The Brussels Post, 1917-10-11, Page 7Fri THE DWINDLING terials, Note the long, tight sleeves, BABY'S OWN TABLETS whieh,gre ono of the most noticeable u OFPRIZE-MONEY features of the present style. McCall PRIZED BY MO1'IIERS Pattern No. 7993, Ladies Semi -Fitted Dress, In 6 sizes; 84 to 44 bust, ONLY A FEW HUNDREDS NOW AWARDED TO H. M, SHIPS, Enormous Were the Sums Shared by the Navy Some Hundred Odd Years Ago, Prize -money, the oldest of naval perquisites, has dwindled woefully. How uninspiring seem the few. hun- dreds now awarded to H. M. Ships for destroying the enemy in comparison with the great, big, glittering hauls which our sailors in the tough days of cutlass and boarding -pike used to wrest from the enemy; Vastly different was it some hun- dred odd years ago when a successful cruise made men rich' and a fortune could be won in 'a day. Not a mere phrase this, but 'a thing that often happenegd. A nbtable.case of the kind was that of the Triton, frigate, which captured the Spanish Santa, Brigida on October 17th, 1799, and thereby won for her crew a million and a half dollars. As. a result of that one brief fight the Tri- ton's captain pocketed $203,650, whilst her seamen received "5910 each. 4 mere' trifle contrasted with the rap- , tain's share, but a good day's earnings nevertheless. Favored Officers. The explanation of the rich yield was that the Spaniard had a lot of money aboard her., Because.,there existed no such arrangements as our foreign exchanges, every sort of valu- able had to be conveyed from one country to another by ship if land frontiers did not join. That gave our tars their chance, and they were never slow in taking it. Prize -money was one of the things they went to sea after, and they piled it up in heaps. A mere $100,000, the Portland's booty from a hard won fight, seems beggarly alongside the $300,000 ac- quired by the Panther by the same means, ,and, ridiculously inadequate when placed by the Ethalion's $1,600,- 000 dollars wrenched from a Spaniard in a few blood -bespattered hours. From the lower -deck point of view, the worst feature about these hauls was the unfair system of sharing out. For example, when our forces captur- ed Havana in 1762, out of'the treas- ure there taken each admiral and gen- eral present received $613,486, whilst poor Jack had to be content with120, hot enough for a brief shore jollifica- tion. Remunerative Dream. Much more fortunate were the sea- men of the Favorite and that Active, which in the same year captured a tremendously valuable prize. When she was unloaded the merchandise and specie found in her holds filled twenty wagons, which were sent in triumphal procession to London, and the goods there disposed of. Enough was real- izecl by the sale to pay each captain $324,360, each commissioned officer $64,870, and 'each seaman $2,420. We have all heard of dreams that led to fortune. Here is one of the most curious, yet a well -authenticated instance of such a happening. In 1799 the Alcemene was at sea, with her luck dead out,: Not a doubloon in prize -money, not even the pleasure of a fight, had come her way, and the crew were almost mutinous with dis- appointment, when the captain began nightly to dream that someone came into his cabin and implored, "Go northward, Digby, go trorthward." So. "rim'rressed did he become by this that at last he decided he would "go north- ward," though his offieer8 protested. But on the evening of the first day he altered course Captain Digby fell in with a Spanish ship, from which he took a Inge booty. Settled Out of Court. Join the Horne Defence movement for the conserva- tion of food. Help to pre- ' vent re -'vent waste by demanding the whole wheat grain in .break- fast foods and bread stuffs. Substitute whole wheat for meat, eggs and potatoes. The whole wheat grain is the most perfect food given to man. In Shredded Wheat Aiscuit you have the whole wheat grain made digestible by steam -cooking, shredding and ,_ baking. Every particle of the whole wheat grain is used including the outer "bran coat which is so useful in keeping the bow- els healthy and active. For any meal with milk, and fresh fruits. Made in Canada. For the Crhiily Days 1 Of course, Tommy's little sister most have her military coat. The cape may be omitted and an equally practical coat be obtained. McCall Pattern No. 7902, Girl's Military Coat. In '7. sizes; 2 to 14 years. Price, 15 cents. The