The Brussels Post, 1952-9-17, Page 2£to t '
M' Sr51.5 i.:a r:5W*OE
AN € 14M ST
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°Dar Anne Hirst: i. have a nice
sweetheart, whom I love dearly
In a short time we hope to get mar-
ried, But I am worried.
"He likes to drink a lot,. He
never wants to
stay home; he
prefers to go
out with his
cousins • and
other 'friends.- I
don't like the
idea. When I
marry, I want
a home, with
lam •there.
"He says he will always love
me. and it 1 don't marry him he
duesu't want ancone else. He has
always been true to me. Is there
anything 1 can do to keep him
from running around so much?
't The very least that an engaged
a couple should have in common
* is the life they'll Iead after they
* marry. When the two hold such
* opposing views as yon do, how
* :-an you believe you.could live
happily together: A yenng man
* :vita likes to drink and run
* around with his boy friends, is
▪ just not good ..u,hand material.
• You two are deeply in love,
you sap. But you are arise
* enough to sense that lave atone
• annot guarantee a good fife
* far either of you. If he expects
* to centime his present habits,
* eon would he le conflict with
e each other from the very start_
* • You want a Mime, content-
, =--neat an? seesir.'t'. You cannot
• be sure of any of these if, first;
• you— y a mean who drinks,
• and s ede:.+, one whose ideal
• home i y a eenee to eat and
5 sleek.
• M,_• -ga,c '. e aeog rn e'-b: