The Brussels Post, 1917-6-14, Page 2Tube Care Brings Reward hi Mileage. It is difficult sometimes to deter- mine just when a tube is unfit for fur- ther use. Porosity in a tube usual- ly indicates that It has attained its three scare and ten. At this stage very small cracks can be observed in the rubber if it is stretched and ex- amined carefully. The next develop- ment is splitting when the air pres- sure becomes too great for the tube to bear. If the rubber in a tube is "live" it, may successfully bear as many patches as a beggar's coat. But due, care net he exercised in the vulran-� ization of the patch to the tube, that, too large a portion of the tube around' the patch is not cured. If portions of the tube have been over -cured in patching operations, disaster is surer to follow. Lack of proper care of the tube is, responsible for most of the troubles' tire users experience. Sufficient talc between casing and tube prevents the generation of heat which vulcanizes the tube to the fabric of the casing. Tube spiltting is occasioned by the slipping of the tube between the eas- ing and the rim, which soon results in a "pinch." The remedy is careful. applying. The protection of spare tubes is a matter that many tire users pass over too lightly. Usually spare tubes are, folded and, carried in the tool box, THE CEMETERY ON VIMY RIDGE Canadians Buried in Centre of the Position They 'Won, "In the middle of the waste on the summit of Vimy Ridge there is a little group of white -painted wooden crosses marking the graves of the Seai'orth !Highlanders of Canada, who t with fell in the ca tore of the ridge, writes a war correspondent in France. 'These where they may come in Contac p I grease, oil and tools. The grease and oil greatly reduce Canadian Seaforths were mostly Brit - the quality of the rubber, while the ish Columbiana. A long, long way tools many times cause the tubes to they came to die, these long -limbed I become chafed and worn and unfit for sonst f ns oVictoria, rneVancouverW,o. Some 1 use. came even further, far they came from 'Ten Commandments For The Auto- the far-off slopes of the Peak Moun- t, Ascertain •and use them ex- "Many the • feet will tread the mobilise tains or the upper waters of the Fre- the right size and type • zer River when they heard the call. of tire for your car a other PROTECT BIRDS ec re elusively. same journey after them, the feet of 2. Apply tires with care so that tire pilgrims who through generations yet and rim fit properly. 1 to be born will come here as to a ' 3. Use inner tubes with proper type l shrine, The little graveyard will be t h h t THE FATHERS OF T FU RUSSIA NOTES ON TILE LEADERS OF THE REVOLUTION. Sterling Qualities of the Men Who Aro Leading 'Their Country On- ward. to the Light. Canadians will be interested to` know something about the men who are guiding Russia through her time of stress. Prince Lvoff, the premier, is a landowner and ien aristocrat—as Washington himself was—but he has always been a patriot. His greatest service has been in organizing the zemstvos, or provincial councils, for of valve and carry in tube bage. as a flame of tnsprratlon oto ear co-operation during the present war, 4, Don't overinflate or overiaacl' of Canada for ages, for there has been and he stood sturdily against the tires. , nothing finer done in the war than the treacherous and corrupt ministers 6. Don't drive in street car tracks, achievement of those western men on who led the Czar to his downfall, or let wheels get out of alignment. + the ridge. More than once he did so, at the peril 0. Don't serape alongside of curbs or "There is no yard of all this table- of his property and even of his life. drive or back against them. , land where a man can find the original He is a firm believer in the future of 7. Don't lock the wheels of your car surface of the earth, but everywhere is the Russian race, but not a Pan - in stopping, or skid, or use tight ridge and shell hole, the hardly dis-.Slavist in the aggressive sense of the chains. tinguishable remnants of the old word. 8. Don't expose tires to the light or German trenches, the thin covering of A Famous Russian. let unused car stand on tires all win-' sail being all churned up with the ter. I white chaffbelow until all is grayish Prof. Paul Milukoff, the new Minis - 9. Don't neglect casing cuts, no rnat- 'white. ter of Foreign Affairs, is the most She g infant, h ft ter how slight, or let grease, oil or "It is so readers in Canada must famous of all the new leaders of Rus- drllos, hove er, q y p gasoline soak into your tires. think of the place where their sons sea. He was long a member of the caption that had been practiced upon tected, the head being defended by abut can exchange surplus rations. 