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The Brussels Post, 1916-7-6, Page 5
.441. BUSINESS CARDS. JNO SUTHERLAND & r E LAND SONS LIMITEP rieseagoreg WM. SPENOE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES lace in (ho Pest Druce, coml. 00.4 .... ... ter,. AUCTIONEivRS. 141 13. SCOTT 9S AN AUCTION- • Ran, will Cell for bettor prices, to better weny,' lose tine and loos °barges than anotherhe won't °huganything In ssandaton or orders can always be arranged at this opine or by 7 oraoaal applloatlon, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. `X7 M. SINOLAIR- Y Y • Barrister, Solioltor, O000020noer, Notary pnbtlo, deo, U11fae-Stewart's Block t door North of Central Hotel. BolieltOr for the Metropolitan Bank, Gdd^V\'D ZileNV,IR , 1AWE? BRUSSELS GoINO SOUTH GOINO. Noems a in Express. 8:03 o am I Express 18:5 p m CalNifOloiN ?acme WALTON To Toronto To Goderioh Express 7:60 a an I Express 11:98 am Express 2:19 p lit I Express 8:54 pm w•oxerER Gibing East - Tee a. m. and 8;40 p. m. Going West - 12:18 and 9:68 p. m. All trains going Bast connect with O.P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. stations. GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent. '2 LIVERPOOL -GLASGOW LONDON -HAVRE Fine, modern steam- ers - equipped with every comfort and luxury, For infer - motion apply agents, Or 00 95K1, . StW'Sront6 W. H. KERR. Agent Allan Line, Brussels. Businoes Cards JAS.ANDERSON. VETERINARY SURGEON 8u000ssor to MAL Mucro Olfloe at ender. son Bros, 14 very stable, Brussels. Telephone No, 29, T. T. M' RAE M. a..M.O.P„alS, O.' M, 0, H., Village of Brussels, Ptiyslriea, Surgeon, Aceoueltoaf office over Standard Bank DR. F, T. BRYANS Baeholor of Medicine, University of Toronto 7 Licentiate of Oollose of Physrclana and Sur- geone, Ontario ; ex•Sonior Rouse Surgeon of Western Beset tel, Toronto. OMSoes of tete Dr. A.-MoKeveyy Smith Blqok, Brussels,. Rural phone 49, DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL. ONT. Physician and Surgeon; Post Graduate courses London (Eng.), New York and Chioago Hos. pitalo, Special attention to disease of eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested for glnesee. G. H. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur. [teens of Ontario and Graduate University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry, Office In leard Block, Wingham Phone 249, Post OfIlee box 278 Painless Extraction, Plato work and Bridge Work a Specialty MAUDE C. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduate Department of q hthal- mology, McOormlok medical College, Chicago, Ill., is prepared to test eyes and fit glasses at her office over Miss Inman's millinery store. Office days -Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every week. Office hours -10 to 12 0. 1n. ; 1 to 9 p. m, Evenings by appoint- ment, Phone 1219. DR. WAROLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night malls. OtHoe opposite Flour Mill, Ethel. JAMES TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for RJoe Co. Satlefaotlon assured ; Charges moderate. Write or Telephone if nob ooavenlent to call, Both Brussels and North Huron Phones. BELGRAVE P. 0, PRODUFODT, KILLORAN I PROUOFOOT Daily Work, -Elva T4'etningwae 70, Roy Atikill 04, Arnold141eNnr.40, SEVEN vEARS, *Lena Miller44, I On '1 21, Tat 011199 Total A/O.-Kenneth Ty roman 102, Ethel Davidson 143 .10111117 Per- tee 98. c attendanceJuane:Y. Ditezirs, Teacher. etoler, IORTURE Ett.hel SCEp0T. TtoPoa-15thel School Re- pot Pot nunrlh (4 June. Senl(t De- perintent,-St', 1V, -Bussell ICi'antet*, George 11IKee, Bernice Cole, 0)1580itI Ferg11sn11, Vern Ille0e11, Alas Vetl(len, Quest D.lbron. 