The Brussels Post, 1917-6-7, Page 8+s'
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/Fa f a SMITH
June n Req ] i cements
Here ete nett of the thiugs you may need, from our store, and we Will be
glad to suppl them :—
In Heap the Mens laying use
$w lir Poultry Panacea -85o, pkge,
and large ib, k e. 850,
Pratr's poultry Regultor— p g
25o & 50e pkgee.
I 4
purple Poultry S eoldo-
25e d0 50e pkgee.
Yrett'e White Diarrhoea Remedy— -
20e and 50o,
Hee.' Instant Louse Miler -85c pkge,
Powdered Copperas—loo Ib..
5 Gr. Aaperin Tablets -25e doz.
Health Salta -16o tin,
Moth Camphor Baita-
6 oz. 100,ler 80e lb,
Epsom Salts -6o &10o pkge,
Pure Olive 011-260, 85o end 50e bots,
or 000 a pint..
Helebore for Spraying -6o oz.
,ar g
PaPalin Hats
fAii,G5 good
ea i +'action.
fete nettles.
carry a full
hue of Kea-
aks, Brownie
Cameras and
and Piloted,
Straw Nat
Have your
last year's
Straw Hat
roc pkgs.
:'lith the way the Paper Mar-
icet has been risks; it is hard
o rind a bargain in Station -
Ty, Here is one
sive edewn Linen Note, Paper
t tri, pkge 25e.
Lir Envelopes to match, per
ieic.age roc
Linn Writing Tablets eachroc
With warm weath-
er more Talcum
will be required.
Violet Dolce Talcum 25o
Harmony Rose " 26o
Yucca " 26o
Trailing Arbutus 250
Paradis, in glass jars 600
Roger & Gullet Vet -
'cute lraoe Powder 500
' acne,
Druggist and Stationer
1,0+0+t.. -c-ole eeteseeeeee.O++4)40+&°A•+)d+O't°44.4+O+'O'W'I'•+N'FM!•i'•+•
I bo
6 Anus
Selene .int: Beetle/he ed,"
emcee ::card Friday evening of this
SHowltae asd sunshine are boosting
MoNsA ; :,e i. Bank holiday—Ring
=targe s rt day,
Tag Cr.. -life Deeing machine was at
work on est Queen street this week,
Jute • ;Sion of the County Court
one ,r at dewirh en Tuesday, the I2th.
S ixE Ta„1e hours is now in force,
during menthe. of June. July and
August, ,: the Public Library.
R. La4.111ERDALE has a potato crop
growing on the West Half of the Heed-
ing greet. property. The bowling lawn
was not 'iterferee
TeLEI tone siz iu ?re,: Oster's No.
a'Lhougl. m tee Directory it is given as
Dr, MCI.'.e0's Eeeidence, A note of the
error w,uld re relay,
BRCS Ls P .men's Institute has issued
1 very eng program for the com-
i,rg yea mr tongs that cannot fail to
iideres .ird it eruct, Are you a mem-
ber 7
TRE Amen;: Sawmillwill complete
their eat of logs this week and the at-
tention of the employees will be turned
to the large stock of heading to be work-
ed tip.
DONT forget the entertainment "The
New Minister” in Town Hall Friday
evening of this week, Proceeds for
Red Cross, Patronize it and belp a
good cruse.
ON Friday,' May 25th. J. Dawson
Manners, of Jarrow, Alta°, son of J, C,
Manners, Brussels, took as his bride
Miss Victoria Marshall, of Edmonton.
Congratulations are extended and long
years of happiness and prosperity wish-
ed Me. and Mrs, Manners,
W=.RNING.—Several names of bicyc-
lists 'Save been handed' to the Reeve for
bfris,s;ing on the By -Law prohibiting
r.ding on the sidewalks, This is a note
Of warning to stop it or else the of-
fenders will be made stop by being fined,
You will receive 00 sympathy from this
BRINS0Le Business Mens' Association
will meet Tuesday, 1260 inst, at 8 u. m,
sharp. Will each Convener prepare to
report the progress made byhis Com-
so that all the
preliminaries will
be cleared ep and the course marked
out fora good race, Everybody is
wanted to be a live wire.
