The Brussels Post, 1917-6-14, Page 1VOL. 45 NO, 5o $1.50 Per Annum in Advance RUSSELS. UN:1 ARIO, THURSDAY, yUNE 14. 1917 New Advertisements Reward -Vol Pon: Pigs for sale -Wm Spell, Piga for anla-ila alter 13ro9. Itoalementst-Gro Kreuter. Manitoba osta-Ali, Pecker. Boarders wanted -q mr Pent. Hoz for servias-Jeass Wilbes. 1140111-titrand Titanic e, Sea forth, treitolier wanted -W. Steohassee. Notice to Ctrodttors-Jonet 13, McDonald. ristritt Reius Clinton The Women's Patriotic Society held an egg shower on Saturday afternoon, wheti a large 11111111/er of eggs were vol. lected. These will be wild and the proceeds used for the purchase of cote - fouls for the boys of the 101st (Hereon) Batialion, now on the overseas service. A sudden deaeh occurred here Sat- urday evening, when Mrs, Isaac Jack- son, of Rat teithney et Feet, an old and • highly respected resident of Clinton, fell dead while walking iu her garden. Her death came as a shock to the com- munity, as she had been apparently enjoying the best of heath for a WOT11- an of her yeses. Besides heraged hue - hand 8110 14 survived by a family of 4 setts and 3 daughters e-floward, Chi- cago ; Harvey, Reilly River, Alta. ; William, "somewhere in France" ; Br- eese, Clinton ; Mrs. Germain, Port- land, Oregon ; Mrs. W. Hyslop, De- troit ; and Miss" Edna, Buffalo. Wroxeter John Hupfer spent Sunday in Lon- don. J. Reis, Brunner, is visiting his son, O. Reis. Mrs, B. Henning is at present seri- ously ill. We hope for an early re- covery. Mrs, R. Gibson and Mitre Margaret Gibson are guests of relatives in (Mosley. Set geant C. Lawrence, London, has been spending several days at hie home here. Miss Annie Anderson left' for Lon- don last week where she has received a peel tion. R. and Mrs. Black received official notice lest week of the wounding of their son, Pte. W. H. Black. As there were no particulere we trust the wounds are slight. The Honor Roll of the Anglican chnreh was unveiled on Sunday after- noon. Most appropriate sermon wee preached by the rector, Rev. Mr. Ro- berts, who took as IliS texe, let &mime 14th Chapter and poet of 17th verse, "Then said Saul net o the people that were with him, number now and see who is gone from us." o 4' ic. 1.. Fruit and 1.;+ * Ice erearn I + .i. 4. *V-1,""9".••••-•••"1,19*-1P-6,-str .4- + + + 4. Sunkist Oranges 4 4 4 * Lemons and Grape Fruit $ Biggest Bananas in Town i 4 All kinds Fruits in Season qi + * Full line first-class Groc- .y. eries and Confectionery * 4- Flour and Feed. $ 4. + 4 it- * Telephone orders promptly 14. + -- + attended to. 'Phone Nn, is 4: + 220. Call us up and have a + * chat about prices. + + • The Star Grocery 1 Home of Good Old Qheese 1 We T. Spence 1: --Proprietor E'I'HEL +++++++++++++++++++++++++e in°. and Mrs, Drew, Canniegton, smote the week end with the letiesee paVelltS, G e o. and lel re. W cal iaIg. A peepavat•my septette was cenduct- ed by Rev. Mr, Sinclair, Belintives in the Presbyterian church Freshly ate, noon. B, Lowey, who is going one of the livery business, had Oil duction Stole on Satinclay, afternoon of his horses and rigs. We understand he will eon - thine drawing the mail and express. A Patriotic Convert, under the auspices Of the Young Lediee' Re - (waiting League will be held in the Town Hall here Whiny evening of this week, when the play "The Old Daley Homestead" will be presented. St dos, duets, &c., will also be rendered. Proceeds in aid of the boys of the 101st. 