The Brussels Post, 1950-5-17, Page 1POST PUBLISHING HOUSE S LS Wednesday, May 17th, 1950 Why 3 — 20 oz. Tins Peas •. •25c 1 Ib. Large Farmers Sausage 39c 3 Tins Baby Food Heinz or Alyrner • • 25c 25c 3 Rolls Toilet Tissue SATURDAY MORNING ONLY — 4 String Broom 59c Try Our Fresh Ground Coffee GREWAR'S - GROCETERIA Open All Day Wednesday Phone 5 Brussels, Ont. Melville Church Service Melmilla Church Dalen was oc- cotpied last Sunday by the Rev, Mr. Fraser of Toronto, as it was Mother's Day, The service was conducted, ac- cordingly and his subject was "God Works Through Homes." Mr. Fraser who Is a very eloquent speaker, he spoke on the home, the parent, the children and the teen-agers and also pioneers who honored the sabbath and the church. A deep impression was made on the large congregation present. A solo was contributed by Graeme McDonald and else an anthem by the choir, DANCE And presentation for Sgmn. T. J. Alcock, and Bride, in the BRUSSELS TOWN HALL ON MONDAY NIGHT, MAY 22nd Everybody Welcome Ladies Please Bring Lunch Good Orchestra In Attendance. COAL Order Now for Delivery Any Time During the Summer. Car of Chestnut Expected Shortly. Blue Coal Dyed Blue for Phone 68 is Quality Coal Your Protection. M. C. Oldfield Melville Church Rev. A. Simpson, Cranbrook Moderator, 10 a, m. Sunday School and Bible Class 11 a. m. Divine Service Rev. Dr, Turner will be the preacher. No Evening Service Loris D. Tb:nnpeeh, Organist and Choirmaster. The United CL urch OF CANADA Minister Rev. Andrew teas,. Organist Mr. Donald Dunbar Morning Worship at 11 ocelot* The Source of Empire Strength Church School J,2 o'clock Evening Praise 7 o'clock Flood and Folly, Church of England !Parish of Brussels Rev. J. H. Kerr -- Rector. 5th Sunday After Easter May 14th, 1950 St. John Church, brussels — 11 a. m, Mother'sDay Service Sunday School St. David's Church, Heffryn— Sunday School 2 p. m. Mother's Day Service •t. Qsorpe's Church, Walton - 7,80 p, ni. Mother's Day Service HONOR NEWLYWEDS AT BLUEVALE SOCIAL A reception was held in the United Church school room Monday evening, when friends gathered to honor Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Henry of Ripley, newlyweds. Mars. Henry was form- erly Shirley Selling of Bluevale. Mrs, J. A., Burden presided during •the program and contributed a coutpie of humorous poems. The junior choir sang a chorus; Doing - las Hamilton sang; Mrs. Hoffman and Mrs. Alex McCracken sang a duet; Mrs. Gordon Greig and Mrs. George Hetherington gave humor - ams readings; Mrs. Hoffman sang a solo; Miss Delores Hamilton played a piano solo; and Rev. .T. A. Burden addressed the young couple. Mrs.. M. L. Aitken read an address, and Mrs, Charles 'Camp - hell presented them with a. teapot end cups, the teapot containing a giftof money. Refreshments were served. Personals: Mr, and Mrs, Spence McKinnon and Miss Norman Thompson, Georgetown, witb Mr, and Mrs, R. H. McKinnon; post- master A, D. Smith, who has been a patient in the Wingham hospital for almost a week, went to Lon- don on Tuesday to consult a spe- cialist. accompanied by Mrs. Smith and Miss Mabel Marshall. The Ladits' Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion are holding a Garden Party on Wednesday. June 21st. Please keep this date open. REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont, * • • 1 NOW PLAYING — Thurs, Fri. Sat, May 18-19-20 "STATION WEST' with Dick Powell Jane Greer Agnes Moorehead Burl Ives Be sure to see this action picture of the West, Buri Ives will entertain you with his songs of the West. R s * Mon, Tues, Wed. May 22-23-24 "ADAM'S RIB" with Spencer Tracy Katharine Hepburn This one comes from the top of the list of this year's brilliant best In the comedy line. The hilarious answer to the problem of who wears the pants in your family. • * * Next Thurs. Fri, Sat. May 25-26-27 "FAMILY HONEYMOON" with Claudette Colbert Fred MacMurray Comic problems by a man acquir- ing via matrimony a ready-made