The Brussels Post, 1952-9-24, Page 3TNECallin'Ct SPORTS COLUMN &met 9&40,44244 This one didn't appear in the points res cord, but I happen to think that the real Olympic champions are the Finnieli nation, all 4,000,000 of this 'peace -loving and sports - worshipping little country's population. In 1940 the Finns had, with great pride, accepted the honor of being host to the Olympic scheduled for that time and planned accordingly, But then came the Russian invasion and World War II, resulting in cancellation of the contests and tremendous financial losses. After hostilities had ceased, Finlandwas linable to accommodate the 1948 games, which took place in England, - e The work and outlay has been tremendous. For instance the Olympic Stadium, built at enormous cost, had accommodation for 70,000 spectators. Nearby was built another stadium ,with a heated outdoor swimming pool for practice purposes. A new pool, begun in 1939, was blasted otlt of gecko* .its a pine forest, and from sheer wilderness became the scene of aquatic contests with, facilities to seat 10,000 onlookers. These are only a fw examples of the modern playing fields and arenas sports -minded Finland built for .the various matches. They spared nothing to achieve perfection for what proved to be the most sensational of all Games, • With the thousands of visitors, Finland faced a real housing problem. But Helsinki eolved this poser. The Olympic Village for men consisted of fourteen units patterned after modern ap- artment houses. The main section contained 1,181 rooms and two others had 212 and 277 compartments. This was for the athletes.' And every private home was hospitably thrown open to non - competing visitor. Food presented another problem, but arrangements were made to increase imports from neighboring countries. Dutch producers and businessmen have offered fifty tons of fresh fruit - for contestants, and Finnish vessels transported the fruit froni the Netherlands. And the food in general, everybody agrees, was wonderful. There were hundreds of guides and interpreters to accom- modate, visitors, The press relations were perfect. There wasn't a flaw in the arrangements for the greatest of all Olympics, staged by the smallest nation which has in years handled this mighty,chore. Finland deserves a wreathof wild - olives, or a gold dtedal, or whatever it is Olympic champions receive. Your comments and suggestions for this column will bowekomed by Elmer Ferguson,' c/o Calvert House, 431 Yonge SR, Toronto. CaLVt'Ct DISTILLERS LIMITED AMHERSTRURO, ONTARIO Mice.That Sing Yorkshire housewives have been complaining about a plague of "field mice" and "singing mice," but naturalists say the common mouse, known scientifically as the "Mus musculus," is to blame. It is distinguished from "field mice," or voles, by possessing root- edteeth with which it can chew, and by its long scaly tail. Tt is about 3% inches in length, and its tali measures 334 inches, And sometimes it does sing) Many people have heard "singing mice," which emit a song rather lace that of a subdued canary. Their song has also been compared with running water. Various explanations have been suggested for this singing. Some authorities say it is merely the re- sult of the mouse's breathing ap- paratus being obstructed by bron- chitis, or a growth pressing on the throat and breathing tubes, Others point to the proved fact that both rats and mice are at- tracted by music, and that the story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin is certainly not pure fiction, for rod - SALLY'S SALLIES 0.15 "He just keeps on going out and yelling for help. He must be tired after the long season." ents have been known to come out of their holes quite fearlessly to listen to music, One naturalist who kept both mice and canaries observed that The youngest of the rodents tried to imitate the birds'- song. The common mouse is often mistaken for the field mouse, for It is not confined to houses alone, but frequents barns, outhouses, and especially the apace between corn - stacks. It is not as prolific as the long- tailed field mouse, which some naturalists say is the commonest wild animal in this country. Two female. field mice kept in captivity began tb breed at five and a half months old, and brought -about between them 36 young ones in a few weeks. The field mouse is slightly larger than the common mouse, is red- dish -brown above and white under- neath, with