The Brussels Post, 1947-8-20, Page 1i
Wednesday; August 20th, 1947
-oma„ .....
WomeallorkatI.... . , _ ...,..=r
Evangelistic 'Meetings
Town Hall Brussels
1, Meetings every Sunday night
8 P.M.
. Speaker—John M. Martin
of Hawkesville, "Ont.
Everybody Welcome.
Low Ralf Fares to elm
AUG. 22 --SEPT. 6
Fa.- the Round Trip
Good Going Thursday Aug. 2irt"
Saturday Sept. 6 inclusive
Return :Limit — Sept, 10
Full Inform:44ton from any Agent
The Municipal Corporation of the NOTICE* * * * * 4 ; Huron County
The Bruce -Huron Potaoes Grow Tomatoes - k NOTICE . Medical Services
Hemingway Picnic Is it going to be necessary to : Village of Brussels
1 take up garden spare WI)') 1outate i
The des ern tient s of the late
Joseph Hemingway, numbering I plants any more? heave R• B•
about forty, beta a liirrfir In the ! Colleens. brougbt to the ol'fise of The
Kincardine Park nn August 15th. Post tills weep the top of a potatoe
A picnic lunch wee served in the I stalk bearing three well formed
pavilion under the (nimble mange- smell green tomatoes whirl) ;lye ;
meet of Mrs. Howard Whytok, Tees- I every indication of growing to
water, after which nonteste and + normal maturity. After having
was were held directed 'by Mrs, j heard - of tomato bearing pataloe
raves over the air, \1r, Cousins
'Carl Hemingway and Mrs. 'Dnugias to it the sold By-law 'v!11 be taft.•tt
jnot exceeding terse prtc•nnr all of I
whirlt era to be paid In twenty yevr,. ( n by ter f'n•v:ril j
wend to his garden and looked over•
The Following is a synopsis of e
proposed by law, which if Passed
will he known as i3yLew No. `9, 1947
cf the %'ill7.')e of I11'as-els. .t
Iiaw for the purpose of beeline de-
bentures not exceeding elm hundred
and twenty-eight thousand Do11t(r,.
bearing interest annually at a tate
Take Nntur that the for p+)n.•
i a ynapsie of proposed by lay: rind ., I
true copy of a question to he put' *
to the electors for ter pr111u-( of t
attaining 'their approval and
to the pu <ing U1 rr of smith 3r l*
being submitted t) e+n i a. of the I ..
electors on the Rth 'lay r i sepfrrnbr••
And Further Tak' Xotire that It
the ref lee.1'.• e,, la melee! i
'Hemingway, Brussels,
One of the most Ineeresti•11g ron- Ma own pottttoe patch aril found
many 5)8 team there, Nice 7.f mn the
tato consideratio
Consida, able damage has t cn :' t Heron Cooperntt, elegise) e
caused at the Fall Fair Pavillon ' vire he, been one of the major i
by children breaking winctcws. u j J. ,17 Huron tenuity Fsee:teo11
Notice is hereby given that * Sa1'ieeltnre Po this v,. 1 and 11i e
Persons damaging Fall Fair :r + vire is now in effect.
property will be prosecuted, t: The members of /he Health Ce
By Order * mutes appointed end peels resp
Board of Dire:aoeg e 1 -lith, 7o+ the• t, ;:, r1 b9 the Tenn
a ,x * :s Federation have been huay for 1
past few months planning, and este
1fishing the service for the people
r Cott
NY EDD,�.NGx 1
Under the p
plan siu•h ensiles
95515 was the, drawing of the 'Hein- after one month frim he d rr 1 the Helms - Ross I School 85rtinns, 7.l"or)r 1+ Destitute
3 . 1 future WP can plant 555.1 potatoes Iia a$proximahely equal instalment Perm Forums. rhnr,•1, n.•r sea
1 f, C the fh"t
nrgvra.Y family trez, thin was won I of combined interest and principal • publisatien; Kieeardine A In•r banns Business or Fraternal groups ce
namely, 13th day of Angnet 1947. Kincardine. Marfan, daurrhtrr of 1,', ,''''I' the r at rnal with H,
�• t , ,. �;11r. D. G. Ross. Fiincarrliue ),1 '1
Mrs. Wesley '1 bytoc'h, fees- alta 11.7.5)1' plrx tomatoes from lure" Ifor the purpose of constructing
tops and then h1)! V51 the user,' i equipping and installing a cmnpk
water noel Sinclair Iie>ridngWay' '` .1.. } to 7..0 al'. to , ' leer t , and the t 1-sti n
Tnrottto. tubers. weatelrwcrks system in the i,+: )Hem who desires to vote upon Ibe lair Aim, Roar. w7., ani+r•rl 3u ma.r i $iitr•e mernberlrhiP is available 5)a
The prize for the ymmgsat mem-
il,e rrpay.nent of 7.h I11 sairi elle siege to Sgt. r }env Heinle. I Stine neve- ,11.;•5•• to the l'n- thresh one of thee, ereen1 a 3!)
