The Brussels Post, 1953-1-21, Page 5VitiFSIB ir
Once standard equipment in a cotton mill, the old spin-
ning "mule' has long since gone by the board.
Dominion Textile's manufacturing equipment is now
among the most Modern in the world. Machinery bought
by our 7,239 shareholders (94.7 of them Canadians) help
us to turn out top quality goods and provide jobs for
the 12,500 Canadians working in our planta.
But equipment improvements, such as replacing the
mule, aren't everything. We have our troubles trying to
compete with the protiucts of other countries which pay
lower wages. In Japan and India, for instance, wages
run about l5 cents an hour, while we pay well over a
dollar an hour.
Manufactures of
. Prothrrrs
serve Canada
Today, Canada must be
constantly on the alert to meet
any threats to our national
In security. Trained, armed strength
is the safe way to guard
our freedom.
and Yourself
With the Canadian Army Active
Force growing rapidly, there is
a great need for young men who
can qualify as junior leaders.
Ability and initiative find quick
recognition and promotion in
the Army. There are outstanding
career opportunities for young
men in the Active Force.,.
valuable training, excellent pay
and retirement plans, outstanding
medical and dental care, travel,
adventure and new friends.
in the Infantry
The Infantry is the backbone of the
Canadian Army. Its soldiers, all
highly trained technicians, are the
most important men in our Army.
There are many specialized jobs in
modern Infantry for young men with
an eye for adventure. Service with
one of Canada's world-famous
Infantry Regiments offers plenty of
scope and challenge.
Apply Right Away to:
No. 13 Personnel Depot, Ottawa, Ont.
Wallis House, Rideau d Charlotte Sts.,
Ne.'5 Personnel Dopot, Artillery Park, ergot St., Kingston, Ont.
A317W.0 Richmond St, Recruiting
17 to 40 years of age and able to meet array
test requirements. Applicants should bring
birth certificates or other proof of age when
reporting for interview.
No. 7 Personnel Depot,
Weiseley Barracks, Oxford R Elisabeth Sle., London, Ont,
Array Recruiting Centre, 230 Mein St W., Noih Ray, Ont.
Army Recrutling Centre,
Jones; Slreet Armoury, 200 James St, Nen, Hamilton, Ont.
Ii ,.' ...,�5_,"n•a�e 'u a ii k..SF .i,6Fi�"x'YwentRI +�F w'�i' WNYo�`iF�l'b�.`.wL7`7/'sas rItIMM i".v�t£`,�`wA•Y��'' tIN ���
.wo ..a
Teel artrrtlrar rtteetltpgi t wile Ladies
;Aid met on Thursday eveuio.g at
the 1totue of Aire. M. 7, Engel M1'btb
'Wert 1,ad11gte present. rv1pa; Flhgel
'0pe00d thhe Meeting with a reading
:hallowed by mray'er and ernes 090
elite Scripture readiing from Lake 11
eteroe6 1.. 1.3 Was read by Mrs. Mur.
ray Ifuether. Mins Engel lulren read
a poem, "Thee Bonelerwille'a Prayer."
minutes of the previous meeting
were rea4 end adopted. The roil
call was ,answered lay a verse con-
taining the word "serve" followed
by the • collection. Tite Areas. re.
pont was givers' elbowing a. balance
of 3225.10. MDs, Engel gave a rattl-
ing entitled eelvelbands," FPymn 0St
and +the 7Jor'd's prayer repealed an
unison dosed the meeting. Mrs.
Hyndman took 4hat'ge of tote elect -
eel of officers for 1953 as follows:-
Pr.egidetilb . Mrs, M. J. Engel
Vice Pres.. Mrs. Earl Dunn
Sec. Tease..,. ,.. Mrs, Stuart McNair
Flowers ,.,. Miss Blmyiene Steins and
any ethers wro have flowers
Quilt Com, .,.. Mrs. Calvin Cameron,
Mrs. Maurice Cameron, Mrs, Em-
erson Mitchell,
Organist .... Mrs. Hyndman, Mtse
Auditors .... Mrs. Hyndman, Mdes
T�te President took change of the
brashness for 1953. The verse for
the next •aneetin0' will conitaln the
ward "Joy". Mrs. Hyndnna.n and
Mrs. Stanley .Ft&o14er were put on
•for • sandwiches and Mrs. Murray'
'Hlisether and Mats. M. J. Engel for
cake, It wan. decided to hold a pot-
luck supper early in March with a
programmre of slntdlets given by the
Downlham Nursnitea. The mystery
'audtion • Was difouesed and was
decided to have one at the next meet.