very long white hind feet. It lives in thickets, fields and gardens, and sinOn 4t .i5 almost en- tirely a vegetable feeder, it does great damage. During the winter months it lives in a burrow, near which it buries -large stores of grain, peas, beans, seeds, so that the unfortun- ate farmer or gardener has to sup- port it from one year's end to an- other. Its distant cousin is the fluffy, round -eyed ball known as the har- vest mouse, which loves the sun- shine, and is so light that he can up a cornstalk and perch on top. He builds his nest among the corn- stalks about a foot above the ground, and about .half the size of a tennis ball. His staple food is grain, but in spite of his "wee tinl'rous beastic" look (which was how the Scottish bard, Robert Burns, described him), he is a savage cannibal when given' half a chance. A fight between two harvest mice means a fight to the death, and a horrible orgy of feast- ing on the part of the victor, Nana W ih A Brain Streaking past its' pre decessot, - the F -B0 Shoot j g.lStar, is titei,F 94C,,Btarfire In foreground, Equipped With 1200 pounds of :aiectronic apparatus, the new. plane Is able to locate the enemy, think out a course, automatically guide Itself, aim its 24 'rockets and attack. Capable of flying 600 miles per hour, the Starfire carries a three-man crew. Got A Rash When Husband Near A Mrs, Grace Groat, of Des Moines, Iowa, when applying for a divorce, told the judge that she developed a rail' whenever her husband was near her. This is only one of the many curious cases of allergy. Onesoldier clime out in spots whenever he put on his uni- form, and a young wife became unwell every time she handled raw flour, Allergy means a condition in which a "particular person is made ill or uncomfortable by contact with .a substance which has no evil effect on most other people, You may say, "I'm allergic to tomatoes," nheanhlg that you don't like them, but are you really suf- fering from sit, clergy? Probably you are, if eating tomatoes brings you out in a rash. The typical sufferer from an al- lergic disorder may be affected in all or only one of the following ways: migraine (ole -sided head- aches accompanied by vomiting and the seeing of moving lights), hay fever, .asthma, skin trouble, joint pains and swellings, "Astounding" One person may be allergic to feathers, another to newly brown. grass, a third to certain foods, such as eggs, fish or strawberries, while many women are allergic' to face powder. Some medical authorities are of the opinion that rheumatic fever and nephritis (inflammation of the kidneys) are manisfestations of an allergy caused by the germ which, in most people, gives rise to a sore throat only. The astounding thing about it all is that -although a tendency to- wards allergy may be inherited from your parents, you don't neces- sarily react towards the same sub- stance. How can you treat your allergy? The best thing to do is to find out the substance which has such an uncomfortable effect on you. That's simple enough, if it's something like gooseberries, but not so easy if it's food that's nor- mally eaten at every meal, like wheat. You may, by experimenting with your diet, be able to trace your particular allergy. If you can't, then the doctors usually can by making a series of tests. They will ask you questions about what you've been doing and what you've been eating just before an attack of asthma or nettle mash. Then they will perform what they call a scratch test. A scratch less than a quarter inch long will be made in your skin, without drawing blood. A Beauty Queen Of '53—Neva Jane Langley, 19 -year-old talented lovely who won the 1953 "Miss America" contesf romps on the beach after winning the coveted beauty title. The shapely lass from Florida, who entered the national pageant as "Miss Georgia," won a $5,000 scholarship, $4,000 in cash, and an automobile. glass rod will be used to rub in a minute portion of the suspected substance. If in ten minutes you have developed a weal or consid- erable reddening"of the skin, that particular substance is the one which is doing the mischief. Should you prove to be allergic to something with which you simp- ly cannot avoid contact, such as horse hair .or pollen, then it is sometimes possible for you to be desensitised. Allergy is not an easy trouble to deal with; individual treatment is needed, and patience on the part of both sufferer and doctor. Each year, however, new