The Brussels Post, 1946-4-3, Page 3THE BRUSSELS POST Quality You'll Enjoy Wartime Price and Trade Board Information Questions and Answers Q.—^I bought a ybunh of green celery for 15 cents and a neighbour of mine paid 14 cents for two bunches. Did I pay over the ,ceiling? A.—There is no eeiling price an Domestic celery, On Inlported 'celery a fixed markup is set for both the wholesaler and the retailer. If this is imported celery we would have to know the name of your supplier or a check could be made of his costs. Q.—We used to be able to get two pounds of small raisins for 25 cents now our -dealer asks 21 cents a pound. Isn't he char'gin'g too much? A.—The ceiling price of raisins is based on a markup. That le your dealer is permitted to add a certain fixed percentage on the price he pays his dealer. If you would give us the name of your dealer and we saw his invoices we would check on the proper ceiling price, e, m Q. --I bought two bags of Irish Cobbler seed potatoes and paid $4,50 for each bag. What is the ceiling price? A,—You do not say how large a bag you purchased, If you will give ns this information we will check. It would appear, however, that you did pay more than the ceiling price. h ._ Q.—My wife and child have just arrived from overseas. I am not yet discharged and have no regular rs:lan Welt flow can I get them their ration hooks and how w111 I get urine after my discharge? A.—When your family arrives, y1'u go to your local ration board •.:it;r.0 30 day.: of urrivnl with pass- ports or Identification papers of and child .and you will obtain the necessary ration books. in your ease, the Arniy, en the day of your discharge will give you a !waited toren which, upon presentat- lor at yonr local ration board will entitle you to •a ration book. r s * Q—.1 have a lease for another two months in my present ,biome. My landlord will agree to renew it if I will pay him more rent. Can he charge Ole more rent? A.—Rents may not be increased without peemissdon . of the rentals officer of the Wartime Price and Trade Board. Questions regarding regulations of t the Wartime Price and Trade Board will 11e annswered if referred to the information Branch, W.P,T.B., Fed- eral Budding, London, NOTICE Tenders will be revolved till Saturday, April kb at 2 o'clock l'.M. for ern'=hing and hauling 6000 er more eubi, rar.ls or Gravel 1n sensor of 1946. Tender received cells for crushed to 1" square or Ye" round and yr" snuare or 1ks" round, t^r- et o'• any seeder not neces- eerily accepted. Security will be required. J. H. Fear, Clerk, Ethel, Ont. AUCTION SALE Of Valuable property to Itis Town of Wingham. There will be offered for sato 00 Saturday, April 6111, 1946, at 3 etched( in the ufternoon, el the law 1'111(0 or Crawford & I-Ietherington, Wingham, by Matt. Gaynor, Auction- eer, the following real property raanely: Part of Lot 160 in Leet & Davies' i'urv(y In the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, more partieu- l;u'ly dr'mrlbed In Deed number and nuntaining one-half an acre of land more or less. On the property is said to be a ("1((.4,d holrse or sound construe - 'inn, 7 gnome and bath, fluorescent 1'elrts, and all conve'',enees, good bass marl, garden welt laid out, end a enrage. The prem''1-.t may ba viewed between the horn's of 9 1 m. (lid 6 0.111, op Ibu following d1vs; b'rklay, !perch elite. Saturday March 30th, Wednesday, April Ord, ed Frl(d:,3'. Ap"tl 6111, TieRMS OF SALE: Ten percent on the clay of sale, and the balance within thirty clays thereafter when possession will be given. The property will be offered subject to a reserve bid, 1)ATIOD this twenty-first day of March, A. D. 1346. IaleDD MASSEY„ Wingham Ontario Owner. MATTHEW F, GAYNOR, Lucknow, Ontario, Auctioneer New Wallpaper P.efaects Heat A new wallpaper which enables a room to be warmed up in one-third the normal time has been produced by English women research