The Brussels Post, 1917-1-18, Page 5Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ; Lloentiate of ()allege of Physicians and Sur - goons, Ontario ; ex -Senior House Surgeon of Weeterq Hospital, Toronto, Offioesof tate Dr. A. MoKovey, Smith Block, Brussels.. Rural phone 45, MAUDE O. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduate Department of OphEhnl- mology, Moeormlolr bleakest College, Chicago, 111., Is prepared to tort eyes and tit stemma at her fc edayys r W days—Wednesday, a millinery Thursday,storeFriday and Saturday of every week. Office hours -10 to 12 a. m, ; 1 to 0. m. Evenings by appoint- ment. Phone 1219. OR. WAROLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, Day and night calls. Office opposite Flour M111, Ethel. JAMES TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer For Huron Co. Satisfaction assured ; Charges moderate. Write or Telephone If not convenient to call. Both Brussels and North Huron 'Phones. BELGRAVE P.O. P. R. MULHERON Teacher of PIANO, ORGAN, VOOAL Organist and Choir Master, Melville Ohnrch, Brussels Pupils prepared for Toronto Col- lege of Music Examinations. Phone 00x PKOOOFOOT, KILLOBAN & COOKE Barristers, solicitors, Notaries Public, &cu Office on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton Street, GODERIOH. ONT. Private funds to loan at lowest rates. W. PnouDzroOT, K. C. J. L. KI1:LOItAN H. J. D. Dooms LETTERS FROM OVERSEAS Messages from the Khaki Boys Lieut. Stewart Scott gives the fol- lowing interesting particultars of the Christmas dinner eer7e(1 by the of- ficers to the men of the 101st :— DEAR MOTHER Ali) DAD.—Just a few lines to let you know we are all well and although fair away from you we have spent a rather good day. It would have been very lonely only we gave the boys a Ohristmas dinner and were so busy %veiling on thein, which' we enjoyed, the clay slid by in a hurry. The officers decided the boys should 1 have a good dinner so we each cou- trihuted a few clays' pay and seb about I 15 and such a dinner it was, The mothers of lluron, we know, will be glad that nn this day especially, their boys were given a right good dinner. In fact, with all doe respect to those same good mothers, I doubt that any of 1110111 had better at home. A couple of us got busy and fixed up the dining hall yesterday atter church parade and while they wet 0 having a Ohrislmuas service to -day we decorated the tables with holly, etc. Officers turned in and cmatved the fowl (45 knrkey of 15 lbs. each being in the supply) and waited on the tables. It was a pleasure to us to do so. We have the best boys that ever as- sembled in n Battalion and we are proud of diem and why should we not,? Have they not sacrificed all to do their duty, to fight for Freedom and all we love? Probably we are a bit too proud of them, at least Settle penple in Huron might think 0o as we often heat' tepo'ts from there that do •e 'e men o' of- nnt do aretldt to 11th( LI t t fleei's of this unit. Brit when all is over and these gond chaps I hops all go home they may have et few things to say to those who stay at fume and find fault, i Onr Ohristtnas menu nnnsisted of lovely roast turkey and dressing,' mashed pututo00, salads, 3 kinds of , pickles, brtuacl and butter, chocolates, 1 assorted tints, oranges, the best -of -all , plum pudding that could not be better any place and made by nue own on0k0, and last of all coffee. Our nen had a meth 1101301' 1)11',1) 1111111 we OrE10008 1011(1 to prove that sunk is rte case in order r flukey m r nice lists nf. unh to 1 ct I get i. 0 5 l I little Pinel podding [ ani whits neer In Lhe conk'.' use tonight to have sone of whet is lea, To our boys in Fiance We sent a 5 franc rod t,, ( geed that IltIo bet( l'I than a driller, We luso fnieveteled all hexes sent from Huron ileum fir the boys over there, for which wo all Ire gt eat- ly indebted to the peel women fir, 71 would have been it I1'11k, fns thele to have seen the happy rattle when Huh, parrrls %vete% handed Ilam, It was 111(311 1111" Hnuta (11,1113 of old, toll were so pleased, Our nely regret 17000 1101 having wiilh Ile Elle 111170 u•I10I0- day