'Plait of reserved seats at J. N, di rig (store. Give this good cause a boost by attending. Monerielf Patriotic LIMO Party announced to be held at Knox Ohnrch 011 .Tune 20111 will not be held until July ath. The well known Lawrie Family, 'Hamil- ton, will be on hand to take charge of peOgrat111. SOLO 01:1T. T11111 week Messrs. Sebum* do Abram disposed of the store and stock to J. D. Malilwed, Oth Com, Grey township, who rorenily pui chased the Angus Brown farm. This has been sold to Mr. Abram. Mr. McBwen will get possession on July 183.11 when he will hand neer the fateri to his seeneesor. iWi. Schnock will talce a tail) to Flinte Michigan, where lie has 0 1'011 and 3 dtmehters. Noble is time keeper in the Wester n Motcre Otte works at $90.00 per month. Mrs, Schnook will live for a time with het' daughter Mee. Ahearn 011(1 Mies Viola will give Mi. NI clilwen a hand 111 the stone Mr. Schtionk, who was born 111 Grey township, has been mer - (Merit here for 7 years and lived foe8 year's previous on his far m, on 14th Cnn., now leased by Geo. Grah'tte, We hope the change retina will he helpful to all concerned and we wish all the best of success. Cranbrook Adam MoTCrty, Seaforth. was a visit- or at his 0101 1)1.118 Sunday afternoon next Rev. D. Wren will preach in the Methodist church. TOIll and Mrs. Ritchie. and family, Gale, were calling on relatives for the week end. MIR. Alfred Krautee, ICI tchener, visited at the home of her mother, NI vs. Raddal z. A. rural telephone has been install- ed. at the home of Allan and Mts. Carnereti. The No. 15 5213. Quite a few from this vinililty heard Rev. Dr. Nelson, of Hamilton, at Melville chin channiversary services. Red Cross meetings Will he held every Thursday arteritoon in Long's Hall. If yott ale interested try and us 1031(1. Jack Welber, arccunpanied by the Misses eh -metes and Gent ge, motored to Fonlwich and spent the day with feiends. A driving shed has been built by David Brown which will add to the enittroet and 101 111"011eIlleIlt of the penreety, Lest week Rev. and Mrs. A/centime-1 were at Seven n Bridge, Ont., al tend, ing the welding of Rev. 11, D, McCul- loch, a coterie, rif Appin, Ont. Hartley and George Menzies have purchased a Ford touring COI' from the Med agent, S. Clatter. it will no doubt be a soul ce tif much pleasure to them. last week Mies Lizzie, daughter nf Peter and Mrs, Pal:tee was operated on foe uppendicit le and is getting along well. We wish her a speedy 30:1E1 Wronlulsa.-Le,st Friday, at Severn Bridge, One., Rev. 11. D, Me- Utilloch, Pt esbyt avian minister or A 133111, 3005 wits united in inert iage to Miss Irene Watson, by Rev. Ilt'. Goodrich, 'isolate(' by Rev. .1. le 311:0011rich. 100 guests were in attendanne mid the Wedding was a Welty 0110. Beide wore a becoming costenie or white silk 11.1111 was attended by her eistat Miss' Ethel. Joe iffethtlioth, Port EIgi 11, Waligtnomsmwt an.1 Miss 13111(4. hem. played the Wedding M welt Rev Mr. MeOullneh end beide wen! 1331 Toierroo on a wedding ttip •••••••••••• 0,04tei 044 e 0 • • • • ti,org...trit• si ‘? oroostoOovios 'sleety e • 4 4 4 4• • 4 0• • • • • 4• • n, be 'n um General Blacksmiths ff, and Horseshoers Satisfaction Guaranteed 4 0 4 0 • • • 0 Oartlege Painting and VVoodwot k Repairing given prompt and cavel ill attention et a ntederate mice. The only local agents of the original Fleury. Wilkinson, Frost '& Wood, (all pelts of plews), Oliver, Crickehte Ni.p, 310111c Lear, ma and ICatmeroo, Pooch and Jody Plow Relents. Conte plete stock of all linos 0111 111(31, Compave the genuine with the subsaute and use no other. Implement Repairs Look our machines 0001 early and renew all broken parts, 41 Over 10.000 exact duplicities 1)1 11113 original pieties of nest & Wood, Deering and McOonnielc. Implements careitel in stock, i• • New work second to none. Bee oUr stock when needing 0 Wagon or Buggy. : 4, Lawn IVIowers Sharpened and put in good shape. i t E. 84 S. PLUM • • Phone Nos. /IS arid 41x • ••••••O+••••••••••••••••••• ••••••*•••••••• • • •••••••• The next meeting of Crey Town ehip Council will be held here on Al eielay, 25111 inst., in the Long Hall, Miss Annie Menzies spent, Satiday in London and took in the Ord 10013300 eervices at the Methodiet Oonfereuce. V. Foerster ie getting Gringo in shape for his new barn, A ponable sawing machine is busy cutting the lumber jive, time. MPS. J. 0. McDonald, who was visit- ing here for the pasb month returned to her home at Niagara Falls last week accompanied by Mrs, Peter Mc- Donaldwho is considerably improved in hettli Word was received 4r7 Jas, Noble, of this locality, Hutt his eon Trance Oorptival Harvey Noble, hail been wounded in the leg on May 3rd. He is new in a French hospital, We hope he will soon be restored. Ethel Mists McLelland Is home from Stela- fot d N'ormal, Geo, Cole is home from Stratford o» 15 days leave. lie wee fireman 011 l'ai (1. Listowel Football boys failed to get here on 00130111(4 annotruced hue may ennui later. 