The Brussels Post, 1954-9-29, Page 5� 0 f Calvert" `p is coy u
a _' 4 Duma, ca]i pare like, '(ire -works,
v .: grca,, P ... lAay 1,4
F[1tiFrlpl�n) ire OYQ. e£�mi-. AIld )a fCOach
in only his second Rea an„w ll be a poi him: � J
1 inmy Skinner, newly-appointecl'c0ilc ill "& Red Wings,
replacing astute li-tie Tommy Iva ,.,who has moved. on to
Chicago; has fihjl[lipportant cjfore". 1. his ____ job, 1i xlrrxajor
hockey. Spinner's app0intme t.ia,m line wit4 an'' e,,ssta}llished
}paIts policy of hajiug 1111,, oaeb o#[ record a� thk'eCitnP• of
h game direct his team,
The "I11l" d't"fF�tiiftest ryJillfiiiinl�ii�,`Skirin8r7s•c�ebutiat the
helm Of the Detroit club on Olympia ice in which he will
seek t0 becog5-'f,4,seco d coach 'n h' tp�y+�d lead a Stanley
Cup ehampidt to tlietox dver'•th1e ATStam,.`
scored on 128
It;y of + nlejttph3ic-Ghi;dlted"iotAltd4'iFioS#rffOwonliSoundliOh`j.
signalized his appearance with Toronto In the 152-153 race
byreg�ci5gq�Ef'Pl� a19ti: iefe.ise tiht, rater to
19 last's so ,
It is four years sin�fjo,IxtpP Vel Rq'r Detroit, his first major
teagtie team, but it is'proverbiall hockey and possibly
other spoitsy too, that €the �e latrlates are always atIr
, t`' ski e":olRpits ngr'Rdrlltel• :3tailf#., 1 f •:' ,r,a I if'I � ., ..+' 12;, y v
v,Dod sod yvsl A.
Your comments and su
y 1r y /pgeaflorn for this column will be w>skoinod
J } � �Y t lrlt Le{� oo �,01Y1,111 l tF 1r r�'_Ae ?it_i «7"r�io S
Ctv4yy►► i!JYC1
�tr6�dL'ii�n 'fir °i�,cl>xtr A
your state Of mind At present,
contains more fat and more con.
whether you're worried or an.
nective tissue. Because of its
Aro Goldfish Wild
sliglitiy higher Pat content, shwa
light snaclt, on the other hand,
dark meat yields a few moria
BELIEF. DrinWrig too moeb
show up In the wrong places.
water thins the blood,
FACT, Not at all. ' You ctiu
drink '..quart Or two OT. water
on an ,,empty stomach without
' affectiltd the Coliventl at.ign of
III :a .praiseworthy effort to
The Status of a goldtisll has
BELIEF, Sonre day Science
will replace ordinary foods with
die vidpr of a South London
parish church has purchased a
Pills that will supply its with
everything our bodies need,
Churchgoers ,are welcome to
Proved a legal problem in Low-
a lift, and" the, vicar htmSelf'acts
a s cabbie n S unday aPCernOpay
that:th idea of making such
collecting children for Sunday
piis is just as absurd as
the idea of malting •water pills,
er Hutt -New .Zoaland, . In a
The ibasie chemicals neeess,
tial obilecting b6Y Inside=the, c
ary to sustain life are lust about
as bulky as the nattural Moods m .:
court Casa there;, goidilsh have
been fghnd In Iaw to neither
goods,'nor IArtieles; °ilnd tlaithAr
wild n0 anirilaisi
�.': �k� �
���, t
In the rhagistrates opinion
theyfall into,4a int irmedfary
category. He felt. it,.cAvld' be
held that goldpsh,• being
Tor t1l0u'sandtk of I.YF'F'iti°• epi-pRs"
tivity,'1•i]$'t'P• e �r1V d"., t0
t e 1
f iteyit,p
r e t w
which lite t'< a
could; tI)exqfpre, be expecteitl
a :a r
turns :•lPAsd7;to. retl,>}n: ;th Ix
Ownei 4,hxinkgif caAObla. �, �ti-.,•.
� xo-
'k � .I
in g,,
.. a:., ,,�
The'one ,.