10. Demand rims bearing the official rest. The hot sun beats down on it, faculty of the University of 14Iosegw, him and went up two octaves in his At Met the cook wee gernerally sort of helmet. If attacked by a beast standard inspection stamp. the shells sing over the place both and has been imprisoned and even roaring. On all sides looks of des-' something to be cursed as an antic- standard of the above commands ways, and overhead aeroplanes drone sent to Siberia because of the radical tress began to appear in the eyes of or bird of prey, the creature iit9'tantly tion, for good soaks were scarce, and will give maximum mileage on all in a circle. It is a hideous place, but democracy he preached from his pro- the passengers. 'rolls itself into a ball, thus rendering amateur cooks were plentiful and atro- itsolf proof against injury- oleos. They there could be no prouder burial piece fessoriai chair. He has lectured both At about this time a young man of y were simply soldiers ;s- e e n t an t us antra sum- t N a en s ne to a asl TG11TH ANNUAT4 TORONTO MMT SIO S8°�O Mon Stook Yards TORONTO DEC. 7th & 8th, 1917 MUTE, FOR PREMIUM LIST TO -!DAY ARMORED ANIMALS FEEDING GR:M T ARE COM O BRITAIN'S 'S ARMY NATURE !IAS MADE PROVISION EXPERT COCKS PROVIDE HOT FOR DEFENCE. MEALS FOR TOMMIES Many Examples of Insects, Fishes, Rest Fed Army hl the World, With the end Animals, But No Greatest Comm lase riat Officer Armored Birds., Since Moses, 7 Now that fighting men aye going The U -bouts here never caused a back to the wearing of armor for pro -.British seedier to miss a meal, despite moiler provision for }many animals. from reaching the tight little islanfd teetion in battle, it is interesting to the German boasts of.blockading Br!, note the fact that nature has made lain and preventing needed foodstuffs The early Spanish invaders of trope- kingdom. Notwithstanding the clan - TOMMY TO THE RESCUE, ' cal America were greatly interested in gars of the ocean and the difficulties certain species of armored mammas, of land transport, the gigantic task of How He Risked Punishment in Doing wholly new to thein, which they found feeding the British army of millions plentifully distributed over that part in Fence 1•a performed with cloak -nee a Kindly Act. How Tommy—by no other name known to fame—came to the rescue of a hungry infant and a distressed mo- ther in a metropolitan subway car is the theme of an incident described in the New York Herald. Somewhat condensed, it runs as follows: The mother opened a small wicker bag and drew forth a bottle, the slightly gray color of which indicated that it had formerly r�antained milkee ave itto the w o, after two lusty intakes, discovered the de-! of the New World. They called them Precision, by a system rich in satisfac- "armadillos," because they were en- tory results. So true is this that the cased in coats of mail. British army is described as "the best The so-called "great armadillo" at- fed army in the world, with the great - taint? a length of nearly five feet. It est commissariat officer since Moses— is.clad in a complete coat of flint -like Sir Francis Lloyd." armorplates, and its tail, as solid as if No More Waste forged in -metal, has the shape of a The waste which marked the early ' trumpet, In fact, the aborigines of days o8 the war, when rations were is. the Amazon Valley u e it as a trumpet sued in stated quantities without re. for. signalling in war. gard to desire or capacity, has been of Mail, sttept away in the cutting oP miles of Even the smaller species of arma- red tape entanglement;, until naw fire v are a wall well TO - Coat Tomtnios got 811 the food they wish, quality tires, for thea me h 1' c 1 it ew York and Chicago and he both lou Years came into the limelight. I In very ancient tunes there lived m Ig d t t be made forthenests. Birds like mit o£ ridge they won so splendidly" admires and loves this country He is All that is known of him is that his South America a giant ancestor of the it or the vv company, Even the bluejay, usually termed a rascal but at heart a boon ANDSAVE V CROPS companion of the farmer, likes to have j j� his nest near 0 dwelling. The robin appreciates forked sticks placed in trees for him, and the wren, bluebird,; and purple martin enjoy the coin- The British Government has decided panionship of man as soon as they, to conduct experiments in Hereford - learn that he is their friend. !shire with a view to finding out whe- The best way to get on amicable;ther the growth of various crops can - terms with birds is to build and put' not be accelerated by means of elec- Over and Over Again Government up bird -houses and see that such are tricity. Statistics Show That the Birds Inot destroyed by boys or preyed upon' The idea is not new. Years ago Sir Farmers' Best Friends. by cats. Put up a single birdhouse. Oliver Lodge enclosed a field in Glou- Arerthis summer if you are a skeptic and cestershire in a sort of overhead cage If one-tenth of all the agricultural watch the wren, or bluebird, or purple of wires, strung upon poles, through products raised annually in the Unit- martin, as it feeds its young, taking which a powerful electric current was ed States were scattered over differ- note of the kind of feed it uses and the made continuously to pass. As a re- number of trips made per hour. Keep sult the crops growing underneath needed, would it help fight the high a record of this for a few hours, es- were found to be increased by nearly cost of living? Statistics show that timate the good done in a day, in a one-third of their yield under drdin- annually there is a loss of between ! week, in a month, and in a nesting ary conditions. $800,000,000 and $900,000,000 in the season, and you will be wiser the fol- Strawberries seem to be peculiarly Sub - agricultural products of the United lowing lowing year. susceptible to electric influence. Sub - i A Successful Experiment,jetted to a series of mild galvanic shocks, they show, in some instances, an increased yield of 60 per cent. THE PROTECTION OF BIRDS IS A FARM ASSET. SHOCKED STRAWBERRIES. Application of Electricity Ripening of Fruit. , to make the best of Drat of it, as the case might lel fi t modern armadillos. One of its huge b d guist. He learned to read and write side of a large paper bag that rested a between him and an eight-year-oldtle of milk. He looked bashfully at , house by half a dozen children. In' A few months ago trained women companion and drew forth a pint bot - when she glanced at him he held the the troubled mother opposite and another camp (it was in the Pampas cooks were introduced in the home region) he came across a trumpet as caaups and trahied men cooks wero big as those commonly employed on sent out to the front. There are now ships. It was the tail of a specimen 62,000 of these experts in the servlae, ce so many Russians, a splendid lin- rs name was Thomas. He broke the shells, some years ago, was found by e, an generally the latter. , English during a throe -months' im- b n" Lnglieh natur•alist in use as pla y prisonment for some political activity, and he learned to speak it perfectly during a three -months' visit to Lon- don. He is the greatest authority on polities and international law in Rus- sia, and the greatest authority on the ethnology and history of the Balkan Peninsula in the world. He is also the editor of a great liberal news- paper, the Retch. Rodzianko, the president of the Duma, is a moderate liberal and an aristocrat like Lvoff. Manuiloff, the Minister of Public Instruction, is a college professor, and the editor of the liberal and literary newspaper, Russkiya Viedomosti. Friend of Peasants. Guchkoff, the new Minister of War, is a landowner and a rich man, but he has been active in liberalizing the institutions of the country, and the peasants look upon him as a particular to the States, all due to the ravages of in- sects, writes C. C. CIute, in "Our Dumb Animals." This fact was cited recently by a leading Chicago paper, and it was further cited that the loss might be materially lessened were birds pro- tected as they should be. When one of • the leading metropolitan news- papers of the land advocates that every available plot of ground be turned into a garden spot and culti- vated, and when in the same issue that I know one farmer in particular who lost, during one summer, three rows of corn forty rods long. The corn grew next to a fence row heavily sodded with blue grass, which pro- duced swarms of grasshoppers. For the sake of experiment alone, for this farmer was a skeptic, last spring he put up twenty-one bird -houses, placed two rods apart on the fence along the forty rods. The houses were some that he and the boys had made during same paper urges that birds be pro- the winter months, from dry -goods tected that they might destroy in- boxes obtained in town. Thirteen of sects, it is surely time for every one to the twenty-one houses were inhabited