may be doing 1.11011' bib in the trenches. T night say we , re about the only Battalion 1u9'uud ht's n (the only one I kerne of at 1111 too v) who did not serve. beer to 1111' boys at dine et; as we knew those al, home would millet: have 11 a "dl y" dinner frit Ilint r boys. Have considerable note, timely, pdd- cling, af.u., left. river whish come in pend for Now Year's Day, \Ve atm luring a fete Mote men next week. and will pi nimbly keep sending ciratfes until all are g'lltl. . Officers have to take (10018es so it seems before we can go nitiinugh we 1onld all mach rather go with our men lues but hove 1 (1 as are told, y have 110 say, Ill o a 0 2 t % i i d niu'IoLLere an 11110 wale" Rmce v0 d Y in the box. By the way the Brussels box Relived here Saturday night, just in time for Christmas, Tell the gond Indies how lhenk(ul we all are, The 101st Battalion Pored Well. Goodbye fir now with love to ail. SegesvAna, Ohristnlas Shoencliffe Clore),England, - $U$INEB$ CARERr JNOU SUTHERLAND do SONS L I D y�1�,��os,� t�,�pp �ItlM TE �r�sar® eirrs1IO WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES OW1In160 °Rips JAS. ANDERSON. VETERINARY SURGEON, Suoopssor to M, H. Moore. Office at Ander. ,1011 Bros. Livery stable, itrusaelo, Telephone T. T. M' RAE M. B., M. O. P.. & S. O. 51, 0. Ii„ Village of Brussels, Physician, Burgeon, Aceouoheur Office atrosidenoc, opposite Melville Church, Wtillmn street, Mee In the Post Omee, Ethel. 10-4 DR. P. T. BRYANS AUCTIONEERS. VB, SOOTT AB AN AUCTION. • nen, will sell for better prices, to better men,In less time nod lees (barges than any oher Auctioneer In East Huron or he won't obargo anything, Dates and orders can always he arranged at thle 010011 or by O 07800al application, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. VYM. BINOLAIR— • Barrister, Solicitor, Oooveyaneer, Notary rutile, &a. (Moe—Stewart'. Block 1 door North of Central Hotel Sollaitor for the Metropolitan Bank, GIMIND RI .1lZ 171tr BRUSSELS GoINa'.SonTn GOING Norma Express 7:10 n m I Mail 11:22 a m Express 8:52 o m Express 8:57 p m Comes fuel.EX F'Sl cZPJ'Qr' WALTON To Toronto To Godertoh Express 7:60 n in Express 12:04 am Express......... 2:50 p m Express 9:54 pm WROXETER Going East - 7:06 n. m, and 8:40 p. m. Going Wast - 12:19 and 9:58p. in. All trains going East connect with C. P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. stations. GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent, �ii' pp q -� .ALLAN t1NE smommEas— .•"•'vi'"l'"e To LIVERPOOL -GLASGOW LONDON-HAtVRg Fine, modern •team- •ra — equipped with every oomfort and luxury. For infer• audios apply aj..M, Or W. H. KERR. Agent .11anLine, Brussels. A. RAYMANN is prepared to supply the best ggoods in Windmills, Iron and Wooden Pimps and Stable Fittings, such as Piping, \Vat - 4 er Bowls for stock, sec. leepairs to Pumps promptly attended to. -.f Give me a call. A,Cranbrook RAY MANNi C aabrook resteleste? tett 9 CENTRAL 0 4 I TRATFORD., ONT Ontario's Best Business College f Students may enter our classes et any time. Commence your course now and bo qualified r n positionMidsum- mer. 4. de go a by.August P mer. During Julreceived and Aor o of lost office o1( received calla for over sea ofseo asaiatante wo could net sup - p1 Our graduates are 111 demand. Write at once for our free catalogue. 0. A. MoLACHI.AN, Principal, Y missmitasossustatitismazustizitssira TI -IE Bests , ~ rains b in Canada have peril ohm Led In the pro- pnrntan of our splendid Homo Ntndy 0000081/1 BpnkhIg, Economics, Nigher Accounting, Coto Inerrant Art Show Oorrl Writing`Photography Journa. Ism, Short Story Writing, Photography, and Book trooping. Select the work which most interests you and write lis for particulate. Address THE HAY- COHOESPOHBENCE SCHOOL 119t-7 Tonga $t', Toronto s COLLEGE A ■ HOME Thousands of ambitious young pen• pie are taut preparing 1n their own Gq .110111M to occupy lucrative positions as 'Ed etonog rn phare, bookkeepers, tol8gra- plrnrs, a1Vi1 servants in Not every sphere at activities, You luny finish at oollego It vat so wish. Positions OW - mitred, Enter collage any 1031t. b ball- V10.0111 last uotlnn Expert teachers. Thirty years' experience,. ',argent t trainers in ,1,1,1dn, Seven colleges. Sponl cohrtiefor teachers. Affiliated Iolh0otal Edot ooinnf Ilamndm-ehool5 famous of Business Col- lege, London. VIngham Realm College Gno, SrommoPresident, Principal. George McLelland Writes the follow - 1114.