The Brussels Post, 1949-1-12, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST .. Rhys Bacher :Ontario .Plowmen's Association News Five Ontario farm. t< sal' -;til January 1; for the isles where they will r, pto.eqt i anada at the International Slowing Match to be held at Saints i•'teld, Count) Down, Northern Iratltoad. Vii:. Members of the, team i11, ludo allays Bucher of Hag rsvill- and 'Robert Timbers of Stoufffille, 'ii78nn.erw in the Esso Traotcr Class At last year's International plowing Stewart Ihohers Wilbert .11cFaddin gluier Mark 'mateh at Lindsay, Ont.; Alvin Mane participating in the plowing matches' of Cameron and Wilbert McFaddht they will study 13ritielt methods of of Milbank, the Salada Tea agriculture and will visit corny champions, and Elliott Misesa of places of historical interest. Obsweken, a director of 111, On- Although tho Canadian farmer: tarso Plowmen's Assoctati')u turd have never been abroad, when they tetuu manager. r. Yeses +s a visit Northern Ireland they w oec• member of the Delaware tribe of old friends made last October at tete the Six Nations. International Plowing Match at The men will sail from New i ork Lindsay. It was the first tStne that on the new litter "Caronla" for a a team from the British Isles had month's tour of the l3 itiah Isles ever plowed in Canada and the Trish as guests of Imperial 011 ?1, aul plowmen wore a feature attraction of the Saiada Tea Co. Ltd, .1s well as the match, HOWICK COUNCIL 1\Gerrie, January 5th, 1'i111 The t'ultncil me: la the (1•rl's of11ce, according to stet et e, the membere elect were all Present and tarok the necessary Declaration of Office as follows; Via Elmer 3. Parrish, Reeve; 'Harold Cowdy, Deputy Reeve Warren Zurbrigg. Narver Mic,al Wheel ntul 1ran Hashing Cbnrtcdlors, The business of the Council proceeded \villi the Reeve, ]'Elmer J. Parrish in the chair. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and un !notion of Zurbrigg and Gowdy were adopted !as read, --Carried. Moved by Gowdy and Raskins that BY -Law No. 12 of the Towns'lip of Ilowiek for the year 1918 as read the third time be finally passed, :—Carried, Moved by McMichael and Haskins that we extend the time for the return of the Collectors Roll until February 5th, 1940, —Carried, Moved by Haskins and Gowdy that we the Township Council fee, that part of the Township banking business should be shared by the Dominion Bank and we recommend that the Managers of the Hank of Commerce. Wroxeter and Lominlon Bank. Gorrie, agree to a plan that will be satisfactory to both Banks and Ratepayers of the Town- ship and present the same to the Council at the February Sth meeting for their approval. —Carriod. Moved by Zurbrigg and Haskins that we accept the application of Anson Galbraith for the position of Road' Superintendent for the Town- sbip of Ilowiek and tho Clerk be instructed to prepare a By -Law and forward a copy to the Department of Highways for their approval. -Carried. Moved by Gowdy and McMichael that we instruct the Clerk to send for eight subscriptions to '1';1 Municipal 'World. —Carried. Moved by McMichael and Zurbrigg that the Road' accounts be in the bands of the Road Superintendent cit the third of each month and the Road Superintendent be instructed to notify each patrolman accordingly, --Carried. Moved by Zurbrigg and McMichael that By -Law No. IT of the Township of Rowick for the year 1948 be amended to read that the Reeve •of the Township of Ilowiek be a mem- ber of the Itiordwich Community Hall Board to represent Cite Township Council to replace E. H. Strong, —Carried, Moved by Zurbrigg and Haskins that the Rond accounts as approved be paid. —Carried. 