The Brussels Post, 1946-4-3, Page 4n
30c g
The Rexall Store
Yardley's April Violets Talcum 50c & $1.10
Red Cedar Moth Flakes --
Moth Killer Liquid Spray
Double Duty Tooth Brushes
Mi 31 Tooth Powder with
Sodium Perborate
50c E
-- 40c
]Formaldehyde for Grain 35c and 20c Bots.
Neutone Flat White Paint, qt. tins $1.45
Easter Greeting Cards
Good Choice Now, 5c 10c, and 15c each
Hear the Lucky Listeners Program on the
Radio Friday night, 8.30. Have a box of Dr.
' Morse's Indian Root Pills on Hand 25c.
Latest Dress Patterns, in the
large Spring
Simplicity Catalogue, 15,each.
20c and
trillJGG1L 1' and
hm37 3:sibl r9ol-NDimbsra
Mr. and. Mrs, Alex McKay, highly
esteemed residents of Atwood, ob-
seved their 25th wedding anni-
versary on March 25. They were
married at Wingham March 25,
1891 ,and except for three years
at Willow Grove they lived in Lima
township where they farmed on
the 8th concession until they re-
tired to Atwood nine years ago.
Mrs. McKay is 74 and Mr. McKay
is 82. Both are enjoying very good
health: They have four daughters,
Mrs, Willis Walker, Toronto; Mrs.
Roy Clelland, Guelph; Mrs. J. P.
Fraser, Burford; and Mrs. Percy
Stephenson, Ethel; also six grand-
children and three great grandchil-
dren. On Sunday a wedding dinner
was served at noon to the follow-
ing guests; Mrs. J. P. Fraser and
Gerald Burford; Mrs. Willis Wal-
ker, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Cleland, Jessie and Margery,
Guelph; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Steph-
enson and Jean, Ethel; Mr. and
Mrs• Jess and Douglas, Hamilton;
MTs. Jack Melbin, Mrs. Sam Stew-
art, Monkton; Mrs. John Howard,
Ethel. The dining room was at-
tractively decorated and the table
was centred with a wedding cake.
Several People called to congratu-
late them and they also received
a number of cards and telegrams.
Jealousy is deadly, yet it is con-
doned. Elsie Robinson writing in
The American Weekly with this
Sunday's (April 7) issue of The
Detroit Sunday Times, tells how two
useful lives were snuffed out when
the lovely wile of a physician shot
up an imaginary "eternal triangle."
Get Sunday's Detroit Times.
Dublin Produce (o.
Registered Egg Grading Machines Used
Highest Cash Prices
Paid For Eggs and Poultry
Phone Dublin 50
Good F$ r
Ali Kinds of
Phone 6 Butcher Shop Brussels.
r on
LOSSES : Attributed to Warble flies in Canada amount
to nearly $14,000,000 annually.
DAMAGES: Gadding of cattle during the summer, reduction
in milk flow, loss in flesh, wastage of meat in
infected carcasses, injured hides.
CONTROL : Destroyed most easily in grub stage after hav-
ing reached the backs of cattle by application of
rotenone wash usually procurable at drug stores
and spray companies, wlith directions for using.
Quantity required approximately one pound of
powder for twenty cattle for three treatments.
WHEN TO TREAT: Early in spring when grubs commence
dropping. Repeat twice at monthly intervals.
HOW TO TREAT : Apply material with stiff brush and
rub in well.
COST : Per animal, per treatment should not exceed
2 cents.
SAVINGS : As much as $5 dollars per animal.
This ad. is inserted by the Agriculture Committee
of the Huron County Council.
The Objects of the Bill.
Explanation of the objects of the
Bill. made at the first meeting of
the Bill in Legislature by the Icon.
L. E. Blackwell, Attorney -General.
On Second Reading I will be dis-
cussing this Bill in detail but with
the First Reading I think I should
give a brief outline and mention
some details of the problems before
us and the considerations we have
borne in mind in mind in presenting
this Bill to the Legislature.
We have inherited the present
beverage room system, which came
into effect in 1934, and I may say
that from the time we took office, in
August, 1943, it has givens this Gov_
ernmeet the utmost concern, An in-
tensive study has been made of the
situation and the legislation in other
jurisdictions have been carefully ex-
amined, We recognized that, under
the unsatisfactory system which ex-
isted, it was impossible to avoid
that they demand the right 10 eon•
sums, alcohclie beverages end our
problem is simply one cl' assuring
honest administration and decent
conditions of distribution which will
in themselves contribute to moder-
ation in the consumption of alcoholic
These conditions vary greatly
throughout the Provinnee and a sol-
ution, which would be satisfactory
in ono locality, may be wholly un_
satisfactory in another. For that
reason we have greatly extended the
local option pt'ovisions and have as-
sured complete control by local pop-
ular vote of the type of distribution
in their own localities.
many abuses which have disturbed
us as much as they have disturbed
the people of this province. One of
the primary difficulties arose front
the provision that outlets for beer
and wine were called upon to qualify
as hotels and for that purpose to
have at least six bedrooms. This re-
sulted in the erection and conversion
of many small establishments where
the addition of the bedrooms. was
the addition of the bedrooms
was for no other purpose than
to permit the sale of beer
and wine. In no sense of the word
were these really hotels. This. in
itself has contributed greatly to the
justifiable distrust and criticism of
the exisiting system.
