The Brussels Post, 1917-2-22, Page 5J BUSINESS UAH6, JNO. SUTHERLAND & SONS LIMITED LAPSVilddeeig WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER OP MARRIAGE LICENSES (flee in the Post 011ier, Ethel. .80.4 AUCTIONEERS. 141 B. SCOTT AS AN AUOTION. • nen, will sell for batter p1lees, to better men, in lees time and less ohargoa than any other Auotloueer In Fast Boron or he won't obarge anything. Dates and orders can always bo arranged at this canoe .or by p 0100001 application, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. 1/ M. SINCLAIR.- 1 w narrieeer, 8olioltox• Oonreyanoor, Notary Public, deo. etewar0'a Block 1 door North of Central ral HotHotel. Sotioitor for the Metropolitan Bank. 2,16exic It wwty BRUSSELS Go1N0 BOUTS Gotso NoIren Express 7:10 a m I Mall 11:22n m Express 0:03 u m Express 0:07 p m e'agJPlffa'ax FaCIFBW WALroN To Toronto To Goderlch Express 7:50 a m Express 12:04. am Express 5:15 p mI Express 7:45 p m WROXETER Going East - 7:05 n. m. and 0:40 p. m. Going West - 12;19 and 9:5.1 p.m. All trains going East connect with 0. P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. stations, GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent. LIVERPOOL -GLASGOW LONDON - iHIAVR$ Flue, modern steam- ers — equipped with every comfort and luxury. For infor- mation apply spina, or "X51 { SiWnren% VV. H. KERR. Agent Allan Line, Brussels. is prepared to sl )ply the hest goods in Wincml'�ls, Iron and Wooden Pumps and Stable Fittings, such as Piping, Wat- er Bovis for stuck, 1&c. Eepairs to Pumps promptly attended. to. Give me a call. A, HAMA NCrantirook I..s 1 Noels airn'airiz razill'Aaler'axersA`S' Y6Lair( f;EL IHAL /) ��ftifl 6iTRATFgR D OhtT..+' Ontario's Best Business College 6 Rtudenta urn nt r n 1r tv y e tl t ole n naw any thne. (lannneuce your aonreo note and I n 6 July and Aul,u t of In t -t y i d I be u8Ailied for Position b t,lidanu- mor. ll ria • v .4 6I year we received calls for over 200 'D office assistants we could not sow .4 ply. Our graduates are to demand, tD�y, 9t 01108,0r our fres c'ntnlogue. tJ D. A. McLAOHLAN, Principal. Sr tr.,YArID'iS'6y xlv'Av5rpY11y v'Tr.! vii ,"r t THE est Braces ISHOMEEMESEESEGEKSMISMSEDISPOI In Oannda lutvv pnrtlolpa ted In the pre. nitration of our splendid Hume Study Courses in Ranking, haanonllos, Higher Accounting,Onmmoralnl Art, ShowCard Writing, Photography, Journal - lent, al lent, Short Rory Writing, Shorthand and Bookkeeping. 4olont the work. wldoh most in tel oatsnu and write us for parttoalnra. Address THE SRAW COBRESPONOENCE SCHOOL 301-7 Vonee et., Toronto ilii 'Sxi9'.."4.. c LL E `@ oil ism ATS Thousands of nil bi Lions young pen. pie 0010 NO preparing in their otv11 101ne8 to occupy hien I1 Vo positions as stenographers, bookkeepers, tolegrn- pltere, eivIl servants '111 tact every sphere of IotivIlios, 'nu may finish at college if yea so wish, Positions year. anteed. Enter college any day, Tad l- vidnal Instruction, Export ttvlrlie•s. Thirty years' experlonee. Largest trainers in Canada. Ravel oollogoe, 13p00101 Ocltree for 1(1801 ers, Affiliated nhotorssoeaion odler Boland at Nowell Spotton Business Ool• loge, London. Wingharn Business College Goo, sroamoN, W. T. 1301000, President. Priuolpnl. slienseateresiararaseresitileiesztementanisse 13wslness Carols an attack on all the evils of its neigh - JAS,, ANDERSON, bul•hood and a consttuciive Outliiu as leak it needs some plan that means VETERINARY SURGEON. Rucoeeeor to M. 38, Moore, Olitoe nt Ander- nn Bros. Ll very stable, Brussels. Telephone Nu. 20, T. T. M'RAE M B., M, C. P., 10 S. O. 21. 