The Brussels Post, 1946-11-20, Page 2TEE i;iti.:.. l l 5 POST
Mrs. Blair has been talking for months about buying a real
Indian shawl. But wouldn't she be surprised if she found
it priced in rupees! That it isn't, is due in large measure to
the services rendered by your bank.
When you buy imported goods in Canadian stores, you pay in
Canadian dollars—but the people who made them were paid in Indian
rupees, British pounds, French francs , , ,
I'1 is ihe same in reverse with exports. You may be one of the three
out of every eight Canadians who make their living through goods
sold abroad. If so, you receive your wages in dollars, but your prod-
ucts are sold in all sorts of foreign currencies.
Arranging the complicated exchange and transfer of foreign funds
in such transactions is but one of your bank's many services enabling
Canadians to buy and sell abroad.
This Advertisement is Sponsored by your Bank
Exquisitely hand,
saved in 14 K
BROOCH '$9,50
—The finest quail SI
smartest styling le
Mame Imager!
it'dd Medi
Brussels, Ont.
So t•el ruck pallets 5l. month old
Mark Hamilton Phone 43-r-20
Stratford, Ontario.
There will be a new set of Adams
Sloop Sleighs offered far sale at
Ethel Community Sale this Saturday.
1941 Ford. stake body truck.
Serial no. 2-C14895,
Brussels Creamery
50 l.eghorr pullets crossed and 50
Leghorn pullets.
Clarence Martin Phone 17-r-23
Slabwood for sale.
Jas. Stevenson Phone 51-r-17
�nn•eslmately 10n enjoyed the
annual Women's institute family
”debt banquet in the township hall.
The tables were decorated with gold
and blue candles in crystal holders,
and late fall flowers in crystal and
hien holders, Mrs. Wally' Itrauter,
rr.siclent, welc.otned the members,
t'reir husbands and families. and
ietroducecl George A. Dunbar as
chairman for the evening. A pic-
ture was taken by La Venn Vest.
den. The program of music was
presented followed by a skit put
on by Mrs, J. Pearson, Mrs. Bert
Gn trlen and MI's. D. Warrllaw, en-
titled "An Afternoon Call." Danc-
ing was enjoyed at the claw, The
hasemet entumittee tneluded Mrs
lr •. Mes. Dobson, Mrs. Corochan
and Mrs. Wardlaw, The program
,..mnt'tee was composed 00 Mrs,
Pearson, Mrs. Bert Godden and
Mrs, L. Lalte. Tdrs, Ted Richards
was at the plane.
The second community sale held
ih- lli,yil Untie stables was
Beet ettenrled Bidding was brisk
n,,.1 prires good.
r': ^: el:11 : Mr. and Mrs, Alex
PenMOO , Sir. and Mrs',Brinton, Mr,
and Mrs. ,T. Pestell, Mr. and Mrs
0. Menzies, Mr, end Mrs. J, Mc-
Taggart attended the Royal Win-
ter Fair at Toronto; Mrs• Perry
Stephenson is in Hamilton with
her daughter, Mrs, 0. Tlampson;
Mrs. ,Tulin Howard in Monkton
with Sam. and Mrs Stewart; Miss
S.hirlep Thompson, Donald Dunbar
and Merlin Love, stndents of the
Stratford Normal •School, spent the
week end at their. homes; W. J,
9ha.rpe with his numt, Mrs, Jane
Licensed Auctioneer
For Huron, Perth, and
Wellington Counties
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Phone 38 — — Listowel
Fs F. Hrrllnuth
Revsio erect
"Western Osot u io'e Mast
Modern Eye Ser+rsns''
Phone 118. t t ler stan'
Avon beauty products- make ideal
Christmas gifts. Christmas orders
must be in by Dec. Sth.
Mrs. C. Fewster Phone 56-x23
To lot 10. Con. 3. Morri< Twp.. 1
y,,srliug, owner may have same by
proving ownership and paying cost,
STRAYED— s Phone 11 r it
Bernard _Thoma _._
To Lot 6, Con, 12, Grey Twp., 1
yearling, owner may have snot,, by
preying- ownership and paying ,•nst;,
Phone 25-r-5 Carl Iieminn'wny
Chesterfields, radios, pianos. lamps.
kitchen suite,: in large supply at the
Mildmay Funiture -Store, Free de-
G. E. Schuett,
roil SALE—
M) acre farm all in grass. corner
lot, one mile quarter north \Yatton.
Known as the William Sholdice
T. 0. Anderson, Listowel,
Real Estate Broker, Listowel, Ont.
Dry herew"od. For particulars
apply to
Cliff Cardiff Phone 45-r-19
Electric motors rewound and re-
paired. Expert workmanship, Mod-
erate prices. Lloyd M. Bettger,
Monkton, Ont.