her•'presnnt went to little Caroline
debentures as eforesatrl will ro•I»'r rink net later than rl).. "1,1 17 7.,1..
Rod States Army. Seattle, Wash ; yearly rate has hewn made paesi1Y
MrTkm,aid, fit. Catharines ane{ i0 an mural levy of .3eneel0e, The befers the dnv app+)inter) fnr teem" m n ler mover Sr 1.r•e. Ham. The ni•, 1 is b•rsn*3 on rn.nnrradir
, the ,•,)lest to ember pras•e113 MMPs. 881151•'11 ,1-aey-1110)11 of t11 ['Cele rel 31 the gals! ret,+ p d, shear] 1' under the mon 1•7711,)) 1 111 r irtrlrrr Pr;. 3 Prinriplrs as that 1115 members nWt
1 Olivet TTemingwey, Brussels, s $123.500. there Is no dehrntni,, Canada esvelenra Aot that 113• is 1 rot -rd _lir. Newman 115)5: trc.,e ir,,,rt,ri an.I nprra,te the serrire.
debt at the date ner+nt an arrant •year en er nentien
1 the largest bald spot,
err c,•1t'i t it
Suet eel. e n
i short business Premum was e°1141 11'4
' ed by Sinclair Herning\vay. Each
member felt 411e day having been so
I snccessfal 'teat this reunion should
1 be am annugi.event and be known as
, the Bruce -Huron Hemingway Picnic,
1 Ofecers fm• the coining year were
chosen as follows: President, Mr
eleresee Menzies Teke, First
In East Huron Cr' Contest
The awards have been ammeneed
in retnertinn with the hurley field
5500 competition sponsere,l by the posed construction has received
East Enron Agricultural SOCIety. me n1 which the debt or liability merry
The j1t(lgillg \Vac rar••:5e1 nut 1)y s even ru or a tense twenty ]ii.,
se Copy •of the pinpn.,r1 Pee one years end tenth • boa by ter•
F;d. Iiansuld of Tav atnc-ik an,d the raw Is posted up in the Clerk', 0(£155 I will reside.
awards were: 1st Geroge Meted". lin lease acesenveant re %� pay vii vTun'1 1
In Rens-elv tn-grther with a copy n4 Mpal taws in respect of the <ail
on � G• Cordon
property in which ',' is 1 none mhs • I
than local improvement rates, Rutledge • McLellan
And also take Noire that y low r F tide, . fsrt1 rose 7.{n
yd [ mad,. ,t n .rty satin:
No. c 1947 a true -ropy of which is 1'
shown above is the Py Trow prnvlded efor the wedding on Faturday at h]51)
for taking the votes of +h5 ei+rtnra. Hon )t1 Eamend vil*3 rested ehle•eh
of Helen Doreen. emesere- of els
Dated it's eel ley n7. Ana•nst 1047.,511(1 :ers. Andrew 1Tc'Lelian. Paurnnd
G. C
R. amu eI Ce
p i , Clerk. vI11e. and lir. Frani: Thames Rut•
jMee. son of Mr. and airs.. ,leen
Rutledge, Brussels. Rev. W. A.