consider what part he is to do in the during the following summer, six by work, and, insofar as possible lend a'wrens, four by bluebirds, and three hand in doing his mite. One insect by colonies of purple martins. destroyed in the spring means the The grasshoppers that summer destruction of hundreds, and in some made a rich living for the birds, and cases thousands, ere the summer is when the fall came, that farmer had Raspberry plants sprayed with elec- friend of their order. He has also of thema. trifled water have also had their yield been eKerensk president che Minister of Justice, is materially increased; while some ex- a lawyer by profession, a determined perimenters have attained even more radical in politics and the representa- startling results by means of power- tive of labor in the government as he fn] electric arc -lamps suspended above was in the Duma. He is a socialist growing crops and kept burning all and a republican, and his influence night, thereby stimulating the growth among the Russian people grows of the plants in much the same way daily, as continuous bright sunshine does. "BY THEIR FRUITS." The ground we tread Sustains the living, Shields the dead— ism. There is no great industrial men a smell of burning, and with a population, and there is land enough sudden roar a sea of flames came And as we till the wondrous soil n for each peasant farmer to have his sweeping down upon them—the enemy TSTif•h oo o,l olrilt au,.1 Ao Trained Women Cooks bottle up and nodded the question: "Want it?" Two minutes later the only unusual noise in the car was a gurgle; the baby- was still "going strong" when the ear reached Ninety-sixth Street. of the extinct armored mammal. andthey are saving food at the rate Armored Reptiles. the soldiers better than ever. !of $20,000,000 per year, while feeding Alligators and crocodiles, of course, are familiar to -day as typos of the ar- Hot Meals For Tommy mored reptile. They are clad int Com- Tomnty Atkins gots his hot meals No sooner had the older boy re- plate mail, which is certainly proof three Imes a day, and must be 1n a gained his seat after doing his good against buckshot, and is hardly pene-'very hot corner indeed when he can - turn, than his little companion whis- treble by a rifle bullet, unless a point not be served. Ration parties carry pered in awe: in the armor be struck. Such a bullet,' the food in covered lot water heated "Say, Tommy, you'll git kilt!" striking one of the plates, is fairly' receptacles along the communication The answer to that was immediate, sure to be deflected harmlessly. !trenches to the front line, and the sol - An elderly man at Tommy's right There are no armored birds. So far diers enjoy a hearty meal, at the same turned the boy's hand flat and put a as known, there never were any. It is time keeping a wary eye on Fritz, just quarter into it, and the smiling mo- a fact accepted by naturalists that all egress the way, for suspicleus move- ther tossed ten cents at his feet. The birds are descended from reptiles, but mots. Should Fritz show any diepo- boy immediately returned the ten in the process of acquiring wings and action to drop in at meal time a tele - cents to the infant's mother, but, feathers for purposes of flight they phone message is sent to the rear, and for some strange psychological reason, might have been expected to discard a few shells dropped in carefully selec- he kept the elderly man's quarter. unnecessary encumbrances, jted places soon convince Fritz that it In antediluvian days there were is extremely impolite to intrude dur- -c many species of armored -fishes, some, ing meal' time. THE FOE FIRED THE GRASS, of which are represented to -day by' For men in especially exposed post- _ survivors, in this respect degenerate. tions a ration -carrier strapped to a A Terrible Moment in .the British Evidently nature, which is forever man's back is used. These are double - Campaign in German East Africa. making experiments, did not think the skinned tanks which will hold food for idea worth perpetuating, a score or so amen. These tanks,, re In the more open country grows the .Armored Insects. filled beyond the reach of the enemy's giant grass, waving over a man's In the insect kingdom, however, gunsand the carrier goes through as sugar, there are to -day not merely a few, but vvalking or crawling, as the occasion hundreds of thousands of armored spa- demands, until he ranches the hungry cies. These are the beetles, which aro soldier; resiting him In the danger head, dense and resistant The leaders of the