KEEP off the boulevards. It's ex-
asperating to spend money and time
putting these it shape and then have the
Tabor of days destroyed by carelessness.
Those who cause the trouble should be
made pay for the damage particularly so
ifdestruction could be prevented by
care and +:110 practice of common eatse,
AucTlo' SAI.3. The household Fur0i-1
ture and effects of the late Mrs. Eugenia
Oakley will bo offered for sale, by Pub
tic Auctrrn, atlthe Robb Terrace, Brim.
eels ,.<0u Saturday afternoon of next
tveelc, 11.13: lest,, al a o'clock. Sale
without reserve ae it is made to close up
estate, Lir. T T, McRae sad F. S.
Scott are the Executors,
SRvssete Women's Institute will hold
its regular mouthiy meeting on Thurs.
day, Tone 5410, at 2.3o p, In,, in the
Public Library. whop .Miss Willis, of
Ancaster, Provincial Delegate, will give
an address, . Miss Collins has had sever -
years' experience as a Demonstration
Lecturer and Menthe Valuable services to
the Iustitu"e,9, The speakers sent out
by the Agricultural Department are al-
ways the best that can be procured and
Well worth hearing, Let °Very lady in
Brussels and locality keep June 54111
clear nod come anti hear Miss Collius,
STREET Committee is to have the grad-
ing machine square up some of the back
YOUNG ladies have been pushing the
sale of tickets for "The New Minister"
entertainment Friday evening of this
week, in Brussels Town Hall.
Live Poultry wanted, will take delivery any
day. Phone 60 for prices, RoOT, THOMSON,
TEE lovable Marguerite Clark, will beat the
Strand Theatre, Seaforth Thursday Friday
and Saturday 7th, 8th and. 9th in 'Silks and
Suttee," a photoplay of youth, love, sorrow
and laughter. Also the opening episode of
that great serial Peg 0' the Ring, featuring
Grace Cunard and Francis Ford. Time 8.30 to
10 p. m. Price 11 cents. Take a run over in
your car.
BARRER BROS- have arranged to keep a
regular supply of fresh fish and will be able to
enpply their customers from day to day with
the finest from the lakes.
Carr SUTTON, with Masonic emblem, lost in
Brussels. Finder please leave it at THE Poem,
GmN';RAL servant wonted. Apply to Mee.
JNO. 10000080x,
SPEOrAL value in Manitoba Flour at
THREE Short Horn Billie from 10 to 12
months old for sale, Lie. SPE1a, Lot 29, Con.
0, Morris. Phone 166.
GoLnBrooch loot in Brussels, set with 12
pearls and an emerald, Will the finder kindly
leave at THE POET and greatly oblige the loos-
WELL bred Collie pope for sale. Apply to
JPO. Oman, Brnasele.
emone to rent. Lately moulded by Currie
Bros. as butchers, 1. 0. RtoaAnns.
To RENT, — Comfortable dwelling above
stores. Soft water. I. O. Rr00ARns.
DR, PARKER, Osteopathic Physician, visits
Brussels Thursday afternoon of each week.
Chronic and nervous diseases successfully
treated, Plaits residences. Consultation at
Queen's Hotel.
HAs To EASE lir,—Rev. W. E. Kerr, of
6th Avenue Methodist Church, Van-
couver, B. 0„ was compelled to resign
his charge, an the doctor's advice, ow-
ing to nervous disability occasioned by
too close application to work, illuess in
the home and anxiety over the 2 sons
serving the Empire overseas, Thinking
light work would be preferable to a
withdrawal altogether Rev, Mr. Kerr
has been appointed by Conference to take
charge of Sanford and Beaconsfield
churches in Vancouver and commences
his new work next Sabbatb. Tbe
reverend gentleman is hearty physically
and as he is onlyshortly h ortl
y past the 5o year
mark should be good for some years of
service yet if he gets his nerves braced
up. Mr, Kerr has purchased a home in
the city in case he lias to superannuate
for a while.
