The Brussels Post, 1916-6-15, Page 5Lu11DIE$$ DARDS, JNO. SUTHERLAND & SONS JAS. ANDERSON, LIMITEp VETERINARY S1IRGEO1V, AXS,,,eR4, �„�,I S tt 13r08, to M,yy.-Moor o. Oel os at Ander• Cf WW11 (v(�e• aoa Bros. Ll ver etable, Rrnasels, Taloph er. GIMAP&r ®.a PARITo No. 25, WM. SPEN.CE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER QP MARRIAGE LICENSER dies In the rest Office, Ethel. 80.1 BueJne•$ Card* AUCTIONEERS. i1 S. SCOTT AS AN AUO'TION• • Tann, will Sell for better prices, to better mon, in less time and lets °barges than any other Auctioneer In East Huron or he won't charge anything. Dates and orders eau always be arranged at this office or by personal application, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. VVM. SINOLAIR— • Barrister, Solicitor, 'Conveyancer, Notary Public, ao, Cillos -Stewart's Block. 1 door Nor t11 of Central Hotel. Solloltor for the Metropolitan Bank. &Ite r s Tsfew r Rw soar BRUSSELS Go LNG SOUTB GomNa NO,t'6R Express 7:18 n mMail. - 11:22 a in Express 8:46 o m I Express 8:62 9. Tu WALTON To Toroato To Goderich Express 7;50 a mExpress • 11:68 a m Express 8:19 p m I Express 8:54 pm WROXETER Going East - 7:06 a, M. and 8:40 9. m, Going West - 12:19 and 9:58p, m. All trots going Boat connect with 0. P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. etattone. GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent. ALLAN LINE To LIVERPOOL -GLASGOW LONDON-HAVRE Fine, modern steam- ers - equipped with: every comfort uld luxury. Por infor- mation apply seems, Of " 951t1 ; : StWTbronte W. H, KERR. Agent Allan Line, Brussels. A. RAYMANN is prepared to supply the best goods in Windmills, Iron and Wooden Pumps and Stable Fittings, such as Piping, Wat- er Bowls for stook, &c. Repairs to " Pumps promptly attended to. Give me a call. • A. RAYMANN, Cranbrook '7,rt Ta+a'7amtv'iet.„0 3t7 SAPi t9q,....., CENTRAL STRATFORD ONT, 0 You Can Secure a Position y- It you taken omurso with ata. The de, o� mond upon ng for trained help is. many ,,66r ,cc times tine number grndnnth,g. Stu- ri tlei,te are anytime ewoh 80000. Yon •, may enteral time. Write at once for our free oOtaiogue. I_ ��rAry ��rayo�.aw,�.�.a�.e�.��s�'�,er•',:�� D. A. McI.AOHLAN, Principal. THE Best. Brains dm 1n Canada have participated In the pre- paration of our splendid Hone Study Coursed in Ranking, Economics, Higher Accounting, Oounneroial Art Show Card Writing, Photography, Art, Ism,. Short Story Writing, �Shorthend and Bookkeeping. Select the work which most interests yon and Write as. for particulars, Address THE SHAW CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL 391.7 Yongo 8t., Toronto T. T. M'RAE M. M. O. AS.O. M. 0. 13., Village of Brussels, Phyeieian, Surgeon, Aecouehour Office over Standard Bank DR. F. T. BRYANS Bachelor of Medicine, Universityof Toronto ; Licentiate of College of Pbyslone and Sur.. geone, Ontario ; ex -Senior House Surgeon of Western lioapltal, Toroato. 0fdoes of rate Dr, A. MoKevey; Smith Block, Brussels, Sural phone 46, DR, M. FERGUSON ETHEI-, ONT. Physician and Surgeon ; Poet Graduateooursee London (Eng.), New York and Ohioago Hos- , pitale. Special attention tpdieeaee of eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested for giameee, COLLEGE AT HOME Thoueande of ambitions young may pie aro fast preparingin their own homes to occupy lucratve positions as stenographers, bookkeeper's, telegra- phers, olVrl servants, in fact every sphere of activities, Yon may flideh at college It yoti so whit. Positions inter. nnteed, Enter college any day. loth' 98149,1 h,stvultibn, Expert, toa011095, y yours' add. lenoo, Largee, Speola•g In Canada. SeVbn colleges, 8peoiei llitedo for 6800118,0, AAssocidwith f(Moedoini Edison' tar's A8800innlon. of Cunene. Summar 8011001 at fnntouo Seaton 101,3)11978 Col' loge, London. Wingham Business College J Prooide W. T, MOUSE, nt. Principal. � Gall. rb'rTON, ;`B gate to Gram l Lodge, which meets Q. H. ROSS. D.D.S., L.D.S. Graduate of Royal 'College of Dental Sur• game of Ontario and Graduate University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. . Office in heard Block, Wingham Phone 248. Post Office box 278 Painless Extraction, Plate work' and Bridge Work a Specialty MAUDE O. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST? Personal ,,[[raduate Department of Ophthal- mology, McCormick Medical College, Chicago, I11., is prepared to teat eyes and fit glasses at her office over Miss Inman's millinery store. Office days -Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every week. Office hone -10 to 12 a. m. ; 1 to 8 . m. Eveningsby appoint- ment, Phone 1218. DR, WAROLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, Day and night calla, .0ffio0-opposite. Flour Mill, Ethel. JAMES TAYLOR licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co. Satisfaction assured ; Charges moderate. Write or Telephone if not convenient to call, Both Brussels and North Enron Phones. BELGRAVE P. O. PROUDFOOT, KILIORAN S PROUD/00T Barrietore, Bolteltors, Notaries Public, &c. Office on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton Street, GODERICH. ONT. Private funds to loan at loweet rates. W. Pooupyoog, S. C. J. L, KTLLORAN WIr. P900719OOT JR. 3zstrict gebas MonorieffF ANNI7AL GARDEN PARTY.- Friday, 23rd inst., is the date of the annual Garden Party, of Knox Church here, which will be held on the rliurcb 8 o'clock. grounds. Supper 8 from to A. aver to tgP in rest'n program tram wrll be presented which will include Robert Wilson, humorist vocalist, Toronto ; Monkton Olcheetra ; Addresses by Jas Bowman, M. P., Barrister Proud-' foot, 51. P. P., Warden Livingstone and others. Everybody attends the Moncrieff Gamlen Party so don't for- get the date, Ethel OAR of clement st Ethel station, Friday of this week. Anyone wanting some, see or call Wo,. G6LL ETHEL SCHOOL REPORT FOR MAY, - Senior Depart men t-Fo nl V. -Archie McDonald, Cecil Bateman. Sr. IV. - Russell Keatitee, Bernice'Onle, George McKee, Clifford Ferguson, Verna Mc- Call, Mae Vodden, Quest Dobson, Jr, IV. - Margaret McDonald, Blake Howlett, Rhea'McLelland, I8111a Mit- chell, Willie Dane, Leslie Pollard. Sr. IIT.- Edwin Krauter, Leonard Kreuter. Jr. III —Myrtle McKee, Lillie Sunders, Lloyd Dunbar, Willie Mitchell,Ruby Cleaver, l9llii Mitchell, Mervyn . Lekinier, Susie Rowland, Ralph Rowland, Willie Wrinds. E. MOLELLAND, Teacher. Jr, Department -Sr. IL -Total 300. Pass 180. --Elinor .Engler 267, Walker. Mitchell 258, *Audrey Bremner 179. jr. II,- 'Total 300, Pass 180;- Carl Lamont 261, Annie W,onds 235, Glenn Lindsay 227, Burton Macdonald 225, Eddie Gill 222, Jennie McKee 219,, *Edythe Dane 192. I, Class Total 300, Paas 180: -Ralph Macdonald 215, .Earl Bowes 211, Halley lilckuner 138, Alice Davidson 57. Se. Primer -Total 200, Pass 120. -Jimmie Woods. 160, Lyall .Lindsay 159, Ian Macdonald 167, Feed. Murray 152, Marjorie Thompson 131, Mary Kreuter 72. *Lizzie Woods 71. Jr. Primer -Excellent- Bobby Gilchrist, 'Howard McKee, Tony Gil- christ-Gond-ldru'nld Vntlden, Orval Lindsay, Glen Eoknlier-Fn.ir-Athol Murray. Names Intuited with star indicate that pupils have mused one or more exon*Imttiotie. E. MACA.itrs uR, 'reacher. Goderich 13, 0. Manning(' is just completing a Stlninlet cottage for Rev. Dr. Dickie, of Montreal, at Meneseteng Pork. J. W. Valittter, of The Star, took in the 0ii tdinn Press ANgnbia11011 tweeting nod Lrit, to Fort William. At the monthly, meeting of the Goderich Collegiate Iinstit.ute Boat d, His Honor, Judge I•tolt was appointed chairman of the Board, in succession to Judge Doyle•tesigned. The 0. P. $1t. and the Guelph and Goderich Railways horst, pay past. damages of $800 to Charles W. Cad- well and O, E, Fleming, of Windsor, because the Maitland over at Gods - rich washed •away 800,000 yards of sand iron the. plaintiffs property. p The f ih a s built an embankment changing the stream's course, As t0 future deranges, if no reference le held Justice Clute fixes the amount at 113,500. 