The Brussels Post, 1916-11-23, Page 5r,.
/ 7rv a /,s aty// b
.9 rlv 5✓•J r G4 Y °
Seco 1n. the Poet Ones, Ethel. 20.4
nen, will 2811 for better prices, to
bettor moo, In less Elmo and lees obarges
than any other Auctioneer In East Enron or
he won't charge anything. Dates and orders
can always be arranged at this office or by
p enamel applioatlon, '
s Barrister, Solicitor, Oonveyanoer,
Notary Public, ho. Office—Stewart's Block
1 door North of Central Hotel,
Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank,.
Glum? Terxx Ram Mir
Gooea SouTa Goma Notelet
Express - :1E a mMail 11:22 n in
Express 8:82 p ,n I Express 8:57D in
C rtiOrdthr I!•Wa.W
To Toronto To Goderich
Express........, 7:80 a m I Express 12:04 am
Express 2:50 p m Express 8:54 pm
Going East - 7:08 a. m. and 8:40 p. m.
Going West - 12:19 and 0:80 p, m,
All trsine going East connect with C. P. R. at
Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T
G. B. stations,
GE0. ALLAN, Local Agent.
Fine, modern steam-
ers — equipped with
every comfort and
luxury. For infor-
mation apply agents,
StW Tronte
Agent Allan Line, Brunoele,
is prepared to supply the best
goods in Windmills, It on and
'Wooden Pumps and Stable
Fittings, 511&5 its Piping, Wat-
er Bowls for stock, &o,
Replies to Pumps promptly
attended to.
Give me a oall.
A. HA MANN, Cranbrook
rn r AL2S Yirm'eeereer +' aeeMeteersereeszere
G `ad
Commercial, Shorthand and D
,e Telegraphy Departments
0 Students may enter of any time. We
place graduates in positions. During
July and Anginawe received., applloo. 7C
Cons for over 200 office as+Ietants we
could not supply, Write fur our free 0
04, oetalogae at once.
'D. A. MoLAOHLAN, Pricipal.
Best Brains
In Canada have participated In the pre•
nitration of our splendid Houle Study
0ouree0 in Banking, Economics, Higher
Accounting, Oonuuerclul Art, Show
Card Wrlting• Photography,Journal,
him, Short Story Writing, horthand
and Boolckeepiag. Select the Work
which most Interests yon and write us
for particulars, Address
301-7 Vongo 8t., TOronto
Thousands of ambitious young pert.
ppro are feet preparing lin their own
hoagie to 0
caatpy lucrative positions olue ns
pli pliers, sIoll r5, bookkeepers, rb teevery
phaco, oivil a ttieli. e 111 -rayl every
sphere of 92118 t Wish.
. P may Hn frit 1"
college If von so lleh, 1117 day,
mhteed, otraroollagaal1 here,
Ire re' ex. Expert tunaigent
Thirty y i C experience, Seven
Jit Canada. Sly, oolloges,
SpeAffi crated tor tennliner
Aftlliotarl with 001,11,10150 Eddoa•
Oneida. Odn, Summon
School at donors Hp0(50,18aaltless Col.
toga, London,
Wingham Business Coiiege
GE0, SP080I tt, W. T. M00811,
President, Prinnipnl,
pusineee .Cards
Btleneseor t0
M, H Moore, ewloe Ander.
4011t Bros, Livery stable, BrpseelTs„ Telophase
Nn, as,
T. T. M' RAE
M. B., M. E. p., di S, O.
61, 0, H., Village of Brunoalo.
Physician, Surgeon, Accoucheur
Office at resldonoe, oppoetto Melville Church,
W illinm x1,001.
Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ;
Licentiate of College of Physwlane and Sur -
800110, Ontario ; ex•Senlor Hance Surgeon.o,
W ostarn Benee al, Toronto, Officer of late Dr,
A. McHenry, Smith Block, Brueauls.
Rural phone 45
Personal graduate Department of pp hthal•
zoology, Mopormlok Medical College, Chicago,
111., is prepared to test eyes and fit glasses at
her office over Miss Inman's millinery store.
