The Brussels Post, 1949-3-30, Page 5414.1,.4 . 4414 " aa- 3=Z- a --:-,M. ,rr sr=231tixzact=iM a' , Specials hi Cd Elsed Cars 1946 Dodge Sedan, Radio, Heater, like new 1946 Ford Sedan, small mileage 1947 Chevrolet Sedan, new car condition `RUCKS 1948 Ford, one ,ton truck with -steel 'box and stock rack, small mileage'. A real bargain. 1939 Ford, one tone panel. 1940 three -ton International. T' A C y iRas Don't Miss These Bargains In Used TRACTORS This Week's SPECIALS ! 2 Ford Ferguson Tractors with new 9" tires 2 Ford Tractors with 10 inch tires i"Ford Ferguson Tractor with 8 inch tires 1 Used Ferguson Tractor, like new 10 and 12" Plows available and all Spring Equipment for Ford Ferguson Tractors, Ford Tractors and Ferguson Tractors. Jacho R otos s Lade Listowel, Ont. Federation News by W. B. Roy Credit to bring to Clinton Spring Show the largest and best display of livestock ever seen in Huron County goes to W. R. Lobb, President of Huron County Federation of Agri culture. Mr. Lobb attended a meeting of the Ontario Federation last week, when plans were formulated to bring to Clinton Spring Show, the tour of International delegates, who will be attending the International Feder- etion of Agricultural Producers, at Guelph Agricultural College, the end of May. This means that representatives of Phone 161 j about fifty foreign countries will visit Clinton, and witness the parade of livestock held on the afternoon of Friday, May 27th. The date has been changed to eoinside with this big event, and the parade w411 be timed with their visit. i Never before have breeders of live- stock in Huron had the opportunity to display their best strains to repre- sentatives of so many different countries the world over, and this promises, without doubt, to be the biggest fair ever held in this part of the province. A large delegation .from the County is attending the Annual Meet- ing' of Ontario Hog Producers, in Toronto this week, at the King Edevard Hotel. VAREIBISIIMPAEMMEISITIZCIErtffESIIIN gingham, Ont. We have for immediate delivery a limited number of Ferguson Tractors and Imple- ments. Come in and see us or call 84 Wingham, your Ferguson Dealer for this district. il's Servie Phone 77-r-6 Brussels, Ont. • Agent for Austin Cars and Trucks Always a car in stock. Expert repair service to all makes of Cars, Trucks and Tractors. Shell Oil Products. Guta Percha Tires. Also Used Cars. NOT/ °.,.: E+ Latest equipment just installed for Fluid Filling — Also Repairi Tractor Tires all sizes Immediate Service Given Phone 8 '4 a g• SUNOCO GAS STATION Brussels, Ont. sm THE .BRUSSELS P03T Ie WLi 21) COWS - $2,50 each HORSES- 2,50 each HOGS • .50 per c1wt. according to size and condition Phone collect: BRUSSELS — 72 INGERSOLL — 21 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the. Estate of ALONZO LEWIS HEATH, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of ALONZO LEWIS HEATH late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on or ahoat the 29% day of December, t948, are hereby notified to send full partieu- • Lars of their clain,, to the under- ' signed Solicitor for the Executors on or before the leth day of April, 1049, after which date the Estate shall lie distributed having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Listowel this 17th day of March A.D. 1949. C. ,TOSEPFI BENSON Listowel. Ontar•lo. Solicitor for MARGARET RIDDLE HEATH and JOHN I3EVTi'RLEY HEATH, Executors, NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate (if JAMES HENRY THDELL late of the Village of Brussels: i sae Cpunty 0f Ill Ono gentleman, who died on or about the `fifth day of March, A.D. 1949,• TAKE NOTICE that all parties having claims •or