'Cho officers elected for the ensiling Hit tnOnthe by 11959011 Lodge, No. 02, L 0. 0. P„ are as follows :-N. G., Thos. ros. W.ilia' , G Walter Pinder , Recording -Secretary, Harry Martin ; Financial Secretary, Dr, ClarkT'reas neer, Oliver Whitely, Past 'Grand, B, 0, Multnin 8 was elected as «Ole' this teal, at Ohath(utl. A inelnttrlltl service was held Monday evening ill the lodge room Vol. Members who have pa98ed away. Dr. Macklin; Mrs, Ma6kiin and two boys, Lennard and Unite), have ar, rived in G0deriOh on their return from. Ireland, where the doctor Into been en. gaged for it year In the blew hospitals. 1)r. Macklin and family will now be permanent residents of the town, as the doetol'1has received his discharge, being given the rank of Captain in the Aauadiltn militia in coueidet•ntin*1 of his having served a year at' the fruit. Dr. Snlith,73ayfleld mid Dr. McLeod,. Southampton, the other hell►clil hien from this part of the cunntvy to go overseas, also aro returning, all being M�ajra�ted the vault of Captain, Dr. e end returned with Df, Macklin a De. with is o return shortly. G� sot t e Iii'. Macklintil0t hint tt short time a Orr Loudon. Dr. and Mrs. Macklin and family returned on the Allan Liner Pretoriab. Trowbridge The Sunday School and Epworth League took (harms of the services here on Conference Sunday. The curing room of our cheese fac- tory was struck by lightning ou Sun - clay evening June 4th, no serious re- sults have been reported, The pastor and 11 McCormick have returned from Conference. They re- port it having been one of the very best. Rev. Mr. Moorehouse will re- main for another year we are pleased to state. Listowel Rev. J. M. Nicol went to Winnipeg where he will attend the General As- sembly of the Presbyterian Church. Herbert Bowman, Molesworth, has taken a position with Zurbrigg Bros., and will learn the baking business. Following students have success- fully passed their examinations at Toronto and will receive teacher's certificates: - Alma Wynn; M. 1lewitt, E, Heinbecker, 0. Stewart. We are sorry to report the illness of Miss Blanche Thompson, who carne home i11 from Stratford Normal. She has been in a very serious .condition but reports now favor a speedy - re- eovery. Two changes are announced in the C. P. R. timetable affecting Listowel. Botil the morning and afternoon trains leave earlier than heretofore. Morning train now leaves at 7.55 a. m. and the afternoon train leaves at 2.50. Atwood A. M. Robinson, manager of the Bank of 9amilton, , purchased an Overland auto. Jas. Coulter and son. Charlie, load- ed a oar of settler's effects at the 'G. T. R. yards and left the same day for Edmonton. Alta. Harry Ratcliffe left for Toronto, where he hag secured a position . with the Canada Star steamship lines, as assistant. purser on the steamer Oa y- uga which Intkee dailytrips between Toronto and Niagara. Hugh Richmond, Elma, sold part of the May ,Hake of cheese of the Silver Corner's cheese factory at. the ex- ceptionanally high price of 194 cents. This is the highest price ever paid for cheese in this community. A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of John and Mrs, Hall, Main street, Atwood, when their daughter, Mies Annie, became the bride of Norman R. Moltlane, the nuptial knot being tied by the Rev, W. D. McDonald, pastor of the Pres- byterian church. The happy couple left on the afternoon train and spent