The Brussels Post, 1946-11-27, Page 1POST PUBLISHING HOUSE •IIIMMIUMMIMINIEHRUMMantesoitiallsiimiaanalillaseilignreMMOMMIDPIEreMindriarilMinieneecanlacstalaGeatISIII4 u 'u 7LS at V -_m l'luu e ,' Friday and Saturday, Nov. 29-30 Swi tt g a' :' : of ''46 a. STARRING GALE STORM — PHIL REGAN TOE -TICKLING SONGS, COMEDY BY THE THREE STOOGES. — COMING The Seventh Veil STARRING JAMES MASON — ANN TODD FRIDAY and SATURDAY 8..15 p. rn. SPECIAL SERVICE IN Melville Presbyterian Church —ON— SUNDAY, DECEMIIER lst At 11 a. m. To Celebrate St. Andrew 's Sunday AND Canada's Foreign Mission Centenary Old and new time Dancing on Dec. 4th in Brussels Town Hall. This will be the Dance of the) Season. Featuring for the first time in Brussels the Ranch boys Orchestra. Sponsored by the L. O. L. 774. New Refreshment Booth. Admission fifty cents„ The Lord is good, his mercy is everlasting and his truth en- dureth to all generations. Melville t.,hurch Mlnlstet Rev. G. A. Milne, M.A Sit, Andrew's Sunday And Canada's Foreign: Mission Centenary. 10 a. in. Sunday School and Bible Class 11 a. ne St. Andrew's. and Oentenany Service. Subject:—"Presbyterianism— Whence wblect:—"PresbYtelianism— Whemice and Whither." Soobtish sacred music and traditional psalms. 7 p. m. "World Fellowship." Louis D. Thompson, Organist and Choirmaster, ea - The United Church OF CANADA Minister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson 11 a. m. Morning Worship Radio; Worship Conducted by The Huron PresbyterY Peaeher: The Right Rev. T. W, Jones Moderator of the United Church of Canada. Junior Congregation 12 Church School and Bible Class MisstonarY Sunday 7 p• m. Evening Praise Expert Advice. Everyone Cordially Welcome Church of England Parish of Brussols Rev. J. H. Kerr, Rector Hirst Sunday In Advent December 1st, 1946 St. John's Church Brussels -- 10 a. m. Sunday School 11 a. m, Holy Communion St David's Church Henfryn 1.46 P. M. Holy Communion St, George's Churoh Welton - 8.45 p, m, Holy Communion DANCE ' Monday Night, December 2nd In Township Hall, Ethel McFarlane's Orchestra Lunch Booth Admission 25c East Huron Agriculture Society DANCE In Brussels Town Hall on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6th Music by Ken. Wilbee And His Orchestra Dancing from 10 to 1.30 Admission 50c Lunch Booth The Ladies Auxiliary of the Brussels branch . of the Canadian Legion are holding a Bazaar and Tea on Saturday, November 30th I at 3 p. m. A BAZAAR Is to be held on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7th In the Public Library' under the auspices of the Majestic Women's Institute commencing at 3 'o'clock. There will be booths for vegetables, home baking, sewing and knit- ting, a "white elephant" counter and a fish pond. • A silver tea will also be served. Nothing is to be ordered or sold before- hand. REGENT THEATRE Seafortb, Om Now Showing— Thur„ Fre, Sat. Nov. 28, 29, 30 Till the End of Time with Dorothy McGuire and Guy Madison A story dealing with the struggle of the war veteran to readjust him- self to civilian existence. An absorb - Mg and Interesting offering! Mon., Tues., Wed. Dec. 2, 3, 4 Cluny Brown with Charles Boyer and Jennifer Jones A masterpiece of entertainment! The players In their sympathetic and graceful way transmit the premise of the story—that of brldg- ing class distinction In a plot loaded with social significance. Wednesday, November % . 