The Brussels Post, 1946-8-21, Page 36au,.5EM.. ,
12 Cd
gives a
lifetime of
DURO PUMPS are pumping
l.� water through thousands of
Canadian Farm H o to e s and
Barns, Modern Farmers realize
that the amount of labour and
time saved by running water pays
for a pump in a few months.
SEE us for the latest I{itchen
... Bathroom and Laundry
Fixtures and Fittings. We will
gladly give you full information.
Wm. Gillespie Phone 68
Brussels, Ont.
Electric motors rewound and r-
paired. Expert workmanship. Mod-
erate prices. Lloyd M. Bettger,
Monkton, Ont.
12 good used pianos at the Mildmay
Furniture Store, Order your washer
now from Schuett and Sons, Mildmay
Free delivery
At the wr•rvic'e in Wiwi.: Church oto
:;matey morning Rev. '1lneiver wag
, asrl leo l,y lbw. Duncan Ritchie
Von:dluo 11.0. 111 Jr•>:,1r. Rl+rht'•
w'ho is vlsittng at the manse with r•:•r
Sider Mrs, Maciver, sang a solo.
TTarvey T'innter Is world, tit
S' ?,'•'h on 1)u' ❑p,rlmet'1; brine
hui11 by hr. Mcmoster.
Path 'int] Doone Pride -1P,,tcrlon
soent the p-mt %este 0..•)Ih there
granrllmN'enla Ir, A. and Mrs. Kry,a.
.1410 Slr.war' who bog simie g,.mg
floe 11 the Thorne or Rohr. 01,',hell
1" +f n- s,•nt with Fort and frig,
Pn f,t1±,q
r,,n,,.,,i, 1, . • Sr'afo'H7c pant ,.
f, 'Io,'rift hi:- ", I ln. angle,
Foss '•,1 1 41 10•,,1,.,,1. woe arslntr,1 by
Is' 1 IV,VriiMR or Valetta of
rho ±n np•„e aer.•iee In TToinn Trn",.•+
r't,•,,.,a, •, Sunday morning'. .Rev,
T!nnr.•,n Ritelite. N1'i'tinn, TS. r will
1,' the. s3,e1103' 71('X Sunday morninx
1" Fret rburrli hero.
1 hoe time 'vn1 enioyrd by all
n•te^d4,.; •hn nt„nt,' In the Snlfnrtl,
7,inna' Park rn Thursday arternnn.
Tt,n nor•• m runlet rd nr h1t1,ln”.
mere ''1 anew•,( nnrl n r,o,n it
n,nr•h l ' er„•vnrl by ntrmbet's nr the.
Yolin'r Woman's Auxiliary.
,Tan. nod Mra. Ritebie. T.nnrlen.
noon the week end with mfrs.
Tlit"11e'a nn,•rnis Allen and Mra
Prod Sm. -Maori hna oureliaanrl the
prnnerty of rite late Mrs Matt.
ranlprnn frau, miss ,7e',, rnn,nr..,' ni'
T(irehnner nod trete hnmnrline
Will anrd Mra, TTnr tar_ n91,W1
' werp ratline on friends Hero the
Past week.
.Trion Minter and 'Karen Kidd
'r' fo•fh err' bottilovioe. of thr .
hone of ZT'•s .T. Petrie and T,vlle and
Mrs, amnion,
1,'ie,,da ri erg 00",rrnh,ln In Rey.
and Mrs. ,T. E. Taylor. Shakespeare
nn the arrival of a young. ,rlanzhfer
on Aug. 7.
n,.,.. end 111'0 S',,allr,nn a11r1
r1ane'1, ter gild two gra nrl ell lel roe
'An -et the past week with George
Sinal I riot.
F. F. Fd ,m -a u t h
"Western Ontario's liiio!t
p ®Eye Searrn
Phone k l 8, td 'carristo n'
1 Bottles are badly
nReason—new bottle
AG production slowed by
shortage of materials.
ejt Remedy—Return ac -
cumulated empties.
Put them back into
circulation. Check
your basement today.
Bring them to nearest
Brewers Retail store or
telephone for pick-up.
Mr. G. G. Hood of Saginaw, and
Ales of North Bratton, Michigan,
are visiting their sister Mrs.