Gardiner officiated. snorted by her
father, the bride wore a gown of
white embroidered satin, made with
double net skirt over satin, off -
the shoulder neckline, and inserted
yoke of net. From a headdress of
heirloom lace fell a fingertip veil.
and she earned a boquet of Cascade
red roses and bouvardia. She wore a
Mr seer] flemin way Bin 5'15 d the pro- tPnar't 001') lens• ecr•,ni, ler n, l h7. rer•r t+ During this 1
was ter rerlpfeet of a tlottle of beer a.. the 1 P 310 foll,rwrd (11
t f1 ('r'''r i program has been cgrri l nn by t
tonic, earring been aIle to display
approval of fee Dept. of Health. i tohet and later Sgt and '(7) r to n•stirr. '
1 n char a with ter 1de
u th even+. nleni a wl e e they of giving every growl) in Huron a
, 1: Tegas•, Mrs. Dou.Tles Hemingway,
Howard Whyteek, Teescvrater: Ser;
The Gift of reed is Eternal 'ihnssels. The committee in rhatge
/Ate." 0S sports and program for 1949, Mr,
-hie/him E w 'Morrie Che to
Ellwood .1 rr s y
Mr. t and Mrs. Carl Hemingway,
Brussels; Myrtle and Allan Whytock,
Teeswater, It was .decided next
year's pfontc be held -in Harbour
The -meeting then closf•.it. to bring
to an end a perfect day,
moo.• ti.-..�...--.-.,..
Melville lurch
Minister Rev. G. A. MIIne. M.A.
Alind*9' School discontl(aued
until Se$. 14th.
11 a. m. Melee Service -
Ironic D• Tiompson, Organist.
and Choirmaster,
The Jinited Church
Minister Rev. Hugh C. W11bon
11 e. m. Mprnielg Worship
Rev. J. H. Kerr
Junior Congregation
Eveiyone Welcome.
Church of England
Parish of Brussels
Rev. J. H. Kerr, Rector
12th Sunday Atter Trinity
August 21tth, 1947
lit John's Church artiste's
11 a. m. Uniomt .Service
10 a. n1 Sunday School
St George's Walton
9,30 a. m. Morning Prayer
10.30 a. m. Sunday School
St. Davi'd's Church Henfryn
10 a. m. .Sunday School
3 p. m, Evening P
MCCAULEY. In Brassela an tlatur-
day, Augus+c ldth. to 01r, and 'lira.
Mervyn Mee.auley, a son-•-Ger:eikl
, East Huron Agricultural Society
In Brussels Town Hall on
Friday, August 29
Music by Ken. Wftbee and
- - Mrd Orchestra
Dancing from 10 to 1.30
Three Dance Prizes
Admission 50c Luneh Booth
Seaforth, Ont,
Thurs., Fri., Sat, Aug. 21.22-23
Gene Autry and Lynne Roberts
A class "A" western fare with fine
songs and a smart plot plus plenty
of outdoor action.
Mon., Tues„ Wed. • Aug. 21.26.27
Bette Davis Claude Rains
(Adult Entertainment)
An outstanding drama of deception
and human conflict.
Thur„ Fri., Sat. Aug. 28-29-30
Randolph Scott Ann Dvorak
A roaring story of America's
Flgjattn'est Frontier. Days
with John Garfield -
AUGUST 25th To 30th
c . 12, fey twp. Ind, Cord
ICnlght, sen. 13. Grey towp.;'-,r(l An-
drew Turnbull, con 17 Grey twee
4th. Wiifred S+hm•treed, Walton:
59e. 1)01101(1 McKinnon. eon. 10,
C'rrey .twp.; Gth, Norman Hoover,
can. 1'0. Grey twp.; 7113. Wm. J.
Cardiff. son 8. Grey t\vp„ See Rus-
sell Knight, con, 15, Grey tem. Con-
eider/me 'late sowing conditions all
the wInn+ipg crops were of a High
standard. All the competitors are
invited to exhibit a bushel of the
barley at the fall (air to be held in
13rus:esle on Ors, 2 and 3. Among
the many items of interest at the
fall fair wilt he an exhibition of
model farm building, arranged by
the publicity and extension branch
of the Department of Agriculture.
the Eneioeer's report And 1)103• 01•13
be inspected at anythn-+ (Meng office
hoer- by any interested eersrme.
Dated at Brussels this •7.Y; clay 1,3'
August 1947.
G. R. Campbell, Clerk.
BY-LAW NO. 8, 1947
A By-law to provide for taking
the Vote of the Electors on the (nese
ion of a proposed By -Taw for ?esns-
ing debentures in the sunt not exceed-
ing the amount of $123,000.00 to con-
struct a waterworks system.
Whereas. the Municipal Council of
the Village of Brussels are desireous
of installing a waterworks system
and issueing debentures in the sum
of $138,000,00 to pay for same.
And Whereas a B•le-law known as
No. 9, 1947 to provide for the same
has been prepared and whereas It
3s necessary that the assent of the
ratepayers be obtained before the
same is finally passed.
