The Brussels Post, 1948-7-14, Page 1POS i' PUBLISHING HOUSE
Dr. E. A. McMaster. Reaforfh, was
informed this week that by Order -in -
Council he had been alit:minted a
coroner for the County of Huron. Dr,
McMaster succeeds Dr, Ir, 1, Bur•
SOWS, who resigned from the position
some months ago, after having
served for more than 40 years,
Majestic Women's Institute
The regular monthly meeting of
the MaJestie Womou's Institute was
held in the public library Thursday,
July 8 with 22 present. The presi-
dent opened the meeting with the
Ode followed by the Lord's prayer.
The secretary read the minutes and
treasure'r's report. The roll call
"Tobarro culture was responded to
by 18 members. Notes of acknow-
ledgement, were read from the fol-
lowing. Mrs, D. McLeod, Mr, and
Mrs. J. Work, Mr, D Lawless.
Arrangements were mach. for a
picnic. and grandmother's Day to he
held in Seaforth perk in August.
Little Toa11 Johnson delighted the
ladies with two songs wee -enameled
by her sister Doris, A very anion -
did topic, "the oultiva.tlnn and cur-
ing of tobacco" was prepared and
presented by Mrs, Myers Darts
Johnson then favourer will' Iwo
piano instrumentals, The July and
August birthday gifts were then pre-
sented by Mrs, K. Sherrie. ;hiss Reth.
Hoover, Mrs. 0, l3uschlin, Mrs,
Gemmel. Mrs. R. Davidson, Miss
Millie McFarlane, Mrs. B. Garniss
rerelved the gifts and a corsage of
flowers as did little Toaii and Doris
Johnson. After the +''shite rot,
lection the meeting closed with God
Save. the King.
.... .. - •mow
Orange Hall, Brussels
Every Sunday Night at 8 p•in
Orange Hall, Jamestown
Every Sunday at 3 p. i•
Speaker — John Martin
of Hawkesville, Ont.
Be sure and attend
A rich blessing awaits you.
Do each day what seemeth
best, and to the Father leave
the rest.
Melville 'Church
Minister Rev. G. A. Milne, M.A.
10 a. m. Sunday School and
Bible Class.
11 a, m. Divine Service.
Louis D. Thompson, Organ;mt
and Choirmaster.
The United Church
Minister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson
Organist Miss Elva Sboldice
11 a. m. Morning Worship
Two Selves.
Junior Congregation and
Sunday School
Everyone Cordially Weloo:.ue
Church of England
Parish of Brussels
Roy. J. H. Kerr. Brussels,
8th Sunday Atter Trinity
July 18th, 1948
Bt. George's Church Walton --
9.16 a. m. Morning Prayer
Sunday School
$t. David's Church Henfryn—
10.18 a; m. Sunday School
11.16 a. m. Morning Prayer
Bt. John's Church 9rueseis -
2 p. m. Sunday School
8 P. m. Doming Prayer
III Rev. J. .A. Burden conducted ser'
vire in the Milted Church and spoke
on the text; "Now if any mrn have
not the spirit of Christ, he is nonc-
e(' Tris."
At 'Knox Presbyterian Ohnrch
Rev, Leland C. Jorgensen continued
his series on "Christianity and
Modernism." He spoke of modern-
ism as a. 'ran -made religion and the
Bible to the Christian as "a lamp
unto our feet and a light onto our
Wednesday, July 14th, 1948
Brussels Creamery Staff
Honour Bride -To -Be
Miss Kay Willits, bride-to-be, was
honoured by the management and
Follow nn mhos of l lie: I3r>7tesels
Creamery shall when they presented
her with to silver tea si'rvleo, The
presentation was made on Tuesday
afternoon or this week, Mr. 11. R,
Cousins read the accompanying
address while Mr. C. Matheson Pre-
sented the gift. to Miss Willits,
Brussels Ontario
July 13th, 1948
Dear ICay:•
That expression of hilppines; and
bliss that has been portrayed upon
your countenance during your Inet
few days told us that something
pleasant, special and exciting .vas
about to take. place in your Ilfe. The
presence of a golden eparlde on your
left hand gave ns a hunch that
possibly the thoughts of hely matri-
nenny- wire traversing through your
mind, creating such n satisfied
smile. You always wore n huppY
smile Kay, but there was snmebhing
more. hidden behind the one You
horn had during the last few weeks.
