The Brussels Post, 1947-3-26, Page 1�1.
POST pH.,!3LmtrlNa 1-IonsWedn tvJ y, Mardi 26th,
a. tun
ar 0-a 099... -Tenet zr +9;'1.0^+;.^3,
To Subscribers of the Brussels, Morris and
Grey Telephone System
Owing to the increase in Telephone
service and shortage of cords on the switch
board, all local calls are to be limited to
five minutes.
All calls to Seaford!, Wroxeter and
Molesworth will be charged five cents ex-
tra for every three minutes after the. first
five minutes.
Kindly do not ask the operators for th
Ploclse take naticP—
Brussels, orris
'S�_ Alilt,3r
�pai Telehone Syste!n
W. S. Scott, Mtaid'aaf; er.
Brussels Branch of the
Canadian Legion
in Brussels Town Hall on
Friday, March 28th
Musk by Ken. Wilbee and
. His Orchestra
Dancing from 10 to 1.30
Old Man Winter
Three Dance Prizes (Still Reigns
Admission 503 Lunch Booth Robins heel returned, sap flowed in
the sugar -bush, the calendar tags
spring is here. Old Man Winter
however doesn't seem to be aware of
it. One of the worst blizzards of
. the year swept across the country 1n
a seven'ty'-eight-utile-an-hour gads on
Tuesday and still raged Wednesday
at time of this writing, Highways
and rail lines are again blacked.
Sctoole are closed and milk d .
Tiverien interrupted. FTnpefnliy we
express the opinion that winter is
blowing itself one in one last violent
storm. Meanwhile we iturlleelly
ortie'r a refill fm• the real bun and
Auction Sale Postponed
The auction sale of Henry Gorsalite
which was to he 'held an Friday,
March 28th has been postponed to
Thursday. April 1Oth. •
Brussels Branch of the
Canadian Legion News
Regular •meeting was held in
Legion Rooms Monday night
with a good attendance, Im-
portant business being cleared
np• The next general meeting
will be the first Tuesday in
Don't forget the dance on
lttarch 28th.
"God so loved the world that
He ;ave Ills only begotten
M CIA' �q� 1 i;! e ChUr
� `J 1,
t'1lnlatet Rev. G. A. Milne. M,A
10 a. m. Sunday School and
Bible Class
1.1 a. 111. Preparation for
Holy Cnmmnniee.
7 p• m, Palm Sunday Service.
Friday 28, at 8 p. 111, —
Organ and Vont Recital.
Mr. Horace MelOwen,
Hamilton and Buffalo.
United Church Choir.
Continuation School Choir.
Melville Ohurch Ohoir,
Louis D. Thompson, Organist
and Choirmaster.
The United Church
Minister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson
11 a. m, Morning Worship
"What Shall I Do With /nee
Junior Congregation
12 Church School and
Bible Class
7 p. m. Evening Praise
The Evening Worship will be
conducted by the Young People
of the Walton United Church.
Everyone Cordially Invited,
Church of England
Parish of Brussels
Rev, J. H. Kerr, Rooter
6th Stutday in Lent.
March 80th, 1947
St. John's Churoh, Brussels --
a p, m. Sunday School ,
8 p. m. Evening Prayer
On ratted Church)
St. David's Church Honfryn--
11 a. in. Morning 5iayer
shovel through the huge drifts
telling ourselves that it simply'
caul Met menet longer.
le'lelvil?e Church
W. M. S. Entertaingd
The W 51 S. of 1IP1v111e Chervil,
was enl0rtahled at the home of Mrs.
Dr. Jamieson Friday afternoon,
Binrch 21st and was very much
enjoyed by the splendid repreeen-
tation or ladies. St, Patrlek decor-
ations were very much in evidence.
Trish piano solos were given by Mrs.
Jean Thompson. Solo by Mrs.