septi -fitted dress with the theIn the gaitant me counties esgenerally, t Country amanynd shaped tunic promises to be one of the As exposure to the air tends to a familywas founded and the nuelelta favorite styles for the coming season. precipitate the lime (as carbonate), This one has an attractive tunic, of many a snug estate acquired by longer on one side than the other and and thus to weaken the solution, the prize -money won at sea, The sea, in is suitable for any o£ the fall ma -1 vessel containing the eggs should be fact, was the place whereon our' fore- ,ti I kept covered. The air may be ex- „ fathers in these parts were for gener- noun 1 eluded by a covering of sweet oil, or `aliens taught that they mast look for IIIIII I II I I Rp. lull by sacking upon which a paste of lime fel:tune. They did so, and found it so IIIIII is spreatt. If, after a time there is Price, 20 cents These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70. Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W, A SOLDIER'S PRAYER. Not more of courage, Lord, I seek, 'But faith that comes from Thee, No greater strength, but how to use What Thou hast given me, Not more of joy, but just to feel Thy gracious presence near, That I may give to others, Lord, All that I can of cheer, - Give me all fear to dominate, All goodly things to know, To be the friend 1 long to be, And truth to others show; To love the pure, to seek the good, To strive with all my might To win the cause of brotherhood, When things shall be set right. I thanlc•Thee.for the precious gifts, - The joy that I possess, The skill to. do Thy holy will, The power to others bless. —Samuel Dunlop. NERVOUS T.ROUBLE The nerve system is the governing system of the whole body, controlling the heart, lungs, digestion and brain; so it is not surprising that nervous disturbances should cause acute dis- tress. The first stages of nervous de- bility are noted by irritability and restlessness, in which the victims seem to be oppressed by their nerves. The matter requires immediate atten- tion, for nothing but suitable treat- ment will prsvetit a complete break- down. The victim, however, need not despair, for even severe nervous dis- orders may be cured by improving the condition of the blood. It is because Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually make new, rich blood that this medicine has cured extreme nervous disorders after all other treatment bad failed. The nerves thrive on the new blood made by these pills; the appetite improves, digestion is better, sleeplessness rid longer troubles the former nerve shat- tered victim, and life generally takes on a cheerful aspect. Every sufferer from nerve troubles, no platter how slight, should lose no time in giving Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial, thus regaining their old-time health and comfort. You can get Dr? Williams' Pink Pills through any dealer iii medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes. for $2,50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi: eine Co., Brockville, Ont. PRESERVE EGGS NOW. Best Method is Here Given by the Dominion -Chemist. The indications are that eggs will be dear next winter, dearer than they were last winter, so those who want eggs had better put some down now while they are comparatively cheap. Do not use oats, bran, salt or such mediums; moreover, the patent pre- servatives usually advertised as be- ing so simple and effective had better be adopted with. caution. Better use something that has been tried and found satisfactory. ._ According to Dr. Frank T. Shutt, ,Dominion Chemist„ lime water is one of the best preservatives and, we quote the following from his Exhibi- tion Circular No. 42. • The method of preparation is sim- ply to slake one pound good ' gtiick lime with a small quantity of water and then stir the milk of lime so formed into 6 gallons of water, After the mixture has been kept well stir- red for a.few hours it is allowed to settle. The supernatant liquid, which. lutnartve Liniment °urea Dandruff. is now "saturated" limewater, is 'Italy has not' 100,000 women in drawn off and poured over the eggs, munition factories, against only 1,760 previously placed in a crock or water- in August, 1914. ti ht barrel, Mrs. Henry Vanreader, Rodney, Ont., writes: "I have used Baby's Own Tab- lets for the paet five years and prize thein very much, They have proved of such value to me that I always keep thein In the house."