We knew wo were right only a few
days ago, when we ci,'srnvered that
you ware 10 be married—WI-TEN?
Tt is with both regret and satis-
faction that we bid you adieu as an
employe, of the Brussels Creamery.
We are regretful to lose such an
efficient worker and so pleasant a
Personality. However, we are satis-
fied that the paths of married life
which ate ahead of you opnear
smooth. and along the road we ser
slang signifying health, wealth and
We congratulate you Key on your
chnice of a life partner. Yon may
rot assured that ell the ',les-•'ne
we may offer will 110 ynitr-. 'Married
life is a funny thing. Always he
And now, -Cay as a tangible
e,-idenee of the esteetn h, which
yon an held by the management and
staff of Brnosels Creamery a' ask
y'i to accept this gift.
Simard: The Staff eel Management.
ITEM INOWAY—At fir, .fryer:' on
Tuesday, ,Tilly Sth, 1044, .n air.
and Mrs Carl TTcnnnhway--a son.
Tenders will bo received by the
undersigned till Monday, July 19th
at 8 p.m. for the work to lie done m1
the McTaggart Drain and on the
Grant Drain. Plans and speeiflcatiors
may be seen at the Township Cleric's
Office at Ethel, Ont, The lowest or
any tender not necessarily accepted.
A certitfled'eheque for 10% of the
contract price should aoocmpsny the
J. H. Fear, Clerk
* * • * • • • • •
• • • • • rt * •
P. Lawless, London, was n
visit or on Saturday.
* * •r
Mtu'ary Oanieron, Rintiro,
ing with Ms friend Bob Ran
* • i1
is visit
One of the 50(150ns prettI»et ,need.
ing's was solemnized at the Etie 1
Presbyterian Church on Saturday
July 10th when Shirley truth,
daughter of "Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn
n. Thompson of Ethel, became the
bride of William Allan, planet sou of
Mr. and Mrs. D. McRae, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Coleman, Brussels.
White lilacs, red roses and n pro-
fusion of summer flowers, Peru anti
long white tapers formed the settlug.
The Reverend Georg'- A, Milne of
Brussels officiated.
Mr, Donaid Dunbar of Ethel played
traditional wedding music and
during the signing of the register
Mrs. Robert Cunnlneham of
Wroxeter rendered the beautiful
wedding song, "Because."
Given in marriage by her father
the bride chose a gown of white
slipper satin, indncess style wllth
sweetheart neckline, and Duchess of
York roses embroidered in the full
skirt which ended with n slight
train The bodice w:+s fitted and
the poitntedi sleeves extend '(1 t" the
fingertips. Her lona' graceful Freneb
Cantnlen lane veil wns tonight to the
head by :( tiara of Orange Blossons
and she carried a shower bouquet of
reel roses and white carnations. Her
only ornament was the groom's gift,
a string of pearls.
Matron of honour w•ns Mrg. Ken.
Coleman, of the grown,
gowned in peach 001041704 taffeta.
Her headidresa was orange blossoms
and she ranted a colonial 'tolgnet
of carnations and sweetnnas match
ins the enlaurs of her gown
:Hiss Elsie Franklin of Toronto
friend of the bride was bridesmaid
She were tor,1unise him, taffeta and
her h. address, was orantre hl,r.nms.
She also carried 9 cnlan ill bouquet
of carnations and pavrnrreas to
m Irh her gown.
Little Karen Cnleman, pier" of the
groom. was charming in a lone rale
11171'' drags with yellow smnckine
at the bailie., with n 11011, frill all
around the hem. hat mucin up in
front to show 11 neat inti' heel raffle
in her petticoat, Fier lone yellow
sash mntehrd the snmeldng of her
dress. Her headdress was n sinal*
inrnmt Tinrn of orange hlossnmg with
a shoulder length yell and she
0111.1100 n white haslret of mance and
yellow pansies.