Office days—Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
and Saturday of every week. Office hours—l0
to 12 a. lo, ; 1 to 6 p. m. Evenings by appoint.
ment, Phone 1219,
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College. Day and night calls. Office opposite
Floor M111, Ethel.
Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co.
Satlefaetlolt assured ; Obarges moderate.
Write or Telephone if not convenient to call.
Both Brussels and North Huron Phones.
Teacher of
Organist and Choir Blaster, Melville Church,
Brussels Pupils prepared for Toronto Dol•
loge of Music Examinations. Phone OOx
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Office on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton
Private funds to loan at lowest rates.
H, J. D. Coerce
pad bon pins
tete Calendars and Almanacs are put-
ting i0 an appearance.
THE Clinton New Era of last week
said :—E. Matelle, who has been in
charge of E. Rozell's milk route ever
since it was started iu town, has pur-
chased the business. Mr. Rozell will at-
tend to bis fare] ,duties. We wish the
new proprietor every success,
THE Posr HOPES 'r0 2511.-
0o -rush of Holiday trade.
Ontario make rapid progress.
Overtures for au abiding Peace.
Optimism on the
p part of Cauucks.
Overseas soldier
boys win distitletiou.
Onion crop cultivated more generally.
Ottawa and 'Toronto Parliaments push
Carruthers, wife of Rev, Mr. Hart, St.
Marys, died 'ruursdsy of last week at the
age of 65 years, tier husband, Rev,
Mr. Hart. superannuated Methodist
minister, and Mrs. H. P. Madden, Ou•
tsrio Street, St. Marys, a daughter, sur-
vive. Funeral took place Friday after-
noon from the residence of Rev. Mr.
Hart to St. Marys cemetery. Both Mr.
Hart aid Mrs. Madden are known to a
number in Brussels who sympathise
with them in their bereavement,
TBE Show.—'1'be Toronto Star said
speaking of the snow :—It reminded all
the members of the I. O. S. S., which be-
ing'iuterpreted means the Independent
Order of SDow Shovellers to look up the
old shovel and get ready fur the big fall.
The dates of the first snowfalls since
moo are as follows:—rgoo, Nov. loth ;
]got, Nov, 4th ; 1902, Oct. 29511 ; 1903,
Oct. 26 h " 0904, Oct. 22nd ; 0905, Oct.
26th; 1906, Oct, loth ; 1907, Nov, loth ;
tgo8, Oct. 0011 ; 0909, Oct. 1215 ; 1910,
Oct. 27th ; 091,, Oct. 27th ; 1012, Oct.
23rd ; 1913, Oct, /Oh ; 1944, Oet, 27th ;
(915, Nov. 2nd.
the Powassan News of Nov. Sth, we
take the following item which refers to a
shooting accident to a brother and
nephew of Mrs, Chas. Bartliff, °uteric
Street, Clinton. "As we go to press,
news has reached us of a deplorable
shooting accident which occurred at
Sand Lake yesterday afternoon amongst
the members of a deer hunlieg expedi-
tion. Definite particulate are lacking,
but we understand that Henry Ross and
his young son, of Christian Valley, were
mistaken for deer by Alfred Smith and
the father was shot through the hand as
web as wounded, pet baps only slightlt,
in the body and the boy was shut
through the arm. The .doctors were
summoned from Powasseu. The offal'
is most regrettable from every angle, so
Mr. Smith is so favorably known
lamer community that to accuse him of
carelessness is not to be thought of and
the circumstances must have been very
extenuating iudeed, We sympathise
with all concerned, Later -The accident
is explaiued by the fact that Mr. Smith
A a deer which ] 1Mr. Ross a cl son
were carrying a ng through the bush,
Tint 13usv DAy,—A mac comes in
where I am toiliug to keep the pot at
home abetting, He sees the sign, "13e
Brief— '
i m bu' y," l ut he fatuous and
dizzy. Time on his hands is heavy, hang•
ung and he is fond of vein hsrauguing.