scion- tists. This remarkable fuel -saver ac- !1y reflects heat from electric fire, instead of absorbing it into the walls. Thus are new features con- stantly being introduced. The action is due to the metal decoration with which tee paper is enrrrtsted and Prevents the ]seat being lost. The ;torrent hers of course been made that heat corflned to the house is .lot lost, even in the walls, and it is lost only when it esrapes through the outer walls or the roof. Yet these IG'glish women seem to hove. proved that a room can be heated, in o.le-third the usual time by n68 of this special wallpaper. WANTED— An (Mtce girl and book -peeper at lumber yard, to commence duties iutenld'lately. phone 77 1). N. 11eDo11aid& Son FOR SALE - 1 eoiony house 10 x 12 ft, Some Vanguard oats, also can take 6 head year old cattle to grass for the season. John McNair, Brussels Phone 44x or 43-r-7, Notice to Creditors I11 the estate of HARRY ELWOOD McCUTOI2170N, late of 1)he Vil- lage of Brassele, in the County of Huron, garagetnan, who died on or about the twenty-seventh day 06 January, A. D. 1946, TAKE NOTICE that all parties having claims or demands against the estate of the above deceased must mall particulars and proof of same to the undeisdglled administra- tt•lx o1' her solicitor on or before the twenty-ninth day of March, A. D. 1.946 upon which date the said admin- Is'traMNx w411 proceed to distribute the assets with regard only to those claims which they shall [ben have received, , Dated at Brussels this eight day of March, A, D. 1946, FIANNAl1 McCUTOTIEON, Adlninis.tratrix by her solicitor ELMER 0. BELL, Brussels, Ontario. Notice to Creditors in the estate of ALEXANDER KING, late of the Township of Morris In the County of Huron, farmer, who died on or about the twenty-fifth day of February, A.D- 1946. TAIcia NOTICE that all parties having claims or demands against the estate of the above deceased !must mail particulars and proof of same to the undersigned executrix tn' her solicitor on or before the !twentieth day of April, .A.D. 1946, I upon which date the said executrix will proceed to distribute the assets with regard only to those claims which she shall then have received. DATED a.t Brussels this twenty- second day of March, A.D. 1946, CATHERINE KING, Executrix by her solicitor R. S. HETHERING- TON, K.C., Brussels, Ontario, SERVANTS GALORE ... BY WIRE The time to solve the servant problem once and for all is when you are building or "modernizing" your home. The greatest modern domestic servant is electricity. How well and to what extent electricity can serve you, now and in the future, depends on how well your "servant's entrance" is designed ... how wisely your home is wired. Inadequate wiring limits the use of electricity. It leads only to inefficient opera- tion of lights and appliances. But adequate wiring ... three wire service to the house, with proper size circuits in the home and plenty of outlets in every room .. a overcomes these difficulties, and gives you full use of these modern servants. Electrical home appliances increased rapidly in number and variety before the war. They are now reappearing and will continue to multiply. Homes that were wired only for the needs of 20 years ago should now be rewired to suit the wonder- ful new "electrical servants" to come. Hydro's low-cost dependable service enables you to use these modern servants to the fun if you have provided for them. In planning your new home, put adequate wiring at the top of your list. If you are improving or building a home, ask your Hydro for the book" let "Adequate Wiring for the Postwar Electric Homes of Canada." FOR SALE— BARRED ROCKS, Gov't. Approved chicks from inspected 100155 bred for production, health and vigour. Breeders blood tested for standard and variant types of pulloram. We offer mixed chicks, sexed pullets and cockerels at reas.uable prices. Book yonr