0. H., Village of Brussels, Physician, Burgeon, Aocouoheur Office et residence, opposite Melville Church, Wlnimn street. DR. F. T. BRYANS Raohelor of tIodicino, University of Toronto ; Lloentlate of Oollego of Phyaletnna raid 8m•• Weels, Ontario ; ex -Renin• Honfle Ru1•5800 of estern Hospital, Toronto. Offices of Into Dr,. A. MoNevoy Smith BIook, Bruesala. 100, 01 phone 46, MAUDE O. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduate Department of O ollthal- urology, Mo0ormiok medical College, Chicago, 111., is prepared to test eyes and lit glasses at her oMiae over Miss Irmau's millinery store. Offleeclays—Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every week. Office hours -10 to 12 a. n1. ; 1 to Op. 10, Evenings by appoint- ment, Phone 1210. DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Oollego. Day and night calla, OOloe opposite Plour Mill, Ethel. JAMES TAYLOR licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co. Satisfaction ao'.nred ; Charges moderate. Write or Telephone if not convenient to call, Both Brussels and North Huron Phones. BELGRAVE P.O. P. R. MULHERON Teacher of PIANO, ORGAN, VOCAL Organist and Choir Master, Melville Church, 13ru8..elu. Pnulla prepared fur Toronto col' lege of Music Examinations. Phone OOx PROOOFOOT, NILLOBAN & COONE Barristers, 8o11citore, Notaries Public, &c, Office on the Square, 2nd door front Hamilton Street, GODERI(01, ONT. Private funds to loan at lowest rates. W. PROADFOOT, K. 0. J, L, KILLORAN H. J. D. Coons Church lost Its Gri ? (Continued front page 4) is said the work of a rural parish is not a luau's job, but if it is to bring every part of life into the .Kingdom, it will prove a task calling for leadeesliip and service, of which no body c.f mien and women need be 100htuned. WHAT 12 NEEDS 3. The needs of the thatch for this great task. IL needs t0 realize that its work ' 1l ' v(1 k Is to fund the Ka 1 d m of God, (1 and that i 1 f Ills will is to be done on earth its in heaven, every phase of life, win k tat play ; education and poli- tics 1 home and society, 1s included ill it, I1 lucks vett' often as if the loran church thought its own growth and the progress of its denomination, was the encu of its existence in a coin - notary. And the first need of every church members and office's, is to realize that it is to build the Kingdom of God just where it stands. The rut al 01101 ell needs suit Able plant. The old torsi church teas jnOt four 3810118, slid 1t 111tif, the newer ones added (or should I stay "subtracted" ?) a basement ill suited roe 000)01 lire. Selclorn is there a blight, cheery, com- fortable room for people to nest in ; there is mo mothers' roam, where young girls could attend to the babies and let the tired mother enjoy the worship free from cure. There is n0 place to dry wegarments t to •thorn is no place for the wholesome re0rention of the young, and the outlier) lies do not want what there is heated and lighted too nfaim. One fired of the Huai church is a H. place, Inca above1 , tt and for c1 untt k t people to meet in , for worship earl socia life, tuns warm shed faro horses. o•s. s tles. Y. ilf C. A. 1RELIGION The papers are asked what the 611111011 will do for the eoltliel8 tubo re- turn. \Ve need to remember Ibis. They are being used to religion 11.0 set Earth by the Y. M. 0. A, methods, i. 0., food anti drink, letter impel, music, Moving pirlurrs, as well us the gospel and the church will nerd 11101e than tt prayt'r meeting Once rt wt'elt to suit, the new need. The 011111111y church has no (plant eatable to mai vale a re- ligion tad. is l',.1' all tiro. The ciulreh needs a vision of the Kingclntlt Its it 0011101 tunnel', The aveettge teem ley chin 'ell 11101 11)er Into a inure of less clear idea of nheL the Kingdom 111011118 for the individual, but lie 11003.1111 googol) Lion or 0. hat it is um at snelal idt'ttl to he te Ire ti for on earth. I Blink usually he thinks the Kingdom is in heaven and pray0 anc- eordiukly In be hi might into it. by awl by. Religion is roe hits n peremial matte'. ll sepals fund for hint to see that home and school, wnf'it and play, church and sotto, make 110 ti hat we are, and if any m:o is to b0 a Oil 'Ron of 0310 Ringo,"1hen firers ft 11111 wh1011 we 0011111 rl rsrelle 1111101 belm,g 00 the Iiingdum 1(,, The eneinl (oder must heeon vavted, Christianized, lot- h is largely heathen in its business, pleasure tool polities. 