The Brussels Post, 1947-1-29, Page 1POST PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday, January 29th, 1947 Morning Star Rebekah Lodge Five Hundred Party in aid of Chinese Relief Fund on TUESDAY, FEB. 4th in the I. O. 0. F. Hall Brussels Cards at 8 e. m. , Lunch Served Admission 357 The public are invited to attend and contribute to this worthy cause. 11 CORNER STONES Rev, G. A. Milne, M.A. Religious ,.Education A111nr years of bewilderment es to • the cause of the i+ndiffsrenoe to } Wigton ,displayed by people Who hal a ,Sunday school trainling, church �' nethorlties are beginning to realise that that training did not conetituts 1 a religious edeeat•Inn, it is true that the 'facts' in the Bible were taught faithfully and repeatedly hut not to a manner that the child could easily umderstamd. Tt has taken a long time to discover Rhat tile eche onion of a ehikl hath religious and secular, must be child -centred, and that age anti capacity unlet deter- mine both 'fleeted and material. The religions education of the child is vitally urgent for all of vie. For one thing rhe future of the world depends on the child. The state of the world at present is a matter of grave veneer, to all. Ts it to he need by ttnrce9 Ts there any mos - nee, of the spread of e spirit of lemon rilllett on? What likelinaod is tleee of eebiev"ing a lasting peace? Whet chances have moral and spiritual factors in the elhe,ping of the future? These questions ei11 smell redly find to answer in the motives and ideals dominating the ednrahion of the'Mild, and especially his religious education. A11 eorte of ugly Peens have to be dealt with tenni cel fat Ply. ell,ef omens then being the liquor and gamblingWe take great pleasure in pre- n"^hlents. There is also the gnestimt scenting this outline of Short Cannes of the whole shape ourpoittira] brut , ve elementary Aperic'ultere and Home es fol stveten ie to tmlte in the next generation. These are pt•nfnun'l'y ..,r,^, f''rts and problems, and bow are they to he dealt with in any onnelusive manner int by the spirit lyannlg vv"I'm anxians to take 311" of Clrist? How Is the new gener- Ivaantage of the In sine• tion offered anon to face them and solve them unci lids eta'ae :sRt'onid be of real Melville Church Y.P.S. Skating Party Friday, Jan. 31st at 8 p.m. 15c and 25c (including lunch) Lunch at Melville Church At 10 p. m. Brussels Branch of the Canadian Legion News * * • The regular meeting of Brus- sels hrawrh of the Canadian Legion was Held Tuesday night in the legion hall. it was decided to hold a bingo in the near future. 'Plans for a dance Feb. 12th were discussed. All members are urged to attend the special meeting to be held next Wednesday, Feb. 5th when A. M. Forbes and N, W Miller will be the special speakers. God is our Refuge and Strength. Melville Church Mlnistet Rev. G. A. Milne, MA 10 a. in. Sunday Scheel and Bible Class 11 a, m. Public Womble 'rail, Public 7 p, m, l 1r1 h 1 Louis D. Thompson, Organist and Choirmaster. The United Church OF CANADA Minister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson 11 a. m. Morning Worship "The ,9e'nvan on :Rho Mrnuut," Junior Congregation 12 Meech School and Bible Class Missionat'.y Sunday 7 p. m. Evening Praise "The Theme -word for To -day." Everyone Cordially Welcome Church of Engiand Parish of 13russels Rev. J. H. Kerr, Rector 4th Sunday Atter Epiphany February and, 1947 8t. John's Church, Brussels - 2 p. m. Sunday Sclt.:ool er 7;80 p. m, Holy Communion 8t. David's Church, Honfryn-- 2,30 p. m, IIo1y ComnlUlliom 8t. George's Churoh, Walton - 11 a, M. holy Communion The United Church .ore we • hciping In seen;thra faith, to deepen allegiance incl in open the way of abundant life because or eau• responsibil'Ity for the Kingdom of Ohriegl? 