order ant: far spring de- livery. Cur chicks qualify for Inter Provincia' shipment, Laketield Chick Hatohery, Lakefleld, Ont. Order from D. Lawless, Watt:" Phone 19.r-18 Brussels, JOB Noe 18 C assirje l Acis FOR SALE—, Small Cook Stove (liberty new). (Coal or wood). IHarold Bolger Phone 50-r-14 FOR SALE- 1''ou1• tires, 000 x 16, suitable for wagon. apply to Sato Thynue Phone 31-r-19 FOR SALE— M run Massey -Harris Fertilizer Disc 131111, apply to Russell Widbee Phone 40-t'•4 FOR SALE - 1 Yorkshire Boar and 7 sows and ,1 chunks, Chas` Simpson Phone 84-r-16 LOST -- A Shovel between Brussels and a mile and a quarter East on the 9111 Con, of Grey. Finder please return to Geo. Evans. FOR SALE— Fresh Cement on hand, car of Nut Coal this week, car of Drum Miller hard lump coal to arrive in a Yew days, J. H, Feat' Phone 22-r-14 WANTED— Capable girl for general house - Work, small family, good character reference, sleep in. Apply Mrs. David Gemmell, 1:79 Elizabeth St,, Stratford, Ont, SEED GRAIN FOR SALE No -barb barley, grown first year from registered seed. Ajax oats and mixed barley and oats (Ajax and No. 21). 3, P, McIntosh Phone 55-r-6 WANTED— Cucumber Growers for the season of 1946. Highest prices in history, Write or phone Libby, McNeil and Libby Co. Phone 30-r-8, Dublin, Ont, LOOK HERE— '^ Men wanted to start in business on our capital. Sell some 150 farm. home Products. Thousands of our Dealers new make guick sales, big profits. For particulars write Raw leig;h's, Dept., ML -1.52-192-D., Montreal FOR SALE— A number of 100 acre farms price $3000.00 up; A number of 200 acre farms price $6,000.00 up; 1 200 -acre bush farm $3000,00; a number of 50 -acre farms $2000.00 up; 3 good grass farms with water. Write or Phone J. C. LONG, Real Estate Broker, phone 34, Brussels, Ont. FARM FOR SALE - 95 acres of land, bank barn, straw,- shed. traw.sired, driveshed, cement silo, drilled wen and spring, 2 story solid brick house with frame kitchen. 2 miles from Orantbrook 5 from Walton, 7 from Brussels, Janet McNair, R. R. 2, Brussels, Ont. FQR SALE, 100 acre fa no, Lot 18, Oen, 10, ter ey Twp,, 9 brink house, hank barn, hen house and garage, hard a'eod bush, good watet, shone 90-r-4 L Porter Chrysler sees.._.., d SItL1®R Corporation TENDERS WANTED— Tenders Tenders will be received by the Appointment secretary for the wiring for bydro a of the school house of S. S. No. 10 Grey, Plans and ,apecifieetions may be had from the secretary, 'Tenders will also be received for the painting of the walls ankh ceiling of the classroom, Painting to be ' done in Easter holidays, The lowest or any tender not ' necessarily actcepted. 41 tendert must be In by April 13th. Leslie Lake, (Sec.-Treas.) R. R. 3 Brussels, Ont. Phone 60-r-15 WANTED— Established Rural Watkins District available, It you Hee agreetave, and between ti 0 ages of 25 anti 55 — have or can seo11'e travel outfit, 1111s is vottr opo 1.tunity to get esdabfishe•i in 'c profitable bits - Mess of your own. For full particn- lars write today to The J. R. Watkins Company, rept 0.13-4 2177 Masson St., Mo11lt'eal, Que. E. C. Row Viae -President and Genera/ Manager 0. W. Churchill, President, Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited, announces the appoint- ment of E. C. Row, to the position of Vice -President and General Manager of the Corporation, at Windsor, Ontario. Mr. Row has been associated with the Chrysler organization for over tw4iity-five years, with much of that time spent on export work. In 1942 he was appointed Assistant to the Presi- dent of the Chrysler Corporation of Canada Limited. Ono year later Mr. 