revolution are all cane, and once a source of deadly men of substance and education; their peril, writes a soldier's wife in de - interest in politics is patriotic, and not scribing the event. The regiment had dug itself in some $00 yards from the enemy trenches, when the wind, blowing in their faces, brought to the at all class-conscious. There is, in- deed, little division among the classes in Russia, and not very much social - clad in complete suits of mail, Their zone, armor, in fact, is made of a material Bully Beef In a Pinch far more indestructible than steel If it is entirely impossible, for the namely, "chitins," Chitins cannot bei time being, to send hat meals to the destroyed except by certain mineral front line, every soldier has his own acids, + ration to fall back upon, consisting of y tool, own piece of earth. There le, there- had set fire to the tall ?ass. There are several species of beetles, bully beef, biscuit and compressed OVe, the satisfaction of gathering twenty- We earn the right to live on earth, fore, little jealousy of mere wealth, There was not a se and to spare. whose `shining armor" is reputed' to fruit of various kinds, quite sufficient three bushels of corn from the- three. The source to which we owe our birth, especially when it is in the form of The men leaped up,and weak and ex- contain gold or silver, and, owing to to last a man for sororal days in a Government statistics and personal p this belief, eo le often rows that grew next to the fence, land; and the peasant, knowing him- hausted as they were, forced their ep p gather themflinch, observations show over and over and melt them. Mast remarkable of g again that the birds are the farmers' right where there was no corn at all So why should tin -tilled tracts be found self ignorant of great affairs, is ready failing strength into clearing the A Year ago the British armies were best friends, which, in return for their ' the year before. With corn selling at Where naught but useless weeds to follow the lead of his educated and wenever services, ask only protection that they fifty-five cents per sent d a saving of $ 2086 forrt repre- that year Why can'tdwe see with mortal ken he is convinced thatabrosperus fellowitizens they arehhonest, may sects.bring forth more enemies of in- alone, and with the same insurance That idle land and idle men, well-disposed and loyal to Mother Bus. 'for the following year with no outlay A Good Form of Insurance.at all. Does it pay? Boys, get busy. Are burdens hard that we must bear, Just how is this protection to be Get your fathers to figure with you That cost us much in toll and care? given? Happily the time is passed, or how much corn growing next to a But when these two together toil, nearly so, when the farmers think fence row is destroyed by insects, and The idle men and the idle soil. that the birds must be destroyed be- then see if your fathers will let you cause of the fruit they eat. In com- put up bird -houses and pay you the They are the Magi, great and good, parison with the amount of good they,difference the first year. To bring to men their daily food. do, the amount of fruit eaten by birds • --- And as we use what God has given, during the summer is an infinitesimalA Nerve Teat: We make of earth a brighter heaven. matter,—a mighty good form of in- A verpractical -"---•' surance for the farmer, y astern has been �� Thrift. adopted to test the nervous system of But there is another way in which air pilots. The would-be pilot has to "My boy, you want to practise the birds require protection, and that hold the handles of a eperial register- thrift." is protection during their nesting ing machine, which is so finely adjust- "I know, dad; but I haven't the season. Not only should prowling ed that it will show the slightest tre- tools," eats be restrained and egg colleeters mor, Whilst he is eo occupied a pis- "What do you mean by that?" either made to see the folly of their tel is fired suddenly, and if the ma- "If you let me have the five pounds heartless whims or else be summoned' chine records more than a very slight I need, I'll sus how long I can make before the law, but provision should tremor the candidate is disqualified. it last." sia. It is that combination of high character in the leadership and of trustful confidence on the part of the mass of the population that makes the future of the new government hope- ful. "BETTER THAN USUAL" Is the elc•gan of the Toronto Fat Stack Show, who announce their Eighth An- nual Exhibition in this issue, to be held at the Union Stock