The Brussels Post, 1917-10-25, Page 7arm (op Queries
Conducted by Professor Henry G. Bell
The object of this department ie to place at the ser•
vice of our farm readers the advice of an acknowledged
authority on all subjects pertaining to soda and crops,
Address 'all questions to Professor Henry G, Bsll, In
care of The Wilson Publishing Company, Limited, Toronto,
and answers will appear In 'this column In the order In
which they are received. As space Is limited It la advls•
able where ImmediatereplyIs necessary that a stamped
and addressed, envelope be enclosed with the question,
when the answer will be mailed direct. Henry G. Bell
G.P.1V. I have a field of well
manured sand loans that is literally
infested with horse nettle, bluegrass
and smartweed. The field is now drill-
ed to corn and soy btihns, but the
ordinary methods of cultivation has
had but little effect on the weeds. 3
wish tolsoon sow rye among the corn.
Can I seed this field to some kind of
•• grass next spring to use for pasture
when the rye conies off that will assist
in getting rid of these weeds?
Answer:—If you sow rye among the
horn and itgets a fairly good start,
I would advise you to plow it under
about the end of May or early in June
next year. Cultivation will kill out
a large- amount of the horse nettle,
bluegrass and smart weed:_ 'As soon
as the ground is thoroughly worked
up, I would advise seeding with a
temporary .pasture mixture which has
given good results at Guelph. This
mixture is a follows:.
10 lbs. common red clover
8 lbs, timothy
2 lbs. alsike
Answer:—It is generally conceded
better practice in cold climates to
plant -fruit trees in the spring. As
a rule, they are taken out of the
nursery rows in the fall and are "heel-
ed" in; that is, a trencheis dug in a
sheltered place and the trees, are set
in at an angle or upright, being covered
half -way up the stem. As soon as
frost is gone, in thespring they are
taken out of the trench and planted at
the desired distance in the new
orchard ground. Care should be tak-
en to prepare the ground in good
shape. Many farmers lose their
orchards by not giving deep and
thorough preparation to theereil. As
soon seethe trees are well set the soil
should be kept loose to a depth of at
least two -inches by sufficient eultiva-
tion so that the much neede,d moisture
will not escape.
An addition of fertilizers or barn
manure both at the time of planting
and later as a side -dressing to the
trees will greatly assist in giving
them a vigorous start.
W.F.:—Would you please tell me of
Total 20 lbs, the culture of .hops for commercial
This mixture willA
produce : roduce a sates- punswe2
Answer:—For hops, the plants are
factory pastors a&sly in the spring set, in spring at about the dpth from
and will maintain stock until early"in which the roots were dug up. If the
In to insuregood
-autumn. a hops are being propagated from cut -
catch of grass and clover seed, I tings, these cuttings are set in a
would advise at the time of planting to shaded and ell -tilled seed bed in the
apply 200 pounds per acre of a forts- summer. ne3i�are transplanted
. liner carrying 2 to 3% ammonia, and fromt this seed -bed a following
10 to -12%* available phosphate acid, ' aprret-. -c rlie"s' Bets -emcee be cut
unless it is possible for you to'apply back in early spring until the third
five or six loads of well rotted manure year so that the plant will store up
per acre. In your ease the fertilizers
would be preferable, since it supplies
jug the same plantfood but does not
carry weed' seeds. When the -stock
are taken off this pasture next fall
the ground should be plowed im-
mediately and disked and harrowed
until it freezes hip. This will destroy
the weeds in question.
R.M.:—Is it a better time to set
out fruit trees in the fall than in the
spring, and should they be mulched?
