The Brussels Post, 1949-3-30, Page 2GOES ON 1N THE WOULD RUSSIIA 7Russia covers one-sixth of the 'world's land surface, and this month delegates from its most remote corners gathered at a meeting of Vat Supreme Soviet in Moscow, There were Uzbeks from Central Asia wearing skullcaps; Caucasians la smocks; Yakuts from the Arctic 'wearing white elkhide boots; and others whose appearance and dress mirrored the 180 nationalities— eount 'ern -180 --who make up Russia's population. The Supreme Soviet includes 1085 members of the Communist party (the only party allowed to exist) and 254 non-party Bolsheviks. And all 1339 of them were simply there for the trip—as they are "yes-men' and nothing else. They hold sessions to approve the decrees of the Politburo, which controls both the Communist Party and the Ministries of Government. They would no more think of dis- approving than of spitting—public- ly, that is—on Uncle Joe Stalin's picture.The main order of business was to approve the 1949 budget—in which the Russian armed forces get 79 billion rubles, as compared to 66 billions last year. The meeting drew world atten- tion—not so mucic because of the budget but because of the dramatic shifts in the Soviet high etnnnland which has just been announced. The Politburo was present—and Molotov sat at Stalin's right hand. His appearance there seemed to lend weight to the theory that Molo- tov has by no means been demoted, Instead, he has been relieved of his duties as Foreign Minister to order to devote more time to bigger policy tasks—possibly that of cucercueing Stalin. Should this occur, there will prob- ably be little change in the Russian attitude toward the "war -mongers" of the west. As one ribald observer put it, "the only real difference be- tween lefolntov and Stalin is that Joe's' moustache is more liahte to get into the soup." THE UNITED STATES Just a month before Coe Nor- mandy invasion—on May 11, 1944 to be exact — the German radio broadcast a program titled "Vision of Invasion." It depicted an "Ohio mother" dreamy; of all the horrors of D -Day. 'There were vivid sound effects of srreams, groans and battle noises and the program was "beam- - eel" both toward the United States and at _American troops in England ---the play reaching an agonized eli- max with time death of she "Ohio mother's" soldier son. The part of the mother was play- , ed by ".Axis Sally" — in real life Mildred Elizabeth Glllars, now 48, an American who had lived in Ger- many for )-tare and oho had. handled many osier Nazi nrope- geeda assignments. Last January :)xis Sally erten on irial for treason at Washington. Recons of her broadcasts were played in court. German actors identified per voice. Her defense was that she had been forced' to broadcast — and that anyway she had taken the Gefman oath of al- legiance, l- legiat, e, aild so was not guilty of 'treason to time United States. Early this. month the jury found bliss Giilars guilty of treason, specifically on the count of her par- ticipation its the "Vision of in- vasion" brnadrasl. Her Sa'wy'er im- mediately petitioned for a re -trial, 1f the mafiosi for this is not sir.• cessful, Miss tillers faces a mini- mum sentence of five years in prison. And, all things considered, if she gets off with the minimum, most folks will think it little enough. CHINA In spite of his retirement es Presi- dent, it seems as if Chiang Kai-shek is still putting a finger, or perhaps two of them, into the Chinese political pie. His influence ie still strongly felt, and various high - placed Chinese figures either tele- phone or visit him regularly. So Nationalist China seems to be in the state of not being able to get along with Chiang, and not being able to get along without him-- especially im—especially since a number of key army commanders will take orders only from him. Before he left Nanking, Chiang appointed his own men to posts along the line of retreat extending along the Fukien coast to Formosa. At the sante time be started a south- ward movement from the Nanking - Shanghai area of government files, equipment of all descriptions, mili- tary supplies and the central gov- ernment's gold reserve. A considerable sunt in gold is in. Formosa, where it is conveniently separated from the mainland. Look- ing on Formosa as their last bas- tion, top Chinese officials have not been unmindful of the fact that American military men have dis- glared more than passing interest in that island, which lies along the communication line between Japan and the Philippines. Chiang himself regards his fight with the Communists as part of the larger international struggle. People close to him have clearly indicated !!tat he is planing his hopes on an intensification of Russian -American differences in the Far East. SANITY IN SPORTS intensive competition, the desire to win and gate receipts are mask'• ing our vision as to the more im- portant functions which sport and recreation should serve, it is stated by Dr. A. S. Lamb in an article— "Sanity in Sport"—in the current issue of Health. • , "The attendant evils arc apt to make very rapid inroads on our traditions of play, which may be- come so impregnated as to create a most serious situation for the rising generation," Dr.Lamb states. "It is uusound and unhealthy to think in terms of compensation every time an athlete steps on the field. It is our responsibility to see that the many thousands of boys and girls who want to play 'for love of it, have the opportunity to do so. It is our obligation to see that partici- pation receives its proper emphasis, rather than passive observation. That would be sanity in sport." Dr. Lamb emphasizes he is not opposed to professional sport which he termed a form of public enter- tainment, but states "what I am opposed to, however, is to be one thing and. camouflage oneself as a (hamelon," "Honesty, loyalty, or any other attribute of character cannot be ins posed—they must grow from within as a result of guide/d situations which call forth the right res - ponces," Ur. Lamb write;. "The values of sane sport vary with age 1 and of:•0,r conditi.ms, but 'playing the game' ;as a depth and wealth of meaning which extends beyond the 1 geese itself Into she activities of life. Ly TOM GREGORY 10EVER ATTEMPT r0 RE• MOVE THE SCREW END OF A BROKEN ELE'tlRIC LIGHT BULB WITH YOUR BARE HANDS. MANY PERSONS WHO HAVE TRIED IT CAME AWAY FROM THE TASK vd.•' GASHED FINGERS. iT IS NO LESS DANGEROUS TO REMOJE THE BULB WITH A PLIERS, INASMUCH AS PITS OF GLASS A8MV FLY OFF INT0 YOUR EYE. SAFEST WAY IS TO TAKE AN ORDINARY CORK AND PRESS IT FIRMLY INTO THE BASE. YOU WILL FIND IT IS RELATIVELY EASY TO UNSCREW THE BULB IN THIS FPSIiNN, 122240 .1,4004 HEN THE PLUB ON AN ELECTRIC EVIM 0R0V0148 IHiS, FLIT SlsRi8'510 S5 OF A CORK Klub FORCE IT BETAEN THE PRONGS 8 SHOWN. TOE CORK CAN 81 FAST ENE0 TO THE COR9 WITH A RUB918 8888 WHEN THE PLUG 15 IN USE •0,eefee e, u h1 41 To Fight For The Heavyweight Crown—Eezard Charles, left above, and Jersey Joe Walcott are set to light a 15 -round match in Chicago next June for the heavyweight crown vacated by Toe Louis. The Brown Bomber - himself, no v ttntiled protnbter, will sponsor the match.' ' Among tilt, counties Canadians Who take an interest in Big League b a