The brittle's trainhenrer, Mies
Catherine Leach wore pale Erre'
taffeta with a long sash of 'ale pinic
satin: her headdress matched the
flower girl's .and her o'n'sage was
sweetheart roses,
The gronmsman was Mr, Ken Cole-
man, brother of the groom. Mr, Ken.
Ashton and Donald Coleman were
with his mother Mrs. 1', T. MoRae,
* * 'R
Mr. Graeme Scott, Welland, has
been at the home of his parents here.
* * *
Mr and Mrs. Garvin Smith, South
Porcupine, are holidaying with rein -
* * •
.Mrs. J, Rutledge and son Alan. St.
Catharines, have been visiting
relatives here.
* * *
H. B. Allen is holidaying with his
family at Port Elgin for a few days
this week.
* ,K 0
Missal Belle and Saran McT.aucle
11n, Toronto are visitors with Miss
Grace Stewart
* * n
Mr, and Mrs, George Thomson
Toronto, are visd:tors with Mr, and
Mrs. J. C. Baelcer,
* * 1'
Miss. Margaret 1. McDonald of
Toronto is holidaying with relatives
In and around Brussels.
* * +t.
Mr. and Mrs, Alan MoCracken,
Brockville, were visitors with Brns-
t sets friends last week.
I :,e * e
Mrs. 1•. Breslin and ,lone of To-
' ronto. ere visitors with the former's
:mother Mrs. ,7, Galbraith.
* * *
Dr. and Mrs, W. McCntcheon,
Berwick. Penn.. are holidaying with
jher moth: I. ITrs. T Clark and other
i relatives.
I Mrs. J. M• cOuleheon and sons
.Alain and Bruce visited with her
sister Mrs, R. A. 'Bennett for n few
days this week
Brussels Legion Sponsoring
Amateur Night
The Brussels Legion are sponsor
ing an Amateur Contest, .o be held
in the Arena, on the evening of their
Oarntval and Sports Day, July 21st.
Persons wishing to enter this Contest
will kindly give names and variety
of entertainment they intend to give,
to Bobs Campbell, beore July 18th.
Brussels Legion Executive.
Seafor•tla, Ont.
* * *
Mrs. Ross Cardiff, little Dale and
Victor leave left for the West, prey -
Mee or Saskatchewan to spend ane
month's vacation with her sister,
relatives and friends, Here's hoping
they have a good time,
* * ,v
Mr. M. Wineborg received word
Friday of the sudden death ' of his
wife's father, Mr, Helpern, of Glen
Wild, N.Y. Mrs, Wineberg recently
went to visit with her parents and
was there when her father's death
occurred, 'son received the guest% in a gown Keith Anderson, Winnifred
of powder blue with pink leressnr- lllsbop, Glenn Bone. Annete Catnp-
i Thurs. Fri. Sat. July 16.16.17
ehhe with v6•.•
William Elliott and Catherine McLeod
Double Feature
Joe E. Brown and J. Hutchinson
"Adventures of Don Coyote"
ncllere. Helen 11icKain in Scotland lc. r*nreh '_ words, visits. flowers aim .41101
Later at a. reception, held in the (hnu,l. Marie Swift, Faye Ward.
acts icewt c 194'3. and they lived In Rtote:h
X -Ray Survey Revealed
No Active Cases Here
A ta(1,,W from to t Division of
lint auto -is Prevention In r' ou:•c.1
to the X-Tia+y survey that was hrlil
in Brussels on June 19th • 22nd re-
port's! ling (herr, nurse no annus
ea0 c ,:I' tttbr''rulosis in the 1."9I
people who were X'Rayed. Dr.
W. D. S. Jamieson, fr' iii rly of
Ttrnsseis who is now -vith the
Division of Tuberculosis Prevention,
, eo (071 11inre,1 Iia survey here
quite successful as compared with
other places in the number X-Tlay' d.
The survey hear was conducted nnd.r
the auspices of Ib' Incr,l 1.i iio ^1',71?.
The United Church
^row in glace :u1,1 in 'he 1 r:
1 'I or o1' nor T.nrd Jesus rhria'.