'loved by McMichael and Zurbrigg that we refund I3, Sperling $4,00 being an error on 1048 taxes, —Carried. ;gloved by Zurbrigg and McMichael that the following'aecoun-5 be Paid: —Carried. Relief $ 21 90 Royal Bank, Clifford charges collectiing taxes . $ 6,26 Bank •of Commerce, Wroxeter Merges collecting taxes 22.15 H. Snarling, error on 1948 taxes • 4.06 Elmer Downey, piling wood at Township Hall, Gerrie 1.50 Justin Will, cedar for Town- ship Hall, Gavle 8.00 Municipal World, to question submitted .50 David Braun, fox bounties 6,00 Cecil Grainger, fox bounties „ 15.00 Wilfred Drown, fox hountlos 9.00 le Hupfer, fox bounty , 3,00 R, J. Hueston & Son, coal for , Clerk's office 32,86 Mel Finiay, dog tax refund 2.00 Harry Ring, dog tax refund 2,00 3, H. Shannon, legal advice ' 26,00 The Pedlar People Root for Township Hall, Gerrie 285,18 P, Durst, postage 6,00 Moved by Haskins and McMichael that this Council do now go into a committee of a whole to melte appointments and set salaries for the Year 1949. —Carried, Moved by Haskins and Zurbr!gg that this committee do now revert to open council, —Carried, The Committee reported as follows; The caretaker •of the Township Hall, .Gorrie be given a salary of $70,00; members of the Board of Health be $G,00 each; Secretary of Board of Health 11600; Livestock Valuators be Paid $2.00 per trip; Sanitary Inspector be paid $200 per trip; Grader Operator be paid 75a per hour, Caretaker Township Hall, Gerrie shall be 'Elmer Downey; Member of Board of Hassan shall be Norman Clegg along with the Reeve and Clerk, and the Clerk shall be Secretary of the Beard of Health; Livsstoek Valuators 5111111 be James ISouglaa and John Dinsmore; Sani- tary Tnspector shall be Gordon T'nderwood. Moved by Raskins end Zurbrigg that Sy -Law No, 1 of the Township Full Program For 'Three Day Crop Convention y` and means 01 producing crops un Ontario farms, with advice on soil building, 'e improvement ail . nttmr pneees of the science of agriculture. VIII be discussed at the nnun,el meeting next month f the Ontario iron Improvement Association. 'Meetings are to be held at the Ring .',rticies For Sale— Typewriters, . Adding Machines, Cash Regsiters, Bought, Sold & Repaired. Safes, opened, corn- binations changed, used safes ?Naught. J. W. Lacking, 369 - 24th St. W., Phone 2096w Owen Sound F. F. Homuth Registered Optometrist `Wester graters'& meg Modem IEye tr hone 218 darristorl E.lward Hotel from F ehruar • Oto 0, 1 McTavish of Paisley, Is presi- d.ut of the .Association. "f-ses of legume graccea In rota- tion: Is the general tlieule of Thr` convention and there will be special ee5i5olls for notate gl'ow'ers, turnip growers, and registered seed growers, There will also be special meetings for Northern On- tario delegates. with ape..;al atter 11011 to thin indivldua] ce•sp pr.lb•. lems as well as 0 session for wint•_r wheat growers. Highlights of the convention will be an address, followed by '11,,eiss'c•a ntr "Soil P,ittlding with Sud Crepa.„ by Prof. G. N. Saltlike, Director cf Research, Ontario Delar.ment of Agriculture. Prot. 11. (1. Knox, head of rho Live- • ,tock Department of the - Ontario Agricultural College, uue_Ph, will speak on an allied subject—"Making Pastures Pay." On Monday, convention opening clay, Dr, K. W. Neatby, ,Director of Science Service, Ottawa, will speak to potato growers at a iuneheon. On Wednesday evening, the minuet dinner -meeting will be held when the guest speaker will be Lr. Sidney Smith, I3.0., ALA., President of the University of Toronto. WALTON The January meeting of 'the Walton C,G.I.T, was held ou January 8 at the home of Margaret McArthur. The meeting was opened with the C.G.T,T. purpose. Doris Stevens then read the Call to Worship followed by the singing of hymn No. 013, Marg- aret 1lcArthur read the Scripture Matthew 7;55-12 and the prayer, Hymn no. 009 was then sung. During the business part of the meeting the following officers were electett:• Pres., Doris Stevens; Vice Pres., Leona. Johnston; Sec„ Margaret Mo - Arthur: Treas., Helen Johnston; Press Sec., Margaret 1•IfArtlnu'; Recreation Convenor, Ione Watson, To raise some money it was decided that we make an autographed