s e b a 11 doings, the Brooklyn Dodgers probably number more fol- lowers than any of the other fifteen clubs in the two major loops. If you happen to be one of these, our ad- vice is to keep an eye on how Rex Barney goes this season; as there is better than a fair chance that he might develop into one Of the great- est pirching sensations of all time. A few words regarding the color- ful 3Ir. Barney night not be amiss. If, in dishing them out to you, we lean rather heavily—although un- beknownst—on the writings of Arthur Daley of the New York Times, think nothing of it. When we started out in this writing dodge we resolved that, should we find it necessary to steal, we'd only do so front the best available sources. Rrhen Harney first reported, as an 18 year old kid, to the Dodgers back in 1943, Hranch Rickey kept insisting that he'll develop into one of the greatest pitchers in the game. Of course Rickey might have been -a 'trifle prejudiced, seeing that he owned Rex; but Joe DiMaggio should be able to give an unbiased opinion. And Di\fag--after batting against Barney—declared that he was faster than hobby Feller in his prime, * , w Yet,. upao thc.dniddle of Iasi sea- son, Rex never really clicked, 1 -Ie was so utterly lacking in control that all he could show for his first twelve games was one 11 -inning tie, This caused Lippy Leo Durocher, then manager of Brooklyn, to say "That kid just hasn't gat it, and he'll never pitch another important game for me!" 5 5 4• A few days later Duroehcr w'as out of the drivel's scat and soft- spoken Burt Shctten was handling the reins. Shorten seemed to have Barney's Iiumber; and Rex proceed- ed to string up eleven wins in a row, He probably n-ade Durocher sorry for his harsh words too; for one of his victories was a no hit, no run game against the hippy One's New York ;lards. e * 5 One truuble with Barney wee that he never had a rral chance to learn his trade. Aper entering organized ball he nerved up with dizzying rapidity, going from Duette n to Montreal to FSrooklyn in the spare • of four mouths, And the first pitch he Made 111 each of those stops seas —well, out of the ordii srv, to say the least. The first ball he threw at Durham eluded the raleins% barged through the screen behind the plate, and hit a sports writer on the head --prob- ably the bast vulnerable spot he could find On any of that tribe. The kind of support he got at Durham made winning rather difficult. Ilis team -Wates resole as many as nine errors in sue game, 11e ['Belied a one -hitter --and lost, 1 to 0. Once he had a 5-4 read going into the eighth and Bruno Betzr1, his man- ager, grimly advised him that if he wanted to win, he had better strike old the next six men. So Rex I obediently week oat the next six , men. 5 * w Fresco Thompson, the Ivfontrcal manager, didn't' want anybody so green—and when Barney got to the Quebec metropolis he sat on the benelt until he had a hole worn through it, On orders from above Thompson finally started 'Barney, Nis first pitch went a foot behind Goody Rosen's back and tore out the screen. 'Che next few batters' 119re so afraid to take a toe -hold that Fresco 'I'h9mp on rracked, "It Was the only pitch 1 ever saw that retired tight batters in a row." But Harney lost that game, -hi the 135.11, inning. * * That Was 111.. only Montle l show- ing. Brooklyn called !tine rid be starred for the 1)odgrrs the same afternoon he arrived, His first heave hit Eddie Stanley, then of the Chi- cago Cubs, in the middle of the back, and the score was tied when he leas removed in the fifth. IIis record for that year was 2 loins 2 losses, 5 * '5 , When he got back from war ser- vice in 1946 he was bad when he pitched and spent most of the time on the bench. Although 1947 could have been a big Tear, it wasn't till the World's Series that he really rose and shone. In a daring move he was started against the Yankees He walked George Stirnwiss. Tom- my i!enrich doubled. Johnny Lin- dell walked to fill the bases. And no to the plate stepped Joe Di- \laggio. e * * l'ydc Sukeforth raced out toward the mound and Barney thought he was going to be yanked. "Nothing to it, Rex," said Sukeforth with a grin. "Just strike *the big buns out." So, with the bases jammed, Rex Barnty fanned baseball's most dangerous hitter. He threw out George 1fcQuinn on a force at the plate. Ands he fanned Billy Johnston. "A11 my life 1'd been a Yankee fan and Dilfaggio was my idol," ilartley said,tafterward, "I sorter felt ashamed of myself. But then I thought that if I could do this to the very best of them, I night do all right with the others." What happened last year, we have already told you. After a poor start under .Dnrorher, his new self- confidence really blossomed playing for Burt Sltotten, lie warned up for his no -litter with a one -hitter against the Phils—and the one bit was of thelucky*variety. * By the end of the 1948 season there )tram"t a better pitcher h1 baseball. That's why we think it alight be iniereeting to keep tabs on ]low 11e goes in the coming cam- paign. Merry Menagerie -By Walt Disney VI He was Limiting of seafood, and Degan drooling!" ',Vn(1444e4 1151 all*151411(11(51*,, h4 5,id. Any Seidl chorers ream.. Ph inns ._, Eon ler halt in ONE Olin. PLASTIC . Lighlwe;ghl'Alkadivo*Sliek Coles CONVENIENT... D!smppoors in a Floshlt IDEAt foe. Trips, Spoils • Potties' Honkylonk4 1 for $1.00 Postpaid KICKIACKET, nes 1411, 1., Anode, a4, GIS. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGEN'rie n'ANTED OILS, GREASES, TIRES lnooctieldes, Electric Fence Controllers, House, and Ram Paint. /tont Coatings, eta. Dealers aro wanted. Write Raco Greta & 011 Limited, Toren 'l 0'01110 A SPLENDID vurpoue lay of becoming your own boss' Retail our 250 Guaranteed household necessities Inemding 111e full line of Inseetieldes, in at territory of your choice, Port time agents considered. litindrede Of 000- 9,8(0l Femlies age110 started with n borrow- ed 125 Or $60. No 'lett—lt la worth n trial. Travelling equipment essential. In rural die. islets nneilleae la gond, Write (5.509 for details and 1''x4010 catalogue.. RAAIILEX; 1000 Dotortmler, 51onn•enl. 1.10i1St0BOL0 Fnrntture, rued Apullaoeea ore fait sellers. Melte 0 word:While extra In- come selling these line,'on a full or wart time beefs. Gene1'oun L'e,no11aalo/m•„pl'ope'lall 1111 daily. Complete selling kit provided, Write for fall details to 111"1'1152, 1'1110NICil I':lt: 1,111- 1TED, Dept, U. 453 Craig SI, W., Al not real, Quebm'. BABY Cl ETES 1F TOE did not reeei re a role of ear new 3040 catalogue send for a flee ropy at 000o, The information eoitnihea in same 01111 be very useful to you, We .pnrtl•ulnrly want you to read page 4—^•1'ba Beller the Dreeding— 'rhe Less reed per Do:,en.