The Brussels Post, 1947-5-28, Page 11
POST PUBLISHING HOUSE Wedrirsday, May 28th, 1947
!: 1 0.0.P. Meet Officer% 1:2,000 01)k:11 -lye PaSsed
aedli C74 e
will be
%ding June
Rh and Continuing
August 27th, Ciosg at 11
Being located in the heart oif a rural
community, we feel that more consideration
should be given to the armerduring his
busy season.
Brussels Branch of the
Canadian Legion News
Don't forst t the ".egton
Carnival and Field Day to be
held of July 30th and 31st.
arteserve date.
Create in me a clean heart, 0
God, and renew a right spirit
within me.•effrareseeeaso.r. ..kowawraassiocasmocammemme
Melville Church
Minlater Rcv. G. A. hiline, M.A.
I Cr a. m. Sunday School and
Bible Class.
11 a. m, Public Worship
7 p. m. Guest Speaker:—
Rev. I. D. McIver.
Closing date for nomination
of elders.
Louis D. Thompson, organist
and Choirmaster.
The United Church
Minister Rev. quell C. VVIlson
11. a. tn. Morning Worship
Seltooneldence and TruSt.
Junior Congregation
12 Church School and
Bible ()lass.
Missionary Sunday
7 p. m. Evening Praise
"Things Money Cannot Buy"
Everyone Cordially Welceme,
Church of England
Parish of Brussels
Rev. J. H. Kerr, Rector
Trinity Sunday
June 1st, 1947
et. John's Chervil, Brussels --
1.30 p. m. Sunday School
2.3,) p. m, Evening Prayer
&t David's Churbh,
11 a, to. Morning Prayer
Beerpe's Ohatoh, Walton—
p, ns, riveting Prayer
To all wino took advantage of :be
"I-Tlp To Re -Build St. - ,Tohn'
Church,' fund to make their ennui
buttons to alit a eirickan eongre-
nation. The Brussels Post desires
10 snv "Thank Yon." Our gratitude
Is also exp•ressed to Wood's store,
Coleman's restaurant and
grocery for their co-operation: to
C. K. N. X. for their voluntary broad -
rests aud to all others who assisted.
My sincere thanks is elven- to
neighbours and Mende for their
klild exttresaions of eympathy ex-
tended et the time of the death cf
my mother, Mrs. John Denby: It
was all much appreciated.
Elmer Denby
On Sale
Raisins Raisins 1 pkg to a ens -
tomer on sale Wednesday Nita, June
4 Only—First come first served. No
phone orders please. What tastes
better than a raisin Die and Eetd•oll'e
Ise Cream on ten of it.
* * * .41 * * *
• • • • •
Mr. and Mrs. N. Freethy and son
Terry were week end visitors in
Owen Sound.
Ms. Sun, E. Smith, who spent the
winter in Medicine Hat, has returned
to her home here.
Mr, and Mrs. M. WIneberg, and
daughter Rochelle spent the holtitlY
week end in Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs. Larne Tfickkinfer and
Miss Holmes spent the holiday in
Teliwt, Mich.
MP. N. Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. R.
W, Kennedy and sons spent the ,
holiday In Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs. 1. A. McGinnis, Miss
Mtibel McGinnis, Diane and Joan
were holiday visitors with Mr, and
Mrs, W. S. Scott.
Me, and Mass lack Rooker of
Wheatley end idles Elizabeth Molter
London were weelt-end guest with
their parents Mr, and ;Vim S. 0.
1,1r. and Mrs, Win, NastInge, Hes-
peter and Miss M, Kranter, Kitellete.
er Were beliday visitors with Mr.
mi Mrs. 3, W. Plecher and other
I r
Brussels Branch of the
Canadian Legion
In Brussels Town Hall on
Dance to the "Music You Like
As You Like It"
Norm. Carnegie and his classic
featuring vocalist Ritta
"Your choice of muse Is
our choice."
Dancing fronts 10 to 1.30
Admission...Cents 15e Ladies 50c
Lunch Booth
Rev, 0. A. Milne. M.A.
Christian Character —
Perseverance. Engagement Announcement
Brussels Man Named D.DC.M.
The minuet ineetIng of Wingliain
District No, 9, T.O.O.P, was held In
the Winglinnt lodge room on Wed.
nesday evening. May 1401 TeD.G.M.
David Benediet. Wingham. Presided.
'Representatives were present from
BrilnaelS. Myth, Teeetvater, Wm*
eter and Winaham.
The Peet Grand's Degree was enn•
fPrPrd 011 a Mass of eandidatee, after
which the regular business of the
meeting was disposed of, The
various committees gave their
reports which Were adnatea.
The representatives gave reports
of the aetivities of their lothree.
Sofia eh owing etibeta ntia 1 gains in
membership. The overall gnin in new
:members wee ten per vent. inning
the past year.
The following officers were elect.
B.D.0.M., R. J. Bowman. Brus-
sels; D.D.G.We Herbert Duffy, Tees-
! water: District Sec'y-Treae., W,
Haney, Wingham.