Petr HT 1R. Vorn+mn I'ourtes war`,
the subject of the morning sereton
in the T' 1' 1 Clinch. A nlesrog ur t
?nor' wn, 1'rnli;.•i'i by Miss Ruth
Jewell who sang "Re utifel Ts' •
Sn'tnewhere." The Sunday school
classes were taken by Mrs. Harris
11,11 end VTic: Dorothy rs'•l nip.
United Church Gurdon Psrty
On Friday evening n very - •: -e -^
fill Garden Party was held on the
Butted Chnrrh lawn. under the
alnsniees of the Woman's Assncia•
Hon. Tables were bountifully lei'r
and invited a large number of
'visitors. An ice cream booth at the
front of the church also served a
^'seat many.
The program fololwing, the slipper
consisted of the fnllowin(' numbers)
pine, s:•l•rlIon s be Mrs Lyle
Brothers: vneai soles by Miss Joan
Johnston 11eenmp,lnied by her little
sister; a yonn . ladiv, rdnarret front
R'rn eve ct
♦ r. an in runic',: t :lust hr
ortss 'Karon R 1. eb.lin .71d M0 c•lif: rd
y ,,11 solos by RTr5 '4 an
Darisplt aeeompatlted Jy ATre. W.
King; pian" rhnets by Messrs. Ketay
Woods and .Toho \\iris'»: enrol 010,1
by Ur. 1111 Cnnnineh, m or Wravete^
accompanied by 'tars Lye- t - Brrrtl.t , -•
the TTi^llland Fling h: 'Ass Mari n''
Mnffatt accompanied by Miss Jean
ATnffatt and a piano Fel,.) by Miss
Bath 'Wilson.
Bowling Schedule
For Trebles
Tho hb141111t` 1c. hellill' f(.7.
tl -i'1 1tee11 (lt'a.w'll in .'„lntli,tr .
I 'neo, !tali., for 1,1,y 1"1 test ..•
1.11 ' t•luh 'lwuse,
Following are the rlllt:0 -
IT. 1. -.Walter
Kerr, L. Pisr'hr'r. A
_.--Gen 1110.1 .1, in !J'''• .1
Pared w
3.- A.Irx Rutledge, Mr,. 0?, Al: i''-
4.--A. Wood, \ t1 iitc=,'inr•c, It.
I G, --•A, Rants. twine! alelle rish,
The Evonne Beauty lhnppe will
eieeel tie lest week or .Tilly nrrl
will open on Tnesd” ). \nrnsr eel.
1.948 Entrance Resu
Injuries Fatal To
i Walton Farmer -
ti sident- or the \Vali' , .'t:;rriet
were shocked and saddened 8Tltin
1 1n' -,t 7illi'. Sltr, .glh1,C 1 1., !n -
Juries received in a haying aceLdcmt,
is, „r,.e,l in hos-
p?'a!, fronton, on Wo lIt slay. July
;1. he• rrna)r of n frsntitt•ed skull
!Net 1:leer:irons of the brain.
Although there were no wi1'nr,a'a
to the accident in which he was
injured, it was belirvnd that Mr.
Davidson was thrown or fell from a
mowing machine, when the team of
horses bolted. The unconscious
K. Colemanlean vva0 found lying at the side of
0--\\'. Willie Aire win tin. the road after the horses appeared
,1n11rt K'rr. in \\''iron withmnt a driver. Tie was
-H. Thmmnn. Idutee Aid worth attended first by Dr. C. A. Myers of
C 10(118 , (1"!' set i'id taken to Scott Mem-
k.—R. Tinwman. 111 Thi t o•Ia1 Hospital, Seafoth. He was
Will Vert te 10 ,e.•.•rd 'rl'ev:rday ; iternnon to
9.—D. M. McTavish, Peet,; T1 (10 e Vi' t' ria -l'e'an(. Lonien where an
W. Porter. I emergency operation wan perfnrmod
10. --Wm. cpeir. D. Dennis, ,T , that night. He dried Wednesday
K, By. if+ emeoe without re galnin; ran-
] 1.--J, Bowman. Sir.:. Ra nn I:rvl srirrnsnees,
W'l",rktnan Mr. Davidson 'had recently sold
12 —IT rhsniinn, Pin hid Lnwfy
R. McNair.
13—Bid Bell. Mrs. Wif. ralneron. 1
,T. Yuill,
Regular and stuhstitntr players
'build play their r''n,11;• p.osir500 in
a rink and nil s111)st1115' to Lr
acr•0i,table to opposing ship.
