The Brussels Post, 1917-6-7, Page 7arm, , 04, kozioah" 't :•• •: • pr '01 4i,4- alaateggene'enee .• conducted by Professor Henry G. Bell The object of this department Is to place at tha itervIce of our farm readers the advice of an acknowe. :•rdogea.dauthority on all subjects pertaining to sone and p Address all questions to Professor Henry G. Belk In care of The Wilson Publishing Company, Limited, 10. ronto, and answers will appear in this column In the order In which they are received. As space Is limited It le advisable where immediate reply is necessary that a etamped and addressed envelope be enclosed with tho Henry G. BeIL queation, when the answer will be mailed direct. Question-F:G.:-We have a fifteen advise in regards to plaiting soy acreacre field of clover sod manured beans ensilage corn? Does this this winter and spring. The soil is make the silage a better feed, and a good sandy loam. My two sons would you plant them the seine time want to raise a bumper crop. Now as the corn? I thought perhaps if the would you advise to drill the fertilizer beans were planted later it would in with grain drill or corn planter? make more -moisture in the silage. We intend tq check it. Also how Please letame lope.' what time to much fertilizer should we use to the plant for best results. Also my acre? The land is in good shape. pasture runs short in latter part of Answer -In order to get a max- July or August. I have two and imum yield of corn on your sandy one-half acres that I would like to use loam soil, I would advise you to put for this purpose. Would cowpeas a on 400 pounds of fertilizer per acre. and oats be a good feed if cut green, I would broadcast 300 pounds of this and what time is best to sow them? by drilling it in With a grain drill be- Answer -In many sections good re - fore the land is planted to corn. Sow sults are forthcciming from seeding the other 100 pounds per acre through soy beans with corn. Theoretically, the fertilizer attachment of the corn the mixture should greatly benefit the planter. I ev.ould advise an analysis balancing of the ration, since soy of fertilizer running from 2 to 3% beans are rich in protejn and fat and ammonia and 8 to 10% phosphoric corn is rich in carbo -hydrates. Many acid; also 1% potash will help, if it is farmers get excellent results by hog - obtainable. ging down the corn and allowing the Question -C. 0.:-I have a piece pigs to harvest the soy beans. This balances their ration, as indicated. of rather light land that was in corn last year, part of it had manure ap- The beans may be planted at the plied. If the balance of the field is same time as the corn, if you cultivate manured then disked and harrowed the corn only one way, but the com- thoroughly, would it be all right to niOn PradtiCethe middle western sow clover on, providing it is well states is to drill the seed in at the limed? How. much hydrated lime is last cultivation, or to scatter it be - needed per acre? Would it be advis- able to sow buckwheat and clover? When ought the seeding to be done? Answer -If the land is well man- beans should he well set and fairly ured and limed, then disked and her- well ripened by the -time the corn is to rowed thoroughly, it will make a good be cut for silage, seed -bed for clover. If adding hydrat- ed lime, I would use from 1,000 to am wondering if you are familiar with 1,500 pounds per acre. I do not be- the work on pastures done by Prof. lievc that buckwheat would be a good Zavitz of Ontario Agricultural Col - nurse crop for the clover. The buck- lege. • He has obtained good results wheat tends to grow very thick, It is from the following mixture: used to smother out such weeds as Oats 51 lbs. Early Amber Sugar cane30 tbs. Common Red Clover 7 tbs. and is removed more quickly from the Total 88 lbs. ground, so that the clover has a bet- He advises sowing this early inMay. The oats and the Early Amber ter chance to grow. The small grain sugar cane can be drilled through the and clover should be sown as soon as the ground can be prepared in the grain drill and the clover seed can be sown through the clover seed attach - spring. In order to help both the naent of the drill. At Guelph they attach - small grain and the clover catch, since found this mixture ready for cattle your seeding must necessarily be late, pasture late in June. It carried more I would advise applying from 200 to , than one steer to the acre. In 1911 250 pounds of fertilizer carrying 2 to i it was successfully used. for milk 3% ammonia add 8 to 10% phosphoric cows. acid. This will act like whole milk 1 a young calf. It will give the If you wish to grow a crop to cut to th !green, I would advise you to mix peas infant grain and clover plants easily and oats, -a bushel of each. This digestible plantfood and will greatly makes a good rich green hay and gives assist both crops. ' satisfactory results. Sow this just Question -W. M. :-What is your as soon as you can prepare the ground. tween the rows and work it in at the time of the last cultivation. About lee bushelsof seed per acre is