family of three children, and by a strange turn of events, being forced to take themalong on -his honey- moon, Proves to be an energetic comedy offering, • * • COMING t "THE GREAT + DAN PATCH" with Dennis O'Keefe Goll Russell Brussels Cadets Pass Signals Examinations On Thursday morning, May 11th, Sergeant Guy of M. D. No, 1, Lon- don, visited Brussels School and gave the Signals examination to the Cadets. All candidates applying were smlcess t:1 in passing and being able to receive six words a minute. These were John Edgar, Kinloch Grewar, and John Kerr. The boys will receive $10.00 for their achieve- ment. Both they and their instruct- or, Mr, A. J. Pauli, are to be con- gratulated for this fine work. Grade IX Public Speaking Finals On Thursday afternoon, May 11th, the Grade IX Public Speaking Finals were held at Brussels School, Rev. Gordon Hazelwood of Walton and Rev, Andlnew Lane of Bnpssels were the judges. The five finalists for this contest were: Heather Allem, Karen Bushlin, Donald Edigiar, Marion Hull and Mary Smith, Murray Long was also eligible, although he did not compete. Kasen Busehiin was declared the winner and won. the 12.00 First Prize witch her excellent composition en. titled. "Must 'Shies Be Belt to Burn?" Donald Edgar won ,Second Prize of $1.00 for a fine speech: entitled "Brussels" and Heather Allen won the Third Prize of Fifty Cents for her composition about "Canadian Citizenship." The judges were well pleased with the speeches and had words of high praise for all contest- ants. GREY TWP. COUNCIL May 6, 1950 Minutes of Council meeting held on above date were adopted as read. Moved by Kenneth McFarlane, seconded by Percy Ward that the By -Law on the King Drain be •pro- visionaly adopted. — Carried. Moved by Geo. MacDonald, second- ed by Kenneth McFarlane that a resolution be passed by this Council and a ropy he forwarded to all Mun- icipal Councils bordering 86 High- way from Amherly to Listowel, that this, portion of 86 Highway he graded and asphalt surfaced and that these several Mbnicipalities will acid their approval to this request in time so same can be discusael at the Jbeie County Council meetings.—Carried, Moved by Kenneth McFarlane, sec- onded by Wm, E, Bishop that By-law No, 9, 1959, •concernineg The Oran - brook Community Centre be passed. — Carried. Moved by Ken. McFarlane, second- ed by Percy Ward, that all approved accents be paid and the Council now adjourn until June 3rd.—Carried. The following accounts were paid; Roads $2316.37 Fox Bounty 13.00 Attend Geo,'Wevzczymslci Laura Thompson, sheep Weiland McDonald, poultry L. D. Frain, Valuator Fred Smalldon, blot. Warble Fly, Notices & freight C. M. Dennis., Gravel Relief Tiosspitalaization J. I4, Fear, Clerk. 102,40 20.00 45,00 9,00 139.50 12.30 13.00 33,00 34,85 CAPITOL THEATRE LISTOWEL Thurs. Fri. Sat. May 18-19-20 Edmund Gwen, Donald Crisp and "Lassie" "Lassie" the wonder dog Technicolor Sat. Mat. 2 p.m. Eve. 7.30 p.m. Mon. Tues. May 22-23 Joanne Dru, Richard Morris in "ABIE'S IRISH ROSE" TUESDAY PHOTO MITE 1st OPFER $200 2nd OFFER $50 Mon, Attendance Card Tright. 3 DAYS COMING 3 DAYS Wed. Thurs. Fri. May 24-25-26 Kathryn Grayson, Ethel Barrymore, Jose Iturbi in ' "THAT MIDNIGHT KISS" tt� Technicolor, r y OW OBI'!'UAftY I Hugh Pearson Elected Pesident Of Huron Football Association The Huron Football Association an- nual meeling was held in the Walton Community Hall on Thursday, May 11111. Wilh representatives from At- wood, Ethel, Walton, Winthrop, Bnuntssels St. Columhan, Mildmay and T3olstein. The following officers were elect- ed for 1950: Hon. Pres. Sas. Carlin Bon. Sec. A. W, Dick (with power to preside at meetings) President • Hugh Pearson Vice Pres. Ren, Beetles Secretary Harry Bolger Registration Com,—F. McCuttcheon, Jim. Hulley and, W. Hunter. Protest Com. — to be nominated at, scheduled meetln an this Thursday night in I.O.O,F, hall, Atwood. Motion was passed to take in Hol- stein and Mildmay teams