The Brussels Post, 1946-4-10, Page 41 ovocessaoloorboesus The Rexall Store Yardley's April Violets Talcum 50c & $1.10 30c 75c ff Red Cedar Moth Flakes Moth Killer Liquid Spray Double Duty Tooth Brushes — 50c Mi 31 Tooth Powder with Sodium Perborate — — 40c Formaldehyde for Grain 35c and 20c Bats. Neutone Flat White Paint, qt. tins $1.45 Easter Greeting Cards Good Choice Now, 5c 1Oc, and 15c each Hear the Lucky Listeners Program on the Radio Friday night, 8.30. Have a box of Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills on Hand 25c. Latest Dress Patterns, in the large Spring ff Simplicity Catalogue, 15, 20c and 25c each. F. R SMITH toRUGGta r and SteMit STATIONER TELEPHONE NO. 62 —. BLUEVALE TELEPHONE NO. 62 The president, Mrs, Raymond Elliott, presided for the meeting of the W.M.S. of Knox Presbyterian Church, held in the Sunday School room. The Scripture message was read by Mrs. Walter Smillie, and Miss Florence Fowler led in prayer. Mrs. PPS. McEwen contributed a reading and Mrs. N. Lillow read the GIad Tidings prayer. The study of ! Africa was continued, with Mrs. Arnold Ljlliow having charge of the chapter on New Uganda, Mrs. W. JJ. JoJhnston opened her houu, on Thursday afternon for the meeting of the W.M.S. of the (United Church, when Mrs, Mc- Crackin presided. The theme of the worship service was "These shall THE W. C. WOOD CO. LTD. GUELPH, ONT. Manufacturers of Electrical Farm Equipment Grain Grinders, Milk Coolers, Milking Machines, Electric Fences, Oat Rollers, Feed Mixers and Farm Refrigeration. Local Agent— Stanley Machan Phone 26-r-8 R, R, 3, Brussels, Ont. PURINA RIN A HYMRU SEED CORN THE BEST OR IT WOULDN'T BE IN THE CHECKERBOARD BAG! FOR SALE AT BRUSSELS CREAMERY E. Richards 84 Son, Ethel TRACTORS AND FARM EQUIPMENT OVERHAULED FOR SALE -- RUBBER TIRED WAGONS Agent for Otaco Farm Equipment a w�� 41, *to BAEKER BROS. Goods Fc r ,A ! Kinds of Baking SOLD IN MUMMA AT Phone 6 Hotelier Shop it russelii. THE BRUSSELS POST War on Warble Or Heel Flies LOSSES : Attributed to Warble flies in Canada amount to nearly $14,000,000 annually. DAMAGES: Gadding of cattle during the summer, reduction in milk flow, loss in flesh, wastage of meat in infected carcasses, injured hides. CONTROL : Destroyed most easily in grub stage after hav- ing reached the backs of cattle by application of rotenone wash usually procurable at drug stores and spray companies, with directions for using. Quantity required approximately one pound of powder for twenty cattle for three treatments. WHEN TO TREAT: Early in spring when grubs commence dropping. Repeat twice at monthly intervals. HOW TO TREAT : Apply material with stiff brush and rub in well. COST : Per animal, per treatment should not exceed 2 cents. SAVINGS : As much as $5 dollars per anvirnal. This ad. is inserted by the Agriculture Committee of the Huron County Council. be my witnesses," Ied uy Mrs. George Thomson, assisted by Mrs, Stanley Darling, Mrs, George Hether- ington, and Mrs. it. Ii. McKin- non. Miss M. Duff was leader for part two of "Evangelism in the Crusade for Christ and His King• dim," with Mrs. A. Shaw, Mrs. Kir- ton, and Mrs. Edward Johnston as- sisting. Mrs. Robert Shaw gave a temperance reading, and Mrs. 1 George Thornton offered prayer Mrs, W. J- Johnston was pianist for the hymns. The Woman's Association of the United Church ,met on Thursday afternon at the home of Mrs. W. J. Johnston. In the absence of the president, the meeting was con- ducted by Airs, Stanley Darling who THE COMBINATION OF SKILLED HA (Crne craftsmanship is a combination of intuitive skill and years of patient, painstaking, precision ef- fort. It's an inheritance from generations of skilled artisans. It takes advan. tage of great scientific re- search throughout the ages, It achieves the World's Masterpieces! Bulova craftsmanship is world famous .. - it has made Bulova the "Master- piece of Fine Watchmak• ing" ... the world's finest timepiece! W. G. LEACH Brussels, Ont. Grass Seed We have a good assortment of Grass Seed, Alfalfa, Red, Yellow Clover also mixtures. We have a special permanent pasture mixture for long term pastures, or we can supply Brome Grass, Orchard Grass, Meadow Fescue, Canadian Blue, Kentucky Blue, Lading Clover in your required amounts. For your fence supplies we have the famous Lundy, Fence complete lines, post and etc., also steel gates in 12 ft. 14 ft. asd 16ft. lengths, We carry complete line of Martin-Senour Paints also cheaper line in Atlantic Brand. We can supply you with a new stove. Leave your order for Radios, Refrigerators and etc. Ao Jo Pearson Phone 224»7 Ethel, Ont. read a poem, The hostesses were Mrs, Arthur Shaw, Al),0, 111rbard .1o'hnslon and Airs. W. J. Peacock Somme AiciiMnon, Otta- wa. is home for the week -end, ETHEL Miss Donis Cunningham, Iteg.N., ,has gone to Lorton, where stie is employed by the Community Nurs- Ing Registry. 