14.. IV,-131u)se How. lett, Willie Dame, Margaret: Mc- Donald, Rhea McDonald, Leslie Ful' lard, Isnua Mit alien, Sr.III-Leon- ar'd Kreuter, Peddie Kreuter. Jr. III. -Myrtle McKee, \Villte Mitchell, Ralph Rowland, Mervyn Rick inlet, Lloyd Dunbar, Lillie Stuld710, Ruby Cleaver, Elia 8111chell, Susie Rowland, Willie Woods. 17. AlcL1'iLLAND, Teacher. The pupils of the Sr. Deparinleut col- lected 880.00 Crum their frieuda for the Pi Moe George Motor Adnhulenee Fund. They also helped to knit several 1100711 face cloths for the Red Cross. Clifford Lrergusciu and 8etuiee Cole succeeded in collecting the great- est amounts. The fnt'utee collecting $0 32 and the inner $480. Jr. Department. -The following is 1110 standard for aha 111011th of June. Names a1 0 arranged in order of merit. Sr. IL -Audrey Bremner, Elinor Beg - Iler, Walker Mitchell, Jr. I1, -Burton 14lacdonald, Edythe Dane, Carl Lament, Giem Lindsay, Jennie Mc- Kee, Eddie Gill, Annie Woods. fat these -Hanley Ecknrier, Ralph Mac- Donald, Earl Bowen, 'Pearl James, Alice Davidson. Sr. Primer -Lizzie ♦Voode, .1i1n111i9 Woods, Iter Mar- rlonald, Marjorie Thompson, Lyall Lindsay, Mary Krauter, Jimmie Flood, Fred, Murray. Jr, Primer - Howard McKee, Bobby Gilchrist, Tony Gilchrist, Gweunie James, Orval Lindsay, Glenn llekmier, Athol. Mute ray, Sylvia Thompson. E, MAOARTHUR, Teacher. Barristers, Solicitors, Notarloa Public, &c. Oahe on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton Street, GODERIOH, ONT. private funds to loan at lowest rates.. W. PROuD0OOT, R. 0. J. L, KILLOnAN WM. PH000FOOT JR. istrixt `eius Moncrie'ff SOHomL Rorowr,-Following is the repot for S. S. No, 9, Grey. Glasses examined in all subjects, Ste IV. - 'Archie Mann 80; *Gat don 'Meehan 74, Ed(lie Macban 89, HgIen MaCQuarrie 69. «Alex, McNabb 09, A1arie Living- etene 68, •Katie Howard 84. Jr. IV.- orest MacKay 08 Sr. III. -Mary A. A Y A F y Machan 83, Betty Mantle 68, Hattie Feng 41, . Jr. III. -*Flora Mann 73, Lorraine Mau:Kay 53, Laura Melville 50, *George Brown 98, Elsie NlacKay 41. Sr. IL-Berva Speiran. Jr. II. - Leslie MacKay 82, Gordon McTaggart 75, Leslie Machan 72, Millie Pride 00, Willie Mantle 56, Beatrice Meehan 66, Flora Sn1111T 50, Maggie Pride 88. Jr. I.-Clifod Machan, Greta Speir- an, Mildred Howard, Edith Pride, Melville MoNaeglit, Marion MacKay, Winnified Melville, Marjorie Smith, Sr. I. -Willie IlacKey. Arthur 1lltmn,. Kenneth Machan, Elton MacKay, Leone MacKay, Clifford Robertson. Primer - Annie Robertson, Myr Ile is prepared to Sflpply the hest goods in Windmills, Iron and Wooden Pumps and Stable Fittings, such as Piping, Wat- er Bowls for stook, &e. $repairs to Pumps promptly attended to. Give me a call. Aa HAMANN, Cranbrook PA 1 FvTRATFURD, ONT, 4 You Can Secore a Position 0If you take a course with us. The de - mend noon ,to for trained help is many times the number graduating. Stu- `t dents are entering each week. Yon 10 et may enter any time. Write at once for a 155 our free catalogue. CENTRAL / / 1, er f I4 D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal.( 4.11& -Cit V r./OEV Ugg ZW,,D YOS 6..410)M43` ®1•s® tommaiwieit THE Best Brains in Canada have participated in the pre. Cartition el our splendid. Home Study ourses M1301%71145, Eoonomfee, 01161100 Amounting, colnwerolal Art, Show Oard Writing, Photography, Journal, ism, Short Story Writing, Shorthand and Bookkeeping. Seleot the work which meat interests you and write us for particulars. Address THE SHAW CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL 391-7 Yongo et., Toronto FalinalaNISIMMIMEMIall.11.111•111111111=3M lemseinenseileeteememeereaammeseeammetari A LG @ad day AT HOME Thous 11188 of ntold Woos young pee. holo aro feat preparing In their own nor tooeetnny Ioor'ativa positions as stenographers, 11o01d(eepore, telegra- phers, civil 00,10111110 in 11tyot every at aollogohere 11'Toniegwhili,, 5'oYott oitionPu(1gear. amend. )i,nbareohogenny day. DIM. vidual' Listr(tatloe. ;Export teachers, Thirty gears' experience). Largest trnlnera in, Canada. Seven collegial, Special oour'oe for toaohere, Affiliated with Commercial Edaea- 4 ruler ' , nnadn, .0 . 8011 a o 1,lou of C. t eAa o t t Col- lege, aalr mss C ohoot t hunoua 8 B lege, Louden, 1 PPrincipal Wingham `Business College Goo. BPO7009, W. T. m0NBN, resident Mantle, Blighter' Ferg. Baby Class - Lawrence Meehan, Clarinda Bell, Eliza Machan, Verna MacKay. Lowe MCDoPAT.n, Teacher. Walton GARDEN PARTY' -The annual Gar• den P11157 of Duff's ohm eh will he held nu the Manse lawn, Friday, July 7514, Supper frons 8 in 0 p, In. An excellent program will be rendered by the fnllnwing :-Lawrie Family, of Hamilton, Swirl) entertainers ; F, H. Gilroy, Brussels ; violin selections, addresses by Barrister Preudf0ot, 111, P. P., Jas. Bowman, M, P„ and Archie Hislop, ex. -M. P. P. Seaferth -Beaaa Band has also been engaged. Admission 26 cents ; children 16 cents. This is nue of the events of the season attracting people froth all points of the compass. The chair will be nc- 0npied by W. H. Kerr, of Toon POST. Mee. R. Reid is President of the Ladies' Aid, under whose auspices the party is held and W. G. Neral is Con- venor of the Committee in charge. Morris 508001. REPORT.-Follnwiug is the report of S. S. No. 8, Mnrl,is, for May and June :-1L'ntl'ance °lase, exalt. 111 all subjects - Ernestine Sellers 02, George Brewer 513. 1V 0)1108, exam. in Nature Study, 0ram.,_ Comp., Art, \Vrit, Spell., stead. -Elva Warwick, 83, Cameron Mllitau'd 80, George Fell 70, Frank (inrn104 74, Unl it Snob 73, Ethel Gllruiss 72, *Wilmer Kerney. II and Ill (11173060, ex(uu. 111 Nature Study, Camp., Wril„ Art, Spelling, Arith.,Read 81.. iII-Muijo)y Gras - by 81. Jr. ITT -.\lay Warwick 71, Al- fred Johnston 67, Winnie .Allen 68, Vied. Brewer 66. Jack Allen 65, Hta'ry Garniss 50. II Class -Janet McVetl le 79, \Valter Sellers 70, Doris Allen 722,, A071111'rurvey 62, Bei the 5..1)011 on, Littler' Garniss 60, Fraser Mustard 59, 011110li6 Warwick 60, Jitu Ttu'vey 50. I Plass, exwn, in A11111., \',it., Art, head., Spell, -Dorothy elneE10011 07, Kenneth AlcVedtie 91. Velton 13renlc11 62 So. Pt. -Lily theimise 92, Charlie Allen 70, Lloyd survey 60 Jr, Pt - (Good) 0041100 Hentilton. Marge vet 3IOVntl.ie, Bert. Ger ides, Hai 17 Gar- ; (Fair).Mei elle'. Full, Peelle A))o, . M. l', Yo1Lt, Teacher, grey S08OOT., R1gPOTsT,--Following is the report of 5 S N.,, 8, Grey, toe °ley and June. Thiele revoked * have risis- .n d' ire nn env Examined exnuli t i . Lx(t sed 1i ill* 1, ittallhdl \\ l Spelling, Com h. Arithmetic, Gtl graphy. Greet new, Are arid Reeding, J r, IV -Sadie Mc- . Neil' 83, Jas. Mol'tt8gart 77, Jas. Gane mi?hael 65, *Adetail MtTaggart 60, Jr. III.-Jt(u'g,cret McNtir 74, Gee, MONan' 70, Marjory Pullen 09. So, IL -Fergus i1lcT tggaet 62, *Annie MCrltggart 60. Jr. IL -Howard 81)101103) 68. Tat.- 111u01i .Spiels 68 P('itner=Stnart Mohair, Excellent. A. .1. lonetEsT, Poacher, Scixoot It28iglvr.