The Brussels Post, 1917-6-7, Page 2itJerry of the Jo Win turned,; unheeding, grePed his way .o an o ur sat down, 13 his pipe. "Coed l It's a girl's phetu! And 'd some corker, tee! He doesn't knew he's dt'ulll)cal it1" • CANADA'S t �jJ� �;; have been relied .on the farm, Who i." �p t old aft ie ileacs, d w , and A Creat' Relacireddty ' C AD S S ,9t' l' know what farm work is, ere velure. GUSH COLLEGES w �j'}� �; Cuoring U1 seat the country to leave tidLt9 9V� their calling tot their business Yvr a ti c NEll� BY WAR ?, t iMIW Sits»NB Herb r.'reat'' IPon , n tablet form. will tore eama]aat alae 44onsi{iyuttion, ¢eseirra, omen ti?ola i an.lnsv Ana liver trouble hers month' treatment with . In the Vp'1eld Home for I311ndod, Met*ert ua guarantee. for oe.Misr. I Jerry 'whistled softly to himself as met yalc�. Heneereon Herb Co., Via 1 0lileors, the positiwt of 130y -004t 'he P dltutAt",Turanto: ,ttsoulawnntwo4 w he ickod up the khaki -covered case. ,�.<� ... ,�,,...,.-„,.,. JTerty.nonaa --small and 4m:hennaed'� A tier sweet and girlish face sill. gentleman of thirteen -•-might be de ed up et }tint. Beneath Tuve} brows #t peered, she repeated the ng!u:tett scribed as more omc`eue than official. pair of very lovely eyes looked forth..quwtion. "But thO blootnln place can't,get t"A real wlnnerP' woo aur little "It's about title picture" she began — — 1 stated period this summer and go back to the farm, there to work toiite'r'ease our food supplies for the coming year. �� HAVE LESS THAN 8,000,000 Cauada'e Thanks. , ONLY Ali.'1'S NOW STUDIED ARE UNIFORMED WOMEN ATTACHED PEOPLE. -In order to increase the national of- THOSE OF DESTRUCT/ON. TO THE AR111Y. 4ieiency and promote endured thrift during the period of the war in all our .BRIT' �Gl Ajlti L Qr j�jj y�'f{ f(j�� �[j{ •Y�� KLitli U along without niul” he wus wont to critic's verdict. "And what's she breathlessly. "I'd Nixon it to a very Spent „(iUU,000,UUU, Loaned $800,000, Pit'vinecs save two, we have closed our 1)eauliding Loneliness Characteriz aver, with un sir of self-r.fghtcuusnuss slgnnd hereolf'' 'JJtdsy.' Yes, she's a dear friend of mind, and he must have 000 More, lamployed 800,000 for the 1 d f nano,. uses and prohibited ti iversitiert al Oxford and which I3+idea Powell would certainly 'ditisy, a peach, a pippin]" dropped it on the battlefield, 1 sent of hquur. n t lutes censured. "Who'd cheer up the; limpeused. Could this ---this be the haven't had news of hint fur months. Mtnlitiuns,-En listed 400,000 The results have been such that I Cambridge. old, t:t'urkr: if St wasn't me? Who'd zeasuit of the captains Cilscantent? tai, da you think thin Ms'. Jerry Jone• Tltis article is art' ui' a speech' am well within the mark when I any seethe 'alit IloWit when they gees alit "What's the old saying?" thought n lee me .izifur'mation? Auci whmt'e P that the majority of those In my The war seems more intensely re tie Lahny'' Who'd be guide and friend file Ley. ' I't:rhapls I've found the lady!, i, 11Ir. June'?" made by the Hon. t4• W. Bowel), evuntr'y vela) were opposed to the at k;ngland's universityicenters the and bluoiniu' philvsuplrur to the whole' It might be his sister, though! let's f c hull- ester eel at the small IC.C,, before the American .hews- adoption of these measures are now anywhere else in the country, :says baClg (nett ----Lal your:- truly?" au(d" BUVheYL'UEIt,Itlold the smallBoyStout. }ecu• PnbliellUra ing 10at4lurl as, •.lta warm euppurt ha of them. Your pa- London writer. This was not so up Seel: were the ruiieetiunr` of T P With un air of cunr}ilute nonellalenue •, returned hie state with n ham hty recent annual rnocting tri l�evt York. ,pens or press }lave been most appre- ,Irarent in the early days of the con field's willing aide -decamp. he slipped the portrait in his trouser-' ftuwn, I I3 iVE been a5k4(t to at Cnadasomethinge Giathis Of the pal': he courage has taken and f11Ct. The tt'inafUi'mat1011 is Qapee'la But to day la wee worried—worried pocket, ap}Jrveched the old stUtle: "Madame," said he, "if yupr name is to you about t}1" part that efu i'a has in tris win and of the courage and ly pronounced at Oxford and Coem $urf L:ait'led. And pt'olongad .