The Brussels Post, 1952-9-3, Page 7THE BRUSSELS POST • p a..:_ i fy r at the ,Western Fair 1150 ILIE1re i;- _Nt , tS`Yi,.ti.6+mMS1 +�,•+ty an : "r}arMi or ,and GENERAL ELECTRIC PRIZ. • T o; ;Find Out How vF . D L.900 CELL Every Hour on the Hour BL.UEVALE Personale: Mr. dud Mrs. Wm. Mar- tin artin and son. Chriabopher, Markham, wibh Miss Daft; Mrs. Roes Deng las who had spent a month. with her sisters, returned to Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Martin; Fred Griffiths and Mr. Ohess, Monbreal, at the Sanderson home; Mrs. Wil- liam Griffiths returned to Mont- real wish her son, and Miss Sand- erson returned to her' home in Tar. onto; Mrs. James Peacock, Morris, with Mrs. W. J. Johnston; Mr. and Mrs. David Street and daughter Linda, Listowel, with Mrs. M L. Aitken; Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wil- son and two sons. Listowel, with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mann, Rev. Matthenr BeiIIe oeoupied the pulpit of t:he: Presbyterian Chumr at Agincourt on Sunday. H. was accompanied by Mrs. Bailie and son Gerald. They will 'visit In Toronto. Mrs. W. H. McKinnon, Mrs. R, T. Garnls. Olive Scott, Mae Scott, Iand George Greenaway with Mr. ford; Lqudse MOI aolrera hitt Mon- day for Welland where she has ' accepted a p room 1n a loterE+OCnt school in Belies= t,awntehp; Mr. and Mrs, A. D. Smith and Manor, i Mr. and Mrs. Henry Elliott and Phyllis at Niagara Falls and Tor- t onto; Gordon Messer and Charles 1 T7offman with Mr, and Mrs. Har- i very Messer in Toronto; Mug. John Mustard and two sons, Cameron and Fraser, and Mrs. Mary Robert - .,on with _Mrs, Robert NSoholaon, Belgraa•e; Mr, and Mrs. Charles Bosman with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Griffiths at Brampton; Mrs, Edith Curtis and daughter Margaret and Mes, Laura Kirton at the Rolpb reunion at Mitchell at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Adolphus Rolph; Mrs, (surds will remain for a few days to *esti with relatives; Mr, and Mee Tiva;ir ('lampbeli with friends In Toronto, • and Mrs, Neal B. Measolreea, Citi Personals: 31r. and Mrs. Cecil Mc- ouno 1uro "Water on Tap" IN THE KITCHEN Fresh running water at the turn of the tap with a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM ... get rid of Kitchen drudgery, IN THE BATHROOM Protect the health of your family . .. add to the comforts of daily living ... modernize your home with a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM. IN THE BARN Saves LABOR and TIME watering stock with a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM . , , greater PROFITS .. besides, you have FIRE PROTECTION for your buildings. - Buy the BEST... Buy a DURO Phone or visit us today for DURO Pumps and EMCO Plumbing Fixtures and Fit- tings. Write for illustrated folder, SCOP 524 For Sale by — C. & G. Krauter Co. Brussels. Ont, EMPIRE BRASS MPG; CO. LIMITED lender • Hamilton • SI. (alllarinol • Toronto • Sudbury - Winnipeg • Venom I1''°a"Mime"MaRctanon, Mrs' PEOPLE WE KNOW Isobel Armehrong, Bmues®le, Mr. and Mrs, John K. MacTavish and * * * two scone Turnbeury, with •Mr. and Mae. R, H. Molninmon; Mr. and and Mrs, Oharles McLaughlin, Mr. and Mn,e, Irwin Me artuihlin, Palm- eraton, Miss .Gmace Small, Galt, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stnaohen and Miss Jessie S'tra.ohan, Jamestown, with Mrs. P. S. Mlanglwan1, Mrs. Bar. wick, Goderieh, with Mr. and Mrs• Roy Turvey; Mr. and Mrs. Thornton and son, Toronto, oottlt Mos, >;1 F, Gomnise and Miss Olive Scott. Bill Barwick, who has been with Mr - and Mrs. Roy Timmy ttre greater part of this year, left for Goderloh where be will live and attend high school. -� Mr. and Mrs. L, H. Gordon visited in Toronto and Oshawa last week, Mr. Clem Sbeff7•er and sows Olem and Jimmie were at the C. N. E. last week, .lir. anti Mis. Art. Nicholls, Broad. begen, were week -end visitors with Mies E. M. Steiss. ITnlitletr visitors with Mir. and Mrs Peter Raker were Mr. and Mrs. Winston Men -lectern and two ehtldren, Hamilton, and Mr. and ',Tr,. Fir Baker. Detroit_ Mr. Mex Cameron spent last week le Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Merely Himether rIs- tfrri or•er the week -end In Toronto wi+h '17r, ;e l Mee D. Lawless, TTr. and Mrs, Lloyd Minhel, Ma.rion Mr. Aleo Woodrow, Ifondon, vias a Sunday visitor in Brussels. • to it 'Mr. and Mrs, C. Matheson are holidaying with . Mr, and Mrs. M. Ross at Sarnia. * ** Dr, Donald McRae and Mrs. Mo - Rae, Toronto, with his mother Mrs, T. T. McRae. * * s Mr. and Mrs. Harry Champion of London were holidaying here with friends and relatives, * * * Mr, and Mrs. Graeme Scott, Wel- land weree holiday visitors with their parents MT. and Mrs, W. S. Scobt. i * * Charles Shohhrook of Hudlett has been holidaying with his grand- parents Mr, and Mrs. TI. Manning. • * •# Mr. and here. Prod Glassier and family of New Ltskeerd' with his ar roents Mr. and Mfrs, Dan. GTaseier, * srre Miss Evelyn Cunniaglram, Brant- ford, was a week -end visitor with Mine Jennie ' . Bndd and other Brussels friends.- * * * Mr, and Mrs. Wen. Jermyn and 1Tr, and C. J. Peeelow motored to Tnl,ermiorry over .the holiday week- end and visited friends. * * * lir. and 'Airs, FT. Chapman, .Miss Tenn Chapman, and Mr. and Mrs: end Ran4ra, were. in Point Clark Kiesw1»lfer and daughter Deana, over the week -end, ; Kitchener, were weekend visitors Mt'. William Smlallden and Miss with Mr. and Mrs, Hartley Rasher Maxine Smalldon spent several days ned other relatives, with Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Keys, Sea- I * * * forth_ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gagnon of Many friends here of the late Miss Trus, Angeles, Calif., Mt•. and Mrs. hireialen:e Baker. London, learned M•al, Noxness and four sons of Of - with rezret of her sudden death at taws and Mr, and Mrs. J. Hill and Popt Stanley on Friday. Tice ftanerai rdainghter, Detroit., bane been guests was held on Tuesday morning at at the home of D, Mricinnnn, inih S+. 3firhael's Church, Londaar run, Grey. * m a Mr, and Mrs, 0. A. Knox. Jim anal Donne of New Hamburg and 17r. and Mrs. Thomas Knox of Len - Pelee% were Sunday tellers with Mr, nod Mrs. TT, Manning, * * * •••Miss Weather Allen, eerier daught- er of Mr, and Miss, H, B- Alien, who les been taking a secretarial course at Wells Academy, has accepted a ls!