✓N..♦�. .,all''. ::�ft`T,^..':'
your state Of mind At present,
contains more fat and more con.
whether you're worried or an.
nective tissue. Because of its
xious, physical comfort, etc. A,
sliglitiy higher Pat content, shwa
light snaclt, on the other hand,
dark meat yields a few moria
may Induce sleep,
calories - but not enought to,
BELIEF. DrinWrig too moeb
show up In the wrong places.
water thins the blood,
FACT, Not at all. ' You ctiu
drink '..quart Or two OT. water
on an ,,empty stomach without
' affectiltd the Coliventl at.ign of
III :a .praiseworthy effort to
sw,eil the church congregation,
BELIEF, Sonre day Science
will replace ordinary foods with
die vidpr of a South London
parish church has purchased a
Pills that will supply its with
everything our bodies need,
Churchgoers ,are welcome to
FACT`, A little thought. shows
a lift, and" the, vicar htmSelf'acts
a s cabbie n S unday aPCernOpay
that:th idea of making such
collecting children for Sunday
piis is just as absurd as
the idea of malting •water pills,
school service.
No charge is 'made, but wspe-
The ibasie chemicals neeess,
tial obilecting b6Y Inside=the, c
ary to sustain life are lust about
as bulky as the nattural Moods m .:
ehurcii helps towards upkeep, Cut,
P P lx .
which j they occur , Olive • qij,
butter',and lard rg ver pearl
of 250 goldfish~ and con- " pure t ts. Ordinary sugar 'p> o " ---
taine st . sypp led 1 A amson 'z ° "" "' " ' + Vides ' he highest° •posisible coli- Th naming of toSvns'.isiino
Dud2,ttfry'-i Ec tti'c}? e. +" "g' «' N,i.: W INDIAN - 'Clevelar{'tiy cen`eitfre�ir Lir Dob hu s the Geritra ion of narbej}ytlri}tes, doubC� a matter .ot,,. caroful:
Dudle N.
1abiil�lyd. r Y g Excep, for its water content, thought and great dteltieratltlri,'
y e Y d d dsf and dirt as he slkies 5af I iota 3 or, 4 sin le b AI
aounte• for 1000 dam- i, y lean eat' is"often almdst pure ` it'dnust•=be•-a difficult matter to -
9 1 $ Rgson in the 4th inning of the first game o Yanks -Indians
ages for ossbs caused tlirdilghH protei , please everybody. „ �>
doubleheader at Cleveland. Andy. Carey. -attempts 'the put- The, only watyf0oFi8/•QtUI»�Je Take the case of the own 0
the spreading of disease among j t f
his other.stoek, Out and Umpire John Flanorty calls the play. An estimated conte trated is to remove the Whysiot (U.S.): The 'town Pat- ` '
The plaintiff was allowed' reecord-breakm'g.r-rc�;Yd;,gf.$Ofithb�k#anal.,t�4tched;i;ndians.w,lpA,•t. water, and it must be,restoiaed'. ;'•tiers argued for hogri,fix end ?
J" to mate them digestible,. Steak when deciding on a name;tig s'
judgment for $90 kit respect of and mashed potatoes' are li re to t
100 gold&sh e y stay! fl a this?"nsandTe'Whlmn not nth t?"
Dont Worry About Vour Stomach;
The counter t,l• ;ilii was re• Y
mainly e grounds a c r L T BELIEF. The dark meat' of "Why not so-and-soy'lr `Mhally i
jested,leyDn`'tl1 t y hour- the
that Dudley did.'itlt''take the 5���' �•aflafc'@es '-�.E"�"�r�Y��" 'f`[id��� � ch ek$n or turkey Is SnorL�:: y came to their deelsi9n; . ;
p f • ` . c ishin,j than the white meat., henceforth the, gown Ao8 d be ' (S-
recahtiGn, o segregating.t C}a', a "'„ }i,•• FA�;✓T. Dark meat- takes a just plain t.11 it
new arrivals #or a period es lxttle:3on er to di e5C' bediuse it has r ^]L',
fore putting hem -with the rest Did a via ; n. clots_ n" 3n@ r - r ra av;hicli • v 11;1t'ab1 :ilili of g g s emained.
P k. F A'I° p ..:, I F a? ; P+ t r
I s 1�
of the stock. cream because you'd just eaten ow £ood` casae."
