The Brussels Post, 1949-6-29, Page 1*at
?OS!" PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday, June 29th, 1949
All ex -service men to.tneet at the Legion
Hall at 2 o'clock on Sunday, July 3rd for
Decoration Service at the grave yard.
Wingharn Band in attendance.
Rev. Moores, Belgrave, guest speaker.
IMEINVITIMIEMENEteMUMMISMORM anactatuargiameamaratmanaaracastazan
Crystal Palace Ballroom
In Brussels on
rtesd,..1y, Jug
Dancing 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
Ferrier's Orchestra
Admission - $1.-00 per couple
Be Among the First to Dance in Brussels' New Ballroom.
Suffered Stroke
Mrs: . A, C. Beaker suffered a
seyere stroke Monday. Her family
Guelph vs. Brussels were called home.
At Victoria Park 7 p. m.
Admission 25c
In Orange Hall, Brussels
under the direction of
John M. Martin of Hawkesville
at 8.00 each Sunday evening.
MUM= M3E;,====.1aomaymbalasillffisoMMENIT
Praise waltheth for thee
0 God in. Zion.
Melville Church
!Abaft., Rev. Q. A. Milne, M.A.
10 a. m. Sunday School and
'Bible Class
11 a. .iii. Holy Communion
Louis D. Thompson, 'Organist '
and Choirmaster.
TheUnited Church
Minister Rev, Andrew Lane
Organist Mr. Donald Dunbar
11 a. m, Morning Worship
Rev. Mr, Lane.
12 Church School and
Bible Mast
The Evening Service *with-
drawn fOr July and A,uguat.
Welcome To Worship.
On Thursday evening June 80
at 8 o'clock a Divine Service to
induct Rey, Andrew Lane B.A.,
B.D., alt members and adher-
ents are invited to attend.
Church of England
Parish of Brussels
Rev. J. H. Kerr -- Reotor.
Ord Sunday After Trinity
July 8rd, 1949
St John's Church Brussels -
10 a. m. Sunday School
11 a. m. Holy Communion ,
$t. David's Churon, Henfryn-,
1 p. In. Sunday Bolted
2 p. In. Holy CORIIIMU111011
St. George a Churoh Walton -
4 p. m, Holy Communion .
Sunday School
Notice -
The Annual Mtinnrial Service at
the Elma Centre Cemetery will be
held on Sunday, July 10th at eight
Mr. B L,II Bamford, Listowel,
" W.
will be the guest speaker.
There will not, be rural deliveries
on Friday 1 July 49.
' Office .hour teem 10,00 a.m. to
12 noon, from 2 to 3 p.m.
St. John's Ladies' Guild held a
meeting in the basement of° the
church on June 28th." The meeting
opened with the singing of the
hymn "Jesus Sayiour Pilot me," Mrs.
Wes, Kmrread the lesson from the
let Euistle of St, John, The presk-
dent, Mrs. G. Davis Alien led in
prayer. The genial:al thanksgiving
and the Lord's Prayer were said in
unison. l'he church opening on'
July 10th was discussed. The ladies
plan to serve mew& 111 tia, basement
of the church on the 12th of July
and arangements were made for
the same, Meeting closed and a
tasty lunch was served by Mrs, E.
Somers and Mrs. Tucker.
Capitol Theatre
Wed. Thur. Fri. June 29 30
July 1st
William Powell, Irene Dunne
Elizabeth Taylor in
"Life With Father"
Saturday, ONLY July 2nd
"El Dorado Pass"
with Charles Starett,
Smiley Burnett,
"Rusty Saves a Life"
Sat. Mat. 2:00 P.M.
- Sat. Eve. 7:30 P.M.