-.,;retch- .hems}i. sat down beside the captain.' Daisy, 1 shall tell yule" taken in this war. On the fourth of valid' of our troops at. the front, and bridge, where there is a desolator Ing; of hi; timely bead brought uu and boon, ii; u high, unmelodioae war August, 1914, Canada found herself at I want, Asa Canadian, to thank you loneliness of the college. buildings, f y g Y Yee, that is my name." ads., uuu ',,o;utiun of the rnat,to. • ,uicr, to hail thus ancient-cieosin: { war with the Parliament military power uf for the words es appreciation your the river and. the playing fields. "It':' tl,:A, tilers Captair. 1'c iter ," Phan," said the scout, you walk murupe. Our Parliament and our poo- press has expressed for Canada and Nat only the undergraduate he ;' through the shrubbery Into the neat- pie alone could decide the c- Lertt -an her part from one end of the United gone from these seats of learning, h he dr h d 1.;gubrioualy. "Anti use try- ; est field, you will find all the Mr. Jerry participation States to the other, also oho younger Don. Everyone o suture of our artiei arias in the in every •trick to mak: hire laugh! .faneses you could over wish to see! g Shut Of loon z r g a 1 (oma% 1 shalt show you the wars" struggle. Canada's Glory. , military age, except the invalid and O I i' taken l i es Also Are Keeping Industrial Wheals of the Country in Motion. al In Landon we are wall accustomed n to watching platoons and co;`n.panies of ,• .khuki-clad young women .drilling in our .ptu•Irs. They belong to the "V.A. - D." ('Voluntary Aid Detachment) to 1- the "W.S,C. (Womer, Signalers' - Corp)sor to the "`W.I'.A." ,{Women's g Relief Association), but. T must say I o was rather surprised recently to meet la group of girls in chert khaki sl:ir•ts a and puttees, wearing upon the shoul- ut dere of their smartly fitting tunics f the magic letters "1t,F,C. (Royal Fly- ing Corps) in exact duplicate to the r "Tummies" of that splendid division n of our service, says an English writer. The Royal Flying Corps. 1 These '"R.F.C." girls Are. I ani told, d employed as mechanics in aeroplane • hangars, or as clerks in the adjutant's' n offices, or as cooks at camps. The apenimens that I have seen certainly ", look exceedingly fit and businesslike. All the women employe' in work d that concerns military ert•ice, of course, army nurses, Fed Cross - nurses and " V.A.D." nersee, cress khaki uniforms. Ae a rule, they are " as strictly divided into ordinary •'sol- diertr " noncommiesione t officers and officers, ranking from seiru}tflrsu t° • captains, as are the masculine forces of the empire. They drill and hive route marches, and go through mus- ketry practice and bombing rour•sas with tremendous enthusia,m, anti me extremely useful in maty ways, it. c:-:e- nection with our home forst- "Girl Guides"' end "Girl Smuts" are also becoming a very string breve in all parts of the country. They are nearly all school girls who have adapt- ed similar rules of life and training as those initiated by the Bey Senuts. They have been found >f the greatest service during these war years as messengers at public of lcee or at mili- tary offices. His Majesty's Mail. Another war -time calling that em- ploys uniformed women is the driviug of the royal mail carts, which carry 95 per cent. of his Majesty's mail bags from head postofnce: to mail trains and yr iaatst c -e! D rise -e -e! Give me your answer, do': I'm Leif ermenc-e! Al' fur the •love of you! 1% exeunt be a stylish mur•riage„ For I Latin afford a carriage -" 1' Oki ns, hued legs •tied , , - Our tee sloe was a au les - S Aad, testing another frown u un I have had the o r arCuisit of also- the crippled, has vanished. Whatovo tr P Latton and without delay. Our Per - elating } p y of life therelelam the colleges h tale bleb' he cru ant see -no stuut'll , the astounded porter, he' remedied on Iiament truly voiced the sentiment and elating wSth our Canadian troops at ail: s t ni li e'toff I heined him with skean. the lady fu11owin t the front, And I know It is their ride to the ot e. g• r-onvice i of a ani ed Canada when if p hie t blsut :err: s#ala 7 fair hatc:a the ' From the depths of the shrubbery declared that Canada was in this and their glory that they stead in the