The Brussels Post, 1953-7-1, Page 4ice' .r-,. /°� ,y •r• ,(1-�) i,, 1. ,..,,. .�� / P �� „� / MASSEY-HARRIS .COMBINES ,1; t 4 l HILLSIDE H •, HCLE.S on I. e,,Ls 114 test featurties that help ytoiiu`d'yo+ui' rk`L> e` at', u'iekerr,and at leas cost.' To get work time, farming; now relies largely z ' equipment. Manpower is scarce and costly and m "ec ianiz&tion has been the answer to the farm help problem. Never apefore has it been possible for a man to do so much, so easily,'and rib quickly as it is today with up-to-date tractors and power equipment. That Massey -Harris machines may offer the latest features and advantages in design and construction, research engineers test them by modern stress analysis devices and days ,and days of operation on the Massey -Harris test track—the "firstmodern Ball -scale test track for power farming machinery. • SEXY' -HARRIS COMPANY, LIMITED Makers of high quality farm implements since 1847 June is° .. Dairy Month Good Eatin, for all ages .. sefee At every age YOU need dairy foods to grow on, to go on! They're brimming with energy and food value. Such goodness in a glass of milk; such flavour in a hearty piece of cheese! Such enjoyment in ice cream, whipped cream, or buttered cinnamon rolls! With plenty A of inexpensive dairy foods /firkin your diet, you'll live better land feel better too. "Down Dairy Lane" Listen to this programme on Wednesdays 9:15 to 9:30 p.m. E.S.T. over the Dominion Network or C.B.C. war asurtrs roca aDDs DAIRY FOODS SERVICE BUREAU 409 Huron Street, Toroat0 • BLUr''VAii E 010 Toronto, with Chian tlatit ,enIratiTY MoClenbgraw; Harty Adams, sr„ Wroketer, 'wStSt Mr. and Nktis', Harry Adams and family; Miss Myrtle Johnston, London, with Mr, and IIns. William BrYdgeei Mw, and Min W. Byers, Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. 'Carl Procter; Muir, O. Wadi le Wingtham; visitors a 'thee home of Mr, and Mrs. fIhonia$ Smitr were Mrs, D. W. Wlade' of San' Diego, Cal,, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Harmer, Mary Elisabeth 'and Relen' Martha, of Fullerton, Mrs. Carrie Pell and Mrs, B, Jardatn ot Tobermory and 'Mr, and Mrs. 23ar• vey. Dennis of Brussels:; Mr, and Mrs, 'Gibson Armetrong and family London, with David ArnfStrong. . J0tllor. Rod Croat. The Junior Red Cross of .Slit,' vale totlh0o1 presented a p\'ograin t) • close the eo4toel •term, The proof. dont Teliz.tbeth McKinney, presided. There w9re 'vocal and tnatrumdntal numbers,, , the Highland, Mg danced' by three pupils and a stluare-dance by eight sentora, Mrr. ' Donald Robertson was aceompaniir At the culmination of the prOEa'ralri, the presentation of a gold signet ring was wade to the tetusher, Campbell Brdwn of Gerrie, who hM.a taught in the school for two years AAA, will be principal of Wroxeter public s..hool next year. Susan..ye;• , read en addiregs- of eppreclytttee, ani!. Elleaboth McItlnney made the. presentation. Refreshments were served, • Union Services miring July and Attgusii• the. Presbyterian. and United ohurdhae • here will unite for morning, ser• rices„ Rev. R. A. BzOO'k of t1he:Un', ed, .Ohurch wlfll preach in the ,Pers,., bytoriap Cruroh during July; awl: Rev.. Matthew Ba1Ule of the;1&e,-.. liyLerian Church will preaclt,,,M the United Ct,unoh during Bersonals•: visitors with Jos, Curtis were Mies Mand $lpi.