He talks of Europe's battle's gorry, or
tells a Meg bewiliskered leery, ltutil 1
take him by the golways and push hint
down the stairs and hallways, And to
the office boy I mutter, "I left that oltl
gun iu the gutter, If you would
earn your weekly pittance,yowl 1
see be n0 more has atltnittance,1 How
welcome is the mail Who :enters 051'
offices or business ceuters, as though he
kuew our time's worth money, who has
no chestnuts labelled "funny," who
springs uo wearisome orations about the
foreign warring nations I He gets right
down to crucial matters, nor for a
minute yawns or chatters of things
which cut no
grass or clover, but bastes
to get his business over. We all admire
this fellow greedy, admire 1115 manner,
calm and stately, admire his tact and
princely carriage 1 We'd let him have our
aunt in marriage,
A. I BItADWIII, Sarnia, J,dItor and
publisher of the Lambton County Post
and formerly of Blyth, has purchased
TheAmpler Watchman from the
estate of the late fames C, Williams,
ho died suddenly w d Iv Irtst August, Mr.
Bradwin has been publishing the form-
er paper for the past 08 months,
WILLIAM0—ADAtts.—A quiet wedding
was solemnized ou Saturday evening,
November 4111, at the home of Rev.
Byron H. Stauffer, 'Toronto. when Miss
Edythe M , youngest (laughler of Fred.
and Mrs. Adams, 1906 Queen street
East, former y of Brussels, was married
to Sower H, Williams, of Guelph, 'Phe
bride, who was uuettended, wore a
travelling suit of taupe broadcloth,
black velem' hat, mink fors and corsage
bcquet of lilies of the valley. Mr, and
Mrs. Williams will reside in Guelph for
the present,
IXILLRD IN AL'rloN,—Many in this
Vicinity will regret to learn of the
death of Albeit Bales, who was killed
in action at the font, an October 21st,
iu his 83rd year, The late Private
Bates resided here with his (notes
parents, T, and Mee. McElroy for over
12 year's aid about 18 years ago lie
moved to the West and for a time
carried on a successful business as
builder and contractor at Swift Our
rent. He was married to Mise Marie
Eaton, who was alert brought up by
Mr. and Mrs. McElroy, but she died 3
years ago, leaving a family of 3
children. When the war broke out
he enlisted with the Mounted Police,
later joining a Battalion at Saeltatoetl,
coming East to say Good-bye 10 his
friends in this section about a year
ago, having sailed for overseas on
December 8th, 1915.
.r Wm. Barron has been taken to a
sanitarium and we hope he will soon
Sabbath School at Bethel hoe been
closed for this season rind will start
again next May.
DIerntoT 511 FETING,—The Goderich
District November meeting will be
held in the Methodiet Church, Wal-
ton, Thursday next, Nov. 30th. There
will be three seseious :-9.80 a. m ,
"The Nature, Prelinminary Conditions,
Essentials and Effects of Prevailing
Prayer." A. Conference, led by Chair-
man of the District, 2 p. w , "our
Oountry Circuits : their Organization
for Effective Work ;" "What Service
is expected front the Diffeleut Mis-
ses of Members of our Quarterly Of-
ficial Boards, Local Preachers, Glass
Leaders, Stewards, Society Repre-
sentatives 1" "What Provision have
you on your Circuit for the Expression
of Christian Life 0" 7.30 p. in., Evan-
gelistic Services. Sermon by Rev,
W. K. Hager. After service conduct-
ed by Rev. J. A. Agnew, James E.
Ford is Chairman ; Geo. McKinley,
Fin, Sec„ and F. W. Craik pastor of
the church. The public cordially in-
vited to all or any of the sessions.
following resolution u r u
f sympathy n ath as
p y te
passed bythe Official Board of
ton Oirunt to Rev W. F. ()milt :—
DEAR P.tsTOR,—We have heard
with extreme regret of elle death of
your brother, who gave his life for the
Empire on the battlefield of France
and we wish to assure you that yeti
have our heartfelt sympathy, at this
time of sorrow and bereavement and
we pray that our Heavenly Father
may give to you as well as to the peo-
ple of thousands of other bereaved
homes in our Dominion, the balm of
His Divine consolation. While we
mourn with the sorrowing ones we
have the knowledge that their loved
ones died lite death of betties and
patriots, fighting for the Empire and
in behalf of fieedoln and liberty.