•' 15'e 51050 12 n0Pe breeds and 13 ,•roe breeds to 1)10000 from. $pet•inl .breeds fur egg 500du0lon, oneelal breeds for (08 term, Glacial breeds for broilers, Also ,tn,•ted el telta hWb and three weeks old, older pullets eight weeks Lo laying, '(011,09 nouns nil from Government Annroved breeders. Twaddle rblek reherie.l Limited, Pergu0l. Unto Mo. LOCK'S CHICKS Um bushy northern chicks from oar Pion Onl•k 0r Clovernmeut approved birth/ raised on our Poultry Farre, )Jarrod Rocks, New llama end remises. Alixed'chicks 515,00 net• 100. Pullet china 220.00 a1sd eoelterelo 07.00. - Stetted ebt'ka at r,;monshle t'niFO. LOCK'S POULTRY FARM AND HATCHERY 8.0.2 salt Ste, Male, Ontario MONleTON Poultry Farm Chicks—All we can any is try neem. Results tell the story 111 Broedrro poltorun-tested and government banded Write for 1240 pride list and mita. Moue. 3r,nl:ton Poultry 0$1rmo, Monleton, Ont. OPPORTUNITY SPECIAL FOR thea 0ee1. nnrrod flocks non -sexed 120. Pullets 26e. Cockerels 29,26 per 150, Order from thin td twin' for delivery tomor- row. Stated pullets available. Miller's Chick Itatehery. Forgot., Ont. 1040 1,OU110 elite umthe• good year for the noon's 1'al0e' who starts gond cheeks and starts them early, we hove the following pure ',mode to 'b(mse from; Sleek Althorns, Jersey �, White iPlants. .Anoouns, Mark Australorss, White Runs, Light Sussex, White W5'and0ttes, Rhode Island Reds, Bared Rows, White Leghorn, New l tampehires. Alno 13 cross breeds. Also started '11,1:0 two and three weeks old. Pullets 3 weeks to boots. Tlroad Broated 'imam noel White Holland Canadian Approved turkey pool l.0, Irt'ee catalogue, Top Notch Sales, Guelph, Cmtnrio. BUSINESS OPPORTUNI'T'IES AN Ol'eVEn to every Invents'—Leat of invert. Gone and full Information gent free, The Ramsay Co Registered Patent Attorney., 079 Sank Sl root. Ottawa DYEING AND CLEANING 0412115 (011 anything needs dyeing or clean ing? Write to no for Information. We are _Sled In noawer sour queationo Department x, Paeker'l Dye Works Limited, 502 Ynngo Street. Toronto, ()ntnria 'PAWL 0E95' HOLLAND intnligr'nnt fondles available, with one or more ,v0rltel•a. Arriving during spring. Pa,'ntera here Is 1'001' 0p0Ortoltlly to obtain ,enable help, Apply P,O, 234, Chat- ham, Ont 10011 SAL) 0300197/10 et0re and service station, 101 village on good road, Mose t0 lake ohm'e, hundreds of '01tnge0050 Prosperous communitY, doing good buuh,00s1 nice living (darters. 3, Douglas Murray, Realtor, Cayuga, Ont 000014RY STORE—Aloslern equipment and locker storage; both doings nice business; -with fully modern house attached; priced Teas/nobly for fades sale, This properly :nest be seen to be appreciated, 'Would consider email house as part 1(03 iOelt. Annly .11 1V. ,llel'm'tlY. Corinth, 001, No agents, 1 -JERSEY—OVERSHOES $ .49- PR,- Alen's, two buckler. Sieve 10, t I, 12, very lightly used. Refund gueralteed. .\lotloe, Distribution, :12 SI -Laurent, Vnileyflel 1, Quo, 0040319(1 \11'1'5, (let our t'rieen on smelt and 001 Hell, Minnow seines And din nets for seekers 00,1 minnnwe. Dant, 21. Gallo to Sporting Goods, Toronto, Ent. WITH SprIng r0 Mose you will lvanla LnbY elude that. you inn use outdoors. "KIDDIE - CHROME” CHAIRS whh their wide log 0001'00 enn't 1,1, Can't mar your lawn, Fm' Illustrated folder 92.)00 TIM' 15, 121118th Street, New Toronto. CARPET STRIPS Rayon. 2 Invites wide, 16 inehea long: for br0ide0 or, hooked rigs. 41;; nonnds 11.011 po0tna id, Schaefer, Box 174, • Drummondville, P,Q, MAKE YOUR OWN PIPE 1101101, Brine Rlo'I; and Steil -50, Seol- Finished pine:, • - 86e. 4 Shell or L'nu 01.1110 21.110. Pomace veld. Slonehou:e. Wallets-4meg, 100 51'it105 rhty loam, Mirk huu. "n and bank barns. :1 mules west AIIlc1 on, lllahway 80. Will sell aepa0 Lely, immediate nusaossioi, .A11nly Il .1. A. )Lyon, .4 Pinion. 0u1., Baa 7, 12 PERENNIALS 11lxrt, nor o,ir„nm,, 11.00, 1171051,:i N' 1,11 1005 $0 0hl'nh, e ,'„011, 1,1la0'0 1010en1 (1,1,151,,,, $94 Aberdeen 0,0,,,. 