The Brussels Post, 1949-5-18, Page 4• 1:L=J;ZaaglirdZaal dao 1 4,3 44 OP' 1 q ixa .13 ttia offer these advantages. 1 There is no waste. • • THE BRUSSELS POST The United Church 2. In open range hoppers Pellets are not blown . 1 • out by the wind. I 3. Loss from spillage and billing out is eliminated. Pellts spilled en the around can be picked up readily the birds. 4. Birds cannot "pick over" feed for more palatable 1 ingredients. They get a complete balanced ration, The Meanin go f Pentecoat, was ,,nhjeet of the morning sermon le the United Chervil. The 1.1.1i111,,TOE Nenpared the waiting Period of the Disciples, with these present times. The morning anthem was " And did those feet in ancient times" by Blake. The evening sermon was on the influence of friendship and was bast.d on the loyal character Of Rusher's friendship for David, MASTER BAIANCEB FEEDS ALL etessCt ar routray man the sreoc tr F d =eats a ears ,L.;„„ V.7 744 NI • ' -• NI • aa.. eela,eg,e S. Pellet feeds because they are compressed, have less nxprtaed surface to the air thus retain the vitamin con- "nt longer. f. Pellets are compressed Illn:th in appetng form. Th n birds like them. 4•1•0411.0i1,3•••• YOUR FRIENDLY MASTER FEEDS DEALER Adams & S ns Plicate 99-r4 Brussels Engagement Announcement 1 The engagement is announeed of Janet Gwendolyne. daughter of Mre Bert Watson and the late Bert Watson, of Brussels, Oak, to Mr. Lloyd ITockeridge, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. W, Hoekeridge of Guelph, the Marriage to take place May 20, Don Mills United Church, Toronto, MnIville Church At the morning service on Sunday, . Rev, Mr. Milne preached on the %abject ."Protected against evil" and based the sermon on the Lord's Prayer. Mr. Milne named different ways by which this Protection is obtained. Miss lune Work render- ed the solo "The Holy City" by Wheatley. At the evening service Mr. Milne preached on the subject "The Greatness of Love" and based the subject on Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians, Chap. 13. and verse 13. tW YOU owe Ito ,P re. 10 "AU/Mk! 10M A-!%.--,mic EOM w ATTACK n.:;,.ino • • the Red Cross Plan", one mane aturos in Th., Would you 1;n\Ler pr: emtel; American Weekly. great magazine take it an atom bmith fell T41/110r- rhiii Sunday's (May 22) issue w? Would 3%tu knew how to help AliS1414'' Women's Liberal Assoc. To Hold Meeting A meeting, stponsorecl by the Women's Liberal Association and addressed by Mr. R. S. HetherMgton, K.C.. PDPular Liberal candidate fol North Huron In the coining Dominion election, will be held In the basement of the Brussels Public Library on Wednesday evening, May 25 at 8.30. A cordial invite Hen Is extended to all ladies of the community who are in terested in the cause of Liberalism. Come and hear what a Liberal Gov. ernment has to offer as lit continues its policies in the best interests of the people of Canada. • Chicks Saved From Fire At Wroxeter Hatchery About 1,300 chicks were saved !, front fire which damaged Frank Mitchell's ehick hatchery at Wrose eter Sunday night. The blaze was started by an over -heated brooier stove. When Mr. Mitchell went outside to get 0 pail of water at 9:30 001 he noticed smoke pouring nut of his hatchery on the outskirts of the village INeighbors saved the chicks and extinguishea the fire before Wine- . ham firemen arrived. A hole was Mimed in the floor, and a raft?r of • the 15 by -40-foot frame building CRAN'qgcrov Rev, David Perrie, 'Leamington, occupied the pulpit in Knox Church Sunday morning, The anthem was "More Like The Master' 'by Gabriel. • Mrs. C. °instead and Mrs, Lytle Gordon motored to St. Thomas and spent the week end with relatives there. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dunn and family visited in Mt. Forest on ' Sunday. Mr. John Schnocic is a patient in the Wingham hospital, ELLIOTT'S NURSING HOME ; A -commodation for bed patients and invalids. Rates reasonable. ; Nursing Service day and night. Telephone 367 Josephine St. SVIU of The Detroit Sunday Times. lebel. Wingham — Ont. Ag\ 5A? 4104/A--7-4; -4, "We Liberals have dedicated ourselves to maintaining a high level of employment and income, because that means a high and widely distributed standard of living for our people." Prime Minister Louis St.Laurent Yogi share— every Canadian' shares— gbe greater 54515 155 brought about by constructive Liberal policies Liberals mean what they say. Look over the record of the last five years — the most inn- pressive period of prosperity and growth in our history. It shows that Liberal perform- ance exceeds Liberal promises. tinder Liberal policies, Canadians can be confident tha!, this forward march will con- tinue — that Liberal promises will again be carried out, .155 More Jobs—More Income More people are working than in any previous peacetime period — nearly a million more than in 1939. National' me is three times as high as in 1959, is more widely distributed than ever before. — ... MoteProductionantlTrade 4 I a C.0101 More Savings • People have nearly 24 million more bank accounts than before the war. They have put aside more than 4 billion dollars in personal beak savings. •••• More FarrAy Allowances The products of our farms and The federal government has, forests, factories and mines and since 1945, invested one 0111108fisheries are worth twice as dollars in Canada's children • much as ten years ago. And Four million boys and girls in four times gi:eater. Canada is 134 million families are receiv- the world's third largest trading ing a better start MUM. Benefits Canada's exports are more than nation. are being ended this year. _____ OW. ....... T ............. • National Health Health grants to provinces are More Old Age Pensions helping to build a stronger Federal payments have been nation, Many projects are al - twice increased since 1995. The • ready under wa4: nine prov ince new pension basis is now in - . wide 11001114 surveys; 13,000 additional hospital beds; train - creased to 510.00 a month, ing for health specialists; in - providing greater comfort and creased health services and security for the aged and blind. 