And whereas It is desired to obtain
the assent of the electors by sub-
mitting the following question, amel
.permittipg , the wilds ratepayers to
vote thereon,—
"Da you a,seent to the Municipal
Council of the Village of Brussels
passing a By-law authorizing the
tense of debentures In a sum not ex-
xseeding $128,000.00, bearing interest'
at a rate not exceeding three per-
cent, all payable on an amoratized
betels within twenty year's for the pur-
pose of installing a general water-
works system?"
And whereas it is necessary to Ma
this By -ion' In order to enable the
electeors to vote on the said question.
Be it therefore enacted by the
Municipal Connell of the Village of
Bntasels as follows,—
+ 1. The vote of the Electors of the
Corporation of the Village 'of Brussels
1 shall be taken on the sairi question
as set out in the preamble 00 the Ste
day of Sept„ 1947, hetweeo the hours
Iof 9 n'elork in the forenoon and 6
!o'clock in the afternoon in the follow -
111C 311)1-05 117 the foilnwing Depute
Returning Officer,
;Basement of Public Library, 'Brussels
Robert .1. Bowman, Deputy Returning
2. On the nth day of Sept. 1947, at
the hour of Ten o'clock in the fore
noon the head of the council or a
-ember of It for that purpose be
resolution duly appointed will attend
at the Clerk's offee in the said
village of Brussels for the purpose of
appointing and if required to do so
will appoint by writing signed by
himself Viso persons to attend at the
final summing um of the votes by the
clerdt and one person to attend at the
70111u,g place on behalf of those
interested in and desirous of pro-
moting or voting In the affirmative
7.m the gltestion and a like number of
Persons interested le a desirous of
opposing or voting in the negative
nn the field question.
i opportunity to sr eleinte
; with the rules and reenlattons made
reeth the plan is to operate. A cop
of these wa: mailed 90 every far
d I Terme In the ronnd,-v Radio hroa.''
1 (•v r - 0511 r• p. scent.^'1 11101 speaker
1 we, 1 'a1'nb1, for a;•rnnps who wish
• sd further info' mation.
In inn„ a Prnvisien'11 hoard o
5('1119 Hirrrters was recemmendef
. h the TT a1 h Cmr+mitt ;. noel appnin+
i ed by thr Cminty Federation of Agri
e11ltnre and consisted of the follow
13ng) Russell )301tnn, Bert Lobb
Harvey Johnston, R. c. eirKercher.
Bert Irwin. Mrs. Lloyd Taylor and
; Mrs. O. G. Anderson,
This board made application for a
charter and carried out all necessary
details in establishing the Ce -op-
Later in June titre:l regional meet -
Ines were held in the County, one In
Exeter, 01)5 in Clinton and the other
in Wingham, with Wm, G. Nicholson,
Pnesidrent of Ontario Co -Operative
Union, a speaker; and with general
ddalcussion periods following the ad,
Qualification of Voters—
Correct Voters Lists.
Those entitled to vote on the
forthcoming money By -Lave in the
Village of Brussels will have their
names entered on a special list by
the Clerk which will be prepared
from the last certified voters list or
if a new revised assessment roll bas
been eompieted and tbe new voters
list not yet prepares and certified
there the hist for voters prepared for
this. purpose will be taken directly
from the last revised assessment
This Ilst will be posted up in the
clerks office at leest ten days before
the voting day. Any person who ie
listed or believes he is entitled to he
listed may apply to hare the name
of any person struck oft, or to have
hie own name or otber person he
believes should be on the list added,
by applying to the Judge in writing,
not later than five days before the
day set for the 'vote.
Those entitled to have their names
on the voters list for the purpose of
a money by law vote are as follows:
The persons qualified to vote at an
ordinary municipal election with
following exceptions:
fa) Tenants other then those who
'have a .ease which extends for the
period of time for which the debt or
liability is to be created or far at
least twenty-one years and wherein
they have covenanted to pay all!
municipal taxes except local im-
(111 Farmer's sone,
(57. Farmer's daughters or Farm•
er's misters,
(d) Income voters. I
(el a person who is a eernicipal
voter by reason of being the wife or
husband of the person rated or en.,
titled to be rated for land as pro- I
'dried by the act•
* * *
double strand of pearls, the gift of
the bridegroom. Miss Ada Mae Mc-
Lellan, sister of the bride. was bridle n -
maid, wearing a costume of ice -bine
crepe satin and lace with shoulder
veil in matching shade. She carried
Mrs. .1. Kernaghaat Is visiting her
slater in McKilbop. -
Miss Jessie Little is holidaying
with Mrs. D. C. Reid of Clinton, N.J.