5IoO,HIeL Ont, 1 110 J''I NN': 1!', Blond Illlli'lyholes. Reviver week, Hole, seamy belly cheek, 10011031 mule. Cont quarter ant rh:,k, half vent turkey, Una„n n teedol'11y ,anrefonde0. One 0,110,' 101,, sn nide n.,l Finn Co. 1,11„ London, UpIA'I••rll9's -la adrrn slnhk ronflinlenf, 1100 un 19 '1,15, ,nlnploane .e with drinking bawls, bullpens aid two '011' 00110. all 10 Ileal rlaple shape end easy if, renew , Pelee BSOI, John A. Madsen, linlo„'llle, 0,10010. FO10 4.4 ,53 'unm l',v g1'll, sal '011115--1010-11w.11. mg. post 101,., 1111111 route, 000,1 (log Shipping std I'eert I111al1eaa, MI/4311011W and 01000 tor 011 Choounonlre and (Min 11011 way. SBunh,d 1)01 Wean 101'ed00l and 1'01 110111. en waved hiehw„5. Ido w re.” 11•,1'0x, Prom. let"r TIlr11e'w11 le, null PILES When yen remove the hlterual otiose of idles you (101 worn, results 11101; '0.46. t'im'e ilia sinlnlll reason I.0,' t•1'L'1ON10S tweet, l5leo0s, No metier what You have doe roe (Ilia torture, or how I(Iltg-stfinding alit at111M01'll lour Inst, nmtleln soienoo hag the ans,vo' 111 Prrtl'oNIo's PoLI0 R.n'SJEDV too liquid mews by neutl,) Petr first bottle nreves ibis o' Ilia Arica refunded at 01ee. That's 01111• lnnn'mlee 00 LeL. TONE'S sonlity. 01.76 at all modern drllggial4. _ 1'011 SAME (IL'10lttl'110(1.4for 01169 111111 %1111111:x, CSI; ('INN'S 8 1.1 8. ni1,1vItv.Sl 000 vii15 000111,1 Lt 11104 set to 19.1e. un rlahted, Mire and nils *non,,. (.0v I 1 1r ,r ,.01+. 1 ., , 111 1 pe, 010. DO mound. Pelt Bente . v•n, , N or 111990 g! Cf, 11",•1111.Un(u1 ,. renneled, One duilnr 1.1111 mlunhlr•. R. A. Feu co, Ltd., Londe., ,n, BEA HAIRDRESSER 1r1IV r , 1 1,1050190u BC1100L 001importunity L0arn nisi Punas ot 5v1i Sled tent Biarvel to on, good 11o'. ri Ann,,, ;,••• s'eat Bee aY(VrIt 0 0011 rasa• 01 Wldte oT Ca11 115115111AIII1111E8817•itl 00100095 tae I11oor St. W , 'Toronto thee, bee. 44 King St., Hamilton S' :2 Mayan Street, Ottawa, 10A.0l ) 11A1n1tl lel .1111.1or T1.0105. 100.1 :leo Imel, eemitity h .nut AGem. Ito It t 11 llio . III. tett. NEW 4.1.1411115 No. :1 ploy eormilete with straight coulter or rkluuo•r and Iwo ahures. nel:11105 p14eo G20,110_uo r once 01 a:1 1111'0 II. 17, KeoL 0,110. 0111. 13111'1.1 nuolneoe in 111111 fur 1,111•. on 111.1 1' brim; on a:1OUut ul (0,1111. Per 1011001..,1 apply Unnt'S 01,1:1 ,91e1.0, 111Jt, 00101in, I'A1t \i `i P015 0.11 I: it It le 9 5909. ,hi'Ilrn Iullae„o, or mrnl,ilr5• (aria 100 Ill,10 11. A11 01000, All types, entire: Morris G. I.141t CI• SAL. 11051 e,taie. 221 t9nren'e Ara, 100,10,,, 0I(Lurlo, West.'” 091.1110'5 100'et11oOL 100,100 Sales .1Oemy, ALUMINUM ROOFING & SIDING Cross -Crimped Corrugated and ribbeS styles, U to 10 ft, lengthsimmediate delivery ream stock. Write for maniples turd estimates. Steel Distributors Limited, 300 Cherry SG, Toronto TM: hear Wisels for Itu,lr Inland Lrnrto• 51,1a1 (12—itt' 16.52 or seam's] hand tractor the NO 1110 model. A1cCornu'R Deering Ginn, Iltenl Binh, elft plow o0, tang beam for Mime. ll. 1,. Johnston. I:panned, int. 050.01:5) wire .Name 1'h1H 6011--7 for $3.00. Engle Mfg. 1'o., 4:t:0 rrsnels St., Vide vetiver, 11 C. UCSD International long Baler. almost new. rubber thea. Write or particulars to: Dau. 000 Bros„ 231 Railway Street, 19mmins, Ont. I''OLDINO ('51A IRS, 00ew gunrnnteed, sturdy, fold (1n1. No. 1 Mime, n0tu01 flnlah, 22.96 +neh, Paramount. 108 )(Ing Bast. Toronto, 1IA0C1C Flame nuns, Weed and brush burners of many uses. immediate delivery, 1V,'!te t0,' I1ureroted Catalogue. Canadian Co-operative 0) 001 Growers Limited, Lennoxvtile, Quebec, BLACK and Defiler leleetlo Drills, breed mev, portable. 110 -volt, GO (or 25) cycle, guaranteed, !e” 840,00; 76" $21.00, Surplus 'tools, 160 King Emit, Toronto, WOOD LATHES, 11"510", heavy duty 710,010 bearing, rednoed from 549 to 230, Ogllvy'e Power fool Shop, 147 000000Or Street, Ottawa, 0.8092. NEW IVAR SURPLUS 11e0vy Duty Tire Chains for farm trncte•s, heavy trucks, road graders' ere. All eixe0, write for prices. Jack 1Fadell. 