1 Fad names_
Otherhowlers who wish to enter
srhednle artily to ITnrob.l Thomas.
George Lowery
11FcnRTTT. July 10. - Death
WIMP suddenly to Opera,. _I ''
Ta I,•-»
t 'C1nn+h,lotn lime nwrnais r t n•101'
1 'PiOt hnnr.
1 WI, d,;0,1 before 011 • •1n-' ar h•w1
7 was h ,re in Sen ,.th 111 lees' -ed
hid hw'n in this vin .t'; ;.11 ','. ;7',
r -Tr nwnod the farm ern-: 1c. , .,,,
Lions Pnrk until last vet). and 1+e•!
1 ',en 1unr•' or less lett-''1111-0 TTr
j was married to Berth:, '-,:lisp w ).,
' sm.-01'.1 will ary d•ln•+1i'rr. To,Tene
of Brussels. and one -la C•7n+rrc.•1. pr
his form en the 14th roneesston of
M idl1eq, to Hervey Craig but Mr.
and Mr.. D'vi'i••,n eon !inn ed to
reside en the farm and be assisted
' Mr. Craig with the work. At the
till, of the nerid„fit Mr. Davldsan
was coin:^; Prem the Craig farm to
somber fa,•tn to eat hsy Mr. and
Mrs. Craig discovered bin, lying on
1110 "lo of the road. Mrs. Davidson
we: 1151(1ng relatives in Alberta
when the tragedy oecurre'1.
Mr. Davidson was a native of Me.
} Vi'Aillnr rw110, 1Tis Tenn was a
half Milo east of Wn11tnn. He wain
;1 m.•tnher of Duff's T'nited "llureb
whish he se .v1 a 1n Elder liighiy
"117(7'101110all , h Tr?` -whim his
tenet+, deofh 's deep', 1•1nnrned.
rt. 1071 , ,75.7110 1 Asn:»= Telfer of
r:•._.v c'00!00( him.
He 1s nisn '11re ve-d hr• ons ,''leel tee
Mrs. Oliver F'npson ilsabel, at
Pa . fla1d: two sist Mrs Wm.
'meth ,,', Err tint
T'lnnmoor. of 1010(7177 and twc,
1.1).1 r=. T11onto); an .3 ',Gilliam
Oral reh1 also one much"r. Alry "-c,-))?...,n. hots, or , , 1.etrh..',m
Lowery. S' aforth. He was 1 ,om. l T, •' 111 114 rel wag held from Buff's
her of Fits* Pre.,hyterian dines?, r 1aed ritrnch nn Sati,rr,:,y. Tuly
The fimerai tank n'?re from 1:`- •n,h Ree. R, C Hazeiwond con
F'nrt fl. n:;r,^'•TM a n
Tnncry at 2:fl ptn. R'• e (1 11
Miin+, of Brussels nff'riit>d. T
cent mule pinee In Milieenrthank
(Meted h . service. d'ellemarers
were r,-.,,, ,isvkann 'din MrDnnald,
Alvin McDonald. Harvey Craig, John
Me:ehnlI and Harvey Johnston.
Flo"•erhrt"ers w'rp K.+n. AIrT)
is Imaid,ETHEL .' Denn',d Merkmald, Fc u'•'es Fnn1a,
Audrey Retitle. Kenneth Baillie.
Clifford Barlow. Jean Deirnee, Her-
vey Clarke, Georgia Dunbar (hon.).
Trebel Ecicmier, Ronald 7'7ckmirr,
Robert Harrison. Lynn T -Toy, Wil-
ltam Hoy (hen.), Ales, Keffer
John L. Patterson
,Tnhn Leslie Patterson, :i natj,P0r
Ether cflstrirt. dlyd OTnnda\ in
Listowel hospital. Born Ort n, 1811¢.