Mon., Tces. July 4-5
Phyllis Calvert, Eric
Portman in
"Men of Two Worlds"
OFFER $150.00
Mon. Attendance Card Night,
COMING- 4 Days
Wed. Thur. Fri. July 6-7-8-9
Bing Crosby Joan Fontaine
in "Emperor Waltz"
Iminister And Wife Presented
I With Farewell Gift
WEDDING L. Cardid Re -Elected
To Parliament
Pink pennies, orange blossoute and •
revile. formed a Invely setting % •
T.,7eox Presbyterlau church, le, •
Jun', 31 th 3 2!30
weioek fur the marriage of Frances 1
Mary. 'ilaughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Shaw, Bluevale and Mr.
William Clare Brrnmer son of Mr.
•"elMro. James Bremner of Ethel.
I ey. Led and Jorgensen, per,
formed t he double ring ceremony.
Thk:, bride ,Wile charming in 0 white
Puelics,s Satin gown with ttain, lace
,Inevos and drrp yoke buttoned
frena the neck and veil of embroider-
ed silk net. She carried deep 0011
roses. Tier attentlaMs were, her
twin sister, Miss Nore Shaw, dres.ecl
o lime green taffetta silk with full
skirt .forming 1 train a head drese
'1 the same shade and material and
Nitrite] pink roses end Miss Mary
Loll McFarlane or Brussels wearing
erehtd taffetta in similar style and
al:letting hoed dross. She carried
',snow roses,. Dorothy Shaw cousin
or the bride made a winseme
I 9,,e'er girl, gowned in pale yellow t"l Vet e. Fehind
13 • f,trete with long fell ekirt, a head Victor In Heavy Poll;
w of flowers and (*.need a dainty 493 Votes for C.C.F.
ci rp 0 ('linlon, • ,
dzet of pansies, Mr. Barry Brom-
)), th a gift or money by members of 'vas hsst man for his br°11100.
The Wet -Mint.: I11110le was played by
bis 1,,m 0 congregation and
friends at 1 be church garden party
01 Thursday of rest week.
Mr, R. P. Cousins read the aceom-
lianying eddress and Mr. N. Hoover
made the presentation.
Deur Mr. and Mrs. Wilson ;
WP know' that the work of the
Churoh must come first and we
regret that you 'are leaving our com-
munity. so we „,00u' members and
friends of the BrussAs -United
Cburrh, wish you every success in
your new charge at Clinton. May God
give you strength awl courage to
t a113/ on the good wore in.Clinton as
you have in Brussels, •
You bath have shown talent,
energy and a WillIllenE RR to RPM, in
all church organizations, social and
municipnl activities.
During the seven years you have
ment ovith mi you have demonstrated
your willingness 10 do your full
.!tel mere.. AR minister of our
Church you have filled the office so
faithfully and with such exacting
efficieucy that we feel your succes-
szir will have a most difficult task
living„mp to the standard set by you:
As e slight token of appreciation
of your unstinted services to our
ehureli, we, your membersand
rricnels wattle ask you to accept this
vitt, with the hope that you may
secure something; with it that will
remind you of the mutually pleasant
asociations with the Brussels
TTnited Church,
Signed on behalf_ of the
Illeinhers and friends.
Mr. Wilson, in .hit reply. said that
the years hi Brussels had been
seven of the happiest years of their
People of this village learned with
regret of the intended departure. 12
Mr, and Mrs. Wilson, Miss 1111111
WtAn and John, to their new sphere
of work in Clinton, In the seven
years the ReV, H. C. Wilson. has been 1
minister of the United Chrpch here •
they have metie many friends' not
only among their own church mem-
Mr. Wilson is past president 'of
the local Lions Club, an attire mem-
ber of St. John's Masonic Lodge, •
member of the library and school
boards, Mrs. Wilson tqok an
active interest in the activities of
the church. Ruth, now a teacher at
MAWR, and John, a student at
B.C:S., who were both choir meln.
bers, will be greatly missed by,
their friends here,
We would like to express our
aneereciation to all those who helped
in any way to successfully combat
the fire in our beell on Sunday
Orval Harrison
Bowman Galbraith Passed
In Largest Graduating Class
The results at Oegoode Hall LOW
SCII001, T01.011t0, ahow that 'Bowman
Galbraith has passed his final Bar
exams. Bowman will graduate Wed-
nesday, June 29th In one of the
Largest Graduating Class of Law -
y010 111 the History of Osgoode
Melville Church
"Obedience to the w111 of God" was
the subject of Rev. Mr. Milne's
sermon on Sunday. Mr. Milne point-
ed out that jams taught and
peactisecl this obedience, Mr. Gibson
Willis rendered the solo "But the
Lorcl is mindful" by Meudelseohn.