-. prdsJgSi.-.onions? „Or ..refuse. t0 ...,.,_ -;,BELIEF, . Hot bread-ls:.:un-
drink milk with fish? Most healthy and hard to digest.'CLASSIFIED
c !'
people are conv¢nced th, t, food r`` L A a7 ! a A D R T I i ,�I G
j k l ' JCT.-HQt•abread„•fresh from #
combinations like • •$lId`se ' °{ 1§t ? 1
'aulglevll�e don't .mix ui the stomach and i the :oven ls' lust as i utritious ( `
if, Tanthus_ .
1`rr_ tai sSnlnd3 Osteon:' epd digestible as ordinary li};dad- Au"20's wxbrTPnn rJ MEDICAL
Since it is mole moist and ess - G
<'Nonsensa t; ."i says,, rDr;:
Abel- Aa `TB, Clubs: etc. der ennnla'a ' AN$wF1RuvG this AD ' coma` chosen
l�i�fg1Q!u s y i fldky,,.thari :older 'bread, rpeoplerrl dnea one tube.
Lajtha, biochemist of Columbia tend to swallow it quickly with novae. our tarseutusp nsim'rniriaelueaa' your health A Thorofofe' flr�s'a�'° n"yorl
Casejr An'�el �wtis']sore=sight �Univet3ft3 s1TJCWie a of.rt?hysir `little' Chewing, But. •if' clieWed M�awre, Religious, ullOo;oup, Preach. •. Po it. P.RHT. ,,Lia Grgnd-csntre,
for fan 'ee : ry t1I,,e closing, ay5 tcians and Surgeons. `"Chis is as much as ordinary bxeag, it, is !.-��;py'seJtllliban9.w;atkr.PRPersonoeltaro61Osler Au ria' t•• •. NIV
I i� .l < .1 r. , r . I ; just another of the popular no harder to digest: nosy rnys, enoars, siaflonarv, eta: ' `POST'S- ECZEMA S�LL�fE *'
of the AmBrlcan tedgUe' pen- #ood }}, 1��f�`` ty Af 0 eroservice. Llberal commission. a ISR the tormen r ,dry eoaema
tJCe Trtrl 7,%uRVolk, $4. ,;, Bt;liIEt,, t7 atfng, b e t �Yae e n j N. Ni' Jeanaron Greettne Cnra Co. g, r'ee and>iv ;eDlns7 fglio. txot}5ie ' • - at•,
noni race.vk =Watching his be- [the mos profoilnd'dria'de'en - 9
P meals or jus b e t o r e a meal Re ngioa t e;p ago 1pYlamuto:f,; .plat,] We. as i wl 't ou.
loved Yanks pacer but never able pleasures of life -eating. s x -ee'ld-tom "v;j 7{�v
d5: polls appetite and impairs idji;, Ap' NTs, mites L atilt, d'ladai ? rep. mB n n toms
gtlyte , ct�tch7 ih� {Id�t.fSofei9 . As long as foods are good for gestion. a selling our ,famous - f •quality gado - d vly to he stain tote,
`-S r t" you when eaten s 1 he nyl s; xit gn.yd$nna� ,,`,1yy�q��'Gq +��Ire'. Stnr- will respond readily to Wo stainless odor
Cl 'Indians, lie 3f%n ! Y ]ng Y� Yt FA That pends on what dug Hosiery fit �Gr iA§ 481no Bt. Ti.. teas ointment resei Ipcn,m, htnY tutBbborn r"
tits Oona dugout performance can be eaten in any cti3r$ tion Fa S-, ou g $3r3 L1a°t or nonlana cbny eaoe5r T- aa.3
p g p - nd sweets dull To nM reelOB sz ao rasa JAe
alone Worth 4he 'price "of 'the whatever, it's only in yoit�n,h. „iyth tppetite and slow digestion, rim kua , rc pgStr Epi1:Sf "e r t
mind and 4 i}r , tomacli w 1)e meat and cheese whet the - �y'h i!� s t' i :. ! ;'
admission. a I� �Fiese scenes, that theyh'tt'�n DAY ora nna P2ht nirrama a q§t b nC uRllike .4-x'
# z,. appetite. FurfH''eifiltorie Yiifrrrer- - a �een',st aRD ot"f Y PGnRn,
Casey is shown'hs he su firs a tabus they last.- i maTnt dallaory s i RD >-
Since our minds have so Otis tests on schoolchildren and Barred Rock,^BT,ttite ,>tupk,.-ritrltetsr
:3Y✓o atf•dr[oW foss to -the Sena- d mutSr,vYfBltteiiltet:pzi !j>a;sxApM1Ac_JXq o "co- and - faeCorY. employees
Ras• Blark xo}v Ramn or'rbBmCriiTtits"o' "
t ct .,1n 1hei6•ho.tne aric at wash-.{ Dr. Lajtha set Cul iecently' to " 1, t�ia ii if "l'ptFEredii 'lficvai"' asses nneie cgantenaVohttXs t6'yvando too
t r p t Y I! O g aI•INma y -WRIHN A.N.$}dir081EN „
1. -VT ingtgn,.. put .both, at ease by collecting snacks increase efficiency and and other popular• hroeds. bay Ola .Dory q - `•rep! ISIakIa iS Goa', wore to mall
sexed, nvllota or cockerels 718.86 "rex Ftiteen minutes daily with aid of-eaeolq}
7-:7n fold oarl*ectirig�� Iflod. afellacieS Iessen.-fatigP Rile absenteeism, hundred; assorted breeds F1Y P8:' - bobkiat .`bt``° charts, Helps, reads ft '
that are Still widely believed 1(SUi.I>ulF. ertg�11 iood5"' - tveok Ota oda ec Per chicle BhIpD@d thpugh yepr, Free, 18naloae only
h, ��{ C.O.D. r 8do.