( 81100 !ORM' to hie father' at Et lel 1— DEAR. DAto,—Wall I received a let - tee from you about a week .ago and was very pleased i lc { 1 d ! le!!d k,0 Ileal' Demi you. I received a re at'f Rene by Edna yesterday. It bad been to Prance. Always be sure and putt Oanadien Jiligineer'e Training Depot, Quite often tee Tr10hliug Depot is loft off and leads to complications. 'nighty ie whin, is known in England Its Box- ing Day 6011 in 40110 seceinus is a greater day than (Ariel 01111.8, Well we incl a fine in tier at the camp yeotete day, lots of turkey and plum puddling, Arunrlg both ufftcet's and 1111,11 there 57(10 It pewee! stir of optimism and the oft expressed sett Linton t, 1'W tell he home for next Christmas." We look for big things 10 Spring and tall the boys here that Ave lit will in°Utl ly be in at the finish there. 111eKenzieand MaoDoudd are holm svell indeed. I had a fine leave though I guess it was a mistake I got it. I was at Witley Camp and saw Gerald Flood and a Oalgary roommate of aline who is now a emir Captain there. I then went to Btainehntt Camp and slept with Edgar McKee. 1 also sate the Parsley boys, including lack and F. I also Flet Mark Nicholson and one of the Taylor boys who formerly lived on North Street. Ed- gar is fine and fat as a seal. lie had just 0ni0hed 11bombing course. These were there and 1 was pleased to see thele a number• of the boys whom I taught in APkwright. I then return- ed to Lol.d ,n and spent the remain- der of my leave there, I eujnyod the visit and made the best use of toy. tittle. It was rather expensive but worth the 010017 and do not regret it. I heard Lloyd George speak in Parliaulene Ile certainly has lots of (energy and expression. It was' hard- est of all geLtingdotvn to camp routine again. I have put heard from Harvey for about a week brit he expected to go to France soon. I had a letter ftcen Geo, Hughes and be is fine and likes it its France as well as can )w PX - petted. Ihave been very luc:ky as to, Oln'i91ma'; parcels and tobacco. The assortment might he interesting and includes maple sugar, bat's of un- aweelened chocolate, cocoa, oxo, beetle', preserved ginger, cream, cheese, spiced beef, gum, sai'clines, bolster, Paris pule', canned plum, pud- ding, homemade candy, towels, sox, wristlets, cigarettes, pipes and tobac- co, etc. Yesterday was a fine day and T had a ple00senttwo hours in the sad- dle. Well how are weallers in Ethel. I suppose about the same. They keep no busy here. I guess it is the best way of keeping us ons of mischief. We have a lot of signallers here and I would not be surprised if they trans- ferred some of us to some other branch of the service. I inn quite willing if it falls on me, Well Dad I pleas this is about all for this time and hoping to be home for next Box- ing Day and trusting you keep in good health. Your son, GEORGE. Umber(' Camp, Sussex, Dec. 20, 1910. 140 JOHN ANDERSON WRITES PROMI EDINBURGH DEAR Foeese.—Well here I am again but this time in bonnie Scotland the land of the heather. We are on our leave now, cattle here Monday morning and have had a very busy time ever since sightseeing. We had our transportation paid tui anywhere we clewed to go. This certainly is a most beautiful country and the city, I believe, is supposed to be the most beautiful in the world. We, when I say we, T mean Tooker McCallum and myself from Belgrave and a Sergi. Ferguson,"I believe of Wingham, First place of interest was of course Edinburgh Castle, with all its historic inter( sus. It is a stl'ongiy built and woneerfui structure, There we saw a lot of ancient armour with a mile of history attached ; the oldest abbey in Scotland, the gun carriage that bore the remains of Queen Victoria ;' a int of ancient cannon captured at the dif- ferent battles, one especially supposed to have been made in eleven hundred and something, I don't taint the exact elate and ale( two modern field guns captured during the battle of Mons in present War, Then from there we went to Nelsnn's rnnnnneut. It is 101sn in the city, Then to Scott's monnmenb. It is 200 ,feet high and has 287 steps leading up the centre, winding of course. It is mid to have cost £15,850, figure that in 110Ilars and it would nearly keep afellow for a week wit holt working. We proceed- ed to the Scottish museum. There is certainly a g:'eaUdlsplay of nature and 11'00111 tan their in 0 preserved slate of 000180. 