*sttlon with Chas, R. Wills, Whole- sale Drags, London, * * * Clifford and MTX. Marlys, Mildred, TIMM) and David eniov'ad •r holiday bast week, visiting with Wm, and 'firs, Onetime Mrs. Mary Hawkins and TTarris anti Mrs. Pnnttnn of Wlnrdeor•, oleo 'Referee told Mrs, Nirhol of 'Parma, interment and osis made in Brussels cemetery, Mrs, Arehle Forrest, Mrs. Grigg and son Keith, Suit St, Marie end Mrs. W, Forrest, llrusspTs, visited with Minn A. X. Forrest and 3Trs, R. TC, McDonald, Air. and Mrs. Jas, Ritchie and Dees a -r, Landau, spent the holiday with rifr. and 1Trs, Allen Cameron. T'1-71,GRAVE Pt reonals: friss Amy Smith and ,Than Bryclges diome rater a week at Elyria. Ohio, with Miss Jean Hayes.; Matein Graahy, -Mr, and Mrs. Thom- as Smith, Amy and Irene and Mrs, :knee Allen in Port Elgin; Mr, and Mrs, Robert Ckrie, T route, hvd}h MTr. and Mas, alines Michie; Mr, and Mrs, Wdlitam Brandon have retnered to their home at Fro - Mabee, Sask., after a week with Mr. and M1,s. James Mtchle; Mr, and :errs. John Te Stewart and grandson. London, with Mr, ane "firs 7-Inivntkl Wilkinson end other friends in Ibis alisfrlc-t; Mrs, ,T, R. Cnnitere :merle and ` ikoldrey with Mr. nn4 Mrs. Creel Arnrstmnr and famtiv, "llm*nrlale: -Mr. and Mrs, (George Martin were in Tterente at the Ci N, SEX AND YOUR MARRIAGE The more intimate marital, pro- blems usntally can he solved by a matter-°f-Dect talk with the family physician, says a noted psychlatrlet. *la, married eoriple can a,ftord to Mies "When Love Needs a Doctor" In ibis coming Sunday's (Sept, 7t11) trerunie of the New Cede Gravure Anteriran Weekly, exclusively with nevelt Sunday Times. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects At the home of ,las. McPedzean Ternberry St., South, Brussels on, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24th Commencing at 1 O'clock Sharp 5 Piece WSra'nut Living Room Suite 1 Library Table 1 Sand Oak Secretary 1 R.C.A. Victor Radio combipatlon 0 Reeking °hairs 6 Dinleg Room Chairs 6 1Ci.tohen ObsMTV 2 Oak Extension Tables 1 Oak Side Board 1 "Beaoh" Coal and Wood Range 1 Electric Raneette 1 Tea Wagon, Gabbard 1 Leather Covered Cough 1 — 3 Piece Bedroom Suite Dressers — Chest of Drawers Beds, Springs and Mattresses 1 Wardrobe 1 White Sewing Machine 1 Easy Washing Machine 1 Hoover Vaceuan Cleaner China CuEery Kitcben Utensils Work Bench and Carpenter Toole Garden Tools. Ladders and Lawn Mower 1 New Time 4.50 x 21 1 Buggy, 1 Cotter Numerous other articles. TERMS CASH Jas. McFadzean, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, BORN glisten — To Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Elston, B19 Belmont N.M. 2, Melo ie.% B. C,, .at the Royal Jubilee Hospital, Victoria, B. 0„ on August 2411,, a daughter, Nancy Margaret. CLASSIFIED ADS. I FOR SALE 18 little Pigs and 5 Chunks. E. Dennis Phone 57x HONEY FOR SALE — Light Amber Honey in your own container 15e lb. WallaceRoss SeaforthOak HOUSE FOR SALE — Comfortabie Renese. corner of; Thomas and Alexander Priced Right, Mrs. Bessie Mitchel WANTED — Boarders, apply to Mrs, L. Jermyn Phone 97 ri Phone 90 FOR SALE— House and Lot in the Village of ' Ethel, For particulars apply to Ella Pearson Phone 69r1S FOR SALE -- Hardbody Wood, Limb and Cedar - for kindling, I .lames Stevenson Phone SOS 1 t WANT@D— Dead and disabled ram