Hospital and Cadet F,:haal. sight ,,f t•.uod aid! :,t, try} . I.n, e.u't 1, file cap+err, .prang from the sant. there emerged a :vide. and pleasant struggle to the limit of her ability for gap at St. Jelien„ !n the second battle,' The examination schools at Oxfor stet inti ab to ku:s Lank to i.urt 00 Bis vGict rraa trembling as he spoke. meadow. Iluw green the wend was, the ggpreservatiutt of damoerae and and barred the way of Germany's have been transferred into a hospital the t:y:: of n thee wucilfue, -when "Cut it out, you little idiot!" were and hew beauti£u11 A Iark, rising human tiLerty, which we believed were march to the sea and saved the day, Part of the other buildings have bee they Lem skidding off into the tea- the uuiiuttui iilyr wvrds ler used. from a clump of bog -myrtle, suarsGd put in jeopardy by the aatiun of Ger- as the British commander in -chief given up to training builnings for the Liu '' li f eine I tent hen my LSst . Bet they were music iv the earl, of . into the blue heavens, carolling her iia v j p said. It is their glory that they fought army. Terms begin and end unheed win +tills•rya tee mei let him break the the artful Jerry, very heart out iii ecstasy. The course then decided upon we that battle; it is their glory that they ed. The only students left are eta blade? Hermit I -tor' - -I've treated For this was proof --proof positive! And just then the sun lit on an oldhave pursued without felt°ring and held an imporant sector df' the salient..dents of war; the only arts cultivate that chap like., l,ruthe,r. Phis r was the rause uf all the stone tench where a plan was sitting. without :regret. The Gorman arse- It ie.. their glory to have taken part in are those of destruction. Nis obsei1at.ul0 wire brought to trouble. This the wait on of unhappy He turned at the sound of approach- cities of the last two and a half year:, the great battle of the Sonrme, and it A. C. Benson, the widely known au an untimely cod by the aupearenee of days• fug footsteps, rose. and frteud the new is now their glory that they are given tbor and master of Cambridge. die= the said ea stain around the corner tef This v a the woman--Chercbuz la some of the service and sutfmnfng of 1 , e0It our men at the front and the more pa- the privilege Of being engaged in that cussing recently the gradual trans the house. femme. ---•rias the Daisy: It was then that the heart of Mr, tient and marc heroic euReriug of long battle and defense upon the Ger- formation at the English Beats of t:.iutuln Charles Travers. I3..�.r)..; LaLc on thin selfsame afterz:uui, the Jerry Jones could contain itself no the families of our gallant men who man defense at Vimy Ridge. learning, said: "It was a question of was singularly gond-looking, tall and uftirious Jerry might have boor.amen ;auger. Gene was his dignity, goneremained at home have only strength_ Our men at the front need no *tyre- instinct and feeling from the start well-built, wits e e00-c.ut features and deep in converse with the matron of his inimitable sang-fruid•erred our resolution that, to the meas- pathy. They ask for none—all they The high-spirited and adventurous —emu. iu his eeevalcscenee—a cunt- . the convalescent home--shewho must ",Here she is, captain!" he shouted arm of our ability, Canada is in the ask is this, that when in fighting they , went first, then the sedater sort; then mending air. ; Le obeyed ---she whose task it was to eagerly. `"Isere she is! I've brought struggle until final elders t, achfev- fall there shall be other hands to the men of an altogether quieter type, "le that yuu, Jerry, old chap?" he reed aluud 10 their blinded recipients , her to you'," grasp the flag that falls from their and then those who were naturally called out, feelir:g his way along the the varxuui; letters of condolence andThen. with a twist and a turn, the.