Mg. Mrs. Hynctman pronoumeed tate
benediction. Lunch was served by
the hostess arsgidted by Mrs, Earl
I Duni.
- Mrs. Stuart McNair has received
word from Downhahn Nitrates that
their represent:Wive can, come the
evening of,Nharch 4th.
The annual ,meeting Of Knox
Presbyterian Churcih: will he held In
the obmrclh on Tuesday. afterenon
Jan. 27 at 2.30.
Mr. Atilister Bird underwent ae
appendeotomy 6ir Wingba n Hospital
last week,
Mrs. Calvin ,Cameron vLstted in
Conestoga over 'the week and.
The January meeting of rtfre Gran -
brook Women's Institute wee held
in Ithe Community Centre on Tues.,
Jan. lath at 0,30, wish rover 80 mem-
bers and visitors present. The
president Mrs, Lloyd Michel opened
the meeting wibis the singing of the
"O;peniug Ode", Uollowed by re -
penning the Institute Creed and the
Lord's Prayer in unisee, Minutes of
the lash meeting were read by Ube
secretary. The roll can was
answered by mob member display-
ing a piece_ of handiwork. Ieateter
wlo,kr embroidery, and •m'oorebing
were displayed. During the business
it was decided the Instibulte would
pay for melte:del needed in fixing the
kitchen, as it was to ,the women's
benetfit the work was being done
A splendid motto, "What we make
of our homes ie more essential than
what they •are Made of" was ghee
by Mas: Ross Knight. Then ea the
the :highlight of tote evening, A de.
babe, which was thoroughly enjoyed
by all. "Resolved that Women ane
better dam driver's than even." The
affirmative was taken by Mrs.
Menace Cameron and Arra. W.
Strickler, 'the negative wee taken
by Rev. Bailie of 7slueva:l•e end
Rev. Flyndman of Crambrook. The
ladles by once point 14, Ito the men
13. 'The judges were Mrs. W. Strad
wet -ticket Mrs. Geo, Mendes' end
Gordon Knight. The president
41leaked the debaters'. The meeting
closed with a flower eine bird con.
test ,00nduebed by Mrs. S. McNair
After the Nmitionul Anithetm, lunob
was served in ave baseutemtt by the
Morris Township Commit Meeting,
Jan. 12, 1963. '
The Council mist in tihe Township
Flail on the above daite with alb the
anenubetps present, The following
eigned the declamation of otf ee:-
Reeeve, Harvey Johnston: Councillors
O1res. Couites, Sam Alaaelc, Bailie
Parrott and Wen, 'Iplwton,
Rev, Thomas of Walton opened
the meeting with n clsvottnntl'
The minntne of the last meeting
wee'e *read and adopted on Motion of
Bale Parroht read Sam Alcock.
Marred by Wm, Duston, wecanded
seeQ1$ded by Sana' Alcock that 13y.
'LUaw No, 1,^ ,13'58 ' atjrpoin4Uing M- 1
eleip 'Officials; b-e,passed ae•'reed
the trelt, eaten(' and third times:,
�- Carried
'lie folic:mitg Offietals Were aro
pointed by '137- iter No. 1 : Clark
Geo. Martin; Treaauror, ATalso
Maine. i'(ait olnuen; Ant Edge
scud Jack Brewer, Pienuinrg job:neat
Harvey Edger, Ross Tureey, Her-
man Nettirere. Chas. 'Warwick, Clone
eniee, ruin, Jack IJowe, Meal Peale
Lorne Nteltal. Jahn Cram, Ronald
Gordon, Millet Riebe rand, Prank
BOiL Pred Cook, Jim r$nvlbh' Jahn
H1aggillt, Bernard. Thomas.
Pcundkalliers - .Oanl J•ohnasuton,
Sbewaett AUeLentectu, Gnabam Camp.
bell, Robert Mcl4AurneY, John Bow-
man, Stanley Hopper, George Bone,
Robt. Yetli, Mervyn Pipe, Robert
C'rasby, 7Van, 1u9icCutcludan, Ernest
Michie, Rolr(, Bird, Bernard Oraig,
Arthur McCall, Albert Nesbitt, Geo.
McArthar, Harry Gibbets.