Isabella Cole, Blyth and calling on
old friends in Morris Twp,
Mrs, Livermore of Loudon returned .
to her home Sunday after visiting
On Friday evening. July 26tonne
iri'•nd,; ,�u,l r1,•itrllhunr� •.a1L •..d :,
Wallace Hall to honour Mr. and Mrs
S. itweeney upon th.
111 '11 1)'. During the evening Itis
and lir;;,..•v -n•,.•. l," >,.,
with a tri-iight iloor lamp and
mac4010,• .:1.1 ad I,v 1lrin 11,.• _.... 11,1
and L"w llyn ifiilll,tm 'no lir-
rompinti, ,dd,''"' 10_: 1.4.101 by
N(1,111;!. ITr 1Ny
Tr 1)1! 11
ST, San
lo -,;'a 11'. ''. r;•± -1,1 •S ; n'
[ire. yul,r friend.: i': ,-'. 71-1 h••rr.ri
here nil,, evening' to 1;0' our you upon
• oor recent march, -u'.
Yon 'Margaret h -t':'' not been with
ns a++ lung os Sam lig' we who know
you admire in you time:- sterling:
nn'dilies and 1011111 appreciated pmt:
an11r1ino hand'iu dirr.ctin,T the lives
of our children when yon were In
our midst as teacher,
And Som. after many years of
neighbouring. P0 nitaa yon, helptng
hard when team work Is needed and
pnllM:r toanthm• is what makes great
hones aytL.e,reat nations,
Wool(' you pleaar accept these
:rlftg with o11' hast wishes for
h,alth, wealth. and happiness In
your home.
May God's richest blessing he
with you -both.
Stetted nn 'behalf of your friends.
The remainder of the evening was
spent in dancing. Lunen Ivan
1i-edneNday, l,110ust 21st. 19411
• Farmers drive
core less than city
people and get
low rates from
But farmers do
drive—one unin-
sured accident
could wipe out
y0ut' home or your
savings. tiny the
full proterlion of
Pilot Automobile
Insurance now.
We write insurance to cover selected
Plate Glass, Pub is Liability
the. Add a little sugar calla
kisses with 00 vinegar or pepper on
any acennnt A little spice int-
er -tiles them but it mils' bs 11,0,4
with judgment. Do oat try him with
anything sharp to see if he is he
coming tender. Stir gently the
while lest he stay too long in the
kettle and become flat and tasteless.
If thus treated .you will find hie;
very digestible agreeing nicely 11•til
0 - eg you and he will keep a long time."
ffi S S And now, may we express our
good wishes in a more tangible forth.
FOR SALE— We ask you to accept this gift or
money on behalf of the neighbours
Two 2-yearnld Purr Oxford Rams. and friends.
Harold Sellers
Sinned;—dim Tuimdmli. Margit
C. Deitner, Mary Tuili, Berta 77e1r1:
Marie McTaggart, Adeline Campbell.
James Mair,
Kitchen cabinet, in excellent con -
phone 15-r-5 Jae Holmes The recipients i 111" -
thanks for the gift and good wishes.
Refreshments were served,
7 pigs, 5 weeks old; 10 pigs 7
weeks old,
phone 27-r-10 W. R. Broadfoot
Lot 2, Con, 15, Grey
120 year-old Light Sussex Hens,
laying 50 per cent. Banded and
Blood Tested by Fred W. Bray Co.
100 Light Sussex Pullets, 51/2 months
old, laying. Also from Bray flock,
Mervyn McCauley phone 36-r-15
her aunt, Mrs, Ethel Oloakey, 5th-----
l Ontario's orchards are heavy with fruit and our fields are filled
with vegetables. All hands are urgently needed now—to harvest
peaches, tomatoes, apples and other fruits and vegetables for a
lilrngry world.
Young men and women! Join the Ontario Farm Service today.
Get away from sticky streets into the sunny out-of-doors. Earn
proflt and pleasure in a worthy cause.
The season of need extends from August 10th to October 15th.
Accommodation is in Private Farm Homes orY Supervised Camps.
For four weeks spent in the open fields, one way transportation
will be given you free. Return transportation is yours if you
remain until the end of the harvest. -
Fill In the attached coupon and the Ontario Farm Service Force
will send you a registration form—without delay!
Volunteers are also needed to help can this year's precious
crop of fruit and vegetables. Apply at the nearest cannery
National Employment Service office --or to the
Ontario Farm Service Force.
Agriculture — Labour — Education
me r&>a e30I rrw uses 1®0 46911 118811 000 rasa elm a6Y ® a 060 060 05 Orr P C ,00 Nle Ra, WI
Ontario Farn, Service Force,
111 College SI., Toronte,
I want to "Lond et Hond". Please send me a registration Form and
all nocossaty Infarmanon about the Ontario Form Service Force.
(tit bo 16 or over) ■
Town ■`
0 Tol. No I!
MO Air 1 will be available from.a....rv.. ..u. n...,
(please print)
to - And would like to be M
accommodated Int An inspected Perm tte00
A 'y' Supervised Comp
Rot ® mere ger stele eor ens r®1 ear ria Wel Orr NM rio ora MN hnneMbttllata4,gsr is
PN -4-411
Experienced Teacup and Palmistry
Readings at Lot 12, Con, 4. Grey
Twp, Phone no, 39-r-20. 13y appoint-
ment. Readings hours 1.30 pan, to
5.30 p.mfl .and from 7 to 10 evenings.