quilt. Aleo on February 5 we are having a. Val ntine party at the home of Doris Stevens, The meeting was closed with some games, and a de• \scions lunch, WANTED— Cutters, sleighs, usable materials. horse )Hair. also L. Waxman, Brussels Modern Harvesters' Excursion to Help Canadian Farmers A New Era in Harvesting Started by Massey -Harris Combines Trainloads of Massey -Harris combines rolling across the country to the grain farming areas are a common sight nowadays, They have replaced the once familiar annual harvesters' excursions which brought thousands of harvest hands to the prairies, Modern mechanical harvesters like the Massey -Harris self-propelled combines, have brought many advantages to grain growers. With them, crops can be harvested with the minimum of manual Tabor, a great money -saving feature when, in times like these, experienced farm help is in short supply and wage rates are high. Massey -Harris self-propelled combines speed up harvesting—one man can cut and thresh 50 acres and upwards in a day. Operating costs are low too with a self-propelled—one motor supplies power to propel and operate the machine, There is no expense for twine or atooking. And the combine has clone away with the work, worry and expense of threshing Time, rand for combines indicates the trend towards modern mechanical harvesting. From • "• increased greatly, more and more Massey -Harris combines are being armers harvest their crops easier, quicker and at less cost. ,HARRIS COMPANY, LIMITED Established 1847 Iegina, Saskatoon, Swift Current, Yorkton, Calgary, , Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, Moncton ^n, 1011 Wednesday, January tt.11t. 1,10 w VI FOR INCREASED POULTRY PROFITSM FEED .rrs••."i','::^,�. a:: -i::�,VFr.•T:5tit7�`D.:�i MASTER LAYING MASH 20% OR RED HEAD EGG;, MASH 7.5' WITH A NOON FEED OF ' MASTER LAYING. PELLETS AVOID DISSAPPOINTMENT THIS SPRING., PLACE YOUR CHICK ORDER WITH YOUR LOCAL HATCHERY res'` s STUDDED GR MID GRIPS No chains needed this winter—not with Firestone Studded Ground Grips! The, deep, 9•sided sclF•deentng studs, bite— grip—pull through snow and mud. Get them today for tomorrow's winter driving. MASTER BALANCED FES S ALL cumin OF POULTRY ►A_ uvE STOCK FI! BEARING MOMS & Docs Riverside Nieotors Phone 56 Brussels, Ont. of Howlett for the the third time be NOW. THEY ARE GOOD CHICKS WELL HATCHED. WE CARRY — OYSTER SHELL GRIT. MILL FEEDS: SALT. OUR SERVICE IS THE BEST. YOUR MASTER FEEDS. DEALER L7 C Adams &ons Plncn.e 99-r-4 Brussels '41 M M til M M M M til year 1949 as read finally passed. —Carried. Moved by Zurbrigg and Haskins that again ary we do now adjourn to meet at the Clerk's office on Febru- 5th, or at the call of the Reeve. ---Carried, P. L, DURST, Clerk FOR SALE— Air cooled H.P. gasoline motor, only used 2 weeks. Phone 42-r-11 George Cardiff Briggs -Stratton 11/0 FOR SALE— Electric motors rewound and re- paired. Expert workmanship. Moder- ate prices. New motors in stock. .� Bettger Industries, 649 Ontario, Street, Stratford, Ont. d1 4t 's „yNFt `, 'a' k 000 bosses Your bank account Is one of seven million. You keep it in the bank of your choice. A bank exists by the confidence of its depositors. You're the bot. YOUR banks operate under charters granted by Parliament, which every ten yeah reviews and revises them. - Above all, the depositor is the controlling factor -the safety of depositors* funds is a bank's first concern. As a deposibf exercising your free choice—yours is the power which keeps the bank alert to your needs. And it works out. Impartial authorities have called Canada's banking system one of the soundest and most efficient in the world. Contrast this Canadian way with conditions !n lands where freedom is denied' -where every bank is a political tool, every banker a State official! State monopoly of banking, proposed by socialists here; would open your banking transactions to political intrusion.' SPONSORED BY YOUR BANK