,; To.�hotrt'".htlpeyLtrtC)n¢ costa, oto.
•�~ even among .intelligent and, Whet ,erin, fpr inStagC@ ro- TWEDDLE CHILI RATCfiiIDRTP18 LTi;;'" T. Crisp: Ba ?d° Olarkson, Ontario.
well -Informed people. Crease Pertihty r r FERGLs, r. oxTAxw. .
H " FACT; Certain "aliimals ;r@--SIDRVE` Color 6c,%X,,of uvms,
,wall's fewey such beliefs "the quire vitamin E (found most chick. !cash in Ron inonin' m start flowers mdodnitely. em neona4iroata.
1X31'�,,R�LTe lC OW " 58 S Dr, i a aha the good egg fascinating work) Frio details, SJr1t,
better our meals will taste and abundantly in wheat germ) to VA..o near spring, we don't anticipate service Rureau. P.O. 'Hoz ,sex Toronfd."
- - , ' rhicka bntched, this, year. =Be xuret'oand.-
>F y there will be as many early ha
Casey Stengel,. with no Pen- and told, by their league press ;r`it Nx the mare good they'll do you " reproduce. But as far as we " and
How pian know, no food has a specific Start egg breeds for dict-4mum Ogg 13E A , HAIRDRESSER
Want or Wprld's Series tvortl4s dents that tt a im' ortant thin ill§' €i y of our cherished be- p cific ef- 1 -
Y ,P g 3 „ {1i �."': Y production on samlrqum amount of teed, i0k'YW'.Cd1yA'n/�S'^,IrjA'pING,:;;+pCDU}I
- and, gosh, how he wishes be is to make the right call. Yet t " Hefs are here? #act on human fertility. we have air of tbe• boss ,R.o.P. sires At4ear:OpportunitY Leach ;,
BELIEF. fish Is a brain food. White sl n Rr wrote Leghorn X {'
had some --, has now turned that ' Rhode ialaxld, -Rea;. Rhadt Island 'Red : " Hairdressing
when a questionable play comes BELIEF, Oysters art a source Pleseant,, dtatlttled yigYepeton ¢uop wasps,
wassive brain of his to the rob- u the rare? ask a fellow arbi > $ r FACT. -Unfortunately nobody Rhode Ialand Red X Bnrr;td Rock, "Light Thohe
P p, Y Y }`,,. of quick energy.. Ruanex x Rea. 'Red, x -Light. Sut(aox, uataA. FnT aunceasful Rra,Nel
lem of getting better umpiring. ter for help. m FACT: It would take five has ever discovered a food that Also special broiler b�eeds, Indian America's "a"ns`i sr""a,
Here's what Mighty ;Casey had r 11;
* + specifically aids brain activity. River. N1rho[Sri Now Hatt as, Arbor , Illustrated Oatatogno ares
to say, p raw oysters to equal the calorie Acres whits Rocks. Ready. to lay Dul-
y, in part, " Theve Was'a play Stevens call i r tF value of one @ In fact, there's no evidence that lets, Catalogue. Hatching turkey broil- write or inn
* * egg, and almost extra brain-,vork requires extra erx ewrs week, .. a r,
BlooISL-�SI Tarnns $ s
s t ed at Fenway Park. Coleman �i « t * t ninety oysters to serve as sub- TwEnDI,F i nTCit t4TCHEI2IFis Linn.