"Fora and Uncolored"
ie the ideal sugar for all
ripe, in ell preserving, bocaiwo of ire
greenor 1? + rays s BINE Granulation.
spiced conserves, or 10, 20 andloapmmdsadao
simply preserved in light 2 uu l s.round cosies,
B , inake a' delicious, Titres naw Cook nook, eons free
yrexl'for Med Ball Trade -mark
and inexpensive suaddition
to your winter supplies. *3I''Icsncnn'nLFI1tCnTEs
- Limited, Montreal
Or///elf rAI r
Dousing Fare Animals
The time of year has coma when all The exact temperature at which the
the animals on Ontario farms mustbe dairy barns -ought to be maintained is
housed and this matter of stabling is a disputed point; some authorities
of some importance. The arguments
on each side of the question must be
weighed and each given due considera-
tion in planning for the comfort of the
animals and for the pocketbook of the
Degeee of Warmth
Among stockmen to -day thereis
quite a dispute as to how warm the
stables should be for different animals,
and this question is answered largely
by the type of animal and by the -re-
quirements which are made of them.
It is very true that cold animals will
use up the .body- in furnishing
warmth and the flesh thus used up can
only be replaced by good food which
is expensive. Carbohydrate feeds do
not generally rangeas high in expense
as the rich protein feeds, but present
prices are very high indeed. It seems
then, that any precaution or extra care
in housing will be -well repaid by the
ease of keeping which will result. It
costs somewhat more to winter a feed-
er steer over and keep him growing if
he is kept out doors in the cold, than
as though he is sheltered from the ele-
ments. Then there comes the valid,
argument that the labor involved is
one of the greatest costs in any of the
farm activities and so the problem of
the feeder is to balance these things
over against each other and decide
sufficient' strength. In preparing 'the, which will prove the most profitable.
see that it is well enriched with
soil With fattening stock, especially
rotted manure or- fertilizers, or with where labor and building materials are
both. When fertilizer is used, from high, feeders find it more economical
200 to 300 pounds per acre carrying to use the open shed for their stock.
3 to 4% ammonia and 8 to 10%s avail- This reduces the labor for the forage
able phosphoric acid with as much
potash as possible, should be, applied.
If you have a supply of-wood.ashes,
it is a good thing to add a
dressing of ashes to the ground, since
the ashes carry both potash and lime.
Dy John B. Huber, M.A., M.D. '
Dr, Huber will answer all sighed letters 'pertaining to Health. If your'
question is of general interest it will be ,answered through these columns
If not, it will be answered personally if stamped, addressed envelope _is en-
closed. Dr. Huber `will, not prescribe for individual cases or make diagnosis.
Address Dr. John 13. Huber, care of Wilson Publishing Coe 73 West Adelaide
8t., Toronto. -
4 brush its time saved nein.
Digestion doesn't begin in the getting gradually worse. On the.
least bit of. exertion I feel choked up
and I wheeze. I am so short of breath
I can scarcely work at all. I am
bothered mostly at night, astI can't
breath lying down. Tuberculosis.was
suspected in my case; but the exam-
ination of the }sputum for the germ
showed none. I ani advised not to
stay in this climate and we are un-
decided where to go. Will you give
me your opinion. We would like to
locate in California. •Is that.. climate
suitable? I know what benefits one
may not help another. 1 am. 89,
height 5 ft., weigh 96 and am anemic.
Answer—The "negative- sputum"
test is not an absolute one. I am
sending you the signs of early tuber-
culosis, Do not worry; only be sure
and then. get well. Your weight is
30 below the•everage of your age and
height. No climate can be assured
beforehand to be beneficial' in asthma.
California should be •excellent for you.
But as the going would be something
of an experiment I would advise you
to precede your family by a few
weeks; then, if you are being benefit-
ted the others can come after, Best
wishes. '
Cancer of the Tongue.
stomach; it begins in the mouth. If
this truth were realized a great many
- lough far from all—cases of
dyes epsia would "fold their tents like
the Arab and as silently steal away"
never more to affect the sufferer. The
first thing necessary to good diges-
tion is to ,have the food thoroughly
chewed so that At 10 in a condition
to be readily mixed with the diges-
tive juices, the first of \vhich is the
saliva in the mouth. How necessary
then, it is to keep the mouth, the
teeth and the gums in good condi
tion. ' How salutary to this end is
the advice to go to the - dentist at
least once a year, and have 'those
precedes 'Masticators overhauled and
kept rights
The teeth skould he brusled at
least on rising and at bedtime' and
the mouth should be rinsed with wa-
ter after each meal. Any one of the
many dentifrices now in market is
right. Also clean the ' spaces be-
tween.:the teeth with 'dental floss.