--Qnde a mother has used Baby's Own Tablets she would use nothing else. They are thorough but mild in action and never fail to make the sickly baby well. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box frorp The Dr. Williams Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont, _ Drugs Are High -Priced. Most of our drugs come to us from France, Belgium, Germany and Eng- land. In France and Belgium, where the largest drug farms in the world existed, the farms are now in ruin. They have not only been neglected, but have been literally tramped out 0f existence.' -.In England the drug farms have been converted into -veget- able farms. There the situation is less hopeless. The land is still in cul- tivation, and can be planted with drugs whenever it seems practical. So after the war England, in a short time—probably two years—will again be exporting drugs in normal quanti- ties. 551nard's Liniment 'Ouree Barns, Eta. 650 Miles By Airship. In a trial trip, at Norfolk, Va., Ma- jor Lopez, of the Italian flying corps, remained in the air for eight hours, carrying 11 passengers, and covered about 650 miles. The passengers were recruits to the aviation corps and the trip was made over land and water. The distance covered during the trial would equal that from Norfolk to Boston. The last hundred pounds of finish on a beef steer is the most economical gain and makes a steer grade prime and get the top of the market. Buyers come from all parts of the country and pay highest prices for the good, well -finished animals at the Auction Sale of the Toronto Fat Stock Show. Airmen Feel Color of Field. A curious phenomenon noted by aviators is that the color of a landing field may have an effect on an airplane that is about to -alight on it. For ex- ample, an area which is dark from be- ing plowed or burned over will make the airbove it several degrees warm- er than that over of lighter color, such as a stubble field, thus causing a disturbed condition of the atmosphere, which may make landing difficult if not dangerous. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Dear Sirs,—I can recommend MI- NARD'S LINIMENT for Rheumatism and Sprains, as I have used 1t for both with excellent results. Yours truly, T. B. LAVERS, St. John. "Gentleness and cheerfulness, these come before all morality; they are the perfect duties; if your morals make you dreary, depend upon it they are wrong. I do not say `give them up,' for they may be all you have; but conceal them like a vice, lest they should spoil the lives of better and simpler people."—R.L.S. often that every encouragement was 'given for the quest to proceed. Even then men who fought were impatient of the ways of men who sat in offices and procrastinated; also they had small liking for lawyers, and this resulted in some curious things being done. One bluff old captain having captured a valuable Spanish ship, de- clared that he did not mean to waste, time fooling aboutwit,yAdmiralty de- lays, he was'too busy. So he took the ship arid cargo into Batavia and sold then to the Dutch for over $4,500,000. Then, standing by the capstan, he call- ed ills crew around him anti shared out the money amongst them. ` Learn to Laugh. "Learn to laugh, A good laugh is better than medicine. Learn to tell a story. A ell -told story is as wel- come Y come as a sunbeam in a sick room, Learn to keep your own troubles to yourself, The world is too busy to caro for your ills or sorrows, Learn to do something for others every day, This is no time for idle hands., The cost of silo filling greatly is reatl re- duced if several farmers use a silo cutter co-operatively. Chinese and Japanese bells are clap- perless and never are swung, their tones being produced by striking them with wooden mallets, POSTUM has-been adopted ®ted alit the table beverage i n -ma n.., a hobe- cause e home be Y c u s e of itspleasing asln g lav'. f of and 'healthful l�.ea.'lth nature i I II Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllll�Il II I IIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1 any noticeable precipation of the lime, the line -water should be drawn or at- Restored to Health by Lydia phoned off an A I're OMAN CORD HARDLY STAND FRINGED GENTIAN, When summer died she left to thee A hue from noontide skies, The glarhour sweet of dear dead days, The last look from her eyes, Dumb now the birds, and