short honeymoon in London. They have taken up houeekeeping on the groom's fine farm just South of the village. Blyth Frank Little, Hallett, has purchased a nobby Gray -Dort car, The aontractnrs have commenced the work on Adam Elliott's new resi- dence on Dineley Street. Ladies' Aid or St. Andrew's Church, will hold their annual garden party on the church gt•ouuds on the evening of Tuesday, Jttly 4111. Blyth Band in at- tendance. . A Garden Party will be held under the auspices of the Red Cress Circle and Woman's Institute on the Driving Park Grnaods nn the evening of Thursday, June 15th. A RtMAKABLE STATEMENT Mrs.Sheldon Spent $1900 for Treatment Without Bene- fit. FinallyMade Well by Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg. • etable Compound. Englewood, Ill. -" W hi le going through' the Change of Life I suffered with headaches,ner- vousness flashes of heat, and I suffered so much I did not know what I was doing at times. I spent 81900 on doc- tors and not one did' me any good, One day a lady called at my house and said she had been as sick as I was at one time, and Lydia E. Pink- hant's Vegetable Compound made her well, so I took it and now I am just as well as I ever was. I cannot understand why women don't see how much pain and suffering they would escape by taking your medicine. I cannot praise it enough for it saved my life and kept me from the Insane Hospital." -Mrs. E. SHELDON, 5657 S. Halsted St., Englewood, 111. Physicians undoubtedly did their beet, battled with this case steadily and could do no moretbut often the most scientific treatment is surpassed by the medicinal properties of the good old fashioned roots and herbs contained in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. If any complication exists it pays to write the Lydia E. Pink - ham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for special free advice. 1 H. A. Thomas, who has been 0. P. R. station agent here for the past five years, will leave here with his family for St. Marga where he will 011 a like position. Mrs. Blackbrough, who line been the guest of relatives in the vicinity and brother, Wm. Johnston, of town, was called suddenly by wire to her house in Anaconda, Mont., owing to the illness of her daughter. Sunday afternoon, June 18th, the Sunday School of the Blyth Methodist Ohurch will hold their annual Flower Day in the auditorium of the church. Program for the session is to be a building exercise entitled "The Per- fect Life" to be given by a number of the scholars and teachers. Gorrie lbA•. Beemer has taken a position in the Bank here. Mr. Sharp has been moved to Wroxeter. The inquest t o enquire q nsire into the death of the late Mre,ro n B {v lee has been again adjourned until July 4th, Flower Sunday was observed at Orange Hill last Sabbath when Rev. Mr. Rivers preached a special sermon to the children.. Little Irene Bennett, youngest daughter of Thos. and Mts. Bennett, who has been seriously i11, is we are pleased to report recovering nicely. At the meeting of these interested in the Gorrie cemetery, the following Committee was appointed' to look after both cemetet•ies R. H. Carson, H. V. Holmes, W. G. Strong, A. E Tons,, F. 0. Taylor. The andirons are Dr. Armstrong and W. G. Strong. Fordwioh A general, change of thne has gone into effect on the C. P. R. system. The morning train now arrives at 7.27 and the noon train at, 1244. After- noon and evening trains are the sante as fortrierly, 8.48 and 9.38 respectively. R. L Albrecht, accompanied by 1118 wife and little daughter, spent, a few days with bis parents, 4th line. Mr, Albrecht has purchased the general store business of Thos. Hutchison, Newton, and also a hardware stock there and left to take charge. At the annual .meeting of the7Vill- ing Workers of the Fo'dwich Metho- dist church held at the home of Mrs. Thos. Peel, June 2nd, following of- ficers were elected foo' ensuing year :- .