Porter and a humorous reading by
Mrs, Harold Speirs and .she else
gave an outline of the extrtr
expenses the society had during the
year. A most delicious lunch was
sewed by those Si charge,
I ?fir ALTON
"One Lord—One Waltld'' wan the
theme chosen for the annnel spring
convention of the IIuron i.'rea:bytery
Young People of the United - Chin'ch
at a meeting of the executive . held
in Oletntlmn at the home of R. Benson
Sutter, The oomvention will be held
in Walton Dotted °Introit April 80.
The speaker for the convention w111
be Rev, Harold Snell of Auburn.,
Final plans for the music festival
to be held in. Wesley Willis United
Church, Clinton, were also drafted.
The monthly meeting of the Wal
ton group of the W. A. of pure
United Chnrcdl was hold a,€ the
home of Mrs. D, G. Halewood, Mrs,
P, fl8oiman was in charge of the
meeting. The topic, "Medical Work
Til Tnulia," was given by Mrs. Moody
lTnllntd. A sale of artieles made out
of flour Backs Was, held.
Tenders for the contracct of supply-
ing, ii'nohing and hauling approxi-
mately 700(1 cnbte yards of gravel
tor the Township of Morris will 110
reeedved tip until 2 p.m April 14,
Crueller must be Whetted with
inch tercet. Certified ello0110 fm
$200 Met aoeetepany each tender.
Lowest or any tender not. neves•
manly accepted.
Rev, G. A. Milne, M.A.
Physical Powers.
' 0) To Readid
I' q iChurch
Culture. is
De enable 11- phystral "niturr' may
be, It must neeessarlly bike ;et•01
place to mental culture, The mind
the mightiest Influence in tit. wnrl
It can bend nature to its purposes
(eel melte m110111al things carry of
il.s designs. In competition of Ina
with man vie1(try lies with 111001
pewee. r. prate ie en, In the long run
yields to the '1 117 00 11110110 dub
tore". When nil has been.
about the marvels of the body, 111
mind feminine yet more tuarvell'nt
in power, more ,ir'lh'nti, to at1nr•fnre
and more 111thnalely c'nnnet ted will
Even the pers:t,u1 life. v, n sttlt
maimedmaimedbody, the .olutt uli iii
A/ 4la
" .i• t ict Governor Warne
Lions Against Communi.,tn
.'a 1'('1 I111,t !'minte'l1 '.t-
attempting to undermine the r n•
t„pd, ye 1' ilio n`it.h 111 1(1 etre
u1 'nu, total rep this fund L. ie ,
in nine to reach a 111100• '1 of eltein-
1' sum bbis week. An endeavour e(
,bring made to rats., thrnut;a I1'
it : •nolum•n.s of this paper, as ti'. 1
iIs=as possible before Rueter
tinndale frau 1110 total he urate 0 ,
reaeh 81000.00 before next tV e(hles•
rl clay? Let your contribut.inns he as
generous us possible Wild see If 1,1111
ampule.. ('011 be attained, or oven
. warpage.e•rl.
1 (Kindly leave your donations et the
t �alrliest pnaelhle (into at 1:ny of the
(' jjjfollowirg places;
r' ntaton Intatf. (Mee the mind
Suffers injury the man hinrcelf erase•
to be an effective agent, m any
d'10l'tinent of life. lower or hi;rhs1,
Tt• the care of the body is 11 blueing
dirty, 111'1111) more does mental tellture
meted out as an obligation laid viten
110 by IBM with made ns after 0-0
siiblhne a pattern. The folly of tuber
who suppose that by Physical force
they r an affect the progress of 40100
or spied bus been evident to all
thoughtful permon8. That has 151 -1,
exemplified not only in the case of
martyrs or the faith when subjected
to the tortures 01' the Raritan
Catholic `.nrluisition, but also in the
case of witnesses, like Cnliien, to
letelleel.nal truth.
Huron Old Boys Association
Toronto, March 22—T)eepite n day
long sleet storm, the Heron Ohl Boys
Association held a highly successful
iiuelde and Bridge at the Helicon'ian
Club dant night. All section; of the
County were fully represented. Many
special prizes were given for the
winners of both bridge and euchre
but the .special attraction was :cm -
petition for the best pair of euchre
players in she 'association, The 7, A.