1 001111 spend a lifetime there 9Uulyin;; 1111 different intMhi,llery die. :.++++++++++++++++++++++++,.. •b u a' 1#• ,g 11' 4 -1• �_nearn '4' ti' Lia"htt eh' 01'rori is hereby given that owing to inrrl,,}sed ex- ptimso for coal and otllete 'er, uecessaties I lie price of Electric se Light in Brussels will be ad- -1' vancell keen 10 to 12 rents per 1Zldtwalb, flotu .December 1st .p unit coal seduces in price. 4, Rates payable on or before the 1001 of each mouth and if 11(130 8o paid 5 cerate on the clonal, will be added, For the ct ohvenrmlce of tat- rnna payments may be mode to Siiss Ulu lt'f, Danford; tat 8, Clinger's eters, tp I Jne. Niu os Jd A, Sharpe i, Day' I Manager Propri'eto' THE BLE$3Itll1 OF A HEALTHY BOGY Has Not Had An Hour's Sicicness S pee Taking "FRUIT-A-TIVES ", MR. MARRIOTT 73 Lees Ave., Ottawa, Ont., August 9411, 1915. "I think it my duty to tell you what "Fruit-a-tives"has clone for me. Three years ago, I began to feel run- down and tired, and suffered very much from Liver and Kidney Trouble. Having read of "Fruit-e-tives", I thought I would try thein. The result was surprising. During the 3} years past, I have taken them regularly and would not change for anything. Ihave not had an hour's sickness since I com- menced using "Fruit-a-tivesa, and I know now what I Haven't known for a goodreany years—that is, tho blessing of a healthy body and clear thinking brain". WALTER T. 11MAB,RIOTT. 50e. a box, 8 for $2,50, trial size, 25e. At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit -a -fives Limited, Ottawa. plays. There are all the modern 110 well as ancient makes of engines aid steamships, torpedo tubes and in slim'. everything imaginable. Then thele comes the Are Gatlleries of modern and ancient paintings. 0f cotu'se they clidn'tinterest me as nuelt 114 other things but n0 doubt they are most beaubiful. We also went to .Stirling and saw Stirling OasLle, William Wallace's monument sect the swoid he used. Ibis as tall as I elm and the blade is two inches wide. It is sur- prising to think how a man eouicl fight with it for I would fate to have to carry it far. The Forth bridge is also a wonderful ecce of engineering. Two spans 1700 feet each end to the floor from the water it is 105 feet and to the top of the ironwork It is 805 feet. We )were also to St. Giles cathedral, Ftolyrood Palace and the Edinburgh University but it will take ton long to tell ail there is to tell about that. I must say Scotland is an ideal place fora holiday hip. We were go- ing to Loth Lomond but it was ton much for 001' Little, 11re were to the Lop of a big mountain today, called Salisbnty Crag, and believe tue it was some climb but the could get a lovely view of the city. I think it is about 000 feet above the level. 1' sent or at least bnnght and addressed a souvenir book at Wallace's monteneut yester- day so if you get it, all right and if not no halon dotes for it was just tt souvenir. We are staying at Ramsay 'Lodge. Itis a place fitted for soldier's and sailors at reasonable rates, about $1 00 a clay for bed and bored, so that is quite easy. We haven't seen London yet anti I guess we can't have Much time theta at present for our leave ex ires '. caY I guess when we get back we will be in huts so that will be much more pleasant. Well I will °lose for the present as we are going to a Scottish theatre tonight. Were to grand opera last night. Now don't rim atony with the idea that we, or at least T ale leading, too frivolous a life for we are not, nothing but straight goods 'tui we will never have the chancre again so I think I had better matte the hest of the opportunity. I will close with love to all. JA.Cii. 540. 