•F♦•••N•••241.2•d-41+• ••••••2.2 M.••!1t•+•'1•4•11 t♦+♦'t•♦'N♦+♦•F•4• • ♦ • •-• . wear •• • She •• -a • • 3. • t J� •r .moi Men and boys a.`>� "rf"� " ' . , Fl" 4iN�N6iN�iII NI8 (young men) work- • • • � •,1,1.1 I .��91. F �� - - _ outdoors) + knocking about, I need good strong boots to stand the racket. • We've got the very kind you want—stout, thick soles (solid leather, mind you), good strong insteps, put together with the knowledge that they must be •; Strong to stand the strain. These boots are not expensive, though they do wear like iron. i'thtl can get them for prices like these Boys' Strong Shoes ... ... 01.50 to $2.25 Men's Strong Shoes 2.00 to 3.50 Repairs Frornptly Done. • • 1 r O R��ha cls :44+•44+••••••••••••+•+•44+++•+•+.+•+•,+•+•+•+•+•+•44•0 Pres., MMus. S. 1�, F414411.411 'Vice. 001100.00114060150111000084111g0ii®sgier Petal„ Mt s, James Downey 1 Sec„ Mrs, • Assisi. Organist, Mise GI hel Downey. 0 Time. ,fnhnaton 1 Trees, Mz•s. John s Bt ytule ; Organist, Miss Viola Falba ; • BSG r Perth County 'Me dog poisoner is abroad in St. Mai ys. lie's a contemptible pup, Dr, Bramley, St. MarYs, has been ap- pointed medical health officer for the balance of the year.. Vital statistics of St. Marys for month of May were 9 births, 9 deaths and 6 marriages, At the 86tH annual meeting of the Ontario Medical Association held in Toronto, Di'. A. Dalton Smith, M►tchell, was uitanimous! y chosen President. A special meet•.irng of the Stratford Presbytery will be held in Fii el Pres' ,V lei 1118* church on Monday, June 19I1t,'t to moderate in a Ball from Gran- tor, to Ttsv, Me. Alp, of Peter'boro Preehytery. • The funeted of Philip Shears, who was killed during the cyclone in Lngan township on Friday took place from the home of Noah Partridge 90 the Monkton Methodist Ohn1'cll Monday 6th inst;, where service was held. Intervent •was made in Woodland cemetery. The funeral was one of the largest in this vicinity for a long time. Autos from Stratford, Sea - forth, Listowel, 8litchell and other points carried hundreds of people on Sunday to the storm -swept district in Logan and Elma, to witness the de- struction that had been caused by the cyclone. CYCLONE NITS LOGAN TOWNSHIP PHILIP SKEAN KILLED. Houeesand Barns Destroyed. The Logan tornado is the third that has visited Western Ontario at this tiatie of the year in three successive yams. 'The coincidence is recalled by the fact that the Methodist Con- fet'euoee and Presbyterian Assembly are meeting. Two years ago, while the General Assembly was in session in Woodstock, a fatal cyclone occur- red just North of the city. Last year, while the Methodist Oonference was sitting, a fatal cyclone occurred North of St. Marys. On Friday afternoon, June 2nd, be- tween 3 and 4 o'clock Logan was visited by a very heavy rain and electric storm and as it moved East- ward it appeared as if two storms met and resulted in a regular tornado, de- stroying everything in its path. People in the distance saw a black cloud which looked like a funnel, tea. veiling very fast and teaching to near the ground. The first object it struck was the fine large bank barn Lot 7, Logan, the old hone of J. E. Goforth, about two miles South of West Monk - to as owned b John was 1 The e barn y B annetman son of Andrew Banner- man, t inne1-man ren. next to The barn was literally blown to pieces anti scattered for rods around. Large beams, 40 feet long and about 10 inches square were carried across the road into the next farm. The faint house, a large frame build- ing with kitchen and woodshed at- tached, was next. This was scattered like straw. The nrnhaid and all shade trees in the steltu's wake were either