'The most, w00100101131)?)mquestion you beer nowadays is, "What, do you think Of Conscription Fee. Wm. 13031157 received word that his son, John has etilieted in Regina r foover seas service. Rev, 3. W. Johnson and family ar- rived home from London Oonference looking hale and hearty, A Ford touring car has been pin, chased by Thos. Bowes, West or Billet, front S. Garter, Wimple. Cement: basemeti(3 in t1111(11011c001)3- 1)1010(1 31.301 chuvoir resting on wallOOW, now, waiting, for carpenters to com- plete the job, Rev. S. W'. Johnson. Jiro. Peal 01111 Mrs. Wtn. 133(0111101, who were at London during the „past week, have st 'rived home. DI. Wittellaw has chenget1 his place of abode and will he found when wanted on (41101111 West tte the place he bought 1,11111 Metelland. The Ghee' Pet, 131313101013 will meet at the home of 311s4 Friday evening of this week at 7 30 o'clock. All 17101111/PN are asked to be pvesent. David 'McKee 111 with ptieurnoitia. He had been working with S. S. Cole 131. Donegal and came home ill 0 week ago We hope he will soon he con- valescent. Pte. A. McKee will he home from Whitby hospital for few days before going 'trough another operation for his erne He is going to be transferred to TOMO 10. Will those doing sewing for the Belgian children kittdly leave articles at Mrs. R. Dilworth'e not later than ,Tune 27(11 sn that boxes may be pack- ed and forwarded. Mee. S. 8, Cele ancl Miss Bernice are leavine Juno 26th for Olds, Alta., w twee they will holiday with relatives and old friends. Hope they will have a tirst-elase time. Letliee of Woineti's Institute as- sembled DA Township Hall Tuesday afternoon for the purpose of making elothes for Belgian children. .A quan- tity of good second hand clothing and '1(131)1' 110W Were given which Will be 1 he ilk hilly ecei veil, Womeer's INSTITtrrig.-The S0111111011 tnetatittg 1113 the Women's Institute will held in the Township Hall Saturday next, lune leth, at 2 80 o'clock. Miss E. AL Collins, Ancaster, who has had several years experience me a 1Jeinonstration Lectmee in sew- ing(33)31 as a lecturer to Women's Tti- sautes, will give an addeess. Ladies of the cemmunity are cordially in- vited to attend this meeting. DEATE OS' A BOattsta RESIDENT. - Tile Novell 13ay Despatch of a recent: claw gives the following particulars (3011011111111(4(3011011111111(4 the death or a former resided.- "On Wednesday, May 23rd, there passed away in the person or Mts. Vogel, one of the old-time pinneees (113r this Province at the ad- varteed age of S7 years and 9 menthe Born of U. ID. feryalist stock, her f.d.low and mother h101(111(4 come to this country from the State 1313 Pen- neylvaitia when '7.1,11110 had only one 111108e. they settled sin the Lownship or Whit eeltureli, subs. quenely nerving ' to Huron County. Fourteen years ago the remits' 1111(1ed to Noel 11 13,17. tier In)eband predeceased her hy 1)1110 y vat s. Theis: tx e balm to them thir- teen child vett, eight of whom 1110 still living. There were Child 111111 of the fifth g013033)1311))) (13, her funeral, which wits atertided by friends and kleiglo b Its, who hall learned Lo love her rov wot 111'0 BAP, as well as for the kindly welcome and genial compeminnship I hose whon eetytel the privilege cif her friendship. •Phe stoey of her life 3)111' 1113 diligettee seeviee and of c03.1)'for those who were allied to 110)'110)'try ties of blood noir inship. She 3.008ae 11.11 OXILII1 010 OFh Wat has helped large- ly 3,, Make OF thiS 001011 a veal homeland foe so many brave men and women. Oompte eta and resourceful liensele she taught, ethers 10 be the same and 11110 left. the memory of a life to be (het ished and an example to be follnweil in the grace of hospitet- lit/ end neighborlinees, f1,11111the saving 1131100111311001of Ohrist's atono- meet was firm, and het daily living wee an example of practicel Clivietbe- itity. She died as she had lived, when the (ley's work was done, simple Crossing over to work end joy and peace beyond. Rer.v, MIturgoson concloceed the funeral obsequies, 05.