Representatives of Wingliam helve
expressed special thanks to 13ro
Benedict for his untiring efforts in
the work of Orldfellowship, his NIP-
nble direction ap Degree Ceptain and
satinet advice.
The retiring Distriet Deputy. Tiro
Benedlet, gave n resume of Me work
dining 1946-47. He thanked the
lorlgee for their support and exnrees^
erl his regret in being enable to
make tie many visits as he would
have liked.
Bro. Benedict was presented with
a P.D.D.G.M.. Jewel ilY P.P.D.
A. Grey of Mython behalf of the
district, for his fine leerlre'sliin
during his term of office
The deepest instinct of stilled man
is sheer unmitigated laziness. The
savage who makes Ws wife woit
for him, is the typical natural luau.
His deman-d is that things shall 1
his without labour. The primitive
laziness IS seen lu the gambling
mania, whether on lotteries or on
the stock market. This ruling idea
is to acquire possessions without
The necessity of labour reveals a
higher truth. No poseesionswhether
spiritual, material. or inlelleetual
nye so frilly oms, er 140 readily
satisfy so. an those for which we
have toiled, in which we have invest-
ed sur personal powers of body,
mind, and -Bch*, When we enter on
such possesions We are gaining an
enlarged end ennobled nature, It
is a matter of common observation
that possessions, acquired without
labour or exdrtion deteriorate char.
acter. True wealth can be gain -ed and
maintained only by work. even in
case of Inherited wealth, a man elan
onlyserve himself its heir by using
it as an instrument in work, With-
out work it may well degenerate
into an inheritance of Corse rather
than blessing. The miseries of
the idle rich and the contempt In
which they are held is more or less
Public Library Notes
miring .Tnne, jiffy and Ang'iat
the TAbrary will he open nilly
Tuesday and Saturday et the 'usual
A new Travelling Library has Just
been received from Toronto and an
other supply of books; from the
ROMA. will he on hand on ltihe 6.
Melville Church
At the morning service on Sunday,
George Milne' preached on the
eubjeet "Penteeoet can be repeated
in 1947.31 In the coarse of the
sermon. Rev. Milne said that it was
not enough to celebrate the Ponta -
stet of a past age, hut rather that
the professing dise.i.ples cf Christ
should he awaiting in readiness e
pc,n,fmn,/, 10 ftls ngo. The morning
nnthem was "Netherlands" Hymn it
At the evening serviee Rev. Mr,
Millie outlined the modern appliea-
Non of the Letters to Bin Seven
Churches. The evening anthem
was "T will feed My Mull'," by
o Belgrave School Fair
will he held in
Blyth Memorial Hall on
WedrAay, Aunt 4th
at 1.30 P.M. and 7.30 P.M.
Admission afternoon 10c and
evening 25c
Come along and support the
children in this very worthy
Mrs. Bert Evans of Grey Tnemshie
wi'li PCto announve the entragenteet
of her youngest(laughter 1Iargaret
Teobel to Themes Richard Bernard
eldest son of Mr. and Mre. Earl
Bernard of Motels Toweship. The
marriage to take place in June,
--- • —
Engagement Announcement
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Deitner.
Gui concession (Trey, wish to an-
nounce the engagement of their
eldest daughter Margaret Catherine
to John Louis. only son of Mr, and
Mire. James P. Phelan, 3th conces-
sion Morrie. The marriage to take
place in St. Ambrose R. C. Church.
June lith.
Little Stars Mission Band
Melville "Little Star's Mission
Rand" met In the primary room of
the °hunt on Monday afternoon at
479. A splendid program of sing
ng and recitation was presented. by
the ebildren and was much appreci-
ated. MrS,. Milne is the president
assisted by Mrs. Evans. Several
vialtors were present. Tenneh was
served and enjoyed by the children.
Local Carriers Enjoy
Detroit Week End
Murray Cameron, Bob Rann, Dom
aid Edgar and John Kerr, carrier
boye for the Stratford Beacon-Hearld
were among the group taken for a
week -end trip to Detroit by that
caber. The boys enjoyed their stay
at the Port Shelby Hotel. Entertain-
ment included attendanee at a ball -
game on 'Saturday and a tour of the
ZOO and many more points of interest.
Crewar's Groceteria received
a shimnent of Green Tea. Do you
remember it Green Tea atter seven
yews absence right from Japan,
Expect our wants in shortly. Open
Wednesday Nite next. Wateb for
nur epeeial.