re- quired. If planted as described the quack grass. I would rather prefer oats, spring wheat or barley. Per- haps barley is the best nurse crop, since it ripens early, is shallow rooted The strength of the pig when far- rowed exerts possibly the greatest ef- fect on the ultimate economy of pro- duction. Second only to this point in import- ance is the influence of wisdom in the feeding and management of the suck- ing and the weaned pig. More good litters are ruined -and mare swine -feeders baffled and die-. couraged-by improper feeds and feeding and ill-advised methods at the period mentioned, then possibly din- ing any other phase of the pig's ex- istence. Teach the litter to eat three weeks before weaning, For best results milk products are practically a necessity, with middl- ings. A few handfuls of dry grain scat- tered in the bedding insures the pigs taking exorcise. Avoid overfeeding, and make exercise necessary. Gradually increase middlings until weaning. If eiejm-milk is available, and two litters per year are apticinat- ed, wean at six weeks of age; other- wise wean at eight weeks. -,Rapo makes excellent forage for hogs. And rape, sown on land kept under clean cultivation, until July, will assist in taint cleaning. The symptoms for disease of the sine -bone are, in some cases, lameness, and a hard, unyielding enlargement surrounding -the heel on one ot both sides of the foot. If lameness be present, blistering tends to effect a cure; if net lame no thatment is -advisable, Use three or four horses in a team Wherever possible. The nook and shoulders of most horses are all the time cha?iging. The collar that may be all right this year may need considerable readjusting an- other year. ie difficult to find a better collar than a good culled hair collar. ISsone bleoltemiths seem , to think ' they must earn 1;1oir money paring off the heree's hoof, Result, thotteands of pow aoreefteted horses. A little oil cake added to the skim mills will make an excellent substitute for fat in the calf's feed after the whole milk has been cut off. . Milk Warm from the separator, with a little flaxseed jelly Odes' to supply the extracted butterfat (at less cost), is an ideal 'Ind -for calves. The calf feeding pails should be kept as clean as the milk pails. One feed- ing of stale or sour milk will often cause serious indigestion and scours. It is better for a calf to miss a feed than to liken) a feeding of sour milk. After drinking the milk a handful of ground grain should be put in a feed- ing box, The pregnant heifer should receive a liberal ration containing a high per cent. of protein and ash, as these are necessary for the development of the f oetus The best time to start feeding the heifer to produce a good milk cow is when it is young. to A SILO ON EVERY FARM !Pays For Itself in Two Winters With Twenty -Cow Dairy. -How to Get It -Where to Put It. 1f there is anything a farmer is inforced, and the doors must be air - 'justified in going into debt for it is u tight, silo. No implement will pay for it- There are five kinds of silos on the self so quickly as the silo. The ques- market, those made of wood, solid co - tion, Will it pay? is no longer debat- merit, cement bloas, hollow tile and able. With a dairy of twenty cows iron. it will pay for itself in two. winters' The wood silo was the first coin - feeding, The only questions nowa- raercially introduced and has been days are, How can I get one? What greatly improved. In selecting kind shall I get? Where shall I put a wood silo, the writer would go to the it, and how shall I pay for it ? expense of having the staves made in Wideawalee fruit farmers have one piece. This costs a little more, found that dairying filled a unique and Cement silos, and silos made of hol- profitable place in their farming sys- low cement blocks have been used, but tem. And modern dairying is not profitably possible without a silo. An acre of corn made into good silage has about forty per cent. great- er feeding value than when fed as crib corn and dry fodder. Cows need succulent feed during the winter months and silage furnishes it in convenient, economical form. Steers and lambs make faster and cheaper gains when silage is part of the ration. There is a further urgent reason for erecting a silo this season -the prices of all feeds are unusually high and the saving with silage is con- sequently greater than ever before. The first -silos built were of the pit type, dug in the ground. It was soon found that the ensilage in these pit silos rapidly became moldy and unsuitable for feed. The silos first constructed above ground were of wood, being square in shape or eight sided; but they were not a success on account of the air pockets in the corn- ers, which caused the silage to spoil. It was not until the round stave silos, with hoops that could be tightened or loosened as the silo swelled or shrunk, were put on the market, that silos be- came a practical success. The expense of weed silos depends on the sort of wood used. A silo ten feet in diameter is the best size for from twelve to fourteen head of cattle, as enough silage is taken out each day to keep it fresh. This is a very important point. A silo twenty feet in diameter would re- quire a herd of from thirty-five to forty head of cattle to eat enough off each day to keep the silage -fresh. A silo ten feet in diameter and thirty ac urers 55515511 have been omitted in the Greek and which often answers to Madam. Our en.