The Brussels Post, 1947-5-14, Page 3THE BRUSSELS POST
Wednesday, May 14th, 1947
Mother'. 1T.iy wog ctr. ' • r,•1 in
Knox Church herr on Smola,: morn.
Ing, May 11. A junior choir was in
attendance and Sandra Joan. daugh-
ter of Lloyd and Mrs. Mho. and
Murray Keith, son of C,ordt,n a,1),
Mrs. Knight were hap1 i°1-1
T11 Moncton players will present
their play "Lenin 11110•8" in file
basement of the Mullah no '1'hn••si ty
evening, :May 29 under the an.,.
litres of the Larlire' .114. C','an'ronk.
- . . � .. .... , .. __.., -aa'see41','..a;_.c^�^•ta^,;a'rc{hT.ic
pr, aen1 attending college in London. Week end visitors wit.a ' +!
l)) -.peak to
11.4 Un India. 1,1 °It„ ue:1. • ! 1.i ,ai a 1 wt.•:'
ill 111. itynms 2S4, 141. 1':, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Go,do'1 ..f ,.
1111 were sung in the nle•.'tn . lir,, ronto, Lynn Gordon, W'inrloer. 'Mrs.
R. Campbell, 114. r i•' ' '' George Ransom, Hollywood,
Easter Thoulooffering and Misses Maude and Kathleen
litned'etinn w:r< pr•nnuu +1 i Gordon, Wallaceburg.
pre'iclont, :it a hi ref n, I1,.: On Sunday eventing, May 1S at 4,30
the Indies' 1111 presided ov : 11- o'clock, Melville Choir, Brussels,
Mrs. A. Cameron, pread'>,)t. 1' \I`,+ antler the direction of Mr. L. U.
decltled to have the Moncton pe +u::. Thompson, will present a saner -•1
presera their play "I.enn lacers" concert in Kuox Church her,'. 'r is
11'1'0 lat,•r in the _month. :Mrs. Runthoped everyone will avail themselves
Campbell was appointed to 11,3.,1 of this opportunity 10 1' 1: the
This play comes highly 1•o"ommend Clew the Moncton players and &aide Brlysseds choir.
ed and everyone 111111 eau is dramaon a date. Splendid -crowd, hove
to come out and 5e, hr' 1 1••1',1 attended this play at other plan.•.
and it has been well revived Mr:
y 1Va Y.2p?AfT
,i•'•h•„ • elos''d the me ng with
The VL omen s llssi !'a r'ety " aver. Refreshments wore 1 serve!
met for their Aiity m•,•t`:•, tie.- by the hostess and seve,•tl or the
hnnte of Mrs. Allen Cant .1.11. members,
Twelve ladies were press. .end 111"
word "courage" was n:;rd ,•'.11 The regular meeting .f 'h:•
call respanse. Reports of th -v+ 4- was held on Monday evening in th
leaf meeting of IT:t'i(f ,z , r•d 1.•'wrmrt of the aliareh. The
London whirl) stet in Noe.: ('!u1 1a, missions y grnnp va-- to r•ha'g
St'.atford were mad br Mrs. Tint ' i o A. T .1• •.+ p .irl"h the i. •1,
Huether and Jtro. T. 1 _T :•h'':. tore rendht. from ae:s 0 (2.130)
Mm. Jim Cameron 'ave.. -1 !II,- 1 •d',•i given by Mrs. Jim Cameron, Thr
to meeet at her home for the June new offering plates pocks -o..4
meeting, the ward '1 *' 11" to he the Y.P.S. and presented to the elulre1
nsefo• roll call. Onill.tnp., uritis mud Wert' nn display. Monday erenittg.
sock,c, made by 3Ira. R•+10. 1' '•rear ':•. }` :'1, will he the la -4 m-eting 'maul
for the W. M. S. hale war, ,. • 11 •d 1 ?ir. ('" :p, r of "1).1 -,4111 1.
Mrs. Allen Cameron, gl•o ip #,,,•1-1#•#.11 t11„ gar -t sp-raker. The
presided for the st'.'1- ,, •• 1 -d , •• li(,'L, 11 , 1 r•1 1,v •1 :, l;•, , 1
Following the call to ^;;,• 'r h•• ter nsir:d ':nrati•'ut; on the
petition "Give ns tilt= ;Ttv 111,0 tramital work •,r;l these t,r'o all
bread'' was given Iry i by lio,•i•11 5?•IrD,u•1'l. - Mrs.