01100 great nerd of the churcil, if it is to serve tin al lire, inn t'lwu' vision of n Itat it would 111ee11 il' 318 mobil en- vironment 080)0 01111,0;tniz1d, The envIrennlent or a, 111+111 1111101 11010115 to the 1Cingdnin if iso is l0 I'o1rmg to bat the rural ehulch duns not see that yet, and rural leaders Must wisely a'ui patiently present, In 11)01 10 sprint vision of lite Kingdom, interpret se. ligiou to than a8 (0 social ileal, In the words of enure one, the ehu'eh needs to sets that earth needs to be fitted for mon, its well as men for heaven, LORI) TAXES MOOD FARMING The eintroh needs a program of work, once a church has a vision of its wolc, it need0 It working plan, Few of the rural 81008213es have one, or the material out of which to make ono 1 but if a chtivcll is to do lie best well. `.lilts work of building the lting- clntn IF a wide and varied ono, like Nehemlah's 1n huii1i(1g the walls of Jernsalem and the worker's ate often ton few and the enemies active, Let Inc look it ebine of the folios it 111llat a takege, nt wt 4'k for the King- , '1'o make more bushels grow is d01n, and thea a os work here for those fitted for it ; this is tics -monde 1 know but I Think the Lind is pletteed with good fanning. To help fanners co-operate to their work and business- as fay as may be, set yes the Kingdom, fur I do not be- lieve that competition, as 'practised, belongs to the Kingdom, and there is work here. To provide healthy recreation for old and young builds the Kiugdorn, and there is ,vel k here. To be better fin ted to 0nt1age tt household, setvos the Kingdom, anti there is work Verres To know how to better care for one's health fut•wtu'ds the Kingdom, and tt field fur service is here. 'Po leruis3 educational ideals serves the Kingdom and room here. In le ief, all that produces better' men and W01ni't1 ; thin notices cc 011(1y lire largos and happier; that makes it more satisfied and worth while, builds the Kingdom. All that helps to east out the demons of ignorance prej- u(lic0, greed and selfishness, strife and envy, falsehood and dishonor, builds the Kingdom and if the glint oh is to undertake this trenu+oduus task there must be a plan, and "every man his work." EDUCATING COUNTRY CLERGY Thele is need that the rural clergy of all denominations be induced to at- tend the school of Rural Leadership provided by the Agricultural College. The last two Summers a very helpful 'fleeting has been arranged, amici pleasant 8uu'ounditge and at lots rates. 7'he pt °gram has been helpful, but the attendance small. We coun- try clergy might spend two weeks there very profitably and seek to fit ourselves for leadership in This coun- try movement. WVe are 101d that a- b011t 20 per cent, of the leaders in the city are from the 0(111i11t•y end we sit bark and 000.7, "See how we feed the city." Yes, but we tore growing fewer and poo or leaders ooi 13'! %'140 and if we send nen• best 00 the cities and breed from the second best, what then ? 