To lot 3, con. 7, Grey, a yearling
owner may have same by proving
ownership and paying expenses.
Wm. J. D. Cardiff Phone 21-r-5
Grewer's Greeeteaia has for sale
Good Coakine Apples and a few
bushels or No. 1. Northern Spy
Apples. Open alt Day Wednesday as
Usual. Call 5, Brussels.
Grower's Grooeterla
Now is the time to purchase Louse
Biller or disinfectant also have
Poultry tonics, stock tonics and hog
mineral. If interested phone 43-1-23,
Geo, Wesenberg,
Rawleigh Dealer,
First class tradesmen required for
completion of hones on Housing
Enterprises Pro -lent by the Russell
Construction Company, Ltd., apply
Britannia Street, Fair Grounds,
Stratford, ntario.
Yearly bunting and trapping
rights on 025 acres of farmland
between the 2nd and 4th Con. Grey
including the river flats and 250
acres of real good trapping ground
on the 5 and 6 Grey and 100 acres on
17 Con. Grey.
Ian McDonald Phone 1.3x.
building with steel roof 2S by 45,
N14 of lot 2G, Con. 7, Morris Twp.,
would make an excellent straw shed
or drive house,
apply to Thomas Bradnoclt, Gorrie.
or James McPadzean, Brussels.
....A six-foot Deering Mower ..used 5
years will sell or exchange for good
work horse
Phone 68x -r-3 Ed. Henderson
3RT Its 3 "!rrVINT
The Women's Missln,•a.ry Society
held their monthly meeting on Nov,
18 in the basement of the churhlt.
The worship theme "Prepare For
Christian Family Life" we,sgiven by
Mrs, FTazleweed. The roll call wee
well responded to and many excel-
lent suggestions for "Permanent
Peace+' were given, The report of
the sectional meeting was read. The
chapter on Indian women (from our
study honk) was given by the wo-
men from the Eighth of' Morris
group, They told how that since
some of the Indian women have
been taught to read and have been
given the franchise that they • have
exerted great influence for enact on
the life of India. Many .of them
have talten positions in nubile life
end have helped to raise ltIdia's
standard of living, The meeting
closed with a prayer for all of. our
Acetylene and Electric
Our shop is eduipped to do
First Class
' Welding
And Lathe Work
Your Patronage Solicited.
Good Service Assured,
M, J. Atwood of 10 Marm,aduke St,
Toronto, offers for sale an excellent
grass farm of 100 sores with some
good bush. A large hank barn and
frame house., a drilled well with
wind mill, being lot 20. eon, 15, Grey
Township Huron County. Will be
sold for $3500,00, on account of ill
health, For further particulars
apply to the above address or Jas.
McFa.dzease Box 1, Brussels, Ont.
Established Rural Watkins District
available. If you are aggressive,
and between the ages of 25 and 555—
hove or can secure travel outfit,
this is your opportunity to get estab-
lished in a profitable business of
your own. For full particulars write
Qday to The J. R. Watkins Company
Dept. 0-B-4, 2177 Mason St., Montreal,
have at present a choice number
.f farms at right prides. Anyone wish.
Ing to dispose of their farm (any
size) good buildings please list them
at once as I have clients for Fall
Call cr write J, C. Long,
Real Estate Broker, Brussels, Ont,
Phone 84.
The chicks that give you the
'extra' profits. Good markets guar-
anteed, at good prices. Get that
'extra.' production which only good
chicks give you. Canada Approved.
breeders pullorum tested. Demand
1s heavy, melee your January -Febru-
ary chicks — now. Ask agent for
prices, Wide chores Breeds, cross-
breds, Miss M. Grewar, Brussels,
Brussels, Phone 72.
O'.d Cr G nbrook Survey
Still Bothers Assessor
Though No Town Built
A glassed -hl tower which gives thn
farm home of Calvin Cameron an un-
usual appearance. is a souvenir of
a dream that did not come true.
Thr hmtge. complete with tower
WAS built in '1869 by one et the
early settlers of Grey township at
a time when the township . was
rapidly filling up with immigrants,
noel Cranhrook was expected to be-
come the flourtsihtng urban centre
of the district.
The late 11, A. Muller, one of the
first, merahents in Grey township
built the house on the edge of a
500 -acme townsitg which had been
hopefully . surveyed into streets
anti lots for the future , town of
Crenbroalt, When the railway
came through, Mi. Mulley' hoped
it would come by way of Cram
hrook, and tut his business, and
home on the main line of progress.
