The Brussels Post, 1952-1-9, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST Ilredn allay, January 9161, 1953 CHANGE OF INCOME TAX DISTRICT NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS RESIDING IN HURON, BRUCE and WELLINGTON COUNTIES * The counties of HURON, BRUCE and WELLING- TON, formerly under the Jurisdiction of the London or Hamilton District Taxation Offices, have now been transferred to the jurisdiction of the District Taxation Office at Kitchener, Ontario, located in the. Dunker Building, 251 King Street West. Ac- cordingly, the records of all taxpayers residing In these three Counties have been transferred from the District Taxation Offices at London or Hamil- ton, to their new location, and •any related cor- respondence or general Inquiries on taxation matters. should be directed to the District Taxation 'Office at Kitchener. * Remittances of tax by individuals and corporations, and tax deducted at the source by employers resi- dent In the Counties of HURON, BRUCE and WELLINGTON, should be mailed or delivered to the Dlstrlct Taxation Office at Kitchener. * Taxpayers (both individuals and corporations) resi- dent In the above-mentioned Counties, . who formerly filed their appropriate Income Tax returns and Succession Duty returns with the District Taxation Offices at London or Hamilton, will file their returns for 1951 and subsequent taxation years, with the Dlstrlct Taxation Office at Kitchener. DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL REVENUE - TAXATION DIVISION McNEIL'S SHELL SERVICE SHELLUBRICATION; SHELL HOUSEHOLD AND SHELL PETROLEUM PRODUCTS DUNLOP TIRES Guaranteed repairs to c: manes of care and trucks. Parts and Accessories. Austin Sales and Service PHONE 77r6 BRUSSELS, ONT. oaf°. Yes, everything's BETTER WITH BUTTER ... because butter alone is made from the rich cream of fresh, pure milk - nature's best, most complete food. Only butter can add that distinctive, wholesome butter flavour and goodness, TTO@ igi5W4 0? MG' It, Mrs. John CathiU l'lrs, John ( Whiting 83, died ow Dee. ;29tit, • ill ,Scott Memorial Iiospjjtal, after a Six week i'llneas. She was the former Mary Treopy Scott, of Hibbellt '3 wp, She was married to john Oubhill, Oetbber 21, 1896, They had lived on Con, 11, McKillop all their married life, with the ex. cepbion of. the last nine months they. Spent with their Son, Wilmer. She had been an active member in wo- men's otg'a.ntsatltions 'at Caren United Church, Winthrop and form- I erly Rioy's United O1unrch. Mr. end Mrs. Otrthd1l celebrated their 55th Wedding anniversary last October. Suiwiving besides ,her husband are three sons, Wilmer J., Morris; Oscar ; C„ Mc1(ill01); Harvey Stratford, and one daughter Mrs, Dd. (Mary) Neil, Easter, Twelve grandchildren and four great grandchildren, two broth- ers anti two sisters, John G. and James T. Russeldale; Mrs, John Laing, SeafortJh, end Mrs, M. Parke, Mitchell, One son Glenn pre- deceased' her lard February. Pri- vate funeral services. were held from W1ijttieY's funeral home, Seaaforth, on Monday. at 2 p. m., with Rev. H. P. Livingstone In charge, Pall-benrers were folkier neighbours. Win. Churclh. Bobt, McCYnre, Jas, Mc- Clure, Arthur Alexander, Winthrop, anti Watson Sholdice, Arthur Hend- erson of Brussels. Flower hearers were three grandsons, Lloyd and Kenneth Cuthill and Emerson Mit- obgii. Interment in Maitland Bank Cemetery, GREY The January meeting of the W. .M, S. and W. A. of Union United Church was held on Jan. 3rd, at