Signed on behalf of the Board.
3, J. Iav1NE, Rec.-Steward.
Fordwich Cheese Company made
another chi trent of cheese.
' Harold Hutchinson 11118 arrived
hotne from his W ip to the West, look-
ing hale and hearty.
]ries. Ed. Sotherau sr., is very pool -
ly at peseta, We hope she may soon
have a change for the better.
The building opposite the grist mill
is being converted into an implement
shop by our International agent, Dan.
A cablegram was received on Wed-
nesday of last week, by. Mrs. C. E.
Watters, that her sol, Pte. R, 0.
Watters, of the 101st Battalion, was
ion -Musty ill with pneumonia in 5.
Liverpo'd, Eng., hospital. '
Fordwich Cheese Factory is now at
t standstill aril the Directors are ad -
vete king I'nra nein urau to operate the
'• n'cern. Marshall Armstrong, who
)1.- liven in bhalge 50)' the past two
seasons, is moving to H.'u piston, bav-
v11 tnl.en over 1 he Cheese and :Sutter
'Paten) y there,
Mrs, (Dr.) hall, of Toronto, was
visiting Mee. W. D. Bright.
J. \V, Walker has leased the1 home
1005115137 occupied by the Misses Card -
no. '
Sergeant Earl Itose, sol of Mrs,
Lucas Rose, lieKillop, who has been
in the tl'rll 'h .es'
c in Francen
over a
year, has been reconunerlded for a
special conduct and bravely medal.
A11 11/51/110 of fire was sent in on Sun-
day afternoon. 18th inst., and when
the firemen responded it was farm]
Ihat asilltti ' 1'
r t flex at lbs Flux 111(11
19110 011 fire, It had gained 5n:11 head-
way that all the efforts of the firemen
1nuid not 18)1511 the fire in the stack
which continne'tl to burn until it was
emisn111et1, No other deneige was
done. Tine loss of the large stack Is a
heavy 0110 as there was no illetll'anCO
nn it. Itis supposed it originated by
some boys starling a bo fire, which
owing to thigh winds got beyond their
An interesting and fashionable wed-
ding in. Seaforth was celebrated at
high noon of Wednesday, November
151.11, at the residence of W. 0. T. and
Airs, M0rso1, James St„ when their
eldest daughter, Marion (Mille, was
united in marriage to 1Villiatn 1:d•
ward Gleutly, Manager of the Do.
minion Bank tit lIespeler and former-
iy 0f Seaforth. Ceremony wee per-
formed by Rev. T. 13. Brown, team' t•f
St. Thomas church, in the presence of
qac.+orrvx . tea,
Advices The Use Of"FRUIT-A-TIVES",
The Famous Fruit Medicine,
589 Casgrain St., Montreal.
April 20th, 1915.
"In my opinion, no other medicine
in the world is so curative for Constipa-
tion and Indigestion as "Fruit;-a-tives".
lwasa suffererfrom these complaints for
five years, and my sedentary occupa-
tion, Music, brought about a kind of
Intestinal Paralysis—with nasty Head-
aches, belching gas, drowsiness after
eating, and Pain in the Back. I tried
pills and medicines of physicians, but
nothinghelped me. Then I was induced
to try 11 Fruit -a -tines ", and now for
six months I have been entirely well.
I advise any one who sufeers from that
horrible trouble—Chronic Constipation
with the resultant indigestion, to tgy
Fruit -a -Lives ", and you will be
agreeably surprised at the great benefit
you will receive". A. ROSENBURC+.
50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c.
At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruft-
a-fives Limited, Ottawa.
the immediate relatives and a few
friends, under a white finial bell artis-
tically arranged in a bower in the bay
window of the drawing room.
C. P. Et. afternoon train arrives here
at 2 o'clock instead of 2 30.
Mrs. A. B. Clair is spending a
month with Toronto friends.
R. A. and Mrs, King were in attend-
ance at the Provincial S. S. Oolveu-
tion in Kitchener.