Tarda, on Decem- ber 7th and 8th next, Our readers will remember the record prices paid at the Auction Sale at last year's show, the Grand Champion being bought by the T. Eaton Company at 60e. per 10., 11ve weight. Premium lists will be out in a few days and will contain all the old and several new classes, ground and cutting a fire belt. It was done with the speed of demons, for a fiercer demon was upon them; the men, with their tattered garments these are the "gold bugs" of the genus fed at an average cost of forty cents "plusiotis." One might easily image, per man per day, which, an the basis Inc a specimen to be the work of some of 5,000,000 men, would amount to clever artificer in metal, the head and $730,000,000 per year. Since then the that would have flared up so easily, wing cases bein,gg brilliantly polished,! cost of provisions has Increased, and tputha hwo a life into those few secnds, with all the see ing of metal to sight tate const per man is much higher. The heat of the fire was on their and touch, and with a lustre as of gold From information gathered from itself, faces, blinding their eyes; the flames reached out tongues towards their .;.- store of ammunition. Under over of When a man becomes thoroughly the fire and smoke the enemy came contented he has outlived his useful - out and attacked heavily. Our men nese, leaped hack, turned the full strength ofh their ng on the enemy ud through Yw 11P Women Wanted the blinding smoke, and suddenly,.mir- sd 8 aculously—the wind changed! It is gratifying to know that in a Good opportunity offered young few moments the enemy survivors women desiring permanent work in before the flames, to find their grass were hurried back to their trenches Toronto to learn warCtntes work 10 the largest established restaurant in Cana - shelters on fire, and under a withering da. Good wages paid, best evorldng Pinions and fair treatment, Write, According to the Millgate Monthly, ephone or call, Childs 00„ 168 no fewer than one hundred and seven - storm from every rifle, maxim, and 001 a grim silence fell upon their tel trenches. 313. German prisoners as to the food served Out in the German army, a con- tract of twenty cents per day per man would be a gat -rich -quick job, prbvid- ing the facilities for getting food were as good as those enjoyed by Great Britain. _g. WHAT BIG GUNS ARE' MADE OF. Miles of Tested Steel Wire Are Wound Around Them. onge St., Toronto. teen utiles of steel. wire arel wound on a twelve -inch gun that weighs thirteen and it half tons. In appear- ance thie wire, which is of the same quality as piano wire, resembles tape; it is one qu titer of an inch wide and ono tenth of an inch thick. It is test- ed to a breaking strength of one hun- dred and ten tons The wire unwinds from a reel as the gun barrel revolves, and a tension of about fift3 ton; to the square inch insures m chanuttl ace curacy in wrapping it round the gun. Various parte of the gun naive cliffeeent thieknosses of wire. At the breech of tt twelve -inch gun, where the chief strain cornus, there are ninety-two layers, Winch give a thick - 11e80 of nine and a half inches of Palm; brat at the ;nuzzle these are .only four- teen layers, Over the wire the gun makers shrink ail steel tines nc white heat. When i 1 icy cool, they rontrnrt and grip with immense force. The rif- ling of the barrel is an automata pn•o- cesy an example of wonderful mech- anical htgemity. When the gun is fin - lobed, experts test the aecn,ncy, of the rifling with piaetic gutta-percha, /6 41Pg %Yi r,N it - �� Alio any HELO1,1, 1 LUE56 OLWIA fiA3 9Rocdra YoM Ya0'iiETNE LIMI r— s0E HAS oil A l�al� o; ---�.. SFr! X07 C RA W' � a NER � Thi � l�-T: SOCk,5-" Podik �IUTA 1 S I N fkPl abVl=lji Fig..— HoLEN, COME A G,4R7£R YUU HAD BETTER GIVE Hslls ONE R 11415NERC R TI1F I ARE The. r --g' iA7ESTL Y^• - N 0T Mj E SEE. P ar SWi1� MAN ee 1 CAN RFLP t SECOND�� y - ti A9�' _ 1 Wi;.,R, VW ; g \ f '. ! `t� ` t".. .4 -c ER- � dill. Y /!i a j` t'..t ' r 0 l�,jIL1�I S°" ii/1`i�A� -\.0.� 'te r� j r /� , r �r �.. <• ` lc. .P - a ' pf re s r'• ®®1pp�ii ' tl'' , , ?', s �t't i 1 � l/ t 'vJ� j� eJ ;\ ,• �.y„ t ':,. P=' � is r xjr ��y ttl''t 'S t•",c yrs, a 44�.�,., } q ry �r 13 »� : F.,w -` �.`._� r8 �'di 5,- r1 L-.-...- L f �'`- iI„, _ bs' .k �r %OA �� , 4 :V� t 1 }}"��' ..aye �:�: t :\, t: �' �;t. 1:. '•" rtt air' +f M 1., eeIt< jr( C. •Wt, 'u' •,•�•+, '^-«:::. r Fi yn,. Jt �.,f ..hers. :lr: /` -, �•--•--- L3I :I X. 1r...y aleelu : 1 h. i ,y.,� 110 r •f n wiel •"�� i, 1.a9 , a._. ; 4 t 'E "� L ?'!„ �d sax, '�, a ,r , ,o / r� f 3