1 research. ... ......... -- ..... .. .......----,- ..... -- .. 3534 tl`• fawi 4111511 15 Aid to Home Builders Close to 800,000 dwellings have been built since the war. More homes have beeri bunt in Canada, in proportion to popu- lation, than in arty other coufl. try; and more were built last year that, any time in our history, , zramanzaten Protect your stake iv OPPORTUNITY, PROSPERITY, SECURITY OP, hasisy: eAeeccasnottrradeld. bbiliteoilrias;ntal ieccepir oe3 tiehydi eleeizartss nit rixaeteisno at the sarrtaeS twimeelitio able 001 the national debt ty 1,625 million &Dars. ..Incleoaery budget since zpo osn n flounced lower d roles of taxation. INSERTED BY NATIONAL LIBERAL COMMITTEE Nrq*PARIP,VOrp.r ,k4FRa AM' WA' Wednesday, May 1801, 1940 * u• on. ...on.... R.4"T s,..ltronger T.' Last Longer tV3181•09‘2111SAWASKIKUMMO:r CKS WITH BIG RESERVES TO HANDLE BIG LOADS EASILY Bonus Built Frames Have Extra Strength Bonus Built Axles Are Extra Tough Bonus Built Crankshafts Have Work Reserves Bonus Built Propeller Shafts Are Really Rugged NEW STYLING NEW CAB NEW FORD V-8 ENGINE Listowei Sian. Sfr&/iciuS itd2Phone 66 FORD • MONARCH DEALER FOR ,GREY, WALLACE & ELMA TWPS. gliggie=ionruniatzsztomazwavrzemanu a*.aememeamooso we,x*.n*.aes,ao...ocos*....*mwasavromommk POULTRY — EGGS — FEEL', ETHEL The regular monthly meeting of the United Church W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. Elwood MeTag- gart. !Che president, Mrs. Menzies Presided, assisted by Mrs. Ames, who led the worship service. A short dialogue "Newcomers To Canada" was presented by some of the mem- bers. Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs, P. Stephens and Mrs. C. Bateman. A Daffodil Tea and Baking Sale under the auspices of the United Mirth W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. Don Swift on Saturday, April 30th. A very substantial sum was raised. 41 LK E d Each Locker insured 'Ag&nst Fin,. Phone 80 .*.vatso,wo.smo• AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE AND CHATTELS 1 By direction of the Public Trustee, the following Real Estate and Chattels will be offered for sale by Public auction on bhe premises of Charlotte Fewster on Wednesday the let day of June, 1949 at 2 p.m. REAL ESTATE (Subject to a Reserve Bid) Farm -8 I/2 lot 1, Concession 12, Township of Grey, County of Huron, containing 60 acres more or less. CHATTELS 1 cherry stand 1 refit dresser 1 iron bed 1 buffet 1 drop leaf table 1 cot 1 email table 1 chila's cot, nearly new 1 prase bed 1 p:nnerocking chair 1 dresser and stand 1 iron bed I. kitchen cupboard 1 'kitchen stove 1 01111 oil beater 1 cool nil stove 1 bureau 1 Singer sewing machine 1 sideboard 1 extension table 1 8 -day clock 1 Snarton battery radio 1 day bed 1 rocking Chair 'Kitchen (tales 2 small tables 1 wash stand 1 clothes horse I medicine cabinet 1 sink 1 congolemn rug 6 x 9 Sever 01 trunks 3 odd chairs 1 tricycle 1 gas lamp 3 coal nil lamps 1 step ladder 1 iron hoard 1 cream can 1 (lust mon. 1 set quilting frames 1 auto harp 1 claims basket 2 flower VEIS09, sealers ititehen dishes 1 scYthe, new 1 ahovel, new 1 axe Other articles too numerous to mention, TERMS : Cash and aseumptIon Of Mortgage. For Further Particulars apply to ; A. Raelne, Esq. K.C., Public Trustee, Osgetle, Hall, TORONTO 2, Ontario, twirls Duquette, Auctioneer, P.R. No, 4, Erussels, Ontario: Phone 77--.6 Brussel-, Ont. Brussels, Ont. Agent for Austin Cars and Trucks Always a car in stock. Expert repair service to all makes of Cars, Trucks and Tractors. Shell Oil Products. Guta Fercha Also Us :d Cars, ,anam.1.23.1660.1 He run Tv itt v Fi-et Ott Three new Oliver tractors to fit your farm power needs! A new 2 -plow, 4 -cylinder "66"1 A new 2.3 plow, 6 -cylinder "77'1 A new 3.4 plow, 6 -cylinder "88". Your choice of three great new engines for all three! An "HC" for gasoline, a "KD" for tractor fuels, and a diesel that will be available later. All three are equipped with 6•forward-speed transmissions. The remarkable new direct drive power take -off is available for all three. A choice of cast iron or stamped steel wheels to fit your traction and weight requirements—interchange. able muting all three Row Crop models. All three are fartn.engineercd . . . incorporate the same advanced new features. Oliver's full line of centrally mounted and rear suspended tools are basically interchange- able among all three Row Crop models. Available in Row Crop, Standard, Row Crop N'Arith Adjust. aHe Front Axle, or Row Crop with Single Front Wheel. See us first for facts on all the modern, trainable farm fea- tures on this versatile stew tractor. Moritt & \'fight Implement Dealers Telephone 4 and 93, Blyth. klftnet '1 al S 2 Pl; 01. sa 11211.111,a1