POI/ND DEAD IN SED.—Friday morn-
ing of last weak Miss Uhristena Ewan,
who made her home at 47 Bleaker street
Toronto, was found dead in bed. She
had been about the day previous and a
relative called on her at 7 p. m. It is
thought Miss Ewan had taken ill and
got up to make a cup of tea and left the
gee turned g n d nn for the range and was
overcome by it. Deceased was 7q years
of age and had spent a good share of the
past 40 years in 'Toronto. She was
horn at Dumferline, Flfeshire, Scotland,
being a daughter of the late Robert and
Jane Ewan and a sister to the late John
Ewan, 55th Con„ Grey townsbip, W.
Telfer and Jno, Ewan, of town, went to
Toronto Friday afternoon and the re-
mains were brought to Brussels last
Saturday night. A private funeral was
held Sunday afternoon from the home of
Jno. and Miss Ewan, corner Market and
James street, nephew and niece of de-
ceased. Rev, Mr, Mann conducted the
service autl pallhearets were Jno. aid D.
Ewan, Wm, Telfer, Geo. Muldoon,
Walter Devideon and Chas, Draper,
Burial was made in the Ewan tamily
plot, A cousin, Miss Margaret Ewan,
0f Detroit, had lived with Miss. Ewan
last Winter.
'i'fln VOA ttlriillljliee to tin:. ,l and
Alt13t L drbji fs likely to be short ib
Biala is di'estliery Bald their May
Make of better to 1t. Thomson, town, zit
41 cools.
INOREAsao Fro.161ction has put. on R
busy program In 13russels'this Spring
uotwitbstanding the late season.
Tnxeab'oose oC a drainage gang going.
to work on the Burke drab, Grey town-
ship, was. in town on Tuesday.
One of the latest addltiot s t0 the
motorists of town is Walter Brecken-
ridge, who has invested in a Ford run-
How did your premises pass inspec-
tion by 51 e 'Sanitary Inspector? He has
a report to present to'the Board of
Health who will instruct ast o
• A seecete meeting of the W. C. T. C.
will be held in the Public Library Audi-
ence room Friday afternoon of this we k
at 3 o'clock. All members are settee to
be present.eri
Sons beautiful displays of choice
Tulips are to be seeu at the homes of
Jas. Fox. and .Alfred Baeker. The
former bas over moo bulbs in, some of
them specially choice.
the filial week for the Normal students,
the examinations concluding at noon on.
Thursday, The school is closing a week
or two earlier than usual this year.
'Pea Independent Telephone Com•
parries gained their demand over the
Bell Co. relative to the interchange of
messages and it is an important decision
as it rules out the probability of conten-
tion in the days to come.
BACK Reim—Last week Frod. Me-
Cracken and Robt. Anderson were
thrown out of a light wagon on Turn -
berry street. The latter fell across the
cement curbing and injured bis back.
We hope be will soon be o. k.
DISTRICT Lodge I. O. 0, F. for Dist-
rict No. g, will convene at Wroxeter
Thursday, June r4th, at to.3o it, in. In
the afternoon the various lodges will
bold a Lodge of Instruction. A num-
ber will likely attend from Brussels,
A volume -old resident of Brussels, In
the person of Jno, T. Denbow, of De,
Ieau, Man„ in remitting for hit POST
for Ig57 says :—"Although it is 3o years
since we left Brussels we still enjoy
reading TRE Pose." Mr,. Denbow has
done well in the West.
BRUSSELtTES should boost a program to
Paint up,
Keep tidy premises.
Support Red Crossork,
Encourage employers of labor,
Stand by the Board of Health,
Back up the Business Mens' Association.
Patronize home business people.
IT I5 NO GOOD.—The practice of send-
ing information by unsigned letters to
the authorities as means of bringing
about the prosecution of certain law
breakers is being persistently followed
in this community. Constable Oliver
informs THE POST that he frequently re-
ceives such alleged evidence with
no signature to the letter -and is urged
to set the wheels of Justice in motion,
having nothing further to guide him but
this bit of flimsy and uncertain evi-
dence. If sucb enthusiastic correspon-
dents would remember that the all-jm•
portant part of a latter is a signature the
unsatisfactory practice of sending
anonymous communication through the
mails would be engaged in in a much
less degree than it at present,
THE NEW MsNIsree.—The interesting
Entertainment will berepeated in the
Town Hall, Brussels, Friday evening,
'Btb inst., being the date arranged for,
It is under the auspices of the Red Cross
Circle and proceeds will be devoted to
Red Cross funds. Plan of Hall opened
at ls'ox's Drug store. Saturday of
last week, A large attendance is asked
as the talent is generously giving their
time for the good of tbe cause and by
hearty support it may obviate the ewes.
sity of an appeal in the way of a canvass
for the same work. Reserve your seats
early and give it a boom this way, Pro-
gram will be well worth bearing.
