The Brussels Post, 1952-5-14, Page 1THE BRUSSELS POST POST PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday, May 14th, 1952 eerea $i.000BINGO Memorial Recreation Centre Seaforth FRIDAY, MAY 16 DOORS OPEN 8 P. M. PLAY STARTS 9 P. M. 15 Games at $15.00 '$225.00 2 Specials at 050.00 100.00 1 Special at $75,00 75.00 Jackpot Special 600.00 TOTAL BINGO PRIZES 01,000.00 THE MUST BE WON 1 GENERAL ADMISSION $1.00 EXTRA CARDS AND SPECIAL GAMES - 25c CARD AUSPICES : SEAFORTH BRANCH CANADIAN LEGION SEAFORTH MEMORIAM. ,CENTRE SDAFORTH ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION PLAY BINGO AT SEAFORTH ON FRIDAY, MAY 16th PAPERING AND INTERIOR DECORATING Best of Materials - Paper and Paint Supplied Prompt and Efficient Service W. G. TUCKER Phone 90 Brussels. Ont. A PLAY "Grandpa's Twin Sister" Presented by Seatorth District Junior Farmers on MONDAY, MAY 19th at 8.30 At Brussels Town Hall Sponsored by East Huron Agricultural Society Characters OT'endpa Hatcher .... Stuart Wilson Meseta Helen Johnston Louise Isabelle Caldwell Betty Margaret Stevens Edgar Sim A11stn-,,, Clara Norma Leeming Ralph Wyatt Jim McGregor Henry Collins Fred Martin The Widow Williams Mona Caldrwell Adam McPherson .......... Jack ��prr//,,��a�tr�♦�Ji�pp,��r.,�yr���ar-��1stCaldwell F�1dls1�'edF1-�aLyi:o�-e:7'R. Melville Church MhnNMr. Rev. W.H.P. rattan 10 a. m. Sunday School and ' Sunday 'School 11 a. M. Divine Woa4ehtp Eventing Womble -7 o'clock. United Church 0/ CANADA tillnlster Rev. Andrew Laae :Morning Worsihip - 11 o'clock. Rev, Glen Eagle, Ciliation. Church School - 1,2 o'clook. alai__ WNW -1 Alla Illstiara MOO WO 0111/9 SIB *WI Church of England Parfait sf Brussels Rev. J. H. Kerr - Resler. 5th. Sunday After' Easter May 180, 1962 E. Jabot's Charstt. fEasssha- 11 a.nu, Mortftng Prayer *Maar &Mel et. David's Church. NeMT 2,30 p.rn. Evening Prayer $t Oeorge'e Church, Walton 7.30 p. m. Evening Prayer NEW PILOT Flight Cadet C. H. (Charles) Thomas, 24, of Brussels, Ont., re- ceived his wings trona Air Com- modore W. W. Brown, CD, Senior Staff Officer, R. C. A. F. Training Con -inland Headquarters. Trenton, at the first post war graduation cer- emony held at R. C. A. F. Claresholn, Alberta, on gbh May. Charles is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. 'tyromas of Brussels and attended Brussels Con- tinuation school. F.C. Thomas join- ed the R. C. A. F. in April 1951. PIANO RESULTS AT GODERICH MUSIC FESTIVAL Piano papilla of Mr. and Mrs. Louila D. Thompson, Competing at the Music Festival lest week at God- erich, in various classes were ; Ann Cardiff 80 marks Lorne Boit 85 marks Joan Johnston 83 marks Brenda Martin 88 marks Marion Hoover 86 marks Elaine Bolt 84 marks Dortas Johnston 84 marks Audrey Hackweil 87 marks Doris Johnston 87 marks Elaine Boit 84 matte "REBEKAH DANCE and 3 ACT COMEDY PLAY "Aunt Minnie from Minnesota" on Friday. May 2lyd Watch for further particulars. R•EGEN'T THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. May 1&1617 "ANGELS IN THE OUTFIELD" It's filled with more thrills than a hailer with the bases loaded. Bee the Pittsburgh Pirates Dome from the cellar to win a Pennant. Majestic Women's Institute The Madestic Wnmenls Institute met In the Brussels Public Library on Thursday, May 8th with a large attendance, The meeting opened with the NOda" followed with the Mary Stewart Collect. Mrs. J. Spear read the minutes of the April Meeting and gave the f naneial repent, Mrs, R. Stephens reported that the work on the flower beds at the Library had been completed and that thank you letters be sent to those who co-operated. The roll call was answered by a housecleaning hint or your favorite hobby and brought fonbh some worth while suggesltions. Thirty ladies attended hath :afternoons at ithe Short course on Oran Meals at the Library in April. The tote ehosen for a short course later in the season was "We Call It Human Nature." May 