•h of. Weltlugford, Conn., Clifford Bell of St. Marys. and Mrs. John Bell of Seafcrth; Mrs. Neil Mnd3achren and Miss Louise, Olifford, with Mrs. R. F. Garni+ss; Mrs, Howard Black, Toronto. with, her datigrter, Mrs. Elmer.Sellers; .Miss Marcaret Ou"• tis with her sister, Mrs. Harold Procter, Belgrave; Mr. and Mrs, Say. I•Iorton and Jack attended t.,e Horton family reunion at Guelph; 1 Mr. ant Mrs, Samos O'Neil, Fort Williams, and Mr, and Mrs. Harold Wiles, Toronto. visited. rennet' friends in this vicinity last 'week. it is 42 :,ears since the O'Neil tam• ily lived in Bluevale. Dr. and Mrs Arthur Shaw, Toronto with - Mrs. Arthur Shaw; Pupils of S . S. 3 and S. S 10, Morris. with their teachers Miss. Speir and Mr. K•+i and the mothers of the pupils, et. Joyed a picnic at the Lions Park Seatorth; Mrs, Albert Harry ani. children: Paula and• Stephens, 5a' nia, wi!h her parents, Mr. and Mrs George Thompson. BELGRAVE A spec,a1 Orange Order service was held at Knox United 'Ohlulydh here on Sunday, Belgrave L. O. L. and visiting members from Brussels, Blyth, and Wingham, in all about 70 e•trong, marched to :the church 1 headed by hire Brussels Legion : Pipe Band. Rev. Oharles D. Oox, minister of ,the church, was in charge cr the service. Personals; Mr, and Mrs. Duncan McCallum Woodstoclq, with re-' lative:, and friends in this district; .' Mr. and Mrs. George Jordan and i lir. and Mrs. Reg. Britton lett on Monday on a motor trip to Alberta; 1 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McGillvary, Ronnie and Audrey, Mr. and Mrs. ' Donald M•c1Genzte, Barrie and Linda, Paisley, with Mr and Mrs. ,lames Walsh; Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Higgins witr Mr. and Mrs, Frank Culp, Highland Park. Mich.; , BIB:•. Ltopd Hutton and Bt11p, Wing• i ham, with Mrs, James Leitch; Mr. and Mee, William Made and Miss Beatrice Wade, Fordwich, witits: Mr. and Mrs. C. Wade; Rev. and Mrs. W. S. Moonts and Marilyn, Exeter! and Trevor Moores of the Royal Canadian Navy, Halifax, with Mr. and Mrs: Murray McDowell; Rev. Mr, Moores wan formerly minister at. Knox ignited Ohurah here;- Mr. FIUROf4 h(AITLAND PRE,$By,TERY MEETING met The' Huion-Mastland presbytery 0X the`Prt.sivtei•ian dhnrcli '1 Wit i gliaun onTueadey June 23rd, Present In addition to the Modenator e Rev. D. G. Casriittell. 'it 11:15: thTh, M and the C:erk the Rev. D J. Lays were tli' Rev. ti, G, MacDonald B. A. and Mr. Y.'p. Bryce from Ashtteal and QLila3, tie Rev. W. H. T. Fatten B. A: 'from: Br'uesele. the ReN. A:°'Nrmmo aitd Id H,D Mc: Gee barn Winghasn, the Rev. Joni Pr11onk, 13 A., the Rev R D A Cur- rie and Mr. James MClLrath from Whitechurch, tIte Rev. A. J. Simpson B. A. B. D. and Mr, A. K. Ballagh from Tecvvvater,the.Rev. G. A. Wirn B. A. and Mr. J. R. Henderson Irons Lucknow. Mr. J. G. Mullen from Seaforth, Mr, R. L. McDwan from Clinton , the Rev. W. Hindman 13. A: -from Craubrook and Ethel, the Rev, R. J. Boggs ..11rom Molesworth and Gorrie, tha Rev. J. B. Fox B. A. frons tiensall and the Rev. M. Bailie B, A. 13. D. from Bluevale and Beimoro. Permission was given to the cro• gregations of Whitechurbh to sell a portion of the glebe, South Kinloss a shed, and Kinlough a shed and a portion of frontage. A revolution wei passed that all congregations he via, (ted in .int: fall by the Presbyterv's Com.mittes on Stipends. The Rev. J. R. McDonald was appointed Conven- er of thePreebyterian Record Com. mittee. A scheme is to be brought forward to place the Magazine ot the church in (very home, The Presbytery heard reports from the Commissioners to the General As• sembly. The Rio'. G. S. Bauleh desert bed the deep impression that Foreign Mission night at thd Assembly had made upon him. He spoke of the sermon delivered to the Assembly by Prof. 3. Hsroaitounian. Profess- or of Systematic Theology at Me Cormick Feninary Chicago entlt,ed "Stewards of the mysteries of God" with its analysis of the conferences between men, and groups to-dav av in essess,'nce a hidden resentment against God. The Rev. u. A. Winn reported en the sense of fellowshin In the Aesemibly, the Montarts with people of unusual experience, and the complete unantnity in the choice of the -Rex. Dr. Cameron as Moder. alor. Tr" Rev. J. R, MacDonald rn• ported the the. Huron-3faitland Pres. hytery lad the Whole church in Can ada in thepercentage of contribution to the Budget. He added that the Assembly was adopting a buclg,lt target thi: year of $1,000.000. (1 was a general feeling that more la;•• men should be nominated to the General .'