11 is the question of war in time or pease. Every country ulimister knows that his greatest handicap is the lack nF yo11tg people, men particularly, who can act els leaders in his work, OBSTACLES CROP UP Obstacles to the church serving rural life—Granted that the church be alive to its work, and its needs have been supplied, what of the rural life it is to serve? \Vill it prove receptive to the service offered ? Assuming it can and ought to be improved, will rural 10wellets welcome the changes that should usher in a better day ? Many chinch which has caught a vision or the Kingdom as at (octal ideal, and sets out to remodel the ex- isting conditions, expects to tweet with the open door? Must it expect ob- stacles and opposition 2 Yes, empha- sticall umo. ay yes. Let me call l:entten to The 110lnb81' of divisions in the c meth in a community is one of the greatest obstacles to total progress. In a 0101)011 }dace afflicted with four or note denominations any concerted action is next to impassible. We have four in a village tsf less than 400, and we cannot cubic for even it Thanks- giving service. At the close of the Hest school for leadership at Guelph, where we were summing up results and wondering what we could do at home, a Ohurch of Pm gland elm gyman SRId•we will find one greatest obstacles to be the divisions in the church, al( he was 110 false prophet. When there are three or four t•hurc'ltes each, strug- gling to live 11 , t e object he S1)I t11N O a 1' t S lint lite good Mille pure, but the de- nomination. The Kingdon its lost sir er ina 81: , • • • ht L the 1 h of the local 6 i,k chin ell to live, 0 hile the unholy riv- 3117, j' •tlnusy tool el (inked dealing is a sight for angels and mere, 11 a new family moves on a fiu'm, there is a rush to 00e'ure diem, and if a niacin dimes in es a business 111an1, he likely goes round all, to get their Evade, and the rhiidien go to all the Sunday Schools possible, anti to no ehnteh warship eG all, The church itself is one of Ila, 31 vulva, obstiuiles to ally fortv,,td 1nnvtMen t,1 what should ouch divides, Happy is the 11.011 who is minister where Lllel'S 18 only title church, Allot 11e1' nkat lll'le I8 the apparent Madill) of Hunt people to 'mite or co- operate In uu,venm•nts for tlittir own good. it i3 said Thant in the old dttye c3' haul power, melt 1111111 was lade- 11'041001, (w his Ilona. was his shop, and bio 101111 his power ; but the use of [ITO r• r 5 yS , G C Fti 1its Wanted • We are in the market to pur- Olta0e any quantity of Bass - wool, Stift 111111, Stift Maple, Bitch anti A.sh Heading Bolts At Blueuale, Belgrave Blyth, s Ethel, Henfryn and Atwood G. T1 R, Stations Per fut411o! particulars apply to P. Ament, BRUSSELS. How t; , Feel Well During Middle Life Told by Three Women Who Learned from Experience. The Change of Life is a most critical period of a woman's existence, and neglect of health at this time invites disease and pain. Women everywhere should remember that there is no other remedy known to medicine that will. so successfully carry women through this trying period as Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from native roots and herbs. Read these letters: — Philadelphia Pa.—"I started the Change of Life five years ago.. li always had a headache and back- ache with bearing down pains and I would have heat flashes very bad at times with dizzy spells and nervous feelings. After taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I feel like a new person and am in better health and no more troubled with the aches and pains I had before I took your won- derful remedy. I recommend it to my friends for I cannot praise it enough."—Mrs. MARGARET GRASS - MAN, 769 N. Ringgold St., Philadelphia, Pa. Beverly, plass.--"I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, for nervousness and dyspepsia when I was going through the Change of Life. I found it very helpful and I have always spoken of it to other women who suffer as I did and have had them try it and they also have received good results from it"— Mrs. GEORGE A. D1JNsuu, 17 Iloundy St., Beverly, Mass. Erie, Pa.