19.20.2i "THE LAW AND THE LADY" Greer Garson Michael Wilding A delightful different comedy. Don't mics geeing the dew handcuff the bride and groom, May 22-28-24 Technicolor "I'LL GET BY" Bill Lundtgan JJune Hauer Harry James plays his trumpet through this musical romance. You'll sing an dlaugh with Dennie Day and Joanne Crain. C'OMING "FORCE OF ARMS" le was decided to Pay for a new Flag for delle Palace at the Fair Grounds and the Fair Board to do the purchasing. Mrs. C. Davis and Mrs. K. Shurrie were aPPoluuted to look atter the institute prefect at the Fair. As the T. B. Clinic will be et Library on lebh June our 'next meet Ing day, it was decided to change the date to the third Thursday, 19th ,lune. Mrs, J. Speir, Mrs. A. Turnbull, and Mrs. A. Brown were chosen to represent the M .Jeetic W. I, at the District Annual at Gorrie op June 11th. The meeting was then turned oyer to Mrs. Sherrie and the guest book signed by the visitors. The ladies dihen sung, "Mother" accompanied on the piano by, Mre. Douglas Heming'w'ay. The Motto; "History of the Mary Stewart Collect" was suitably given by Mrs. Harrold Spar. An amusing •Contest conducted by Mrs. Shurrie was won by Mrs. E. Cudmore. A musical contest spon- sored by Mrs. Dong. Hemingrnay was won by Mrs. C. Marks. Mrs. J. Wheeler and Mrs. E. Cudmore who sang "Homee on the Range" as a reward for winning the contest. A very interesting repont of the Convention held et Guelph was given by Mrs. S. Wheeler and she stressed the need for aid to Greece and Pakistan. Mrs. C. Deets showed the work done by the girls of the Brussels Better Bedroom Bunch. The dis- play was lovely and the girls can be well proud of their work. Agnes Lane spoke on the decorating and neatness of a girl's bedroom. Miss Beth Hoover presented Mrs. Davie with a gift in appreciation of her work with the girls. After the singing of the "Queen." Lunch was served by Mrs. ,Tas. S. Armstrong, Mrs. James Aryans. Matic, Geo. Bone, Mrs. W. Bell, Mrs. A. Prawn and Mrs, R. Cochrane. AlralaWRSOL•t"Pit.A.....,..V•gsol LISTOWEL CAPITOL THEATRE Nightly at 7.30 p.m. Sat. Mat. 2 p.m. Wed. Thur. Frl. Sat. May 14.15.1617 James Stewart Julia Adams "BEND OF THE RIYER" The Greet Western of the year. You" thrill with excitement and sus- pense. In georgeous Teehnleoter Don't Mee It. Mon. Tues. Wed. May 10.20.21 Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis in "SAILOR BEWARE" They go down to the sea In ships and come up with oceans of Laught- er. CARS STRIKE LARGE STONE PLACED ON -MAIN STREET Some persop, with a perverted sense of humour', 'was the cause of extearstye damage to two oars, one to the eoatent et Live or aix hundred dollars, in the ,early hours of Sun- day morning. The first oar, driven by Paul Somans, was wising down the main street of this village at a low rate of speed when it ran into a lamge rock,. weighing approximately 40 or 50 lbs, The driver, whose car was damaged, with commendable thought- fulness, removed the rock from the *meet to where it would not be a hazard to traffic. Some time leiter Gordon Lane, In driving through the main street, in a Vauxhall car, saw what he believed to be a cardboard caribou and in trying to atroid run- ing over it, straddled 31. The impact drove the motor of his car upward, eracking the hood and ruining theestelne. the fan was forced into the radiaitor, and the transanission, was smashed in ad- dititon. to orher mechanical parts. T,he cardboard carton bad been used to conceal the rock which had been replaced in the etxeet after the one driver had removed it, The pereon, or persons, who were the perpetrators of this pernicious joke, we presume they considered it a joke, were certainly not children and must have known, if they were of normal intelligence, the destruction it could cause. I4 is to be hoped that the pollee, who are Investigat- ing, will learn who is responsible and see that they are Prosecuted. to