this year. Motion passed all teams allowed 3 outside players having to play 2 games previous. to registration, Junior Teams — President E. Richards of Ethel will handle all Junior Teams. Miss Jane Ann Bolger Miss Jane Ann Bolger passed away en Monday, May 8th, in Wingham General Hospital after a long illness. Her body rested at the home of her nephew Mr. I-Ia.rry Bolger, Con, 17, Grey township till Wednesday aPter- noon, when the funeral was con- ducted by her pastor Rev. J. H. Kerr at St. George's: Anglican Church, Walton of which she was a faithful member, with burial in Brussels cemetery. Dluiring the service Mrs. H. Travis sang, "When its Good Night Here," Miss Bolger was born in Mc- Killop township In August 11, 1872 and bad lived nearly all her lite in the Walton Community, She is sur- vived by 2 brothers and 2 sisters, James of Seatorth, William of Lac - edema, Sask., Mrs, Martha Knight and Mrs. Emily Pollard of Morris township. Four brothers, John and Thomlas of Walton, Sidney of Van- couver and Joseph of Edmonton pre- deceased her. Pall bearers were: Harry Bolger, Harold Bolger, George Pollard, Jas, McDonald, Wan. Perrie and Stewart Humnrph:ries% Bearers of the many floral tributes were: Earl Watson; Jas. ,Sanderson, Frank Johnston, Torrence Dundee, L. Armstrong and Edgar Hollinger, ,Rtelatives attended, the funeral from Seaforth, Hamilton, Guel ih and Dublin, Mrs. Jameee Beirnes A highly respected resident of the 5th con. Morris township, in the person of Mrs. Wm, James Beirnes passed, away on Thursday, May 11, at 6.45 p. m., in her 66 year, at her home lot 22, where she lived for the past 10 years. ,She was born on the 12th con. of Elam township, Dec. 1, 1884 and was the fourth daughter of the late John Hatherley and Miriam Balsdon, her maiden name was Rosie Hannah Hatherley. On Sept, 7, 1904, she was united in marriage to Mr. William James Beirnes of Grey township, con, 6, where they resided for a number of years. An infant girl, Florence, died in Sept. 1906 at 3 months old, She is survived by her now bereft hws- band one daughter Mrs. Earl Dickson, (Rosie Bean), of Delhi, Ont„ and four grandchildren, Donald, Wilma, Will- iiam and Lois Dickson, a nd one sis- ter Mrs, Maty Clemons of Delhi, Ont., and a number of nieces and nephews who are left to mourn her loss, Mr. den i1Trs."Beirnes have lived in Grey, 1Tc'I�illop, Nims and Morris townships and have made a wide circle of friends, She was of a kind loving and cheerful disposition a good neighbor and a friend to all who knew her and will be sadly hissed by her husband and family, In religion she was Anglican. Although in failing health for the paet five years, she bore her affliction with Christian fortitude having faith in Jesus as Saviour and Friend sustained by His Grace and kept by the power of His love. The funeral was largely attended and conducted by her pastor Rev. J. H. Herr of Brussels Anglican Church to Elmer Centre Cemetery, who spoke words of comfort and consolation from the 28x4 Psalm, verse 6, T -Te also read the 90th Psalm and 15th chapter of Corinthians verses 20 to 58, bringing a message of hope and peace to all who heard It. Two of her favorite hymns were sung, Safe in the arms of Jesus, and Abide with Me. The pallbearers were: Tames Marks. Ward Sellers, Thomas Dills, Stanley Kitchen° and two nephews, Elwyn Somers and John S. Schnook. Flower bearers were: Miss Wilma Dickson,. Miss Dorothy McKim, of Delhi and Gerald and Donald Morris of Norwich, , Relatives,. were present from Lts- towel, St. Jacobs, Kitchener, Strat- ford. Laelasicle, Delhi, Walton and Seaforth, Flowers were given by the follow- ing: Pillow, husband and family; Wreaths, sister -in-laws hard brother in-laws; nieces and nephews; Basket neighbors; Sprays, Miss Fannie Storey; John and Mrs, Stevenson; John J. and Mrs, Schnook; Mr, Thomas Fewster; Wan, Kitchen and family^; Bogptlet, Sam Beatrice and family. NOTICE — Union United Church - Garden Party will be held