SPLENDID TIME.—•Following was the
program of tbe Little Stars Mission
Band given Wednesday evening of last
week in Melville church school room,
Mrs, B. S. Scott, Superintendent, pre-
siding :—Hymn 591 ; prayer, Rev. Mr.
Mann ; chorus, On a Rainy Day; gramo-
phone selection ; recitation, Jean Stew-
art ; solo, Margaret Wilson ; piano solo,
Wilma Galbraith ; chorus, Chase the
ugly frown away.; recitation, Winuifred
Meadows ; solo, Elva Olivet ; talk, Rev,
Mr. Maan ; gramophone selection ; piano
solo, Hazel Stewart ; dialogue, Jean and
Mac. Ferguson 1 solo and chorus, I will
try you, Wilma Galbraith and Band ;
recitation, Mamie. Thompson ; solo, Jack
Oliver; story, King Robert of Sicily.
Mrs. B. S. Scott ; piano duet, Jean Fox
and Doris Ross ; gramophone selection ;
recitation, Mettle McLauchlin ; chorus,
older girls ; solo, Gertrude Deadman
recitation, Inez McNicbol ; chorus, Jesus
Loves the Little Cbildteu ; solo, Mar-
jory Campbell ; recitation, Lenore
Thueti ; piano solo, Kathleen McLaren ;
treasurer's report ; collection ; candy
distribution ; God Save the King. Col-
lection for evening was 3ro.00,
J S5
Jotter M. MoIR PASSES AWAY,—After a
lingering illness of several months John
M. Moir, Exeter, passed away on Satur-
day, May 26th, at the age of 64 years.
7 months t revious to his death the de-
ceased suffered a paralytic stroke and
since that time has been a helpless
invalid having also lost the power of
speech, In Feb teary last he had a
second stroke aid his life was despair-
ed of, The deceased was born in tine
township of Usborne end Ilett been a
resident of that section all his life. He
was born 011 41.0 Conand rifler his mar-
riage 34 years ago to Melissa McTaggart
tbey moved to the end Cnn, living there
until retiring and moving to Exeter 3
years ago. Deceased was held in the
highest esteem throughout the com-
munity and by bis genial manner
and amiable disposition won many warm
friends. He was a member of Osborne
Council 50 years, 2 years filling the
position of Reeve, Deceased was a
justice of the Peace arid sat on many of
the Court cases after moving to 'own.
Besides his bereaved widow deceased is
survived by 3 sons, Arnold, Stavely,
Alta Rallis, . , ell s, Lomand) Alta., and
Percy, in Detroit; also a brother and 4
sisters, Daniel, Detroit ; Mrs. MoArter,
Brussels ; Mra. G. Rycknum, Michigan
Mrs. Wm. Russell, Exeter ; and Mrs,
R. Fulton, Hensel!. Funeral wee held
oil Tuesday aftetnoou conducted by
Rev, P. Nicol, assisted by members of
the Masonic Order,
444 0440.114,0000040
O ud90
Friday & Saturday each week
Try u8 for Amateur
e Printing and Developing
e Groupe taken ab your own home •
• anywhere in the country,
Picture Framing Neatly Done •
• We make Enlargements from
old Photos.
v Q. 8. FREE Photographer
EARLY swimming is on the program.
G. Powell, Clinton, formerly of Brus-
sels, who bas been acting as Field Secre-
tary for the Counties of Huron and
Perth in connection with the temperan-
ce work and enforcetnent of the Canada
Temperance Act for the last 3 years, has
resigned. Mr. Powell has been very
successful in building up an organization
which has accomplished a great deal in
law enforcement, and now leaves to take
up a large work in connection with the
Uommittee of One Hundred, with head-
quarters at Loudon, and baying most of
Western Ontario as his field of work,
Huron County Executive met Saturday
and decided to continue the work until
the last vestige of thel liquor traffic is
driven from its borders. At the request
of the Perth Executive it will meet with
the latter body in the near future to
decide as to a successor to Rev, Mr.