Miss I. 111, Sellers
R.R. 2, B1uevale, Ont.
T have at present a choice number
of farms at right prices, Anyone wish-
ing to dispose of their farm (any
size) good buildings please list them
at once as 1 have clients for Fall
Call or write J. C. Long,
Real Estate Broker- Brussels, Ont.
Phone 84.
Established Rural Watkins district
available, if yon are aggressive,
and between the ages of 25 and 55—
have or can secure travel outfit, this
is your opportunity to get establish.
ed to a profitable business of your
own, For full particulars write to-
day to The J. R. Watkins Company.
Dept. 0-8.4, 2177 Masson St
Montreal, Que.
Friends and neigh emirs gathered
at S.S. No. n. on [Wednesday night
Allgust 14th in Tumour of Sir. and
Mrs. S Sweeney. During the
course of the pleasant even11117 spent
in dancing to the 110101: of Wilbee's
orchestra the guests of honour were
Presented with a purse of money
by li,lrt•id Campbell and Jim Turn-
bull while the accompanying address
was react by Margaret Denner.
Dear Margaret and Sam;
we. your friends and neighbours
felt that we could not let such an
opportunity for showing our respect
and affection pass, by without mark-
ing the 07/05)011 In 50100 way that
u41 II be a pleasant memory to us all.
[Wt1 are very 11111011 pleased to know
yen plan to start your wedded life in
-on• community,
May we vellum tlllate Sant for
winning an amiable end industrious
life partner and we wlstl you hots
a long and happy married life. '
To you, Margaret, may we pass
on this ancient recipe for cooping a
hushanrd; 'A gond many husbands
are entirety spoiled by mismanage.
merit in cooking and 00 are Ilnt
tender and good. Some women ltreh ,
them constantly 10 hot water, others
freeze them, others put them In a ,
stew, others roast 4110411 while others
keep 1 11011 constantly in a Fields. Tt',
cannot be snppn50,1 that any husband
will he good and tender managed 1n '
ibis way, but they aro really de•
lirinite when properly treated, Re
sure to select itlnt p04110114 as taetre
differ. It does not mite so ankb
difference what you ronlr him in, as
how you cools him. Ido not keep
hien in. a kettle by for/e, as 11e '1,•111
stay there himself If proper rare is
taken. 24 he Sp11141ere or fizzes, do
not he ataxinula, sone husbands do
Mrs. F. M. Smith
Mary Ethel Gray, widow or n1"
late Franklin M. Smith. passe4
away in Grey township on Wednes-
day, Ju1y 31st. Born in McKillop
risks iu Automobile, Fire, Burglary,
and other general insurance.
township in 1112 sibs resided in
Morris township most of her life.
❑1 1901 she was married to Wm, A.
White who died in 1914 and in 1925
o'he married Franklin M. Smith who
predeceased her in 1932. She is
survived by two sons, Harry and
William. at home and two daughters,
Mrs, James Riley (Verna) and Mra.
John Locking tGladysl both of Grey
township. One son died in infancy,
survive. Richard Henry, Burlington;
snrvire, Dishard Henry, Burlington;
Roy Cleveland. Kalamazoo, Mich.;
Mrs. A. J. Barnes (Bettie) Toronto;
Mrs. George Pullman (Ruth), Staffa:
Mrs. David W. Taylor (Mara)
Tdattr,im, _ Si sk Funerai services
were held from the home of her
son-in-law, ,fames P.i1ey o1 August
2nd with interment in Brussels
cemetery. Rev. G. A. Minle of
Melville Presbyterian Church, Brus-
sels, officiated Pallbearers were:
Roderick and David M' -Lean, Richard
Alcock. S. B. Elioltt. Robt. Bird and
John White. FIowers included;
wreaths, brothers and sisters, sons
and daughters; sprays, grand-
children. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gray,
Freeman, Ont.; neighbours,
Estate Agent Cooveyntaoa
end Coattmiesioater
1)—mcoty removed ut (,'urea SuuniFl»rp trw.sL. P'kmtts:3 eflUtci,
p 77 a t"'� a
Stone S :mete
maeswstai a..wmwrm
,savma,, a.®,m ==msamew,usmc..m
,�- at..,,zagReenm!fie. QWmravomasn. ' :.
The Egg Dap rtment
3 Open
Highest Prices Paid
Honest Grade Assured
Before you sell any poultry phone the
Export Packers. We will call at your
place kr any quantity oryou can bring
them to us.
Ex ort Pac
RetTxrpf re,