrd cahl's in Vecelable, Fiero' and Held.
i'o"( Need•'. 1h,•., a 'untmn„1' always a mai-
tomer. DNT.111l0 01(1510 0.3111'ANV. WATER.
(0)(L 001.
11 ilSP11141011111S, r l0mt'berrirs, o u r 1. 0. n u s,
gouncb,•rrh•n, gropes, nhud,l„•rries, (milt
'.re's, dwarf font tree',. 00100, hedge planta,
n•0r,rwms. n8p:urngutl mud ))"r,.uni,Ao• 11,01
grad, own, io preen 'lurk. Runnymede Nur-
arry, 5755 Willard, 'Damao.
111010;1,2 '`:01111 l,tANA, 21 Indies par 100,
01011. 3o t18,mrt,l perennlnlo 51.25. Cramer
Nuts.• 1',, Mlle., Fox, Sunk,
111* 0(15.115 1•O255'1'01 91.98
Fine await/ion Id Sotitlg healthy blithe, 1"
to l" in altimeter, Nash package coattail. 10
bulbs of 10 difi,•rent varieties, Fred cultural
directions with each order. .111 bulbs (lasted
for co, Irol of 1110111. Send mime and addre0a
111111 .01,0115' (n'd',' to:
'taunt/1V, Ont,
CHHO1,'1.0 elI'tlwl,e,'I•y" plants. lea•ly Valentine,
Fairfax, ge ler 100; 511 per .,000 ohippod
under beat c,oditlans. laugh Kolb, Port Elgin
FII•L\1: J'1I'5 Ntrnwbe,T, plants: Kellogg Pre -
later, Royal Sovereign, 80, 1001 110, 1,000.
Valentino 514, 1,000. 5', E. Smith, Scotland,
IOETHERS'I'DNHA U0 ft & Oclasuny Patens
Solicitors Esluhll,hcd 1810 860 Bay Street
[`aroma 60010101 nl Information en reauent.
A 01 LAIDLAW. 10.50. Patent t
nent A LmmeY
010100110 of invention. 60 Spathe 9L, Ottawa,
LONELY people of opposite sexes will be
Personally 10110,10000 to each otherter h se 0
000formed dub with nausea ' of thousands 00
men ,end l'howomen seeking. companionship personal and
marriage. Plume. n write m• coil Queen SI at
tv'onENmpom, 'UNLIMITED, 72 Queen Street
West. 'roseate, Phone Plthea 4377,
SMALL hospital in attractive northern On-
tario [owe roulette Registered Nurses for
General Duty. Salary 5140 par month plum•
full maintenance, !excellent Living conditions.
A1.15: Superintendent or Nurses. [only Minta
Hospital, .Oochrauc, Ont.
5Rt1t1/\ER WANTiao—artive or oilent lum-
bering lame 'rut of loge In Northern On-
tario. 85,0000 required. Write Box 00, 123-
18011 511.00. New 'Toronto, Ont. •
Better Dead
A group of Canadian doctors
were discussing Foreign Exchange
Control Board requirements in the
matter of people who apply. for
U.S. funds with which to go south
on the ground of ill -health. They
agreed that no medical man they
knew would, in signing the neces-
sary certificate, depart one hair's-
breadth from fact, and that exam-
xaminations of patients had to be com-
plete and most thorough.
One of them said to us, "For in-
stance, if you came to me regard-
ing such an application, on the
medical forst I would ha\'e to fill in
answers to 30 questions. If you
were dead 1'd only have to answer
ISSUE 19 — 1950
"ON MS1117.;:.-77.FIE Nil III 121 Rol Mi ES SI ES Dui am Iss Ell MI tik
111 1
. P.Svu"IvrelII
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