'Row was called on to take charge of ono of the largest ordnance depots on the North American continent, The operation of this depot was a government assignment to the Corporation. Mr. Row returned to bis duties as assistant to the President of the Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited in 1945, and is now pr�omoted to ills new osition of Vice -President and p General Manager. FOR SALE—. How lucky we are in Canada The world looks to as for food , all kinds. You'll treed all the chicks you've room for to selisfy your mar- kets, Eggs or meat. nig-4 Chicks are the choice of poultry keepers who know of their livability, high produetlon. Wide choice breeds, crosses, breeders, Governanent In - stinted and bloodtested for both strains of pttnorum. Agent it S. W0l'Wick, Hill 'Cop Ranch, i3rite0 'te. w.i • Wednesday. March 27111, 1946 s' Formersdra 01(00 less than eky people and get low rates from Pilot. But fawners do drive—one. unin- sured accident could wipe out your home or your savings, Buy the full p1'otection of Pilot Automobile Insurance now. ,;,I ALT E 4 3COrii — BRUSSELS Representing /0 COMPANY We write insurance to cover selected risks in Automobile, Fire, Burglary, Plate Class, Public iaiability and other general insurance. .:74-11:4.9,18TX74,0tiMi.t 1194211 efa Douglas Whitmore, 12_year-o son of Mr. and Airs, K. Whitmore, had the thrill of a lifetime when he landed the first sucker of the season from Blyth creek last Wednesday afternon. The fish measured 18 inches long and weighed two ponnds nine ounces, Cadet Corps Inspections Start At End Of April ld Annual inspections of Royal Can- adian Army Cadet Corps In Mili- tary Dietrlet No. 1 will commence April 30, it was announced at die- u'ict headquarters in London today. Major John Young, district cadet officer, will start his itinerary on that date. Archie Young, Mullett township farmer, reports two litters of pigs, one of 17 piglets, and one of 16. But William Fear, of East Wawanosn, goes him more than one better. Mr. Fear reports a litter of 20 little pigs and says mother and family are all doing line. This should help the bacon shortage. Mrs. Lorne Hunking and daugh- ter Marjorie, Hullett, with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Bell; Mr. .and Mrs. E, Roses. Goderich, with Franklin and Mrs. Bainton; Mrs. I1lerburn and daughter Reta, Guelph, Mr, and We.. Leon Bannon and daughter Marie, Seaforth, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beninger; Mr, and Mrs. E. Taylor and son Paul, Clinton. with Mr. and Mrs. A.Taylor and Mr. and 1Trs L. Hilburn; 1)2. and Airs. C. Lockhart, Goderich, with Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Scrimgeour and Mr. and Mrs, 5 Robinson; ;Miss El- eanor Sundercock, •Wingham, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Charlie Sundercock; 13111 Henry, London, with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Maitland Henry; Mr. and Mrs. C. Page, Kitchener, with Joseph and Mrs, Marks. Following is the full schedule for this district: May 1, Lucknow ILS. 9.30 aim.; Clinton 0,I., 2:00 p.m., May 2, Seaforth C.I. 9:30 a.m,; Goderic'h Gs., 2;00 p,n1,; Kincardine H.S,, 8:00 p.m.; May 3. Brussels H.S.. 1:30 a.m.; Willghaau H -S., 2:00 p.m,; May 6, Listowel H.S, 2.00 0.m., Mitchell H,S. 7:00 p.m.; May 21, Milverton H.S., 9:30 a.m.; May 22, Exeter 11.S., 9:30 a.m.; Stratford C.I. 2;00 p.m.; Palmerston H.S. 7:30 p.m.; St, Marys, C.I„ 7:00 p.m. NOTICE— Electric motors rewovel and re - 7a red Expert workmanship. Id .0. '.'ate prices. Lloyd M /lenge:, Olrnkton, Ontario. F. F. Hornuth Registered Optometrist "Western Ontario's Most Modern Eye Service" Phone 118, Hcu'riston Try the lamas Brock treatment for dandruff etc. Breck for beautiful hair 'ws better permanents. Also MtacltinelOSI Permanents Irene Pease For appointnsesge Phone 1356 DEAD or DISABLED t"iudctcdy removed sa Clean Sanitary tructts. Pismo collect, 21 BRUSSELS William Stone Sons Limited ANT LIVE HENS AND CHICKENS also GEESE and DUCK FEATHERS REST PRICES PAID you Jell any poultry phone tthc Packers. We will call at your Before Export place for any quantity or you can bring them to us. tot Packers I I PHONE 70xxp- BRUSSELS