The Brussels Post, 1952-1-2, Page 1BRUSSELS, POST MUST PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday, January 2nd, 1952 $2,00 per year - $2.50 LLB, 114 ..., pirmoviAtiowwwgiiiimgolgookemolvo . We Sell For Less ••`" 1 Large. Thrift Soap Flakes 59c •• 35c f lb. Pkg. Breakfast Bacon 3 NabobJelly Jell y Powders, Your Choice 25c .. 1 Ib. Freshly Ground Astor Coffee 94c c 1 Large Pkg. Cheer 32c3 Ib. Chateau :Cheese GREWAR'S - GROCETERIA WEEK OF PRAYER J?1ie rumevet,sal wear. , f prayer' will be o)rseeved in the Ohm'clles of Britesels ae follows; Jan, 20d, (Wed.) St., John's Char* alteaker, Rev, W. H. T, khilitoti, Jan, 3rd ( humsdYa'Y) Melvlile 0lturch Speaker, Rev. A. Lame, Jan, 40 (Fnikia,y) United Church, Speaker, Rely. J. 0, Keri', What better way to begin the New Year? All seri/tees tut 7,30 p, rn. • BIBLE.$OCIETY HAS A SPLENDID YEAR The Brussels Branch of the Lipper Canada. Bible Society has had a splendid yeiar as. one of the Inghest amounts hes been collected in this district. Contributione were crow CARiLLONIC BELLS INSTALLED A sera of twenty-five Cerillonie Bells, I.ngl4ab type, has Ilefel. in- stalled lr1 Melville Presbyterian 1 Church,'Bi'uesets. Mesans:; Schub merioh Electronics !ltd„ of, Sellers- ville, Pas made the i17411A :tete The bells stave a• range of ttwo Ault cinematic oettarvest. Tower, project- ion,. roject- ion• itilireutgh ddre'etiional and tnien• Sity controls, dialect's the bell tones cher a -wide area. Operated from the organ 1aaybeaald. they may , be prayed inside as organ bells, and outside as tower belils, also played as both simultaneously, I These Caadllonic Bells are a• gift to Melville Churchand the' drown. of Brussels and vieiniity. and. win be dedicated at the morning service at Phone 5 siderabi.y higher •than 1 bt year. 6203, mamma, muerte sweetly, Jbm lege We Deliver 00 was remitted to The Bilbie House, Time speedo! preacher at then service otteoi. 14 College Si., Toronto, Ont, The will be the Rev, R. J. Boggs, of nresidend azul exeeuljirre of this Molesworth. UNITED CHURCH W. A. The W. A. of the United Church met Dee 18, art the home of 1Vitw. Alex Armstrong with a very good attendance. The president Mrs. R.. Cousins in the chair, and Mrs. Jas. 13ryatus at the Pismo, the meeting Was .opened by the singing of Hiner 61 followed by •fhe Scripture lesson read' by Mrs. A. Armstrong. She chose the Christmas story from St. Luke, Chapt. 2. Mer• W. Bell then led in prayer. Hymn 58 was then sung. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. 'rhe treasurer's report was given by -Mrs. W. Williamson. pt was moved aatd: seconded that $5. be given Mrs. Lane to help in the Good Cheer work. Mrs. Rowland then read the report of the 'Nominating Cam. The business pant of the meeting con• silted of talking over wbkt form the congreg+atiannl meeting would take tibia year. Itwas mored and sec- onkled *at we have a Part Leek supper with a small charge at the door to defray some of the expenses. Tile-ccdlmibtees were rthen arranged and the collection received. It was decided to hold 'the nest meetlig in the evening of Wed., Jan, 10th, .A. reading, "Is there a Santa, Claus" was gin en by Miss Flo. Buchanan. Hymn 53 was sung followed •by the Mizpah benediction. Lunch was served by the committee In charge. Thanks was eeprestsed to Mrs. Arm- Strong for the use of her home. NOTICE •.