Gracie ,amid Mary Kerr have been
visiting tide past week at the home
of Mre. Cleve Baelter,
Mr. and Mets. Mae McDowell,
Toronto, spent the week end with
bis mother Mrs. G. MoDowell
Mrs. Gallagher of London spent
Sunday to town, calling on many of
her friends and' former neigh) oars.
Rev, and Mrs. Milne, and family,
%pent. last week metering in New
York State and in Eastern Ontario
Mr. .and Mrs. Frani) Ball and sen
Gordon, Brampton were Sundae
visitors with Mrs, George Lowry,
Aechle and Mrs. Balalntyne, Imre
don pare .enioyin,g a holiday at tbe
home of Mrs. M. Ballantyne.
Mos. Jennie Scott, leaves this
week for a visd•t •to the home of her
hroteer Tito. Simpson. Tessier. Seek
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 111111er and
daughter of Toronto spent the W5011
P11 d with his psrenta efr. and 3T"'.
Frank Miller, -
Mrs. Bele Armstrong tett this
weep for a trill to the West, she
anetelpetes visiting bar 11 11515 Ale,,
Mrt(ny et Fstaven.
Mr. and Mrs. G5111`g8 Dawson n
Pant 5.1011107 and Mr. and Mrs„net
Lynn of Wallrervllle were recon
visitor's with' lSr, Philip Arent.
Mr. end Mrs, A. Sweeten, of 're -
ratite are spending holidays with
their friends Ter. and Mrs, Roy
11MeTeay end family,
A. D. and Mes, Lemont of Mcntis-
hnrg are visiting this week with
the former's brother A. A Lamont
and Mess Marry Lamont,
Mr. and Mrs. David Cook end their
daughter Mr*, Ii, Smithen.dorf of
111asex have spent a temple of weeps
here prior to their sale Wednesday,
August 20.
Mr. and, Mrs. A. K. 7,apfe, Toronto
and Miss Maude I(ineeid, KamliooPs,
13.0,1 were visitors pleb Mrs, R.
Thomson at "Riverside.' Mrs. Thom-
son a1cosmanied them to their
The'1)1•any friends of Ernest E,
Campbell of S'eafo'th will be sorry
to hear he is in Vlctorti. Hospital,
London, where 11e wars taken last
Saturday by his son Leslie of South
Bend, Ind,
Miss Mary Lott arrived Ilene
Sunday steer 44pending a few weeps
in Victoria Hospital, London where
she had undergone an eye opetteteon•
She bee (e retie% for further teed-
ments, Her malts friends hope fin
her speedy recovery.
8. On the 911i day of September 1947
at the hour of ten o'clock in the
forenoon at the Office of the Clerk
of the said Municipality the clerk
of th.e said municipality shall attend
and sum up the votes given 1n• the
affirmative and those given in the
negative on the said question, •
Passed this 601 day of August 1047.
R. B. Cousins --Reeve,
Campbell •-Clerk',
a boquet of pink roses and maiden drags!'
hair fern. Mr. Jack Rutledge, Pert
Huron, Mich., was the best man, Ha-
lters were brothers of the bride and
bridegroom, Mr, Ross McLellan and
Mr. Hartley Rutledge. Mrs. John Mc-
Gregor, organist, played softly during 1
the wedding ceremony. The wedding 1
reception was held on the spacious
lawn at the home of the bride's par. 1
ents. 'Ytha bride's mother received in
a costume of lime green with fuchsia
trim acrd fuchsia accessories, She I
wore a corsage of cream rosebuds.
The bridegroom's mother wore a ens- 1
tume of rose with silver trimmin&a
and white accessories, and corsage of
cream rosebuds. Those assisting at
the tables were Mika Thelma Forbes
and Miss Gladys Forhes, Seaforth;
Mrs. Dalton Ddegel, Brodha.geu. and
Miss Florence Robinson, London, Mr
and Mrs. Rutledge left by motor on 11
honeymoon to Wasa.;ra Beach arid
• northern centres, the bride travelling
fit a two-piece brown pin stripe snit
with rursage of rneee, Upon their
return they will resile in Brussels.