Soft wooden tooth picks are well en-
ough; but picks made of hard sub-
otances are apt to injure, the precious
enamel, You would be surprised to
hear how much tooth irregularity in
children is due to the mouth breath-
ing habit; 1
see therefore that any pos-
n ypos-
sible adenoids or enlarged tensile in
your ehild'o throat are attended to.
Have your children get the teeth
preserving habit in early childhood,
Asthma and Climate.
I 'liana been troubled ail my-, life
with asthnta. , But after I got my
growth I was not bothered so much
until about 8 years ago it has been
Is cancer at the root of the tongue
in a person of fifty possible to oper-
ate on, or should it be left alone? Or
should X -Rays be used? or radium?
Answer -The examining surgeon
must decide. The rule is to operate.
The condition, I am bound to say, is
a grave one, but recoveries -after op-
eration have been reported. This. is
I believe the best procedure, Some
cures by radium have been reported.
I do not believe the X-rays would, be
otficacious in ouch a case,
When feed alone to young'lligo, porn
pr uce
ad s relatively at volY st
ow ((eine at a high feed cost. Supplemental
or POUT: Rt ,11',A10,
Please writ,,jor particulars.
ur .wtitAlr«..a�
Se aeonseeoiUM sp, obtresa
fee will,mako faster ains at a low-
er feed requirement per unit of grain,
Jus no
'whet grates are highh 31
prioe Armee shonld nnderstao that
those• arae other kinds of hog feeds
which are cheep, and one of the dump-
iest is rape posture.
.For the first day after farrowing
the tow should he Ad sonewliitt light-
ly, and the ftioci should he ad-
vanced to by dogma during the first
ten days,
Pigs on pasture must be given some
grain In addition If they are to gain
at all,
claim that 70 degs..,F. is about right,
while others say the proper tempera- may be searched for at a given warn-
ture is some 30-degs. below the fist, ing from the hostess. On the stroke
figure. Owing to the- fact that the Iof twelve, or any other hour you have
covering of hair decreases the neces- mentioned in the slip hidden in the
sity for artificial heat, most success -I. walnuts, all the players will, after
ful dairymen agree that the tempera- trying to sneak away from each other
sure for dairy, cows ought to be main -Ito get down cellar, find themselves in
tained at from 40 to 60 degs. F. This
does not mean that the barn should be the cellar, which must be dimly light
supplied with steam heat or artificial I ed. Digging with tin spoons at the
heat of any kind, but it does mean farthest end will reveal little envelopes
that the barn should be so built and1with fortunes, which have been pre -
cared for that in the coldest days in
winter, the inside temperature never
goes below 40 degs. F.
Avoid Cold Drafts
Mothers and daughters of all ages are cordially Invited to write to this
department. Initials only will be published with each queotion and Its answer
as e means of identification, but full name and address must be given In each.
letter. Write on one side of paper only, Answers will be mailed direct if
stamped and addressed envelope la enclosed.
Address all correspondence for this department to Mrs. Helen Law, 235
Woodbine Ave., Toronto.
header:= -The following are some
games which you may consider suit-
able for your Hallowe'en party;
Fortunes in the Cellar—Before the
party assembles prepare walnuts by
taking the kernels from there, sub-
stituting a little piece of paper and
then gluing the shells together., The
writing on each is the same. It should
read somewhat after this fashion: "On
the stroke of twelve steal silently to
the farthest end of the cellar and dig.