demands against Noe est ove deceased must mail particulars and proof of same to the undersigned executor or his solicitors on or before' the sixteentih day of April, A.D. 1949, l upon which date the said executor will proceed to distribute the assets with regard only to those claims which shall then have been received. DATED at Brussels this 23rd day of Marche A.D. 1949, Fred Thueil, executor by his solicitors CRAWFORD 8 HETHERINGTON, Brussels, Ontario. IN MEMOR ,AAM Tn loving mtemm•y of our Dear Father Wm, D. Ward who passed away Deo. 2nfl. 1935, and darling itTneher Mrs. Annie Ward, one year ago , April 1st, 1948: Tn our hearts your memory lingers Sweetly tender fond and true There is not a day Dear parents That we do not think of you. Ever remembered and softly missed .tN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Baby "William McMillan McWhh•ter," who passed away April 4th, 1948. We cannot say, and we will not say mat he es dead.— He is Inst awayl With n cheery smile, andn wave of irll1'a3 uayy Mrs. John Watson 1'assc'd away in winelttun General i fielded. March 2411,, SilaBlllttt Young, widow of the lata John IVa loon, who fired peptised her 25 year' ago. Deceased was horn in Glasgow, Scotland 58 years ago. of North of Ireland parente, with whom she came to Canada at au early age, :1(,1 ging ell the Gib eon, of Morris township, where she Attended No. 5 school. A private funeral service was held at hor home In Brussels. conducted by the Rev. John Kerr of the Anglican Church, of which she was a faithful member, followed by a scr•vlre in the church. Interment nook pint'e in Sunshine Cemet,e.ry. eurr'rlue arcs two sons, Reginald of Chatham and Stanley of Marian, :Rieh, Three daughters, Mrs. 'firm, Mitchell (Bessie) of Brussels: Mrs. R. W. Vililliams (Ethel) Pontiac, Mich., ancl Mrs, Eal•i Somers (Dora, of Brvsesis, One son Bert, and two flag gltters, tattle and Lillian pre- deceased her. Also eleven gr„n(I- 1 children and 12 great grand -children. Pallbearers were six grandsons and flower bearers. 5 great grandsons, l Joseph T. Nicholson .Joseph T,• Nicholson, a well-known , resident died in Brussels Sunday evening, March 20th FTe suffered a heart attack from which he tailed to rally. Born in McKillop township October 9th, 1870, He was the oldest sot, of .comes Nicholson and Mary McMann. He lived most of his life 10 this community having been a barber in Ethel and Brussels and was held in high esteem by a large ?trate of friends, who deeply regret lite dearth. In 1912 he married Rebecca Spence of Ethel, who passed away in 1930. On December 4011, 1937 he married Ethel Scott, who is lett to mourn the loss of a kind and loving husband. also surviving are two brothers Lewis of Toronto and Adan, Milburn. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. H. Wilson. Mrs. Guy McDonald Listowel .sang "Beyond the Sunset." Burial was en Brussels cemetery, The pallbearers were Robt. Bennett, Wnn. Little, Fred Stephenson, George Elliott, Harvey Bryans and George Kramter. Flower bearers were four nephews. Harry and Joe Nichol- son, Stewart McLennan, Glenn Fraser and Gordon and Mee Steph- enson, William Thomas McQuarrle The funeral of William Thomas McQuarrie, was bold from his late residence on Wednesday, March 23. Rev. C. Wilson of the United Church officiated. Tnterment took place In Brussels cemetery, - Pallbearers were R, J. McLauehlin, William King, Lloyd Tternaghnn, Mao Stenheneon. Gordon Stephenson end William Stephenson. The flower -bearers were Gordon Stiles, Mao Stiles, Stewart Stiles, John Riley and ,Tack Fa.Trrow. Relatives and friends•attendell the funeral from Auburn, Kitchener. Waterloo, Branchton, Kincardine. Seafnrth, FTarris4on, Toronto, Clif- I ford, Chesley And Hanover. 