Greets from out -of -1,1'V)] tce15 trot 1
trntford. Loudon, Toronto. Pert '
Huron, Dahlin and Brussels,
Note—Joint owners may both vote
if the value of the property is an
amount equal to the number of
times the minimum ratdng of 1
$100.00 as there are joint owners
MAT VOW, Company owners
must name their nominee in writ.)
ing with the CLERK 10 DAYS BP,
FORE) VOTING. Tenants Coming',
within eiaaee A a.hove 'should file,
deelnt+atten proving same 10 days!
before voting day,
Melville Church
Crd July 16 an orgtani atioa meeting
was held in Clinton, Mr, A, C. Savage
at Toronto„Secretary of the Cn.op-
erattoe was the sipeaker.
A permanent board of twelve der•
odors to represent the entire county
was elected at thee meeting. The
board members are as follows: Earl
Whiting, Henry Schitb.s, Clatettm 111-
ltott, Hume Clutton, Walter Forbes,
Russell Balton, Harvey Johnston.
Gordon Kirkland, David Eadie r
the three members of the Het
Committee. Bert Irwin. Mrs, 9,1
Taylor and Mils, 0. G. Anderson.
Russell Bolton was chosen as Ps .
,ideet and Harvey Johnston vice
t president of the Cooperative whilr
I Bert Irwin was given the ofttce o'
Secretary -Treasurer. The board eel
111n1d monthly meetings to aecep'
ePPltcatimis and to rase x55001. 11
and to anrtheriZS• the'r payment.
Huron ffr-operative Medical Per
5irr•.s became effrrtlrn. e•1 :inane) lee
with abent two h11ndree end forty :1p
Pileatinns from families and indi
veina1 members e f ernnps that has
eempletrd the renrns, and wit)
mtmcraus nfhrr greens preparing t,
make application.
This is not a 1110115V nt11011g p1a'
but it is a plan filet offers an hones
Through this medinm 1 vro111d like
to express my very sincere apprecia-
tion for the kindnesses 0710r•11 me
diming my stay in Gotleriril 'Hospital.
The beautiful floes s, cards and
letters brought me melt joy.
Especial thanks to flee. ,Corr.
Mrs, A. Wood
BRiIWER — in Morrie Township nn
Sunday, 17th, 1947 Henry Alexand-
er Brewer, in his 57th year.
renewal was held from his late res-
idence Let 28, Con, 4, Morrie Twp.
on Tuesday, August 19th. 1947. eer-
vie, at 2 p. m. Interment 10 mus-
sels Cemetery,
3 PRTNGI.17 - In Clinton Iinsiptnl 011
Wednesrley, August 111311, 1947,
Rev. Mr. Ttiilne's sermon en Sen- i
day was entitled "Privileges of To• :
day" and way based on incident. in the
life Abele Refereere wee mndc to 1
the privilegee enjoyed by people
living bo Canecla as; compared with 1
the huttger and want experienrad Int
so many lands. 'Mise Joyce Porter
was the soioist.
Emeiine McOnarrie, beloved wit_
of the late Charles Pringle formete
ly of Demser, Cal,
Private Funeral was held from 9.11,
residence of her sister, Mrs. 4V. F.
.Stretten, Queen Si.. West. Bras.
sets en Monday. August Kith 1547.
Service at 3 p• m, interment in
Brussels Cemetery.
service at a reasonable rate. It '
also a plan which can extend its
vice at the will M the members. 1
starting on a. modest Bente but 7
is no 13mit to its possibilities. its
Cees depends on the support given t
it by the Penne of the county an
there is strong evidence that it
value 15 being recognised and the
many more groups will avail thew
selfes of the benflts which bar
'been placed at their disposal by tit
inauctination of this service.
The federation of A.grtoultttre ha
to its eredl1 many helpful and worbi
white pajects butin the field of Hee'
7h there scents to hr thy) (thence 4
give 111o1.0 hoip to mare people Ohs
in most cases; so there Is at9
infant to be done.
Flash Gordon's
Trapped By Kang
it's a tense moment for fearla
Flash Gurdon. He's at the matey
cruel Hang do this tdtlill-aminute 1,
I15 sear to see Flash Gordon, 0:
Dick's Adventures in Dreamla1
Blondle and many other entertain
features, in POCK, The Cot
Weekly with this Sauda.v s (Aug.
241 iss11e of The Detroit Sunt