Keep this strictly secret. Do not let
any one see you go down cellar. To
tell any one wilt break the spell." The
walnuts are hidden around the room
where the party is to be held. They
pared before the party. These for-
tunes tan be made very funny. A
day or so before the party let a couple:
of the young people who are giving it
Fresh air sufficiently warmed never get together and make up queer
hurt any animal but cold drafts have prophecies about those who are com-
brought on Many ailments which have ing. All members of the party must
resulted disastrously. The mistake
sit down ri ht then and there in the
that is made in the construction of a g
great many Ontario stock barns is that cellar and read their fortunes aloud.,
of excluding the air too much and not Seeing Your Future en the Stairs—
providing any meanssof ventilation at Before the party secure a hand mirror
all. Bank barns -seldom are vents- without any glass in it. Some one
rated at all "and while they may be just will be sure to have a broken one.
right as far as warmth is concerned,
the absence of plenty of pure air is Then by to get. photographs of all of
detrimental to the stock; they are those who will be at the party Tell
compelled to re-breatheethe same air the boys as well as the w' it that they
so many times that the body processes
cannot take place` as they should.
'Since fresh air is se free, and since
it can be so easily and inexpensively - E�f��'
supplied to the stock, and at the same �,. .�' Ie i
time not subject them to drafts,
there is little excuse for not supply- • j� �r�r
ingit. Ithat themomentl /�LLGS
know I � l!
speak of ventilating -a stable, someone
and grain can be easily distributed to is going to think immediately of a The Two Towns.
the stock and the labor of removing high-priced ventilating system which „Ptell little maid,
the manure is reduced to the minimum. will take mray can you me,
ors money than he can rake They way totellm, Grumble -town?"
Of course, more bedding must be sup- and scrape to pay for but such a sys-
plied in this case, but that is a small tem is a luxury and not a necessity. And first she pointed up the road,
matter when compared with the other Method of Ventilation And then she pointed down.
considerations. Added to this, the op- The thing to be remembered in ane She pointed up and pointed down—
en shed which affords protection for method of ventilating' is that cold air Then shook her pretty head:
the animals in •inclement weather is is heavier than warm air and so if the "I've +
also a factor in conserving the ma- I ve never been to Grumble -town,'
nurial product. The more nearly the air is allowed to get out through the The little maiden said,
air can be entirely excluded from the top of the stable, the stable will be
manure, the more perfect will be its cold for all the fresh air will be sup- "Then maybe you can show me, child,
preservation and for this reason, the plied at the bottom, _Qn-the other The Town of Pleasantville?"
constant trampling of the stock 'keeps hand, if all the fresh air is supplied at "Oh, yes, indeed;" she said, and smil-
the fertilizer elements from passing the top through one large opening anded;
off and prevents fire-fanging. is conducted out at the bottom throughIt's just beyond the hill,
another single exit, the pure air is not
sufficiently warmed, and besides, a "Good sir, it's just beyond the hill;
draft is created. And if you'll come with me,
In some stables, enough air can get I'll take you into Pleasantville;
in around doors and windows, but nth- That's where I live," said she:
era are too tight so a stale stable re-
sults; open the doors in winter and
stable odors and impure air roll out Some Comical Tenants.
in sufficient quantities to be noticeable "Are you the landlord?" Bobby sat
in the extreme. In order to have the up in bed with a terrible start and a
air well warmed, it should come in at
creepy feeling along his spine. " Are
several places, preferably near the top you -the 'landlord?" persisted the cross
It has
of the been. voice. He stared around wildly and
found that the average
1,000 -Ib. cow breathes 2,804 cubic feet
of air in twenty-four hours. There
should not be more than three per
cent. of breathed air in the stable at
any one time and on these calculations,
there should be provided 3,600 cubit
feet of pure air per day for each
1,000 -Ib. annual. Fresh air is just as
essential as is good food.
must walk down the cellar steps blind-
folded with a mirror in order to see'a
picture of their future mates in the
mirror. One is blindfolded at a time
and is led down the dark cellar stairs
with an eleetric 'flashlight and with
the mirror in his hand. In the mir-
ror has been plated a picture of the
girl about whom it is most fun to
tease the boy who is on the stairs: Re-
move the bandage from his eyes sud-
denly. He must leek over his left
shoulder in the mirror the moment it
is removed. Of couree the result is
funny. As the trick is played on
each one in turn those who have seen
their fate may follow the blindfolded
one down the stairs, thus increasing
the fun.