• sisted by Rev, Mr. Allin, Baptist ministate "liven 90, them also which sleep in Jesus, will God being with him," Mre. Fogel 3.03133.0313 apparently as well es usual in the 11101-0) ng and pies pared the vegetetbles fore dinner and pitelook beertily of the Meld. She eompleitted of feeliitg chilly, however, and Meer dinner lay down on the conch and had a sleep after which elle eat in hoe their until after tea. About 7,46 she retired td bed but eo. Krauter Implement Dealer Is Sole Agent for De Laval Oreaiu Separators, Cockshutt Feted, & Wood alai John Dee! Imple- ments and Fleury Plows. Repairs for any of the above lines kept as well as for Kemp and Success Spreaders. Brantford, McLaughlin and Brockville Buggies and the Adams Wagon. Number of 2ud hand Binders for sale. Call at our shop, at bridge, Turn - berry street, Brussels, In cheep of AIIan A. Lamont Phalle 51 2 rings. 1 could not settle down to sleep as she was cold and had difficulty in breath- ing. Doctors and a pulse were sum- moned but pronounced the trouble to be a stroke of paralysis and by 9.80, lees than 21100)9 after she lay down the end came quietly and peatlefully. Ales. Fogel had been wouderfnlly bright and cheerful and so !smart thee it wag 10 pleasnee to have her about. She wanted to get to 1101' 11.0aVeOly Home and lived 1310)13 day to day wait- ing the call. len:level took place all May 28113. Alfred Fogel from Sask- atchewan crone to the burial. 5 genealsons and a great grandson were 111111bearos, The old lady is well vereembered at and aboue Bthel by the oldto. folk who eeteerned her for her trimly good qualities of head and heat te WEDDING BreLees.-A pretty wed - Mug COLS selemnized at "Maple Drive Palen," Wednesday of last weelc, June (3111, at high neon, when Miss Elsie Irene, ytemgest daughter of D. W. Dunbar, becrone the wire of Hugh Roy Canninglitrin, troth of Git oy town- ship. Rev. D. 13. MeCiete assisted by Rev. 3. L. McCulloch officiated. The wedding march was played by Mrs. W. E. Brown, slitter of the beide. Bride, who was given away by her father, wore a gown of embroidered lace over while silk and bet wedding veil was of tulle arranged with orange blossoms, The bride was attended 117 Miss Imlay, of Wingliam, gowned 111 blue silk. Gen. Mildew, brothel' of the bride WAS best man. Dill i tin• signing of the register, Stanley Dun- bar sang "All Aline .Altine" in splendid voice. Altar the ceremony 11. semi» tutus wedding hreakfast was part tticen of by 11 111111 t 100 guests. The 13,:ellitif4, snit was oft plaid 111131 a, immune hat trimmed with roses. The presents were numerous, bentei- ful and costly. 'Phe congvegatinii of Knox chute:11, Ethel, or whieh the bride was organist, presented her with a inegnifleent silver tea service and tray. kir. and Mrs. Cunningham left, foe the Beet on the 4 p. in. train amid shower!' of confetii and greetings of many friends. They will reeido on the groom's farm, 9111 Ooze and 00111- 1lletlet, metaled life under auspicious eireutustatices. Grey Another few weddings are mooted in Grey township. See the advt. for Teacher wanted fee S. 8, No. 8 in this i3)8111. Rioliro 131 and Mee. Robinson spent Sunday with Mitchell ft lends. The annual school picnic of S. S. No. 3 will be helcl Friday afternoon 29th inst. in the grove of jellies Otrediff, 7111 Con. The frequent showers and warm weather Is causing rapid growth and the long delayed season may catc11 up all right yet. Alex. and Airs. Yuill and Dune. Mc- Kinnon called on Molesworth friends Stintlay last. '2130 trip was tondo in Air. Yuillet new Olieverolet car which he bendier in good style. SoBOoL Renuve.