-eeeeee-eemi , Condtenteelb.e- Mad ez Azar Mothers and daughters of all miles are cordially Invited to write to this department. Initials only will be published with each question and its answer as a means of Identification, but full name and address m given In each letter. Write on one side of paper only. Answers will be mailed direct If stamped and addressed envelope is enclosed. - Address all correspondence for this ,department to Mrs. Helen Law, 235 Woodbine Ave„ Toronto, J. L. Ga -1, It takes a submarine from three to eight minutes to sub- merge. The record for submerged do not seem to be growing in favor, seced, so far as known, is 12 knots. Every silo, however, no matter of what Generally ten miles an hour is the material it is constructed, should have a solid foundation of masonry or °ea ment, preferably cement. • A Modern Silo. best underwater speed. 2, A forestry regiment is composed of lumbermen who cut timber and prepare - for engineers for the building of bridges, railroads, trench supports, etc. 3. The River Isonzo, a short Austrian stream, just across the Austro - Italian border, runs north and south along the battle -front in this sector. It empties into the Gulf of Trieste and the Adriatic Sea. "Housekeeper": -Honey is a very valuable food. It is especially good for children who need a great deal of sugar, because of the fact that the skin surface, that is, the radiating sur- face of the child's body, is much larger in proportion than that of the adult. This means that children's bodies lose. heat rapidly, and therefore they need a great deal of sugar which produces heat and enargy. Honey supplies sugar in its most digestible ferm, and enters into tho circulation et once, Honey also contains minerals neces- sary for the human body, one of these being iron. "Lucy": -1. Spread a thin film of I butter over cheese that is to be put away and it will not dry or crack. 2. Seven or eight years ago silos be- I Lengthen the stitch on your sewing- gan to be made of hollow tile, and are machine to its fullest extent, and steadily gaining in popularity, The , stitch the part to be shirred. Adjust manufacturers claim they will last for , your gathers by pulling the lower generations, are wind and moisture thread, and your gathers will be per - proof and fireproof. ex-' even. 3. For moths around Metal silos are being built and ex-, tensively exploited in the United 1 States, being put up in sections all . of the charge, and Luke practically son, "James junior" (Mark 15. 40), follows him. . The other two add the was an apostle. bolted together, the joints Leing filled up with suitable paste. The manu- I name, John being fullest of all. The !name and place of origin may well 26. Woman -The rendering entirely fails to give the tone of the address, the edge of a'earpet, a hot iron is an excellent exterminator. Dampen the edge of the carpet and iron with the hot iron. If of velvet or Brussels, hold the iron close to the carpet, but do not press it down. The hot steam will kill all moths, and without the least injury to the carpet. 4. When sealing jelly, melt paraffin in an old teapot or tea steeper. It is the most satisfactory way of pouring the wax over the jelly when sealing it. No drops will be spilled upon the table. "Mary": -To remove stains caused by handling fresh fruit, before wash- ing rub the hands with half a lemon Or take a stalk of rhubarb, peel and braise and rub the hands with it. "Botanist": -The national flowers of the allies are, so far as known: England, rose; Scotland, thistle; Ire- land, shamrock, Wales, leek; Canada, maple leaf; Australia, fern; France, lily; Japan, chrysanthemum; Italy, lily. There is no floral national em- blem accepted by the other allies, Rus- sia, Belgium, Serbia, Rumania, Monte- negro, Portugal, United States and Cuba. S. B.: -To make Hollandaise sauce for fish put 2 tablespoonfuls of but- ter and 4 tablespoonfuls of vinegar in a saucepan, bring to a boil, add yolk of one egg, cook till thick, remove and season with Ya teaspoonful salt and a dash of pepper. A course in Domestic Science will shortly eminence in the Household Department. If you clip out the les- sons as they appear and paste in a scrap -book, you will have the com- plete series for future reference. i Getting The Best Out Of Work Women tire of housework more quickly than men, because a man will whistle at his.work, or smoke his pipe, or have , optimistic thoughts for company. His viewpoint is saner, he does his work blithely and it does not tire him. Then, too, a man naturally conserves his energy -a woman ruth- lessly expends hers. Perhaps a men is more blithe because he knows that every hour brings him nearer "quit- ting time," whereas "a woraan's work - is never done." Who can say? How- ever, the fact remains that physicians the world over are seriously advising health and beauty seekers to go to work; and the object here is to show how to get the most out of work. First, appreciate the necessity for proper clothing. The late Rosa Bon- heur always dressed like a man in her studio. It is said of Bernhardt that when she plays at sculptoring she wears pajamas. The average woman will not don conspicuous attire, al- though clothes as scant as possible will facilitate her movements. Cor- . sets are unqualifiedly condemned, and brassieres are strongly advised, This gives the entire body perfect freedom of motion, and permits an equal dis- tribution of fluids by stimulating glandular activity. In beginning any task, do not attack - the work with frenzied zeal and a determined spirit to get through with it at any cost. Do not assume crook- ed, slipshod positions, but have in . mind the benefits to be derived from physical culture exercises. These various movements are precisely the same, except they are more interesting because two -fold in object. Sweeping has frequently been con- demned by physicians for some women under their charge. Sweeping is a much misunderstood exercise; it need never involve the trunk; the woman who bends wearily over her broom, clutching it with a nervous grasp, tensing her whole body, will be worn out after sweeping one room, having frittered away enough energy to move a mountain. The strength used on the broom should come from the arms. Gently sway the body with the strokes, n.oving from right to left. Advance the left leg., bearing the whole weight on the ball of the foot, incline the head slightly forward and the trunk slight- ly backward; the alternate movement from right to left balances the body which is thus kept in perfect rhythm with each stroke. The only sensa- tion experienced after sweeping inde- finitely is a pleasant exhilaration. It goes without saving that all windows should be opened, and the hair well protected from dust. feet high is the best size for the these silos is so simple that a farmer Latin versions: strangers were not idiom would simplydrop it in such a small -sized herd. This, will hold forty-six tons of ensilage, enough for eleven cows, each getting forty pounds a day, for 200 days, and allowing some for loss. The absolutely essential features about a good silo are: The walls must bo air and moisture proof, the inner .sLrface must be smooth and perpendi- cular, the walls must be strongly re - 0 INTERNATIONAL LESSON JUNE 10. • Lesson XL Jesus Crucified -John 19. 16-30. Golden Text - 1 Cor. 15. 3, Verse 16. The Evangelist lays the whole responsibility on the Jews. They have just repudiated their nation- alism: the Emperor Tiberius is the only Messiah they will ownl So Pilate hands over their King to them that they may enthrone him; and they accept the office! Compare Acts 2, 23. 17. Bearing the cross -This is us- ually harmonized with, Mary 15. 21 by assuming that the Lord sank under the burden. It was obseiwed earlier in these Text Studies that he had well- eigh worn out bis body with . over- strain before he came to the last great ed for "ordered to be written . . and act of service, and that this probably put." Mark gives only the essence with ordinary judgment can put them , supposed to be concerned with his context (as in paraphrase). up, using the help on the farm. When ,, identity, but only with the crime for - the silo is complete and erected, it i which he suffere'd. 27. That Mary was gently led home walls being absolutely air -tight, and and the language of universal inter- at once is suggested by Mark 16. 40, 20. The local language, the official, resists the action of heat and cold, the!whereslise the silage will keep well; but there 1.3 1C3Tnuercsietom tihoeciRa jornmahriswrmorldityare veni- tenderly One darkesthour; asnd she, uttglnyyerushed spares enothernagesda. HerSonSilelne no doubt that the . silo of this type, aleo.uld be kept painted, particularly recalls thePmingling and Greek in the great apostle of the' , of fesev,-.Roman in spirit, passively obeys him. She inside, where it might be eaten with cross, who was to make the Xing did not hear him cry lama sabaehthani. 28. That the scripture -of course ruet. I known through the Roman empire Few passers-by would know Latin,' this means that the Evangelist re - accounts for the rapidity with which' which was there as official: the Greek cognizes in the cry of physical an- gnieh the eorrespondenee with a 21. Pilate had succeeded in insult-- Divithe kindly act described in verse 29.ne netessity revealed in Scripture. he died. John fastens attention on was for foreigners, and for not a few "In my thirst they gave me vinegar the first steps in the 'sorrowful way:! of the Galileans. t f h' ' t I A kull In Latin' ing the men who had forced him to to dripk" does not areswea in spirit to the Xing goes forth bearing the seep -I But it is the thirst, not the "vinegar," . calvaria: it was presumably named, do what he knew was an outrage on from its shape, a round bare knoll.' Justice. It was the sneer of verse 15 made permanent for all to see. In Hebrew, as in verse 20, means, Aramaic, the common language of , 25. It is not quite certain, though Judi iea and (to a less complete extent); probable, that there are four women G 1'1 mentioned here. There may have been that the Evangelist is thinking of: the quality of the liquid offered made no difference at such an hour. 29. Vinegar -Rather, sour wine; Latin, peace, the soldiers' ordinary 18. The crime for which these more in the company: Joanna (Luke drink. Hyssop -The branching twigs deceits suffered is described by im- 24. 