Mr. Patterson was. the lull of 01-il-
i\. ( 11110,' ;(711 Bit. 'butts, In.
t ac. lrtlt tock mace ion Brussels
c. n..,,ery.
Pauline Meehan, Brian Prescott, lta:m Patterson and Mariarc+ 111c•- i To Aly Brussels Fric'nr1
Taggart Pa
Donald Raynard, Gerald Richards tte
1 son. TTe 1na'ria0 ' i deerly olppreeiate yr." 1 711nat
basement of the church Mrs, Thomp-
* * lea. Her corsage was pink roses.
The groom's mother also rerelved
and ware a gown of pale grey with
ancessories, Her corsage was
11 ,111 renes,
The bride's banquet table was
centered with a three-licr wedding
calve and tables were laid for
seventy-two guests. The Brtleesle'
girls softball team served cod the
ladies of Ethel Presbyterian Church
On going away the bride donned a
blue suit with white accessories and
wore a corsage of small talisman and
tea. roaea,
The happy couple left amid the
Wind wishes of their many friends to
take a. trip to Muskoka,
On their return they will reside In
Guests were from Torento, Guelph,
Mo. Will Rozell and his daughter
Mrs. Ray Cooper, Virginia and Billie,
all of Goderieh were recent visitors
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb
Manning. Mr. Bozell is a brother
of Mrs, Manning,
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. 1., D. Thompson of
Brussels, were among the guests in-
vited Eo the afternoon tea given last
Friday at the Summer School of the
Royal Conservatory of Music of To-
ronto. Music teachers from every
part of Canada, from Newfoundland,
and from the United States, are
attending the four-week sessions ofy
this Summer School which this year
inoludes among its distinguished
faculty the woridsfamcts accompan-
ist, Gerald Moore, who is giving a
Master Course in "The Art of
June Promotions
The following are the results of
the June Promotions at H.S. No. 8,
To Grade 7—Robert Hart (bon.)
Leola Jacklin
Arnold lecklin
To Grade 9—June Jsoklin
Rees Sackltn
To Grade 4 --Yvonne McTaggart hon,
,Tenn Hart (Ton.)
Beryl McFarlane (hon.)
Nelson Weber
To Grade 2'—Ronald Taeklist (hon,)
Dorothy Weber
Grade 1—Beatrice Weber
Teacher, Mary E. Hurrah
Listowel and Brussels.
Melville Church
"Jesus fulfils the Law" was the
subject of Rev, Mr, Milne a sermon
on Sunday. Tee sermon was based
on St. Mafia, 6.17, end revelled
Jests as a eoneernctive worker who
concerned Himself with motives
rather then acts.
Guest soloist was Mr. Gibson
Willis who rendered 'Bless this
house by Brittle, The anthem wits
'Come unto Me' by Bowles.
CARDIFF -4n WIngham General
Hospital, on Sunday, July 4„th, to
Mr, and Mrs, George Cardiif, Rat,
2, Brussels, a eon.
hell, James Cardiff, Ii(n nety Cardiff,
Elizabeth Carter, Russ Denner,
Tsnbel Dennis. Carl Do11, George El-
iaeott (hon,). Roy Fischer, 111110011
firrwar. Florence Taoklin Glenn
Jardine, Leona Johnston, Wilma
Johnston, Walter Kerr. Agnes
ATarks. Margnrct McArthur, Clar-
ence MrCntebeon, Beverley Riley,
George Salter, Louise Sbortroed,
Paul Somers, Doris Stevens, Dor-
othy Steles, Charles Wilkinson,
.\7•rhie Willis.
Sandy Andrews, Thelma D. Apple-
by, Harold Real. Lorna Buchanan
(Kron,), Bill Cowan, 'Rollie Craig
(hon,), Christina Cunningham
(hon.), Ruth Doer (hon,), Kenneth
Hamm, Ralph Hedd, Peter C. Hol-
linger. T.loyd. Tinwatt, Kenneth i
Howes, Gerald Hnnlrintr. Shirley
Jardine (hon,), Kenneth Tahnstnn,
Bert Tayddiatt, Bert Lyon, Lloyd
M,C'ltnchey, Tenn MtTlonal11. Marion
M'Dongall, Rhea Meiga11, Jean Me.