McLaren Mem•nriai Cup .vas won by
.T. 0. 'Scott, formerly of Myth and
Mrs, Tesste Searlelt, formerly of
'Brussels, this pat' eliminating Ralph
Sheppard and errs. Grosse, of God -
elicit in the finals. Wallece Me -
Loren, son of the late J. A. Mc-
Laren merle the presentation to the
winners. The Presirtent, B. I -T, ATr-
Creath spoke of the los l the
, 0
Nnsocia•tior, of no many old timers
during the past few years and of Mr.
M,L l4'u as the meet beloved ofthem
The pates, who competed for the
T1+nl by were a6 follows : Mr. and
Airs. George Thomson. Brussels; 1Tr' iElston n011 of Mrs, Wan. Elston.' R R.
and Mrs. 00 11011 Fowler, Exeter: 'No. 4, Wing'ham.
Mary McGregor tend Rnht, Little' Marriage to take plaeo
Winghnm; 571', and Mrs. A. G.
Smith, '4Vingltam: Mrs, A. Allen and
Mrs. Smith, C4nderi:et: M1'. Ind Mrs.
Clare Lnneen, Goderieh; P., C, King
and Darn Theirpann, nderleh;
Rolph Sheppard 8)111 Mrs. Gross
Gnderlch; Mrs. ina Hines, Gncleriele
tnrl Dr. J. G. Ferguson, Sunshine: .T.
ItfeQ.ttaig, Lilekt ow and Mrs. Coot!
Allht, Coderinh; Reg, William,
Godetich, and Jeanne Voriden, Min-
ton; Fred Robinson and .leek Allan,
13odel'ich; Chief 0. 13. Attlu•, GoderiCb
and Mrs, 0, Allin, Whrghaui; ,7, . C.
Hagan. and Mrs, d iris Hines, Sun -
Rhine; Mr. and Mrs. Wes. McOne'h-
eml, 'Brussels; Mr, an:d Airs. S. M.
t'ti'felcetls, Dungannon; Margaret At-
lcimson and Jean Turner, Dublin; J.
O. Scott, Blyth, and Mrs. J. Scarlett,
Briss:ele; Mrs, M. Irwin and H, C.
Sloan, 577011; D. W. Dane and Mrs,
10, Greer, Gerrie; Bert Greer and
Mrs, D. M. Dane, Garrte; Mac
Scarlett, Seaforth, and Mrs, J, 0,
Scott, Blytft; Mt•, and Mrs, R.
Brnldas, Seaforth; Mrs, Spears,
Seaferth, and. Mrs, gerdiner, Mral-
top; Mtts. Curry ausl L. Laird, Base
Line; Mr. and Mrs, Ray Chiller,
Minton; Mr. end Mrs' Dorland
Glazier, Clinton; Leola. Nott. and
ITuttt ;Smfoll, Clinton; Mr, and Mrs.
• irred 3171icbt, Clinton.
Refreshments 10 old Huron, style
were served and the gathering
mingled 411 groups renewing litany
old friendships.
Wood's Store
Coleman's Restaurant
Elliott's Grocery
The Brussels Post.
I'rt•t•inusly aeknotvledgad ...- . 77.7, is
Orval C;.iilis ; n0
Douglas Hemingway 1.00
701 111111.11 1.00
Ted McCreath 2.11(1
- 70.00
' 2.00 in wh:1021 religion had been inter-
fered with. freedoms bed died and
people perished, He deolarnd he
was referring to Germany and Rus-
sia. Tn. Germany, he sssertel, no
member of the Nazi party woe
allowed to be a member of any
eintrell, while no members of the
Communist Party, whether they b0-
in Russia. United States, Canada, nr
5117 other reentry, are allowed
to he chervil members, "In both
these countries," he said, 'the elate
took the place of the church. I do
not need to remind yon of the
mildtons'w110 were purged, nor of
the concentration camps, which
still exist."