°d' hand:, and carry it on to victory, so averse to the fighting life." gravelled path be- means of a stick. of cheer which a sympetheric world • messenger of Cupid dived into the un -1 Canada's Contribution. that the cause of liberty and humanity Manufacture Weapons. "Right -ho, governor! Go easy now! , supplied. dergrowth. the step'," And Jerry's obje5t ---presumptuous , As he drew near. one 000./d sec that end apparently impertinent—was to i Stun what happened in the interven- the aaptanne free dark eyes gazed ascertain whether or nu any epistles , fug half-hour 110 one ever knew—ex- country. At the outbreak of the war sig teen to folly, have gone to the death-dealingweapons. Tice staffs at straight ahead in floe urrseurir,g way of hinda what had beenmed a penned to chs Captain Cept the two moat intimately concern- we were busily engrossed in problems front by thousands. They have laid nearly all the various departments at the totally blind. And though hep e t ed, of development of settlememt, of ax- down their lives; the young men of Leeds University are now doing war smllnd, it ,,,a,„; it sad smile, and 5 Travers by any lady of the name of But certain it is that when Mr. Jerry pansies—I trust not neglecting the France and Britain, Belgium and Italy work of a most specialized kind. The shadow lay ucroes his fare. ; Daisy Jones, crawling through the bushes £n °hi her moral and spiritual ideals that have done the same. They have made gasp eleeenderful spring marnirlg, isn't it, "Lipo:: my word, young Sorry, the snake -like fashion known only to have so much to do with a nation's a glorious sacrfflce. coal, ,and fuel industries es art- o - Jerry? Oh, for 0 :pin 0n my old mo- Jones,' declared the matron, eyeing, Buy Scouts, returned to the scene of life, loving peace and hating war. And e e du ed in Yorkshirment is testing e andgh analyzingcoal for bike to -dry . ' he sighed. the youthful scout over her glasses, action, he discovered a picture which- yet in the righteous cause in which wetar for toluene and benzine. The en - are IrISIi•I"'IGI3TING. "You ain't ix/Main' much in miser "end what do you want to go ferret-, gave him the most intense satisfac — are engaged we have enlisted in our gineering department, besides other motor -bikes!" said the professiorlai ing into the capt:Air s love -affairs ton, expeditioirary forces for overseas ser- An Absorbing National Sport in The b comforter. -I know a chap what was 1for? Lo you think I'd ever tell you, "Charles,' a ghis voice was saying, vice more than forces 400,000 men. More more elaborate duties, is teacork to hinnding g ele- crazy over them, juat as You are. Well, even if I knew? Take it from me, with that peculiar note of softness in than 300,000 have left the ,shores of Siamese Peninsuaa muniti n entary workers. achine ttThe textile /thus- one fine try dray he appy spas i 'aal ng tee youscoutsLeat everything for firma- it which Mr. Jerry Jones described as , Canada for service in Flanders and in Tv rile Siamese, fish -fighting is tries department, the color chemistry "mushy,' Charles, as if your being France, whet cock -fighting is to the Filipino department, the agricultural depart - he run over }Ile old Aunt Emma, arrd , How it happened cannel: Le explain-' blind could possibly make any differ- Up to this ime Canada has expend- —a national sport. got six months gaol for Join' the old; ed, yet true it is that, fifteen minutes enee;' tent are engaged by the Government irI fnI" later—by surae strange methods of„ ed in the actual work of the war and The lighting fish of Siam is a tiny to deal with army cloths, with dyes No y K "That's why I didn't write, dear, for actual war purposes more than; creature—so eraall that it is often and with foodstuffs. No answer teeth the captain. ! tie scmoutar+extracting known only to came the muffled tones of Charles. "i $600,000,000, and our war expenditure I kept in a tumbler of water, being fed Outlining before Parliament the "If you're henkerin' for a motor run, tearni that the t gg caprry tain r was res an had rd. thought you'd have no farther use for to -day is more than $1,000,000 per day. (0n mosquito wrigglers. For centuries, other day the work now being done at sir,” said Jerry, "there's a nasty -look-} e poor crock like me." But in addition we have assisted the in that country, ft has been bred for, the universities Herbert A. L. Fisher, in' red-haired female that rums a big plum, that. he received few letters of : "You silly boy!" went on the girl's 1 mother' country by loans to the ex -1 Purposes -of combat. I head of the