uprooted or broken off and smashed to pieces. The tornado crossed the road to the farm of John Sheen, whose loge bank barn was lifted clean from the foundation and scattered over many acres. The house, a large stone one with walls 2 feet thick, was almost completely levelled. Fortunately none of the members of the family were in the house as was .leo the case in the Bannerman house. Mr. Sheat, and his son, Philip, were working in the field and on seeing the 8to'm coming imide for the barn. The team got away from the young man and he started for the barn just as the amen strnok their buildings, but a plank, driven before the fierce wind, hit him on the head, killing him instantly. His father and mother were also hurt, The former got hit in the back with flying wreckage and was quite seriously injured, while Mre. Sheen was caught up by the wind and rolled around considerably and received a number of bruises, but luckily not seriously hurt. The young man killed was about 24 years of age and was very highly re- spected and this shocking accident has caused a deep gloom over the whole community. An orchard in that vicinity was completely ruined. The trees were lifted light out of the ground and smashed to bite. Only a few at one side escaped the path of the storm, wlzicb was about 80 or 40 soda wide. From there the cyclone veered a little more Easterly and demolished the barn on the next Lot, No. 6, be- longing to Dalton Bannerman, broth- er of 301111 Bannerman. Fruit trees and the barn were levelled. No more damage was done here but about a mile fin titer East the barn of Wut,Ditbuer, on the boundary,, suf- fered the seine fate. A Dr. was summoned to attend the injured Mr. and Mts. Sheen and he says tat it was a saddening sight to see each fine buildings blown to pieces. The large row of maple trees in front of the first farm mentioned and which were planted by the Stratford Herald correspondent 1n 1881, were either snapped off or taken out by the roots. Dr. Smith saw a large stone weigh- ing about 200 lbs. lying in the middle of the road and it was a mystery how iL• got there. To those who suffered deep syn1pa' thy is expressed and right here will be a chance to do settle patriotic work and lend a helping hand to the af- flicted residents of Logan. Hundreds of people visited the scene after the storm. The Sheen farm up to a few years ago was owned by Win. Dow, of Mitchell, he having sold it to Mr, Sheat. The body Of the young man killed Was taken to the home Of Noah Part - 1•••1 • • • • Larger and More Assorted Stock • S of Buggies this Season than ever a LOOK through SWAN 100 Oa's three skew 1110 will cunvinee • A any intending buyer that it doesn't pay to purchase any outer • • than these Buggies. ,they are nude of first-class material, most • desirable in style and design together witheasy draft, and guaranteed • to last longer than any other make: When repairs are required every • part can be found at E WAN & Oo's Factory at half price and short • notice. No advance in edeas on our Buggies this year. Prices are e low and every Buggy guaranteed. • Buy a lisean Buggy and encourage 1101135 trade. Give n8 a call and • we will satisfy you in price and style. • p bees s • • 0 • 0 BUFIIUJ! A Number of Wagons always on hand, • all Oak and Rock Elm, at Low Prices. e ea Rigs Re -painted and Repaired and prornptly looked after. 3S» Please call and see our .new Home-made Buggies, 1300ST BIRUSSELS" is our motto, s In thatlting our Customers for past patronage we would like to • have a record -breaker business in 1913, For low prices go to 9 D. Ewan & Cay s �arf�"�tg� ••Factory a Re•rubbering Rubber Tires a Specialty. 