-Following is the School Ruppert of S. S. No, . 1 for the month of J;nne, IV. Class---Ex(tltined in Comp , Geog, and Daily Work.- I Jessie Wailer 83, Russell Grant 80, * 1110 a `fie 45. Hoover 6 Wi P r *Muriel l']O 71 5 Mu r - e subjects, 2 15ed 'ill same st+: Ti I. Lxn 111 1 -130r tram 13emingway 72, Robert, Engle 00, Ernest Orrin ane 59. Jr. 111 Ilxnnihled in settle su11je(ilo.-Nnr- uHrn hoover 88, 8345i.jrov Hoover71, Mar area Alcock 98, Muriel McNair 81, JT'. U.-TLXamllted ltl Geog, •and Coderich A. M. Robertson, M. A., attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Dowding in Leamington, Judge L. H. Dickson's mother died at Renfrew. Judge Dickson went to Renfrew o1 receipt of the news of his mother's Meese but she had passed away before his arrival. Oharles J. Shepherd has severed his connection with the office staff of the Dominion Road Machinery Go., Ltd., and has purchased the Brown station- ery business in Paris and left to take charge. Fruit Bulletin Official advice is given to buy' Straw- berries now, Ask your Grocer to buy the kind with this lobe 1. They are guaranteed Niagara Peninsula gr 0 w n 1 0000 VALUE Strowberriee. They vncaaee aon re now at their •wI:RS N0.2 NIIAGAkq PENINSULA 4 beet and require less sugar. Goose berries are now randy. See your Grocer to -clay. The Grower's number is your protec' Mom L.00i( FOR THE MAP ling 00, L Derfeltz 85, E, Sinaildoll 83, I3, L711ch 81, F, Bottler 76, J. Mo. Neill) l R. et 1 I a t 'ot lib 74 Sp tai ?3 r. U 1 tet 1 0 A de -alike 06 V e l'& 02, L. 71, W. Spartan n Smalltime 02 1 Bird 51, 0. Dark 48, W. Locking 42, T. Pennington 22, 107 Rnok, 1, Lelteb 73, J. Noble 72, g, MON(,bb 72, L Jeschke 69, K, Knight work, Excellent -A, Campbell, 15. Nothing Helped Him Until He Took °1.8 111z' 11. 8P8"11' Good -P, Bet retie, 1. Bunsen, L. Mann. Jr. "FRUIT-A.TIVES" Primer. J5xeelleIt,-0, Knight, 8, Manu, G.- Knight. „r. F. A. 1100B'ort, Teacher, .e. Ais ALBERT VARNER Buckingham, Que,, May 3rd, 1915. For seven years, I suffered terribly from Severe Headaches and Indigestion. I had belching gas from the stomach, hitter stuff would come up into my mouth after eating, while at times Lltad nausea and vomiting, and had chronic Constipation. I went to several doctors and wrote to et specialist in Boston but without benefit. 'tried many remedies but nothing did me good. Finally; a friend advised "Fruit -a -tires", T took this grand fruit medicine and it made me well. 1 ant grateful to " Fruit-a- tives", and to everyone who has mise- rable health with Constipation and Indi- gestion and Bad Stomach, I say take "Trutt-a-tives ", andyouwill get well". ALBERT VARNER. 60c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a•tives Limited, Ottawa. Mrs. Win. Prnurlfoot has received word that her nephew, Delano Dick- son, was wounded in 1111 engagement at the front an0 is now ander treat- ment at Rordelnt Hospital. Delano Dickson wentoverseas with the second Pioneers. He wits a grandson of the late William Dickson and was brought up in Gederich. Clinton REP. F. 0. HARPER CHetPLAIN.