The speaker stated that daring
the past seven years there hes been
a period of trial and tribuIntinn
Melvin Cowing
Harold Thomas
Mr's. Geol'geMoCnll
Wilfred Willis
Chas, Davis
Tato Gaynor
lir. and Mrs. L. Grose,
Toronto..1111' .
j Claire Long
Walter Porter
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Mitchell
and Winnd:fred
John Wheeler
L, F. Harman
Geo. Baeker
Mrs. M. Ie. Denner, 'Windsor
Florence McNaughton
Emerson Mitchell
Peter Stewart
Brussels I. 0. 0. F,
Geo. McNichol
Mrs, ,7. V, Warwick
Mrs. John Whits
David McLeod
Mrs, L. Brothers
Mrs. W. Brothers
propaganda, Hal. G. Mete Se,tforth,
„nr.'r•'.tr of (1101'1,1' Al, Tint, Int 1•
national. Monday night arga1 ill
Brussels Lions Club to hold fast to
their belief in Jesus Christ so they
,elite 1,,. •ino aealeet the Comment t
propaganda. Mr. Meir wee add -
isi In the •e -eider supper 10101 10 of
the Out: in the library. 71 was the
°tension of Iiie nfMetal visit to the
Altars that are torn clown. lir
11:10 :��=�„tinted, w111 be rebuilt, 1,110
he urged his 118(1(1'1'6 10 beware
that thee altars aro not r' -hath' by
men with evil Earns who 110v- h1r nd
on their hands and who carry :r
Wife Receives "Wings”
frit llir_.:.,i,ct
'0,4' d 1'1,110 11 0111,11tl'1' Ue
11,C. ! T , .',.t r f ,-e ,t e'. m _ t : • t ,l.;.i
twit bI - • hn�I 1 's1t'e+,I• in r•i.�hf
�d ;: -: {-,, �tn1Zr7Sea �-"rlxi'•�
Gasoline Tax
13 .1,1
'11. 1,1 ,1 9: , .. ,: . t:tip
with OW •1i•• Parc it 1:1'11 t1`•�r-u pr••
Pilot 0011N, T.. wi" fl', -l1 P 1 leve t : t ,1
miesl' a' uh nh. rttitntlnl Jnty t: ,
the R.C.A.F. over Germany in I",l>
1•nary, 1'14' add late: 0.13ti 71. r,,1 11
nt'fietelty p'•peunted dee d 11• eeii tee
In the nervice in Aaete,1 3.117 rnt.J
went overseas Tanuary l't l'.II.
The tine= ar .4'11 to eke i:u . .11
"as a (11ornenee c>f a 74)3)1. lite 1(Fi 11
In the deferee of harts ;incl en06141 y
whip and a sword. "Lot 118 hold ° 71, fuue rat r f ! 1101- ll
firm in our belief in Teaus nide' o'h11 wee going:ll; at ills e ,.10,
and be firm nestled the n one1'turl'1' Front 0t etre; ford. n>1 Tuesi
of communism. whieh wattle e1e-ti ne»min •t'; held Friday aftn•'nn
our heritage," he (eelayed with a f family 11 111 •11 117 the- hon
Relief in Cod, the speaker Fettled. followed by a piddle serve,- in
11 essential to our way of life 1)0111 IJoihn's rotted f'bnr.dt. Rev. S.
'is •1 nation and as inrdt"ith'aI "We Roadhouse, of St. .Toht's, nfli h'i'-
!rive d er:trod 0l11'0'lvee n4' a ('hl•ist• Burial nay in Avondale t , 1101,
Ian nation," Mr. Meir continuer" 1 Tee pe llh:,
a-0- _v weer: '.V. crab,'
"and the live by the teachig, 01 W 'lontr, G. l gerf, 3','. 0111,
(,rd turd the 10 ,Comm 11 (Intents Swat ridge, and R. Henry. Beart•ts
So Mug as we eoti•tinue to live by of the many beautiful dost 017er-
these, we :hall protect nor heti ince were TT. Glazier, 7V. 1':11;004,
.age." George Fraser and Donald Lalonde.
Mr. Heir 30111 that in connfries During the chnrcih service 'T1s, E.