educational department of Rolls-Royce to wants to take you Glt, any curt, none uf a "mushy' kind, and, voice quietly. "But everything's all tent of $200;000,000 to assist her in! It is a beautiful fish, with tail and the country, said: "The professor and I seer, her }isngin' about the place "tie et all from women ' right now. We can be married at munitions )reduced in fins relative) hu a in size, and bril- often. She ain't. no good -looker, and "7 hat settles things)" said Jerry to once!" . purchasing I y g lecturer, the research assistant and. she ain't nu geed driver; but sire told himself. "I'11 get busy on the uL Sm- •G • !„ Canada, and our Government has ar- 1 ib ntly colored. The males are the , the research student have suddeniybe- „ 1 tee whiz murmured the voice of ranged with the banks for advances to fighters. They will "tackle" one an- corse powerful assets to the nation, me as how 8110 loves to.---" , mediately Jerry from the bushes, "Some mushy the Imperial Munitions Board of other any time at sight, always ready Whatever universf "That will do, Jerry, thanks. It's And,' under cover of darkness, with pair! It only needed Jerry on the job $100,000,000 more, 'nor a duel—their efforts being direct- to visit you will find it to be the a ene `, bad form lu discuss a lady, a eaisf.i.y w2itpped packet in his, to bring filings to a Lapps ending. — We have in Canada at the present ed to disabling the adversary by biting of delicate and recondite investigation i There was un aggrieved silence. j,4cket, a vartarn Bey tout pedalled May (;hristte fn London Answers. tine more than 600 plants producing, off the fins. resulting here in a more deadly exp; 110111 11ra branches of nelghb°ring gaily along the muddy roads an an en-: g "+ munitions for the Imperial Govern- When a fight is organized two of plosive, there in a stronger army' trees the bird* were twittering, cud cie;t, Lime -shaker, and only paused': IF LOVE 18 BLIND. went, and in these plants about 800,- the tithes are placed in a glass bowl Loot, or, again, in some improveinentl aprimix eosnd,• aid scents fiifud the 'when !:a rea,hed the !earl punt rifles; __,_„ 000 are employed. together. The duel promptly starts, to the fast -advancing technique of air• amd der:mired in the London mail -box If f.ove is blind, why is 3t shaft he spies , ght•b q Slowly the rapiain and his little the said I,acltet with L ntragglintr in- Canada's Problem, end bets are mads as on a cock -fir aerial navigation." So many woodere bid from other eyes, A Siamese sport will wager his wife ,_--__e.... (deed eauetered through the lanes. scription. ' y(range new deldgflte in carni and sky We have already shipped from Can- or his child on such a combat, if his' How sweet the Blare smelt this morn' 'If that aur -rlt set things humming, orad sea ads munitions of a value between money resources are exhausted, A NOVEL SYSTEM. ing! Iiiw sweet the world could be---- then my name i.l2't Jerry Jones!" he The( /end then darkest day hist sur, cry? $400,000,000 and $SUU,000,000, That Fish -lighting in Siam Is a Govern- I et. how sad) t'ernarked UNA with a contented nigh, iu 1 Method of )fearing Iivuses in Severs We are a small people, less than )nay finally triumph. All the natural population of the eight millions, inhabiting a territory The gallant men, the beat young universities and colleges has gone. somewhat larger than your great mesh of Canada, the young men from What staffs are left are turning out 1 was told that attached to the great stables containing 700 horses belung- ing to these royal mai} vans there is a " hospital "manned" and run entirely by women, under the guidance of a skal- ful veterinary surgeon. The sick bosses are groomed and eared for by ' uniformed women, who wear ordinary breeches and knee -long coats of dark blue linen. The drivers of the mail carts wear very smart uniforms of dark blue serge, edged with red and having brass buttons with the royal cipher. Their dark -blue peaked caps have also a line of red and a badge showing that they are on his Majesty's service, Farmers and Railway Girls. Working "on the land" thi - spring I have seen women motorplot, drivers seater) at the steering gear in coats and long