-- Please keep milk ;axis, cars and trucks cleared from sides of road for snow plowing. Owners will be responsible if damaged. Arthur Rock. Road Suit., Twp. of Grey, Ethel, Onit. Melville Church. Minister, Rev. W,H.F. Fulton 10.a. m. Sunday School and Bible Class 11 a, m. Divine Worship 7 p. m. Evening Worship United Church OF CANADA Mtnistsr Nov. Andrew Lase DMus) Worship — 11.e/sloelt. A2ornlnig Worship -11 O'clock S,acranleellt of The Lord's Supper. Church School --12 o'clock, Evening Worship — 7 o'elbek. A Triple G48L t Parish of Brussels \toe Pse. J. M. Karr -- RsiMr• Ephiphany, Jinn. 6th, 196aL St. lobo's Chuech, eruMN*- 111 a.m. Holy Communion New `town Seeman SN.ndary School, St. David% Church. Nsnttrrt 2.30 p.m. Holy Cerdneull4O1 13iandss Retool $t, George's Church, Walton 7.34 p.m. Haim Coantmnndof Church of England Angus Reid I who contributed so generously, and On Dec. 22nd, 3n4lullett township, l made this amount possible. May there entered into rest one of the ; God bless the efforts that have been older residents, Angus Reid, son of put forth, that HI's Kingdom may the late David Redd and Marjorie be extended in the world, Campbell, was bora near Drysdale , in March abet, 1866, but moved at I MELVILLE YOUNG WOMEN'S early age to lot 3, con. 12 of Hallett. I GUILD He was the keit sutvtvdng member branch with to extend hearty thanks to all those who collected and those ' The Young Women's Guild of 02 atartly of five. ` Mebvilile Presbyterian Church held On Dec, 284h, 1896, he married their December meeting at ,the, home Margaret Ann Campbell, of Me- of Mrs. C. Adams. l8rs. H. nether Killop township, who passed away presided for the Deivotiona0 !period,. on May 17th, 1934. Following his Several Oheilatm'as Carola were sung marriage he farmed on the adjoining and. the Christmas story as written farm until the fall of 1938 when he in Luke dbspter 2, verses 1.20, was took up residence with his daughter, rend. Mrs. H. Ft8eher gave a reed - Mrs. George Watt well whom he ing bleed on' "Christmas," Mrs. A. resided until the fall of 1988 when Higgins ledha prayer, An interest - be took up residence with his Ing Christmas topic wee given by daughter, . Mrs. Geo, Watt with Mrs. G. Kraulte'r. After the singing %wham he resided until the time of of another Christmas hymn, the his dose. He was a member of Miepail Benediction. Mns. Douglas Bumps' United Churob where he was Hemingway presided for the busi- ness. The secretary and treasurer's reports were read and adetped, Four ' "thanit you'' notes were read and also a letter from the Terry Singers at London. It was decided that we engage t7aese well known singers to stage •one of their Con- certs in the spring in our church. Mrs, 0. Elliott presided for the election of officers fer 1952, which resulted as follows: President Mrs. C. Kramer let. Vice -Pres. Mrs, L. Alcock 211(1 Vice -Pres. Mrs. 0. Elliott Treasurer Mrs. Wm, Martin Mrs. G. Kramer Mrs. Geo. Elliott Flower Com. ........ Mrs. 0, Adams Miss Jessie Little Sunshine Coin. Mrs, R. Elliott Mrs. Eldon Wilson Santa Claus made leis anneal visit and in his usual jovial manner dis- tributed a'gift to each member. Lunch was then served by the hostess, Ars, G. Kramer, Mrs, H. F'scber and Mrs. A. Higgins. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL SESSION WILL MEET' JAN. 15 The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers. Court House, Goderirdr, commencing at 2,00 p.m., ,. Tuesday, January 1.50, 1962. A.11 accounts, notices of deputat inns and other business requiring the attention of Council should be in fihe hands of the County Clerk - !rot later then Tannery 12, 1952. A. H. Erskine County Clerk, Goderlch, Ont, regular in (attendance whenever his health permitted. Atter suffering a' heart condition for anumber of years, he had an acute aPotaak on Dec. 21st. He