-The following is the seined report. for S. S, No. 2, Grey, for the months of April and May. 100 marks weve given et beginning of month for Spelling and what re- mained at etid of tnonth was added to the pupil's marks, thns increasing some pupil's percentageconsider- ably :-Peu trance Class, examined it, 83011., Gram., Hygiene, Arbil., Lit, Comp., Geu., Writ. and Nature !Study --Andrew Tut nbull 85, jini Nolen 84. Sr. IV, examined in Hist, Spell , Grant , Hygiene, Geo. and Daily W van Turnbull 98, Anne Me. Vadzean 70, Margaret Nolan 64. Jr. IV, exattlined, in same stalest s as Se. 1V.-Havvey Johnston 85, Jessie Kb k- 01111001 70, *Clara 31ititconeell 64, Andrew Kirkcottnell 55. Jr. II, ex- amined in Geo,, Spell., Lit. and Daily Woilt.-Bert Johnston 81. Si'. 1, ex' 5311(33031 in Hen., Spell., Lie. and Deily Work. - Bvelyn Ountringhem 88 Those meekest 8 missed rme eXatn, .AMLY Rola Tenchete Mrs, 14, McKinnon, lintesels, Ont, pima mADAm.-81,uhtless you have heard berme this el the death of Sergi. J. R. itlelkinnon, who died oil April 10th (vont wounds 1 evel)'ed due- ing the operations Aprll thh. Set gt. Me Kintner was 0 splendid Soldier and 103133 aseme you his loss is felb keenly by all who knew him Canada has lost e good sniffier and all of ns gal - tart conivacie. In the yeays collie whett tiU10 will have aottrew hite ligheened thiS serious blow may the fact that Sorgt. McKinnon died a teeble death and for as good cause ;wove of some coneoliteion to you. I extend to you the einrevestsym panties 1,13 )113 the offleers and men under my commend, Yours Sineeeely, BAUM! 31000erme, LientebantOrdottel Commending 141.11 Ottnedian Ileadcputreeve 1411e Canadian 13atte Royal Montreal Regte 34117 2, 1917, A 11101.0' toed Yorkshire hog has been ptivehmed by Jesse 01 11 0011.1 111111 will be kept foe service, Rene 'idyl". in another column. Mrs. '1'y mirth Ritchie and son Stew- art, of tVingleten, spent last! week with her retiree, lbobt Care, 8rd Ono, Grey, She mitre:led home with her husband Sunday. MATRIMONIAL -- At !IPairview Farm," ter Wednesday, June 61(1, et 5 p, rn„ Miss Fannie Mae, only daugh- ter of Feed. and Alre. Oxtoby, teas menied to Francis M. Hackwell, of Walton, Rev. J. L. McCulloch per- formed the ceremony'. leles, Peter Gar- diner, sietee of the groom, pleyed the wedding march and the Itride WAS given away by her father, 811e was gowned in embroidered lace over white silk with crystal banding and her wedding veil was tulle arranged with orange bloseouts. The bride was unattended. Arlen' the ceremony a brealcrase was partaken of by 50 rela- tives and friends, A. reception follow- ed et which there were 180 guesia. The bride's reception dress *vas pea- cock bine satin, her travelling suit be- ing French garbardlite and silk blouse. Her only ornament was a pearl neck- lace, tire gift of the, groom Groom's gin; to the pianist was a broach eet, with pearl's, The presents were beau - Wel and costly. There were also some cheques, one for $1,000 being from the hI itle's parenes. Mr. and Mrs. Hack - well commence manied life With the hearty good wishes of a wide etivele of Melds foe many years of happiness and prosperity, Belgrave Commiminn was observed !sot Sun- day in Knox 0111110M A. bee was hell at the 0. 0. F. Hall 80)0111(4 13313' the Belgian's. Theta WaS a good tarn out; and a let ge entount of work done. Good for Belgrave. Usual !service in the eletleelist church last Sunday was withdrawn as pester was at. Conference at London, Harry Hopper wus the lay delegate. Serawberey Festival on the grounds of the Presbyterian church, Belgeave, Thursday„luly, 5111, under the erispiaes of the Sabbath School. Don't miss it. Belgrave Dramatic Club gave "Lodgers taken iu" at Wingham last Friday evening to a big hnuse and they went to Auburn Wednesday evening on a similar mission. They do well. The financial report for the .3101110 - dist. church for past year shows the circuit raised 31308 07 Inc all pueposes. Belgrave supplied $607,60 of Ibis amount, Brick 'hutch, 8446.117 and Sunshine 3219 02, A good year is counted on. Walton Rev. iffr. Craik was at Conference during the past week at London. SUMNER MEETING. -The Women's Institute will hold their Steamier meeting in the Workman's Hall on Friday, Jnne 151.11, at 3 p. nr, Miss Collins, of Ancester, speaker from the Depail.uient, will be present and give reldrese on "A Girl's Preparation for Lire," Mis, Barn will also (4100 11 paper on "Sunny Side of Life." A gond 1)10'11001 pregratu will also be rendered. \Vattern Red Cross folk are hustlers. During 11,0 yeav ending May 81st their 300013(8 were as follows 1)031101003s -------------------------$ ...... ...... ....