Constable R. Somers was in attend-
ance at the funeral of his brother,
William in , 1
I IKn InI]
c I
Miss M. Doc"West,
-lavish ref nr
tf Lhe
wh0t 1 will site speed a year visiting
with her nieces Mrs. (Dr.) Stewart
and 1111 s. (Rev.) Aitchison,
Confirmation service was held in
Trinity church; Blyth, 011 Tuesday,
Nov. 21st at 8 p. m, There were 10
candidates for Confirmation.
Mrs, Jno. McMillin) has received
word from her brother, Frank Ander-
son. He is now a member 05 the
American Legation at Pekin, Ohina.
Bran. Herrington, who was in Parry
Sound District, deer hunting, return-
ed home Tuesday night of last week
owing to the illness of his sister-in-law
Mire. John Lasham, LondesborO.
Andrew Coombs after a year's ex-
perience, engineering on the construc-
tion of a railway out from Anchorage,
Alaska, is renewing acquaintances
anti visiting relatives in town and
Wm. who Log v nn recently sold
hie farm on the 10t1) Ooncessiol of
Morris, to John Fatirser /hie, has pur-
chased the dwelling owned by Misses
Little on King street and we under-
stand will devote hisentil•e Lime to 1116
sale of Ohevrolet cats.
Rev. 0. O, Kafue. Loudesbo'n,
preached missien5u•y sermons Sunday
111 Vietatie, Street Methodist church.
The ladies of the Baptist church
have sent Ohristmas boxes to the boys
who have enlisted from their con-
Fot' obstructing a funeral pl'OcPsPiol
by driving his automobile between
two of the vehicles a young man was
tined 51 and costs in the Police Ootret
by Police Magistrate Kelly.
Lance OOrpot'al- M, cl7irar, son of
James MIIIViatu', hoe undergone an-
other operation at UniverPity ()allege
Hospital and four pieces of shrapnel
Were removed 1e0il lits side.
The librarian having drawn atten-
tion to the nWM1111,0011 of magazines
by persons frequenting the libt'ary it
was decided to offer $10 reward foe
the conviction of such offenders.
Charles Duty Is carrying Ifs left
M9I1 in et sling these days as the result
of hewing the palm 0f the hand in-
jured on a lathe at.Lhe Belt works in
Seaforth, where lie Was working.
Goderich Organ 00. has received ved an
order for 80,000 shell boxes of the type
known as 1.110 "I3ethlehen." Work
11148 already commenced on the order
and the delivery will be made by Jan-
uary let, 1917.
Dr. Olark has returned to town after
spending several weeks s in the
Counties of York, Ontario, Peel and
Simone els judge of light hm•5ea at
Fall Fella, being tinder appointment
from the Department of Agriculturii.
St. And20w'0 Oleb in connection
with Knox church was lairechcd
auspieiously with a bautlueL uL Which
close to 80 young men sat down and
stn excellent repast was provided by
the Ladies' Aid and set'ed h
t 1 the
members of the Young Ladies' Bible
Class. Oiub was organized d with the
following officers l•Jnunraty Presi-
dent, Dr. Gallnty , President, W. 11,
Harrison ; Vice -President, San Bead -
lay ; Scant taly-'lrtasurer, hurry Bu-
chanan Executive 001nmiltee, Frank
McArthur, Maurice SWanso1, Scott
1\lcNaally, Robert. Clark, John '1'ltfford
and E. Sexsnhfth, Rev, Mr. McCoy -
mid, Dr, Callow, Walter 1-lateieon,
Peter Maciwan and a mmmbot of the 1
boys trade brief >•etnarks, The club
will have the study of the Bible as one
of its leading goals, being in feet a
yarn1,r Men's oegauizod Bible class,
Mil i19 activities by no Mecum end
there, ei suitable room which oar he
opened to the young hien et any time
is Minch desired.
Three grain cargoes arrived tit Gods -
Hair during the past week. The Geo,
A, Cep chain came in with 87,000 bushels
of wheat for the Western Ottnada
Fleur Mills and 47,000 bushels for Lite
Blevator 00, The J4larieha arrived
with 175.000 bushels of wheat and oats
and the Yorkton carne in with 100,000
busliele of wheat and oats for the Ele-
vator. Go.