discoveries hold out farther trope, and soon true allergy may be a thing of the past. Bullet Only Bruises Through Armored Vest Sgt. Raymond F. Chenette's bullet-proof vest soaked up a I?urp-gun slug during fighting in Korea and thus only bruised instead of punctured, the sergeant lives to fight another day. Pointing to the bullet hole, Sergeant Chenette said he also took five shrapnel bits out of the vest after taking it off. Wolves That Solved A Water Shortage One of the oldest customs is that of tipping, .The surreptitious passing of "thanks" from hand to hand is usually. carried out with the neat efficiency of au expert sleight-of-hand conjuror. The practice is invariably hush- hush; the giver saying nothing, his silence is respected and a. whisper- ed word of thanks orperhaps a gesture by way of acknowledge- ment is received. The exchange over, no one else was interested or knewanything of - the transac- tion, The' procedure varies in Persia, and a ;tip, or present, for services rendered is relayed to all and sun - 'dry;, it enhances the character of the dollar, Freya Stark, in a new edition of her chronicle, of }rare and enthrall- ing journeys in the less accessible regions of Persia, "The Valleys of the Assassins", relates an incident in which she was mildly taken to task for the unobtrusiveness of her tipping. Gifts to the Arabs Atter a stay in the village of $hutur Khant Freya Stark decided to continue bee journey. With the. village a few hundred yards behind her, she not!ced that something was weighing rather heavily on the mind of one of her native follow- ers. He eventually came up to her and asked whether she'd given a present to the Arbab's servant. "Yes," she told him. "PIow was it that we dist not see it given?" queried the mean. Replied the donor: "it is our cus- tom to give these gifts as quietly as possible, , . Azid admitted that it might be a, good custom in her country, but not in his. He set about putting matters right. Hailing a passing hillman the two spent quite a while chatting earnestly and seriously to- gether, Rejoining the waiting party, Asia explained: "This man will tell the. Arbab, and you Will be fairly spoken .,of among them all." At 'Aamut the traveller happen- ed to hear the call of the cuckoo, and commented on the uselessness and wickedness of the bird, grow- ing as it does in a strange nest, The man to whom she addressed her remarks didn't agree. "Is that so?" saaid the. "If your eye is diseased and you smear oint- ment made from the euitoo's eyes upon it, it will heal Allah mikes all things useful." Castle Beseiged ' Visiting the remain? of the As- sassins Castle of Lamiasar, Freya Stark records an interesting legend attached to the building. During earlier days, especially in times of siege, a difficulty confronting the defenders of the castle was the water supply. To help conserve the precious fluid, ' numerous cisterns had been cut into the stone. The other source of supply dropped from a rampart, via a covered river, This passage was called the Gurg-u-Mish, or Wolf -and -Ram, c Apparently at one time the in- habitants of the castle were in dire need of water. By some means rams were herded into the tunnel with skins full of water tied under- neath their bellies. Wolves were let in behind them. Terrified by the pursuing wolves, and with no es- cape from the. narrow way, the flock rushed up the slope and pro- vided the castle with water. Weeping Bride Pity the bride the author met at Garmrud. In one corner, apart from all the festivities and feasting, completely hidden under a pale blue veil, stood the bride. She re- mained motionless, hour after hour while guests streamed by, unable to sit because the chief guest request- ed her not to. Freya Clark, lifting the veil to greet her, was horrified to see large tears roiling down her painted cheeks. She was weeping with fright and fatigue—a veiled image at her own wedding feast. The bride would not appear in public again for twenty-one days after the wedding. "The Valleys of the Assassins" is an absorbing book—a classic of travel. - - Neu) And Useful Too... Let It Snow Dotit dread the snow. Take a holiday at home this winter. Ma- chine, run by 3J1 horsepower gaso- line engine clears snow by blow- ing in swath 13.z to 2 feet wide. Also available is 23; foot blade for pushing snow too wet to be blown. * * * Handy Waterproofing Repellent protects materials ex- posed to moisture or