her dim green woods Forget her very name, And flaunt above her silent grave Their garb of crimson flame. While thou alone, 0 true,' brave flower, Art left of legions lost, And steadfast still thy burning blue Defies the creeping frost. MONEY ORDERS The safe way to send money by mail is by Dominion Express Money Order, To remove coffee stains: Mix the yolk of' an egg with a little warm wa- ter, and use it as a soap on. the stain, For stains that have been on +he ma- terial for some time add a few drops of alcohol to the egg and water. Miaard'e Liniment for sale everywhere. The population of the British Em- pilie is 410.000,000, and the population of the earth is believed to be 1,800,- 000,000, so that one-fifth• of the entire, world's population owes allegiance to the British flag. ERNE Granulated Eyelids,' �"ti Sore Eyes, Eyes Inflamed be ®•" d},� S Dust and Windquickly FOR t' ,E,1,7 ' relieved by Murine. Try It in $/®A, x"p=M�e0'yourEyesandInBaby'sEyes, a LI iY t NoSmarting,JustEyeEemiort Murine Eye Remedy %YfiucrpDrruustlnt'san: Eye Salve, in Tubes 25o. Por asoi- of the Ask Muria° Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago d Get a small whiskbroom and coak it until the straws are soft and pli- able and you will find it very useful when dusting a room, for it sweeps the dust out of the couch crevices, cleans the dusty radiator and reaches the tiny cobwebs in the room. A soft paint brush will answer the same pur- pose, only the little broom is better. A child's toy broom is even better, than the small whiskbroom. STOPS LAMENESS from a Bone Spavin, Ring Bone, Splint, Curb, Side Bone, or similar trouble and gets horse going sound. It acts mildly but quickly and good re- sults are lasting. Does not blister or remove the hair and horse can be worked. Page 17 in pamphlet with '5L each bottle tells how. 52.00 a bottle del'vered. Horse Book 9 M free, ABSORBINE, JR., the antiseptic liniment for mankind, reduces Painful Swellings, En- larged Glands, Wens, Bruises, Varicose V eins; heals Sores. Allays Pain. Will tell you more if you write. 51 and 52 a bottle at dealen or d,l rend. Liberal trial bottle tor, lac stamp,, W. F. YOUNG, P. 0. F., 518 Lymaos Bldg, Montreal, Can. tibsotblue sod Absorbioe. 31.. am made le Canada. CUTICURA FIEA[.S ITCHING BURNING Rash On TI is Little Baby Over Face and Head. Quite 'Disfigured. "When my baby was four months old she had a rash all over her face and head, and was quite dis- figured. Her skin was in- flamed and sore, and itched and burned and the rash later developed into large red eruptions, making her cross and fretful. The ba- ,,. \ by could not get any sleep. f fm "My husband bought a box of Cuticura Ointment and a'cake of Soap and I used two tins of Ointment with two cakes of Soap and she was healed.' (Signed) Mrs. A. Ddtvn, 1040 Gertrude St., Verdun, Montreal,Que., March 2. Cuticura Soap and mtment often prevent pimples or other eruptions. For Free Sample Each by Mail ad- dress postcard: "Cuticura, Dept. A, Boston, U. S. A." Sold everywhere, �y„igilii i i... HAS NO I2QUAL It not only softens the water but doubles the cleans- ing power of soap, and makes everything sanitary and wholesome. rIEFUUSE SUBSTITUTES �y����I If your cycle lamp goes out through lack of oil when riding at night, a drop 02' two of oil from the lubricating can will be found to burn fairly well if squeezed on to the wick. FIXES II� EA'UTIIr11L FURS BY SI2AIL. GET .A? eatai0g showing latest styles Per- efan Lamb, Mint, eco, Wholesale prices,_ tare values, Mtlon guaranteed, D St. D errs Limited, ]treat, °tutors, 420 D St, Pau] West, Montreal, WANTED TN A GOOD HOME, MODERN AND In a quiet neighborhood, a family of three adults would like a girl or young woman, Presbyterian, Methodist or Bap- tist preferred, to make her home with thein and assume cart of the domestic responsibilities. Wo should be glad to have you write fully concerning your experience, if any, and the terms you consider fair, in your first letter, which will be treated confidentially. We can then furnish you with further• pparticu- lars. References exchanged. I3ox 56, Wilson Publishing Co.. Limited, Toronto, When buying your, Piano insist on having an um -To HIGEL" PIANO ACTION After the war, not only Germany, Austria, Italy, and Belgium, but every other country in Pl,urope will have been drained of its supply of cattle, and there will be a tremendous de- mand and the