breeches of leather and wear - an Y whole in stfy has been developed meat monopo y• Sueh contests are, Ing close -fitting leather caps, strapped "Tell are about. the fight at Loos, . , it' Love is deaf, tyhy is it that. Ire hears since the war broke out and at the required to pay a tax to the Govern-{ Climate of Keret. beneath the chin, while women who sirl" , A couple of days biter, readers of a nese,/ harn,,oniea unheard of ether very time that we were withdrawing went- -ordinarily a percentage of the' A novel heating system called endo} clean the engines are a new arrival in tarry was big hearted, and could ee21011, well-keewn London paper{ ears, thousands of men from our industrial reciepte. But this regulation is has been devised by the Japanese 11 v- the railway world. Theywens los foe0ive a snub. might have 58021 tine picture of a 'ri,,, softest whisper sad tine faintest ranks to till our forces for oversea ser'-' quote eornmonly evaded. g wrtinrt its penes,lreitded b t stand the rigorous winter climate of or black linen that strap across the ing, old elrapl' we, the an. were y he 517-1 Aad aye the ligJtt.eat word a Inver We have in addition to this, reeog- .that peninsula. In this arrangement shoulders. Silence again. loo familiar inscription: "Found on the amts i sized the great need fur food produ.c- Blessing in Disguise. I the whole flour cosecs as 5 stove. The If the law The railway girl r '1 1 is indeed d a con - 'Ten ie a pleating voice: Bat tlefield.' "1 dun's feel like tulktn this morn- charmingly pretty damsel set forth; hreatir, vine. ing in Korea so that they may with- trousered overalls of dark blue linen 1 • impels tion. We realize that under epildl- I psis us to cut down our floor is fast made with a layer of mud, spicuous object in London's subter- "t`sri't there any u!d thing 1 ceuJd nut this pas ticutar portrait differed if seem m dem why ie It that he krwW5 tions existing to -day the world faces : food allowances on account of War which }.s intersected bythree or four ranean lines oftransit'u rla- to f.rat,;htau things?" said fhacn the 11{(515 h, that below it ran Tee tsmdai beul'eta of the hurl and the possibility of a food famine, and' conditions rt will be more of a bless- 1flues which radiate frothe fire -place in her neat blue uniforms: rhe Cladi Jerry. tt.he magic words: , rods; we are putting forth every u00(1 with- I ing to humanity than a deprivation. , and ounver re Jnto the eliimue on the s clips I'rard nut, old mar,: It's jlrsf the. Wilt the own5r of the above please 'I'l;e word that shall awoke a sleeping in our power Co increase the agriaul• l Too much moat is consumed for Cho' other side of the room. yyour tickets as you pass through the fortunes of weld" crnlrnunrCute with MI..Jecy .lune, of heart, tura! production this 1 good of the Canadian people, especial- rton• Large slabs gates of the underground „or tuba lJ,fteld ].inose, WhbStuwn! I year. Ileo Cho g p p p' ' oP scone are laid ovar the mod floor railways. They walked aimed in silence, ,terry ( 1 'I'Le honeyed poison needful for sues ), y c Ionts living made ah-trghL with Many railway lines have also adopt - with a small Bund beneath the cap -1 dart P enlistment of our men the em. tlo y - ` ly by those who take no violent ever- th • • inane in our munition industries and else+ IC is generally supposed that day, A layer of clay is then added the demands of agriculture have. made strength -giving food for men meet; on t f the c 'sets min- - ., power, a c wan o say to the credit 1, tae a men paper. of ism women of ca„,„1u :hal: Choy are strongeeif not stronger that: the The fireplace is outside of the wall have roma oreva eo natter fly and a g , ofAmerican—they ami the smoke and heat as th • h the flues in the floor to the 'C aide o be bowie, n this a whole room is a ectively warmed. It na arid that no stove is needed i such a room even on exceedingly cold nod, and also, of On wonderful ti u'in •• rnorni11g', ed women conductors, 1 1 rain's elbow, g111111ng lrinl irttpercept' ! b up o stone, and finally the course, the girl motorbus conductor is 11)17. 