1 The deceased, who was a ltffelnng resident of Brussels. had smifered by the Family. I with a heart condition for the past four years. The lute MI. McQuarrie was brrn in Brussels in 1090, the son of the late Peter and Tsebell McQuarrie. He I was an employee of the East Huron I Produce for a number- of years, e loaves to mourn his death his I TTwidow, the former Mary Nancy the hand, Sireera, two sons Elwood and Peter of M He has wandered into an *unknown Brussels enol four daughters, rs. land, • Bert leollinbeck (Mnyme) Winghare, We think of him faring on, as dear, Mrs. Hoy (Alma) Clinton, Mrs. In the love of There, as the love. of Gordon Adams (Eileen) BrusAeic here, 1and Marlene at home. A s'ster. 11 also sl Sire brink of him still. as the same, we say, He is not dead, he .is just away. Forever remembered and loeed by Mother, Father & Sisters. FARM FOR SALE— ; Norlh half of lot 10, Concession 13, MrTiillcp Twp,. 75 acres chase land, ' .111 is grass, 9 acres hardwood hush Brick helms, 2 barns, Mrs. I7th el Ilacliwell, . Phone 28-r•8 R.R. 3, Brussels Skinny met, women gain 5,10,15 lbs. Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor What a thrill,nosy 11101m 00 out, 111f1y hollow 1111 Oa' nook 0o longer 8000001 body loses hull' stomal, nlekly "bean -pole" look. Thousands of 01110, woman, men, who never 00010 541n before, are 5010 Oro0d of ehntely, bonllhv-ton dog 000400. fumy thunk rho is tOn visor -bur a ng, naslrinnt0 0e' ronlo, vitamin 110 tofle5, , enrich 1 0 010 00510 00, Iron, dltnml t di 5010010 611,101 btoof, IuUr0Ve a5enttte 051 (ilg088100 et- (0011 5g1000 1011 more strength r getting too fent' ar10 nom on baro honer, Don't Mar roast, nee for yomal weight. the t, 10,15 or 20 Ms. you 01011 for normal orgy 01. 00505 htilo, p(l00r ' 50 111gllnlnlets elt0 081, 001. Try added pounds, this von' day k'At tor li10,001slx 10. Prulham of 7 m•orto, survives. An Important Message For Parents! There's wholesome entertaimrieut for the youngsters in Tile Comic Weekly Corner, 4n PUCK, The Comic Weekly, with The Detroit Sunday Times, This earning Sunday's (April 3)issue presents a party game, a follnw•theelots colour pus Ie, a tragic trick, secret mode message and Mil other festinating novelties Ge Sunday's Detroit Tiniest • ..,...aSir _..bF 1411., -,y..n x+,r,-f,..:,,;,1,,..:.,,, 11'..dteeeley, elareh 30th, 1919 o0'ooea 508150, :8008#x51 x000 c ,,x^.. -n:r.sto ;j out , a ITA w ., o, 14 a r .1. . 1 s_cmi�Gn �� smuanvpV Get The Ilse Moat: CuP a i."u� h.°Your1'11°8002r ]Y'(/pjI WITH ar ae. reirtrIE ria �.' ►l cna Designed and Manufactured to Operate with it for Better and Easier Work, Shorter Hours, and Greater Economy Plows Discs Cultivators Pulverizers Weeders Rotary 1-1oc3.; Corti Pickers Loaders ' Cordwood Saws Post -Hole Diggers Blades Combines Ii./.lowers Sweep Rakes Wagons Scoops Ov e,,r 60 NEW l 'l1•mpgF: erIts in the Rine FORD TRACTORS WE NE USED F^I'RIli TRACT Listowel S16"° ----FORD - MONARCH DEARBORN FARM IMPLEMENTS DEALER FOR GREY, WALLACE & ELMA TWPS, Phone 66 Morris Township Council Meeting March 14, 1940 The Council met in the Township Hall on the above date with all members present. The Reeve pre-, sided. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and adopted on notion of Sato;, Alcock and Bailie Parrott, The minutes of the Special meet - leg of February 25 were read and adopted on motion of Chas. Coultes and Wm. Peacock. Moved by Wni. Peacock, seconded by Bernie Parrot that the Engineer's fees on the McCall, Turvey, King and McDonald Drains be ,paid. —Carried. Moved by Bailie Parrott, seconded by Sam Alcock that the road bills as presented by the Road Superin tendent be paid. —Carried. 