Di'. Waugh, Inspector of Mndel
Srhonis, paid his official visit to Olio-
inn Model School.
'Che Walking Giob took in the fowl
supper and concert at the Methodist
t'Inrich at Holmesville on Monday
evenii,g nl' Ia51 week,
Thos. Watts exhibited 0 Light Beall -
Inns at Woodstock Poultry Show last
week and carried off 6 ;seizes, 4 firsts,
1 980011d and 1 third,
Inspector and Mee. Torrance have
returned from Flint, Mich., where
they had been visiting their son, A.
Torrance. Mise Maude, who accom-
panied them, remained in Flint for a
longer visit.
G. 11, David, who sustained an in-
jury to his knee some weeks ago and
who has been laid up since in con-
sequence, is now beginning to mend.
ell'. David has been with the G. T. R,
Company 1'01.83 years and is one of the
most valued of their employees in this
1'8. Arthur
M Oonk, while visiting
relatives at Acton was thrown from a
lig and sustained a fracture of her
hip some weeks ago. She returned
haute last week, 1'hnugh somewhat
improved Mrs. Cook is still unable 50
nee her limb. Her daughter, Mrs.
Atkins, 'Toronto, who was with her
mother during her illness at Act0nf
returned to Clinton with her.
John a ul Mr P. May moved 50 Totem-
ic), where they intend to locate, hay -
ren led
reeled their cnmfm'table Mime on
Ret tenhu•y street, East, to 11. Mc -
1311, obey, fe a ,year. 011r. and Mrs.
May have been respected residents of
Clinton for several years, coming here
fins Exeter and their removal from
town is a matter of regret. Their 2
daughters are occupying good posi-
tions in Toronto, however and in or-
der that they may have a united fami-
ly they decided to take up their abode
Too a'lerca Boo1E.—The 820 gallons
of whiskey which Jacob Weber, of
Seafoi th, bought last August, expect-
ing as he said to have sufficient to last
him his lifetime, will not go hack to
Sea Forth unless Magistrate Andrew's
decision is reversed by a higher Court.
Thursday the magistrate gave his de-
cision that after carefully considering
the evidence hensi
to . dried a convic-
nv' -
tfm1 shO old be registered ed and the
lir nor confiscated He gave a written
judgment, reviewing the case and
showing on what points he based his
decision, stating that while the On-
tario Temperance Act does not say
what quantity a man may have in his
possession, he slid not think it permit-
ted an unlimited or unreasonable
est of the Bargain
t a bargain whennil >e
The Youth's Oota
n nion for 1017 for
52.25 —52 issues crowded from cover
to cover with the reading you most
enjoy. But you get the best of the
bargaii if you esubscribe the minute
you read this, for then you will get
free every number of The Companion
issued between the time you sulisoeibe.
and New Year's. If you send your
$2 25 at once, that means a lot of
reading for which you won't have to
pity a cent. And then the long, glori•
ous 52 weeks of Oculpanion reading Io
come after 1 Lt't as send you the
Forecast for 1917, which tells all about
what is In store for Companion read-
ers ill 1017.
Our offer includes :
1. The Youth's Conlpaniop-52 issues
2. A:191011719.47remainirig issues of 1010.
fe The Oompanio] Houle Oalendar for
40 St, Paul St., Boston, Mass,
Subscriptions received at THE Pt)s1'
Publishing )louse,
ariount, Its this shipment seemed to
be, Weber slated Ile would appeal.
Geo. and Mrs. Calkins, ohiaage, are
visiting at the bottle of Geo. Ruttan.
Mrs, (Dr.) W. D. Brace, of Biggar,
Sask., aid children are staying at the
Will. Holmes and Arthur Love left
for Toronto, where they have secui ed.
employment in a munition factory.
Pte. Gordon Leonard, snit of Jun.
and Mrs. Leonard, 8th Cru. Telma,
has been taken a pi isoner of war laid
is nore 111 a German canny. He 0)1118t -
ed with the 7195 and has been in the
battle line for some time.