It is our belief that if respect for
law and order is to be maintained,
laws must be in line with. public
opinion and of .such a nature that
they will be accepted by those who
ordinarily respect the law. The
people of this Province have demon-
strated iu sufficeutly large number
To 411 Employers:
All Unemployment Insurance Books for the year
ending March 31st, 1946, must be exchanged for
new books.
Kindly communicate immediately with your nearest
National Employment Service Office if you.have not
already exchanged your employees' books.
There are severe penalties for
failing to make Unemployment
Insurance contributions for
your insured employees andfor
failure to renew the Insurance
Books as required.
To 411 Employees: digir
if you are an insured person protect your benefit
rights by seeing that your Insurance Book has
been exchanged.
The Bill proposes:
1. To continue the system of licen-
sing under the Board, headed by
Judge Robb, which has now gained
the confidence of all sections of
Public opinion for its judicial fair-
mindedness and the independence of
its judgements whereby applications
for licenses will be publicily ad-
vertised before being heard and all
transfer, renewals, suspepnsions and
cancellations of licenses will be dealt
with at public hearings.
2. The first task of the Board
under the new Act will be to re,
classify existing authorities into
13otels, taverns, restaurants and
•public houses, All of these es-
tablishments are carefully defined
by the Act and. the special accom-
modation, faciiities and equipment
will be carefully prescribed by the
3. The Act and Regulations deal
separately with public houses for
meu only and those into which men
and women or women alone may go.
Two new types of licenses are creat_
ed, a lounge license and a lounge
dining room license which are care-
fully defined in the Act and in
respect of which the special aeeom-
moclation, facilities, equipment and
services. will be carefully prescribed
by the Regulations,
G ass Seed
We have a good assortment of GrassSeed, Alfalfa,
Red, Yellow Clover also mixtures.
We have a special permanent pasture mixture for
long term pastures, or we can supply Brome Grass, Orchard
Grass, Meadow Fescue, Canadian Blue, Kentucky Blue,
Ladina Clover in your required amounts.
For your fence supplies we have the famous Lundy,
Fence complete lines, post and etc., also steel gates in 12 ft.
14 ft. asd 16ft. lengths. 17
We carry complete line of Martin-Senour Paints also
cheaper line in Atlantic Brand.
We can supply you with a new stove.
Leave your order for Radios, Refrigerators and etc,
A. J. Pearson
Phone 22-r-7 Ethel, Ont.
4. Upon reclassification in cities
of over 50,000 Toronto, Hamilton
Ottawa Windsor and Loudon) lounge
and lounge dining room licenses
will be available for issuance but in
the remainder of Ontario the only
licenses that will be available for
issuance will be to hotels in the
strict sense of the word and thea
only for beer and wine with meals
and public house privileges unless
additional licenses are voted in by
affirmative vote under the local
option provisions of the Act.
5. Under the local option provis-
ions of the Bill, the three-fifths
local option provision is retained
but the government stores for the
sale of spirits and beer and every
type.of license may be voted upon
separately, iueulding the opportun-
ity of voting on public houses where
women may -enter separately.
6. Reference to government stores
for beer indicates that the Govern-
ment has determined upon a policy
of taking over the brewers retail
7. Upon the reclassification of
Present esta,blisiements. holding licen-
ses as hotels, those not retaining
licenses as hotels will not be per-
mitted to rent rooms by they day but
will be restricted to renting their
rooms by the week or month,
8. It is i1'oposed, by regulation
under this Bill, to reacleust licen-
sing fees 50 that establishments
rendering the least services will pay
greater fees,
9. The present percentage of
license fees payable to municipal-
ities. where license exist is under re-
' view and in future these amounts
will be peed under definite agree -
menu with municipalities or pro-
vincial police for the purpose of en-
forcing the offences under the Lig_
nor Control Act and the Licensing
10, All the offences under the
present statutes have been retained
and in addition other offences are
Parents or guardians w111 be
prohibited from leaving email
children unattencled to frequent
Distillers, brewers, wineries will
be prohibited from offering (Man-
del or material indareements to in-
crease the sale of their brands.
In addition to a penal provision
to that effect, a civil liability 19
created for knowingly allowing
drunkenness which leads to the death
or injury of an intoxicated person or
a third party suffering death or In-
jury as a result
As well, the Act contains a pro-
vision for special audits and full
power of investigation.
"See Reed and See Right"
Eyesight Specialist of Stratford
Will be at his Brussels
Office — Miss Hingston's Store
from 1:30 p. m. to 5 p. m.
Wednesday, April 24
Eyes Ex mined, Glasses Fitted
Complete Eyesight S,- rvice.
E. Richards & Son, Ethel
Agent for Otaco Farm Equipment
Misses' Spun Rayon Spring Dresses,
sizes 12 to 20, $4.95
Women's Spun Rayon Dresses,
sizes 38 to 52, $4.95 and $5.95
Women's and Misses' Jersey Flowered
Dresses, sizes 11 to 44, one and two-piece
Girls Alpaca Jumper Dresses
sizes 2 to 6x, $2.98
Misses Blouses, 7 to 12 years $1.49
Infants Blouses, 2 to 6 years, $1.39 up
Women's and Misses' Sheer Blouses
sizes 12 to 44, $2.98 to $4.95
Misses Broadcloth Sport Blouses
sizes 12 to 20, $1.25 up
Misses Alpaca Skirts, pleated all around
Misses Alpaca Slack Suits
sizes 12 to 20, $10.95 up to $14.95
New Spring Shoes for the
Whole Family
Don't forget to ask for your sale slips—For
$10.00 worth of these we give you
A War -Savings Stamps Free.
Phone 61
Brussels, Ont.
Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Family