10) is an obviously probable one, of which would hold the sponge and plication in Luke 23. 41, Compared' It is difficult to believe that Martha enable them to press it to his mouth. with 'Luke 23. 19, it may be safely as -I and Mary of Bethany were not there. 30 He said -The momentary re- sumed that they were among Berated This consideration makes it risky to freshment gave him strength to utter bas's followers. Having accepted the! assume that the three in Mark 15. 40 aloud this one great word, and then to Jews' accusation that Jesus made hjm-1 are the same, and that therefore his i breathe the dying whisper (Luke 23. self a King, Pilate is obliged to make I mother's sister was Salome, mother - 46, margin) of Psa. 31. 5. Gave up the most of it. So he orders that the' of James and John. Mary the wife his spirit may mean simply, "expired," King shall be between his followers 1 of Clopas-Alphaeus (Mark 3. 18) I but the thought of returning his spirit in the place where Barabbas should may be the same name, so that her I to God, who gave it, may be present. have been. He also has the usua titulus written, which the condemned if you like. It's cosy to put your carried suspended round his neck to hands in." forth what is the fate of those who As she and Lucy Miller trotted the place of execution. This sets dispute Caesar's crown. home from Sunday school together Ada whispered in Lucy's ear, "It's 19. Wrote . . , put-Abbreviat- easy to make people happy; and isn't it funny? It makes you feel as .if Whole Duty of Children. c53,ittryis HOME-MADE REFRIGERATOR Simple Device Which Makes a Good Substitute for an Ice -box, and is Easily Made by the Home Carpenter. There have been quite serious losses in lambs in England this spring owing to unfavorable weather and lack of skilled help at lambing time. When the sheep have become accus- tomed to pasture, and the grass has gotten good heart, there need bo little anxiety about the flock. Grain fed to the flock while on pas- ture intreasgenhe profits. Provide u lamb creep so the lambs can be fed an extra ration of grain by themselves. The quicker the lambs grow to mar- ketabla size the more profit and the bettor the meat, An toeless -Refrigerator. Country homes without Ice -houses may have aa toeless refrigerator as a good substitute. This convenience comprises a simple wooden frathe with a covering of canton flannel made to fit so that little air is admitted into it. Wleks made of the same materiel as the cover are tacked on top of each side of the Cover and extend aver Into the pan of water eating on top of tho frame. This water is taken up by. the 'Wicks and carried down the sides Sheer the sheep early. Prated them of the cover by capillary attraction, when evaporation takes place, drawing during nights in the folds, and 1! sons , the heat from the (made and lowering the temperature, The more rapid rains or cold winds. I the evaporation., the twee the temperature. The refrigerator should there - The ticks will go to the lambs, which fore be Impt in a eltady place Where there is a free circulation of air. Keep should be dippedI the wicks 111a supply of fresh water in the top pan. The whole refrigeratot , Hoek the lambs while they are' should stand In a larger pen winch catches the drippings from the cover. young, as there will be loss shock olid -white canton flannel will -be hooded. 'Put the smooth side out, care being 'rhe frame may Ise made at eine, painted white, About yards of less loss of bkfed, Bet not too short. taken that the cover inmnas 10 the lawnr edge al' the fttuno. The wicks tee Smear the wound with tar. Keels a made halt the length of the sides and sowed on the top edge at et& aide. doge a etch that the healing takes They must. extend Cheer inches tete tho water. The throe shelves are made place 41 once. lei Mao. Cover the whole frame with wire screening to protect from flies. someone were making you happy, A child should always say what's true I ewe, And speak when he is spoken to, And behave mannerly at table; At least as far as he is able. -Robert Louis Stevenson. Making Others Happy. A dozen pairs of little shoes and slippers hung down almost to the floor from that infant class bench, and a dozen little maids kept them swinging back and forth all through the lesson hour. Ada Bryce was so busy gaz- ing at her own pretty, shiny boots that she did not notice a pair of very worn shoes at the other end of the row. "Why, what a shabby pair of shoes to wear to Sunday school!" she thought to herself when she caught sight of them; "and what a faded dress that little girl has. I am glad she is not sitting by me," a.nd she smoothed her own dainty frills with a chubby hand. The teacher was speaking again, and her words set Ada thinking, "Now, girls, you have Answered well to -day, and I want to know who will promise to remember the lesson dur- ing the week land try to make someone happy whenever she Can?" 