101IN (4. ANDERSON, 054415 Sig, Lint, 1111,1 0. S. Ball. (1. 11 le, Shorneliffe, London hio u Y P. 1115,AR 1?Rnv2'110.—Barri veil a 1(001 WAN', oe parcel to -night in the bel'-' of eoudil inn mend yew, kbuln,'ss is nee tale- ly epineci,ted by ns hays who ate away 1101(1 home, such lementbrae- ces help Ra much t:n leer rt p( time in goad spirits and that is nares rut to svi)1 the war as to, hal(-hearted ,o1,1! isn't. 11111(11 good in let Imre. These pat•cels always weer Ld rnninin the very things thitt n person 179010 101,1 11 a1 woman call read a 110111'0 mind ::9 well as they can salisfy the eeldioes with what they Rend ns, 3111' nom. Loan won't steed much chance in find'n:' n suilabe excuse for any meeleeds. Conditions Isere nl• the 3)1001)11 time aren't exactly Cht'etd'ul as Ihr1.0 er0 17 }nen and 3Cotpore's gnat alit hied in e but foe measles etld iso 3 nee held 1'- 1 e ir . r' •h oilier 71( c' >o stn sllefcl%% uliltorli r 111, it isn't all enviable position by any means but is t5lneh bet l et, 11,1)11 5k, 111/1.0 we were a year Lugo. A year ego tt- eightu•etnturhed farad the ltemcbes near Ploegsterl Woods 11' an old here near Jho town of Bnillentl not fir (tort the frontier 11' Iso 1''n Belgium and France and it seemed ON 1hnn1;1\ we were in a ;edam% even 111nitt111 the Wind did whistle Renege' the boles in 1 e '.101111/y nninllile t le well but we. uveaec t ( t 1110 best of r•dndii.iois but tory fele of Lhe briers ontrtrades of those cbnys are alive now and it makes (hone 7(1111 at left Rad and lonely, Ato feeling in good condition Again end my NA 011100 ase all better tux' 1x11101 to be bark in the firing line before It great, tvlliin no met' are being sent fume here almost every week as rehire)eend'nts rm. Cho mounted pollee hn1L8, .It doesh'L seem 501'y 101111, ilite C11tlettulte tittle dere ile the N ' ) are d mostly nun) and a > Y d ! uta 30111) all 111ave of !absence held week end pisses fill' the soldiers are t� be cam celI d i e mail after the holiday season ou Itrc'uuntof the scarcity of help for handling the eraffie on the railways, Will Have to close now and again thank yuu far the fine parcel and the good wishes, flay you all have a Nappy New Year and witness an everlasilllg Peace before another Ohrletnfae, Yours sincerely, MANSON TAYLOR, Somerset Barracks. '\ raltoo Red Cross Society. DEAR FRIENDS.—Please accept my rine.- re thanks tor socks sent fie by your Society Iheough my sister, Mrs, F. W. Cl aik, They . seer's 11114)117 ap- preciated 111111 a rue at a most topper- tune lime. VV3011ing yen all success. Siueer'eiv, W, NORStA.W PETER1t,1N. "Scnnewhei'eiu Prallee." FROM WAL'TON BOYS TO the President and lied Oro.. Smelly of \Valtun, DXAII PRIrNDB.— 1 cant tv1011.ing to k111011k yuu for the box of "eats" yuu kindly sent rte and wheel' tuns highly appreciated, Everything }vas In good shape when I received it I cut glad Lu be able to tell us there are e, Int of boxes coining here now (.11111. get badly broken but for all theta box front home always goes goad. A.I1 the fellows who had a taste talked of how kind the folks at 11011/0 ale. 511 you Will I:new (1(001 we Appreciated it very much. We are 11,tvd11g tt greltt Winter here }tut a lot of tail 101111 11tld. You nu doubt are having lits of snow by the time this letter reaches you and we sure miss It very much. Tooley we had a job 8 miles away rutting timber. They called 11. Lo (mike tt'e11011 supporters for putrlief, 171(11 still the largest timber that; waw cut sut'ooured 3 inches through, We put four hours at that work, then nwt:110d bark over hills end doss meett'y hones, the width of a wagon, with hedges both sides of holly and ivy and horn, This is cer- t iely a lovely sunt to be in the Sc)n- 11101' time. Thr: hind to -day we went through when dry on our boots was while. 