There are many other games that
every one knows about that never fail
to make a success of a Hallowe'en
party. Bobbing for apples, pinning
a little broom on the witch, whose pic-
ture has been drawn with shoe black-
ing on a big sheet, are always fun.
For the latter a prize can be given to
the one who comes nearest to the
witch's hand. Of course, it is fun
for every one to come in costume. Try
an advertisement costume party.
Let each one come dressed up like
some character seen frequently in ads.
The one who guesses what most of the
ads are gets a prize.
Mrs. M.:—To fill a hot-water bag
correctly .treat the water until it is
nearly boiling. Fill the bottle a lit-
tle more than one-third dull. Before
putting in the stopper lay the bag flat
and double the upper part over. This
drives out the steam and prevents an
accumulation of it. It is steam that
makes a hot-water bag hard and un-
comfortable' for the patient.
Dairy Cows Must be Kept Warm
The moment we pass from fattening
animals to dairy cattle, the problem
becomes altogether different and the
solution must assume.. another angle.
Since the product of the cow is largely
protein and fat, she cannot do her best
at milk producing and at the same
time use up a large amount of the
food which comes into the body for
supplying heat. She cannot be ex-
pected to do this; the good cow usual-
ly does one or the other but seldom
proves very successful at both the
same winter. Cows that are forced
'to stand out in the cold usually com-
mence to go dry when cold weather
comes oni.and while it is not true -that
housing is all there is to making a
cow give milk, it is true that it in-
fluences the milk flow to quite an ex-
\• OCTOBER 28.
Lesson IV. Ezra's Return From
Babylon—Ezra 8. 13-36. Golden
Text, Ezra 8. 22.
Verses 21=23. Ezra collected the ex-
iles, who were to accompany him, by
the river or canal Ahava,.in prepara-
tion for the longjourney to Jerusalem;
but before the caravan got under way
he proclaimed --a fast so that -the peo-
ple might humble themselves before
their God and pray for an auspicious
journey. Fast—An Occasion of
humiliation, before God, an acknow-
ledgement of the people's entire de-
pendence upon the divine favor for a
safe journey. Ahava—A breech of
the teepyirates or canal in the vicinity
of Babylon. Ito exact location cuts not
be determined, Straight way—,
suocesqut}ul,or sato journey, Asheme
—Ho' did tot want to ornate the' Im
pr osion that the people of Jehovah
had to depend upon human agencies
for pr toctiot . On the eo1 trees, h
dimmed the Icing Gild their' God would
ogre for them, for he a1 apr t
those Who t their tru t i him ' and
l U r s 11 ht
doetreys: shoes Who forsalte him,
Nehemiah dict not hesitate to accept
a�escort (Nth, 2, 0), Illeemy—Depert.
robbers who might trouble the tiaras
vale, The illtlinate oueeess of the en-
terprise proved that Jehovah heard
for my goody, who would like to be
deserted by his toes?
A Helping Hand.
Here is one way in which to offset
the loss of strength in rural com-
munities by reason of our boys joining
the colors or migrating to the cities.
Every week there are boys from eight
to twelve years of age becoming home-
less. There are great possibilities for
good in these lads. They would make
good farmers if taken early into the
family and brought up through the
next few years.
These are not delinquent boys, but
boys who by no fault of their own have
been cast upon the mercy of the world.
They deserve a chance to win success,
Scores of our readers in Ontario
rural homes could to advantage avail
themselves of this opportunity to do a
kindness and at the same time help
1f labor and equipment are not made
to serve to their full capacity through-
out the year, the output of the farm
will be lowered, and the profits cor-
respondingly decreased.
shout three inches or less in height
�saw to his dismay ten queer little men C"f
hopping toward him over the covers.
Oh! he stuttered and drew his Pa
knees up so suddenly that the whole l
ten tumbled head over heels down the I
incline. Quick as lightning they pick-;
ed themselves up and started climbing
over the hill made by his ]ones, one a
little ahead of the others waving a I
seems to be that Ezra selected a com-
mission of twenty-four men, twelve paper and crying, "Are you the land -1
representing the priesthood and, lord? Bobby's heart nearly leapt out l
twelve the Init . Sherebiah . 1 of this throat with fright, but lie swal-
lowed hastily and managed to say in a I 1
shaky voice, "I, I, I'm a bo-o-o-oy; 1
who -o -o are yo-o-ou?"