The anthem was "0 Love that wilt
not let me go" by Sparks. Miss June
Work took the solo part.
Meet The Glamour
"vs. Leland r. Jorgensen 511(1 during
tio• signing of the register Mr. Bob
Ca,milnifthafin sang "Beeause." The
Itsltr,rs Were Mr. Charley Shaw
brother of the bride and Mr, Delmer
Pillowortb, cousin of tha groom.
Following the ceremony a recep-
Hen was held at the home of the
I eld s parents where about thirty
fs were ret.eived by the bride's
Inniher wearing a navy and white
ro,terne with white accessories.
mrs. Bremner, mother of the groom
received with her •and wore a gown
er dusty rose with black accessories.
Plth_lldies wore corsage of red
"no's, Four frtrnds nt the bride
0 -".'rd the guests, Mrs, 11111 Coleman,
S'crey and Miss Isobel Speirs, all of
'iisR Dorothy u1rmstrong. Miss Marts
10, slot) candidate's deposit.
Pliissels. A toast tO the bride was
uroposed by Mr. Jorgensen to which About SI per Pent. of the el
31,0 groom relined. , voters-13.11SO out of u no,sif.1e 17.'
1980 -turned out to sapport
The grooni's gift to the bride was -
1 eilvee tee .service; to tbe brides' ""1111115*P0' ,2 'r' im"
maids engraved, gold compacts and cent., or 1,518 votes Wile' the 1941
to the waltreeees silver candy dishes. federal election.
Closer Fight
laier in the afternooh bridal
Tile vet. ,,- .tous,, ;,•
day sent 14PW IS Elston Cardiff.
Progressive ConServative, buck to
rc(0.0-;eir :It rho Haase 02
the third successive
An hyn ` 5 Ott, ('31303'.('31303'.known as being tradithe2ally Cen-
servative, was spread among all
enedeletee but the increase in
vote was greater than
that for 31 other e.0,1 0.e1(5
ete .
ro,11.1trettvi, Mor-
ris township farmer. polled 6.914
(‚11505, 121 more film his eloSest
rival. Robert S. Hetherington.
Wingham, who received 0.42S. 3 -Tis
tstui gavc 11'11, MI ((''('111 me-
iority or i', the 3' ('.F candidate,
TT. C. Burrowe, .Grey township, get-
ting only 493 votes and forfeiting
('(11910 for Lan
ondon thed other Tili5 Ye'ar's P10011"" '''.1100011 5
ooints for travelling the bride wore numb closer fight the.a. in 1945,
yellow dress With Nybite accessor- when Mr. Cardiff won a plurality in
lee and a Meek top coat. On their 0 00017 municipality. Mmulay Mr.
return they will reside on the Cardiff took nine munieilialities.
groom's farm at Ethel, with the rre'etining fire going to
Guests from a distance attending•,Ilip T.iheral enarndtititleateei
(hp wedding included the groom'selection returns
grandmother Mrs. Warn of Toronto, Showed an early lead for Mr. Car -
Miss Isobel Skinnin. and Mr. Orville di, but it was never very high un-
AllenAof London. fil the last. Al- one paint he was
leading .by a margin of only 40
Mr. Hetherington conreded the
e'ection at about 10:15 p,m. from
Wingbam. He broadcast a message
giving Mr. Cardiff his best wishes
for the next five yelirs.
Tn the last eleetion Mr. Cardiff
won with a plurality of L821 votes
over his tensest rival, Liberal 'Major
pongees Nein of Coderich. At that
time he lied en over-all majority of
Although the Progressive CO11-
aervatives polled 99 more votes
this time than in 1945 the Liberals
rang ma an increase of 1,390. The
C.C.P. party added 33 more votes.