'Tibet is Ibe test of tele dliseipleship. "Follow" me, and I will make you fishers of men," seas and is, Christ's invitation, These Wards weee the: subject of the ntarn- Ing meditation in the United Chnreb. The chole sang "Malde a joyful noise unto the Lord" by Adams. in the evening the choir sang very effentivelsy "Sing Alleluia Forth', by Wilson. The evening sermon war a warning a.gatnst .crying to live en yesterday's Manna. We must have a frese supply daily. Ration Coupon Due Dates Coupons now valid are serer, preserves 926 to 940, bwUter 1945 to 1190 acrd meat M89 to M70. ,Titres Jetties and nrarntnlndes ar'• , i•1 rationed, one S coupon being geed for 29 fhiid ounces. Other Pre- serves rationed are fountain fruit, honey, honey butter. molasses. maple sugar, maple syrup. ease syrup, coon syrup and blended Mite. syrup. Jittr Your Bring Yes Grower's blave Sweet Mlxrd Pickles just like mother used to make. Bring your jug end fill it up. Use no sugar tel give them a real Rhubard 'Pie, we hew 111 65% heavy melte syrup and 11.0 coupons. The Store with the ,Stock. GREWAR'S PHONE 5 East Huron Agricultural Society DANCE in Brussels Town Hall on FRIDAY, JANUARY A1�ItARY 31st Ken. hl� Wilbee and • His Orchestra Dancing from 10 to 1.30 THREE DANCE PRIZES Admission 50c Lunch Both t '' •r"1 '1(,e rf T1 °] dt7 %y'�"E ilnt SerfSerf x r ,—,v!° 'fl ; Now Showing— Thurs., Fri., Sat., Jan. 30, 81, Feb. 1 The Bride Wore Boots with Barbara Stanwyck Robert Cummings Diana Lynn This piece of farcical enter'tain- meet Is a bundle of liveliness and humorous situations that should please most thearte-goers. Mon., Tues., Wed., Feb. 8, 4, 5 Double Feature • Our Hearts Were Growing Up , with Gall Russell and Dlane Lynn An extremely lively comedy as a sequel to "Our Hearts Were Young and Gay'; and Hot Cargo with William Gargon Jean Ratters Philip Reed Next Thur., Fri., Sat. Feb. 0, 7, 8 Janie Gets Married with Joan Leslie Anne Harding Robert Hutton .Edward Arnold A film which will cater to the family trade—ls filled with the spirit of youth and fun. COM ING--- Somcwhere In Thr Night with John Hodlnk Nancy Guild A film having the unmistnkahre stomp of quality upon it. BRUSSELS, ONTARli+ Lions Club Hear Notice Residents of Grey Twp. Interesting Address L. D. Canditt, M.P., addressed the Leona Club at their regular supper meeting on Monday night of chis week. lis gave a infarmative adcleess, on parliamentary procedure. The members decided tin a busi- nese d&emission to enrollaee Paster seals, preteens of which go to the work for otdppled children, The lions are endeavoring to secare the servine.s of a gloating elm) to have them, present a progrann of fancy sicating in the B•nmssels Arena, :tat isn•itaticn to visit ebe Stratford T.ims fimbrin April was accepted, The township will rot be respons- ible for :cars left parked on the road stdea. Kindly co-operate in chi+ s, OVA will mete! in, removal of snow operation. Annual Meeting Of St. John's Anglican Church The Annual Vestry meeting of the An'elioan Chinch look plane on Jan. 20, in the hasement of the chua'ch. It wa.s opened with prayer led by Rev. Kerr. After the adoption of the minutes of 11tr, last meeting 11. Lnycoek was athe Mot ed, lees y clerk for the year. Mr. Kerr then gave his emigre garion•al rennet, lema -king t)at he Four Week's Short Course hart hem, verphased with the to , eplen(lid sptw•it of-ronperation be had AGRICULTURE , found redefine in lite parish, the and loyalty to the (berth and ready HOME ECONOMICS response to help. He urged itel- -To be held in— vi(lttals to dose nn oppcurtunity to BELGRAVE, Ontario r•na'ourage others to attend church Feb, 4th to Feb. 26th regulau•ly. His repot showed :m 1947 average ateettrlauce of 49 at all services with an average of 11 Classes begin at 9,30 A.M. t tin+, comrnunior• at the Communion Tuesday, February 4th services. -Condntrted by- Thr Pellowfng reports were then The Huron County Branch rand and adopted on the mations of