the home of Mrs. Selwn Baker, The W. M. a. meeting opened with the singing of the hymn, "Rise up 0 men of God", followed by the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. J. Bremner acted as leader for the sheeting. The thence, was, The Adventure of Res- ponsibility. Mrs, B. McIntosh read the Scr',pinre taken fi•ous James 2: verses 14-23 and Luke 19: verses 20, 21 and 2.1. The meeting closed with the hymn. Soldiers of Christ 'rise, followed by prayer. '1'- W. A. meeting was condnc.led by the preside-`. firs. L. Lake. and opened with the 'hymn. Standing at the Porta.l,• The General Thanks- giving Prayer wag repeated in tin- Ison, Plans were trade for the an- nual sheeting which is to he held latter In January, Mrs, M. Melntogh then hurl an int ere'Iinn' contest, 'The meeting closed With 'he Ben, - diction. Lunch tris served by the hostess. assisted by Mrs. H. Keyes and Mrs. R. W. Whitfield. The February meeting is to he held at the honkie of Mrs. L. Lake, The 1615i of Grey group meeting was: held on Thursday, Jan. 3rd at the home of Mrs: Wilbur Turnbull, The theme of the devotional period was "Discipleship," Mrs. Van Vleit and Mrs. Hyslop were chosen leaders of the copper contest. There will be, sable of small anticles not over •56c in value at the next meet- ing to he oonvened by Mrs. Von Vitali. t3ORN I-lendersOU -- At Dr, Myers, on Mon- day. Jain. 7th to lir. and ifs's, Gar- field Henderson, Brussels, 0 daughter, Sharon Louise, MONCRIIFF The monthly meatdng of the Mom mica Women's MiStaon5ry Society was held al 4he home of Mra• L,initon Quinn on• Wed,, Jan, 2nd, The meet- ing was openers with the call to wbrsttrip, b taken by 'thee president, Mrs. Ken, Ludington and Mrs, Leonard Madura assisting. Flymn 256 was sung, and prayer was offer+e4 by Mrs, ,Toe Smith. The Scripture was read by Mrs. Wm. Roberston, 4phesians 3, verses 14- 21, 'The minutes were read by Mrs. Alex •SPeinan in the absence of the seordtaa+y, The roll sail was ans- wered by suggestions for the society for ths coming year, and the pay meat at fees. Nineteen members were. Present. An invitation is to he extended to b'he Union Auxiliary to join with us for the World's Day of Prayer service in February. The 'topic on "Our Fellow -Canadians The French. Protestants." was ably given by Mrs, Orvril Harrison, as - sited by Mrs. Ken. Ludington and Mrs. Grayson Ttioiunuond. This was followed by a Stewardship paper by Mrs. Roy Patterson. Two bales hare been sent for °resets relief. The mes'dr:r closed by singng nymn 259 +eel rousting the Lord's Prayer in n n:t:son, Mrs. Joe Smith presided over the W. A. meeting which followed. Sev eras verses were repeated of hymn 662 in unison. The minutes were read and approved. A tender was accepted for cleaning of church for 1952, it Was reported a box had been sent to Tian Machan. Pleas were discussed for the Annual Melting and a social evening to he held 1n J,vrunrn• Mso for work to he done in basement. Thank you cards were read for 31 received. The sheet- ing closed with prayer. A delicious Minch -Was served by the hostess and her asLsistants. The February meet- ing will be held at the home of Mrs. Orval Hardison. VAT Tfl'N The third meeting of "Cotton accessories for the Club Girl's Bed- room" was held at the home of our leader, Mss. Humphries on Jan, 2nd. The mentiug was opened by singing Jingle Bells, followed by the min- utes of the last sheeting. Nine girls answered the roll call which was, one aceessory my bedroom needs. "Walton