People We Talk About
Mrs, J. H. Galbraith was visiting in
Toronto this week.
Miss Nellie Fox is home from an ex-
tended visit in Toronto,
Reeve Plum is attending Huron
County Council at Goderieb.
Miss Hazel Lowry was renewing old
friendships at Atwood for a few days.
Mrs. Watt,Elora is the guest of
Mrs.W. M. Siclair Elora,
Mrs. J. T. Ross has not b:en as well
as usual but we wish her speedy con-
Mrs. Geo. Greensides and children
and Mrs. E, T. Greeusides spent May
24th at Brussels.
Miss Lou Dunford enjoyed a holiday
with relatives and friends in Toronto
daring the past week.
P, and Mrs. Ament and P. and Mrs.
Scott motored to Seaforth and spent
Sunday with relatives.
THE POST is sorry to hear that Capt.
J. M. Moore is ill in London, Ont., but
we hope he will soon be all right,
J. H. and Mrs. Kerney, Guelpb, spent
the week end in Brussels and locality.
Tbey motored in Mr, Kerney's car.
Mrs. F. Moore and Miss Watson, Tees -
water, were visitors in Brussels last
week with Alex. and Mrs. Ellis, Queen
F. H. and Mrs. Gilroy and Barrington
and j T. Wood motored to London
Saturday and spent Sunday and Monday
in the city,
Mrs. W. H. Merklinger, Hanover, is
visiting at the parental home, King
street. She is a daughter of N. F. and
Mrs. Gerry.
G. A. Deadman left for Merlin• this
week to care tor his apiary there. Miss
Edith accompanied him and will be the
Fred. Smith has gone to Brantford
where he has taken a position in a fat -
tory, Mrs. Smitb and family are re-
training in town In the meantime.
Dentist Vernon Ross has accepted a
position in tbe dental office of Dr.
Dewar, Toronto, and has gone to fill
his engagement. We wish him success.
Wednesday of this week Ben. Walker,
of Brussels, and Nurse Lillian Yost, of
Newton, Perth Co,. were united in mar-
riage at Listowel. Particulars next is-
Will. Long, of the head office Bank of
Nova Scotia, Toronto, and W. E. Tre-
maine, Detroit, were visitors for the
week enol at the former's home, Flora
Miss Isabel Strachan is visiting at tbe
hake of Dr. and Mrs. James Strachan,
her cousins, at Fort William, at'p'reseut,
while on her way homeward from Moose
Jaw and Winnipeg.
Mrs. John E. Smith, Brandon, Man„
is visiting at the home of her father,
David Ross, Elizabeth Street, where she
will be at home to ber friends Tuesday,
June lath, afternoon and evening,
Mrs, Jessie Kerr was at Fergus Wed-
nesday of last week attending the funer-
al of Wm, Charles, the 53 year old son
of W. A, and Mrs. Ross, a relative.
Deeeased was a bright laddie whose re-
rooust caused great blank in the home.
W. 5. and Mrs+ Stewart and sou
and Miss Thelma Parker, Park•
hill, spent the week end with rela-
tives and friends here. The former is
an old Brussels boy, who is manager of
the Standard Bank in the aforemebtion-
ed town, and who has made good In his
B, S. and 'Mrs. Scott visited at Col-
lingwoocl for a few days. They made
the trip in their car, Mrs. Scott and
Mrs, Hawmau, mothers of the host and
hostess, came back with them. Mrs. H.
McKinnon, Grey township, accompanied
Mr. and Mrs. Scott, visiting ber daugh
ter, Mrs. (Dr) Robertson, in the same
town, Collingwood is about too miles
from Brussels with a road disposed to
l'e featured with bills part of the way,
They went Thursday of last week.
Church Chime*
Rev, Dr, Ross, formerly pastor of
Melville church, ierusseis, is in charge
of the Runnymede Presbyterian church,
Toronto, during the wearies absent° for
a year on sick leave. He'll fill the post
with credit.