•s1embly Committee:, The R ay. A. J. Simpson reported. on the work of Orristian Education in the Presbytery. A Presbytery sohoo1 of Evangelism will be held on Sept. 22nd and 23rd 'n Winglsam the sptas(tr to be Rev. W. Bell, MA USE STURGEONS FOR BEST RESULTS of Syracuse, N. T, A student Mt. 13, Milne :applying the vacant 00:0 gregations of Auburn and Blyth 'Wad Introduced to the Preablterj.` The Presbytery will meet next on Sept 8Ws at Seatortk, u s TENDERS WANT1ED col Board tat - Grey Townaktp Soh vice tenders to supply about N toA of first grade bard harness seal to the various grmools of the ttvwnsb'tp. Tenders will be resstred sinal JtiY etb. 1963, J. Carl Hemingway, Res. -Trees.; Aruesels, Ont. • GENTLEMEN 'Are•you•tired 01 your present ilaelir I ties' ,If. so, gond us Ore of your IiSs and one dollar ($1.00) and we send you two ties' df your prefers$ics i)a return' Kindly state colour wear. once: TIBXCNANOki, :689 OnalisYM trest,Rocm 3'12, Windsor, Oat. BARGAINS — Await You ett'the Mtibmay Fureltten Y9,tore, . Select kfrcw 18 bsdro0.1 ^) 'suttee. 20 danvbetidi''£ and Ohest170111 suttee Freyedassi 'hater, LDS rM t trlgeratbrs n'eir'silt! used phi. gelautitt; il'itldns7. USED CARS... 1952 Pontiac Sedan, Radio and beater 1951 Oldsmobile Sedan, Hydramatic, Radio and Heater 1950 Plymouth Sedan 1948 Dodge Coach 1940 Pontiac Sedan 1938 Chevrolet Coach 1937 Pontiac Coach USED TRUCKS 1951 Chev. Sedan Deliyery 1951 Chev. 1 Ton Chassis with Duals 1949 GMC %Z Ton Pick-up 1948 Chev. 1 Ton Pick-up NEW TRUCKS 1 — Y4 Ton Pick-up 1 — 1/2 Ton Pick-up RIVERSIDE MOTORS Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Supertest Gas and Oil Phone 56 Brussels, Oat+ We are dealers for the Toro line of Lawn Mowers and Garden Equipment. Lawn Mowers motorized with famoas Clinton engines. Also made to order full lawn mower. Be sure to see our line of New Clinton Saws along with other lines which we have. Welding and Machine Shop Work a Specialty here. Sales is one thing — but we follow up with service and repairs. GEO. E. POLLARD Located behind the East Huron Produce formerly Allen's blacksmith shop and Krauter's Tinsmith Shop. Phone 64 or 56r13 Brussels fAe n@@,*@i Faadig By Roe Farms Service Dept: A' SHOCK -WE'VE BEEN WINED AND DiNED SINCE BIRTH -NOW WE'RE ON RANGE, WE 'HUSTLE' FOR OURSELVES �._.^ -�---��-•-�•- -yWHAT I WORK SO YOU'D THINK THE BOSS HARP 7v FIND WOULD PROTECT HIS SOMETHING TO INVESTMENT IN US . EAT, 1M ALWAYS TWO HUNDRED OF US TIRED 'AND . GIRLS MUST HAVE UNDERFED . COST PLENTY COME ON OVER - PURE, HERE, GIRLS, OUR NOW BOSS BELIEVES /N TO KEEPING US FOR GROWING FAST ON 170E VITAi7ROW r '��tt. P �11 t,141�!YAV , . I` 444 A�� ,,� ,_-g�►�t�+� //'. �� '. A •A' vtrIi tib i �.1 e �.',�•:a`��:t��As , 1/1..� t �� / / - !Atm, ..;��d BUILD PRODUCTION l� NES SMART IS THE' 7/ME OUR BODIES FALL EGG ► ♦ r tt� � 1'1��� ,'rt 1S/Yt\'�� ♦ 7 ., / /- //fI I/�l �t ,�� . SUNSHINE, PRESK A/R AND GRASS ALONE CERTAINLY DOESN'T BUILD BONES, FEATHERS AND BODIES •;. ,tA epi > 1 �1) %% 14 rTH/S WONDERFUL ROE ViTAGROW (FOR THE GROWING. A !302) COSTS A DOZEN FALL CFROM EACH HEAP INSURANCE, EHE q�t5/�V�IGI ,,- i{ j% /� ^', r ONLYS EGGS OF US. , . ''��f / II it�f/�l its`- 4 li ' t \ \ fl/ �(J(Yf f',:I; BUN ter ky, ,NOW 011 .- �' p� `" 1► ° `" ROE ` ` ; , phi t�uicc �C G't�'t0itfl' %ROE ; �f1 either ;v y/� mash or %/im���\ ppj GROWING two nsre�rs,,,,•:. �e /K.,.a �. form `.... �� o .,,1,,�r--....):. Goo / 1 SORE MISS OUR`�°i,/ BALANCED MEALS lM L.OS/MG WE.16H , ; , , . , � '� , �Y e 11` �. _ / - _ ..� ...✓,. \ ,n`.7 Imo/�T , • ,� y • i O a 10 ,.'l °° , ., n / � �i✓ ` / //ti/ 4 •moi a ._= r= �•;1 ia�/(t, �. ; %ll •5tt�.. , . ;; y , S i�1t6 ce' ,',,1�_ /t %/// / .- �� •�. /'• fou Huro Produce - ORUSSELS JOHN LAMONT EltiEt F. HARRISON' ✓/.,: in l 1 , t� Q /lt�,/r� ^ •)� /�/�'j,/��/�G,, �= [• •