—"I was iia poor health when the Change of Life started with me and I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, or I think I should not have got over it as easy as I did. Even now if I do not feel good I take the Compound and it restores me in a short time. I will praise your remedies to every woman for it may help n — Mrs. them as it has me." r e . E. gI0.1LIIIfG, 931 1 l+;ast 24th St., Erie, Pa. No other medicine has been so successful in relieving woman's suffering as has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Women may receive free and helpful advice by writing the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co,, Lynn, Mass. Such letters are received and answered by women only and held is strict confidence. Stettin swept away this individualism and iudependeuoe, and industry be- came socialized. The 311103er is still in the position of the independent worker ; he has his place of business behind his feeces and 1110 power is in his at n1 and his team. Ile is a survival of the independent individualism of it rentuty ago. \Viii fanning ever become localized as in- dustry has One cannot tell, but meanwhile this Stili viiilinliatil hinders farmers in uniting f(I eeonouir, ends that are legi111111tte and would benefit both thein and the consumer, and for social ends that are very necessary. 0o -operation in producing, buying and selling is foe few On toxin farmers only au ideal and for the many a source 0f amusement. The n conservatism 1 fIle t rural we 1 1- c ler is an obstacle, He may 110 a very ptwnc uurrd Liberal il in polities, but in all ()thee parts of his life he is likely to be its conservative 09 his Conserve. - Hee neighbor. Politics is to compart- ment, by itself. 1 his conservatism ro is in part a rranit I f so ninny or the brightest, bravest, most venturesome, those with most initiative, having left the fel ms bete roe the city or the frostier, while the slower, more cautions and least pro- m essive are with us. Many say the farut is alit ight if they had help and then they will say the hired man is better ole than they are, despite their investment, and theft work. "Farming does not! pity", they say, and 16hi,k they are night but. they a1n'ink from and oppose 1 3ladtges that probab- ly would benefit thorn financially. 00 -operation is only a was 11 yet with most and not one to conjure Willi either. If it could bo In ought chain in recreation it would open the door, but the churches staid in the way there as they seek to herd air their young people lest they get lost, I have no wish to be thought 00 pessi- mist, so will close and in doing 00 re- fer to what can best be done to break the crust in rural life. The first step 38 a social survey of the community. It tends to reveal things, (1) It sets people talking about country life, and the questions needing to bo discussed ; (2) It shows Lhat ministers are int el'e,l ed in a uteri's life beyond the purely religing8 aspect of it ; (3) The resells will help the 00ngte3atloe to see their work, if they elm be got to look earnestly at it ;.,(4) Yon may sot a fete permit. 10 saying what new things they would like for peal 0, pleasure o' ed11110111n, and if et), their expressed wish fou nor a background rot doing things which otherwise it might not be pendent for !t loin later to tin, e. g.,for him to organize a Partners' Clb, is sure io arouse antagonism, lint 11 le the sur- vey the men say they want it, the way is easier. If at community (club could be seemed t(1 (11811)88 f 111'0.3 questions, much could be done with the yonng people to prepae far changes. We tried that, 3)111 I.lto cheek stood 111 the way, but our chinch club is dis- cussing such topics