of the various members,. Ontario Dept. of Agriculture Report an the work of the Junior Te the Young Men and \'+•:ilin+y ma•s, rear] by Geraldine Women of North Huron Streltton. The financial statennet wee read by A'•mette Campbell. The rrpnrt nn the state of the ehurth finances read by Warden: John leisrh•er. This elbowed the finances to be in a some] position despite the extra strain caused by the - Advance Appeal and by the com- plete re -wiring of the Rectory. The repent on the Sunday Rehoet work given by Mrs. Kerr elmwed encotareging activity with special mention being Made of the pn.re:naso by the school of 50 Hyntn Roolcs and 1. 'Bibles for the church, The Toadies' Guild report read by Mrs, TT, Rryans, s1towing an tut- ereateed balance en hand over The Preteens year, Women's Allxillary report was read by Mre. G. Davis, Mr, ,T. Fischer was eineeea es People's. Weilclen and Rev. Kerr appointer) Mr. Thos. 111t 'as REctor's emeav]en, Mr. Rryans end Mr. A. Wood nesse eluted art: lay lelegotes to ^^•l 1.3n P.M, to 4,00 P.M. Monday the Synod, with Mr, ,T. Fischer and to Frldny. There is too age limit- I Mr. E. i9to•row as substitute. all are weleem,e lo attend. Help to I Auditors appointed were Mr. le. make this oourae fihe beset yet. Plan ' meneees and me. Roy T(enendy. The 1 , netre11 and if possible, induce Board of Management appointed for others to take advantage of these the year is: ATrs. C. Muldoon. ":Trp, Courses. G. Davie, Mrs, P. Solvers, Messrs. McCutchenn, Trmy Me. Course In Agricultt=re Culcheo, R (1. MaeTeride and D. d011tptt, To be held ina Auditorium th A Other meter., discnssei by the of Forester's Hall, Belgrave meeting and re ranee ended were: Demetrios. The opportunity of a9+tend9mg a course of this nature only comes about cone in tem years. There me metny )"cons; mem rnrl unless i1 is itself Christianized? It is to the child who is now receiving a religions and secular education thee vie nuns- :rive our moat rarefy] attend on. Lawrence Edgar Jewell Lawi'en+re Edgar Jewell. known to a19 his feleride and assnciates ns "Terllrly'', dried at his home here after an -illness of two weeks. Tedrly, son of Mr. nod Mrs, E. Jewell, was born in Listowel. on April 2901i, fourteen years ago and came with his parents to Brussels about 'dare years ago, TTn wars a v'c ins of polio when n very small child end was crippled from the wale) dmvn. Though linable to rot 1b^'11 with hers of his 1'111° he was Miele rtn.ri cheerful ful at d was p00111ar v'•eh the yeum:sterg or the nrigeber- benil, He peseesed an letir,' mind value .to all who msy he privileged o attend. Farr weeks at one of these Ionises should be a pleasant pros- pect for the young people of the district. Every effort is put forth 1 o make these courses interesting linstmwctive and helpful. The older elks me Invited to attend any or all of the lectures, and a spoeial lnn'itatttmu is extended to ail to he present when special lecturers are in el totel5mra, T7oure-9.30 A.M.:to 12.00 nano; awl cleft fingers and was very okil 1 T iv r FTnr 1C •.9 study of the type •'111 breeds of farm menials, rare reed mann V111,114. principles of breeding Visits to lora] farms for m•neric,l se t; 1 n;htrdgtne live stock. FE1(T1S end FEEDING --A %fed9' el the composition and feeding vahlr rf fo•atte rirnps, cereal eglmins, and commercial feeding stuffs: the working •out. of balanced ration fit all ,•lasses of live stork, FTFTIT) CR -0i9 --A preeticai an.e thorough seedy of all term e'nps, with emphasis of the beet varieties; crop rote'ions; bay and peshtre mixtures; jeclaing of cereal entitle and sma.il seeds. SOILS and FRRTTLTZERS-Thr Draper citltiwition and ttarelling of different types, of soil; eomnnerri ul fertilizers stud thole uses; snit int! in c om•ie nreers our mndedrra11, TTI ,;(41- r'1 antes and teacher Mr, T(. ,As11'' on. of r•oon, 3, Brussels at, tended