- Rev. Frank 0. IJarper, 13. A., 13. D , minister of the Willis Presbyterian Church, has received cocifirmat.inn of hie appointment as Chaplain of the ]77th (Simone County) Battalion and will report for duty at Oneryp Borden at once. He will enter the ranks of tate Battalion as Honorary Chaplain. Two years ago Mr. Harper was in- ducted into the church at Clinton, coming here from London. During his tet) here he has done much to build up the congregation, and"lras been active in alt good work of the community and at present is Presi- dent of the local Ministerial Associa- tion. Pte, Robt, Ellis Writes his Parents, Otitic®•oopstesalooesettesosineettnotri oothes s ss©toocaotentet es60 • 6 • • 0 0 • e 13 ea I0 DEAN FATHER AND 1\IOTHER•-Just e 1i,ie to let you know that I (1111 feel- 1011)14n151!,110 and hnpc 171111Moth ' the slime, \Ve 11110 h(avn115 flee weather and have been in camp about two weeks, .11141 now in 911nrinIIne for measles and don't 110,110 when we will get out as fresh cases are breaking nut every day. Believe 111e we are not petted Tike we were h1 Iiamilton and the b1 lib IR not as gond Its it was Jn 011na(a. You bear the English boys 80)1(1 Dame from Canada say, "Canada fur toile," Weare just through dim ler and you Fhonld see the boys dig in. It aeelns just I he strong may sur- vive but I generally come out all right, It tickles rue 10 see them dive in for their "grub" as they call it. They talk about things being cheap in England but they sine bold up the Oauat1iarls. I guess they think we are all bankers, but this is only in Shomicliffe as ail the Canadians are camped here. There have been a lot of Canadians sent, to the front this last few days. '1'hie is a rhyine the boys made up • 4. 111110 bit of measles fell on Shorn.- camp horn.camp 0110 day, And they put ns in a shack about 80 yards awey, And when the doctor saw 118 why he got a little scare, So he sprinkled disinfectant and says, "W ell leave them there," Then he epeinkled us with Iodine, to hill the germs you know, You can always tell it by the smell, no (matter where you go, Then they put a guard around us and we dare not cross the line, And when they had it finished, sure they called it quarantine." Good-bye from your loving son, Bob. Love to all the people I know and will WritO'again soon. ROnT, E7iLI8. Shornclilfe, Kent Go., Risboroo camp. 31111811th, 1916. Cranbrook Smoot REPouer.-Following is the report of S. S. No. 7, Grey, for May and June. The average percentage is given. Sr, IV. -Evelyn Baker 77, J. Ross Hentor 77, L. Baker 74, M. Speiran 64, A. Sperling 60, J. Small - don 35, W. Knight 34. Jr. IV. 0.- 0. Alderson 72, L Steins 70, P. Schnook 59 P. Pennington 2S Sr. III -17. Speiran 70, (I. Camera" 68, le, Alderson 04, L. Berfellz 62, E. Dark 51, V. Mitchell 50, E. Kul0ht 88. Jr, TTI 0.-V. Hnnter 71, R Noble 60, AL Baker 66, F. Smalldun 55, 01. Looking. R. MCNAl1S, 'leacher. Jr, Room report for May and ,lune. Marked on weekly examinations and daily work. 121)0040 '15. Pass 80. Sr. II. -M. Baker 64, A. McIntosh 69, E. Pennington 29, Jr. IL. -M, Spnr- +•+44.•+•+•+•+••➢••+•+•+•a••+ •.1+•+.+.+.+.+•4•.+.-1'+a.•+•+••x t• 0 4. • • a 4. s • • r • 0 4. •0 Ladies' Fine • 4.• •+ te Handsome to the eye Artistic in design. • First-rate workman- ship.• Made to' wear and 4. keep their shape. • Beautiful finish, easy I comfort, very durable. + When you discard Shoes. them you want another " just like the last ones." Then our prices are not the least pleasing pan of the buying, Here are a few: - Dong, Kid 13a1s 2.150 to $4 oo Gun Metal 3.00 to $4,00• • Trunks and Satchels, nice Stock Repairs In Shoes, Harness and Collars Promptly Done. io- WOMB line Stock le s andeverything a e u Harness Light ndNa Y 9 RICHARDS & Co. 9 • 444•+++.4+++4.+4.44.+*st 444•44+.t.