Tfio ministore of Maitland Presbytery
who are attending the General Assembly
at Montreal this week are Revels Hardie,
Rutherford, Little and Reid, Elder W.
H. Shortreed, of Walton, is the only
laymen from this locality,
NEAR Ori'ICel a TON!)reree
Money Orders and Drafts are
issued by this Bank payable in
all parts of the world.
G. H. SAMIS, IMO Manager.
Geperal Assembly of the Presbyterian
church opened in Montreal Tuesday of
this week. General session of Methodist
Conference, London, commences Thurs-
day afternoon at 2 o'clock in Dundas
street Methodist churcb, London.
Next ,Sabbath morning the service in
the Methodist eb urob will be in charge
of the Epworth League. Evening set. -
vise will be withdrawn on account of
anniversary in Melville church. Rev.
Mr. Wren is at Loudon attending Con-
monthly 001011 Patriotic service will be,
held in the Methodist church Wednes-
day evening of next week at 8 o'clock.
Address will be given by Rev. D.
Wren, Offering taken will go to Red
Cross, The public cordially invited.
A very appropriate sermon was
preached Friday afternoon at the pre-
paratory service to the Communion in
Melville thumb, Brussels, by Rev. C. A.
Malcolm, the new pastor at Wroxeter.
His text was Isaiah 53rd chapter and 1st
verse. There was a good attendance.
Evangelistic campaign is planned to
open at bbrdwich en Sabbath 17th inst„
under the direction of Messrs. Johnston.
and Moon and their assistants, They
have led in very successful meetings in
Essex and Kent Counties and their
coming to Huron County is being look-
ed forward to with interest,
ANNIVERSARY,—At re a. m. and 7 p,
III, next Sunday the anniversary ser-
mons oe Melville church will be preach-
ed by Rev, Dr. Banks Nelson Hamil-
ton. Special offering for church Build-
ing Fund and choice music by the choir.
Monday evening a Lecture will be de-
livered by Dr. Nelson on the subject,
"Bullets and Brotherhood." The lec-
ture is said to be a fine one and will no
doubt be well worth hearing. Chair
taken at 8 o'clock.
Following resolutions were passed at
W ingbam District meeting of the Metho.
dist church :—"Phis annual meeting of
Wingbam District, desires to express
its strong disapproval of racetrack
gabbling as permitted and carried on in
Ontario. We would urge upon the On-
tario Government to speedily cheek this
evil. ' While urging Production and
Conservation and while there is sacrifice
and suffering everywhere, and tbreaten-
ed want in the Empire, we believe this
source of privileged gambling should be
drastically dealt with by our Govern-
ment at once," "We desire to sound a
warning note on the proposal to tbrow
open the gates of the Lord's Day on the
assumption that it is necessary to do so
to aid in the Increased Production. We
look upon it as an insult to the farming
community of this Cbristain land, whom
we believe desire to do their patriotic
duty to the extent of their ability but
who remember the words of a greater
than man who said, "Six days shalt thou
labor and do all thy work,' As many
inroads have already been made on the
Sabbath we urge Methodist people to be
on the alert to oppose any action that
would curtail the sanctity and rest of
the Lord's Day."
Pte. W. N. Cook Writes from
"Somewhere In
Following letter was received last
week from Pte. W. I3. Cook by his
sister, Mise Florence, of this locality:—
DEAR SISTER.—Just a line to let
you know that I am o. k. hoping you
are the same. Iop 3 letters and 2
boxes from; you. First one was socks,
maple sugar and taffy, °bewin gum
and tobacco and the second had a
dandy pair of socks, packages of chew-
inggum, tobacco, 2 books of paper,
10 cigars, bags of candy, 2 oxo cubes,
3 Brusesels POSTS, all in 1 week. I
received the second on May 12th and
the first one on May 4th. Everything
was dandy. Dear Flory, I cannot tell
you anything regarding military
affairs as it won't do, but we are get-
ting a stiff time of it here and it would
surpriseyou,I am feelingfine thank
Goodness I cannotri e
w t manylet-
o -
tere a8 the on't la oil
t but I will
answer all they
w t at are Bent to me.w I
You know the Edwards' who used
to live in George Holmes' house in
Caldicott, right across from where we
lived, be's the water pipe man at Su
A.brook where father works, I met his
son here in this place, the curly head.
ed boy, you know him. I gave hila a
good shake of the hand when we met.