'Op went Ada's hand with the rest, and her eyes turned again to the lit- tle stranger, whose name, she had dis- covered, was Janey Burns, 'I doa't believe she is very bappy,'4 she thought; and before she knew it al- most she had smiled 0 ihe little smiledatralibgera, whoseeinoi bielgi,,eil wondering eyes As the infant glass ecImlars trooped out for, the fsi,r in gure a 4int dros . 146 ffiti seat beside an4y Thfu rat ale voice Whispered, 1,11 I'll sit tyltou, You can hold ilay'ntuf The shade problem is one that must be solved in the near future. The days will soon be here When the mid- day sun can do it* lot of damage to stock exposed to it. Even in June there are days when a little shade is needed. This is probably more the case with chicks than it is -With grown fowls; but, neverthelees, they all need it. Trees furnish the most cooling shade. Where trees are not available canopies should be erected, made by driving stakes it the ground and cov- ering the top with burlap. The chicks need plenty of nourish- ing food, but care must be taken that they are not overfed. If overfed they will lose their appetites and becomes stunted. The hens out on vange must be look- ed after. They are apt to hide their nests in some out-of-the-way place, and in coma:Memo many eggs are lost or never found until they have lost their value. Beware of the hidden nest, and above all things never mar- ket to, egg that has been found out. doors • let the cook in your own kitchen test its quality. A more profitable side -line than tur- keys for the fernier can hardly be found for those situated on grain or stock farms. Improper feeding, com- bined With close confineMont, has been Ole &ruse of Many failures in turkey raising, Given free range on the cArti 6 farm the poults can general- , Tr nle In fileir own living. One light feed Vi da, hit tile purpose et in-; &King bhdhi to tome in at night is ' anitioienis ,:. . Women are -usually chary about us- ing a stepladder; as a matter of fact, it is not only far safer than any other means of reaching a height, but it also prevents the possibilities of injury to internal organs for overreaching, and it is a splendid and varied means of exercise. Walking up and down a step ladder is not easy; it requires body balance, poise, etc. The back must be held perfectly straight, head elect and chin out. This exercise re- duces the abdomen, tapers the waist and trims the ankles, as skill and dexterity in mounting and dismount- ing are acquired. In dusting it should be borne in mind that in all physical culture exer- cises the limbs are held straight and rigid, the body being swayed from the waist. Dusting in this position beautifies the neck, shoulders, bust and upper arms, tapers the waist and keeps the figure young. This is precisely the attitude assumed in gymnastics designed especially for the development of the upper part of the body. Ironing will bring about the same results, plus moulding an under- developed and angular arm into a beautiful one. Both hands should be exercised; at first the left will feel` awkward, but in time this can be over- come, and at least plain pieces done very creditably with the left hand. Care that the right side and hand are not overtaxed must ever be borne in mind. Protect Fruit From Birds. Itis not good economics to shoot birds because they take fruit. It is better to provide fruit enough for our- selves and the birds. We need the birds to keep in cheek the insects, Plant some Russian mulberry trees or any of the varietiesaof mulberries, and some soft early cherries, and tho birds will leave your choice cherries alone. Birds eat fruit to get the juices. Have a drinking font for the birds. If you turn up some sod it will take the robins from the cherries. Water- ing time lawn so as to keep the earth- worms near the surface will also prove attractive to these birds. Other plants to protect cherries are fly honeysuckle, redeberried elder and any of the wild cherries. Raspberries and blackberries are protected -by plant- ing wild blackberry and wild pepper. Apples and pears are protected by planting flowering crab-apple, dwarf crab-apple, cockspur thorn, English thorn and one-seecled thorn. To keep birds from cherry tree, the following have all been suceessfifit 1. Place on the tree a stuffed owl, fre- quently changing its, position. 2, Tie a cord to a potato, stick it full of i feathers and hang it where it will awing, 3. Hang pieees of bright tin, 10 x 12 inches, on the tree so that they will swing, 4. A last resort is to. use netting over the trot,. • A