704 11rd Are. "A" Neat, Owen Sound, Ont. tame WANTED WANT 01 D A sued men troy n foo, mink uud (Urge)• ranch, mast be a good worker, tvuel- worlhy and come ,veil recommended by former farm elnnloyero o0, other reliable parties. New house, all eonvenleSveo, well located. Apply Box 31, 123-1.8th Street, New loront0. PIWI''ITARLF•.-sldMine, guaranteed Mosquito and 0110,•1, .Fly Repellent, Ontario districts open. Amx 291, Adelaide P.Q., Termite. MEDICAL A 7R1A1.—Every mutterer of Rheumatic Paine or Neurine should try Dixon'* Remedy. Metro's Drug Store. 325 101510, Ottawa. Poet - paid 01,00, U' 1011 are a SilF1'14I31012. from SINUS, Flay - fever, Iien0eulds, Catarrhal Deafieeu, you should use NAMELESS Cold Remedy, Coln. eh -icing tr,nl. 00010008 $1.00. Address P0111y Prodnet0, Exeter, Ont. HAVE YO17-HEAR)) Omni- Dixon's 5touritis and Rheumatic P0ht Remedy? IL gives good results. AOmro's Drug :lure, :136 Elgin, Ot- tawa. Pootnaid 11.00. NURSERY STOOK BUY 'Di1i'LNDAELE Seeds for yourgarden. New Catalogue 11050 ready. Write for Free Cony. Ontario Seed Company, Waterloo, Ont. PI,ANT a ledge—Reaeye now for Spring de- [WNW—extremely hardy—nuielt growing Chi- nese Elm—will grow two feet the Bret year— enough plants (26) to plant 25 feet. Special price 25 planta far 02.08. 12 -Inch *1501—or, 26 plant, for 14.02, 2 -foot size, Write for New Free Full Colour Garden Guide, Broolt- dale-Kingsn'oy Nurseries, Sowmnnvllle, Ont. AMAZING VALDE!— a evergreens, 2 shads trees, '..ornamental scrubs, 2 chryonnthe- mume, 10 pe'ennlnls, 10 plants, ail different, $1.40, 6 apple trees time to name, 0.11 differ- ent, 4 /0 feet. 8248, Complete nursery cite- logue tree. May farm Nurseries, Gat, N IJESIN0 D1)I.LBt'i:10 CON V A Lit:S(EEN9 HOSPITAL IN IIEAU'P110U1 81`, CA'efAItlNES. A homo away from home Graduate nereea, male 000 female; night and day d0ty. Excel. tent meals, pdooa moderate, a'ivate and semi. private. .rooms available. Our opeolalty Is nervous,, egrd and convalescent Our alm- 00a't00Y and eervioe. 505 111501ln:1i1011 0nuly to superintendent In phone 6 5262 Ill' 1'O Will:NIMEES for HIEN mod WOMEN EARN REAL MONEY 1''(' 1,1, out 0'A 10'1-'19.1110 Deanne 0 1o,n1 dealer or one of 10110tin'd 7nslmit -g row lig Indust Ger. NO INVESTMENT REQUIRED 1f you 00e already selling, 'al cell, or Lire well known 01 51101' u01'01115'. Tina is, y'0nl• IP101'1u111iy, Por 9era01191 nil pry few write 10-5010 to: 21r. H, 1. Low:Morsl , 8 Tuvalu Avenue. 'Toronto P, Onto rl0. PAINTS - 1''1t (1':1---1 Gallon Paint for beat 10tter contain., ing helpful wonting hints. Barn Paints. ,shite, erne, gre011. 1110 red and Vence Paiute nil eol0,',,, 82.06 per gallon. New 1940, Ewan. 11. Se:netnoss, Pent, not 0. surplus paint. .411 colors,. Inside and out 51,06 per gallon, Quality gntu'antend o• money refunded, R. L, Steiner. 21 Rimmed *lent, Toronto. 11011 Orders se - emoted i•Nrc8NTS 1•IC1.11EILS'1'uNAUGB k Company Patent 80. 'lettere. Nalnbllslled 1800. 150 tiny Street, Toronto. 8001,1et of Information en rellueet. PERSONAL AS'1 HOLUGI CA r, nendingn, 'Scientific. Ac- curate. Please write for Information. Eva Winfield. 809 'lourinw, No. 200 Vancouver. Canada, L AAI taking a mane 0 mad] repairing end 1 need old watches foe practice. I would be *010 grateful to anyone who would send reo some." Dollard Voutonr, J. M, Sanatorium. STOP 0/1109/90 without lalling anything a1- ternally or using Pry will power: For in- formation sena 4n addressed .0(010pe to Pierre, 4421` 'Birks Building, Edmonton. Alberta. REPAIR WOlt14 1'AFt11 010,110 91ring, go anywhere, free etti- mete*, ,00t000, 000,01010, pampa, pressure systems,omplelely Installed. Ontario Rural Construction. 