as "What would snake 00lin(ry life m(01 e etielablt•, more profitable and more enjoyable," and Ideals tot rural education." it is al- ways seed emelt, whatever may come or it, I have tried to set forth the relation of the Church to the rural life, and the place of the church in rural life, its work for it, its need and the ob- stacles. I only regret that this important topic has not been more ably dealt with. REV. W, K. SHEARER, Drum bo, Ont. BRUSSELS PUBLIC LIBRARY Following is a list of new books added to the fine stock of reading in connection with Brussels Public Libtat•y FICTION Finding of Jasper Holt. . .......iHA .....All ...Lutzy The proogf of the Puddin ....Nicholson The Treasure ....... ....................Norris The First 100,000 (0 Faces in the Dawn Hagedon Lady The Little of t 1 y the 131g House London All far rt Seratp of Paper... Hocking Innocent Wont Doorstep tel SheCrroeotdlf Bare or L•on ,••, Dell Her Innsen11 1 c' s Purse f11iiCL111 NI hen to Net's a Man....H. B. Wright Lightning Ootductordiscovers Ameri- ca Williamson Rainbow's lend .......... Beach Mr. Hritling sees it thl'oughWells The \\ indoty in the Feuce,Brunkherst A Voice 111 1 he Wilderness. ..... ...Lulz The Leopard Woman .....S. E, White Lady Connie .. Wttt'd The 11118111 of Rachel Norris Front the 13misetops.,,.,.,MOCutatleon Onrtahl of Fire ...,, ..„••..,..... Hocking The Girl (1.001 Philippi Ohambets The World for Sale.Parker' Held to Answer ....AicFarlen Fall of rt Nation Dixon Instead of the 711Oru•,.,,,...... Burnham The Governess ,......,,. ,, Lippman Mary Rose of Mifflin. Stet vet After Lite Manner of Men ....,,..Lynde Somewhere in Red Gap ......,\Nilson The Klondike Olen... . ..... — Young Oontraband Parrish The Leal herwood God ...•.•,Howells Pttiit and Loss A. E. Bare The Salt of the Beath F. M. White Golden Lamp ..... ...... ..•...Phoebe Gray Prudence says en 14 ueston Trail to the Hearts of Men—Abe Cory Mies Theodosia's Heart Strings. . Donnell Star of the North Sullivan JUVENILE Old Mother West Wind ....,..Btngess Mother Weal. \Vind's0311ldren " Mother West Wind's Neighbors ' Mother West Wind's Animal Friends Burgess The Boy Editor Kirkland Ohiltlree of the Wild .... lt,berts .boot' and Clary Roberts Horsemenof the Plains. ....A13803, let• Bears of Blue River ........ .. 2iajee Sett Sco,18 of the Pell el ..IVestertuan The Wolf Patrol Pinnenlnre Red Men of the Dusk Fimnrunnl e Red Cloud .... ......................1009B10uller Julian Home 1 Isabel Oarletnn's Year...,...... Ashrnun Story Bnok Girl's Whvte Peggy Stewart at Horne.... Jackson Peggy Stewart at School Jackson Oap'ny Gid .. Gould LiftyLocke Stockfish Go ahead Boys on Smugglers Island... Kay Go d Boys and Treasure Oave Kay Go aheul Boys and Mysterious Old Horne 1I�,a Go ahead Boys in Island Camp....I�ay Go ahead Boys and the Racing Motor Raheanat . Kay The Oanadian Farm Mystery .......... March 1110(11 t Billy Topsail M. D. Duncan The Girl from Big Horn Country. Chase Bobby of the Labrador. Wallace Eleanor of the Houseboat.Breiteubach A Boy Scout with the Russians.. Fin nernore On the Road to Bagdad Brereton Safety First Club.... ........... Nichols Don Strong and the Wulf Patrol. Heyligt'r Just David .. Pm ter CIvhhing List 'J'HE POST has made arrangements to club with following 1 •' tm•1 ap ars and , 6E will be sent to any address (except the United States 50 cents extra) at the following subscniptiol prices :— Dailies POST and Toronto Globe.... ..... 35 " Toronto World ............ 3 33 Toronto Daily Star . 3 75 Toronto News 3 75 Toronto Mail -Empire.,, 4 35 advertiser . 435 London Free Press ..,, . 4 35 Weeklies POST and Saturday Globe $2 40 " Family Herald and Star 2 36 Toronto Sun 2 20 " Farmer's Advocate 2 95 " Oanadian Ootntryman2 00 " Farm and Dairy. 