++.140,4,40+•+•+••• Patent Buttoned Shoes, 3,75 to $4,00 Major Jewitt in France. Following' letter comes - from a grandson of Wm. and Mrs. Jewitt, Brussels - DEAR FOLKS, -111 France at last, even It for a few days only. On Mon- day the Brigade sent woid for a Minor acid Oaptaiu for the 33rd to help conduct a draft over here, so in went Oapt. Jay's and my name. On Tuesday I found I had charge of 693 men, 7 officers and 2 N. O. O's who carne over as conducting officers, a whole big train load. Several trains had gone earlier in the morning and several are still to conte, before all the men Lave been sent over. We had to go front West Sandling gateau up toward London, switch out to ar10111er line al Guilford, thence down to Southampton. We left about 1 p. m. and about 4 p. nl. gob word that Kitchener and all his staff had been drowned. Not a pleasant be- ginning I can assure you, Arrived in Southampton at 5.15 p. m. and em- barked at 6 p. m., leaving the dock at 6,45 p. In. Seutllamptott is certainly a really fine place i(i appearance, and a particularly splendid harbor, which was viewed easilyas we sped out on a small vessel which travelled very rapidly. On board with the 693 10110 half an English legiuleut, The Royal Welsh Fusiliers who were on thein' way to the front -the other half had gone ahead en another boat, so m1 thea confounded little boatwe bad over 1100 men crowded like sardines. After paeeiug the Isle of Wight, we struck the open channel, and believe me it was rough, as the weather was and had been for several days windy, rainy and bad in general. Before very long most of the men and many of the officers were sick, and I had 6 minutes of the "rottenest" time 110- aginnble, but I managed to get over it quickly and was all right for the rest of the time. The officers had two annul) sit ting rooms downstairs, which were filled with those sick and also the upper hurricane deck on which most of the Oanadian officers stayed. Wrapped ourselves up in tarpanlins and lay on the grating against the smoke stack, thus getting a certain am0nnt of warmth, About every 2 holies I got up to walk about the Ship to see that all VMS o. k. Of course everything wa8 ire darkllese and as it was a new moon which went down early, it Was a dark voyage ; the only bit of light was la hospital ship going back to England in a blaze of light so that it could be easily distinguished. We arrived at Havre at 1.15 a. In. and lay Talo lick until 7 a. m, alongside the d 1 when the disembarked along g Nltll 3 ether ship loads, We all matOhed out 8 miles to Lhls Base Depot Clamp of Canadians whe110 we have been since, getting the men ready to go up the line to the front line this afterrion. Every officer and man previously here had gone up before Wo arrived with 001.2500, so now some of us have to lake up these Inert and 1 have been chosen to take charge of one hath -a 11'ip of 4 days starting at 5 p. m. to- day, As we were marching in yesterday, a big engine and lorry passed back and in it with a broad smile, in an ex- ceedingly dirty, smutty face, was life. lie hadn't li t Otlael' Will,large l 0 n.s 8 gone tn alnT1ka but, is Here waiting to go up the line and doing fatigues in the meantime. We bad a good chat yesterday and Will see hint again to- day for a while. lie is feeling fine and enjoying it over here, This is • 0 q • • • 0 BUGGIES! BIJGCiEI" e 6' • Larger and More Assorted Stock tl of Buggies this Season than ever ALOOK through EWAN & Co's three show remits twill convince 0 any intending buyer 0)05 it doesn't pay to purchase any other 0 than these Buggies. They are made of first-class tunlerial, most desirable in style and design together with easy draft, and gala l alltescl to last longer than any other make, When repairs are required every, a part can be