"Come ons" shouted the man with
Hashabiah—Called Levites in verses
18 and 19. Either the Levites are
here counted a's laymen, or the text is
corrupt. Batten, following in ,part
First Esdras reads: "And I set apart the paper to those who were still
from the leaders of the people twelve, struggling up the hill; "this is the fel..
and from the priests of the temple low," Then running like a squirrel
Sherebiah and Hashabiah and with g q
them ten of their brethren." Offer- up Bobby's shirt, he. shook the Paper
ing—Reference is made to these,gifts in his face crying, "This is our notice,
in the king's decree (Ezra 7. 15ff.),
Talents—While there is someuncer-
tainty regarding values, the silver
talents figure up to about a million
dollars the gold to about three mil-
lions, tate one thousand darks to about
five thousand,
We aro going to {rove. Our houses
are not fit to live in, do you hear?"
"Yes sir, all right sir, whet oap I
do?" cried Bobby in a panic of fright,
"All right, repeated the little man
in a 'A6 er tion..sae how
seas p a
28.30. Ezra carefully - impresses Tallhat'sright whatrt when we have gone.
Iis say, good tenants tire
upon the custodians their great re-
sponsibility, Holy—The custodians
are holy because they are set apart
for a.special* task in connection with
the service of Jehovah, the vessels
because they aro to be used in his
temple, Chiefs—The commission
guarding • the treasures was, on reach-
ing Jerusalem, to hand there over to
the reliresontetivel of the priests and
'Levis a and of the laity alre dy there,
Chum ors --Rooms in immediate con-
tact th the temple, solving as store-
'home for vessels, provisions, oto,, ens Avonuses will ho vectet d qt Moon Lo-
in home instances aro residences for morrow, owing to 1�nliv bio condi-
riests tions. Signed p Si Oa
i gru a t
'foo, 0, ' go,
month,—The nlontil., 1`iisal . I 'om R"`oo;
1pzr 8 t pears .1 t as i 1}our apo, d "foe,
Toe, oo,
R. L, oe
, oe
U � r
Vetere Bobby could seie the paper
an titer' dream Ohm rlts ling along
and away went, `the toil little men,
"pother," seta Bobby next znorn ng
at breakfast, "I mutt have a. new pair
of shoes right awayl"
No wonder lie wanted thein quieltty,
never appreciated." By this time
ell the little fellows had cambered up
and stood in au aocnsing line on
Bobby's knee. The most' important
one now opened. the paper that he had
been flourishing so madly and read in
a very stern voice:
"Wo, the undersigned horeby give
due notice that promise® light Shoe
and Loft Shoo, aitnatvd ftt extreme
southern points of Right and Loft Leg
81 82, Arrival n J s lom. ' irs
++ll 7, i
menthewere consumed
1 n making e
l spa�tI�ell.
ourney, Delivered -4i ooltvinoing
proof, of the diving favor. Caravans
Werea�iVays exposed to attacks from'
the prayers, roving eddouini in this case the large
04-27, Ezre apps nted nectar sus,.
amount of treasure cleated made tin
toiligqi�ts for the gifts and offerings, ettapplt especiallyinviting Abode—
Chiefs—Leading members 'of the In the seiso of "root." They rested
priestly class, Even -Better, with for three days anti then delivered• the
inarg(n, "besides." Tho thought treasures to the proper authorities.
tleh D°You
tocps e eoswly, *tidings
0 oto
rasa, n t d
� y�n s ,este
constant rep re thatgrow
worse ye(a�r by year, lout
l evaior ue ngeel nera one
orae a
ted 1 v�. .
yoMr but di Yea , cost
you twine t 1' r lino hs
re sire, ld rico n§
th t'error's r tl t
d 9 l n
Sid*, TM i4
ggck1y v
Ernes \Ms*ol c ab
i z1 m,r,
! : eratabesbo4lees)
�? t
$9 u iA
w .
ran has
t7 w
to a
re'Jla.. 1
Beating the high cost of living to a
good deal like beating the undertake
—a good many men heave tried it, but
nobody has ever boaster very long of
victory, Yet something can be Ile.complished even by the class hit hard-
est by the soaring prices of neces-
sities, men with a salary or other fix-
ed income of . moderate proportions.