Tittle. Vernon Nicholson, ;foal
Pennington, Janet Pollard. Duna
R.icltmond, Douglas b1iehl, Gloria
S4hthnrpe. David Sioracle, Boyd
Taylor, Alvin R. Wallace, Tent
Webster, Leith Yomgblutt (hon.).
Mem Axtmann, Ruth Floyd (hotel,
Marie Bruxer, Yvon T)trgei, Rita
1'8cknrt, Mary Bicknell, Peter Bicic-
neli, Dnugisa Heys. Catherine
Teramskeet, Jimmny Maione (hon,).
Jobb Mt:Gavin (hon.), Leslie Me'
Spe den, Jerome Murray, Lloyd
Regale, ,'Digin Schade, Elsie Storey.
Ione Watson (hon.), Larry Wheat -
lel', (hoot,).
Granted standing 'under Regulation
294 Wilber Chambers, Treed Elliott,
Columbia after he retnrnei crew!
(Iversen.. Mr. Patterson hid here
preclsons of sympathy In my r
bereavement. Another Poi
•Join me in sincerely 3.111', "Thank
with his parents for tate past two Yon" to you all and rep ciaily tt9
weeks, He was a. member of the Rev. Mime and j,. ".0 1''cltmier.
Royal :Arch Monne and the Can- Tsr,hel T,owery
adieu Legion. Besides his wife :mil
parents he is survived by a daneh-
ter. Heather; a brother, Roy. R. R.
2, Brussels; and three sisters, Mrs,
Mari (Lenora) Mills, R. R. 1, Fth
Mrs. ,Clifford (Laura) Meehan, Airin-
gton; and Miss Alma. F. Patterson.
Listowel. Funeral service ,w7s held
in the *United Church. Ethel. Thine
day afternoon; 01171 hnri'.' followed
to Elmn Centre cemetery.
Mr. T.. nossenberry, Expert Piano
Tuner will he in Rrusesds next Mon-
day. All work guaranteed, •
• Engagement Announcement
Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Tousle of
Take Worth, Florida. an/lemma the
engagement of their daughter Es•
tier Eiizalesth to Georg. Clarence
Grainger, eon of Mr. William
Grainger and the lade Mrs Grainger
of Toronto. The wedding will take
' piece tl'e middle of August
We wish to thank our ,riends and
neighbours Inc the kindness shown
(hiring our recent bereavement,
Also to Miss Noble, R.N., who gave
valuable assistance, to Ralph Noble
in reselling our dear boy from the
water and ,the kind neighbours, who
worked diligently to harvest our hay,
Words cannot express our appreel'
Mr, and Mre. ClemSteller
awl tensiiy.
Fall Fair Dates
Rayfield ... Aug. 24.29
Elmira ., ...- Sept. 8, 4, and 6
Milv,mton Sept, 7-8
'Blyth Sept, 8-9
Durham Sept. 9.10
Ripley Sept, 9-10
Sen forth Sept. 9.10
Tavistock Sept. 10-11
Clifford Sept. 14-18
Hanover Sept, 15-16
Kincardin Sept. '16.11.',
Chesley Sept. t2 -1 -
New Hamburg Sept. 7,
Stra.tferd . Sept.
F.tnbrn Seer, i...
A'lildmey Sept. 20-21
Exeter Sept. 22-28
Idstowel Sept, 22-28
TTarristen Sept. 52-24
Zurich ,. Sept. 27-28
Lueltnow Sept. 28'$9
Mitchell Sept. 28-29
lerumbo Sept. 29-80
TCirkton Sept. 20 -Oct. 1
W ncdsltock Sept. 30.0ot. 2
FordwlCh Oct. 1-2
St, Marys Oet, 6.7
Teeswater Oat. 5.1
Tngei tall Oct. 8-9
O.N,E„ Toronto Aug. 27 -Sept, 11
Western Fair, London ..... Sept, 18.15
International Plowing Match,
Lindsay ,,," .. Oot. 12-150
Royal Winter ]hair,
Toronto Nov, 15.24
Christmas Fair,
Walkerton ,., e,..e., Nov, 10'De0, di