"In the American;:,7league'the•, dropped the ball and the Red s n stitute for a pound of steak. Any food' F'FRt;T'F. ONTARIO, 44 King St ranches
aecond,,se,°umpire stands on. Sox base runner, (according to r " �h g BELIEF. We'd all. be better -_ . -------,-- v.
stimulating effect that they have s 'Rideau >sty, Ottawa
# i fir` {x} off if we ate food raw instead nooxe
the outfield -side of the bag, but the rules, was safe: But Stevens . t ' r is physchological; - .-_.
too often Ills view gf.;thr p)$ay�1s , called out because he did , r ` �' ' BELIEF. Toasting m a it c of cooking it. sol*cExsl Printeea nn lant,oti'eYclu: awTHalRs2o A aR _ a o o a n
bread less fattenin FACT. Cooking ,widens en- invelyeoloadfigg to uoara 'Articles; by'•;: 1.`B inn y
blocked by the Yvan overmg nbt §@a th@ ball dropped, Had g. to d ;6a'a;ich. Patent Attorneys, Esabseiiea'.lss�O, goo
the bag or byihe•.'G"ase i%Liiirieritebens apjretaled to the umpire FACT. Not at all: Bread eon ormously the range of food fit Four leakpa :floe rayl-saueere ill- University Ave: Taaentn. Paznne sit
for human consum tion it is a atinnet., ,Ppx k@44, :Loa Angeles, cauatrles
oil both," declared the m'anagdr af,,third bake, who had the play }, sists, rhainly of starches which P '
of the Yankees. "An umplse"oil , ii*:f;G;tt of him, the correct de- n are ,turned into sugars iii €he: g�n'SvhTicfupasasites, grid - ;'.ou" SA ery of 1 io'aysrradiontot ri,ro: in-
inside rr,�� tt]e ,•b.•cquid*,prot, cisign °-wquid.,llave been made, trot ss of digestion. Toastin proves the flavor :and dig@ ti vanuo�c alta ,:un f,tsot:motionn;Ban: free. P
-�... AI.. 1F.. v.- wa. •ryyi' ? , . ii •rt �t ": r i �,i g MUPLT�, `TS lni tt T lal'BSTONF.e •> . .Rha R¢magy Oo.,. 1TPSletuped , Pat_tp AG
low the, play, much, easier. Doe ,all lull i%e-hay,,, his dig d0 anti 1iafia - 2TencHing merely changes the starches On bility of food .Givit}g up c0 t�'11.t- wo Aavo ase dneit and -*"lowest -prated i"huyl 27s eaek dtreot! •oftAwiw
�� j + " red foods an&:- .'goiil back Yeo Monuments in Canada m tock 'Or '
nity sljattered mot ;ley galling is � ed d11' a`a fie Yasin m'dkh8 the surface of the slice to dex- „ g ntnae Co von i 4aSp3a1 teuuiremauta. , . Peit9dk�f '
4hA•,N,at pial �,eag>iteq the alp �yy v�lo>ag o .'b vine the i rdreo5f(r bf5$ "e and t:','^` tans, which are a little clgser Natur@ would drastically short- Nothing r, too. btu; „too -groan for ns rrt
urnpitte "�stiiit't oar laic inside; „`uo'°delise't6 aslc aihdter bi; i "^ r' ; . r to su a , r nd .:.,h e , �g7,7�rrr ;len the humat3 life ,pail; and to hostile: conauna f: the bene yn $i:oq �rRi t l ogtor .:: TweutyLgfve, i4mrtae
t, ��ff ,.�5rc• � "��''''��'�ggPP ar g 3• L81 '' e4 -.g ''-'7'� y�*�,`y i' I2n I,r t}7 nail i'V7""Or a5 monumA��g( "IV -0.7t,It-:14- BOR. 116.,, • Person¢] yregurrain.mS. Latent Cataloaue
,Stengel conliniJ&c;`t'II• I3wnas to .;i 4terRusOr'`=tf�p? ' '+ .. d, fY, `�° Sweeter :FBniL .a(i',.: llttiek .t, rt 0 lt,�M+' 7.-.1t '`' !'1 1..9 Elsiriean'H,• $tttc E. Ttirtmta.• 'lnbluaed:3 TWre '•1h`edleti •'A'¢efioy. �'Bn3 144
` • '1 rr- .xN gi e(, �r ',�' +,' 1 ,' Ontario. ��v Terminal A. Toronto. Ontario.