found at EWAN & Co's Factory at half-price and short tv 1101108, No aclvanee in prices on our Buggies Ibis year. Prices are 0 lots and every Buggy guaranteed, • Buy a Ewan Buggy and encourage house trade. Give us a call and ea we tvill satisfy you in pride and style. A Number of Wagons always on hand, all Oak and Rock Elm, at Low Prices, is O Rigs Re -painted and .Repaired and promptly looked atter. et di- Please coli and see our new 'Horne -made Baggies, w• "B00S'I` BRUSSELS" in our motto, 0 In thanking our Oustomets for pest patronage we would like t0 have a record -breaker business in 1910. For low prices go 1,0 O, Carriage 60 D. Ewan &Cos tF.ctor m Re-rubbering Rubber Tires a Specialty. 46 8 0 more like Canada with open Beide and farm buildings, a very pretty country indeed, with tote of trees and hills. Last night, Jay, McCrae and my- self went into I4avie to see the sights -a city of good size but dirty. Not many men, women conductole 011 the street cars, etc.., arid French every svhet'e, except for British and Cana- dian Touluiee. Must close now. Love to a11, 0. L. June 8, 1916, C HALK111 VP AGAINST THE CIGARETTE -Paid y rerplration and rapid time beat, due to excessive cigarette smoking, have caused 5o per cent. of the lejeo- tiousof those applying, furenlistment et the United States marllie reerurtiug station In the city of New 'honk since May 1st, according t0 recruiting officer, 09 Dept, Frank F. Evans. Although many young men were ir.fieenced by the pre- paredness parade o short time ago and applied for enlistmeut, not one Was an cep ed Cspt, levans slid that of the 14e applications examined, neatly half were found .0 have rapid pulse, short- messof breath or other symptoms re- cogptzrd lu the applicant who smokes too many cigarettes. A Christian college -home, healthful situation. Fox prospectueandtermo,wrltetheprindpal R.I. Waraor,M.A.,D.D.,St.Thomos,O 8 -if you feel bilious, "headachy" and irritable - for that's a sign your liver is out of order. Your food is not digesting -it stays in the stomach a sour, fermented mass,oisoning the system. Just take a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets - they make the liver do its work -they cleanse and sweeten the stomach and tone the whole digestive system. You'll feet .h,oe in the morning. At 8.11 druggists, 260.,or by 111011 from Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto 14 •msl. 1 Free Gasoline for thirty-three hundred miles ---the Ford owner's saving in one year The light, economical Ford with its smooth running engine averages about twenty-five miles on a gallon of gaso- line. Compare this with the _gasoline con- sumption of the Sixteen -Miles -To -The Gallon car. Then figure the difference, having an eye on the present price of gasoline. Six thousand miles is a fair season's travel. The Sixteen -Miles -To -The - Gallon car, going six thousand miles, burns up one hundred and thirty -live more gallons of gasoline than does the Ford going the same distance, This . means that the Ford owner saves enough during a single season to pay for his gasoline for an additional thirty-three hundred and seventy-five miles. You can travel a year and a half in a Ford for what it costs you to travel one year in the Sixteen -Miles -To -The Gallon car. Ford Motor Company Of Canada, Limited S. Carter, Dealer. BRUSSELS. imi490 Ford Rtl pnut r Touring 680 Fodle Ford Soden 270 Ford Town 880 1. o b. Ford, Onrntnriio All oars completely l 2)1 g r ui ort, In a u q pp eleetrio headlights, Egeinnrel,t does Hot ineludoapecdonleter