Wm. Moran arrived in the village
and is staying with Alex. Morrison.
They intend building an up-to-date
garage next Spring on the lot next to
H. Porter's tailor shop. The material
will be put of the ground this Whiter.
A very pretty wedding took plat'.:
at high noon, on Wednesday, Novem-
ber Sth, when Miss Winnie Hales he -
carne the bride of Henry M. \Might,
the nuptial knot beteg tied by the
Rev, Mr. ,Johnson, Methodist minis-
ter in Ethel, in the presence of 30
guests. After the ceremony a wed-
ding dinner was served. The young
couple will reside at Donegal and the
beet wishes for a long and happy wed -
ed life is extended to there by their
numerous friends.
W. J. Armour is opening a produce
shop in one of the stores in the Na-
tional hotel building.
Geo. Spottou has cnmpleted ar-
',augemente for the opening of a Busi-
ness College in Toronto.
Gavin Wilson has sold his farm 0n
the 8th 0011., of
lmuberry a elm --
J. 1tI(1
tient ) S
), t f East Wawanosh.
The barrel that A, G. Smith had in
his window recently to be filled with
small parcels for the front Inas been
shipped away.
There passed away in Edmonton,
Alta., on Wednesday, Nov. Sth, a
former well-known resident of Wing•
9 )1•T++++++++++++••••••• •
6 2
• •
IN •
_ .:•
6 MOW ;
• •
• Plumes Special o
Q t'311es Bargains •
• •
• •
Call and see goods and •
•• get our prices. •
• •
• M: Miss Hunter ;
ham in the person of Thos. MoOly-
mnit in hie 87th year. The deceased
was stricken with paralysis some
months ago and had partly regained
his health. He had a second stroke
o11 the Sunday prior to his death. .In
company with his brother, Wm. Mc-
Olyuimt, the deceased gentleman was
for some years engaged in the oar-
riage making and blacksmithing busi-
ness hl \Vinghttm. He went West
upwards of 25 years ago. He was a
t•harters member of Oourt Maitland,
Canadian 0tcier of Foresters, having
j.lined the Order when it was estab-
lished in 1879 and retained Ills mem-
bership in the local Court up to the
time of his death. Mr. I\1CClymont is
survived by a daughter, his wife hav-
ing diets a number of years ago.
Regular Monthly Horse Fairs will be
in Brussels
this season so asfollows :
THURSDAY, Dec, 7th, 1
19 B
Jan, 4th, 1917
Feb. 1st, 1917
Mar. let, 1917
April 6th 1917
Leading local end outside buyers will he present
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The Price of Your
Local Newspaper
HE cost of living nC has nearly doubled during
the last fifteen
years. Almost everything in common use has risen
Y in price.
Your weekly newspaper has remained a dollar a year without
The printers and publishers have not escaped having to pay the
higher cost of living and publishing.
They pay what others pay for the necessities of life.
Even before the war broke out, the old dollar rate was known to
be unprofitable. It costs at least $1.60 to produce a good weekly
newspaper—this when it has a good circulation, and when circu-
lations are small the 51.50 rate is scarcely enough.
But the war hay made the old dollar rate quite impossible. Pap-
er prices have jumped alarmingly. Ink prices have doubled,
trebled, quadrupled, Many colored inks are quite oil the 111111-
ket. And so we could go on reciting the distual tale of higher
pnblisbing costs.
What we want 10 do is to let you see for yourself that in the
face of these things, only one thing was left open to us — to
raise the price of THE Poem to 51,50 a year.
yOUR weekly newspaper is rendering this community a service
no city daily can. No daily gives space to local news and
affairs as THE POST does. No city daily publishes the adver-
tising of local merchants. If you had to depend, solely on a city daily
for local news you' would cry out for your local weekly.
The new rate of 51,50 a year is now in effect. We ask you and
all the good people of the neighborhood to fall in with the new
rate—just because itis an honest ptice and because you are fair-
Your Local Newspaper p p Keeps This
Community... _.
the Map
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