Davis sang a solo, "Somewhere:,
Se:vlres were held at the hoe)
Thm•sday evening by n sinters
L.O.L. No. 750 and Brussels 7.00
Lodge, and Wednesday nigh( b
members of the Canadian Orde
of Foresters. Relatives and friend
were present for the funeral Ern
Rochester, N.C.; 7iorth Bay, Gal
Brussels, Brantford and Detroit,
( I(01 1 M 8
•I' 1, 011.11118
1 -.sots
f tie 1'r„Ft d It• e , .zt(71ai3
gasoline tat le hi, fourth :,eel
dress rn the (tar 1111, 1
hell.grey's!) 1,,Aye,• 01
estimated the tnx 0-)1.,11- -;
pro,1,14. le r t it i •• I '•e'. u
million doilet•e 1 the p oc,
1 111,4-) t 10-01,11111'.1- "l1;11.1.1
3R? million frena the r .. 'P as
• tax, 1111101 is re 11111813, to 7.•11'13111
`let. end le tr.illiee from iTt• it1ine
Ita1. >40 t're )Til 11 1110
The int .-as r, the .ee,hi • MMX
by The 1'uvi> a1,11/1,11.01,,th- '111.88-
cant levy withebrawn ivy the Federal:Federal:11;; I Govern:Ment.
1e How Does The Red Cross
,-', Propose to Use $5,000,000?
in the new Net -lentil 111,811 Trana-
t fn 1ott 4.13tr•e rl t n--0 -n ,ave' tine
rl I a •1
7 he1•e', t »r t
t'zenc by
prnvirhn free bhn011 tranefnslone tea.
x'117 110 111 nalt'e•rts . - to the main -
u• t, , t,d b,tflr'tr, of more CMtpnyt
1 Hnepitals to 0-1.3.4' the T m,tiers of
.. in providing an e::pann,r
service to our d11111)led
to assisting some 180,na8 Junior
Red Cross members 1u het:erne
heat)Tuer and better citizens . . Moa
extending such valuable Red Ccross•
Pi Fv0111 as Disaster Relief and to-'
stru.rtion In First .lid Swimming and
'Waiter aiter Safety. Ramie Nursing and
✓ Nutrition.
mHuron County Federation
I Of Agriculture
The Ontario Radio Farm Forum'
Conferen:re is being held nen&
Saturday, March 20tH, in Room 1005
King Edward Hotel Toronto, at 10:0 0
• A.M. Come whether or not you ars
g an official delegate, for this premises
▪ to be a most interesting meeting,
The Official delegates from Huron
County are:
Mr. Robin Thompson, Clinton.
Mrs. O. G. Andrsnn, Winghatat
• Mr. Harvey .Tohnetnn, Myth
At a recent meeting of the Direc-
t fors of Herrin County Federation of
Agriculture, Mr. Robert McMillan of
R.R. No. 2 Seafnrth was. ehnst=n
Tette-elm, for Huron to attend the
Annual Meeting :+f the Ontaa•fn 13oet?
("tittle Producers' Agee:dative to he
Xing held at the ,ftnr Edward Hotel,
I Torntrtn. nn Wednesday. 'Tar'h 20th.
1 Vntine' deleetefee to this meeting,.
Melville Church
Speaking on the subject "Respon
sable Manhood" at the mot•nhl
service on Siwelay, Rev, Mr, Milt
used illustrations from the lite
St. Paul to show that the absence o
public. applause should not damper
the entltnsias:nl of the Chrletiau in
his eervi't' to his tellow-mon, 13110
,Tune Work and Mr. Wm, Kh1g took
during which the world bas Rene the solo parts in the anthem "Seek
$584,00 through a great upheaval. "Sn ye the Lord by Roberts.
great and vast wac this npheat•nt,"
At. the e ' menPe 3I
he stated, "that the Ordinary 1118)1 ;initis pre tehed on the oataht' oft
becomes Inst trying to co"template 'The (fell man and T.a ares' and
what has happened and in elemnr•
ing the (osis and effects. There
batt been a re•ynlntinn In ideas and
a 117100go in thinking as well a• • e
deeiin' 111, thinking. Do we today
really think, or do we tr'ept '011(17 -
made ideas,"
There ha.= he,•ti sorb) restlessness
in Apriland such a feeling of lows n'ity
ire contended. that there has been
a complete disappearance of the
morels and principles on which the
western civil:/entre, will founded.