2 30 " Montreal Witness, 2 85 " World Wide 2 75 Northern Messenger 1 90 t. 11 • 11 The fest Newspaper Value In Western Ontario The London Advertiser riser All Mail Editions $ j.00 per yr. 141320117 Maple Leaves ,,,e,,.,H,ae LITERATUI1I4 Gallipoli Masefield Lord Kitchener,—„. ...... ......Menpes Canadian Poets Garvin SCIENCIE Social Life in Wales.... ...... Finnernore Gontrnouwealth of Nations Curtis Wild Animal Ways .....,, Seton VOYAGE AND TRAVEL Tales of the Labrador . ..:.Grenfell Last Voyage of the Kaduk..,,imetlett POETRY Child Rhymes Riley Love Lyrics .,. Riley Songs O'Cheer Riley Rhymes of a Red Orose Man—Service BIOGRAPHY Sons of Gonadic Bridle Neuer Had Such Success Before W. A. YAOKELL, Ingersoll, Ontario, says : "In Lhe Spring I purchased 3i tone of fertilizer front Lhe Homestead agent, I never had 511011 large yields of as gout grain since 1 have been terming, At Intervals through the fields, whet e the fertilizer was not sown, I could see 0 vast difference in both quantity and quality of the grain. ,1:ni intending to use rn01.8 this 80180[1 and can certainly recommend Home- stead goods to intending purchasers A8 1 believe they are the best on the maiket." WELL PAID JOHN KIRBY, Stratford, Ontario, says : "I used 600 peluuis of Homestead Bone Black Fertilizer on my root crop and had the best crop of rests ever gtnwll on my farm. I was certainly well paid for the money 1 invested in this fertilizer." A GREAT DIFFERENCE ANGUS ARMOUR, Dorchester, On- tario, says "I used the Homestead Bone Black Fertilizer on toy cats last Spring, and tem well satisfied with it. I purchased a ton from the local agent, which souv- ecl about 10 acres or the 15 -acre field, and I could 000 a great difference on what was fertilized from what was not, I have no hesitation in recom- mending it for oats or wheat, as I sowed it with is heat this Fall," Write Michigan Carbon Works, De- troit, for ftee book and particulars about their Homestead Bone Black Fertilizer. AFTER THE GRIPPE Vinol Restored Heren Str h Canton, Mise.—"I am 75 years old and became very weak and feeble from the effects of La Grippe, but Vinol has done me a world of good. It has cured my cough, built rip my strength so I fedi active and well again."—Mrs. Lxzzm BALDwIN, Canton, Miss. Vinol is a constitutional remedy which aids digestion, enriches the blood and creates strength. Un- equalled for chronic coughs, colds or bronchitis. Your money baok if It fails. F, R. SMITH, Druggist, Brussels, Also at the best Druggists in all On- tario towns, CAR OF BoyaHousehold ousehold fl r • Oran, Shorts & Middlings 5 Expected this week. Phone 43 or 27 if yon want anything in this Line. W. J. McCracken GROCER BRUSSELS inzakvolecs NVEST HOS WHO c E FROM TIME ME, HAVE FUND.., REQUIRING INVESTMENT MAY PURCHASE AT PAR DOMINION BF CANADA DEBENTURE STOCK IN SLIMS Of *SW/ OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF. Principal repayable 1st October, 1919. Interest payable half -yearly, 1st April and 1st October by cheque (free of exchange at any ohartcred Bank in Canada) at the rats of five par cent per annum from the date of purchase. Holders of this stook will have the privilege of surrendering at par and accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, in payment of any allotment made under any future war loan Issue in Canada other than an issue of Treasury Bills or other like short date security. Proceeds of this stock ars for war purposes only. A commission of one• -quarter of one per cent will be allowed to recognized bond and stock brokers on ailotttlsn)s meds in respect of applications for this stock which bear their stamp. For application forms apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, OTTAWA, OCTOBER 7th, 1910.