'Rite i'esidents of Ethel are sorry to love one of their oldest residents and business roan, Mr. W. 12 Love who has this week lett the village to Snake his home with his daughter and sou-intaw, Mr. and Mrs, Alex S,peiran, 14,th concession of Grey. All business places In Ethel, Crau- brook and :llonnriefl' will observe a half hoiid ty each week rlos•ing at 12 o'ctoc-k noon each Thursday, remain- ing open Wednesday nights from May 1st until Nov. 1st. Wartime Price and Trade Board Information Questions and Answers Q.—We intend to rent our summer cottage Ibis year. Do we have to have the rent -fixed by the Wartime Prises .and Trade Board. A.—Yes. Apply to the nearest office of the Rents Is Administration of the Board and you will be given complete information on the pro- cedure to have rents fixed. Q,—d have been buying my butter at the market it is dairy butter ' and last week 1 bid to pay four cents a pourd more. Is there a legal ,increase in butter prices. • A.—An increase of four cents a pound was authorised for creamery batter but not for dairy or whey butter. Q:---1 have been living in a house for five years. Recently it was sold to a retired couple and I was given a Six month notice to vacate. Is this legal? A:—No, A tenant of housing accomodation cannot be given a notice to vacate for any reason without the permission of the Rentals Administration. Q:—My two sons recently re- . turner from overseas When they obtained their ration books all the pink sugar coupons and many meat and butter coupons were removed. Is this the law? A:—Yes. Under the regluations of the Ration Administration only the coupons just declared valid before the date of issue of a ration book are detached by ration officials and destroyed, It is for this very reason that returning service men are advised to obtain their ration books just as soon as they are dis- charged. Q:—My doctor told me recently that I should have more meat than is now available in my ration allow- ance. How can T obtain the extra allowance required? A;—Apply to your Local Ration Board where you will obtain full information and who will relay your application to the rationbranch in the district Rations on medical grounds must be supported by a signed statement from a doctor registered in Canada, This state- ment must specify the disease which you are suffering ttrom, your age and weight, the kind and amount of food required and the length of time this extra ration wi11 be necessary. Plaque Presented To R. H. Porter By Ford At the convention of Ford Motor Company representatives at Winni- Deg Monday R. H. Porter, who has been this company's, dealer at Oar - man for 26 years, received a unique honor when he was presented with a handsome bronze plaque and a valuable gold wrist watch in recog- nition of his long service with the company. The presentation to Mr. Porter was made by Ma•. Saled of Windsor, sales manager of .the Ford Company of Canada, at a banquet given the dealers at the Fort Garry Rotel Monday night. Ford dealers had a preview of the new 1946 models while in the city, Mr. Porter has been Ford dealer in Carman continuously since he entered the autorn oblle business in town in 1920. Mr. Porter Was, horn and 'raised on the 10121 con. of Grey and, la a son of Mrs. TIT, Porter and the late Hugh Porter also a bomther of Mn', Lloyd Porter and his 3153e1' Mrs. Donald McTaggart, GREY Mt. and Mrs. Wm. J. Perrie and Donald spent Monday at t.hn ,home of Mt, and Mrs, [Many IlTollinger in Haan i i (nn, A11 business. Wares. in Ethel, Cram brook and aMonorieff will observe a half .holiday each week closdig at 12 o'clock noon each Thursday, remain- ing .apett Wednesday nights from May 1st until Nov. lst. si PP Iwt Oh tops Aced Po talS1 IMe .atNd kstt 1h lb. eMr 1 cup dk►d corrals 1 /A Isis, son 2 sups balms water 1 soon onion Cook iced anion i. sa little quares, add balm t 611 brown, add Pr. , 11? nanotea. ,Add dual i stir with s.i1 well mixed. Cook 5 m.a S ,ut'c mcat, ►ar girth fork poste m told water- 1x00,00 with 3 tb.. flour mixed to Wednesday, April 10th, 1946 LA A' "See Reid and See Right" ANNOUPI!(EMENT! R. A. REID Eyesight Specialist of Stratford Will be at his Brussels Office — Miss Hingston's Store from 1:30 p. m. to 5 p. m. Wednesday, April 24 Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted Complete Eyesight Services Misses' Spun Rayon Spring Dresses, sizes 12 to 20, $4.95 ( Women's Spun Rayon Dresses, sizes 38 to 52, $4.95 and $5.95 Women's and Misses' Jersey Flowered Dresses, sizes 11 to 44, one and two-piece $14.95 Girls Alpaca Jumper Dresses sizes 2 to 6x, $2.98 Misses Blouses, 7 to 12 years $1.49 Infants Blouses, 2 to 6 years, $1.39 up Women's and Misses' Sheer Blouses sizes 12 to 44, $2.98 to $4.95 Misses Broadcloth Sport Blouses sizes 12 to 20, $1.25 up Misses Alpaca Skirts, pleated all around $2.98 Misses Alpaca Slack Suits sizes 12 to 20, $.10,95 up to $14.95 New Spring Shoes for the Whole Family weirosstmemponietwevemporuirmennetimoressis Don't forget to ask for your sale slips --For $10.00 worth of these we give you A War -Savings Stamps Free. Phone 61 ' ROADE T'Ci1 E Brussels, Ont. Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Family