"T do not think this has rem. about
as the direct result of the war,'' Mr.
Meir declared, "Our forefathers
hard Hale principles and lived by
them. Are we today of the some
sterling qualities as they, or are we
the victims of some sly force width
is tt•yiti:g to undermine our way et
lite 7"
The district governor reviewed his
worst stating there were sixty dubs
to be visited.
Teeny Mase. Mc'.Rlnnde and lion Phil
Thirst. president and vire president
of the Hnwiek club both spelt° brief-
ly' when they invited the. Brnss•eis
chub to attend the Howlett meeting
on April 10711, President L. W,
TJclemder extended thanks to Mr.
Melt, for his splendid address mei
Hon Hugh 13r41son presented him
with n smell gift on behalf of the
local club,
Engagment Announcement
Mr. and Airs, John Bowman, MR,
No, 5, Brussels wish to a100011r') the
engagement of their daughter
Isabel Jeanette to Mr. William Jo14
Attention Grey Township
The Board of Health of Grey ltave
asked me to drew to the attention or
the residents of Grey that the lee
c'n•11I,llolls quoted in my 11'Itcr appear.
Ing in the last Iwo issues of the Post
apply equally to 1111 vi11ages and
hamlets: fu the township of Grey as
they do to Brussels.
George C. Martin, Claret i,.. 11 S. Jamler>,on.,
5, e te .i, r 4 0 8 9
.. .: s * * * * r
Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Elliott visited
in Hamilton last week,
ra n a
Mrs. J. H. Iferr has been visithtg
with her semis in Toronto,
v • 0,
Mr, and M,rs. A. Wood and children
were Toronto visitors this week,
Mrs. G, McDowell and Miss, Jeanie
Little were week end visitors in
* *
Mrs. Middleton was visiting iter
parenits Mr. and Mrs, Ben Whittard
over the week end,
s s w
Ruth Wilson who is ,attending
Stoattord Normal Sohoel was home
for the week end,
V 5 *
Mr, anal Mrs, Donald McRete of
Toronto spent the week end with his
mother Mrs. T. T. McRae.
* a tr
1is.rry and Mrs. Ohantlrton silent 11
EEO days in. Toronto during the
Past week visiting friends.
Mrs. Tsa:bel-i Armstrong was a
visitor last Week at the hotne of her
brother R. 11. Mci%innon, 131uovale,
* m 18
attest Marie Storey, of the start of
the Caalautllnu bank of Commerce,
spent the week end at her home in
• *
1Tiss Hannah 'Russell ..f ilio :daft
of rho Canadian Panic of Crtrnme"ce,
t 1 nn spent etier
m1 d ap nt thew 4'k end at
home 'here.
shitw,,d that the ventral 'at htn, of
the par11110 10- that our rondttinn 1r.
the hero0I'ter will be dete°'tninrd by
r.tir• conduct 111 the Areal nr ♦ t ,, t'
trio with, Miss Jean 11alluern,1'.
51';nry T.on McFatlanc, m11 Wee
'Margaret Cardiff, .Tear
Our Prayer" by James.
The United Church
The Holy Communion was ndnlfn•
istered at the morning worship in
the Melted Church. The sermon
subject was "Christ .is revealed in
Common Utilise." Miss C. HIngsenn
sang "T walked teeny where Tests
walked," by O'Hara very effectitely.
lin the evening Mr. Wilson "poke
about the impact that each of es is
making upon others end hew careful
we should he that our indrtenee ln::7
be uplifting, The ehofi' sa.n ein•+"r
come into my heart" by Lorenz.
Announcement was made of next
Sunday evening's service which will
be conducted by the Young People's,
Society of the Watton. Tinned
Visiting Organist
The organ end vocal recital by Mr.