be eget$} no;Vjo get hit withn y digest tit Roles, you burn it :I
the , y g t d�r.. qt, ' AAi�.,d µwt1, s i t s} BELIEF. Eating a' heavy meal h'
�rr'U'A. J9):,,,, r. rt>.ei, let .'t'S' ,i'r'1 ( S,tY,ttl "Voliof a pet ,.:b .win'1iv,-:d+A4.S,f�r%K2y .r1mQCt Ofr,.:u; .. -S -.cb 0. ,.� -: ... SEAL Yaur Favorite SnailQboto In clear
In,on ;league,weve. ad..cases•--,. ortersi its Food value, toast'is just as 6• ef.xe f+.edtnna,.gatvtis.,�Olen; :, alastlel Add. Ytsµgts rbrMaaenr lnm.
p bad dreams. mating pr000g)i �i*4 Be et fico. PSE. SELL.rRgsH.>cppa.
where the umpire d}dn.t,gee tp 1 t interest of sound re ' Y : fattening as bread Plasticaso N6.r ' ifisfi c�anA s . vow wj tto Legturn purlete. Rai go raiFad.
covering fielder drb hC'br{lt F1" po rig hof keeping the fails up :: 491WIEFt Anwr,Uleat or very. 1 FACT. Di estionr r@quires York 69 T,i t^cam t: boac,lar vtto gssaaer in. L ng
Umpire...hPteveas:Jai d'"to" e-` f at n.: am@ and of under -clone,, liieatq' 114ore• non Physical eFblaitd.,11}e ?tie cLlgAv de 5v ; : w.•kl' all incl" _ nna younser.OitRISFHivan' 1,
Gerry Colpl£is"o'i e��11tj c`ott' tn4t�''t }`e�` g o11 r'Y you eat before going to bed, slvela tYt j5nitkn Oniarloe ,>
411? time, it would fro 1:: ; j�p14g thitn tho ovoly Looked. �t
L. a ]lar, pr ou bgdy must work ie fora t your ; hoeaenp. fr x } nI 4. ,.
drop a thNii fYi d reL*antas"etix"e t�'lit cl y'helpDe if the plate um i0' •'rtt3n. nieaE. natnr. n •qe ilba3nntyy, .rtr:...7reo.
wit h the ,H.. q at Fetiiktay` site` tile. so a o, x r e l a u s gra' n. ` Ffl�T. No.' ' 'the•�'tarbfAis ln' i 4 3t"I I�atural'ly,-Mis n1i _ Write T.;.a b �ah9 stmutia r:. •�ilep.
h"I Y r e r:ii1'Eat?ai+@ fli3tiddmil e$nb hes trfe4rCs ia9tlh •9leepr:i3rli.wTtiles: Henricb i�g1tlC f>�n wnxorlvo,• tlat
Park��lhtspliyleazly'seen "changcfs ii'bstin'g'o3Eitfis to the M1f .• y, ,. g Y t,
.ydu4are, mehties9.: yob are. likelyii; FARM tmplerdd3,t , srlo »alfflvara .hoot
and docking >n _
bj* aII fanswinclu 8-o the` i'e$s bo ',�,parti ul 1 to the g . make, rho Ir+eat. F t
third base sitiellofatili lfI g"i. d`poSlrlal sN retli- as soon as s- :;: easier.;lo digest,.,, ta;ehauq,;dpQaius. ,.WtZether.tjit;,,:, neap raniolc tom$niue alai atnre
work d Tiy idrioY atty-snarkiiitiad-lterhat i•e,t-
pO i dreams are leasant or un leas- work t _ t�]"' auoi ,11 ohk terns
Stevens' view wav,Ir cj ar * * * BELIEF., People ,lyho,$prini e. P bloc n dui'!rhval n -M meat for arthritic Doing. Pleasant, sate,
I'" 't`•'fn`^"'?.'Bu'3 ;.ra•"tr � '1&'�u ant depends on a variety of'fac- eifev.11-7 Month's supply a6• Many
a + +- k t, -,. :.,\... a lot of salt on Chair 'fooR.`..
two players are inserted i xC w�IT tor�Tevents m - _your
est 11fe c2mia hie oarnt3lona Fu axtdil9iYic7, nark
In the Worl $ r � y r - r gunrni tee, Wrlco for narticu]ara.
