The Brussels Post, 1949-2-23, Page 29 's"+"."4tt R1/, tti'Q
as bobsae
The Stora Thus tar: Reuel Monroe rates
the Sylveatr, Diamond from a v:mnan'a
handbag '11 a Los Angeles department
rtore that evening confesses the
ani hen to Don Brewster. state•3 attornea.
with oboe, she Is In love She haet1't
time in elinin ,ehr she 100; the atone
tor or. Joe Dais,uriie. peorec'a+onal dile:
whom ah, has known several months.
to D:,'a npanrrmnt and she to
Or 111 to raynwe The Minae she takes
t'. San Pra•s,ot. crashes en route and
els n ren red Art Ca - x010 toes
Els 0,013130 nor the sane Her
Meer:Mire cher .' discos. tired Pao -
borne 81.1 nt o An to
her hick to Log A alss They ca, tot-
toFed b( r; 1,,eir r and 0 when he teles
is stop Hole their care er,iiide and Eloee?
'a IcnnrkeJ ..a" ,:srtrnas
(Continued from fast week!
"Out of circulation." she an-
swered truthfully, and was glad she
did not In,:e to tell a lie to a man
who was :(',out to die. "It will never
tempt anyone else again."
"In the ocean?" His voice was an
angry croak and honey realized
that, had lie been able to reach her,
he probably would have choked
the life from her "ody. Even know-
ing that he could not more to harm
her, she still had a wiht desire to
push back from hint.
"That's as good an answer as
any," she told hint.
He gave a rasping Iaugii 1;rat was
ugly -to hear and she covered her
ears for a seaoac, to ltsut it out.
Then he spoke again.
"Too bad your friend Brewster
couldn't know that you stole the
stone from Mrs. Sylveste*. 1 am
sorry now I didn't tell hint that
night before 1 bit him over the
"Oh!" honey sucked in her
breath painfully a, site understood
what had happened to Dan in the
apartment. Then she said: "He
knows. 1 told him. I. trent there
to give hint the diamond." There
was pleasure in being able to admit
that knowledge to foe even in his
critical condition.
There star a 1,a -p front hfin, both
of surpri,e and pain. Ile waited to
"Irate a deep breath and site heard
him struggle hard to get it. She
chased her cy es as hitter tears
spilled over her lashes. Joe had a
few goal points 111131 elle remem-
bered now as she sat there watching
him-sendieg her beautiful flowers,
spending ]ti. motley freely, taking
her to all the nice places of enter-
tainment. And with pangs of re-
morse, slit. recalled that she had
giv-u hint nothing in return, -except
a few smiles, her company, and be-
ing engaged 'o him after a fashion.
She .C;rtod •to touch hint. to add
comfort to his last minutes if she
could: then ,hc jerked her land
hack quieten. remembering that Jos
was a dangerous man.
"Are you !n great pain. Joe?" site
asked g ally. "l an; aorry, you
know Alia she was.
"Pam, b-!' lie hissed from be-
tweell closed teeth, gritting back
the agony from within, Honey re-
coiled as if he had struck her, so
Jilted with hatred were the words.
"I'm done for 'nd you know it.
Bet you're a fool if you think you
can get away with double-crossing
Joe Danburne."
"How dict you find out I took
'the diamond, Joe?"
"13y the only clue the police had,"
"What was it?" Her heart stood
atilt with fright, If Joe had guessed,
the law might do the same thing.
For a long time he did not say.
anything and Honey was beginning
to wonder if he were dead, when he
spoke again with new strength in
his voice.
* * *
"A black button with a chip out
of its side. I told you the last time
you wore that black suit to lunch•
son that one of the buttons had a
piece out of it, And you laughed
because I noticed such a small de-
tail, You lost that button when
you stole the purse from Mrs. Syl-
vester, Honey. It pays to remem-
ber small things when you are deal•
ing in jewels. And all the time 1
thought you were on the level."
"Zan won't understand, Joe, but
there Is a big difference in my Ira -
ISSUE 8 •-- lot)
son for taking the diamond and
yours," she said simply. "I'm not
a thief and never have been." She
steeled herself to go on. "I never
loved you. 1 had a purpose in mind
when I became calgaged to you -
1 wanted to get that diamond, and
through you the path was opened.
s0 strung along." e low-
eredg She
iter voice to impart the other
bit of news she wanted to tell hint.