$ 714 52 Quilts .... 69 10 Teas 985 60 $ 1760 22 Expenditure 1627 85 Balance on hand...$ 141 37 In addititm to a hnx of 800 pair of sox and 81 guiles sent, to local boys there WaS 811111110,1 to London 244 flannel shit ts, 86 haste tal shit ts, 73 pyjamis, 958 towels, 507 pair. sox, 8 cushions and a entree. 12 quilts:were sold local - 1 y,, Morrie A lumber of old friends attended the funeral of the late Chas. Ritchie, formerly of this township, last Tues- day afternoon at Brussels. H. 8, turd Mrs. manning were at Palmerston last Sunday visiting rela- tives. They motored with J. arlet Mrs. Cunningham, Beussels, Miss Alyvtle Wheelete 4t1 line, Mor- ris, is yisiung with hey aunt, 31rs, John Wheeler, Lninfon, and her sis- ter, Mee. Nelson Higgins, Bay -field, for a ennple of weeks. The 13110 100 acre farm of Jeer, Nichol - eon, near Sunshine, has been purchrfe ed by Wheeler Bros. of the same lue(0ity. 11313 Nicholson will telte this SeaSIM'S crop oft and titlks of 101'01111g in Wittgliam. ITItrin is known as the Loweence Wheeler piece, The renew of W. 11. Maunders, of Idaho, on the East gravel road, are being much improved this Spring by new wire feneing, &e. end the active prom it•tor is evidently determined to have everything in first -lass shape. Word was received last week ot the demise of Airs, Finley MeTettoelt, of Otiblituz, Sask., which sad even e took place 041 1.110 21)131 llcst,, tater a 801110 - What extended illness. P1100151 took Mime to Wilkie Cemetery. Theee eerie survive, Many n131 friends of 1 he family in blelcellop and Blyth will sympathiee with the bereaved. Mr. M1.'11110511 0(11)81)) of Fretilt, .Taitiee and Mists Mergevet Kelly, NI line, It, or 6 years since Mr. tted Mete Mn- Intnelt went \Vest from Blyth, GAROEN PARTY. -The annual Gar- den Pee t y of the Jackson church Bab, birth renhonl will be held on the lawn of Wm, tritelotereot 20, Onn. 9, Morris, Friday evenieg 22nd inst. Tea Served from 6 to 8 o'clock. A geed program will be 1 eiteiered eonsisting moeical select 10118 by 11. fe. and Mrs, Jackson and 11, 11. Gilroy, 13ressele, and H. Mo' Gee, Myth, and ruldt'esses by Reeds, °Milt and Lundy, Walton, and Kaine, STORES 0l -OS Thursday Afternoons During July and August The undersigned buelnees people in Brussels have agreed to close their stores, offiees mid ehops dur- ing the months, of July and Aug- ust on Thursday afternoons :- Geo. Thomson G. N. McLaren J. TRoss , ll 1131131')' A 113, j'rer earl; peon l313I'kol 13,1,14. Wilton & Gillespie A. H)reetten Dawning 13ros, D. C. Wee Gerry & Walker (3,33'. 3, 13. liewiet & Blk W. A. Grewav R. li'. •on 717. Scott r. ac11, r,. Jas. Fox 1,N,lr. 31.1 0 lIpiri Walke R. S. Ileatiltnn I. 0, Itiohards Miss F Rees IV, J. e1e01 acken Alies Henan W. F. Stretton W. P. Fresser \VIII, Little W. AI. Sinettir Business placee close at 12 o'r•lock on these hall' holidays. Londesboro. The pastov, Rev. Mr. McCormick will preside, A. Howlett is the Superintendent.. of the :witted. Mr. Taylor's is a fleet -class Mare to go to for 0 mod tit to, so keep the (1111- 1311 ad, June 22 el. A 1101'1.',11111 1.1 booth will he 0.1 the gr,•und Jamestown D. Rameay, lst line, Morrie, lets purchased at Chevrolet touring (ni Tile W. :.