110 n. 18 Chalk, We are near the challc cede illDover, 111 fact they run for miles in ridges towards where we etre. Taking the ,,,arch out and back AVG revered 10 miles, which counted for a fail clay's work. Tomori'oty we do the Paine. Oorp. Dennison is in charge. Well I must close, again emeeneerieeloMmonweelamlasaMee 41 tient Flowering Carnation fig :00 aisCalixteMSVAI Frl 'H . N -r:4..�Hsl GF Address a postcard to Its 11ee0 av"� PAW rccelvo by return plait a T copy of our nen' 1111,111I0N1011 3(, page catalogue of Garden, Flower aid I iold Seed -,23) 1,0 Seeds, Groins, lialhq, Small Fruits, (Lucian Twill' etc, SPECIAL —We sell ilio k,2 send volt fres a ppr148) coir i /54 sltre■r elrks Giant Flowei iul a gg��T•r rr�� 11 }},, If�- ..ffpp.ggpp � ' r Carnna1LSoi$ This carnation is a gr•mt favor- n.; t le dowers are Lige and fragrant and the plants do 7(,,11 outdoors lran•pianied into pots in the early fall they bloom profusely from Oct, her till uer, end of May. Extra plants are easily propagated from thein by cuttings, "tpdpings" or layering; Send far oar eatsk4•s dad hese e/ on saw relasble premiums. 1g D,rch & Hunter Seed Co. LaniLed rotten. .7 CANADA OD QSJ0o.J . .,"....'...moo., .'°'.- - .- - •jy e• thanking you all for your kindness tri ole and wishing you 1411 a height tied prosperous New Year, 1 remain, Yours 1,1017, 054507 PTE. HAROLD A. 1)2150:0. 1614. Batt., 1)1lgi3,. Camp, Dec. 12; 1916, 81101 tlifTe, 1(,-nt. To Red Ch ORB Uu1011, \1'olt011. DEAR FRusems —I received myb'•x yeetol $lay all o. k. Many thewks ter the sante. I can assure yuu, I Lhurougl,ly enjoyed the coulemas. 0.01/,g to 1110 large number of Canadian soldier, seat over here lately the 100001111,10,11e t'nu seems to be rather limited boll, asregards fond and sleeping gn10rtels and as we have been quarantined for the last 10 clays on account of measles and not allowed to go into any of the towns or villages to buy any extras, the boxes arrived ata vary ut,p lrt0117 time. Before Cneeng river bere I had un idea that England was reeling the pinch of the tear as they are. Igor in- stance flour costs 53 00 ;nu cwt-, eggs $1.08 per cluz , butter 54 eyete per lb., cheese 270 a Ib., sugar $12110 per cwt. 0,11d last but not least tol1.uo ' is three gLd Lir. 1111109 as eep,•:.1(1.1' ,18 11 IS in Canada. I can login e•' he people 111' Canada that they have tee seen many of their wc111lded 1111,1 et•ipplrs yethub wait a few month•. 111a',.:,,tl time(- will begin to ,1111(10 11y tlte. 111011.1111d.: as 1J n gland is full of 111.0n mud every day brings mere over I't:•1n the (1', :,I. For all our yet h•ve been light compar- ed e 5th (Inde country. 'I'I:'> towns and viil:'-:;es01'0) (wetly ell de'le'ted as far as" the a! Ie Iu (lied num :'r1' rnneerned as nil here 1.'"e le :he 1' ill. England vtill e•.tt ate 1111V, IL 5l'' e'en 01. her e t'l• leek Ow, ;dee lues Ieples. The br•Ke, beemeiee t„ 1.1,' 1,.;, .e who are •'snmt 1111+1•'•'11 I, n'• " RI bc.for- nvnded to 11e -til 'Xi -111,m; yr•n all "A Sferry tin 1 tn.es to 41 a lieppy New Year," iretie n, Yf ul l speclfully, A. W. l ss ssxao1, A Coy. 101st B1•tf, She'rnolilfe, Eng end. john Meson, w -il kur•wn in won a hid f,nrsh bt,,ile for 'he 11f..vor- 831v in 1.,e, w, 1 o.1 Neat Veal Day. He has sat to 1111 sea: cf fern betc:e. 66 ITL If ever you would 0jve-e rev' ear Ye One Another's Burdens" 'Tis an old saying—sometimes a hard one—but worthy of all acceptation. Take a present-day illustration. British Columbia—out there under the setting sun—is helping to bear Ontario's burdens. She has sent to the front—that shell -tom front in France—a larger proportion of her manhood than has Ontario. Therefore it comes to pass that we in Ontario are being asked to help in bearing British Columbia's burdens by helping its soldiers' families. It's a fair, a just, request. We all are in the same boat. We must bear one another's burdens. And if one Province, not rich in money, makes heavy calls on the Patriotic Fund, the richer Provinces must help out their poorer neighbor. Under a plan of each Province caring only for its own, the Province sending no men would spend no money. It would neither Fight nor Pay. Ontario will need about six million dollars in 1917 for the families of its own soldiers. The Canadian Patriotic Fund is asking for that sum as a minimum