194E Morris Township Council Family Welcome Receive Acclamation :'s Widow Th" \i orris inwnvlllp nomination meeting was held in the township hall, Acclamations were given to Present reeve, Ceell Wheeler. council and school ttusteea, Nelson niggles tteem roe mrtlined the flnanctal statement of the town- ship, Ralph Shaw, secretary of the s'r•11nai board reviewed the worst and finances of Morris Township School h Area. Reeve Cecil Wheeler and the members of the Connell spoke on matters referring to the township Those nominated were: Reeve—Cecil Wheeler Council—Harvey Josnston Chas, Coultes Jos. Ytt'1'1 Sam Alcoek The following were nominated but withdrew; James Michie, Stewart Procter and 'William Peacock. School Board --William Sholdice Robert McMurray Next Thur., Fre„ Sat. Deo, 8, 6 7 Sing Your Way Home with Marcy McGuire Jack Daley Anne Jeffrey A postwar musical comedy chock• ful of life carries a youthful appeal. nee Town -bio Nominat=e° Meeting Nominations Por Reeve—Alex Alrxaatder Stnnlry Maichan Thomas Dougherty Harry A. Keys John McNabb 'POI' Dann 11, RPevp—atnniP' Meehan Geo, Marnonald Clfford Rewired Fnr Cnnnrllors—Bert Jnhretnn Geo, MacDonald Clifford Rowland Thomas Ward Scheel Trustees—Kenneth McLean Harry Bolger Wm. F.Ol,rott Wm, Smith Wnt eon Brawn Dmf TTuetller Aerie., peen -leer Cart TTanrdnewnv Leslie Mrt{ay Russell Knight Geed en T(inight Norman Heaver Perry Weed Andrew Turnhmll Ales Alevnnler was fleet speaker. He exnresRpd chis nl•Pasatre at the member of nrnmi":ati•nne reratved for the retinue] .and 'Alen for school trustees. He said lib P Township Sehoel Board ,had a very important work to ria 111 'pmnening wisely the Terser grants now ms de for edieatton as welt` an the extra 1 mill or, awr»nt of forming the township school area. We then gave an peen»n:t of the Comedy Finances. ?r. :StanOPv Meehan gave an account of the Oomity Home Coin. :Vire. J,',n Seely of Ter dee. i' land, window of the late P0. John Spear, arrived at the home of he" husband's peeenrts, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Spear of Mortis Township, lust week, Mra. Spear arrived at Halifax aboard the Lady Rodney nn Nov. 14tH. Rho was met in Toronto by her mother-in-law Mrs. Amy Speir, Mrs Spell', win is delighted to be to Canads, Is impresser) by the vastness of the reentry. What amazed her most was the abundance of fond n,•:d clothing dieplayed in our Stores Mrs. Spelr whose husband wa" killed in ac'tion in 1942 'ltd duty as a fire warden during the terrible days of the London Blitz. Cane long she will remain in remade is nndeelded het Mrs. Snell' is anxious to see as murk of her husband's country as she cnn anti Ionke forward to visiting Niagnra Falls. Presbyterian Celebrations Melville Church The morning se"Wrp at Melville Church on Sunday will have nkithle signifc.inee. Not only will it be the alumni St. Andrew's S nee.. service but 1t will also mark the Centenary of Canada's Foreign Mission enterprise. Pisewhe,.w in this issue of the Pact three appears an account of the A-clemation Ar•rorded Brussels Council There will he n° ..r-,•tlen le Brussels this year. The 1947 overeats gn into °fere by ar'clama- tion. Reeve R. 13, Cousins: Coaneillnrs T,. 1\'. l ,'kmier. W. F. Willis. R. W. Kennedy and J. W. Fiedler. The latter is the only new rnuneil member. He replaces A. M. Gnawer who did not arreent his renomina- tion. Hydro commission, Wm. Little. Sehonl Beard, W. G. Leash. Dr. W.'D. S, .Tnmieenn, Waiter Williamson, Rohr. Bowman taus chairman for tete penes:Aialt meeting held in the Council Chamber on Monday night When a gond nmher of ratepayers were present. Rrr';•P R B, Cousins was returned to off?•..,. "tnantinni" l'v. Nnnrinatione were as fellows: Per Connell Mrs T:nuise Porter. 