Tn 1940 the total; of the three part-
ies were: Progressive Conservative,
0,864; Liberals, 5,043, and C.C.F.
Tbo armed forces vote is not in -
eluded in the figures quoted above.
Results Compared
The results in file munieipalitiee
10011 hy Mr. Cardiff were: 'Myth.
2:11. or 191 more than .Mr. Heftier-
ington's 111: Brnesels, 283. or 67
more than Hetherington's 216;
Clinton. 701. or 150 more than Heth-
erington's 613: Goderich township,
499, or 221 inore than Hethering-
t s 279; Grey, 498, or 58 more than
,1122's 436: Colborne, 262, or 38 more
than Cardiff's 224; town of god&
rich 1,451. or 234 1110CP than Car-
diff's 1,217; ROWICli, 466, or one
more than Cardiff's 065; and Wing -
ham. 693, or 37 more than Car-
diff's 656.
Nine Years At Ottawa
The third -time winner is a man
with nine years' experience in the
federal House and lk.years in mun-
icipal office, eight of them as
1'001,0 of Morris township.
Born at Brussels San. 22, 1899,,
he is a son of the late Mark and
Frances Cardiff. He attended
Brussels High School. Tn 1910 he
merried Miss Ada' May Morrison
and they have three children: Rossi
operating the home t : Mrs.
Dean Davidson, Brussels; and
Clarke. 151 business 111 Vanconver,
TIC, There are eight grandchildren.
Mr, Cardiff served on the Morris
Township Commit for feur Yenra
before becoming reeve. In 1940 he
was elected to the House of Com,
mous Aa FL farmer her. Cardiff le
Tenders -Wanted-
Tenders will be toc.dved by the
undersigned till 4 o'clock P.M. on
Saturday, July! 2, 1949 for the don-
struction of the following Drains.
The Denman Drain.
The Keffer DraM.
The BurrowDrain.
The Bremner Drain.
Plans and specifications may be
seen at the Clerk's Office, The low-
est or any tender not neeessarily
Security will he required.
I. H. FEAR, Clerk.
Tenders will be received by the
Township of Morris for the contract
of digging and repairing, laying tile
and backfilling the TurveY and
McDonald Drains. Work -to be done
. under the supervision of the Engin-
' eer in charge.
Tenders must be in by 3 p.m., July
• 4, 1949. Plans and specifications may
be seen at the Clerk's office, Lowest
or any tender not necessarily ac-
Geo. C. Martin,
11,R, No. 4, Brusesis
! Tenders will be received by the
Township of Morris for the contract
of cleaning and repairing the McCall
Drain. Work to be done under the
supervision Of the Engineer it
charge. Tenders must be in by
2:30 p.m., Ally 4, 1949.
Plans and specificatious may be
seen at the Clerk's Office. Lowest or
any tender not necessarily accepted.
Geo. C. Martin,
It.R. No, 4, Brussela
Queens of the Old South
Meet "The *Yellow DuchesS",
"Eliza The Daley Bride", and other
colorful beauties who ruled Natchez,
whitedlillared cotton capital. Begin
titin fabulous series, "Queens .of the
Old South", by Harnett T. Bane,
anther of "New Orleans Woman", in
The Detroit Sunday Tittes, •
DENMAlq-In Brussels on Tuesday,
June 28th, 1949, Illizabeth Zinnia
Bryans, beloved wife of the late
Dan Denman, in her 76t1t year.
Ptineral under the direCtion of
Morning Star Rebekah Lodge will,
be held, front United Dlniroh 811
13ruesels on Thursday, June 80331,
1949. Service at 2 P.M. Interment
in Brussels Cemetery,
interested in horsesand breeding
Ayrshire cattle.
The United Church
.At the morning worship in the
Prated Church a trio composed of
Misses 190ancis Dennis, Dorothy
Dennis and Ruth WilSSll sang 0 to
be more like Jesus with excellent
effect, Mr. Bob- Cunningham sang
"My 'Task" at the evening Worship.