leaves to maurn his loss two daughters, ,Rena, Mrs. George Watt, Blyth, and Lydia, Mrs. James Turnbull, Ethel also Pow grand- children. The funeral services were held from t -he home of hie son-Indarw Geo. Watt at 2-p. m., Dee. 24th, Ser - vitas were conducted by Iris pastor Rev. S. Brendon. • The pall -bearers wea'e four rep- Secretary hews, Clarenoe Martin, Nelson Reid, Pianist Elgin Mcliin'ey, Leslie Reid, and two neighbours, Cecil Lydiatt and Janes Melons. The flowers were earried by George Martin. Watson ' Redd, Donald McNall and Russell , McBeth. Interment was made in Burns cemetery. LISTOWEL CAPITOL THEATRE ' JAN. 2nd Gordon MacRae WEDNESDAY Doris Day, In "ON MOONLIGHT BAY" Technicolor THURSDAY. ONLY JAN. 3ra Barry Sullivan, Arlene Dahl, George Murphy le "N.0 QUESTIONS ASKED" AralarrneMPlit FBI. SAT. JAN. 4-3 Randolph Scott, "Gabby" Hayes W. Ernest Cardiff,. A well known aicwaod.` resident W. Ernest Cardiff, died at Listowel Meneorial Hospital on Wed., Dee - 190, 1951. He was born. In Morris 4ownbib 1p, Huron county, Aug. Birt, .19.96. Deaitth, was due to a heart condielon from which he had suffer- ed for some time. Hie wife, the Dormer Lyle Hall survives lxim as well as, his mother, 'Mrs. ibScliarri Cardlft, ; brother Harold, sisters Mrs. Harvey Dennis and Mfrs. Douglas Hemingway all of Grey townehip, A son Doiiaid predieceesed, him in infancy. Funeral serviees- were conducted at his home Mein street of Atwood, on Sarterdod, Dec. 22n1, • art 2 p. m. Interment In Brussels cemetery. Rev. Haigh Pritohnrd of Atwood Presbyterian ChurciI otfictated. Pallbearers were Clarence Blaitoh- ford, Jim Tnglis, Clarence MuCourt, Dr. Brydon Fleming, Russel Cam- pbell, Llewellyn MoDomelt. The many floral tribntes yere carried by George Hume, Gordon Peaches-, Eigin Wilson, Lyle Denny, Carl Green, Paul Thompson, Derek :Ginn. "TIdE CARIBOO TRAIL" Clnecolor - Sat. Mat. 2 p m. -Eve. 7.30 p... MON. TUES, JAN. 7-8 Susan .Hayward, Dan Dailey in "I CAN GET IT FOR YOU WHOLESALE" TUESDAY FOTO.111112 let Offer $200 Monday Attendance Card Ntplit. WED. THUR. JAN. 9.10 Alec GUlenese, Stanley Holloway In "LAVENDER HILL MOB" plug Walt Disney's Academy Award Short eub'Jeot "SEAL ISLAND" NOTICE A public hearing under the Mdlk Control Act will be held in Room 4505, East Sleek. Pariiament Build- ings, Toronto, an Tuesday. January 3, 1958,.at 11,00 a. in. This public beating is for the -purpose of pro- viding all tnteredtecl panties an op- portunity of making representations to the Milk Control Board of Ontar- io before this Board Prescribes the maximum prices at wb'r;oh milk may be sold in the Market of Brussels. A. P. Clark. Secretary, Milk Control Board of Ontario, Tire United Church 'The worship in the United Church on Sunday morning Dec. 30, was In keeping with the close of the 01d •Year and the beginning of the New. Beeping Christmas in our h.elarts throughout the year was the theme of the service. I•lymns for the New Year were sung. The choir render- eci the anthem. Night of Ndgtlte by Van deWader and Adamson. At evening worship a number of the great Christmas hymns were smug. The minister gave short sketches of how the hymns and tunes were composed. On Friday evening at 7.30 the Week of Prayer Service will be held In the United Church, Next Sunday morning Jan. G. The Sacratnent of The Lord's Supper will be dispensed at morning wer- shdp. FIRE DESTROYS BRAY PRODUCE BUILDING Fire 'ewest through 'tire Bray Produce, betiding Wednesday~ after- noon of last week causing Morse, ,halt $22,000 damage. A track and tractor were taken trent 'the rear partbonel the bonding and