Cameron, Matt. 2:3 1.:11-'I AA. t';+ulernn, Eileen SOF.. (,ollm
by Mrs. C. Onisteal 11,s 1, 1 r1„• 1 r nn or n•11 '•t 4.
on led in prayer nal' ' .0 C i•1) nn and Mrs. - 1 •T••-
rluestions denlin,' with I'll 7 cert 'or” 077, ; ..
of Healing to 4vh MI 4,1 1.11 of the iflie me ting lo -,1
0 mbere read the ,1..ow•,rs. It was reprnt;ug the :VI 17.11f111 b•,n+ 1! ring..
decided to ask Miss Quinn ntia is or r ni4nn.
Lei-•,. •....,y' •
WTNfTT.AMT, b'a 1)t t.--' ,•ni,tnr ,.
"'•tent of bin..•.:a n. .•.•,i•, •�.t*T
d•..,•.. , •4111,4 a 17911,.•,,,,, 'l , ,••,+l
T-Tasn!tal in his 70th v'•a,, lir•
Henderson had formed _o1)
I ri1Tl of lot 10, r111ee1sr•, 1 ane.
hr'r'•. ''1e fomily atom, rt.,14 whore
h c-:' born. At the t.=ne or his
alt hr, n••re a tru410e of t'7, Win: -
ham High Selo-ol board. 11-•
four year on l41r ' ('11017311'31 i•'il
and then for five years •liras
:.n••,..,..., t(,... ,11 111,4•'r1,i,
11•`.'1. 7.11)111.11. For many years lie
e, or F.S. So 0, Morrie,
•' " .,4 aper. tary-treao ml'er. - A
•...I0 'l •i li.i 1'11,4
..., ., •+ .non•-_ Pp^ tt1., p•,•.,,77-
•;,. r..IC i'1 ('1i, f••• -le -1,1
• tris wire I, c•
Tdr• 1- 411'.1.1)##A 110 .1110
daughter, Mrs. Richard Pr, •I::r.
,t..1 '' t el
at hnnhe. William, 11111i.1g,;,
Arthur, of Brace . arra
Lloyd, of Ajax. Public• funeral
service was held Wednesday A.
BY CA ._..... .
GO 31.111, 111 i .A 1 i,,. Tohu W111 °.. -a1 1
111(n Chu.,11, ib t 11'•, r ,!, John Lun
+t 1,
will officiate with 111).-.1•11.1.1, i1) W. S {lib ,nta Liability a�s�, a ar . -14.'11
i„,,,,„)„1114 t mri•1}. 1('w1.:;•rh .111
_. -.... ,
Meeting 1111 i., ('1(7
Thr, eounril met on the alao,c IL!),
in the Township Ball with :,,i 1131•
members present. The itrer, pr
T110 odor.• • of the last 1111 •'io•'
were grad and adopted oa motion
:1:, ,'ail! and str+ul :Alen:•l;,
Minutes of speeial meeting of 1
April 21 read and adopted on motion
of 'Harvey Johnston and o.T', Yelll.
1'.,-,,1 by C'baa. Coulter seconded
by Joe Yuill that a By-Laav be
passed envering Section 2 of the
Warble Fly Control Art and 'hal all
expenses be charged to the road
amounts of the Township and the
mill rate be raised snfflcleut to take
care of expenditure In connection
with spraying from this date on.
At this point the Reeve had to
leave to attend another meeting and
Councillor Harvey John. -ton occur
pied the Rer1•e's chair for the re.
++•'1'l'l•ar of the meeting.
Moved by Sam Alcock seconded
'•e Tee Yaill that Chas. Coolies inter
view A. F. Netbery in regard to
assessing and that he he granted the
Privilege of attending the .Assort -
anon of Assessing Officers if Ile
is going to carry on as A":e:so,•,
Moved by Joe Yuill seconded by
Sam Alroek that a grant of $50.00 be
given to Brnesris Fair. —Car rind
Moved by Chas. Coulter eeronderl
+'r ,Toe Yuill that the Road L1ahility
Tnsurance he renewed with the
met:aa! Aeeirlo"+ Tnaltranree Co.
Moved by ('has. Coulter sernnded
1..- .The V'•�11 that T4r•Ltw No. 5.
1047. covering Section 2 of the
Warble Fly Control Act, having
1.-, ..., , p•, rt "tree times. lie passed.
Moved by Sam Airorl: seconded
110 ,Toe Yuill that the Tined 909011n-
t,,,ldenf l,e. paid. —Carried.
Moved hy Sam Alcork seenncled
by .Toe Yuill that a man tie appointed
as a supervisor to go ahead of
s'r'•'ver to inform fanners of system
and when machine is cumin';.