10 i, • s • e•••••••••••sss••••••••••• •ss•wNsseeeesp eaaaeweseti s ridge on the boundary, anti got ready for burial. About the same time a windstorm of the 12th Con„ West of Kennicott, damaged some buildings of R. G. San. ninth's. This was the worst storm that has ever visited this section. Some oi' the property suffering is listed us follows n J. Bannerman, bank barn, drive - shed, house and farm machinery de- stroyed ; loss $2,500 ; no insurance. Samuel Gull farm, owned by Dalton Bannerman, house partially destroy- ed ; barn levelled to fouudations ; loss 51,500 ; no insurance. John Sheen, bank baro blown to pieces ; solid etone house unroofed and blown clown, loss $2,000. Wm. Ditmer, barn and kitchen de- stroyed, toss about 51,800. Robert Raycroft, Eltua Boundary, house and barn lost ; damage $1,500, Me. Parkersnn, barn and drive shed destroyed, loss $1,500. The beam which killed Philip Sheen was a 12 -foot plank from the barn floor. Sheau's watch was found some distance from 11)8 body, crushed in, and stopped at 8.40. Philip Shears carried 52,000 life insurance up till a few mouths ago, when it lapsed. His funeral took place from the home of Noah Partridge. Service was held in the Methodist Chinch, Monkton, and interment was made in Mitchell cemetery, Rev. Mr. Doan, Monkton, officiated. PUBLICITY Please note this little fact, I beg :-It is the lieu that lays the egg ; the rooster does the yelling ; he flaps his si,.y wings and crows sad points with pri.ie a while, and throws some fits around your dwelling, And every time I hear him whoop, and prance around the chickencoop, a feeling hunkydory, I think of husbands I have known, who think that they, and they Moue, deserve the praise and glory. They would ig- nore the patient wives who organized their misfit lives, when they were badly sagging, who bore the burden of the day and helped to cut the swath of hay, of which the hubs are bragging, There's many a fellow known to fame who would have failed to win the game, but for some little woman, whostaying humbly in the dark, still made the old maw toe the mark, with patience super- human. And having climbed from out the ruts, how haughtily that old man struts, how proudly tells his story 1 The wife beholds that crowing gent and softly smiles for she's content with a reflected glory. Many women with disfigured complexions novor seemto think that they need an occasional cleansing inside as well as outside. Yet neglect of this internal bathing shows itself in spotty, and sallow complexions as well as in dreadful headaches and biliousness. It's because the liver becomes sluggish, and waste matter accumulates which Nature cannot remove without assistance. The best CHAM BERLAI remedy is Chamberlain's Stomach andLiver Tablets, which stimulate the liver to healthy activity, remove f ermentation, gently cleanse the stomach and bowels and tone the whole digestive system. Sure, safe and reliable. Take one at night and you feel bright and sunny in the morning. Get Chamberlain's today -druggists 26c., or by mail from Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto t6 ST x, Automobile Prices are being raised --but the Ford price has been Re aced $120 singe war began The immense Ford cash purchasing power has made it possible to overcome in many ways the serious obstacles met with by other car makers because of the scarcity and advance in prices of raw materials. The high Ford quality is strictly maintained —and the most exacting government tests have shown that Ford constructive material even excels that used in most high grade cars. This year the Ford car—always the most economical car to buy and to operate— beats all records for economy, 1 my, S. Carter, Dealer Word Runabout $480 Ford Touring 500 Ford delot 800 Ford Addle) TO n 150 1, 0. b. Fend, Ontario BRUSSELS All oars tenneletely equipped, includingin g electric headlights, ilq,ntenteet dome net hnoludo 8po8donieter 1