Livestock Va3asaboee - Walter
Sixort:neled, IPianir 'Shaw,
Peneeeleweas - 'Harold Procter,
Milo Cbmontore, Bert Resting% Chas.
Andenson, Wm. ?eaeoek, Russel
Bone, Albert N1eseIbt, Bance Smith,
James Phelan, Olarence Martin,
Leslie Beirncia, That. Meclan
Weed Inspector - Robert Michie.
Gaad.ea�rmeu - Jos, Smith and Jack
Moved by 01taa, 'Mattes, seconded
by Bailie Ilerrgtit Shah we gays a
grant of 320,00 to the Orap Improve-
ment Asspcieition. - Carried.
Moved by Ohms. 'Coultas, seconded
by Saim Aicok .tlta,t. the Printing con-
tract file given to Roy Kcnmedy .Por
3135.00. - Carried.
Moved by Bailie Parrott, seconded
seeondea by Chrae, Couldtes bleat we
join the Aeldobiation of Ruafal Mune
tcipalttiee, - Oaeried.
Moved by Sem Adcock, seconded
by furan. Deem teat 'ave give a
grant of 326.00 to the Salvation
Army. - Carried.
Moved by Chas.. Coultas, seconded
by Bailie Paaeott Ohar we joie •the
Ontario Good Roads Assocla len
land that each member gaivag will be
allowed $25.00 for expenses,
. - Carried.
Moved by Oivas. Coultes, seconded
by Bailie Parrott that the Reeve
and Road ,Superintendent be author-
ized to apply for subsidy on road
o ap'enditnre. - Carried
Moved by Chas. Coultas, seconded
by Battle Parrott that By,Law No. 2,
1953, anbhoriziatg ,the Municipal
Council of the Township of Morris to
enter into agreements witIb owners
of lands located in the Township for
the purpose df reforesting portions
of said lands, be passed as read
the. first second and third tamest
- Carried.
Moved by Bailie Parrott, seconded
by Wni. Deeon, that By -Law No. 8,
1.950 for Road Appropriation of
350,000, be passed as read the first,
second .and bhrird times eubjeot to
the apprOra.1 of the Ddetn let Mundci-
papl Engineer, - Carried.
Moved by Chats. Coultas, seconded
by Bailee Paaeobt tdtat By -Lent 140. 4,
1953, anblrorlain'g that three per cent
he allowed on any potion of pre-
paid 'taxes far 1953 which are paid
by June 1, 1953. All prepaid taxes
maus:t he paid to the Treasurer,
Neilson Higgins. - Carried.
Moved by Ches. Coultes, seconded
by Bailie Parrott that Byttsaw No.
5, 1963, auithariz'ing the treasurer to
borrow up t: $50,000, from the bank
be passed as read oho first, seoond
and third times. - .Carried.
Moored by Wan. Elston; seconded:
sty Sant Alcock that Addison Prager
be hired on, to angers the Townsblp
at thte came salary of $000. -.Carried,
Moved by Chian. Coultas, seconded
by Wm, Elston that the meeting
adjourn to meet again on Feb. 9,
ort 1 p. m. Canned.
The following amounts, were yctid:
Heron Crop ImprovementAsseelattan, grant 320.00
Ontario Assoolatitlon of
Renal Mtnicilpalittes 10,00
Jas. Blielan, 'fox bounty 4.00
Frank Melts&: fox bounty 2.00.
3,,Wdgte T. Costello, retreating
Votteie' t.4' yrs 15.40
Salvui'tion Army, grant 26,00
Ontario Good tioads
Association 10,00
Brueasels Lal! son, wroath t7.00
Milo Cagaenere, wood' for
H. Whitehead , 10.00
7towirdk Partners Fire Inrsnnanae
.Cie., Tnseettnre on hall 9.40
!Harold Sellers, tent of dumping
ground 22.00
C'. W. Mune, relief for
Mrs. FT. Whileivead 84,63
Harvey C. Joluiiston, Ilieefae,
Geo, 0. Martin, Mark.
Wedtthedp+y� .110?7!M1rJ" t1�IMI,
K1,yl. Y 11
1952 Oldsmobile Sedan
52 Chev. 1/2 ton pick up
1951 Chev. Sedan Powerglide
1948 Chev. Coach
1946 Hudson Sedan
51 'Chev. Sedan, delivery
50 Chev. 1/2 ton pick-up. lr"
49 Chev. 21/2 ton
Chevrolet and Oldsmobile
Supertest Gas and Oil -
Phone 56 Brussels, Ont.