"You see, Joe, I lore Dan Brew-
ster, and I have for a long time,
but he didn't know it."
"It doesn't matter now wilo you
love." He spoke just above a whis-
per and Honey had to lean forward
to catch his words. "You won't
live to marry anyone." His words
sounded final, as thought he knew
i* for certain.
Honey was out of his line n1
focus, but she ahook her head in de-
nial• not realizing that he could not
see her.
"No, I'm not going to die. Joe.
I'ni not even hurt, The crash shook
me up a bit and knocked me out
for a few minutes. But I am all
right now."
She could see Art's tall figure pac-
ing to and fro on the highway,
impatiently waiting for a motorist
to come to their aid.
Joe took up his end of the conver-
sation as if he had not heard her
word of denial about her death.
"There were two things in the
world I wanted above all else be-
cause I love beauty. The Sylvester
diamond and you. I can't have the
diamond now. You saw to that. But
I can take you with ole." A -gur-
gling sound escaped his throat. It
sounded like he was choking. Tears
came faster to Honey's eyes and she
wrung her hands helplessly as she
sat near him, watching.
He struggled hard for a breath
and got it. Then with great effort,
he moved his body slightly. His
head turned to face her and she was
glad of the darkness that !lid what
might lie in his eyes at the moment.
As they faced each other there in
the darkness, a silence seemed to
settle over the earth and not a
sound came thorough the night. It
was so still that Honey could hear
her own heart thumping. When she
thought she could stand the quiet
110 longer, Joe spoke.
"You are very beautiful, I-Ioney.
But you are going to die," he said
and there was conviction in his tone.
"No. Joe. I'm all right," insisted
"You're going to die," lie repeated
and Itis voice was stronger now.
And then suddenly he lifted an arm
and a gun swayed toward her at
close range. She tried to move, but
too late. There was an explosion
and a spurt of fire as Joe pulled
the trigged.
Honey slumped over it: a ]reap on
t1t. ground as Art came running
(Continued next week)
Modern Etiquette
br Roberta Lee
'.3. \\ !nal t I,,,,1ess i, 6aing hitt-..,
dtu'ed to 3 num, el ouid .in' rise
A. Yes, always, The hostess
should rise and also offer her hand,
whether it is a man or woman,
S2. Should a nuts o: letter
0ougr5111101Ioa be seri upon receiv-
ing an asau:'uuecu'ent of 0 birth
A. Yes, and promptly. Sometimes
a little gift for the baby can take
the place of this note,
Q. When setting :1 die •ter tab!'..
where shouid the water Gla-; an
the wine glass be placed?
A, Place the water glass at the
top of the plate, towards the right
of the knives, the wine glass to the
right and beyond the water glass.
Q. When a woman has been •
widow for several yea's turd is 1;
lug to marry again, what cola,
gown should she wear's
A. Almost any color but white.
'Usually a delicate pastel shade, not
too light, is in good taste.
Q. IIon should a ratan asset t
woman in ascending a Streetcar 01
A. By a light touch on her elbow.
Q. When a person is being is,
troduced to another, is a courteous
aclenowledgement necessary, even
if the introduction is for any reason
not agreeable:
A. Yes, the well-bred person wilt
extend a courteous acknowledge-
ment under any circumstances,
Did you tackle that trouble that
came your way
With a resolute heart and cheerful?
Or hide your face front the light of
day -
With a craven soul and fearful?
Oh, a trouble's a ton. or a 1rc'uhie'a
an ounce.
Or a trouble is what rou make it.
And it isn't the fact that you're Mutt
that counts.
-Edmund Cance Cook
Add these beau-collectore to your
separates wardrobe! New plung-
ing, neckline cardigan with a gored
skirt. Both are easy to sew. Skirt
has no side -seams.
Pattern 4734 Jr. Miss sizes 11, 1.3,
15, 17. Siz 13 blouse, 1115 yds. 34 -in,;
slcirt, 2 yds.
This pattern, easy to use, sim-
pie to sew, is tested for tit. Has
complete illustrated instructions.
in coins (stamps cannot be ac-
cepted) for this patter to Box 1,
123 Eighteenth St., New Toronto,
Ont. Print plainly SIZE, NAME,
ACROSS :4. Southern
.state (ab.)