This is how one man gets along and
moreover is able to save a little noW
and then as ho did before the war.
"My recipe for circumventing the
rising cost of .living• is very simple,"
he says, "When!' first reveal it to a
friend he usually considers it and its
inventor too simple, so very simple as
to be foolish,
"Briefly it is this: every time the
milk man or the grocer or the butcher
boosts his product, cut back by buy-
ing a little less or by using as a substi-
tute' an article of the same food value
even if somewhat less tasty. Of
course the ultimate result of such a
course would be that the consumer
would find himself living on air and
water, but it is not necessary to go
to extremes just yet.
"Take the case of milk, for instance.
When it was selling at nine cents a
quart we usually got three and some-
times four quarts a day for our four
children, for we realize that it is a
very good and comparatively cheap
food for the growing youngsters. • We
paid about $2 a week for this alone.
Now we are getting only two quarts
one day and three quarts the next and
we are paying only $2.25 instead of
$3.60. A little less in our tea and
coffee. Not quite so much for the older
children, and a more economical use in
cooking did the trick,
"Meat was a good deal of a stumbl-
ing block at fist,
r but we found after
some experimenting that we could
keep our bill down by the more liberal
use of baked beans, macaroni, fish,
soups, and the cheaper vegetables, and
also by the purchase of less desirable
and sometimes even tougher cuts. But
we would rather chew on plenty of
tough meat than on a scanty supply
of tenderlion,
"Corn bread made at home from
meal bought in bulk is an agreeable
and economical change several times
a week from the little nuggets of
bakers' bread now being sold. For
the fust time I have come to under-
stand why inventors of slang chris-
tened money `dough.'
"The same principle can be applied
to clothing. If a suit that cost $25
last year now costs $30 is it not pos-
sible to wear it just one-fifth longer
than the 1916 model and break even?
It can he done by a little more care,
the use of an office coat and the wear-
ing of an old suit on stormy days.
Shoes, especially children's shoes, can
be repaired oftener than formerly on
the stitch in time principle, so that,
while costing more, they last longer.
"But you may apply the rule to
everything. Stockings can be coaxed
by darning to last a little longer,
laundry prices can be cut by a little
more care, by hiring a washerwoman
or by using a wet wash laundry, gas
bills by cooking many things et once,
smoke bills by substituting a pipe for
cigars or cigarettes.
"If the landlord raises the rent, as
he has been threatening to do, the
family will retire to a smaller apart-
ment or one in a little less expensive
neighborhood until the war is over. If
the street car company secures its
increase in fares I will walk to the
office and back once a week.
"Is it feasible? The answer can be
found in the statements of milk kings,
beef barons and flour nobles that the
domestic demand for necessities de-
orea es with every raise in price.
People all over the country are be -
Outing to realize they cart get along
without malty luxuries and with a
smaller amount of all the . so-called
"Thein is a silver lining even in the
high cost of living cloud. When the
war is over and prices subside,. the
Canadian people will have been
through a thorough course of training
in economy, a trainrn?gmade possible
only by the war, They will find that
the silver dollar is made of rubber and
can be stretched to cove} a good deal
more titan It did before their education
bad bean completed,"
Wheat Food.
Why is lvikoat-breadasa so all-impor$.
ant in the diet of modern peoples
The anAly
Of verto a
Weals show
that who,* flour, high - Ads, conies
a :e.41,
t; pe gepf, p a12e21 eozz��b��tbt21 1
vitpy the h1 1tgtt. per cent. carbohy-
a'Ges And t e lowest er een{<, erode
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o it lsh' eti al equal but whoi%
4 F i'#1S 4 ly
!gqui Gl iced $4 per cent, more flesh-
bane& than dogs corn.
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