‘1, 15,1.5,111 1/1,•01 at lilt' 13111110 of Ales, DutIVULI 31r1./1/1O1lt1 T1111/,11.y evenlog 01 11318 week. Shipment, of Red tleose ernielsted of 5 doz, pillow slipe, 1 31111 eitite eyj (13 as, ,31 (10%. litglit shirtsI am. :1 gumle 1131110 11(31 there Wivi a shipment ef seek, 1(13' boys. thymus School and the Boundary School will bold their 13111111)11 11111111. Picnic 111 '1'. R. Bennet t's grove Satin', day, 23/ ti 11181, Everybody and (11,11 lunch basket will be weleonte. The Summer meeting of Joanostown Wometi's institute will be held in toria 131111 110)31 Monday, 18th inst„ at 2 30 o'clock. Mies E. N. 0.111i3ls, An - caster, will (410(1 110 1111,1( 55') and all are invited. All old and well itmown 1 eeideri t111 this locality died at Blyill Seen tley, in the person of Joeepit Coombe, uhu had attained 87 years. Funerel takes place from the home of his son -1n-1 tw, jas, M. Cult, Blyth'Thursday after- noon, at 1.30 o'clock. Interment will be made at Firnesels cemetery where Mts. Clocenhe is buried. Smoot, IteneuRT.-Following is the report 111 15. S. N. he Alonis, for the months of A pril a,,,1 Ma y. -Ho 31 03010 class examined in Liter., Greer., Gram. and Comm, total 350-11 Tue. vey 308, B. Raineity 8318, 0, Merest. 260. Se. IV. - Extunined 1.1 -1." 1, Arith„ Liter. and M. W„ eleog„ (3121.10. and Oomp„ total 500-V. John- ston 356, *S. Johnston 271, °It. 1:ern.e.- ghat: 13.e. Beheeteett 415, S. Siniliie 820, *14, Aliffett 206, A. Wheeler 203, G. Keetragletti 240 Sr, (1,, 1111111011 416, M. Jetitteten 1374, G. Beltmier 341, 1. Johnston 261, M. McDougall 220, *IL Robb 210, al. Allen 103, *L. Fraser 03, Messer 37. *D, MacDougall 28. ,le. Al- len 384. Sr, II.-81xamitted in Art, Arab., Liter. and M. \V„ Gents. and Comp., total 500.-F. Eckinier 4.10, II. Thomas 410, *AI. Breckenridge 301, O. Johnston 203, D. MacDonald 270, •B. Otuepbell 260, *E. Rarges 243, 5(1, Robertson 141, Jean Messer 1)8, V. Sellers 93. Jr. 11.-S, Moffatt, W. Peacock. Sr. I, Excellent -14. John- ston, L. Robertson, Good --C. Kerne.- glian, J. McDougall, V. Bektnier, P. Johnston. Primer -Good -0, John- ston, G. Peacock, T. Allen. Faire -le. Campbell, H. Campbell. * Alteent. B. MAeQuARRies, Teacher, NEW METHODIST HYMN -BOOK 1". .H. KERR, FroPrietar NOIITH DUBLIN [MEDAN The annual meeting of the North litteon Li 1)3001 Provincial A esocintion a hi' held 111 the Town Hall, Wing - 111101, Tuesday next commencing at 1330 deleek. Addresses will be given by Nelsen Patliament, M. P. P,, of Prince Edward Oo., Barrister Proud - foot, M. P. P., Mrs, Hyslop, Torouto and others, A. candidate for the Ont- ario Legislative for Noe th Huron will be selected and officers elected for the Ammeintiou, As the wrimen of the R4111114 10111 1l1' 001019 (113 1118 next, glee - Heir a good 111 lerelanee of them is hoped for at 1 hi, Cetivention, Rebert le the Pt eeident of the Aesocia11303, - Itritiverd Kipling consented to the use of his "Laird or Our Birth" to lead the Nation 51.1111,13, hot stipulated that both the tit -1 and last vetses should pulei. le d. .Ai11(3the ilea hymns 1110 : "Hark, 11,1 3, 313y Soul." "Blessed Aseurence. 1, settee *cc thi• Happy 3101')),'' "Clown • is Mine," "Christians, Awake, 13 int With Aleny 01.010115," ".0 Come au Ye Faithful," "I've found a l lend," -Ten T110118a1111. T111108 Ten ; Teen.", tele "0 Love Thal, Will Not i lee Me tr..," nod "The Voice that Beeet Led O'er Ellen." - IIITCHELL DACES 1 At the horee 0111408 11311(1 at Mitchell I bee Toeedey the following was the ,1,111t. :- 1 tt :et 1(17,101 125 trot- -Purse 3200. 34 'I'. le It ;13. .13 uviir- 1313,1. 1).o -117m -ins .... 2 1 1 1 I Misehiet. s. W. JLord, ..... ........ 1 2 2 2 11,1 IL., g. g. ; Chas. Barrett Parkhill 3 4 8 4 Ltely Axtell, J. Thompson, '.1(111113,.. 5 5 44 (beetle Alex., b. g, ; Thos. MOOrt, 1i0WatOitown..... 6 Pilot Neil, lilt. s, ; AL Kreh, New lIamiturg ...... 3 3 2.30 pace and 2.15 trot -Purse 3200 Phyllis Admiral, bk. in. ; L. 0. (hale orth, Kincardine 1 1 1 Freeh. br. g. ; Gid. Litt., Mitehell ........ . ..... . ..... 2 2 2 Flossie Chimes ; E. W. Fawn, Mitchell 4 3 2 Singer, b. g. ; Chas. Barrett, Parkhill . 3 4 4 2.11) pace and trot -Purse $250. Willow Hal, b. s. w, ; J. Lord, Hamilton ... 1 1 1 Fie -Mlle Mac. b. g. ; R. MeRaten Clandeboye 2 5 2 Allen, y Brothers Stratford5 2 5 Cheette 3313(011011, b. g, ; P1111131,lintlinet et, 83 4 13c,1,,b, 131,; 3, Davey, Kitchener. ........... . ...... 