The railway came, but it misused
Cranhreok by two miles. The South
Branch of the Wellington, Grey
and Bene Railway—now part of
the Canadian Nartional Railway—
wale routed on a stnalght line ilrom
Atwood through Ethyl to Brussels,
and Cranbrook'a hopes faded, 1n
the early drays .of Grey tawnehir,
!Cranbrook was a fionrtslting Pion-
eer ,settlement, with two 'hotels,
three biackereiths, a sawmill, lime.
kilns and three stores, Today It
is a rural erassiroade,
The man who' built the tower' did
oe b C1eaance Sale of
C5ais Drese r I e Y
Owing to the continued warm weather we are forced
to sacrifice our entire stock of coats dresses and millinery
at great savings to the public. Nothing reserved ..,, nothing
held back everything has to go regardless of costs. Our
loss is your gain,
shop early for best selections
Every coat in the store reduced from $5 to $25 Dollars
the selection is good. We have untrimmed coats in the naw -
est materials, shags, suedes, twills, Harris Tweeds, domestic
tweeds, Camel Hair Wool in fitted and boxy styles
Also fine fear -trimmed coats with luxurious collars of silver,
Red -Bleached Fox, Wolf, Squirrel and Fersian Lamb
Come and Save. This is your golden opportunity All
transactions CASH No exchanges refunds or charges. Alter-
ations extra at cost.
Wonderful Bargains in Dresses
We are over -stocked and must clear at all costs.
NEVER SUCH BARGAINS for such lovely, quality merchan-
Racks at $2.95 4.95 6.95 8.95 10.95
every dress practically at cost or less
You can afford tobuy two at these ridiculously low prices
All Millinery to be cleared
at half their former prices. Only the best, no old left -over
stock. Every bat brand-new from the finest millinery houses
in the country Out they go at HALF price.
Don't miss this Sale if you are interested in honest -to -
goodness bargains. Shop at the
Paris Ladies' Shoppe Listowel
Listowel's Leading Ladies Wear Store
where your Dollar buys more.
net wait to see the village shrink,
Mr. Muller emigrated to Iowa, and
the house which he had built to be
his urban showpla-ce became the
farmhome of the late John Cam-
eron, who moved to Grey in 1875
from Blandford township in. Ox-
ford county. Since then the house
has been in the possession of the
Cameron family, The present own -
Calvin Cameron, returned re-
cently to resume farming on lots
10 and 17 int con, 11 of Grey, after
having been away for five years.
He attempted to join the army.
was turned down on medical
grounds, and spent the war work-
ing in an industrial plan in Wind-
The original survey of the relte
acre townsite of Cranbeook re-
mains on the official records, as a
nuisance to the township assessor.
The farms which occupy the plot
are still officially described as
streets and town lots.
The house wait 1,1111 solidly. of
limestone from the bed of the near-
by Maitland river, Some of ,the
glass which was put in the lower
windows in 1869 is still in use on
the Cameron farm, Some years
ago the Cameron family redesign•
ed the tower windows, putting
there to a sine instead of two; the
glass which was taken out of the
tower at that time is .in use in a
hen house, The house faces south;
from the tower there is PIM a
pleasant prospect of rolling, well-
tii1ed farm land, with •a view east-
ward to ilia Elma boundary,' and
southward newly to the MoICillop
A public meeting was held in the
Vatted Church parsonage, Belgrave.
fast week, to discuss the formation
of a public library. Mrs, Glen Eck-
mier. county librarian, informed
the meeting of the procedure r.eces-
sary,, and, following a discussion,
it was derided to form an associa-
tion library with a library board
consisting of Bruce Scott chair-
man; Rev. 0, Dunlop, secretary -
treasurer; and Jim Anderson, Cecil
1'heeler, .Stewart Proctor, C. R.
Canites. and Gilbert Beecroft,. A.
cnnnntttee comprising J Anderson
Bruce Rentt end Rev, G. Dunlop
taus appointed to find suitable
accommodation for a library and
engage a librarian, Bruce Scott
and Mr. Dunlop were appointed to
interview the council of East Wa-
wanosh for flnanrial. support; and
Stewart Procter and Mr. Dunlop
were delegated to interview the
council •of likarris. Lt was decided
that the library would be housed
temporarily In the lt'a.rmea's' Co.
Operative room, and that it would
be open. on Tuesdays and Saturdays
from 2:30 p.m, to 5:00 p.m.
A .Court of Revision on the
Assessment Roll of the Township of
Morris for the year 1947, will be
held in the Township Hall on
!Saturday, November 23, 1948' •tit 1
All appeals must he in the hands
of the clerk not later than ,November
22, 1946.
George Martin, Clerk.
Poultry Market
Iiet 'Cash Prices
Your Best Poultry Market 1s At Your Own Door Moo yin
We Will Call and Pay Immediate Highest
For Your Hfns and Chickens. `j
Just Call Dublin'Produce Co.Dublin 50
NO SS —'N6 WAITING JUi'P 1'ir CASH. "f
An Long Distance 0418 Paid By Orr DrivenWhoa naTau.