Get your wood or logs out fast ant
economical, yrieesr reancenable,
FOUND - Mel. Jertnyn Phone 59r12 Bruitsnill
2 bags of feed Jam. 16th on road.
Apply at The Posit.
At Cranbook Ohnroh on Tuesday,
a purse containing a sem of money,
Mus. Cart McDonald.
1-9 piece dining room suite.'
Good els new.
Apply at The Post.
,Ralwledg9t blusineas now open in
Huron: Counity. Trade Well esbtvbldts
ed. Excellent opportunity. Pull
Surrge Milkers are safer for Join
taws. They do milk faster and art
easier nasaod. For Miter Inmoea-
adrlon contact Iiaverll MCGnire.
Wingham, Phone 593W.
DEADSTOCK slammed from yooii
farm promptly for sanitary dishes:
Telephone Collect: Brussels teak
or Bimima 564.
time. Write at once. Rawleigh's i WANTED
Dept. A-152189. Montreal.
Soft maple and elan tops, at lot 3,
con. 14. Grey.
Jas. Stevenson Phone 60r4
1 Brincees Plast Harrtsban Cook
Stove with a high shelf, reseevolr
and watchn. 9ronft, four years old,
Geo. Mialt%k3 Phone 15r0.3
A woman between 18 and 45 to do
sennas housework. Duffles to com-
mence immediaitelee
Apply at the Brnaesels Post.
An aged gentleman . or metalled
couple bo share a 5 roam haute with
path and hot waiter,
Apply to Dave McKuenzle
Qtseensbury Street, Brnseelo,
Bray Chicks. Whattever market
you aim fns - eggs, broilers -
order now. Better prices depend on
nearly Woks. 30 years Hatchery
experience, ,Prices, from agent -
Wm. G. Bray, •EtIbel
Cement blook house, Insulated,
town waiter 4 -piece bath, barn
will hold 200 hens. Mill St., Bras -
Harvey Stephenson Piton 48s.
A qual tity of Dry Hari Body
Wood and Oetlar, also a good
supply of Blase •amid Black Am3>orla-
cite Coal, Alberita and Briquettes,
Brussels coal Yawl
Phone 96x2 J. E. Brewer
Dead and disabled farm aro*
wasted for prompt Hoke/.
Percy Stephanion, ]Rt%.1, Mem
Brussels 85r12, Collect.
100 acre Farm, hydro. good houses
barn, daiveshed, henhouse, good
bush, priced at 88.000.00-
100 acre farm, good house, t assay,
priced at 36000.00.
100 acre farm on Mutate Road, Bowe
large been, silo kid= in the lane
priced at 36000.00.
76 acre farm, goad heave watt of
modern conveniences, peeears
sytem, water softener, steal thriving
shed, large bars, priced at 11008.I11,
100 erre farm, close to basun sy,
good red brick fossa, kadeo, .1.11
drive shed, large barn, intend in all
at 38,700.00.
Number of good hooses In a!o
Village of Brussels.
J. C. Long,Real 10state Broker.
Phone 84 Brasseta, Ort.
The following is a quotation from
the "Christian Cienliory" of JanuaoY
'"If et is true that 40 per dent 04
all Americans over 14 years of age
do not drank at tall-+bkad's Itite fignwq
ustu'adiy given --the remrainlag 60 per
cent moot be Stowing olway rime
than a prat every day. One need mot
be a bluenose 'to be emanated' at
Such a disclknsume. Ncithttng less that
the future of rtAne nation 40 threale:1.
rd. TS is time for a great effort to
promote ..peasona0 total atbsttaente
Whet the nation needs In its citizens
to -day is cle'ea' minds$ aOnkl 46441
nerves. Few who are plutiting away
a pint of liquor a. day roan Misr*
either. Teetotaller therefore be..
comes, another word far `"pakriob".
Machine. Shop Now
Open For Business
Lathe Work Acetylene Welding
Electric Welding
Professional service in each line. Suitable
equipment for all agricultural and indust-
ndustrial repairs. Two men -at your service at
all times.
We sell and service the McCulloch, I. E.
L. and Disston Chain' Saws.
Dealer for Dairi-Cool Milk Coolers
Phone 56r13 Brussels, Ont. I