Mr, Wilson preached his concluding
sermons. In the morning the subject
was T.ove knows no Separation and
in the evening If I had only ono
sermon to preach,
2 Brussels Cars
Badly Damaged
TWO Ifillsgelff 30054 were involved
in an aroticitIO one alai 41114' (IIIRIt(?r
11111Pg north of 1.Vint111'op on Saturday
during a heavy rainne . Oear, driven
by Mr. Parks, Brussels, proceeding
south, is said to have turned into a
driveway ItVrontof a ear driven by
51011115101111mcCutcheon. who was coming
to Brussels, The drivers ce Ripce
London and District
Football Schedule
tia:arday, .1 n lv Intl -
1 1enden Oar
k 00. Mantford!,.
lirn-els vs. Oftelnit
London Cit y l'R. 5"N•11.A.
Wed.. :fitly 111 ,
C.N.B.A. vs. Brussels
Londen rs. Wood.
with supertletal cuts and bruises, but licantro; 41 vs. f.; u elph
the cars were damaged to the ex- Sat.. duly 9111-
,•5 of 51,500, p-1-132,;1-)
TX, ORloch VN: I polflen Cit.;
. Icandon Carrie
1.11 113 11
Garden Wedding
Wort.P1'. 1 t,,trt,ff ord
Set At Wroxeter (lac 19 vs Brantford
The garden at the beim, of Mr. end
Mom" is Stratford
Airs. W. .T. Merkloy, ITTroseter. was weAslecit vs. C.N.R.A..
C.:n.1.1 vs 100101
.,•11f pretty W 1.(111111Z, when it- tr.,. • 1 CUP
' --111tic L.I,th3.1131 r11'i (I
LIcAt (1011-
It111'('l00 try In 1-1.1,..,1,1 Roe Jniv
Bennett, on of Mr. and Mrs. W. ,, • , • . nae,,ds t ock
C, Bennett, Walton.
The eeremony perforred by PoNti sat.„) Illy 23--
f'13. IfasicWood, of Walton. Ilr'fs:4( Is 110 Vtr-temi stock
ask fed by ReV. TT. Cronbielm. of „ \ vs. Brantford13otev.
Guelph c, Garrisor
The bride, elven in nuirriatre by r,.* d.. .7nly 27111---
her f331,1' 1001.0 ft brec:uled chenW
ille eed Tio.
4551 fl,for-Ifelgth 0011'11 with coronet sat,. .in'y
headdress, and fingeellP roll, Stl- C.N.R.A.
-Irrie.1 red roses. (1' • 11,11 vs. 1.00d an City
(for attendant was Miss Shirley IV k 0 I Garri
Bennett, sistcr of the bridegroom V'', 1.. ikaa. 3111-
who wore pink Mem-Hied satin with Woodstock vs Guelph
sweetheart headdress and mittens to s,,t„'iug. 631n--
1111111 bum gown. She married pink Guelph Si 1.1 fOrd
"(1,P5. I.ittle Sharon Merkley, sister seq.. Arg. 11111-
, f the 11(11,, es flower 30000re a London City C)uelph
frock of pal. green organza and
(-wrier] a nosegay of pink roses.
T-Tarley 'Merkley, brother of the
bride was the host man; and Pirate
Iterkley eseorted guests from the
hens, tt, th 01111115.rrien. Duo to the 11111(1111111111(11111cif pm
Folinwing. 1l re,ention Mr. and 'Aim In Crenbroolt Seheo1 a11 pepue
r'1111,11r'1111,11 loft on 0 trip to Northern be at 11- :et .$1; yea,. (00 11,0 by
(Warn). the bride travelling' In a 1st. 1950.
ray t iIfO3e dress with strawberry-
cuiorml shortie enat and 1Fsk acces•
ales. They v111 reside in Walton.
Notice -
J. C. Hemingway. See,aTrew
Grey Twp. School Bo.
11111111(1 113
Rio os
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