the funeral. TT tc ' nrv-ivetl by his pnr•ente, ••'•vr a •aialrrs and two blethers. Mrs. TT^a'vey 9tcp1rewlsnn (Jerry), Walton: Mrs, :T. Lowry (Doris), Bruie e's: Mrs, J. Cooper (Margaret) Clin•trm; and rd!ltrii. Ruth, ,Tim, R,obea't, Tenn arid Mate, Rath at home. The funeral service was eenclurted at itis home by Rev FT. C, -Wilson or the United Church on Thursday with interment beteg mn:d'e dm Brussels Cemetery, Pn19beni'ers were font' hays Archie Willis, Panel Somers, 'Forest Whit• lard, and Ca -1, Davidson, Six or his younger friends, TanMaitheson, Tom Willis, Carl nog, Allan Rutledge, J, Coleman and Robt Remedy carried the many 'beautiful flowers. N,w P: -tike At The l.ib"ary Recent additions to 1.he P01111ie T4111' l'y: Tmngdan: A,nmvland the King of Siam. (lolling.; London belongs to me. Reek: Pavillon of Women, Reddali; Pelde's Fancy. Meech; Ser•gea:nt. Nelson Of the Canute, Gould; Farmer tnites a Wife. Yenning: Murder through the Lolly acidity and 111rr 1100 of lime; came mrd (uppldcaMmn of barnyard manure. 11RATNAGF—Akins:ntnge of tile rian111n+ge; approximate oust of Maier - drainage; drainage eyetens it'd drainage eurvey6, -V1eTF)Tt4NARY SCTPNCje - Causes, symptoms and treatment Of common disiensr.s; earn of breeding nelnin.ln; internal and external paraisites in- fo in 11 'nl4in.aIs. POTDTJTRY —A study or the type and breeds of poultry. feeding and maa,mgomen;t. fnr eggpradnrtinn: to fallacy Ot leaving the children to rltbntlon•: horsing; ouilit:ng; fatten- dntrrmtne their own o1iot In Ing: killing and dressing.inattein. pertaining to volition. Air WF,Itrsl) anus WFFII SP1017s ,t,tettd- Milne recommended compulsory at flrattign of Weeds nod Weed seoda tnndanOe at :Sindn+y School nn.1 ehn ^ch smelt es The morning nn• that a congregational 01011dr Ire held neer the end of ,Tttn•e that the War dens inquire into the possiblltty of irereasing the 'amount of fire it ,ntnnra' IVO tPet io, and char the Ronrcl of Management get in tench with the Dotted Church offl''iele with nal offer of assistance in retain- ing flu it chervil erica in its p^earn[ status. A vote of thanks was tendered the teeel '+r• and h1p wife, and all the r'hna'rh officials for their (1111fu1 work. CAPE OF T!-TANKKS To all those who sa 1111(110 e x - pressed their sympathy in words and deeds and especially to Rev, Ti, C, Wilson, at the time of our recent bereavement, we 1(11te this ripper - lenity of expressing nun' grntefnl ttitmice. The ,Teweil Family Melville Church Preaching On the atlbjoet "Young at Sixty; Old et Sixteen," et the morning ,service on Sunday, Rev. Mr. Mi•Ine stressed the respnnef)iliby of parentia in the C1lristian'tna•ieing of children. Tie pointed out, the h1gglass. TIie Seeds Ant; approved methods 110,111 Wm; "0 taste and sent' ley Gee, T111111 13: GrovdinC 371r, of eradication and eantrol, t.' , r t 1'1.�9'r9 unci PT,ANT 1)3- At the evening gervine Rev. Mr 1111 11 7' Now that Aprit'a there. SFAST' 1) •Study o? tttr mar+, in I'm man Vine Lives, jar ons insert. of the 01'0had'f1 and- ritdnna Dead Ernest. Ttnlll wry: The Lillie Lorksmtl.h, !Meilen and control meaam'Cfl tl ^ of dividing mankind Onto E rndetr . ,.0111 mon itteeesee of l'ornl 1 rr< )roller•: A World to win, (grant) emelt,-sap,eliattly 11001 in n mepe iny' 01• fhc',r T(itttl. Hoyte sunt+s blight and rot. 1O RPP Wf1TJT(. _Whippill, rnnvtnttr. other. Thdiet t ]lues Testis Cele.' Shellehar>rer; f'aptttn Pram :Tact is 1 nul Immo. syn solve, vht: by MD. wars sung by Mita Mary 1,0u In!n+driur, Juvenile teelire, 1anr1 Apia's, halter making. Nlr1'`arlane and Miss M11r-,t1+1 llrannsm:Neta •T,tsf 14T..>r :�tortap' Cardiff. Mine spoke on the subject '•rh' Wn,'th of fihe \Vortltlesa' with .411 phesls en the u.it-T`ha•tsttnn att,t;101;. Chicken Poxs Them nae a fair number of of t11' above disease at present, The regulations concerning Oils disease a'e as follows: 1. Any and all communicable di- seases are required to be promptly reported both by the attending physician and ,fee the head of the house :no love] Board of Ifeelth. 