0..0)4d by Mag. t.orlltes seconded
by .TAP Ynill that the meeting
adjourn to meet again on June 2 at
•• •, —Carried,
The following aoocunts were paid:
j • / . / Canadian NauOzef Railways.
ht "4' there :
d tits " Tuve slipped at tg a 'You're sere ; 4 courtesyslag and service,
e savegBto schedules,
>It's smart an the ,nil don GanadiaaNational enclosed Know it, dim'”
you for the day s Ys depend.
Chau car, \ 14 �� 1
You canalways
navel in
1.n .i tel.
whether you 1 Sam d f 1l� inf/1R, h -
Ateariejo A4.1,101#1416
Drop in ae any Canadian
A)altlonal rickd nifiee anal'
tab is Doer, ire w,U be
pleased jo bolpyon.
.1. 1- 113 1. 1 !''1 1 4:111
,'p"'iyYn" .......,. ^11+71.S'(
.1. K Cram;, Itot„none powder
a'. 1 lila: I; Di•;itif,vtattt .... 4.1.1,00
'a' IN: ar waif.
(relief) 21,12
Sy -Law No. 5, May 5, 101;
A By -Law to corer 0r,.•'len I of
AS ; 111 Ply Control Art,
VPhereas the Connril of the-
't',:v, +boot. (1 1eee4•
N; v11 cls _ 1 .... ••d tr.
1 11'1 tut W..1•1r1t Fly be r rr•,,:,1
' r1. - 11:14 tri 1111111 of th `r Pare•
5'+irt Tnn-u=hip. Th"r;•",,,.r, !le
Cntlnt'il of ]inrri4 •n•ir•to ilia- all , x.
. in ,.,14..,1 to 1;11.1 Ln 1111.
Warble Fly be el;:;11,•,1 11. 1!11• road
acnnnrots Ai the Ton-nslhi1 ai'd that
1111 miii rare be r•ci„ed sufficient to l�
take care of (xpenditnre in cotton•• VY .L.T011
.ten with si ay1ag from \iay 1. la17, Rev, R. G. Ilalz•1'viwd, nt''la•
IIt will pay you to make us your headquarters forGrass Seed purchases. We have all lines, and our prices
i are right. -
We have the best in permanent pastures at the claeesveaf
If you need a new stove we have it.
Agent for Sparton and Roger's Majestic Electrical
Lines, Radios, Washers, Refrigerators, etc,
For your Spring Meaning, we have Martin-Se:sour
Paints and Varnishes.
o J® Pe , ?son
Ethel, Ont.
Bestial 2 of the not as follows:
N 111.1110 s11all bc brought into the
municipality between the 1st day of
April and the 30th day of June in
any year during the continuance in
force of the Tiy-Law unless they have
been treated for warble fly •lurhtg
the current year,
This By -Law having 11een reed
thiee .Imes was finally passed on the
0,111 day of May, 1947.
Geo. C. Martin, Clerk
Harry H. Laird
A native of Brussels, T-Iarry TT
Laird died at Buffalo, N.Y., on Friday.
May 9th after an illness of over a
The late Mr. T,oirri who had been
a resident at 215 Knowlton Ave., i
Kenmore, N.Y.. for three months
was horn in Brussels on March 1111)-
1077, the son of the late Jas. Laird '
and Effie Elizabeth Gerrard, By
trade a tailor he had resided also at
Detroit. Mich., and Beaverton, On-
tario. He was a member of the
Episcopal Church.
T7e is survived hy two brothers,
James P. and John W. Laid and two
sisters, Airs. J. R. 3Tcindar and Mrs.
D ,T. Calder all of Beaverton. Also
surviving are tw•n nephews Shaman
and Hilton Laird of Detroit who
attended the funeral, also attending
10)410 Mrs. Roy Hamlyn of Durand.
Minh., 3Tr, and Mrs. Elton Itozeil of 1
Kitchener, Mrs. TT. 7. :Tanning,
Ernest Phut, Stratford and Miss
Roby Plum of Ttitc•hener, all cousins
of the deeeasnd.
The body was brought by rail 10
Brussels where burial took place in '
Brussels cemetery on May l2#h,
Pallbearers were Alex Anderson,
H. Champion, R. J. M1Lauchlin. L.
W. 111ekmier, E. G. 911101 and J. C.
Mrs. Alex Brewer
At the 70, & W, Hospital in Kitch-
ener on Friday, May 9, 1917 there
passed away Tessa Gristle Engler,
daughter of the late ,Toseph Engler
and Mrs. Engler of Gt•ey Township in
her 50117 year.