4 whom the clew wa.5 still on the gt'5d8, a If 1,"as, ran uefrher Sea nor hear, MVPseru,us drafts on nut• uvatt 11 t eonsisG of poLa(oes broad and animal whole is revered with thick pried no longer a' noveltyineither Beneath that novo head of his the slim little girl was been hurrying up lu'wtw n i T t t I meat Yat in Indo( where r the g London I:ha ,athwa which ler) tR tI rBeld 1 or provincial city streetq little Buy Scouts mind wasworking' I y 1 'foe distant PH drv,u whl011 Ida mile rapidly. What was the reason of the Hr'uae, The sun glintod through 1.115 junta go,I v f d 1 A n fish 9coLeh 1alunitfone and Mines. captain's par'pclLod sadness? When; trees on her pr1L1.y heir and, shilling, If mine anis anlieEelsnd hid mastery---- pass through Then there are ostwomen in their the other blinded uil!cers---young earl - 0" iter 8741411 Fa52:, 1ln13, allows,} rip oho 11,rw Is 11 t}ui1 he hc111:e the world In Y y 1 l l f U 1 i w paths dark -blue livery and girls' who look ailing tis ito wtls.._could he gray and sa uesr'of1zit a lee ? 1 1 Y n her hand eh held a folded news- ] 1 [a' after the elevators in Government rectrpcllad to t:IrSumtttaUrea, why' tees 1'cslUla'd lfurnu doninnf. n buildings and stores and hotels and Bile span sit ineptly and as quiet? paper. Iler h"I1'1 WFIa beating pain r, -„- + 1 p big blocks of offices, and there nee the A sadden sonnil draw Jerry's at- 111117. A satisfactory dubelitnte for pota d munition women in their long khaki "('nn 1 -eau I n,•a- -a i137. less lead has scan foetal in tears Lananns, I 1 1 1 t — — - .. .;. _ ._ _ -cloaks and skirts and caps edged with tention. lanmstlting had slipped from y, g' the cuptuln's neh.et tat the tits. And Junes -immediately?” she esh,rt Lha; peeled nr,4o' water and boiled until bright scarlet Women bakers have p p atter at Ihn rjeor, i a f emher In plbysloingy rims' "What y as Jerry a°0911d tk })111)1 it "9' the trip- f ' alait!y. They are served with atilt adopted n uniform that white linen overalls and elsists of lms that I� r., .lwr lt ., n11 aro most becoming. There are quite a number of girl butchers in country towns, who wear coarse blue aprons over linen trousers and blouses. Another growth of war tine indus- try is the pit girl, who flourishes just now In the coal districts and in some of the Scottish mining counties, Venn" the most useful ol'ganize- tione now to be found in London and in cities nnd towns throughout Great Britain are women's fire brigade", )Int even note the fiat of the "tvo- met who work" during these anxious days and tight little o x]and"hts nisttarrrlryrtfno,110- p ete (inc ens only add et cetera et t r3S a huger total) end astill the end would not be neo•! cheerfully and have replaenrl the man 11044 an vegeLuhtets alone, The Hindus 111 Order 1ha1 the 1ntt he r'(1cased far are on fine a regiment of aoldiors an cervine. any lighting wit 1 the allies in Europe, 'I'n inereuae the tlgrieultur•al prudue,- Thea are Ve•y sig Men, strong and tion Ills Tear we ars naw, In myn'o- lnng•lived. They are a living exempla vnu s, releasing a11 our high school al strength without meat, ruga, sen that they may go upon the fern mid do their share to increase a " the fond stnpply 111111 emeing etnnm52', is the 12(11ee of the salivnry glnnrls?" The men in our seines and, Lowile who Pupil"'Phe munl.l.'1 W,-, •,..� ate„ ._>..- Ii' you have worked till our bade taches, Ire face down t10 ratite with your feet higher than your head, e,H7(ill W 43-3T TV!)12.'101)A 11i41NuiE i}810itj� 'I �v VOW (ar) rr 1 v118n Yell WOOS) C0 +DVBI1 1101-p QN. TI lime,- wil3?R0, YIN "f3014R43. DI, A!C01L ANO a LLAll4' WITH THAT t'U11NlifRR' ("R eevI 4 Niliflyd mom c11Altea ,l et, neap Does '1131"04a00U,5 I30,10144 t,rf 'Yliet4 ',l16, J TO 10U4 Wli(7t8 (lie ineAr 1. 31'1 Lthislit-4m ,., •,, F" ..,,.1r.,.•.-,.»._•-...-.-.. ' rr T tt pky . I nlitigH " 7 'Ib 11010 enenT t „ \ t 9 (35 i. '1 �It:-n1 S gt;.:,4 fi Y,...1 �. a ft W r LL, I,10 Tai erRt 14 0' MINE •-Vnu sw2MN A •-e - 3 tt�e} . W l Fie IS Ia1 't1l`Il `101) 5rf WL', ,i1'ti IIORROVI1IP 1'111~ 1 I'Q(Z TiIEI. Lh4 •' AI40-' ANn' i,onta,lHe cop t! 'tweet; 'to Pince been HUra,... Bea lee W I Nd ,r CHAIRS 1 wilA'f'd 7iltal MAInfeR Cultivate cheerfulness and kindness -. -It will help ;Ion to resist disease, Your elate of mint) has 111314111 to do with your :Ante of health.,