below which the richest Province in the Dominion will not go. But, as a matter of fact, the Fund hopes Ontario will do still better—will bear another's burdens by helping out gallant British Columbia. How stands the Western Province? It will require, in 1917, two million dollars for the families of its boys at the front. That is one-third of Ontario's requirements. But Ontario has probably more than seven times the population. British Columbia asks no favors. With only about 350,000 people—not rich in this world's goods, but rich in pluck and good red blood—it is undertaking to raise One Million Dollars for the Canadian Patriotic Fund! That equals 52.86 per head. Ontario, if it raise six million; will be giving about 52.38 per head. But the Western Province will still be short One Million Dollars. Where is this rum to come from? Eastern Canada. And Ontario, if it wishes to help, can do so only to the extent to which its gifts to the bund exceed Six Million Dollars. A let of money, isn't it? Yet less than British Columbia is giving, if measured on a per capita basis; and far less if measured by ability to pay. There will be no difficulty in securing the Six Millions if time,: courses cre followed: Three 1. If all CountyCouncils make reasonably e grants Hatt rene. 1 mwhether 2. If a 1 towns, separated from 41 -r counties or la: ; will 1 ',- ±apagns for voluntary subscriptions. Courses tla S. If all citizens, in town or country, contribute fairly .,e sedleg to .;, ---- As to No. 1. The County Councils are beginning well. Simcoe has d t t t 1 t . t '00 ^: t. Far 1917 it will be the generous sum of $11.20,000. Victoria, another meets , 1 'r , cc t.:•, :'-'pled 11.0 . (A month The , rant jumping it from w° 11C a ontt in 1916 to 1110 9B(PtD in A r1 grant, J P � +2,17, T t �.:':' 0,.n y 1. tv.tls 11111 decide at the January sessions how large their grants will be. Public opinine. • 111, , ee, s ewe:col c; • seounci's. Every county ratepayer, sympathetic towards the Fund, should write or sJ, ,'c to 111'; %set ,at.: on tat, coerce, endorsing a liberal grant. The small tax of three mills on the dollar raises a sum that 1cu1ti:utes it handsome con- tribution. As to No. 2. Many towns ignore the duty of }holding campaigns. This applies partcul:-1t•ly to towns which pay a county tax. Yet this tax never represents a fair or just contribution to the Fund fro nn,.. i of nio.l.:r,:te or large means. Practically it is based on what the poorer men can afford. The richer should give much more, and they can be reached only through a popular campaign. To relieve anxiety these campaigns should be held in Jaresary or February. Will not patriotic men and women in every town take up this duty? They can get all information as to organization and methods by writing to the Canadian Patriotic Fund, Ottawa. And the Fund will assist them also with a campaign of advertising. As to No. 3. Patriotism of the individual is the basis of the Fund. Everything is built on it. If he will riot make some sacrifice for the sake of the mothers, wives and children of the men at the front, the Fund suffers, land they suffer with it. The average family on the Fund requires $200 a year from it. It is the duty—it should be considered the Privilege—of every-Canadi an stay-at-home to ask himself: For how many weeks, at $4 a week, must I, 111 self- respect and in gratitude, take care of one of these families? If my county taxation for this purpose means that 1 am taking care of only one family for one week when I could do more, am I doing the right thing? The answer to these questions will be found when he sits down and mails his extra gift to the Treasurer of his local Fund, or to —�' Ontario Is beteg asked tosure' 'the L ho Oauadian Patriotic Fund that it can depend on having six million dollars in 1917 for the families of On. tarlo's soldiers. THE CANADIAN PATRIOTIC FUND, OTTAWA, Four mftllon of these dole lace must tosecur t from Individual sebscrd 1)Lions, If there is no Brunch of tate Feed in your town or' county sant your snhseriptiou di- rect 1;0 the head 0fflee, Oa904ian Patriotic Pend, VittOrlastreot, Ottawa. 11