prices will soar far be- yond any figure that any of us has even seen. a(iaard'a Liniment Ronovee vet:reac]a,. NEWSPAPkl3s Fos s¢LD 1)ROD'1T-MAKING NFsWS AND JOB. O.lces .fors sale fe good Ontario towns, The most useful and interesting of all businesses, Fuji information oa applloatioa to Wilson Publlshto. Com- pany, 72 Adelaide Street, Toronto, L 12ICTBLLA1PEQVS sCIANCER. TUMORS, LUMPS,. ETC.. Internal and external, cured wlth- 005 pain by our home treatment, Witte us before too late. Dr. Bauman ISedlcal Co., Limned, Colltngwood, Ont, s o o—o 0— WITH THE FINGERS i SAYS CORNS LIFT OUT WITHOUT PAIN o—o—e—o—o—o—o—o—.o-•--o—o-0-- i —Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or ;any kind of a corn can shortly be lift - 1 ed right out with the fingers if you will apply on the corn a few drops of freezone, says a Cincinnati authority. At little cost one can get a small bottle of freezone at any drug store, which will positively rid one's feet of every corn or callus without pain or soreness or the danger of infection. This new drug is an ether cora- ; pound, and dries the moment it is ap- plied and does not inflame or even ir- ritate the surrounding" tissue. Just think! You can lift off your corns and calluses now without a bit of pain or soreness. If your druggist hasn't i freezone he can easily get a small bot- tle for you from his wholesale drug house. cztor Sways Nexxa'ted Iron Will Increase Strength of Delicate People 100% in Ten D.,ys In many instances—Persons have i walk without becoming tired *text take' suffered untold agony for years doctor -'two Rve-grain tablets of ordinary ing for nervous weakness, stomach, 1nuxated iron three times per day after liver or kidney disease or some other 'meals for two weeks. Then test your ailment when their real trouble was • strength see for yourself how lack of iron in the blood—How to tell. dozens of nervous, run-down people wilo were ailing all the time double, and even New York, N.Y.—In a recent discourse triple their strength and endurance and Dr, E. Sauer, a Boston physician who has • entirely get rid of their symptoms of studied widely both in this country and •dyspepsia, liver and other troubles In In great European medical institutions, • front ten to fourteen days' time simply said: 'If you were to snake an actual by taking iron in the proper form, and blood test on all people who are 111 you , this. after they had in some cases been would probably be greatly astonished at i doctoring for months without obtaining the exceedingly larfie number who look any benefit. You can talk its YOU plea50 iron and who are 11l for no other reason about all the wonders wrought by new than the lack of iron. The moment iron remedies, but when you come down to - is supplied all their multitude of danger- hard facts there is nothing like good old ous symptoms disappear, Without Iron iron to put color to your cheeks and good the blood at once loses the power to sound, healthy flesh on your bones. It is ` change food into living tissue and there- also a great nerve .and stomach strengtlt- fore nothing you eat does you any good; ener and the best blood builder In the you don't get the strength out of it. world. The only trouble was that the Your food mately passes through your old forms of inorganic iron like tincture system like corn through a mill with the of iron, iron acetate. ole.. often ruined rollers so wide apart that the mill can't people's teeth, upset their stomach* and grind. As a result oY this continuous were not ttseSmilated and for these blood and nert•e starvation, people be- reasons they frequently did more harm come generally weakened. nervous and than good. But with the discovery of all run down and frequently develop all aha newer fortes of organic iron all. this sorts of conditions. One is too thin; at. Has boon overcome. Nuxated Iron for other is burdened with unhealthy -fat; example, to pleasant to take. does not some are so weak they can hardly wally, injure the teeth and ie almost im- some think they have dyspepsia, kidney injuremadlaelh beneficial. or liver trouble; some can't sleep at night, others are sleepy. and tire- all day; NOTE: The manufacturers of Nexated some fussy and irrttasla; some ski any Iron have such unbounded contldenre to tin ,and bloodless, but all luck physieal potency that they authorize the 000000ee- power and endurance. In such cases 1t anent that trey will forfeit $100.00 to any Is worse than foolishness to take suint- charitable Institution R they cannot take rating medicines or naracotic drugs, any man or woman under sixty who lacks which only whip up your fagging vital Iron and increase their strength 100 per Powers for the moment maybe at the ex- cent. or over in tour waelta' tlnw, provided pence of your life later on. No matter they hnvo no serious organic trouble. Also what any one tells you, if you are not they wet refund year money In nm• case strong and well you owe it to yourself in whkh Nuxated leen does not at least to ,make the following test. See haw double your strength In ten days' unto, 1t long you can work oe how far you can le dispensed by all gond drugaloIc. City Eye Spy ciadistt Tell How To Strengthen .Eyesight 50% In a Week's Ti. e In . ny I stanc p e d replaced with a further o Prescription You Can Rave quantity newly prepared. It is essential that attention be paid to the following points: 1, That perfectly_fresh eggs only be used. 2. That the eggs should through- out the whole period sf preservation be completely immersed. Although not necessary to the pre- servation of the eggs in a sound con- dition a temperature of 40 deg. F. to 45 d F will doubt t ' 11 eg. , wl 110 on ma aria y as sist towards retaining good flavor or rather in arresting that" stale" Havel' so' often characteristic of packed eggs. Respecting the addition of salt, it must be stated that our experiments —conducted now throughout gout fifteen °aeons—do not show ow a ny benefit to be derived therefrom; indeed, salt frequently imparts a limey flavor to the egg, probably by inducing an iii- torchange of the fluids within end -without the egg, Our advice is, de not add salt to the lime-water.—Experi- mental ima-water Ex,peri-trental Farina Note. y Frogs and toads feed largely on in- sects and slugs. Teacher—"In parsing the sentence, 'The poem was long; What do you do with poem?'" Pupil (editor's eon)-. "Put it i11 the waste basket." E. Pinkham's Vegetable w plea arta Else at Rome. Boston, Mass. --Victims of eye strain and other eye weaknesses and those who Wear glasses, Will be glad to know that Doctors and Lye Specialists note agree there is real 11000 and help for them. Many whose- eyes were failing say they Have had their eyes restored and many who once wore glasses say they have thrown them away. One man says, after using it: I was al- most blind. Could net see to read at all, n road Now a c my eyes With-, our my glasses, and night otyos do net hurt any more. At mise they would rah droadttilly, Now they feel fine all the tone. It was ]lice a miracle to me" A lady who used it says: 'The atmos- phere seemed hazy with or without glasses, but atter using Ehis prescrip- cloafor Ylfteen days everything same clear, 1 can read even tine print with- out glasses." Another 11110 used it says; I Was bothered with eye strain caused trYoverworked, tired eyes which induced fierce heedaohrs. I have worn geneses for several Lan co and. n r k and without ut them I bonier not road ny own name on an envelope cbim• the ty2 Can , og on. She mnchin0 before me, J mn do both L1i ,o and hnvo dtsrnrdad m tan ] y g d stance glasses altogether, I can eount time uttering 70avea oh fo trade across file. stv0at no w whi ch for several blur have looked like iko a atm green blur tt me. nxens my Joy at What 1t hass done for Me." It la believed that thousands who wear glasses Dan now discard them to n reasonable dine, and multitudes more will be able to strengthen their eyes so as to be spared the trouble and ex- pettae of ever getting glasses. Itr. Deck, an rye Deacialfst of nearly twenty years practice, says "A patient came to mo who Was tt; sulfar n from n]epllaritis Mnra'ina2ls with all the concomitant syalptoms, as morning agglutination Rk }hp didS, Chronic coil. Compound. a Fulton N. Y. — "Why will women money for treatment and receive no benefit, when ao many have ' pproved that Lydia E. ?inkhorn's Vege- table Compound will matte them pay out their well? For over a year I suffered so from female weak- I ness I could hardly stand and was afraid to go on the street alone;, Doc- tors said medicines were useless and me,onlyan operation Lydia E. Pitt ha Would help but y. k n s pound C Vegetable p Compound has roved it otherwise: I am now perfectly well and can do any hind of work,' Mrs, NP„LLII5 PHELPS, care of R. A. Rider, R.F.D. No. 5, Fulton, N. Y. every womanwho suffers We wish ff s from female troubles, nervousness, backache clc Q the bilks;could see the let- ters ters writteti by women made well by Ly- dia E. Pinkhares Vegetable Compound. If you have bad symptoms and do not understand the cause, write to the Lydia�� ll,. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass, for helpful advice given froo. ISSUE No. 40—'17 junctivttis and ephiph0ra. Tier eyes when not congested had tho dull, eut- fuaed expression common to such oases, Having run out of her medicine a Sriend suggested Bon-Opto. She used this treatment and not only ov0rcanie her distressing condition, but strange and amazing as it may seem, so strengthened her eyesight that she was able to dispense with, her distance glasses and her headache and neuralgia left her. In this instance I should say her eyesight was improved 10Oro. I have 'slime verined the eliicaey oft this treatment In a number of cases and have seen the eyesight improve from 26 to 76 per tient la a remarkably short 'time, .I can say it works more quickly than any other remedy I have pre- scribed ter the eyes." Dr. Smith, an oculist of wide experi- ence says: "I have treated In hrivato practice a number of serious optllahnio dl0oasoe with Bon -Onto and ant able to report ultimate recovery in both 000150 and chronic. cases. Mr. 22, Dante tO my Mlle° suffering with an infected eye,, Tito condition was so serious that .nn operation for enuoleatton seemed im- perative. Before resorting to the operative treatment I preeeribed Bon. Otto and in 21 hours the accretion had lessened, intlslnntatony. symptoms be- gan to subside, and in seven days the e1was cured and retained its Yore 1nal vision, Another Oaae of extreme convergent strabismus (cross eyes) enrolled the surgeon's knife by the thnety 1150 0S rout Oellyrium, Tho tightened externd] mttsoles effectd to the soothing and anodyne o12,Ots of Bort-Otte. I always Met!! i,- f 1 n Otto after r n rm vol ofFor r o. ,n ins, nt apply it ton t to alar burns ulcers fotrl,255 th on tato. eyed, or 'the 1140 For �i'it therapeutic au ec affect By cleans- ing the ifds of 1,0 etebtt and ithe vi a tonic for the ere : -Itself Che' vision is rendered mora thome the number of ca 01,0 08 1,100:.1 d{d bud condition condition to in totrtliut bert,i., 3 strain arising from protracted mlero= scoploal research work. Bon-Opto used according to directions rendered a sur- prlsing 5002000. I found my eyes re- markably strengthened, so much so X have put aside my glasses without die - comfort. Several of my colleagues hero also used it and wo are agreed as to its results. In a few days, under my observation, the eyes of an astlgmatl0 ease were so improved that glasses have been discarded by the patient." Eye troubles of many descriptions • may be Wonderfully benefited by the use of Bon-Opto and if yon want to strengthen your ayes go to any drug store and get a bottle of Bon -Opts tablets. - Drop one Bon-Opto tablet In a fourth Of a glans of water and let it dlsanlvo. With this liquid bathe the eyes tWo to four times daily, You should notice, your eyes clear up per- ceptibly right from the start, and in- flammation and redness will quickly disappear. I eve' a littlefityIs r eyes duty to you your duty to it 1s stere to save them now before it it too Into. they hopelessly it t blind mir have saved their i t tight f he hoared for their o oslntgm Y had Y time, Note: d city submitted, said/ t0 es, the shoveIn article tuns enteye re dy,. is as, nen-Oconstituent la mo' remarkable eye remedy, Its eou5tlhlent um ele- gradientso widely1m11 Ieuowu ed eminent e 1 -ape• 1,5,11 ts11 sod noces f,tl y ibed br them 1 have used It very surcesslnity in my own practice on regents whose eye,, were 5trainetl through 050ra. work or misfit abases. I can 1,12010 recommend. It _In case'1t weak, totem, nbluoec a vision o for burningto eyes red lids, bh11 00 vision 0, Yor oyes ln6nmed from exposure to Make, can, dust or Sind, It Is roue et the very law pregula- neollnlaimolst every fondly" onnle Olrterlembetah.. 1,110, 1 medicine er secret minas. It le an end ml ',relegation, the formai being printed ortibe 1 mh,,,er Tho itlnnntnchtrora gttur0ntoe sheuilh,.n eyesight lie per rent lc one Weelr'a time II 111.1(121t A (1r, :1 n tl nrrn r , llnithomate a y, It is dib, 1,10od 10 all gond druggists, including lj1e ra1) eburs; else by t, Sanlbll'tr and - I1,,lvn & Co, Termitb,