t:he limit of the law. People who in- dulge their scree of humour in eseb destructive ways are a menace to every one in the community. TUESDAY FOTO-NT E let OFFER $200.00 2nd. OFFER $130.00 Mondeo Attendance Card MIMIC Thur. Fri, Sat. May 22.23-24 John Payne, Arleen Whelan In "PASSAGE WEST" A fighting Parson proved that Faith could stop a bullet. Coming - One full week June 2.7, "MA and PA KETTLE AT THE PAiR" Coming - June 11.12.13-'f4 --- "ROYAL JOURNEY" UNITED CHURCH W. M. S. The W. M: S. of the United Church met Thursday afternoon, May Gth, In the church parlor, with the president. Mrs. A. Lane, in charge. The devotional part of the meeting was opened, with a reading, entitled, Lacking In Wisdom, by Mrs. A. Brown followed by prayer by Miss 0. Hinpabon. The sec'y. and treasurer gave their reports and the roll call woes responded to by Ovine a verse containing the word "Ask". The offering was received and 5 calls reported by the visiting committee. Mrs. Todd, Supply Seer. reported laving .sent clothing and a bed spread. A collection was taken to aid in this work. Splendid reports were given of the Huron Predbylterrial held in Wesley-Willts United Ohttroh, Clinton, on May est, hy Mrs. Lane and Mrs, FT. Dent, the latter giving an outline of the talks given by Mise Bessie French, New- Fonndland; a Missalonary on fur- lough. who spoke on the theme, "Opportunity TTnlimlted ," The meet- ing closed with hymn 484 and the Mizpaih Benediction. CARD OF THANKS Sincere thanks is here expressed to all those who so kindly remember- ed sae with cards, flowers and treats during my illness In Peterborough. Your thoughtfulness was much ap- preciated. Oliver Turnbull. CARD OF THA'NR! I wish to thank every one who sent earls and treats, while I was in the hospital. Special thanks to Mre. Raymond, Mrs, R, Cewpbell and Betty Kirby. These are indeed 'ap• predated, Dolores McWhirter CARD OF THANKS 1 wish to telae this ojuaportuntity to extend my sincere thanks, to all MT good neighbours and kind friends, who ware 0)0 good to me and to those who sent cards, Otte, flowers and special treats to me during my stay to the hospital and those who mode so many cheerful visite to see me during my seven weeks in bed at home. Rpeotal thanks to Rev. Kers, Dr, Stephens and all the staff tut the Winghm.m hospttel. All this klnelmeee will niter be forgotten, Mev Ernest Calirohea'ne. MORRIS TWP. COUNCIL Morris Township t;ouncil ?sleeting, May 5, 1052. The Council mei in the Township Hall on the above date with all the member,, present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted on motion of Sam Alcock and Bailie Parrot. Moved by Chas. ("oultes, seconded by Wan. Elston that the Auditor's Report be accepted as read. - Carried. Moved by Bailie Parrott, seconded hy Wm. Elston that the road bills as presented by the Road Snper- intendent be paid. - Carried. Moved by Chas. Coulter, seconded by Bailie Parrott that the meeting adjurn to meet again on May 6th, at 9 a. m. Township Hall for the road tour, the next meeting to be held on June 2 at 1 p. m. - Carried, 'Phe following accounts were paid- S. H. Blake, Treas. Man. Assoc. Membership fees $10.00 Earl Edgar, eavetraughing on hall and painting hall, shed and fences 350.00 Mrs, Roht., Craig, relief 30.00 Donald Fraser, fox bounty 6.00 Geo, Blake, for bounty 9.00 Bebt. Houston. fox bounty 3.00 Frank Adeark, fox bounty 3.50 Blyth Standard. Advil. 