7. C. Long. A. M. Greene W. F. Willie. L. W. Pelf. mier. Wm. Speir J. W. Fischer, D. N. MrDnna:kl, R. W. Kennedy ,:nen Harry Bowler. The 1946 convent, •s jnualified with the exrentinr of A. M. I Grewer and 7. W. F1sr}tel' IS the new member. Per Hydro ennl- mlc.si°n--D. N. McT)onnld W'n Tittle; Per School Tinned, D. '1. Rano, Dr. W. D. S. ,Tami'son, .1 Wood. Wm. Martie eer. A. William son, R. W. Kennerly end W. ('. Lenrh. All made brief sperrhec tbanking their nominato•i and n number declined to stand at n11 °thar's said they would net be the ranee of an election. D. A. Rano declined to serve :tante F t. Unique Service Planned A entree.. e evir'e is pinioned fur the nrnrn!ng worship in the T'ni+,tl Chureh. A radio will be placed at the front of the cherell and the worship will be led by the Presby- tery offleers over station CK: X. The Modernlat' o:f the (1.'nar •,1 Letter To The Editor Nov. e'en. leo,: E,111.),r T1rne rtl" Poet. e rf,snls. Ont. Dear Sir: Re: Christmas Seal semi lire, 1 v on;rl h nl o-., , t'? Council of the United Church of !Publish this latter so that r'Cen. Canada will preach. A feature of scribers may hernme familiar with (ihristmee Real Campaign di •, rt,"#q. Tt hn' 'twee my pleasure foe the pact few "PAYS to net aw• rhetrrnnla for the Seaferth Red ('rose district 1••,xt 6 i1 'l:,y morning'- 'I'!'ft.- mit! be the fact that a large number of Trnited Churches will bP led by the radio broadcast. in cnnneetion with the Annual Number Please Chlistmsi Seal Campaign fume ha P1' ?II 0 Peueeele We Deliver . '1 ' '1,,.,. •,y n' •-n 1tr,trn;7rn (1!, • .0 or, a ' b i h i- ;, 'l Ir 'y- Sanatorium. „vire lis rr vr,u triad it Wn .<r•11 Ti' , ii fnr•ts releen in R -„'ion's Betirluel Vitamin, n 1 41- r!=t See; iL••-.10 toil re11, - •1, Cmmrnir' will be °ad in the Cort[aty • ,i ,b1 P. The q aste Will Tell. of Huron for the ei!min n.Hon et ('•,•r, !ono (1 w n and get your Tnbrreotosie ;1,td the fre' x-mynag r•'r•,n lie 131.ee of Coffee ermine rf every. Hn'ne, Cointy resident f4ir Fre-11 whit*' Yen Walt. the (*mein of the• drprtl disaatse. GRFWAR'S GROCETERIA Tei .'+•k (he Heron County' OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY r••r,tntt+., 'melee.] t•, ,• a,'r.tne, fl ' AS USUAL l'strlets with the result that 7 wag nlnrr,l in eleire • of the tawns'hTPe T= _ 31.,itc l Church Trr('tin.thslireTT. T-'TTLLF,TT. 6Ths- On Sunday morning the minister ; FTLLf)P fine GREY and TH1' TOWN spoke from the :text, John 16:73, nn (1F SFAFORTH. the snhjeet "The Privilege o'” ()wine to tate short time. It has Living." Genuine happiness recon- 1'- -" loon :able to cc,ratre literature mends Christianity to others. Good- end seals to forward to every, nes' that doesn't racliat,• h °nein, s= householder lethese districts. T - 4hit'c hr' ver•„ ,Yet' '.t. 1', 01•,11''1 s'"••, d° not reeei're rob , '.ung t•ery , ffee decry "The a letter and scale it is hoped that I,•.. I 9nn" by Weser. Mr. you will forward your remittariee Lloyd Wheeler was the soloist. ' ^ut'st 4,1 the for seals or tee In .the event, e. the choir sang your lural treasurer. Mr. P. S. "Lord of Galilee" by Hall. The i •- a.. ;n.•ai (turf . when carne experiences of Canada's first foreign as erhonl trustee. lit•. Rann has been w '• evening sermon as n study of the t' 1,., rove dintely forwarded. a member of the school hoard fnr Elder Son from the Prodieal Perehln. Flarb munir'pality has a quota. and missionary, the Rev, John rediae, a twelve a ward all remittenee will be eredited to Prosily{PriAn ntintster of Nova year's Bed deserves Snntia and one of Canada's g"Pateet I°f praise for his hong "Ill"'n" '-'r'- r 1„• �T jthe pruner municipalities en kindly heroes, who sailed from Halifax an 1 Reeve R. R. Cousins as thr ronin Preaching on Matt. 16:20 at the at at ynnr mn'nir'ipelity. Receipts morning service Ray. Mr. Milne I will also be fo•wardad at a later pointed out that man had allowed . date and ran be used as is dedur•tto'n : 't'ritnal embitiots to be so :for income tax purposes. completely eclipsed by bis ntateriai j Your remittance will do yo'ir pare ambitions that materialism 111,1 see I in making yrntr municipality free ft:: -re. and the Orrin wits vino for , from tttberanlosis. a reaction. Thanlring Son. I remain eel's mrrn'ng anthem was "To' Yours truly, T3 eo 0 God we fly” by Maundel. 