Mrs. Brewer was ' born on the
nth eon., of Grey Township. Thirty
years ago she married Alex Brewer of
the 401m con. of Morris Township who
survives with one son Joseph also her
mother Mrs. J. 'angler and three
sisters, Mrs, Thomas Derr, Mrs, W. D.
Eckmier, Mrs, Leslie Lake and one
bather Louis,
She was a member of the Melville
Presbyterian Church Brussels and a
faithful member of the choir for
twenty-five years. In the home a
loving wife and mother and a kind
neighbor and friend who made lite
richer for •all who were privileged to
know ber and her passing is Omits
A private funeral service was held .
on Monday, May 13 at her late resi,t•
Duff's 'United Ch:lrrh. +7':,111„1. h11s
decided not to acre -pt a :all to Parker
Street United Church in Sarnia. Mr.
Hazelwood was called to the chur:i1.
after a delegation from Sarnia had
heard him preach on Sunday fast.
After visiting Parker Street rha: 4
on Tuesday of this week. Mr. 1-iaa•1-
n ood announced he had decided to
remain in Walton for another year.
A special yenl0•r p• n•:1.o s !
will be held in Rrur:'fi-ld i'nir .1
Church nn Sunday, May 3'. to app.
port the Oslo Youth ,7onf(')' 1(ce
travel pool of London Conferee,-
'onfereee,which is beim: .11•.. ;1•'.1
by Huron Presbyte'y Yorme
People's Union this week. it Ivo,
announced her by Douglas Law
less, president 1..t' the 1' 'rtem
Young People's group. 'i L, ,keg
Phone 22-r-7 Brussels
for the serviea 1, r, be fife; pa.
c Iu111.; 0 of t'hxivan, Lon -
„on C,,uf 1;•111 ;. - d•Qegate to Oslo.
111 -y townwhil, Selead Boa'a has
he -hired soma school teachers and
has engaged four Nomal School
Iota''' Stu fill the teaching Post -
in rh.- 5:411,:.,1 111110 vacant.
Miss Ruth Wilson of Rrnaoels, a
norntalite, has been hired for S.S.
>' 1 v:1111: lddas Shirlf--y Tltompaeffi,
R. Love and Mr. Dunbar of Ethel,
have also been engaged. Rose Law-
less who is teaching at No. 12 school
in the township is atayln1 in the
boards employ but is moving to
Ethel. Salaries range from 4.500 to
't'1• monthly meeting of the Wo-
men'. (lu!irl of St. George's Angli-
can ('11..C.h, Walton, was held at
the home of Mrs, Stuart Hurn
The reason? Goodyears' extra -thick,
extra tough tread lasts longer, gives
greater traction. You get more miles
of safer service at lower cost -per -mile.
You can't get a better *0 buy—why
try? Come in today for brand new
Brussels, Ont. Phone 82
BE AN A,-B-Cr”+DRIVER A//.avid Be'Citt ee,,e"
donee followed by a public service at
Melville Presbyterian Church with'
Rev. George Milne and Ttev, John
Kenn, assisting,
'Pallbearers were: Messrs, Russell
Currie, Ward Sellers Euston Cardiff,
lllrank Carter, James }lryans and
George Bone. The flower bearers
were Donald ,Tamiesen, Jack Lowe,
Rosa Dungan and Donald Currie, e
Tnterment was made in the Brae
sells Cemetery,
1 -
Walton Organizes Girls'
W.O*A.A. Softball Team
At a meeting held in W. C.
Bennett's home, on Wednesday even-
ing, plans were made for the Spon,
spring of a ladies' softball team.
The .allowing officers were elected:
manager, W, C. Bennett; coach,
Doug. Lawless; assiatent roach,
Herb 'Premiss; soerets.rv-treasurer,
Silas Johnston. It. G. TTaalewood
was appointed as the team's repre•
sentatiVe on the board of governors
Of the W.O.A.A.
Practice for the team will corn,
1e11,000 as 9-000 as the weather per-
Pur-o-lator Oil Filters for all makes of tractors
Water Bowls — Harrows — Manure Loaders
Tires — Oil — Grease — Rubber Tired Wagons.
Electric Fencers — Grain Grinders and Rollers.
kkhUdiS 84 San
Ethel, Ont.
Phone Brussels 86-r-6.
Avoid Dis appointme t Later
Have Your Decorating Dene Now?
.First class painting and papering done
at reasonable prices.
See our fine selections of wall papers
and paints for• sale.
��,aOi Tucker
Phone 29.x -r»2 Brussels, Ont