710 Gerrard St East, Toronto. STA\il'8 FREE! Interesting stamps given an premium to 083 001100tor writing for either my illustrated pamphlet ehowing world wide bargains con- cerning eats. etc., or for my splendid assorted approvals, and mnking a purchase, nets], ar mall at reoaonallle m'Ice0, eingles at ono cent and Move. P. Dufresne, 1557 rullum 8t., Montreal, WANTED HAV10 buyers waiting that want lower priced farms anywhere In Ontario. Write giving full particulars to P. S. Star Real Estate Broker, 001 woodbine Ave„ Toronto, $600 CASK for old Parer a• Log Cabin Must be eltnntsd on good else lake with lake frontage, Reply at 0010, 17 F0lrslde Ave.. Toronto, Farm Seeds Pre Season Specials HAY & PASTURE MIXTURES PER GSA OE; 100 LDS, No. L Seed hoist) Alfalfa. 00%, Sweet Clover 1.0°0 $62.00 No. 1 Seed: (about) Red Clover, ' 90%, Sweet Clever 10800 541.00 No. 4. See (about) Alfalfa 23%, Reel Clover 10%, Timothy 20%, Sweet Clover 716` 140.00 No, 2 Seed: (abant) Red Clover *1011, Alen,* 10%, 'rituality 85% Sweet Cloves 10% 182.60 BAGS FREE: Orders over 75 lbs, delivered anywhere in Ontario It ossalble, order Iie'Onglt yaul' 101'01 Ca -ort ur United Co-operatives of Ontario Seed Division: 796 Dundas St, 5, . Toronto, Canada, PICKUPS As the little birdies well know, many a love nest is built on no stronger foundation than 'o mitt little limb,—Schleswig Leader. A psychologist for children says a spanking misses its aim. It didn't when we were a lad.—i4Ta•a- (bon Republic. If you Want to kill your wife with cariosity, just clip a brief item from the paper before she's read it, -- Estherville :Yeses, How To Get Quick 'Relief From Sore, Painful Piles 0 I can hen, most pie x111 l010ra. I be. 0000 1 vita 11010 vrnl loo it you Brant reli(5 0.0111 the Itching moieties. and bu,01110 anin 0r bled (19 l'Iomftold treatment is different, Hon hold 10 an 'nterntl medicine - a small 114101 1alien Wil 11 a slave of 0,0101 11, ,'onoela the conldlliOna 10,1. 510E vomit body Ina) cacao you such Imnn5e 0,10 40/0110011 and pain ' 8111 I'll no hence( with you, 11em• Roll aeons t0 Doth some pile suf Eero•s mora Ilton others so I well to •et'9t005 'Imes trim aro not aatisl'lad I' ramie ,n ,1x)1 people to 0115 For something the) does u not help them as 11100011 as they expect tt to If item -Role helps you, surely It 1s worth the email coat, Other. Mae 1 went you to have your money hark, L'.11 Lille your tweed. 1 f111d people are helmet BMW ouch things. AB t ash to you use Reel -Rola as directed for 10 days Then If you are not 001191100 return what You 1110 not use and get ,vele money back. Thte.'1, an unusual otter but lOemaold le an mnuseal medicine. it Dna been sold on a refund promise for over 40 leard, I am not naked La- make many reRmd. 90 It must bell, moil f,nto wain sae 11, Ai 011 dyne stm•ee. s ' ROLL YOUR OWN GETTER CIGARETTES WITH CIGARETTE TOBACCO LITTLE REGGIE TIME GEOGRAPHY CHILDREN.... is + FOR OUR LESSON ` 4; ' n t �•• IV f WHAT IS THE SHAPE OF THE EARTH, REGGIE? REGGIE! WILLS you ANSWER 'T'HAT I �(fai 1 a/ r/nf( .F ,h .,r�R +,,. 1 1 r u'tfit . l, 01' :. :.:rQ�/�'�t� �.•�; o , CV J hail It t , Il1t ui, S 1 u, JAL :'II t ' 1 1 I, s �, y'. vv���, tt'. 'r 1 +l ~r .I { �., yy i}, rl ,�, `1,11�, 4.1 kr' I i t,L. �I JYJ1Y•v( t+ i 1 ,r,�\ _ ; -'.� Loa •.ler ,£ t . �, ,Std : __�_ tip (30 n n ,d •1 i . / ry ..: _ �44, -..--.V v ----, cls : - 1 H. �j IP f i2. r .....•.n`y� '•^., % a eyes 1