1 M. A. Reid. Chairman. withMrs. W. Edgar, Mise June Seeforth. int. Work and Miss Joyce Porten. taking St. Anda'ew's Day, Nov. 30, 1846. to establish Canada's fl'rst foreign mission, He gave his life to the work of C11ris:tian'izing the beathen peoples of the New Hebrides. Ray. Geddie set out on his historic under - :taking about the same time that the first pioneers .raised their home- etenee 1,'i the district now known as Brussels. Rev. Mr. Milne will speak on the subject "Presbyterianism — Whence ,and Whither." A special feature of the service will be organ selec- tions of Scottish sacred music appn'opriate choir music and tra- ditional P:nesbyterian psalms and missionary hymns. Rector Takes Over Charge At Watford WAITFORD. Nov. 24—Rev. John Graham, formerly of Woodstock pa'eacbed his first sermon on the Watford charge today in the Ang- 1fcan churches at Watford and mfttee of the lilinianetes and of their !Brooke. Rev. Mr. Graham with Mrs. Graham are now established in the Watford . rectory. Their childern will remain,. in Woodstock for the present. Their son is on: the staff of the Canadian Bank of Com- merce and their daughter, Miss Monica, is attending collegiate. Mr. Graham seoceeds Rev. J. H, Hos- ford who went to AllSaints Ang• Oran Chorale Woodstock, Building program. Mr, Thomas Don.ghenty commend- ed the council on their plan of widening the roads. Mr. Henry Keys. thought the butld- ing o1 the new court house should have been lett till later, lee approved the elearlrig of brush from the road - skies end advised doing more of it. Mr, John McNabb thought the building of the new nnurt house should hove been left 1011 later. Tie sari that it had been reported that it may ,cost $5110,000.00 and be said he llennglut the sale e1 debentures shonid have been delayed until more defin(le eetinente of the post was arrived at. elle claimed that there was 'considerable building being done at the Monty Home whtnh was not to the interest of economy, He thought the gravel being put on the cmmty made shoed be ground finer, re claimed the .contractor on The Reanrtiamp Creek Drain should have c0mmrcanOed where she lAth 1051. Drain enters. He spoke of the .Township School Area and believed el to be a step towiardis consolidated 'echools which hit was oonvinced 'would be ooneatma,ted Inside of five COMING— The Bells of St. Marys with Bing Crosby and Ingrid Bergman years. Geo. MacDonald .spoke of the need far hospitals and commended the (levelly C'utncii for the support they had given this matter. He was pleased with their week of retores- tratinn, He thought the building of the new court house might have been: left far some time as et pneisent reutt•ned men could not get material to build their homes. Tie expressed sat:isfentt0in at the amount of clear- ing of brush and roadside improve- ment which Ilad been 'aeeoupflsbed and tinea the gravelling 'contract was 141111)101 0(1. Mr. Clifford, Rowland thonght the Continuecl on Inside Page t a w ,, . . 9 a 0 PEOPLE WF KNOW * 'e * * * '6 4' '1 •^ Miss Mary Lott is visiting rela- tives in and around Wroxeter, D. M. McTavish attended the Royal Winter Flair last week. Mrs. A. K. 1apfe, Toronto, tae been the guest of her sister Mrs. Rohit. Thomson. * * * Mr. and Mrs. W. Browne of Chesley ware ;Sundae visitors with Mr, and, Mrs. C. Bntachien, * * * Mr. and Mrs. A. 