He just came in here for a rest from
oub of the trenches, he is a Lance
Corporal in the Monmouthshire's
and he's quite a big fellow.
We are close to the line and it is a
big base here. I met lots of fellows
from Monmouthshire whom I used to
play football with. Had a letter from
Natty the same time as your letter.
She was telling m° about Albert,
He's at Oewaetry, North Wa1ee, train-
ing, If he gets es much training as I
have lied and tbe experience out here
ha will have enough of it. 'We are tip
night veld day here, especially when
Fritz cornea over the top of your
scalp. Thanks very much for What
you sent me, I won't forget, you. We
are having very hot weather here, it
will nearly scorch the head off you,
I don't know whether war will bo
over.thie year as it don't look like it
to tis fellows but we are still pegging
away, I will tell you all about It later
1 hope,
Easter Sunday afternoon toe were
playing a game of football when
Frig started over our head throwing
nasty insults et us but we, ducked and
laughed it off. It's great excitement
but keep smiling as I are all right any
how and that is; saying a lot. I will
close with fondest; love from WILLIE.
P. S. --I have got the socks on, say
they al'e fine,
• h
5.1 +0+++++0+1.44++++ +4 •
�'/ a ar 1
y rihst i .' c a
r 2
• For that tired and weary
O• feeling thin comes to
nearly every one at this
0 season of the year we
53 cannot too highly recom-
* TONICiit
Brussels Council - tp
Vary beneficial in all au-
aemle and exhausted
cotaditions of the system,
sleeplessness, &o.
75c Et $1.60 per bottle
• .1
The Court of Revision on the Aa-
• essment Roll of 1917 for the village
of Brussels was held Monday evening
of this week. After the oath hacl
been taken by the members the Court)
was constituted: The only appeal
/presented was that of W. R. Semi toil
concerning the Revere House and
lands adjoining, on the ground that
aseessmentof 31700 Wee too high,
On motion of G. A. Best and S.
Wilton the appeal was dismissed.
Moved by S. Wilton, 80001140d by
D. Walker that Roll stand finally to-
vised, Carried.
Regular Council business was then
taken up. Reeve Plum and Counoil-
i rte Waiker.
Wilton and 'Best being
Minutes of last meeting read and
Accounts were presented from R.
Oliver for salary, &o., for 350.00 and
:510.00 for Hydro-Elkobric membership.
On motion of Messrs. Walker and
Wilton accountsre ordered eyed to bo
The question of the town purehas-
ing a gravel pit on the farm of 3.
Leckie, consisting of 7e. acres, adjoin-
ing Brussele North was discussed and
on motion of S. Wilton and D. Walk-
Mr. Leckie was offered 3550. Car -
Several streets needing the grader
were referred to the Street Commit-
In the matter of wrapping the
bread, the question left over from last
Council meeting, was brought up.
The Board of Health reported that
they decided not to alter their decision
as to selling bread unwrapped. It
was let to the Council f e nc 1 tc nay what
should be done. Geo+ Thomson ad-
dressed the Council in behalf of the
local dealers. Medical Health Officer's
report was read relative to the work
of this important department, The
Council declined to rescind the Bread
wrapping By -Law on the ground that
it was asked by the Provincial law
and had been passed by Council on
recommendation of Brussels Board of
Market scales forpast month pro-
duced 330.25,
Attention was called to motor ears
exceeding the limit, not keeping their
lamps lighted after dark and the
.necessity of keeping their own side of
the street when moving and also
when standing, Notices as to speed
are to be put•np and drivers halted
said fined who think it their duty to
travel at racing speed.
A deputation from the Businese
Mons' Association, consisting of Jas.
Fox and A. Strachan discussed the
Orueatiou of street watering with the
ouneil asking that Council pay for
the pumping of water in supply tank.
Both water and oil propositions were
talked over and a continuation of the
service from Queeu sbreeb to Southeen
boundary but nothing definite was ar-
rived at and the settlement was left in
abeyance, 011 cannot be obtained for
thie seenoll.