Willing Workers" .was chosen for the name of our club. Marilyn brought the treat and we un "de a mitred earner to put in our r, ,•ori hook. The fourth meeting of "Cotton accessories for she Club Girl's Bed- room was held at the house of our leader, Mrs. Humphries, on Jan. 4. We opened the meeting by singing The more we get to -getter, followed by the minutes of the last meeting. Ten girls •answered the roll call which was, how I got along mak- ing a mitred corner. Flora brought the treat. We made a sample of a dresser scarf, invisibie herring and worked on our record books. CRANBROOK The Cranbrook Women's Institute will holes their meeting on Tues- day, ,Tan. 15th at 2 p. in. WANTED - Dead and disabled farm animals wanted for prompt picic-up. Call Perry Stephenson, Ethel, Phone Brussel. 951•12, Collect. TENDERS FOR WOOD Tenders will be received until January 22, 1952 for agpply2ng wood 1 ja bii.e foll'owdng 'anuoaple to the :Sdroois of Morris Towu'shitn, Wood to be bodywood, beech or maple cut 12 Dittos in lenetth. No. 1, 20 cords; No. 3, 12 cords; 190, 4, 12 cards; No. 7, 10 cords; No. 8, 5 cords; No. 11, 25 cords; No, 12, 15. cords, Wood to be delivered and piled not Eater than June 15th, 1952. Aliso 2 cords of coder 2or each. school, R. S. Slaaw, Sec., llliaevale, Ont. PEOPLE W E KNOW * * e Mr. and Mrs, E. Courchense and daughter were holiday visitors in Quebec with relatives. t * * Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Scott, spent the holiday season with Mr. and MI's. J. A. McGinnis and family, Ctoncord. Ont, t * • Lawrie and John Cousins have a eta rned after visiting relatives in Woodbridge and Toronto during the past week. MORRIS 1 PFctral meeting of the Mortis Federation and all interested will be held in the Community roons, Belgreve. on Friday, Jan, 11th ea ' 2 p. in. Special speaker and slides .,,,,,.,.,,r (9,41044:dair'' LS FOR THE BRIDE .. iauelv enc. .< .r 1.4 4 FOR THE GR0C1614 $609 Perfectly watched -fid the 011- eaqement mond Is flaw- less, --Awl Ivo NER ATTENDANTS W. G. LEACH Jeweller Brussels, Ont. liftio.44a EAR-RINGS Dainty Hearts obi Bows de- sign in Sterl- ing Silver. LOVELY PENDANT 6,60 Two• tone loveliness in Sterling and Silver gilt. $300 LIFE WITH IKE - In Pictures in Floral Culture. Colne and bring , See four pages of fac,arite snap - a friend.. BLUE V ALE The fast euchre party to be spon- sored by the Women's Institute this year was held in the Community Hall here Friday night. with 12 tables in play. Prizes for high points were awarded to Mrs. A. D. Smith and Stanley Moffatt. Novelty prizes for the man and woman whose birth- days are nearest to ,lan. 4th were won by Mrs. C. Hoffman and Jo- seph Schneider: and J. S. Elliott won filo lucky door prizes. Lunch was served. Mrs, Burns Moffatt and son Flay,' spent part of Friday with her naOt.her, Mrs, John Garniss, who is a patient in the Clinton hospital. A e m munion service was held at Knox Presbyterian Church here on S.mtlay morning conducted by the nsiuisl r. Rev. Matthew Bailie, who spoke from the text, "Come to ;ire wedd'no feast." Uniting with Ili- church by certificate were Thomas Elliott. from Treswater, and • Mr. and Mrs. William Hastings. from T' 'pier. Rev, It. A. i3rouk used the text, "His name shall be called Jesus," for this sermon on Sunday morning at the United Church here. A com- munion service was held. 14ldss Jessie Holmes was taken to the Wjngfsam hospital on Satur- day suffering from a heart attack, Her sister, Mrs. Mackie, Drumbo, Is with thier father. Andrew 'Holmes, here, who Is not in his usual good health at present. ,Evelyn Mothers. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melville Mothers, and line. Morris. had an appendix np- arration, in the Wingham hospital, on Satnrdoy. Mrs. Carl ,Tohnston was her special nurse. Mrs. 31. L. Aitken, the Misses Mary and Bnrby Duff spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Den Swift, of TARtowel, Mr, ors lets Grnree Hetheritielnn and -,n..s T.'nlrt' attended the cameral ,T., in,- Clifford Hetherington et ci••..,cnrd nn Satnrday. shots of General Eisenhower and his wife, many of them never pub- lished before. See Ike at West Point, his courtship of Mammie Dousi .... his honeymoon ,... and other picture from Disonisower family album, See "Life With Ike" in this Sunday's (January 13) issue of The American Weekly, exclusively with Detltoit Sunday Times. YOUR MORNING SMILE .i "Ho, ho, the joke's on you. The whole neighbocltood saw you hug- ging and kissing your wife on Your front porch last night." "Ho, ho, the joke's on you! I Telephone 4 and LS. a11eM, G. Renfrew Cleats Separators and lutiBeers. Disc, Plows, Manure Spreader. Lane and Fertiliser Sowers, Spring -tooth Harrows both wheel tractors and crawlers, Plows, Discs, Spreadsas, Mowers, Hay Loaders, Smalley Forage Blowers and We also ate repairs tar Oliver Coebhatt ?mem r wpiaiaeat Dealers for Mawr tensishnenta MORRITT & WRIGHT' wasn't home" USED CARS 1949 Oldsmobile Sedan, Radio & Heater 1948 Chevrolet Fleetmaster Sedan Radio and Heater 1946 Chev. Coupe, Radio and Heater 1946 Ford Coach 1937 Chevrolet Coupe 1938 Dodge Sedan USED TRUCKS 1940 Ford 11'2 ton truck, with racks 1946 Ford 3 ton `truck with racks NEW CARS New Oldsmobile Deluxe Sedan New Chevrolet Power Glide Sedan Announcement - We now have the New, Stewart Warner Electronic Wheel Bal- ancer. A must for safe driving and cuts tire wear to a minimum. iverside Motors Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Texaco gas and oils Phone 56 Brussels, Ont, by Roe Farm5 Service Dept - 50 YOUR' BIROS HOME ON THE RANGE, JACK' HOW ARE MAKING OUT . ARE THEY i �' (� " - Thai'' r -' o' s �ti�� :i' d' JI NOT 50 BAD, DOL. BUT THERE'S A LOT MORE. 1O THIS RANGE 3U5INE55 MEETSNE THEN YOU BET THERE PROPER HANDLIN6 BIRDS ON M PROFIT INrHt:IAyIN6PEN, fir,✓,.. OP".• •ler -. y� ., y ✓ } 16, JACI(. OF THE RANGE OR LOS$ 'v' 1. _ .«.- '' �. / `+,. j / 1 a OT ANYIII i ? 1\ ..�, "' t f' // f'" ,, '.. YEb, JACK. 1400D RANGE I6 MINTY IMPORTANTNE A 000P eROWIN& MAA5H Is JUST AS IMFgRTANT. fi0 DON'T FORGET TO U& _ O[= a/Tai �7QGW, OM tktlE, � DOC- u� U7i�-FROW. C�At;!id THERE,� I ALWAYS r ,� -..cell ' i'°� °vim vh. / E' °`Muer �` 4Y�� 1. MCC KAN. ARE A FEW n / `\- `�: w { RdM •d//[ w.. a /'611.5 .41411474. "'Y 0de!� OP4W y 4 e/ iHGcLrE(C S = ' ° ,"ReveNTP, f?T,�9, e/C-47 a�' I"/a7' C+4'//Y' as ` C+%Fd)if G CIL) 8/6 l� i►av�YaysivBigger Egg Profits A GOOD RANEE .._. 4 {rk ;r• pE rnMv utouc ce ----7,0' (FflrS 'F4/i� C ly -1 -" ` l• �r 1 110 co,✓P ✓l , t id `Gy i' M (, 0 F1 jtbilt�ttdlliis I" Cie % a4,r 7 7 1T M + MC (Ih� , T G�/ s� i. .,.,w,a o m,. _.,,.,.. .. t Q•'y rr� ✓' I1 Get 'ilii /.. _ � .r/' e :� , ..a hr r ''h*o�� 'ra r•� i r t , gg , � s+` t I ',�.r�j aP �b ti a AIN YY1 1 i''Ti�.1i116.•�?," rt ,wY .. wnr,k,ra� �.+''� . ��" yrs �_ ' m � ( e - er ,"�` ,�cy,�1 •�����7'',�' `vl��/ .��V• "`� '" SIA I `iht '' ^. r e� ... ,....„1,200.."- y+` 1A1 ,f to m ,""..'o'"._ ha , a s j4 la / L A j\ {yJ ilk;1Y ` 1 tllih