'Rigging were in Iiitohenter on Tuesday when they visited her sister, Miss Lena Noble, who recently underwent on one - atom. i r * Mrs, Douglas Eagleton of Winnl- peg .and Misses Laura and Ifthel Pnrrow of Godertct were recent. visitors with Misses B, and H. Downing. * a ,v Miss Winifred Long, wile has been at the home: of her brother in Timmins ter some time returned recetttl3 to 'Brussels and le living at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Rohn. Patrick, speaker gave nn inclusive smmenr-v of county 004 village rnnnril affairs rn rl•isenseing enmity council atfales be spoke of tee things aernmplislin1 by the Health and Hospital rnnr- m see c n wheel he served. There is nnw a staff re four unrses whn make regular exanitn tione of ell school pupils of the e':rntnty. Thr• ^•'s, of this health unit for the year was $6790.27 nP which the WT. vinctal grant paid $2309,42, The county is also active in fighting tuberculosis, Tt is expected nevt midsummer that an ex -ray cline, will vieit ascii municipality regular- ly for the benefit of every citizen who avail themselves of this service. Continued on inside Page Engagement Announcement Mr. and Mees. Stanley Meehan n1'- n:ounce the engagement of their seoond danght.er Mary. Lois to Mr. Douglas Hamilton Whitfield son of Mrs, B.ottery, Henfryn and the late Gordon Whitfield, Marriage to take place in December. Ketchao Here's How—Buy one bottle of ,. * * Heinz 57 Sauce and two tins of BOND—To Mr. and Mrs. Condensed Cream of Toronto Bayd (nee Ina Turnbull) Soup Mix together and add 1 table- , erstor Hospital, Nov. 19, spoon aP Brown Sugar and enjoy 2e ' daughter, Diana Jean. ozs. of Delicious Ketchup. Grewar's Grooetemta curries all Heins 1 t{ation Cannon Due Dates Products, Olsen. All Day Wednesday 1 Canpsins are valid 'e see:er- as Ususl. We Deliver, ' preserves Si to .S35, butter 1329 to GREWAR'S GROCETERIA 1833 said meat M88 t0 Mei. PHONE 5, BRUSSELS th.e solo parte. At the evening servire Mr. Milne' outlined the great contribution made B.C.S. Notes by St. T.nke towards the rise aP +ha early Oharalr. The anthem was "Come unto Me" by Bowles with Mr Gerald Gibson taking the solo part. Melville Presbyterian Church Sun- day School Concert will by held on Friday. December 20th. BORN T-TAYOP.N—On Sunday, Nov. 24 to MT. and Mrs. Fred Hayden of Grey Township --'a daughter. WARWICK—In Owen 'Sound hos. plat en Sleekly. Nov. 24th to Mr, and Mrs. D. C. Warwick (nee Helen Seeker) a son—John Paul. Stewart set Palm - 1946—a Don't forget the Commencement in the Brussels Town Hall on Friday evening. November 29. A one -act" play will be put on by some of the students, there will be musical numbers by the school and the (Sari&' Glee Cheb, Let ns rot let B.C.B-:. down but shrow that our interest' As strong if not stronger than other. years. The dre.need time of the year Is- arriving next week. The beginning of tate exams! Of coarse all of tba students will be at home every night industriously studying for .the bit' moment. At least it is hoped that: they are. Get to work kids EUCHRE and DANCE in Morris Township Hall FRIDAY NIGHT, NOVEMBER 29' Ladies admitted fr.e if they. br'ng lunch. WEEKLY EDITORS PRESENT CAR TO RETIRING OFFICER On his retirement as managing director of the members of the association at their annual con- vention at llalifax. Shown shave is bre Canadian Weekly Newspapers' Association after Thigh Templin, of Fergus Ont., (left) immediate past 11 years serrate, C. Y. Charters, of 13rampton, Ont„ , president of the C.W.N.A., presenting the keys to was presented with a new 1946 Pontiac sedan by 1 Mr. Charters.