on Thursday, ,Tune Sth. Reeves and Councillors Attend Meeting at Listowel tors of this village; Reeve H. John - ton and councillors, Morris and Reeve J. McNabb and councillors of Grey attended a meeting arranged by the Listowel Town Council, on Thursday night of last week, with the idea of establishing a Maitland River Valley authority. A H. Richardson, chief conser- vation engineer, Department of Planning and Development, Toronto, addressed about 200 municipal of- ficials representing 17 municipalities. Engagement Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Herbert, Sullivan Brussels, announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Phyllis Jean to Donald Charles Coleman son of Mr. and Mrs. Alec Coleman, Brussels. The marriage to take place early in June. NOTICE ETHEL GARBAGE COLLECTION The first garbage collection will be on Saturday, May 20th, After that the first Saturday of each month, CARD OF THANKS The sisters, brothers. nieces and nephews of the late ,Tane Ann Bolger. Wish to express their sincere thanks to all the friends for their kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes. Also to Rev, Ja Herr for his words of comfort, Special thnnl:s to Dr, Stephens and the nurses and staff of Wingham General Hospital. BUSINESS CHANGE : SEAFORTH CREAMERY The Executors of the Estate of Janes E. Besse, wish to thank the many patrons of the SEAFORTH CREAMERY for their business dur- ing the past two years. They will sincerely appreciate it if the sane ;e -operation is extended to Mr. Harvey Leslie, the new owner of the CREAMERY, The United Church Sunday, May 14th was observed as Mother's Day in the United Church. in the morning the ministers subject was, "Mother, arm best friend and Mothers' influence," The anthem was "Where Mother is Home is." A fitting Mother's Day duet was sung by Dorothy and Isabel Dennis, The Church School worshipped with tine congregation and Mr, Carl Heming- way the superintendent directed the worship, In the evening the minister spoke on "Esther, a mother in 'Israel" BRUSSELS SCHOOL BOARD Sealed tenders, addressed to the undersigned will be received until 0 o'clock p. m, Thursday, May 13th, 1.6'50, for Insulating the building lcnown es the Brussels Public School. lenity to school building may be obtained by contacting Jas, Rhoades, caretaker. Lowest or any' tender not necessarily accepted, 11. Bowler, Sec,-Treas. $1.50 per year - $2.00 LT. 3 A.. Majestic Women's Institute The 0lajestle Women's 1'nslitnte met in the Brussels Puhlie Library on Thursday afternoon, May 11th, with the new President, Mrs, R. W. Stephens, In the chair, There was a large attendance, The meeting open- ed by singing the Institute Ode fol- lowed by repeating the Mary Stewart Collect, The roll pall was answered by an exchange of plants and ,slips or seeds. The minutes were read by the sec- retary, Mrs, John Spear. These were approved as read, Thank -you cards were received from MTs. R. David- son, Mrs. Douglas Hemingway, Mrs. Garniss, Mrs, Wilson and Mrs. Myers. A report wasp given from the finance committee. It was requested that the ladies leave any rased clathinig in the Library. A letter was read from the Salvation Amy at Wing - ham, asking that we make a canvas to raise extrafunds, which business was left over for the June meeting, The motto "Blessed is she w3ao by her skill can cure another mortal's i13," was capably given by Mrs. Earl Cudmore. Mrs, Harold' Speer, a delegate to Guelph gave a dhogt and humorous report from the talk by Mrs. Saler. A further report will be given next month by Mrs. Ruth Johnston. it was decided by the finance commit- tee that the Institute have a drama Sc club from Walton put on a play on Friday, May 19th in the Team Hall, The guest speaker, Miss Jean Scott Home Economist for Huron County gave a very interesting talk on the work of the Junior Home Makers. She emphasized the importance of the girls completing each project they start. Current events