mildew. Coats individual thread -fibres with- out altering texture, appearance or color. Effective when used on clothing, furniture covers, awnings convertible tops, etc. Materials treated can be dry cleaned and washed several times without re- moving water repellency, * * * LUMINOUS NOSE Light switch, in form of clown's head anti nose that shines in the dark, is ideal for nursery, chil- dren's roans of games taom, Switch operated by flicking up or down, * * * Hole -Digger Attachment for half-inch or larger drill digs holes for fence posts. • * Moderate Regrigeration Nontoxic powder mixed .with water is ideal for regrigeration purposes, Cools but doesn't freest surrounding foodstuffs or other material. Overwinds difficulties of regrigerating with ice, which melts and causes shifting, or dry ice which is often too cold. Mixture freezes at different temperatty'es if formula varied. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AUTOMOBILES GET loon AU'r0 farts and Acceaeerleg Wholesale, Dotatla 26o (refundable), QLUn E}76, 11, 76th Street, atnwagkee l0, Wfeepasln, ,Darts moss PAY old ehtoka, started chicks, turkey poulta, 6 weeps to boron weeks at bargain grlceo. 01500 pullets, broils: chicks, Cato.+ logue. ' TOP NOTCH C11I016 SALES GUELPH ONTARIO DAY old chicks, - started obleks, two, thrso and four week old. Turkey l,aulta, throe, four, Ave, ids and seven weeks old. Non - mixed, or Ilene at greatly reduced prices. Older pullets, Special broiler chiclta, with penal quantity prices. Catalogue, TWEDDLD MICE HATO/3E11IES LTD,. FEa0U8 ONTARIO CLINICS "SICK"—Write Clint) Doctor -671 Dan- forth, Toronto. Druelooe—Oporotionlaoe Licensed. Why mutter' Make yourself well l unarm AND GLEANING assesyou anything needs diming or clean- ing7 Write to us ter Information. We are' glad to answer your questions. Do- oartment I3. Parker's Dye Werke Limited,. 501 Tonga St. Toronto. POE SALE BARGAIN :tale of Bronze Turkey mutts, while they last, three, four, Ave, six end soveu wee1,0 old. Non -sexed or hens, Catalogue, TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHER/DA LTD. venous ONTARIO GARAGES—Portable. Prefabricated, ruet- preoQ 5120, $10. Sheds, Range Shelter Roofs, 840. Sectional Buildings, Shaw - bridge. Quebec. MADONNA Lily Bulbs. 3 -inch iso each. Duncan MacRae. Duncan, Vancouver Island. ALUMINUM—New, Corrugated. 28" x 0'. Beet Canadian Price:— Delivered:— 31.40 Sheet, 110 Square. Building Materials, Lao (Minden, Quebec. FEED MILL. Sacrifice at 14,100. Eas, Terms. Must Bell before rush meson due to 111 health. Write Cask Robinson, 820 Nelson, Wallaeeburg..Ontario. JOHN DEERE 101 Corn Picker In good condition. P. Ir. Patterson, R.R. 2, Galt, Ontario. 'OILS, GREASES, TIRES PAINTS AND VARNISHES, Electric Motors, Electrical Appliances. aohbyshop machinery Dealers wanted, Write: Warco Grease and 011 Limited, Toronto. CRESS CORN SALVE—Por sure relief. Your druggist delle CRESS. MEDICAL GOOD RESOLUTION Every sufferer el Rheumatic pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin Ottawa $7.25 Express Prepaid ASTHMA WHY suffer It there is something that w111 help you7 Hundreds of thousands of sets Some been sold on a money back suar- tntee. 8o easy to vee. After your symn. toms have been diagnosed se -Asthma, 900 own it to yourself to try Astbmanefria. Ask your Druggist. No Pil1,, No Drugs THE PERFECT SLIMMING DIET SHEET , As used by leading London Hospitals and Medical Specialists, Bent on receipt of Postai Order One Dollar tn: Diets Dept., MEDICAL d DRUGGISTS SUPPLIES. 42 Tavtnteck Place. London, w.C.r. 6333 T.T.S.-A20 Those who have Arthritis or Gall Blad- der trouble. don't give as, Write for testimonial. and personal experience. De- pendable remedies. Box 372, Brandon, Manitoba. TAKE NO CHANCES Quentin Reynolds calls attention to the fact that Montgomery's cam- paign in the Near East altered a centuries-old custom of the natives in those parts. "Since time imme- morial," says Reynolds, "Arabian men rode majestically on the fam- ily donkey while their wives, laden down with ail sorts of burdens, trudged patiently behind on foot. After 1942, however, all that was changed. The wife was emancipat- ed. She now walks in front. There are many unexploded land mines." WAIT YOUR TURN Grover Whalen has revived the story of the fastidious diner who objected to the way his steak had been prepared and had it sent back to the kitchen. The waiter brought it back with a -message that the