The Brussels Post, 1953-6-17, Page 4TliE BRUSSELS «'1 .. N , MST TIME.. , Because they're engineered through- out with your hauling jobs in mind, Chevrolet trucks are easy to load and unload, easy to keep in first-class running order. They' o save l the you time and trouble, day in and day year 'round. MAINTENANCE .. , Truck -engineered strength and the ground up to provide rugged durability well beyond their normal carrying capacities, Chevrolet trucks will serve you well and faithfully with the minimum of attention and oou can relyelon Chevrolet andds weathers,ll to see the you job through! FUEL . . . Chevrolet Advance -Design trucks offer you a selection of four famous valve-in- head al v -i - head engines with, more power and p ever before. All four feature improved Power - Jet carburetion for easy starts, faster warm-up and extra economy at all operating speeds. REPAIRS . Built for year -in, year -out dependability, Chevrolet trucks will save you repair bills all along the line. One of the reasons why Chevrolet trucks have proved themselves to be the world's leading money makers on any hauling job is because of their record for dependable, trouble-free operation. ... Let your own bank -book show MONEY you how Chevrolet trucks save you money. See your Chevrolet truck dealer — check the com-' parative values for yourself. You'll understand why more people buy Chevrolets than any other make A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE emi, dee, I CT-b53a WedlteadaY, ,Sano 17tiz, 1955 ---•. were largely attended. Special num. hers were rendered hY the oltotr at both eervlcoo, assisted by Mr. Bolt Cunnirlete n and Mr. Douglas Dlun- bdr s uted by Miss. GMarg retPerrlocoandbMrs Kenneth MacDonald, Mr. Ed. Smaildon, 'Toledo, and Mr. Tem Smalidon, S. ThoMati, visited with their brother .George "Dods and other friends. Misr, Rose Campbell had her ton- si�ls rembVed in, o'ingllam kloSpltal recently. FOR SALE — 100 acre Farm good house and bans bush annd woodlot. Priced at g4. 800.00. 100 acre Farm, good buildings, good location, near highway, Priced at $8,600.00. 75 acre Farm all facilities, good hove, steel driveshed, good barn, Priced at $9,000.00 100 acre Farm, brick hone, large barn, Priced at $9,000.08. Erick house in village with ati faoilt es. Cement house in Brussels with. all facilities. Farms all sizes and number of good houses. * J. C. Long, Reel Estate Broker 1 Brussels, Oat. 6,exmamemos.0=Artmonssommoma JOHNSON ELECTRIC & PAINTS, Brussels, Ontario RHES Higher gvatify assures satisfaction. USE STURGEON5, FOR BEST RESULTS,`` LADIES, FROM NOW ON 1 WANT SOMETHING TO CROW ABOUT. I WANT MOREMOORE KAND Rtversute 5 rs ETHEI. The W. M. S. of Knox Presbyterian Church, Ethel, met at the home of Mrs. C. R. Dunbar, Ethel, on June 3. The meeting was conducted by the President, Mrs. Geo. Kreuter, Mrs. M. Alexander gave the topic, Mrs. Ed. Richard's gave a report of the recent Presbyterial held in White. (baron. Lunch was served by to hostess assisted by Mrs. Noble and Mrs. Querengesser. On May 27, the men of the church held a bee and cleared uP the wrecs of the Presbyterian Church shed„ which recently housed the Ethel ska.ting rink. This building was demolished by the windstorm. The regular monthly meeting ot the W. M, S. of the United Churen was held in the school rpm of the church, with 18 members and 101 visitors present. The devotional ! Part of the meeting was taken by Mrs. Amer and opened with Hymn 182. 'Phe lesson was read by Mrs. Raynard. Atter which Mrs• Ames led in prayer. She bad the meditat ion which was based on our New 1 'Standard revised vervuon of the Bible. Hymn 399 was then sung atter which the president, Mrs. George ed followed by roll call CRANBROOK The June meeting ot the W.111. S of Knox Presbyterian rch was held at the home of Mrs. Alex Stets with an attendance of nine, The suu- ject of study wan "Education in the Africa, Old and New," topic prepared by Miss A. J. Forrest, was read by three members, Mrs. Jacklin, Mrs. Stetss and Mrs. Schnook. Scripture readings were', i b Mrs.,Lynn Evans and Mrs. a n . i11 be in the home of Mrs. Lynne and approved, and offering. She read an invitat ion from the Bruusels W. M. S. co our society to be guests at their ,meeting on June 10th. it was moved and seconded that we accept the in vitation. Carried. A thank you note was read from Mr, and Mrs. Patter- son for the gift of a mirror received at their 50th anniversary. Mrs. Geo. , Menzies then introducted the guest , speaker of the evening, Mrs. Bet , tger of Listowel. She took as her subject, "Other Queens", and based her remarks on the Queens of thea. •Bible and then to the greatest Queen of all a Godly Mother in the home. , Mrs. Alex Pearson on behalf of the ; society thanked the speaker for her splendid and inspiring address. We hope to have Mrs. Bettger back at some future. time to, again address ns. The meeting was then closed by rhe National Anthem. Afirr which hmch wa-, served end q social time spent. 