4. Po1m My
5. Indians
R. ?tan at
7. Plat cape
. 2. /indents
s, Tartlets
1, Eloquent
7. French
13. Courteous
34 Church
15. Greek letter
18. ()nen
18. Land measure
10. Sodium
20. Faction's
50. Meal soh ooh
2(1. Ren t
22. Pronoun
23. Dethrone
30. Flrn
32. First woman
St, west Saxon
3A, Stralgh r')
a . ftuo.ted a4
the back
40. Spolren
41, Froecn writer
45. Slnoe (Soot,)
44, Nit any
45. Wegg/0011043. rtilted
GO. finer
51. ritigt Color a
52. t icor ed
r. 4511
''d.r Ai 1rapt.,
57. Pro, 111n
2 t:....,•(re
10. Luzon 0 . Reno Mae
il,Soa nynttlh
at. Stylish
17. Dutah
commune 4 • Feline
22, Musical drama 4 . Vegetable
24, Book or 4 , Waste allow.
notion anon
3e.. lasteknOto 4 , Girl's name
57, Hirsute 6 , Now "Beaten/!
30,. ry tree •
al.. Neckpiece a . Small 'weight
34. Give (ab).
35. Satiate d . Metric land
as. Haranguemeasure
1 . Pealttve area.
tele poles
Fruit trees
111111111111111111. ELL ®ill i
IM. - .F' ..■:■
3;WFd 1M r 1114&
11111111 Milli
����5Ft4 6Y .a.rt ---
k'4 f i<� $L 4ta,<,.. «
a a••K�
MN 1111111
11111111111111•k/.Its ■111■111111
Answer ,elsewhere in this issue
No Hustle And Bustle Of Politics Here. -It's the Storrtiule Hour, and just like thousands
of other youngsters its all parts of Canada do, Sandra and Edward Drew -children of George
1 trete 11.P., stational leader of the Pragressit e Conservative Party -listen intently as their
mother tell them a pre -bedtime tale.
How Can!?
By Anne Ashley
Q Mott can relicts an ;erica: -
111g cough:
A. Prepare a mixture of the juice
of two lemons, one teaspoonful of
water, and one tablespoon of granu-
lated sugar. Tarte a teaspoonful
every half hour.
Q. How can 1 take the frost can
of fruits and vegetables?
A, Put them in cold water and
allots them to remain until their
plump appearance indicates that the
frost has disappeared.
Q. How can I prevent clothes-
pins froth freezing to the clothes
when hanging on a cold tray?
A. Warm the clothespins in the
oven before hanging out the wash.
They will not freeeze to the cl • thes,
nor will they be liable to split.
Q. How can I reprove dog hair
and lint from woolen clothing? '
A. Wet a rubber sponge, squeeze
almost dry, and rub over the
By Rev. R. Barclay Warren
The Standards Of The Kingdom
Matt. 5:1-121 7:24-27.
Golden Text: Seek ye first the
kingdom of God, and his righteous -
nese. -;Matt. 6:33.
Most people trill agree that no
three successive chapters in all the
Bible are as significant and import-
ant as Matthew 5-7, IIere is the
manifesto of the King. He said, "I
carne not to destroy the law, but to
fulfill it." He did not conte to fulfill
the late as it had been misinter-
preted and applied by the Pharisees.
They had sought to keep the letter
of the law and still violate its true
meaning. Here Jesus restores the
lain to its proper nleanin6 and gives
examples to illustrate what He
means, Love is the perfect fulfill-
ment of the perfect law.
The beatitudes with !which ;the
manifesto opens aflirm that those
who follow God's plan are happy.
The Greek word translated "bless-
ed" is in some versions translated
'•happy." Front the time •1n indi-
vidual begins to turn away from sin
to God, he receives a pleasure of
happiness. Tltis happiness increases
and i, characteristic of the Chris-
tian's life, sustaining him even a hr:,.
reviled and 1514513, accused.
The sermon closes with a parable,
The person who hears and does the
sayings of Jesus is compared to a '
man who built his house noon a
rode, The house withstands the
storm, nut the one who hears and
fails to do the _ sayings 'of Jesus is
like the man who built on sand. 'l'!te
house collap,es in the storm, Blow-
ing the teaching of Jest's is not sufli-
cient. We must obey.
Ile !who tales the way of the
Kingdom is freed from worry. "Seek
ye first the kingdom of ,God, and his
righteousness and all these things
shall be added unto you." "'These
things" are those of which you hate
need. Among the other precious
gents of truth in this sermon on the
mount is the golden rule, "Therefore
all things whatsoever ye would that
Wren should do to you, de ye even so
to then."