chef considered the steak perfectly okay in every particular, "He does, does he?" bellowed the outraged diner. "You just march that steak back to the chef and tell him to ram it down Isis throat." Back came the waiter with the same old steak. "I'nh very sorry, sir," he re- ported, "but there are two steaks and four lamb chops ahead of you." agroaTUN17'IEe y'ou MEN AsIp WPMMEN NEA HAIRDRESSER sem CANADA'S ILI941IN0 90InOOL Great Opportunity Yearn Ditirdraaatgqg Pleaeapt dlgalaee prefeoSien, geed wages. rbaueands. of euccceofol Marvel gr051(15 ll America's Oreatoet Syetern Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING 001100L8 355 Btoor 85, W., Toronto Wenches: 44 King St., Hampton 72 /Moan 55,, Ottawa MAKE UP TO 420 A DAY Sell our murvdlous Reflect-O.Llto deer Plates, tboy're guaranteed andeasy to sell. Send 81 now for sample. Aids for free catalogue tlln,Mating many eXoS Sellers and novelties. Tlnsolcraft Reg'd.. Box 58w, St, 'Hilaire, Quebec. Send. for tree cataloguo of new modern remedies. Imnorlal tnduetrloe P,O. Bolt 801, .w,nnlnee. BE independent! Manage awn magazine subacrlptlon bantnoas spare time, Ltt- erature free. Elliott's 262 Galnaboro, Toronto, suite MONEY with a box camera, Thirty marketo that buy photon. Ten cents far 11dp, Paul McIllaney, 144 Bentley, .505005 City, New Jersey, k PATENTS AN 010FE11 to every Inventor—Llai of In' nations and Lull Information emit tree, rho Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attnr- n0ya,. 273 Bank Street, Ottawa. FETHDR8T0NFLAUGH & COmpatly Pa- tent Solicitors, Eatabllshed 1860. 360 Say Street, Toronto. Booklet of Informa- tion on request. RUGS NEW rues made from your ald. "rugs and woollens. Write for catalogue and price 31st. Dominion Rug Weaving Company, 2477 Dundau Street Went, Toronto, Ont. WANTED WANTED—Registered Nurses for general duty 1n malt hospital. Salary 8100,00 Per month plug full maintenance, Apply: Superintendent, Lady Min to Hospital. Cochrane, Ont. POULTRY of every description wanted. large or small quantities. Highest cash prlaea. ROYCE DUPONT POULTRY PACKERS 1636.28 Dupont St. W., Toronto—RO. 2821 MY YOU SHOULD NOT TAKE SODA • If you smiler from acid indigoatioo, 000. heartburn, scientists say baking nada can add to yaw upset, destroy vitamins, cause eikaloate, Heid rebound. Atter meals I had indigestion and gas pains, and I practically lived on baking node," nays Peter George,'Letkbridge, Alta. Then I alerted taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and the pains went away and I could oat and enjoy my meals again. I gained 80 pounds and felt much better." Thousand. who suffered such distress, due to no organic causes, tried Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery with amazing results. Over 35,000,000 bottles of this great non-alcoholic medicine, with it wonderful stomachic tonic action, have been Bold to data. And no wonder. First, taken regularly, it promotes more normal etomoch activity, thus helping to digest food better so you won't have gas, heartburn, sour stomach. Second, with etomarls activity improved, you can eat the foods you like without fear of after-di,treee. Try it. Got Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery at your druggist, today! BACKACHE May beWarninq Backache is often caused by lazy kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, disturbed rest or that tired -out and heavy -headed feeling may soon follow. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better—sleep better—work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. 57 LOGY, LISTLESS, OUT OF LOVE WITH LIFE? Then wake up your liver bile ... jump out of bed ruin' to go Life not worth living'? It may bo the, livors it'e a fact! If your river bile is not flowing bloc your food may not digest ... gee up your stomach ... you fool .con. ett rateand all the fun and sparkle go out of lifer That's when you need mild, gentle Carters Little Liver !.'ills, You goo Carters help stimulate pour liver bile till onto again Sig pouring out ata rat of up to two pints a day roto your digestive tract. This should Ax you right up, make you feel that happy days aro ham again. So don't stay mink got Carters Little Liver Pills. Atwaym bavo them on band. Only 85c from any druggiet. ISSUE 39 — 1952 SCHRAMM PORTABLE & STATIONARY COMPRESSORS PUMPS, CONCRETE MIXERS, AIR TOOLS and ACCESSORIES RENTALS —. SALES RAY Gp,,FpON .LTD. 1385 TORONTO KEnwood 9417 CIGARETTE TOB4Cro