50 YEAR OLD BELGRAVE One of the old landmarks of Bel - grave, the elevator, which was erect - Gil over eighty years ago beside the Railway Station is being torn down Pearsin took charge of the business it Is to he rebut BEING TORN DOWN tt a� a sorte-woo period. Minutes of last meeting read grain at the Co -Op. chopping mill. U Case LADIES, LADIES. MAYBE YOU'RE DOING YOUR BEST. BUT 1 EXPECT BETTER RESULTS NOW THAT THE 5065 15 FEEDING ROE VITA -LAY PELLETS. given y Calvin Cameron The July meeting Evans, with the word, "thankful for roll call. A verse containing "crown" was given in response to the roll call. Mrs. M. Engel gave a report of the Presbyterial held in Whitechurch. hymns 570 and 37, were sung during the meeting, ac- companied on the piano by Mrs. Steissr. Mrs. Hyndman led in the closing prayer and lunch was srrved by the Hostess and ltTiss E. striae. The annual garden party of Knox Presbyterian Church on Thursday evening was well attended and the play "Raggedy Ann" was enjoyed by all. On Sunday anniversary ser- vices held at 11. a. m. and 7.30 p. m with Rev. G. Campbell of First Pres Church, Seafnrth es attest preacher dIRLs, I'Nl PROUD 0 YOU,WHAT A PRODUCTION LIN 1 A WHOLE EXTRA CASE. QF EGG9. AM I GROWING! - DEM W. B. COLLETT One of Stamford Centre's best- lcnown residents, Cecil last Wilnigliiam j3uu- ting Collett, home, 04 ElIberia Street, following a long illness. Mr. Collett, was communityed in nature everything f and the surrounding d Stamford, an active part in allt1tprojects' tgiving unstintingly of his energy and time. The deceased was horn in Leices- ter• England, on May 19., 1899. and was the son. of the late W. H, Col. _ lett and Maude 'Robinson Collett, He attended Wtgaeston Grammar School in England, and served with the v, M. C. A. in the First World War. He came to Canada in 1922 and for nearly twenty years was a valued employee of the Canadian Ohio Brass Limited. A faithful member of 'the Stamford Tinged chnrch, he was for twelve years secretary of the official board of the church and n member of the session and the choir. Ole was keenly inter• rstmembed r of horticulture tthe.tuStamfordan active Society the Stamford Little s a past president Guild end bawl talren part in many amateur dramatic nresentatinnn,• He was a 1 ,,,,.,,,z,er .,r gtamfnrd T.edae No. 628, r. ,c.1 4T and an ex -member of the I cr.,.nrard fire Department. Rureivtng is his wife, Muriel. Alice Snarling, a former member of the Niagara Falls teaching stats, swirl n former resident of Brussels. i WAL TOT'S The W. A. of Walton United Chctroh met or. Thursday atternoott, with 31 present, The meeting open' ed with the theme song. Scripture reading by Mrs. Turnbull, followed. by A Collect by Mary Stewart. Sec. 1 report was then read and adopted. I i1g a balance ofq$479 2given on hand Several thank you cards were read iand other items of business dtscusa- rd. The meeting closed with prayer i Don't forget the Walton Garden 1 Party, Friday, .hoe 19th. Supper I served from 6 to 1 p. m. WANTED — Dead and disabled arm =MOD wanted for prompt pick-up. MO ' Percy Stephenson, Ethel. Phan Brussels S5r-12 Collect. USED CARS 1958 Pontiac Sedan, Radio and er Heat 1951 Oldsmobile Sedan, Hydramatic, Radio and Heater 1950 Plymouth Sedan 1948 Dodge Coach 1940 Pontia,c Sedan 1938 Chevrolet Coach 1937 Pontiac Coach USED TRUCKS 1951 Chev. Sedan Deliyery 1951 Chev. 1 Ton Chassis with Duals 1949 GMC 1/2 Ton Pick-up , 1948 Chev. 1 Ton Pick-up NEW TRUCKS - 1 — 'a Ton Pick-up 1 — 1/2 Ton Pick-up RIVERSIDE MOTORS Clrevrolet antic Oldsn'tobile Supertest Gas and Oil Phcin' 55 Brussels, Ont By Roe Farms Service Dept. KP ft,ugB/Ras s%WN6 /&IP TNEM BUSY ANOKEEPPRO - eI/NW/A!'i telbtaWse litOkragg 44:0: �WSERTO Y�B$ AREo .17 u np o - Pay�ER S.fN INrAk GOT uDr Eeist Huron Produce , BRUSSELS JOHN LAMONT ETHEL F. HARRISON MQNCRIEFF