alike records were Saved but eveuyithing lease inloluding about 1,000 dozen eggs 'and 12 tons of feeds •and other produce, was. lost. Fire broke,owt again, ie the smeld- oring mins in the • early morning hours on Friday and destroyed any tilling that might have been salvaged from the wailer blaze. The D. A, Rann eremites% store suffered heavily from smoke and Coleman's restaurant somewhat. , The Brussels volunteer fire de- panbmend fought the Rlamles but when it was found that .they would not be able to prevent the spread of the Ohre to the solltd block of bus- iness pihres one truck end crew i at the Wtnghasn tire hridgade was summoned to their asstetanee Ardent four melena ago the same building, mimed then by Hugh Pear- son wan completely destroyed by 1 NOTICE — fire. It Wats - rebuilt by Mr. Pear • - son and fated sold bo Clifford Bray The Majestic W. T. will be held who has since. eondtuoted the produce held in the Brussels Library on business and se teem implement Thursday, Jan. lOddt, art 2 p. m. Miss agency es well. Margaret Brophy of CKNX will be Mr, Bray is now openading in the t the guest speaker. Everyone is web 'old bank building, 3 huls4nesis places' Come. 'north of the one destroyed by fire, and is nnrryine on business -as -usual. His piens for the fmtnre, if he will rebuild or not, have not been I completed, as the loss is only partly i covered by insurance, INTERMEDIATE •B WO,A.A. HOCKEY SCHEDULE Jen, 3. Londesboro at Teeewaater ,1ait. 4, 1)russels at Trowbridge San, 7, Lucknow at Fi'uesels Trosvbrldge at Teeewaterr Clinton et Londeaborp Jen 10. Brussels a.t 01113ton Jan, 11. Londesboro iet Trowbridge Lucknow a4; Teeswater Jan. 14. Trowbridge at Lucknow Londesboro at Brussels Clleton at Teeswater Jam', 18. B nesels at Londesabora iljnok now' at Trowbridge Jan, 19. 'Peeswlater at Clinton Tan, 21. Teeswater at Londesboro J,an..et Brussels at Lucknow Jam.. 22. Clinton at- Trowbridge Jan, 25. Brussels at Teeswater Jane 26 Londesboro at Clinton San. 28. Lucknow at Londesboro Teesavater at Trowbridge Tan. 50, Trowbridge at Breeseis Clinton at Lucknow Feb. 4. Teeswvitier at Brussels Londesboro at Lriicknhw Trowbridge at Clinton REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. i JAN. 3.4-5 Please Note Change • "EXCUSE MY DUST" Red Skelton MacDonald Carey A' musical comedy in Technicolor of the good old days when the horse - less' carriage came Into existence. JAN. 7.8-4 Adult Entertainment "ALL ABOUT EVE" •Bette Davis George Sanders Three women wage a sophisticated battle of wits through thls brilliant dramatic performance, JAN. 10111.12 "ONLY THE VALIANT" George Peck Barbara Payton A historical Western flied with savage fury and treachery. The U. 8. cavalare and the Apdohe Indiana anti the colors. MRS. A. HINGSTON 1 ,DIES AFTER ILLNESS After a short illness, Mrs. Addison Hingston, the former Annie Ida Lloyd, passed away in Winehaml, on Monday, Dec. 1194 1951, Born in Bellmore, she wars in her 70th year. Mrs. Hingston recedrved ler education in Belntoro and was 1 married to the lade Addison Hing- t sloe in. Seater*. Her husband pre-; deceased her on Selrtemb$r 90, 1840, She was a member of irlte United Church and the Legion Ladies i Auxiliary. Surviving are two sons and three ' da.ughdens: Cons, (Mrs. Eddie Hew• kits) of Toronto; Carrie (Mrs, Thos. Cruickshank) Wingihant; Mary, (Mrs. , Wilfred Aethurs) of Wingliam; Lloyd Wingbam and Clifford of Guelph. There are ten great grandchildren, I The funeral was held on Wed., Dec. 19401, front Curie's Funeral ' Home Wingham. where srevtee was held et 2 p. m. Rev. W. A. Bee- eraft oftiolated with interment in Weigh= cemetery. Mrs. A. Hingston was a sister -in - taw of Miss C. Hingeton of Brussels. I. BRUSSELS, LEGION BINGO TURKEY WiNNERS The second turkey bingo sponsor- ed by t8r,s tiru9sols' Ltigton was field in. the Town Ita)l .on Deo, 19411. The winners wore as fellows 1 1. Mns, 'Shos, Garnise 2. 