A�• � eventually suffer hardening of s-�.. x
tg }P• as `fa����uP 1 ✓,}. la_ tt}trr��e., inning '.0d ,equld bat �• -->: , . ': '• °, ::� . •', ' - "" - rlomtrocn "trrr,inxrArn'D ro: LTD.'"''
83 � ''ivl'a", "l''ln'�°-tT til" "'t0` lav' i iii i"' lt}iLl`"' 0 h W6.` ''CCS, ver a y , G,.,„ ' tI18 arteries. -... 4 . .. ._ FOR gate the most modnrn atilt Bhoa 1111ton,. Mid.
... t u Y • '<� J '% -v :oe �Ct n` u✓Yd''':: ll.0 L.'' 1.r , .uad YaI J. tR tR 41nde eaT
i s t
ing.L•ilmpir on' -€he ii4ialTci@ of U#teD the pi bd ust wait . i ATt;icSa2lmhaf'ix)_ f{ to � p. i" ,�:,,
'I t ��.tf t / hYr a:ti. (r p INIA R:a itt ,7d .0
the -ba , "asked T.Br y Ga_P� d'ttirt'i'kk;n :o#'tfi actii l walks 1" the arteries, but it does increase P` ., ���+ �, 1Met dnk a�'frt ire 't-. ells mo `brl f" betsi i A :,tioli g a, y �y:. �{ �a �. (� ���.;vf4.f��1 i� ,• -'1d]itsB +U1dcliiatlt nor,':t1!$'x l r pint be gilding out the' bilydeh Of : Th@' kadntys, I_,$, latgl as st , New rornnto, .
fused, claiming }t]at hg,"lir gec}['3 t"•- tler6Cbrrect Order. If changes are which llavlE,,tq •excrgte, the,.olly
pass .salts Thus sal, intake.. i ; at Facto y -To You ,rices tx l4 Zf,,wANtmu`
there. It mfgh ,;be �g.�q. tidq' ±ilxixtde,3 At� eighth or ninth in- ti t j: 1 iT
dul'inA a ]Ord, 1' les,o eu n s n ,.pp @. R s,£_ " s',' limited' m, kidney disOases.; daax!ra.l 8 w 6 ass
-✓ -i•>a r Y.•. , ,g a,,r. LW le , :.! q time for . .� i ,�,R,'I ill � 44 tp�x ]t p r i �gen�it !,uaei6.0r5� ,a , } $ •. r�.�
,!'' • t, urn, a 'arc�'i ,!'4{�1-brit. §w''" �oolch ikno .Mnmet! �:1el •ctrl, bel } 1
1 .t ix R c'4. rl.�.�s. ,iicll .t«,:p: , ^.tile 'i, BELIEF 16% slltiuld "riot t•.h• ir4r i i
the secofll# `base itiimpne kn�id� anotaher iji t� aIle plate, the
Fpnrf n IO' t,
the bag in National w`riteits"rc ust wait until the RO4kTIN'!Par the Ybnks7'Case "reel ciirailii138rs becansethe'skln` 9ARRr YARNS" ma� sbi� lire;;,tt;iax�4n'Arim+r� iia°
y y makes-thenl:easier'to dt ecti ilei" ran• FivaFi smnple taJa,t rnrontP tl,itrtR.
and quiside ill Anler�aa'�c�n� x_21; have visitedahe oiilihouse be- ivrnsr,hlmself r in[a d! One -mon g
paitserl a,i731`dt?ieee�i} ,alien added: forei•g�$titi I thblr' box scores cheering section FACT. The peel ;has no efT Dept. a sox 782. Station "e'° MI'Dip I ,,tr
"Of course, the best ideal by 3, IiiTi gd, ' r * * feet on ,the digealn. ofqua-
be ,tq: #]ave ,y i tail.:gn,a4-ellYi3 Tipp., Ohl , li l dri v.. w ._`I
'- itOnl ''Quebec i`
„s. i }til n Y.+ Rho id';ttte' odiClal gFllrl i, Irli -MOLUNTt REi41. 'REst]Lis AFTER j
side: *' n: p^- c: ray 12e; f :cured with this in- v, . $ g
4n• t r " TAKING Dl�(ONs;, REMEDY FOR'
The, attitucj>ra of t l" Rin: ri c) i, a;tilin t the me it o curs ". x '
t. Fv k t L^y N
u� ttii AK
tired I� librd to uhgiea' d:' Hey. , tt, bifE cl'a13 ouncenient s bold y KTUNRtiiS DRUG ¢TORE,
�" RN�tl1N11'rIC "t+AINSi ANP NEUR171S
art ,..s, P s. ode?fit % !