Horace Mat.tTilwen of :Hamilton and
Serene, *bleb was postponed owing
to weather conditions will be de0ndte•
ly ,held on Prlday evening, Meech
Air, Clifford lusolltin enntu•ibnted 28th.
much enjoyed trombone solos, Nig. AMnrt]n'en, who is a graduate
Dnaing the business d:ieansaion it ,of the 711171ard Seltoof of Inutile in
was derided to :have lentheel Night 'Fork, will be astlsted by choral
(selections; by the United C•hn'eb and
on April 14th when the net proceeds
(Melville Church
will be given 1,0 .St. John's BeiIdin:g ;
Supper was Served by a group of
ladies of the United Church. Applications will be received by
the undersigned' till Potnrday, .April
Rev. 3, H. Kerr Guest
Speaker At Melville Church
Rev. 7. TT, t0err wars the 011e0
spencer at the Melville Chltt•rh
Ynnug 133>n:pie's Seniety melding at
the Meows of Mrs, Claire Lone
Monday evening. Mr. Ker des,':rib'f
hie work among the SIC Nations
5th at 2 n'tioek p.m. for the postlion
of Road. Superin,t.en:dent for the
Township or Grey.
J, H, Fear, Clerk,
Ethel, Ont.
Tile April meeting o1' the Majestic
tlra0mnn's Tns4it71te will he heid in
the PnbN0 t,lhrery, Brussels nu
11011nna1 5.101 traced the hlsl..nry ('f Wr'dnraday afternoon, April find et
the morn impel gilt Milan 1r1Y,1i118 2 (Meek. instead of at the limn.• 11'
Mina Mary 13ownlan moved '3 rote of Mrs. Stanley Wheoler as previclialy
thanks to Mrs, hong. t
- are;
TsTr. C. R .^unit,,::. 1l01,'•ave
Mr. Russell Knight. Brussels
Noxt Thursday. March 27111, W: v,.-
fTIov will he in Toronto attend'ng a
meeting of the Board of Direetors of
Ontario Poultry and Egg Producers
Co-operative Assoela.tinn at. 11 A.M.,
and a meeting of the Poultry i -
destrite Committee at rite Royal
Veils that rattle evening.
Melville Church
Young Women's Auxilary
'Telvitle Church Yount Women:33
auxiliary met at the home of MMsw
Tesste Tittle Tuesday. 'file mile"'
Ing devotions were conducted- her
Mrs, S, Sweeney, the president
anti papers were given by Miss
L Lowry and Miss 3, Little. Eel -
telling the study session the mem-
bers enjoyed contests, gam3ic an&
In111111. Plans were made to 'held8.
a C'lrrietmas hamar.
Pacer "Top 'Hat," Groes To
New Brunswick
"Top Hat,"tbe fine Meek pacer
owned by W. G, M•cNa11, Blyth; blue
boon sold le AT', 1i. D. ,cones, of Hat-
field Point, New Rrnnswick; a'asi
will be shipped today (Thursday),
from 1017011, via C.P.A.. box car,
This fine pacer, trained and.
driven • by Mr. McNeal thiwughout
last racing Wenn, provided keen
competition at the le ulcus reed
ane0ts or Western Ontario, and Was 2'
consistent winter for his owner, 1S'Cr.,
MrNall. a
Are More Women
Becoming Alcoholics?
See Consulting Psyrllolugist.'xlat'0.
rence Go111d's answer 1..u. .lilts
d•yn5ill ' 1oaded questten, in "M1R-
011 OP le01111 MIND," in 'Pictorial
Review with this Snadar'a l JClir,:lt
,0) issue of The 1%t)p; 1'151itt y
19111,,k, ONLY. IVlirhigIt ra; , ,:W4,1;ik
q FTIeI 11111 71111117.0 - uo 11rnrt.
tt1't'elly. I'ir'tnrittl x• nt;C, t tori erolla";Ia,,„,;
The Comic Wn ltl o ei;l'lat q”
e,treit Tittles,