13y -Law No. 4, 1949, to have poultry included in the Livestock protection Aet was given the first and second readings. Moved by Sant Alcock, seconded by Chas. Coultes that the Court of Revision en the following drains be held on April 12, 1949 :• King Drain at 1 p.m., McDonald Drain at 1;30 p.m., Tau'vey Drain at 2 p.m.. and McCall Drain at 2:30 p.m. —Carried. Moved by Bailie Parrott, seconded by Chas. Coultes that we advertise for tenders for the contract of supplying, crushing and delivering approximately 0000 yards of gravel on the roads of Morris Township. Tenders to he in by April 4. --Carrico Moved by Chas. Coultes, seron.ied by Win. Pea'crrk thst Jack Lowe be supervisor for the Warble Fly Campaign at 90 cents per hour Plus expenses, provided that we have a request from two thirds of • the cattle owners c*f the Township to have them treated. ---Carried. Moved by Sant Alcock, seconded by Bailin Parrett that Russel Currie's resignation be filed until the April meeting, --Carried. Moved by Baillie Parrott. eernrrlyd by Sam Aleook that the Road Snner- intendent be hisrtucted to purchase 5000 feet of snow fence and posts. , --Carried, Moved by Chas. Coultes, sernndrd by Bniiie Parrott that' the meeting adjourn to meet again on April 1, at 1 pm, —Carried, The following accounts were paid: Coeil Bone, fox bounty $ ('1.00 Pohn Warwick, fox bounty 3,00 Municipal World, supplies and Subscriptions R. W. Code, MrCnll DIM% 19, W. Code, McDonald Drain King Drain Turvey Drain Rosa rurvc y, assistance Turvoy Drain James Turvey, assistance 'Purvey lh'nin Articles !'or Sale -- Typewriters, Adding Machines Cash Regaiters, Bought, Sold & Repaired. Safes, opened, cotn- ,3iltatlons changed, used safes Nought. Rt. W, -Locll:mg, A69 - 24th St. W., Phone 2096w Owen Sound 1 29.50 338.75 188,00 92.00 1.95.50 2.25 2.25 Advanee-Times, printing cheques County of Huron, indigent fees Nelson Higgins, stamps C. W. Hanna, relief account Lewis Cook, wood for relief S. 13. ,Elliott, relief account Flom Black, refund on taxes Sam Alcock, expenses to Good Roads Convention 25.00 Harem Johnston, expellees to Good Roads Convention ,, 25.00 Bailie Parrott. expenses to Good Roads Convention 15.00 Harvey Johnston, meals and transportation to Guelph 13.25 Mrs, Wm. Bennett in Kitchener. 1120 Mr. and Mrs. E. Dougan in Clinton 53,00 Mr. W. T. Humphries in Wingltam, 10,00 Mr, and Mrs. G. E. Pollard and 16.17 family in Hamilton, 14,00 Mrs, R. W Hoy in London. 9,54 Mrs. S. Houston of Saskatchewan 47.40 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ,T. His. lop, his sister. WALTON Mr, and Mr, Harry Bolger Mrs. D. Johnston in Blyth. and The Guild and W. A. of St. George's Anglican Church met at the home of Mrs. W. Humlphries on March 17. There was a good attend- ance. The afternoon was spent in quilting. The meeting opened with hymn 192. Rev. Kerr read the scrip- ture and led in prayer. The ladies presented Mrs. Lawrence Cummings, who is leaving the community, with a sandwich plate, after which the hostess served lunch. 1 POULTRY — EGGS — FEED Each Locker Insured Against Fire. Phone 80 — Brussels, Cont. Repair Your Tractor — any make Repair all kinds of Farm Equipment Ped, dor .Barn Equnipme,v: • Dominion Tires Otaco Farm .Implements Phone 86-r-5 Ethel bra It will pay to make us. your headquarters for Grass Seed purchases. We have all lanes and our prices are right. We have the b s st in permanent pastures at the cheapest prices. Also handle Lundy Fence Products and all lines of feed. Et `<' Ethel, Ont. nee Phone 22-r-10 Brussels 1rlai Acta¢.xsssunMs.>Wr+:rsarEr!misnz•,ErmIEVS �sc+tea Ethel Produce Phone 22-r40 Ethel, Ont.