be rl,
335 Elgin, "L7fMwo, Li•
.m xi t.. ..,y s •6 •l.: _ Si 15 Expre {'{ Pee rid %.l' '� .. •:!lit
1 -fir `o,^,>'.,s .. :i";r%?'ta'c'z3:a,.g*t,:f{t. : $)'stelii':'sot tha0fin : rpt ,, r. t;' n .i p 1
s r@sent, '
P as :3 w: a t.,m _ :tv
r iioell as t 'A a
- f<.'A,U. •`T :#., � elistening over the
�.e �t�a,.^S „'CSa; r x.t•,
•s.3 t '
« raVi
,ofr di4 qtching on television, Otte vbtmn sena nn)taar 7sux<-sui?erinr
` ,. �.E ...:.,.:•::.'' ' l <. ;,, uhk,,„ f+'",,aa'.'_,,L.SJ l'a..J9t;ouyTT,�9nlaA•�;Y,I:se:ixrtaaOe.W:."'aizeh„sr.eti� .r.+f��EItirI y
Sao »re Cares. y
>^ ssR c 1llyslsw:-pr'.e,-ro,irsa .uorinpcisTuultt rivM1ia�tt.os r` auawi]n ludhihet•
anoua ton an atanolned With
in * tAtP,PAxtd m nlnhnanui,nr
ter of fact, the plate u N71,C1used to tate care srWa`ee
Of this litt g.mattefand anlY Vcs>�•{r;u. . x . t,.sthrough negligence ignores it '.�;•;.
d h_
❑:. k :b ,,. t'. t Rc.
i Y1h1glGel1p'mg the
i Y paying ayc,usis-S
i•n'"r tqrlfretufAed,l
Y 3T
. t e � Eton '1
f.' t«a��. :���3'S p.Qkt ,,.`d,'hmgs o , nr �. ' €K. ,r„ � :t• i e
e �
i i aphen :. irl times- which areLiackAft e,r
m ,, t a` a olte t caused b lax yidnny
', i y ..-
C,a1ly' eXplatl. t0 the rad10a U '�` .. 'Qai ' : �'�t` lion.' tVliun ki nays got oul„�it Older, .
r; . a: ''.Ev.'1l� a.,.,,- cis ac� M,
il�d'tei�§Visi0tl+' 'd e o "».• � < ct � < �„ ..•
,?� � i nc s, but no xl,. ,, * • ��,.,. a .: . �, ;:. „ '.. ;, *y"=, nxceau add�'anrT wastes fUR1Atn' Its t110
J...:y:V"if .: ' dffolrC'.+wi.'Tiva11, almost no effort Y �Iflr�f' `' ;> k > , � systnm, .T;han keckAaba,;tlrsmtltetl rest x s'
GUESS WHAT? -Its color Is
---1s made to keep the people 37i1 `s art ,.. " .` �' al that brad-oui and heavy-heAtleil leeliat-
*' "" mnY stip .!allow That's the time to fall V .'
red, it has a horn on !list' -head: }.°tbe stttndS up to date. They pay '"' !1 � Uandd'A Jdne Pills Ondd'e atimul ae
and resembles Satan. Acfuall, their Inosey and the should get 11ikd6bII�J'l ali'''tfi'd 1, WP'Jo FOAPED ,TC!JHE HILT,- 'The' -0.57 shows jsa"rt"of lls destruct!' '
, t destructive the kidneys m nprntAl Action Than you
It's a tomato grown by'`ienny the facts immediately, not In to- ado, as he lays plants"io' lit up fire 1power napalm isTnkB hanging' under its broad Wings reel halter-tle�aj better -work beset.
eon I�reck. rnorrow MorhIng s newspaper. i sea,• and. crdelhol Jc!ctd of ex plosivo: in the o en bcmb•ba door... tint DPdd p7iidney l dla onty,
n nna. '�l9 NP ]i, >; p Y 1+ ta•c 'I1rI1