4 4 3 Canadian poets and composers are well represenied in the new Methodist hymnal which is to be published this Fall after much labor by a special While 600 ow hymns commiteee, have been discavded 111 the new ietne, for the most pen they are tune' which ravel', 131 11083', were used, Many of the new tunes included in the forthcoming hymn book rues by Dv. Herbeet Sanders, Ottawa, and \V, H. liewlelt, Mute 13110., of Hamil- ton. Tote -redo has a good showing. G. D. A tkineon, Chob 'trustee of Slue - bourne liereet Methodist Chtu eh, con - Winged a setting to "ely 'Pintos tur in Thy tlittal," Then the! 1- are tulle, named due, such emblem anadien Olnwelimen as Rev. Dr. Car men and Rev, 'I 0110 of the lioveleies in the new book is the ineltteion pr r(.1:4,,,, ar ''0 Oatiatla," the poem Written hy Dr. A.. 1). Wat eon, Tongan. ler. Waterer has eeveral other hymn's in the hook, including- "Syrian Stars," !Thee Sour co lieing" end a hymn 1033 11,3, especially for fishet mete ()thee Canadian 01,1131 i"1111111005 are 1 Rev. Dr, G. O. Workman's ''33.1033 'Me 0 God, Thy 0111(111,g fiend" •, Rev, V. simittert .0 Heart of Geri so Tender," mei "To-tirry, as when the elavione Trod", Rev, W. 11, Adam's hymn Inc pioneers' services ; therm nr the late Rev. Dr. Stoweve'e 1)33301)0 the new 8(31 1111(4 to "I Love to tell the Story," being by Mrs. Menet, Winni- peg, 41n31 composithms by 3. lildnutha denies. One of the features is a new version of "God Save the King," by Hon, 117. 8. Fielding, former Minister of Fie trance in dui Laurier 'Government, letter from Pte. Ralph Shaw now in England. DEAR Home: FOLKS. -You people will he thinlemg that 1(10 rtothing but let ter writing. but I guess I have more Dale right tarty them I will have later o11, As yet no Canadian mail has rettehed me but I think it is about tine. A couple of nights ago I had a letter from Art. Harrigan and it. took two weeks to come from Bramshott Croup here end 1',n sure I 0011111 walk the distance in levo days. Ho is the 01117 175111 boy left in this country. He is attached to the 21st Alberta Reserve Battalion, Only 5 of our draft are left noW. The rest went to France yesterday. All the good fel- lows are away and it, is pretty lone - A01110 bore to -day, I guess my. medical history sheet is my hoodoo just troev but. I may get to wovk soon, This is 100 easy to last. I spend pale of my time studying but every afternoon we have a march with the artillery units in this camp. Arley supper we play bell and read, On theee marebes we get. a chance to see some of the sue - roweling country. Wednesday we started for the ocean but never got Dime as it, was too fay for the 1.11135 3.00 (11331. We saw some fine estates but all are • encineed by walls that, one can scarcely 51'l1 anything beyond. We ele, sew a huge castle but airlift leeen he name. Nearer the sea We • 1:,,sed Canal iltIg for defensive pure 14.stit*S. Small boats can come in from 'he son. This 81)01 110113 has quite a history. It wae here that Sir John Moore embolized and trained Itie anny 13,0 tight the French the time of Napo- leme Near the centre of the camp Is Id house, the one in which Ste .John Moore was raised, It is itot riseel tee a dwelling house 110W but 14 111 tam repair, Nearer town is an old ,',IOi,-', twantically a twists of ruble. Ie iri eaid to be /Benet 181)0 years old, I SOW 3,013 1 leteltreson Again a few Melee ago. The titrits With which !.101.11 lie and Will, ate have left• tide eamp. All artillery nutlet hays) been eleoneed into le retail and they sure put 111, a kiek but 11 was no good. They hete to lose their smart looking uniforms. \\'Iten nry tweigned pay starts come leg you may use pttrt. ttr it for 'sending 14111111' 1/111.111118 and reading' matter fee if WO get Ioa hospital they will cattle 133 hently for the patients. The boys who have one didn't get their six dive 32e11,40 SO 1 guess otir than eve are al i in, Thlo will hare to do forOils Oita, A!" ever, RAta.et. No, (196030 Canadian! A. 31. .Anny Post OffIce. TiendeM W104v;'fl4