2. The patient is to be isolated at home and remain at home new all stades have ,disappeared and lesions healed, whether sick m' not. and ne one has any authority to modify Ibis regulation. 3. There is no quarantine for eon- tacta artyono islet, in the honer r.uy en out grtywhet'tr any time, i. 'Pharr 1s• no Plaeatel of the 'mese Teaches in any e honl have the authority and awe emeeterl to u;.e it to exclude from a^''10,1 any child with any suspte•iou.s skim lesion until the pupil presents Proof it le not centanntiicahle, W. D. S. Jamieson, M.O.R. Ending Saturday, Feb. Est Sa1nrday. Fc u. 1,1 will he 111• 1•'•:r day Cr1'ewar'S (1un•e9e is voil have that nautstandiee sp'-•vial .i dozed Oranges for $1.00. We always hey', flesh Deed 1"ettec•. Joel received Florida Faecal Celery., es it v; .d We sell Weeton's Fresh Bread, tee v1tarnin II loaf. Cpen A'.1 Day Wed. nesday. GREWAR'S Brussels Libra"y Board Meeting .e.t the nleraing of the Libre re Board held in the Library an Tour& Baty, Jar. 23, the following oft Mets were elected for 1947: Chairntan—M, Laycock Treasurer—R. J. Bowman Seceetary—H. M. Downing Ooneenor of Book Commt1ttee— li. M. Downie. Mr. Bowman expressed the B'oard's 9-ppreciat'e1n of the value/Kee service rendered by the retiring chairman. Rev. H. C. Wilson, It was decided 10 authorize .tlav Librarian to use printed post -cards gee notify members when honks are overdue. Permissionwas granted 39110. Louise Pon't:er to use the library' basement one afternoon for the purpose of organizing a Brownie Pack. On illation of Mr. Wilson 1041 3re mere in was ,1-rieletl to send g. 1115(1110 foe 017.60 to the Literary ru•ilrl as advance payment for eight books. The bonus book selected was "The Adventures of Maras Polo." reed nr1_azinPs may be sold see to of the cost prier. with the ex - veinier xveinier- of the National Geograpbi'.c. which is to go to the school. Tbe secretary vias authorized 4n order four hundred membership cards, From the capitals of the world The GIobe and Mail brings you news of the day reported by 54 foreign correspondents of the New York Times Foreign News staff . an exclusive Globe and Mail news feature! If it happened in Canada—in your town, in your county or your province, The Globe and Mail reporters will tell you all about it clearly, factually, to your morning Globe and Mail. saw=• 1 -fr } Tu mm • unns Jim Coleman Bobbie Rosenfeld, AppasTappan, all the top- flight Globe and Mail sports reporters bring you up-to-the-minute news on the world of sports every day, in 3 full pages of sports newel What are the neighbours doing? Flow can housework be more pleasant? feature for feature every item 00 the three daily women's pages of The Globe and Mail is alive with interest to women. e-l'a; Fearless comment on world and local affairs greets you in The Globe and Mail's editorial page. Without regard to party lines or petty politics today's problems are presented for your reading. Famous fea- ture writers fill the page with interest. Public utilities—private ownership— stocks, bonds, mining news, livestock, grain, and produce reports .. , you get complete reports from the financial pages of The Globe and Mail. head Wellington Jeffer's factual commentary! EEIGHTEEN of the finest comics and car• tools in every issue! What better way to start the day than with these laugh -pro. yoking features? NO MCRIENSE P ICE BY '`e APL At your Post Office or in your Rural Mail Box $7.00 per year: $3.75 for 6 months; SEN,7f� 52.00 foorAn3 lCf�ntfltl�l�s�,�•A�q,,a� ,1t ly�q F+1- g. S64CSr� A Sten rb'O Ti on CVoelyeRec"Wf1rW9ty 'Ay(,rbtfP .. ees eneetee e,eeesseee: ecereurn' eeeea rw.'eseers-..ta.ta r $ :tit o }.. i,, 3 <r;?.rTra.e.,., .,:a,.'.%a, iw