were given by Mrs. Frank Nichol, Mrs, C. Buschlin reported on am estimate of plaster- ing and painting the two east rooms. Miss Mary Lou McFarlane sang a solo accompanied on the pians by Miss Betty Cousins, A demonstration, "Meat in the Menu" was well given by two girls of the Jr. Home Making Club, Misses Isabel Spear and Helen Johnston. Tile Sunshine collection was taken and meeting was brought to a close with the National Anthem. The hostesses for this meeting were Mesdames Armstrong, Aimee:. Bane, Brown and Bryans, CARD OF THANKS We wish to take this opportunity of thanking ,all our friends and neighbours fpr their kind words, acts and expressions of sympathy, for the many beautiful flowers and other things; and to all who helped in every way during the illness and death of our loved one. We especial- ly thank Rev. J. H. and Mrs, Kerr for their visits and words of comfort and hope. They will never be for- gotten, Mr. Wm, J. Beirnes and Mrs, Earl Dickson, Form Groups For Softball Twna 'hmdrd Ihe sot, Itttlid •ethda softball meeting In Winn hum, for the jmrpo50 of drawing up the various groupinga in the W. 0. A. A. "Tory" Gregg: 1110 president was in the chair. En- tries were received from 122 teams, making a total of 162 teams in oper- ation peration in bash +11 and softball. Following are the groupings: Men's "0". Graup 1, Wroxeter„ Gorrie, Moltke. Bluveale, Stone School, Drew, Beigrave, Brussels Convener Kenneth 17dgar, Wrox- eter, 1 ,dies' Intermediate, Group Y, Forest, Kett] end nt ,Strathroy, Ar- kona, Theddord, Parkhill. Convea,- er, "Tiny Wilkinson, Forest, Grange ' TAdtowel, Palmerston, Newton,. Mora, Atwood. Linwood, Convene er, Stan Deckert, Linwood. Group, 3, Seatorth, Dublin, Brussels, God= ericb, Blyth, Mitchell, Clinton- Con- vener, Jack Nediger, Clinton. Growls, 4, Rtncardlne, Tiverton, Ripley. Glammnis, Goderich, 'Group 5, Mount Forest, 'Durham, Hanover., Clifford, Harrlston, Chesley. Caw varier, Ed. Mathewson, Clttifor& Group 6. Hearten, Crediton, Cen- tralia R. C. A. F., Exeter, Luca; Zurich, Dashwood, Hensaii, Junior and Juvenile Otis, Ped - erston, Wingham,, Clifford, t!iinton. Brussels, Hanover, Convener, Et -111w Miller, Wingiham. Juvenile boys, Group 1, LC/1281W- baron, onde*-'boron, Beigrave, Wingham, Annoy,. Belmore Midgets. Convener, Ross-- Robinson, oss=Robinson, Be/grave. Grodp 2, M- bank, Llmvood, Atwood, Monktomr Midgets. Convener, Norman Baan,;. Millbank. The residence rule was set alt - June 10; students, July 15th; groniv winners by August 15, St. John's Anglican Church In St, .Tohn's Anglican Church,. the sacrament of baptism was aft minsitered by Rev. J. H. Kerr 'ire the infant children of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Alcnek, Mr, and Mrs. LloydWorkman, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smith, Mr, and Mrs, Her- bert Stretton, Mr. and Mrs. Wit- liar Fterher, Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Pryans. Mr. and Mrs, WeIlingtort. Marks, \Tr. and Mrs, Harold Mast, Mr. 011d Mrs, Mervin McCauley; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fischer, Mr, and Mrs. Carl Gowing. Mists Carrie Hingston sang an appropri- ate ppropriate solo, Library Notes Brussels Library Board has purchas- ed a new Hncyclopeadia Americana, 30 volmes, This should be a bene- fit to both students and adults, and it is hoped all will make use of it, The Brussels Brunch tr2 finite Canadian Legion are blimps their Annual Sports Dar atlas July 19th. Kindly keep beat " t open. A 3 -Act Comedy Play "Hen -Pecked Henry" By the Walton Dramatic Club will be staged in the Brussels Town Hall on FRIDAY, MAY 19th At 8.30 P. M. Admission 40c and 25c (Sponsored by the Majestic Women's Institute) Farmers STOP, LISTEN and LOOK For May Set Team Back Band Harness 2%" Ring Traces and Steel Hames $49.98 (Less Collars) Set All Brass Team Harness, Breeching, Back Band 2" Traces $99.95 (Less Collars) Shoes and Harness Repaired Promptly C. J. Pegeloty, Prop..