13115. E. Gregg 3, Mrs. 11 Kelly 4. Mies Wilda Breakeltrilge, Bluevrale 5, Tom Willie 6. Mrs. OM, Bray 7• lefre. Oarmiehael. Moncton 8. Miss Pearl Baker 9. Len. Armstrong 11. Elmer Armstrong 11. Bob Johnston 12 Reg. Watson 13. Mrs. Wni, M'oWhirter $15.00 Special 'Prize each — Jack Marks, Listowel . Stewart Lowe Special prize $15.; split $5. each Stanley ltitohen Margaret MOAnter Harold Bolger Door Prize — Harold Thomas CARD OF 'FHAMCS Mrs. Marla Woszczynski and het - daughter Haling Mraafejewska with to express their graititiude to every- one, for their kind aasisltafce and time' tributes in their recent bet, earvement. S••l PICTURE UNVEILED Belgtave — At the regular Sum day School senstce the Y. P. U, pre- i sealed a picture of the Head of 1, Christ for the Sunday schoolroom. , Clifford Kelly unveiled it and the , superintendent, Earl Anderson, as tented it on behalf of the Church. i CARD OF THANKS' Our grateful thanks is given to the Bamesele Fire Department and to 'the Wlingrhani Fire Brigade for tihedr efterts to control the 'fare that re- cently destroyed our place of bust - 11180. To allihose people who have helped tis in various, leers, we also express cosi appreciation and thanks. Ot 111ord Bray. CARD OF THANKS We with to express sincere thanks .end aipprectation to ouir many re- latives. friends and neighbors Who were so kind to Ernie during hie, monthia of illness aid, to us in our berease,ment. '[lite cortfotititig eiS- presaion's of sygnipaihy wtll always he remembered with deaf gratitude, Tiyle Cardiff, Mather, Reethera end Meter!, ST. JOHN'S GUILer The annual meeting of St. John?, Women's Guild was held on Dec. 11, In the S. S. room, with a fair at- tendaece. Meeting opened with the singing of an Advent' hytiln, followed b1c prayers. Mits. Morr'ia0Ti read the Scripture lesson, from St. Leiters Gospel, the story of love to one another and to neighbors. Minutes of the previous' meeting were read by the secretary Mrs. Wm. ?kegler. I Ttie treasurer's report 'silas 'given b,y 38rs. J. H. Bryan. Tlie • besineae included the presentation of some bills. for paylnern&s, and $100. was voted towerde the Wilding fund.. Pilins were made for the Guild to help with Sunday School Party and put vie treats. 'Rev. Mr. Kerr lire. aided , for the election of officer's which resulted 111 the following of- Gaels ffiners being returned to office for anathes' year. President. Mrs, G. Da518 Treasurer Mos. J. It Bryan, Secretary Mrs, Wm, Finisher I Mee. 1;err closed the mee0ing meth Strayer, and a Christmas Tea wine pr'avided by Mrs, McMrireRY, Mrs. A. Mm'risan. .Mrs, 13, Midrheil i arid Mrs. Olen Whittam THIS MAN 1S Sonwuietel He started as a junior in a load - " branch bank ... just as his manager did before him. Now he's on his way up, too. • He's learning banking skill right on the job, helped by more experienced mon • on the bank's staff. He is taking special , - banking courses ... Like most bankers, during his career, be will learn to know many parts of 'Canada. various communities. Ile will develop the human understanding and the buelneee judgment you expect of your banker. Stating from the branch that serves you he may rise to the very top. The general manager of his bank started just the - way he did. SPONSORED BY YOUR BANK • . s