Council adjourned.
DtoKsnN.—In Blmaren Mny 2701., .1917, to Mr.
and Mre, J. W. Dickson, a daughter,
MOGtna nnrm.—A t Montreal, on ,Tone Ruff, 1017,
o Mr, and Mr,, Roy N. McQuit rie, a eon.
c wkr'0
Plant oo
• Food for Flowers. Made 9
• expressly for Plante j)
Z grown €n home or gar -
dr den. Produces healthy
growtb and early and
• generous flowering.
25c & 40c per pkge. y
0' . '9
'4" essLtiphe i
a s dacco Soap .70 1.
y One of the very Hest ar- 3
,,, - reales for Rose Bushes, 1
0 shrubs, &c, Will not in -
a jure the Pian,
ltstsc. per pkge S
t. James Fox
4 Druggist and Statiouor. Z
i0 0
I® ./�° `i
` s'Z=t, ..—M tr r:nisr a
SWAN.—In Toronto, on June let, 1017, Chris-
tina Ewan, aged 70 years.
BAnNAltn:—Its Wroxeter, on May 8015, 1017,
Isabella Dunbar, wife of Geo, Bernard,
aged 84 years.
LDOAa,—In Grey township on Jane 4011, 1917,
Wtlhnra Luooa ar„ in his 88rd year,
Wheat u.52 40
Baas 2
rley 115
52 05
81 85
Begs 15 00 15 50
Potatoes per bag 6 0000 16 00
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of Eugenia
Oakley; late of the .Village of
Brussels, in the County of Huron,
widow, deceased.
Notlee is hereby given pursuant to "The Re-
vleedStatutes of Ontario," that all creditors
endothershaving claims agnhnt the estate of
the said Eugenia Onldey, who died on ar
about the Thirteenth day of Llay, A. D. 19)7
aro required on or before the 5th day ,,i
July, A. D. 1017, to sand by poet prepaid or de.
liver to If. 8, Scott, one of the Exacta tors of
the last Will mid Testament of avid deceased,
at Brussels Post Olitoe, Ontario, their Ohrtetien
and Surnames, oddreseos and desoripttone, tho
f0,lparticntera of their claims;the etatemeet
of their accounts and the nature of the secur-
ities (if any) held by them.
And further take notice that after melt last
mentioned Ante the said Exeentors will
proceed to distribute the negate of the deceased
mnong the parties entitled thereto, having re•
hard only to the clams n5 whiah they shall then
have notice. and the Reid Executors will
not be liable for the said meta or any part
thereof to any Person or persons of whose
Claim noting shalt not have been received by
them et the time of such distribution,
Dated at Brussels this 6th day of Jeno,
A. D.1917.
T. T, MO7.iAE, iazaoutore.
le S. SCOTT, f
ESOUseceetfe08Sie- +0eailet 71ienerafeeeeStmma^nfilwTg9FdN^rWw`t9eaciemoel50m0Ca
The Chevrolet
es ic
- 1
.. v
' r
F Ut ti �rvti `i
O • tIDE 1 C �IMITi.L.+`*Agi ar:L'" 7121,1 16d, d?"� SELSIi I MT e
E are now prepared to give the best of satisfaction
to all in the Automobile line. Repairs for all
Cars will get immediate attention. We have installed
an up-to-date Gas Pump for Auto Service. Best of
Oils and Grease kept. Dunlb i Goodyear and"Domin-
p p Y
ion Tires always on hand. Call and test us in above lines
At Ewan's Garage, !Jlain Street, 3ruseols
lin the Bug y Baine
Thiseat• our y t Rt a are hotter and more up-to-date than ever,
Rubber and Steel Tired Itige of best material, 25ears has
given us experience to have nothing but the beet in dile line,
All Jobbing in Wood or Iron promptly attended lo,
Re-rubbering Buggy Wheels a apreiialty—all sized Rubber,
Bost attention given to Repainting of Buggies and a
Specialty made of Autos.
Orsiore for New Designs of Words,
The D. Ewan Carriage Works
selosoesseagemseeswesees•odeimaogeopoomposo le seessam*