I. PT 1 •,it 14"111111. 444'
11101'1 11'4 14,1411111 1'11,4 101'11 Ill -1'41!1171 111
1 '111114 (111) .1,-; rd hntt
seienetio. The Pest /lost, ilt,. fund
this weelt, but ifthere are any wee,
still desire to aid in the
of St, eohn'e c'hureii your rel-
trilintimis will 1)o gratefully re-
Previously arknowledged 419:,45.0
Earl Bernard • 2.00
Dunbar's Store, Tethel fine
Mr. and Mr'. Carl rrowine, .... 10.00
Lloyd Alreek ' 5.00
Mr. and Mrs. Sack MeTionale e1.00
Mr, and Mrs. D. N. McDonald 25.0-0
Mr Ed Garton 2.01
Bartley 111We:tee , 1.011
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bennis ;ton
Mrs. Wm, Brewer 5.00
Mrs. Lucy Brine 3.05
Notice To Contractors
The enntract for eleaning and te-
pairing the (trashy Drain in Morris
Township will be let by tender: on
.ftine 2nd 1947 at a p.m. at the
Township Hall. Lands In spPeiripa,
lions may be even at the elerles
office., Lowest or any tender not
necessarily accepted.
George Martin, Clerk
As I prepare to hand over my
praetice this week to Dr. Balmer 1
would take this medium of thanking
all those who down through the
years have loyally supoortee itt
professionally and been my good
friends. Tinis ha. 0014 permitted
me in int rod no r Ter. Harper to many
but T ask fir him the 011111 lora!
support 1 have had.
An revolt and best of everything
to you all.
W. D. S. Jamieson. M.D.
On behalf of out people of St.
John's Church I desire to express
our deepest gratitude for the meent-
Iicent response which our friends
and sympethizers outside our eon.
gregation have made to the appeal
which The Brussels Post has so
generously initiated and carried on
during the past several weeks.
It is a great inspiration to ns on
the eve of our congregational can-
vass which has been very much
delayed owing to the very late
To the Brussels Post and to
who have helped we extend
sincere thanks.
S. TT, Kerr, Rector.
St. John's Church
Whiestenday was ohnelived by
special prayers and an appropriate
What the church needs to -day is
the gift of Pentecost. The Apostles
were already believers but the world
might never have beard of thein had
it not been for the Pentecostal
outpouring which changed them into
being witnessee.
'There are in -any so called Christ-
ians in the world to -day who seem
content with being believers, but
Jesus expects more than that, He
wants ns to be witnesses. The trite
Christian is concerned not only about
Itis own salvation hnt also about the
salivation of others. The greatest
barrier of Christian advance is the
shyness or timidity or coldness of
ehrislians, The greatest gift of
Pentecost is love end love Impels
tie to endeavour to save our brother.
We are too prone to stress numbers
huh God says "NM by might nor by
power Met by ray spirit," Let us
to-thay pray for such an Outpouring
and the chureh and the world will
soon be revolntionized.
,ce Owner711
All dogs must wear tags by June ist, Dos
without tags after this date Will be imp.";mde,
ed, and if not claimed within 24 hourswm
1;,? destroyed.
Dog owners are requested NOT
their dog!: to run at large durir,7 garden- 1
ing season.
W. H. B1, Chief of Pcpic..e,
the 'United Church. Ti
rcr s.ui „
FT.,rro 1.11 Lill it," "14 1ee 'Fr
`,"f in''-. '1'
by a trio compered mi, T1,
Brothers, 1)Trotliy Dei, 1 and Pei!,
In 11), rboiv
"The Lerds Prayer" very e1f'-C111.*:
Pb17, e royal road of learning the
way of (lute, was ile• 00.1(41 n!,
evening sermon.
Believe Strange Bird
Came From Africa
e •
1.1 :
Robert Ilt,AvnIng f1141.44V''''1 t'44' 7'4 1•1
of a ,11111:2, ,lightl; Tar:2,r
a starling and Will Inc itiul 4
long beak and Mack 111111111114.4 11'1
one log Was a ring with loi!...r•
Ing; "Notify Biel -Sure. 3614s0:'
eee•et :.- tea' ill bird
from North West Afrien. Steps are
being talent rootact amirw.
ity and notify the prrson
for ringing the bird.
••, Tr, Mal
ei.,- Tie
14441:4 W41'41.14
14111/00i1 t eel 10- 4,0111111114001 50
jell; lit m(1ne.
•• anti
handle raft s. it was c.dd ed to
474) to ilio sp, 11,11
tions for spline] ohildren: and that n
silver tray. donated by the Palladian
Bank of Vonnnerci, Ito warilod to
competitor acorn's mast points tis
competitions affecting farm rroditTese
the award to by restrieted to
41 '"n living. within 10 miles ar
Tirnseele. Tn Ste barley field crop
competition it was derided to award.
five prizes for barley exhibited at the
Fair: altogether 13 prizes will be
offered in this competition. The pair
will be -held at Brussels on Oct, 2
THE THOltAPSONS are buoy as bees,
getting their place in shape for the
tourist season. This year, with three more
cabins, electricity and a modernized
kitchen, they hope to do even better
than before.
They were able to make these ad-
ditions because last fall Mr. Thompson
drove to town to see his bank manager.
'lie knew about the nice little business
the Thompsons had built up; a bank
loan was quickly arranged.
Now the Thompsons can handle more
tourists and increase their income. At
the same tune Canada will benefit from
the extra tourist dollars they take in.