sabre.» *anted for prompt pickens. Ch: Percy Stephenson, :Ethel. noe» Brussels 86r13, Collect, SEWAGE DISPOSAL Have Septic 'Danks pumped the Sanitary Way. Sohools and Public Buildings given prompt attention, Reasonable Rates, Irvin Coxon Phone Milverton 75r4 FOR SALE — 1 Rubber Tired Wagon 1 — 3 furrow Plow 1 Disc Harrow Plow points, to fit Ford, Ferguson, Fleury, Oliver, Chaco, Wiard or any other well known make. Cast and T)uoballoy. Order yours to -day, 1 have the Big Sticky Fly Traps for sale too. Seed Wheat Fertilizer and Minerals, Spraying Oetfit and Material. Phone lSrn (leo, Wesenburg WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP Always a tarpo stook In Chef** Granites to Chose from All modern machinery. famous for Cemetery lettering a *peels** Artistic Memorials at very reasonable preen. R. A. SPOTTON Phone 256 — Winghant, Oat. DEAD STOCK DEAD AND CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY FOR SANITARY DISPOSAL. Telephone Collect • BRUSSELS 85R12 ELMIRA 564 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED l5ledneieday, .'n1hr1:` ^ 1', 111511 peel waste iahour , , U.fM eons Mph II h tdloe, Qualify p*l8d for fins 'lop •afassn.tg aaO;s old;oal3, pun l»d e,uosugor BUSINESS CARDS C. A. Myers, M. D., L. M. C. C. W�>!am Se PHYSICIAN and SURGEOj'i Phone 4. Brussels, Olt DR. R. W. STEPHENS Graduate University of Toronto Utopians and SURGEON Brussels. OM. JOHN E. LONGSTAFF, Optometrist Eves Examined- Glasses Phone 791 Seaforth Fad' HOURS: 9.- 6. Wed. 9-12.30. Sad. 9 aim. to 11 J. A. Monagalnan, R. 0. Optometrist, LISTOVVEL, ONT. , Spectalizing in Eye Examination ;the Fltillry of Mo Office in Lis ewer Clinic BanIIIng Ids: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. d&ily; Closed Weds's**, Pail' Open every Tuesday and Saturday Evening 7:9 its 1111111 Other evenings by appoirtmeunt Phone 534 I q(# i; • D. A. Raaan & Co. FUNERAL- d+ND AMBULANCE NICE Licensed Funeral Director and Embehner MORE 36os.•85 m�..�_ DRUMM. ONT. Chas. T. Davidson INSURAhlaE FOR ALL KINDS Automobile and Fre htsurauce Accident and Selmer Asset for Great West Life Insaamnca Co. Elton* Office 96 mels, Old Harvey W. Stephenson Representative for Sun Life Assurance , Canada Health and Accident Co. Casualty General Insurance Co. Phone 43x Brunelle G. ALAN WILLIAMS, Optometrist, Patrick St., WINGHAM At Kincardine Office Every Taxa ray, Phone Wingham 770 & 5, Kincardine 21, Evenings by .appointment. Walker Funeral Home Day or Night Calls Telephone 85 No Extra Charge for Use of Funeral Fltr is Licensed Frmerat Director and Embalmer Twenty-four Hour Ambulance Sere Dales' Flowers Exclasayolp Lewis Rewi and Os write to R. R. 3 Walter, (Licensed For Herron Cauntv1 ;.AlliSFAcl> 1Oiv GUARANTEED -- PRICES'RF. SOWAELii gm. Engagements Phone 31 "The Brussels Post" and lisp 1»» terarnstriese etc-. write or phone Leesftp nal be keotkeel after Sus neitl*tely (:thin!n ✓rrreor art cr(Ur Ic y °MORROW 2kbpm.I*avics 447, CussesIt�.tod.d Pradleml ,read ff..euelhel In *vary way .. LasHe* Ituatity, teroutiful designs .. Those ta4,kelhe year meekilleFfeneene orsitverplaate. *scdiirsrtaaesgaa*display naw solace year INS, ettet*re today AEMEManANCE ETI! ALLY YOUPS east LovE ASOSATION ,Airy on rams