1.95 teeth Hetherington, s,prerying 251.90 Expenses 6.68 Belgrave ro-op.. Denis Powder and Dieinfeetant 269.11 Wm. Keliy. spraving 27.00 Clayton Wil kin gen. spraying 16.50 The Pleteh. snraying 39.75 Pearson & Edwards, au.rlitinr 200.00 ataGen ary 2.64 Harvey, C. Johnston, Reeve. Geo. C. Martin, Clerk. BELIEVES C.N.R. LINE HERE COULD BE BEST SERVED BY BUS AND TRUCK Toronto - "Present train operat- ing schedules for the lines running between Palmerston and Kincardine and Pabnenston to Souuthempton, are far from econenmic," A. J. Lomas, Vice-president, Cem1 Region, Canadian National RIO - ways. said in an interview to -day. "The naanagement of the railway," he continued, "believes that for fin - ended reasons, the interests of the company and •hhe interests of the Canadian people who are owners of the railway, would be best served it bus and truck operations were to replace present passenger operat- ions." Mr. Lomas pointed cuffthat there was not enough traffic, passenger, mail or entrees bit warrant, the costly trate schedules. Ike said that by insdalting a bus and trtuck oper- ation. the railway would save more than $100,000 yearly, "During the past winter months." Mr. i•omas added. railway officials have kept an accuutate record of highway condition and we feel thea e bus and truck schedule can be maintained to adequately serve the people of there districts." He wentonrte say that providing the proposed-snbstiltutton was granted by the Board of Tranmport Commissteners, the C. N. R. stations will remain open end buses would pick up end disnharge passengers there. Freight trains email con- tinue to run and passenger trains would be steed during the winter if weather conditione reticle biahwev travel impossible. ppv'IIPr;F; w,' /k7manw Mr, and Mea. Bart Wbittmrd and f famiiy of St.. Caliednee were week- end vacates with Mr, and Mrs. B. Whittard. BELGRAVE MUSICAL FESTIVAL The Belgrtuve Musical Festival will be held in the Tweeters, Hall, Belgrreve, May 16, at 9.80 and 1.30, 1 with Mr. Bernard E. Hirone, Mlle, Bach., .B, A., Kincardine, adhudtoat Int; The finalists and winners wIll.be presented in; a concert in the Wtnglhhen Town Hall, May 16, et 7,30, with. Mr, Garfield L. Bender, Kitchener, adjndtoator. Come out and (alae n. good musical treat with the ohfldren, Admission atternnan 15e and (evening 85e. NOTICE I will keep A. A. and Agt'ico Fertilizer on hand at all times. SELWYN BAKER R. R. 2 Brussels Phone 10J10 An Empire Day Programme will be pre- sented in the Town Hall by the Brussels, School (Grades 1-9) on the evening of Thursday, May 22nd at 8.15, under the direction of the music supervisor Mrs. M Douglas. All Welcome Silver Collection SCOTCH CONCERT and Olde Tyme Dance in Grey Twp. Community Centre Cranbrook on Friday, May 16th Concert at 9.30 p. m. Sponsored by the S. O. S. Admission $1.20 couple - .60 single Lunch Free Kidd Baker With Ada and the Pine Ridge Mountain Boys Star of Radio, Stage and Records WILL BE APPEARING IN PERSON - ONE NIGHT ONLY. In Brussels Town Hall on Thursday Night,May 29th FLOOR SHOW STARTS AT 9 P. M. Modern and Old Tyme Dancing After Show. Admission - Adults 75e, •Children 25c WINGHAM SETS TAX RATE AT 77 MILLS Wingham Town Council sitiiutg in special aerator set the tax rate at 77 toils. Thos is an inerenae of 11 milia over last yeare rate of 66. • Aur© .a� "Water on Tap" KITCHEN ... "Farm Life" revolves around the kitchen , . needless labor and time ,;an be saved with "water at the turn of a tap" made possible with a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM. • BATHROOM , , . Protect the health of your family add to the com- forts of daily livingmodernise with a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM. LAUNDRY ... Family washing be- comes a pleasure . . , with plenty of clean, fresh running water for your laundry tubs with a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM. BARNS ... Why carry water? Save TIME , , . LABOUR . . INCREASE PRODUCTION and PROFITS and have FIRE PROTECTION with a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM. Phone or visit us today for DURO Pump and EMCO Plumbing Fixtures. Write for illustrated folder. For Sale by - C. & G. Krauter Co. Brussels. Ont. eMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. UMiTED tombs • Hamlllon SL Catharines • loroato • Sudbury - Winnipeg . Vancouver ECO? 521 S„ 2 �•S lj» abet x u...1� „` ,sa„i `p"°i. `"