"Wliere on earth Is Junior?"
daughter, 23, is separated from her
husband, and is living with me. She
las a street little girl of four, 1
don't know how
much longer I
can stand her
"She has
never had the
responsibility of
taking care of
her child. Ali
site cares about
is having fun.
She drinks, and stays out till three
or four its the morning. sometimes
docs not conte home at all. She
has even taken the baby with her!
"Her husband knows nothing of
this. He wants to go back with
her, but she won't consider it. She
wants to run around with other
"I've been a good mother, tried
to make it as easy as possible for
her. She works during the day, and
I keep the child, do her laundry,
and accept very little money for
"I've talked to her many times,
told her how wrong she is, in a nice
way. I've even tried to force her
to behave, but to no avail. My hus-
band (her stepfather) doesn't ap-
prove, and there's a constant quar-
rel at our house all the time. Bet-
ween the two they are killing me
by degrees. I cannot sleep until
site gets home, and I cannot take
It much longer.
"Shall I tell her husband? He is
one of the finest men I ever knew.
I don't want to hurt my daughter,
for in spite of everything, I still
love her with all my heart. All I
want is for her to live a good life
and he a good mother.
" fours is a harsh decision to
'f make, and I,sympathize with you
* deeply.
" To tell your daughter that she
* can no longer live with you unless
,r she behaves herself, and that if
a site doesn't intend to she must
* take her child and live elsewhere,
* sounds the epitome of cruelty.
* Yet it may come to that. So long
* as she knows her child is cared
* for, she feels free to live her own
* life. Living alone with the baby
may awaken her to her respon-
* sibilities, and force her to become
* a stable and dependable moth; .
* No one can know until she tries
* it.
* If you think her husband,
through his knowledge of Iter as
* his wife, can help you with any
* suggestions, you might talk
a things over with I1itn. For him
* to approach her, however, in her
* present mood, would only alienate
* her further. • *- '
* You cannot continue living like
* this. You rare not so young any
* more that you can stand all this
* anxiety with impunity. The con-
* start turmoil in your hone takes
* its toll -and what would happen
* to you all if you break down?
* I think you should tell her,
* firmly, that you will have to make
* a change unless she calms down:
* It will be hard to do, but it may
* be the best thing for her in the
* long run.
k * *
Sometimes a loving mother can
make things too easy for her chil-
dren. For their own sakes, they
need to !told up their end and per-
form the duties which life has laid
upon them. If you need courage
in dealing with then], write to Anne
Hirst, at Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St.,
New Toronto, Ont,
11:111.0 Ann, or ours of eta
many variation,, provides a con
tion bond for all these fatnpua
*01113111. Tri and identify them frola
tate descriptions givens then check.
your ,,'sults with the answers,
printed upside. down, underneath..
1. Abraham Lincoln'.; childhood
2. A movie for which artver•tise•
meat, proclaimed "G a el) tr
Talks," -
.3, "She a my Annie, I'M her Joe.°'
4, henry 1'III's second wife, be•
headed for infidelity.
5. The aristocratic heroine of a
novel by Count Tolstoy.
6. A star in Buffalo bill's Wild
\\'est Show.
7. Fatima constantly asked her,
"Do you sec anyone corning?"
8. Ati orphan adopted by Oliver
9. `fits a white petticoat and a red
nose; the longer she Stands, the
shorter site gross's."
10, An Englishwoman for whom rt
style of furniture is harped.
11. "For bonnie - - I'd lag
me doon and dee."
12. The ship, in W. 5. Gilbert's
yarn, whit)11 had a single and
cannibalistic survivor.
13. An actress supposed to have
bathed daily in milk.
14, The wife of the Bard of Avon.
1. 5
The greatest ballet dancer of
modern times,
The Answers
'8a01Aed atItt 'S1 :al1A+e1.12e1j UtIV
'hl P15H euu' 'gt Ittass ,Saue,N
041 20 1120A 34.L) 'Zi !Sune7
amu\' '11 :anus,- uaantj •01 I1coa11
.Sate7 a1111 -I •6 :oluUY u0gdto
alt1!'I '8 :gutty tats'S •L :,faiarso
stun\- •g :Unman)/ euny' •g In/Calog
anus?, 'y :P.aU0o3i exuu\- •1 :at;
-stttlD uuuy •Z :agpstonll auV •1
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